Just Jc

By AJ Smith

Published on Dec 27, 1999


*** This story contains homosexual related material. If you're not supposed to read this because of laws or whatever, then leave... otherwise, enjoy :)***

Please send any and all comments to: [smit8255@fredonia.edu] (Please specify this story in your message thank you). So Far I have received many positive comments, and I thank all of you.

Also I'd like to thank two people, CJ and Jon. You guys have been great, I'm glad to have you as friends, and I hope we remain that way for a LONG time :)

Well, on with the story...

Part 4:

"Last night, well, I'm not sure. I guess stress had built up so high in me that I just collapsed emotionally last night," JC said trying to avoid the true answer.

"Stress? You ran away over stress? Why the hell didn't you talk to me about it? You know I'm here for you, after all you're always there for me," Justin stated.

"I don't know," JC replied as he focussed his attention on the tv.

"Did you find Chris yet?" JC asked.

"Yeah, he went to Lance's last night. All three of them chilled out there."

"That's good. So we have tomorrow off still and then we have to head back over to the studio on the next day. So what do we want to do?"

"I don't know. Wanna go to Disney, or how about that new addition they just added to Universal Studios?" Justin said getting kinda excited.

"Maybe? Depends on the guys," JC said plainly.

"Dude, what is wrong?" Justin pleaded.

"I don't know, I'm just tired I guess."

"If you say so. Just before you run off, tell me please."

JC smiled at his overbearing attitudes.

"I never knew you cared so much."

"Hey, you keep watch over me 24, 7. I can do the same to you too," Justin smiled as he got up to go to the kitchen.

'If you only knew why I keep such a close eye on you. I need you Justin, you can never understand how much I need you. Yet I can't burden you with this,' JC thought as he watched Justin leave.

"Well look at who finally decided to show up!" Joey shouted as he walked in to the house.

"Hey guys," JC said as he waved at the three of them.

He looked at the floor as soon as Chris stepped into view. Joey and Lance walked into the kitchen to go find Justin while Chris slowly approached the couch where JC sat starring at the television.

"Hey?" Chris said apprehensively.


"Listen can we talk, in your room. I have something I wanna say to you about yesterday," Chris finally said.

JC looked up at him, for any signs of anger in Chris's eyes. He saw nothing but remorse.

"Ok, let's talk."

JC and Chris went upstairs.

"So Justin, how you doing today?" Lance asked as he placed a hand on his shoulder.

Justin looked up at Joey a little worried at him being in the room.

"Ok, yourself?" Justin answered.

Joey than headed out of the kitchen with a sandwich and sat on the couch to watch some MTV. Lance then pulled Justin around to look him in the eyes.

"Listen, I wasn't totally fair to you yesterday. I'm sorry, but it was shocking news. I had a night to sleep on it, and I don't think any less of you. You're still my brother, and best friend. I just wanted you to know that," Lance smiled.

"Thanks Lance, that means a lot. But how can I tell the others, I mean JC is going through something strange. I've never seen him this upset over anything."

"Well, I can't say for JC. But what about Joey and Chris?"

"I don't know if now is the best time?

"Sure it is, do you want to tell him or not?" Lance said motioning to Joey in the other room.

"Yeah, I do, but how?"

"You told me, you were over the tears, and I'll be here for support. So, you want to do this now?"

"I guess?"

"JOEY!" Lance screamed from the kitchen.

"Yeah, what is it?" he replied.

"Come in here for a sec," Lance told him.

Justin started to get a little shaky and started to hyperventilate.

"Hey, hey. Don't pass out on me. Come on Justin, calm down everything will be fine," Lance assured him.

Justin was getting weak knees and grabbed Lance's arm to stop from crashing to the floor.

"Justin! Come on. Calm down. Everything will be fine, you hear me, fine," Lance said as he dragged him over to a chair to sit in.

Justin started to get tears in his eyes, and he got shivers all over.

"What is wrong with Curly? Yo, are you ok?" Joey asked as he knelt beside him.

Justin took a long deep breath and knodded 'yes'. Lance started to rub Justin's back and soon Justin calmed down slightly.

"Come on Just, you can do it," Lance encouraged as he grabbed his shoulder to let him know he was there.

Justin looked up at Joey, who looked back with concern.

"J...J...Joey?" Justin stuttered.


"I..I, I have something to tell you. Yesterday when I was kinda out of it, and keeping something from you, well I was keeping something of great importance. I mean, I don't want this to affect our friendship or anything, but I need to tell you," Justin said non stop.

"Don't worry. What ever it is, I'm here for you bro," Joey said happily.

Justin looked into Joey's eyes as he smiled back. Justin calmed down and smiled back. He then lowered his eyes to the floor.

"Joey, I'm gay."

Justin snapped his eyes back to Joey's face to look for any signs of anger or unapproved.

"Curly, I don't think any different of you. I'm glad you have finally come to terms with it, and I'm glad you told me. I'm here for you, and I still love you," Joey said pulling Justin into a hug.

"Thanks, I needed that," Justin said letting out a long sigh of relief.

They stood up, and all smiled at each other.

"Ok, that was easier than I thought," Justin laughed.

"Told you so," Lance replied.

JC closed the door behind himself.

"Ok Chris, what did you want to talk about?" JC asked nervously.

"I wanted to apologize about yesterday. I guess I just flipped out. It all rushed to my head at once, and I just couldn't deal with it. I'm sorry," Chris said sadly.

"It's all right. I guess, I shouldn't have said it anyhow, I knew it would have drastic consequences, and I will understand if you want me to move out," JC said.

"Move out? Who said anything about moving out? JC, I'm ok with it, I just needed time to let it sink in. Me and Joey talked about it last night and well, everything is cool, and I'm cool with it, and I don't hate you, I still love you and consider you one of my best friends," Chris continued.

"You didn't tell Lance did you?" JC said as he collapsed onto his bed starring blankly at Chris.

"No, no. We didn't mention a word to Lance. I still maintained your wishes, and haven't and won't tell a soul," Chris reassuringly stated.

"You promise?"

"Of course."

Chris hated lying, but it was in everyone's best interests, especially JC's and Justin's.

"Do you forgive me?"

JC smiled at Chris and walked over to shake Chris's hand.

"Yeah, of course I do."

Chris pulled him into a brief hug.

"Well, I'm glad that's over with, and all is well. So let's go see what the guys are up to," Chris said cheerfully.

JC finally felt a sense a relief, and happiness for the first time since he had gotten home. He was overjoyed at Chris's acceptance.

JC and Chris came running down the stairs and found the others chatting in the kitchen.

"Hey guys, what we gonna be doin' today?" Chris asked as he burst in to the kitchen.

"Jesus!" Justin yelled as he was caught off guard.

"Haha, scared ya!" Chris laughed.

JC walked in after Chris.

Justin looked at JC, and looked away quickly as soon as JC looked at him.

"So, what do we want to do today?" Joey asked.

"Justin wants to go to Universal, and go to their new amusement park," JC stated.

"Kick ass!" Chris screamed.

"Yeah, let's go do something," Lance added.

"It's a little late to go to the park, but maybe tomorrow," JC told them

"True, but let's go out and do something," Justin said.

They gathered up there things and were about to leave when the phone rang.

"Shit! Hold on a sec," Justin replied as he grabbed the phone.


"Hi, this is Gina at Jonathan's day care center. May I speak with Lynn?" she asked.

"She's not in right now, why is something wrong with Jonathan?" Justin said nervously.

"No, No... Jonathan is fine. It's just that she's 45 minutes late picking him up," she continued.

"45 mins? Ok, well, I'll be right there to get him. Thanks," Justin said as he hung up the phone.

"Guys, I gotta go get my brother. Does anyone know where my mom is?"

They all nodded 'no'.

"Well, this is great," Justin said as he picked up the phone and called his mom's cellular.

It rang about 12 times.

"We're sorry. The cellular customer you are trying to reach has either turned his or her phone off or is out of range, please hang up and try your call at a later time," the pre recorded voice said.

"Shit! Where the hell is she?"

"No luck?" JC asked concerned.

Justin nodded 'no' as he paged her, his cellular number.

"Come on, somebody needs to get Jonathan," Justin said as he walked with the other guys out to Lance's vehicle.

Lance drove to the day care center as the guys listened to the radio. Suddenly Justin's cellular finally rang.

"Thank God, took her long enough," Justin said angrily as he answered it.


"Hi Justin, what did you need honey?" Lynn asked.

"Where are you?"

"I'm at the studio working late."

"Did you forget about Jonathan?"

"Oh my God, Justin I'm so sorry! I forgot to call and ask you to pick him up, and then I got busy here, and..." she said.

"Don't worry about it mom, just making sure you were ok. They called, and I'm actually pulling up to it now. Talk to you later."

"Bye dear, and thank you," she said as they hung up.

Justin nodded, and hopped out of the car with Chris and JC as they headed in to get Jonathan. A woman lead them into the house, and Jonathan came running at the very sight of Justin.

"Hey Jonathan," Justin said happily.

"Justin!" Jonathan screamed as he jumped into Justin's arms.

"Hey guy, ready to get goin'?"

"Yes, where we going?"

"Who knows, but it'll be fun, I promise," Justin smiled.

"Is that everything ma'am?"

"Yes, thank you," Gina said.

"Bye," Jonathan waved as they all walked out.

They all crawled into the car, with Jonathan on JC's lap in the back with Justin and Chris.

"So now where we off to?" Lance asked as he pulled out.

"How 'bout dinner, it's already 4 and I'm starving!" Joey stated.

They all agreed, and headed off to a restaurant. They needed to find a place that served burgers and fries for Jonathan and served more for the others. They finally found a decent place that they could all agree on. The waitress set them up in a booth away from everyone else so they wouldn't be bothered. She took everyone's drink orders, and handed them menus.

"So what you having?" Justin asked Jonathan.

"Guess?" he laughed as he pointed to the picture of the burgers and fries on the kids menu.

Justin smiled and looked through it, trying to decide. Finally after about 5 minutes, they had ordered there food and were just chatting. Justin and JC sat across from each other and they were both trying to catch glimpses of the other, without being caught.

This continued for awhile, until Jonathan needed to go to the bathroom.

"Come on, let's go," Justin said as he picked his brother up and headed over to the bathroom.

Lance went over and ordered a mixed drink for himself.

"JC, tell him," Joey told him.


"You heard him, go on, tell Lance," Chris joined in.

"Here? Now?"

"Why not?" Chris shrugged as Joey agreed.

"I don't know if I could go through with it," JC nodded as he put his head in his hands.

"Go through with what?" Lance asked as he sat back down with his drink.

"You don't want to know," JC said.

"Try me," Lance smiled as JC looked up.

"Well, it's about me, and everything that's been bugging me recently"

Lance nodded as he kept his full attention on JC.

"Lance, I told Chris and Joey yesterday, and it was hard, but I need to tell you too. Lance, I'm gay," JC said as he cringed with fear at Lance's reaction.

"No prob. You didn't think I'd hate you, or not accept you, did you?" Lance asked.

JC nodded 'yes'.

"Well, just remember still love you and trust you. This changes nothing, ok?" Lance smiled as he continued to drink his drink.

"Told you it'd be easy," Joey smiled.

"What was easy?" Justin asked as he set Jonathan down.

JC snapped to attention with a look of fear on his face.

"JC, are you all right?" Justin asked with great concern.

"Ye... ye.., Yeah. You just scared me, that's all," he said trying to regain his composure.

"If you say so," Justin shrugged, as he sat down.

'What the hell is he hiding from me? Does he not like me? Ohh, God. Please don't let him be mad at me, please!' Justin thought continually.

"Justin! You gonna eat?" Joey screamed.

"What?" Justin said shaking his head a bit to focus on the world again.

"You've been starring off into space for like 5 minutes, and ignoring everything around you. Are you ok?" Joey asked.

"Yeah, I was just thinking about some stuff," Justin explained as he started to eat.

"Would you excuse us," Lance said as he grabbed Justin's arm, and pulled him outside the restaurant.

"What is it Lance?" Justin asked.

"What is it? What do you mean what is it? What are you so upset about?"

"I told you I had some stuff on my mind, that's all."

"Bull shit! No we agreed, total honesty here. So out with it."

Justin took a long seep breath and let it out slowly.

"JC hates me," Justin said as he started to choke up.

"JC does not hate you, what gave you that idea?" Lance exclaimed.

"He won't tell me what's bothering him. He's been acting weird recently, and since yesterday, he's become extremely distant from me. I miss him Lance, I miss him more than anything in the world," Justin had tears starting to slide down his cheeks.

"Come on, don't cry. Everything will be just fine. But you haven't been yourself recently either, have you told him your little secret?" Lance asked cautiously.

"But I can't, things won't be the same anymore. He'll hate me, he'll move out, he'll leave," Justin replied defensively.

"Well you told me and Joey, and we didn't leave you. Think about it, I'm sure Chris ain't gonna go, let alone JC," Lance smiled.

"I don't know?"

"Hey you two, is everything ok?" Chris asked as he walked up behind them.

"Yeah, everything is fine," Lance replied as Justin wiped the tears from his eyes.

"Why you crying Curly?" Chris asked.

"No reason."

"Justin," Lance said sternly as he nodded towards Chris.

Justin sighed.

"Chris, Joey and Lance know something about me that you should know. I hope you take it as well as they did, so here it goes," Justin said softly as he looked around to make sure no one else was in ear shot of him.

"I'm gay."


Justin shot his face up at him.

"That's it? I mean your ok with it?"

Chris shrugged his shoulders and smiled.

"Yeah, you expect me to think differently of you?" Chris laughed.

Justin smiled and joined him in his laughing.

"Sorry." Justin said.

"For what?"

"For not believing in you, I guess."

"Told you so," Lance said.

"Yeah, you did. But that still won't make telling JC easy," Justin sighed.

"Justin? Why are you so apprehensive to tell JC? I mean, you two have been close for a very long time," Chris asked.

"I don't know, I guess I'm, I don't know, I just am."

Lance and Chris looked at each other.

"Come on, we've been out here for like 15 minutes the others are probably done, and our food is probably cold," Lance stated.

"Yeah," Chris agreed as Justin took in another deep breath.

"Have a nice talk?" Joey asked.

Chris and Lance nodded 'yes' and smiled.

"Cool, well it's probably cold, but eat up."

The guys finished, and left to return to Justin's house. It was going on 8pm so the guys were debating what to do that night. Jonathan had conned Lance and Joey to play Nintendo 64 with him. Justin, JC, and Chris remained downstairs debating what to do tonight and tomorrow.

"So, you wanna go tomorrow?" Justin asked.

"Yes, yes. Don't worry, we'll check it out tomorrow," JC laughed.

"Cool, Universal it is."

"Well, are we gonna just sit around here tonight then?" Chris asked.

JC shrugged.

"I don't know? You guys could always take me out clubbing," Justin said with a very innocent and hintful tone.

"All right, all right, we'll take you clubbing, if the others want to go. You play the role of the baby of the group quite well Curly," Chris laughed as he left the room to go see Lance and Joey.

"What's that supposed to mean?" Justin called back.

"Don't worry about it. It was a joke," JC said as he stood up.

"Where you going?"

"Well, I need to get ready if we're going out tonight, right?"

"Yeah. Hey wait a second."

"What is it Justin?"

"Will you tell me what was REALLY bothering you last night?"

"Justin, I... I can't," he said reluctantly.

"Why not? You know I'm here for you right?"

"I know, I just can't say, because it will hurt somebody if you knew. Listen, I'm gonna go get changed."

"Yeah, sure." Justin said in a saddened tone.

'What could he be hiding? Maybe Lance is right, maybe I should just tell him. Things can't get any worse than this between the two of us,' Justin thought.

Justin stood up, and proceeded to the living room. He began climbing stairs up towards JC's room. Chris, Joey, and Lance came walking out of Jonathan's room talking quietly as they headed to Justin.

"Justin wants to go clubbing I hear. Sounds like a good idea to me," Lance smiled as he wrapped an arm around Justin's neck.

"Yeah, where's Johnny?"

"He went to bed, we tucked him in, and all," Joey explained.

"Well, as soon as my mom gets home, we'll be set to go. Which shouldn't be too long from now."

"Cool. Where's JC," Lance asked.

"He went to get ready, I was gonna check up on him now," Justin smiled.

"Ok, well, we'll be downstairs," Chris stated.

"I'll be down in a bit."

"And Justin?" Lance said.

Justin looked him in the eyes.

"Talk with him, remember what I said."

Justin nodded and smiled, "I'll try."

"Don't try, do," Joey added.

Justin turned and headed to JC's door. He waited for the guys to be downstairs before he knocked.

'OK, here goes nothing,' Justin thought as he opened the door.

"JC?" Justin asked.

He heard the shower going in the bathroom, so he walked over to the door. It was slightly open and he could see JC, not in the shower, but curled up in a ball on the floor.

"JC! What's wrong?" Justin screamed as he burst into the room.

He pulled JC into a hug and ran his fingers through JC's hair as JC continued to cry.

"I'm so sorry Justin. I don't want you to hate me, because I'm too afraid to tell you what's on my mind. I'm sorry, I'm sorry Justin, I really am. Justin, please don't hate me," JC mumbled between tears and breaths.

"It's ok, JC, it really is. I don't hate you, you're my best friend. I could never hate you. Please stop crying," Justin pleaded.

After awhile of soothing, JC finally stopped. He laid there while Justin held him.

"What can I do to help you?" Justin asked softly as he ran his hands through JC's hair some more.

"I don't know?"

Justin just laid his head against JC's and they stayed that way for about 3 minutes. Justin finally pulled JC to his feet.

"Come on, the guys are waiting downstairs. You better get going," Justin smiled.

"Just? Thanks," JC said as he starred into Justin's eyes.

"Sure, no prob."

JC started to get ready to shower, but Justin just stayed put. He slowly walked up behind JC.

"JC?" Justin said softly.

"Yes?" he replied as he turned around to the figure only inches from him.

Justin had a million and one thoughts flying through his head, all jumbled together. The only thing he was absolutely positive about was how much he loved JC..

The next thing JC knew, was Justin had placed his lips on his own. JC was shocked at this, and couldn't think about anything.

Justin pulled back realizing what he had just done.

"Ohh my God!" Justin screamed as he ran out of the room.

Justin ran down the stairs in tears, grabbed his keys, ran past the guys who were waiting for him, and jumped in his car. A minute later, Justin was speeding away.

"Shit. What did JC do to him?" Lance asked the others as they all stood in disbelief.

"Where is he?" JC yelled at the others.

"What the hell did you say to him. He finally gets the guts to come out to you, and now he's running away," Joey yelled.

"You don't understand at all. Right now my main concern is to find him. Stay here, until Lynn gets home. Jonathan is still asleep upstairs, that is if Justin didn't wake him," JC commanded as he grabbed his keys, and left.

"Great, so now what?" Chris asked.

"Now what nothing. I'm going after them," Lance said as he started walking to his car.

"I'm going with him, you stay with Jonathan," Joey told Chris.

"Keep me notified, ok?"

"We will, later," Joey waved as he ran after Lance.

*** Well, there it is...If you like it, send comments to [smit8255@fredonia.edu] please include the title "Just-JC" in the subject or message/comment.

If not, tell me why (using' the same address as above).



-AJ ***

Next: Chapter 5

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