Just Jc

By AJ Smith

Published on Jan 2, 2000


*** This story contains homosexual related material. If you're not supposed to read this because of laws or whatever, then leave... otherwise, enjoy :)***

Well, it's been like forever since I've even considered writing more to the story. People continue to reply, respond, and some even beg for a continuation, and well I decided I'd write another chapter. Hope you all enjoy it.

Please send any and all comments to: [smit8255@fredonia.edu] (Please specify this story in your message thank you). So Far I have received many positive comments, and I thank all of you.

Well, on with the story...

Chapter 8:

Justin and JC showered. JC finally warmed up and felt better. Justin was still very worried about JC, fearing he may get sick with phenomena or something.

"I feel so much better now, thanks hun," JC replied as he wrapped the towel around his waist.

"I wish you would have woken me up last night so we could have gone home. This way you would have never been frozen in the first place," Justin said nodding his head.

"I know, but I couldn't bare the thought of disturbing my beautiful boy during his sleep. You look as innocent as a baby when you sleep," JC smiled.

Justin nodded and a smile formed on his face.

"Well, you better not get sick on me," Justin replied.

"I won't baby," JC remarked as he walked over and gave Justin a quick kiss.

"Ok, we need to get ready and to the studio. We're already twenty minutes late as it is," JC informed as he ran out of the room to get clothes.

Justin nodded and proceeded to get himself dressed. When they were ready they hopped into Justin's car and headed for the studio.

"Where have you two been!" Chris barked as they entered the conference room.

"At the beach. We fell asleep, sorry," Justin regretfully stated.

John gave them both a look of disapproval and disgust, but continued on with the meeting. The day proceeded as any other day in the studio. JC and Justin were forced to stay later than the rest to make up for lost time earlier.

"Thank God!" Justin sighed as they sat down in the Mercedes.

"I know, and just think Just we get to be back in like fourteen hours," JC sarcastically told him.

"Yee fucking ha," Justin nodded and pulled out of the lot.

"Let's go home, and actually spend time with everyone tonight," Josh stated.

"Fine by me. Except we have to play the straight role around everyone at home. Well, at least my family," Justin sadly replied.

"I know. Someday, things will hopefully become normal again. Someday, they will know, and still think no different of us," Josh emphasized trying to make Justin feel better.

Justin smiled and grabbed Josh's hand. Josh laid his head over on Justin's and remained that way until they arrived at home. Justin leaned over and kissed JC deeply for about a minute.

"I love you," Justin replied softly as he pulled away and proceeded to get out.

"That won't satisfy me more than a minute or so, but I guess it'll have to do," JC laughed as he closed the car door behind him.

Justin slung an arm over JC's shoulders and they headed to the house.

"Mom! They're home!" Jonathan screamed as he came running for Justin and JC.

"Hiya, rugrat," Justin smiled as he knelt down to embrace his brother in a hug.

"Hi guys, where were you two last night?" Lynn asked.

"We went out for dinner, then went to the beach to hang out and screw around. We laid down and fell asleep. Sorry, we didn't call," JC explained apologetically.

"Just as long as you guys were ok, I almost called the police again, but they convinced me otherwise," Lynn stated pointing to the guys.

Lynn left the room, and Justin had Jonathan in his arms.

"I'm sure you guys were screwing around," Chris laughed as he cracked a joke.

"Hey! We didn't do anything of the sort, you pervert," Josh laughed.

"Not around Jonathan please," Justin complained as he left the room to take Jonny upstairs.

"So what did you guys really do last night?" Joey asked as Lance, Chris, and Joey leaned towards JC.

"Nothing, why do you wanna know?"

"Just curious? So did you get some?"

"No! What kinda question is that. We happen to be taking things very slow, thank you very much," JC snapped back insulted.

"Sorry," Lance replied.

"Does my Joshua have a date?" Lynn asked overhearing some of the conversation from the other room.

"You could say that," Chris smiled.

JC smacked Chris.

"Would you shut up!" he yelled.

"It's nothing to be embarrassed of JC. So who is the lucky lady? How long? Where's she from?" Lynn bombarded him with questions.

The guys starred at JC for his replies wondering what he would say.

"Hey what's goin' on? Why is everyone so quiet?" Justin asked as he walked into the room.

"JC is about to tell everyone about his new love in his life," Lynn smiled.

"He is?" Justin said with a look of astonishment and fear in his eyes.

Justin then looked to JC. JC stuttered a bit at first.

"We...Well, Let's see. I met her at the studio, and we went out to lunch. The guys are making it out to be a lot more than what it really is. She's nice and all, but I doubt it will work out," JC said trying to be convincing.

"Ahhh, so what's her name?" Lynn continued.

"Just... Justine," he smiled looking at Justin.

Justin couldn't help but start to laugh.

"What's so funny?" Lynn asked.

"Nothing, I need to go to the bathroom," Justin said as he left.

Lynn started shaking her head, "He is keeping so much away from me recently. Did I do something to upset him?" she asked the guys.

"I doubt that. He's not talking to anyone. I'm sure he'll come around soon. Don't worry about it," JC said trying to sooth her.

"I hope you're right. Well, I'm happy for you JC. Just remember you deserve someone special, so make sure this Justine is special enough for you," Lynn smiled and left.

JC snapped an evil look at the other three.

"You guys have got to help keep this from everyone, especially her, and Paul!" he ordered.

They nodded in agreement.

"Is that clear," he commanded again.

They had never seen JC so serious and angry.

"Yes, understood perfectly," they agreed.

"Fine, I'm going to check on him."

"Wow," Chris said as they looked at each other in shock.

"Hey you? What's up?" Josh asked Justin as he went up to Justin's room.

"So how good is Justine?" Justin smirked.

"Eh, I've had better," JC smiled.

"Hey!" Justin screamed as he leapt over at Josh knocking him over.

They began wrestling on the floor for a bit. Justin laid on top of Josh starring into his eyes, both of them as happy as could be. Justin leaned in for a deep kiss. When they released each other, Justin rested his head on Josh's shoulder, and Josh wrapped his arms around his love.

"I love you," Josh whispered into Justin's ear.

"I love you too," Justin whispered back as he slowly faded into sleep.

There was a tapping at the door, but both JC and Justin were sound asleep.

"Justin?" Lynn softly called out as she opened the door.

She looked down at the floor noticing her son sound asleep in Josh's arms. They looked adorable, but she couldn't help but wonder why they were asleep like that. She didn't think about it too hard. She just shrugged her shoulders and closed the door behind her.

"Hi Lynn," Lance said as he nearly bumped into her in the hallway.

"Oh, hi Lance," she smiled back at him.

"Going to bed?" she asked.

"Yeah, I was gonna say goodnight to Justin and JC first."

"Are they in there?" he asked.

"Yeah, they're asleep on the floor, together," she said in an awkward tone.

"Together? Ok, I won't disturb them," he replied nervously.

Lynn gave him a confused look, and walked to her bedroom. As soon as the door closed behind her, he rushed into Justin's room. There on the floor laid the peaceful couple.

"Shit," Lance whispered as he knelt down beside them.

"Justin, JC?" Lance stated lightly as he shook them lightly.

JC stirred a little.

"Josh," Lance said louder.

"Hmmm?" he replied.

"Wake up," Lance commanded.

"Why?" JC asked as he slowly opened his eyes.

"Lynn saw you two on the floor like this," he explained to him.

"She did? Shit!" Josh said as he slowly lifted Justin out of his arms and onto the floor.

"Hmmm, who's there?" Justin asked groggily.

"Justin, hun. I have bad news for you," Josh slowly said as he ran his hand through Justin's hair.

Justin slowly opened his eyes bringing Josh and Lance into focus. He sat up slowly and rubbed his eyes.

"Hi Lance," Just stated.


"Your mom saw us sleeping together," Josh told him.

"What!" he screamed.

"Shhhh, keep it down!" Lance yelled at him.

"She did not," he begged.

"Yeah, she did. I saw her come outta your room, right before I got here. She told me you two were sleeping together," Lance continued.

"Did she seem weird, or upset, or concerned about it?" Josh asked.

"I'm not sure? She said it plainly, and didn't seem to really be too worried, but she had this slight tone in her voice that made me wonder as well," Lance tried to explain.

"Oh shit, she's gonna ask me questions now. Why can't she just deal and leave me alone?' Justin said asking the guys expecting them to give an answer that he knew they couldn't.

"Justin, she won't shun you, she loves you and always will," Josh reassured him.

"I hope so. I just don't wanna loose you or them."

"You won't you'll always have loving friends and a loving family Curly," Lance smiled.

Justin looked at him and smiled.


"No prob, well you two I need to go to bed," Lace said as he stood and stretched.

"Yeah, us too. But we should probably sleep apart," Justin said sadly.

"Yeah, you're probably right," Josh agreed.

"I don't want too," Justin said again as he flung his arms around JC's waist and buried his face into his chest.

"I know, me neither," Josh replied as he ran his finger's through Justin's hair again.

"I'll see you two in the morning," Lance said as he slipped out of the room.

Justin looked up and kissed Josh on the lips, and then reburied his face into his chest.

"I love you too, Just," JC sighed softly.

JC walked Justin over to his bed, and stayed awake until Justin was sound asleep. He forced himself to stay awake until the blonde had fallen asleep. He then walked, regretfully, back to his room. Crawled into his cold, and lonesome bed. He finally fell asleep.

*** Well, there it is...If you like it, send comments to [smit8255@fredonia.edu] please include the title "Just-JC" in the subject or message/comment.

If not, tell me why (using' the same address as above).



-AJ ***

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