Just Jc

By AJ Smith

Published on Dec 27, 1999


*** This story contains homosexual related material. If you're not supposed to read this because of laws or whatever, then leave... otherwise, enjoy :)***

Please send any and all comments to: [smit8255@fredonia.edu] (Please specify this story in your message thank you). So Far I have received many positive comments, and I thank all of you. I also apologize for how long it took me to get this out. For the past 2 weeks, people have been pounding me w/ e-mails... :)

Well, on with the story...

Part 6:

Justin laid in bed tossing and turning. 'JC is gay,' Justin said to himself. 'I'm no longer alone. But, I love him. Does he love me the same as I love him?' Justin dwelled on.

Justin stood out of bed, his clock reading 6:25am.

"I'm gonna be exhausted today," Justin said aloud.

He ran his fingers through his hair, threw on his bathrobe, and headed downstairs. He sat down in front of the television, and flipped through the hundreds of boring morning shows. He put on MTV, since they were playing music videos.

He kept the volume real low, so he wouldn't wake anybody up. He just laid down on the couch and lost himself in his thoughts about JC. He daydreamed about what it would be like to fall asleep beside JC, and to be able to wake up in the morning next to him as well. Justin smiled at the thought.

JC got up to go to the bathroom. He looked himself straight in the face using the large mirror. He didn't look good. He had had a rough few days, and his sleeping was quite erratic recently. He hadn't been able to fall asleep since they had gotten home.

"Justin," he sighed to himself.

"How am I gonna tell him?" he asked the reflection looking back hoping for an answer.

He splashed water on his face, and walked back in to his room. He stopped inches from the door as he starred at it. He then slowly left his room, and crept down to Justin's as he tied his bathrobe closed.

When he approached Justin's room, he carefully and as quietly as possible, opened his door. He peeked inside, hoping to catch a glimpse of the blonde sleeping peacefully as he had the other night.

"Justin?" he called out in a panic when he saw the bed empty.

JC quickly walked into the room, to see if he was on the floor, or in his bathroom, of buried under the covers.

"Justin?" JC called out again.

He quickly left the room, and ran down the stairs. He noticed the tv on ran to the living room.

"Thank God," he whispered when he saw Justin sleeping on the couch, with the remote still in his hand.

"You're gonna drive me nuts you know that?" JC whispered lightly as he knelt beside the couch.

Justin had curled himself up into a ball. He shivered slightly trying to keep warm.

JC starred at him for awhile, watching every little movement he made as he slept. He then leaned over very slowly and cautiously and kissed him lightly on his forehead.

"I love you," JC whispered.

"Hmmm...?" Justin said as he started to stir.

"Come on, you're freezing down here. Let's get you to bed," JC replied to Justin.

"What?" Justin asked as he slowly brought JC into focus.

"Come on, you're freezing. Let's get you to your bed," JC repeated.

"What are you doing up?" he asked as he stretched.

"Couldn't sleep, you?"

"Yeah, me neither."

"Well, you were sleeping pretty well just now," JC smiled.

Justin laughed lightly, then sat up.

"Come on," JC said as he stood and offered his hand to Justin.

JC pulled Justin to his feet, and they starred deeply into each other's eyes, standing only a few inches from each other. They both slowly leaned towards each other, and lightly pressed their lips together. They withdrew and starred again at each other waiting for the other's reaction. Both of them smiled lightly and leaned in for another kiss, as they held each other's hands.

This time Justin parted his lips giving JC permission to kiss him deeper. Their tongues met, and danced about with each other. They had wrapped their arms around each other as the kiss continued. When they slowly pulled back from each other JC laid Justin's head on his chest, and began to run his finger's through his blonde curls. Justin closed his eyes and wrapped his arms around JC.

"Justin, I love you so much," JC said lightly.

"I feel the same. I love you too JC, I was just too scared to say anything," Justin replied as he looked up into JC's eyes.

JC looked back with a smile.

"Come on, it's going on 7 o'clock. Let's try and catch some sleep. We've got things to do today," JC said as he shut the tv off.

Justin nodded in agreement. They slowly walked up the stairs holding hands. When Justin arrived at his door, he opened it, and pulled JC in with him. He then shut the door behind them. Justin pulled back the covers to his bed and slid in. He looked up at JC with a smile.

"You are gorgeous, you do know that?" JC laughed lightly.

"Yeah, and so are you," Justin returned.

JC slowly slid in beside Justin, and gave him another passionate kiss.

"You know how long I've wanted to kiss you," JC smiled.

"Probably as long as I have."

JC wrapped his arms around Justin and pulled him close. Justin relaxed in the safety of JC's arms, and JC relaxed with Justin's warmth next to him.

"I love you," Justin said quietly as he slowly drifted off, but JC was already sound asleep.

"Well, look at that," Lance smiled.

"Aren't they so cute?" Joey replied.

They both laughed softly as they peered into Justin's room. JC still had Justin wrapped in his arms.

"Well, we had better get them up before Lynn, Paul, or Jonathan sees them," Joey stated.

"Yeah, they've had a rough couple of days, I doubt they need to go through that just yet," Lance agreed.

Lance and Joey walked in and closed the door behind them.

"Hey? Hey guys? Time to get up," Joey said as he and Lance started shaking JC.

"Hmmm...? What do you want?" JC asked as he slowly opened his eyes.

"You two need to get up," Lance smiled down at him.

"What time is it?" JC asked.

"It's almost 8:30," Joey replied.

"When are we supposed to be at the studio?" JC asked as Justin started to stir.

Justin pulled JC's arms around him even tighter.

"We gotta be there at 10:30," Lance said.

"Then why the hell are you getting me up this early?"

"Because we didn't think you wanted Lynn, Paul, or Jonathan finding you two in bed together," Joey replied.

"Oh wow, thanks. Didn't even think about that," JC leaned over and placed his chin next to Justin's.

"Hey Justin?" JC whispered.

"Hey, wakey wakey," JC laughed lightly as he kissed him lightly on the lips.

Justin moaned softly, "What?"

"We need to get up before your parents find us in bed together," JC told him.

"Well, you two hurry up, we'll be downstairs, k?" Lance said as he and Joey left.

"I don't want to get up," Justin whined softly.

"I don't either, but what would you do if your mom found us lying hear like this in our underwear?" JC asked.

"I know, I know. I don't have to like it though, do I?" Justin replied as he started to stretch.

"No, we don't. But hey? I love you," JC smiled.

Justin looked over at him and smiled. He then leaned in and kissed him quickly on the lips. JC went to lean in for another, more passionate kiss, but Justin hopped out of the bed.

"Come on sleepy," Justin laughed.

JC was saddened but crawled out himself. He picked his bathrobe up off of the floor and tied it around his waist. Justin then came from behind and spun him around. He then slowly placed his lips on JC's. JC opened his mouth as Justin slowly slid his tongue over top of JC's. They lost themselves in the heat of the moment, and it wasn't until Lynn knocked on the door, that they became aware of the world around them.

"Yeah mom?" Justin called out.

"You need to get movin'. Is JC in there, he's not in his room?" Lynn spoke from the other side of the door.

"Yeah, he's waking me up for a change. We'll be down in a bit."

"Ok, morning JC," she yelled.

"Morning Lynn."

When they heard her start going down the stairs they both started laughing at each other.

"We have got to be careful," Justin said.

"Yeah, I know."

"Well, at least Lance and Joey were cool with us this morning," JC continued.

Justin nodded.

"Well, I'm gonna go shower. I'll see you downstairs in a bit," JC said as he started to open the door.

Justin shut the door before JC could leave.

"Hold on a second," he demanded.


"I want to kiss you again," Justin smiled his gorgeous smile.

"For you anything," JC replied.

They continued their kiss that had been so rudely interrupted. After a few minutes, they finally broke.

"Ok, ok. We need to get going," JC informed him.

"Yeah, I know. See you down there in a few," Justin smiled as JC shut the door behind him.

'My dreams have finally come true,' JC thought as he walked happily back to his room, to get ready.

'I can't believe this. I am so freaking lucky. Life is just totally awesome,' Justin thought as he showered. He sang along with the radio, and was in the best mood possible.

He got out and got dressed, and beat JC downstairs.

"Hey guys," Justin said as he entered the kitchen.

"Hey Justin," they replied as he headed over to raid the fridge for breakfast.

"Justin. can we talk for a bit?" Paul spoke from behind.

"Hi Paul. Sorry, I didn't see you here," he said.

"Come here," Paul waved as he left the kitchen.

"Yeah, what's up?"

"What happened with you yesterday?"

"Nothing, I was just upset. I needed time alone to think. But I'm fine now."

"Justin Randall Timberlake, you upset your mother. I hate seeing her that upset. I think you owe us an explanation," he scolded.

"Paul, when I'm ready to tell you I will. Right now I am not ready. I was upset, and that is the only explanation I have to give you," Justin explained.

"Well, I'm afraid that's not good enough," he said starting to get annoyed.

"Well, I'm sorry. But that's all I'm saying," Justin snapped back.

"Watch your mouth little boy!"

"Leave me alone! You're not my father!" Justin screamed back in anger.

Justin hadn't used that line in close to 6 years, since before his mom and Paul had initially gotten married. Justin was in an unstable mood, and wasn't really editing his thoughts before speaking.

"No, I may not be your father, but you owe your mother some respect. I think you owe, if not me, at least her an explanation," he told him.

"I will tell her as soon as I get it all figured out. Now if you don't mind, I need to eat and then I gotta go to work," Justin told him and walked away.

Justin grabbed a doughnut, and walked outside. JC had just arrived downstairs as Justin left.

"Well, we had better get going," Joey said nervously as Paul walked in.

Paul looked angry, and Joey didn't want to stick around more than he had to. Lance and Chris agreed.

"See ya Paul," JC waved as he was dragged out of the house.

Paul didn't answer. Justin was sitting in his Mercedes, waiting for the guys to come out.

"Justin what did you say to him to piss him off?" Chris asked.

"What?" JC asked.

"Ohh, it was nothing. Let's just get to the studio," Justin replied as he pulled out.

"Wait, wait, wait. Who did Justin piss off?" JC asked confused.

"JC, I'll tell you later," Justin replied as he grabbed JC's hand and squeezed it a bit.

He then replaced his hand back on the wheel and they started to drive to the studio. Once at the studio they got settled down to start discussing some plans for the new album. Justin had trouble concentrating on the conversation, so when John asked him what his thoughts on the matter were, he totally ignored him.

"Justin?" JC screamed as he shook him.

"I'm sorry. Where were we?"

"Will you excuse us for a minute," JC said as he pulled Justin out of the room.

JC led him down the hall, and to the bathroom. He locked the door behind them and turned to Justin.

"What is wrong?"

"JC I snapped at Paul this morning. I mean, he was only looking out for my mom, and I said some things I shouldn't have. What do I do?" Justin said a little upset.

"I'm sure Paul will understand, once we explain to him the pressures you've had recently."

"We can't tell him, or my mom. What if they don't accept us?"

"I'm not sure, I've been thinking about my own parents. I think I'm gonna tell them about me," JC explained.

"You were always so much stronger than me at things like this."

"I'll be here for you. Don't worry," JC smiled as he pulled Justin into a hug.

"Thanks," Justin replied as he smiled up at him.

JC met Justin's lips with his own.

"Ok, we better get back before they start worrying about us," JC told him.

"I love you JC."

JC looked back at the smiling figure in front of him, and got chills down the back of his spine as he always did when he was near Justin.

"I love you too, Curly. Now come on," JC told him as he dragged him back to the conference room.

Justin was happier and took his seat next to JC.

"Everything straightened out?" John asked.

Justin nodded ok.

"Ok, now like I was saying, what do you think about some of the ideas we talked about, Justin?" John inquired.

"Cool. I like the idea of us doing more of the writing and composing of the music. This way we can no longer be criticized for not doing all our own songs."

"Exactly," JC agreed.

"So have you guys got anything?" John looked at them all.

"We have some bits and pieces of things here and there. Nothing that stands out too much," Joey stated.

"Well, for the next few days that's what I want you guys concentrating on. Lyrics, and music," John chimed.

The guys all nodded and smiled. They all loved composing, and being creative. There were several rooms for them to use, with keyboards, drum sets, and mixing boards for them to use at their disposal.

Lance ventured into his own room. Joey and Chris went to another room. Justin followed JC into one of the rooms. Justin wrapped his arms around JC from behind and laid his head on him.

"I can't seem to get enough of you. I'm just so happy," Justin said.

"I know how you feel Just. I know exactly what you mean," JC said as he wrapped his arms around Justin's.

"Ok, come on. Before John sees us," JC said as he pulled Justin from him and took a seat in front of the piano.

"Got any ideas?" Justin said looking at JC.

JC started running scales on the keyboard, as he warmed up. Justin started to sing with the scales that JC played. Justin harmonized perfectly along. JC then started warm up exercises for both of them, to get himself warmed up.

"Ok? Let's see," JC said aloud.

Justin tried to think of ideas, but he kept getting distracted by JC's beauty. Especially if he caught a glimpse of his crystal blue eyes.

"Can this be true? Tell me can this be real? How can I put into words what I feel? My life was complete. I thought I was whole. Why do I feel like I'm losing control? And I never thought that love could feel like this. And that you changed my world with just one kiss. How can it be that right here with me, there's an angel. It's a miracle."

Justin sang a cappella to JC. JC listened and smiled at Justin's flowing words. JC turned to the piano and picked up right where Justin was, and Justin stopped to listen.

"Your love is like a river, peaceful and deep. Your soul is like a secret that I never could keep. When I look into your eyes I know that it's true. God must have spent, a little more time on you."

JC sang full force looking at the smiling Justin.

"Well, that's a great song, but I doubt John wants that on the new album too," JC said as he stopped.

"I know, but I just felt like singing it," Justin shrugged.

JC smiled and put an arm around Justin's neck.

"Thanks, I love you too," JC said.

Justin smiled and planted a quick kiss on his lips.

"Ok, ok. We have got to think of something," Justin said as JC sat up.

"I know, I know. We always seem to have all sorts of things to fiddle with but right now I can't seem to think of anything at all," JC told Justin.

"Me neither. So you think I'll be able to get over this thing with Paul?"

"I'm sure he'll forgive you. I just don't know how you're gonna explain your actions without telling them the truth."

"Me neither, but I just don't think my mom could really deal with it, do you?"

"I don't know. I think she's pretty understanding, and that she would be able to deal with you telling her."

"I just don't know anymore," Justin sighed as he placed his face in his hands.

"Hey, come on. Everything's gonna be fine. We'll get through this, I told you that already," JC replied as he rubbed his hand up and down Justin's back.

Justin took in a deep breath, and let it out slowly.

"Ok, ok. Music, gotta think music," Justin chanted aloud.

JC smiled, "Ok."

After about three hours in the studio the guys decided to all go on break for lunch. They decided to walk over to a sub shop that was a few blocks away.

"You guys get anything?" Lance asked Joey.

"Chris and I have a couple ideas. Some stuff that needs working on, but looks like it'll come about," Joe replied.

"Cool. What about you two," looking at JC and Justin.

"What?" JC asked as he looked over at Lance.

"Anything coming about in the studio?"

"We've come up with a couple of cool chord progressions that we're gonna start working with. You?" JC asked.

"Still experimenting. I'm looking at using some rhythms that are similar to nursery rhymes and stuff, and mixing them. But it's more or less still in the idea phase, nothing solid yet," Lance nodded.

"Cool. We're looking at some of the progressions used in some classical songs. Like the progression in Pachebel's Canon, and we were messing with the Moonlight Sanata too. Thought that would be interesting, if we can get it to work," Justin smiled as he looked over at JC.

"You two are worse than a pair of newly weds," Chris laughed.

"Shut up!" both JC and Justin said.

"Well, you two are constantly all over each other," he continued to joke.

"We are not," Justin said seriously.

Joey, Lance, and Chris all gave them looks of 'whatever you say'.

JC started laughing, as they entered the shop. They ordered their food and sat and started eating. They were chatting about their ideas and ventured off into conversations about the lack of a romance in Joey's, Chris's, and Lance's lives.

"So how much longer are you guys gonna remain single?" Justin asked sarcastically as he laid his head on JC's shoulder.

They all gave him a look of disgust.

"What?" Justin laughed.

"You're too much, you know that," JC replied as he wrapped an arm around Justin.

Lance looked around nervously making sure no one was looking.

"You guys need to be careful in public," Joey whispered seriously.

"Sorry," Justin said sadly as he sat up.

"Just be careful you two, ok?" Joe continued.

"We know, it's just hard sometimes," JC defended them.

Lance shook his head as he was relieved that not many people were there, and the few who were there weren't paying attention to them.

"Well, it's about time we started heading back to the studio," Chris informed them as he looked at his watch.

"Why is it the fastest hour is always lunch?" Justin complained.

"Who knows?" Chris said as they all stood.

"Well, time to return to the ol' rat race," Joey stated.

The guys left the shop and headed back to the studio. They returned and continued to work on their ideas and such. Eventually five o'clock rolled around and they were allowed to leave.

"I'm getting kinda tired," Justin said as he stretched.

"Yeah, me too. We didn't get much sleep last night," JC agreed.

"Well, let's get home first," Lance said as they piled into Justin's car.

The guys got home, and headed inside.

"Well, I'm heading to bed early tonight. I'll see you guys in the morning. You staying here, or going home?" Justin asked.

"We were planning on staying again," Joey told him as Lance nodded in agreement.

"Cool, see ya in the morning," Justin hollered as he started to head upstairs.

"Justin!" bellowed from the kitchen.

"Yeah?" Justin replied with a look of disgust because he wanted to go to bed.

"Come here, now!" she screamed again.

"Shit," Justin whispered and headed into the kitchen.

"Yeah mom?"

"Sit! Jonathan go play with the guys in the other room," Lynn said.

"K, bye Justin," Jonathan said as he ran out of the room.

Jonathan smiled lightly and then slowly turned his attention back to his mother.

"Justin, I want a straight and honest answer out of you and I want it right this instant. What is wrong?" she demanded.

"There's nothing wrong. I needed some time to myself, and I had a lot on my mind. Everything's fine now. Sorry to scare you, but I needed out," Justin explained.

"What was on your mind that got you that upset?"

"I can't tell you," Justin stated softly as he looked at the floor.

"Justin? Why not?"

"I just can't, ok?"

"Fine, now the next thing. Who the hell do you think you are talking to Paul like you did, earlier!" she said angrily.

"I'm sorry. I was tired, and he was pushing me. He wouldn't let this go when I asked him, and I know I shouldn't have said some of those things, but like I said, I was upset over that stuff," Justin said apologetically.

Lynn let out a long breath.

"Ok, I want you to apologize to him."

"I plan on it."

"Good. Now, you know I'm always here for you, and that I love you. If you need anything, or need to talk, please come to me, I'm always here for you," Lynn smiled.

"I know mom, I love you too. Now, if you don't mind, I need to get some sleep. I'm beat," Justin said as he stretched and yawned.

"All right, goodnight dear."

"Night mom."

Justin left, and saw Chris, Joey, and Lance watching tv with Jonathan. They were all on the floor leaning on each other with Jonathan on Lance.

"Night guys," Justin said as he started up the stairs.

They all waved slightly. Justin stopped by JC's room to make sure he was ok, but when he knocked he got no answer.

"JC?" he called out.

"Hey," JC replied as he wrapped his arms around Justin from behind.

"Where'd you come from?"

"I was waiting for you in your room. Come on, let's get some sleep," JC said as he pulled Justin towards Justin's room.

Justin just smiled at JC. Once inside, JC starred deeply into Justin's eyes.

"I love you so much," JC whispered as he ran his hand along Justin's cheek.

"I know, you've told me a lot today. And I don't want you to stop saying it either," Justin smiled as he ran his hand through JC's hair.

JC slowly leaned in and placed his lips ever so softly on Justin's. Justin moved his hand along JC's face, down his arm, and slowly grabbed a hold of his hands. He then started to run his hands over JC's back, as JC pulled Justin closer to him.

Once they stopped, Justin placed his head on JC's shoulder as JC held him. They rocked back and forth for a little while.

"Ok, come on. You're exhausted, let's get you to bed," JC whispered as he led Justin to his bed.

JC pulled the covers back and Justin sat down. JC knelt, and started taking Justin's shoes and socks off. Justin looked down and giggled at him. JC then stood up and pulled Justin's shirt off for him. He placed a quick kiss on Justin's lips before standing up again. JC then undid Justin's jeans, and pulled them off for him. He then moved Justin so he was lying in bed comfortably, and then pulled up the covers. He kissed Justin once more and ran his fingers through Justin's hair.

"JC, will you stay until I fall asleep?"

"Of course. JC walked to the other side of the bed, and laid down on top of the covers next to Justin.

He placed a hand underneath Justin's head, and draped his other over top of him. Justin relaxed comfortable next to his love. JC ran his hand over Justin's body, which helped him to relax. Soon enough both Justin and JC were sound asleep.

*** Well, there it is...If you like it, send comments to [smit8255@fredonia.edu] please include the title "Just-JC" in the subject or message/comment.

If not, tell me why (using' the same address as above).



-AJ ***

Next: Chapter 7

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