Just Like a Dream

By Leo C.

Published on Oct 3, 2006


Hello guys!

Here is the next chapter of my story. Sorry it took so long, but sometimes you just get too tangled up in that annoying fact called real life.

This time I have to thank Martin, who have helped me a lot by checking my spelling and my choice of words. He liked this chapter -- and I hope you will too.

Also I have to issue a warning for this chapter: There will be a description of sexual activity! If you don't like to read about gay sex or if it's illegal for you to do so where you live: Go away!

Otherwise: Enjoy!


I don't know Jon Lee, and I don't know anything whatsoever about his sexuality. That's strictly his own business. And this is purely a work of fiction, and it's not intended to offend anybody. If it does anyway: I'm sorry -- but reading it was your own choice.

Chapter 5 -- Diving in deep seas.

To be quite honest I didn't sleep very well that night. I guess that when you're not used to have someone in your bed, that's very likely to happen. Maybe you feel a little invaded on a subconscious level -- even if your heart and mind tells you, that it's the right thing. Anyway, I woke up numerous times during the night, but every time I drifted back to sleep again with a happy feeling of love and safety by the presence of my boyfriend.

At some point during the early hours of the morning I must have fallen asleep for real, cause when I was woken up by a kiss on my lips it was suddenly bright morning and there was a smell of coffee in my nose.

"Mmmm" I said and stretched. "I could get used to waking up like that!"

I smiled at Jon, who was sitting on the bed beside me. He was fully dressed and looked as if he'd been up forever. A tray with breakfast was on the bed beside him.

"Oh, that's sweet. What have I done to deserve this?" I asked with a happy smile.

No one has actually ever made breakfast on the bed for me, so it was a really delightful surprise.

"Well, don't take it for granted!" he said with a teasing smile. "I'm in a particularly good mood this morning. I guess that comes with the sensation of not being woken up by an alarm but with a beautiful man in my arms. That seems to bring out the best in me!"

Is this guy for real? I thought.

Then I noticed, he didn't wear the same clothes as yesterday. He was actually dressed pretty sharp. A black shirt, khaki jeans, freshly shaved and smelling...hot!

"Hey" I said "I didn't notice you brought a bag yesterday. Where did you hide that outfit?"

"Oh, these old rags?" he said with a smile "Actually I went home a little while ago. Had to feed Molly and arrange a few things. I borrowed your key and locked myself out and in again. And went to the bakers on the way. Hope you don't mind!"

He suddenly looked a bit worried, as if caught red handed in the middle of a mischief.

"Sorry." he continued. "Should have asked you if it was OK, but you were sleeping like a baby, so I didn't have the heart to wake you up."

"It's OK" I answered with a smile and looked at the breakfast tray "Very much OK actually. I love croissants, you know."

"I hoped you would" he said with a teasing smile. And I wondered what that was all about. But he didn't say anymore.

"What time is it, anyway" I asked.

"Oh, it's only about eleven!" he said "Plenty of time."

"Plenty of time before what?" I asked, feeling a bit confused. I got the feeling he was messing with me, and I wasn't quite sure what to expect.

"Plenty of time before we have to leave for dinner." He said, again with that teasing smile "I'm taking you out tonight. And we have to leave in about two hours."

Now I was really getting confused, but I did my best to hide it.

"Oh!" I said "That's nice! But I'm actually very hungry now. Could we just dig in?"

I was going to play along, and not ask the obvious question. If he could play with my mind, I could most certainly play with his. And now it was his turn to look a little confused. But he quickly got a hold of himself. So we enjoyed breakfast with a bit of light conversation, pretending that absolutely nothing special was going to happen.

When we'd finished, I gave him a thank you kiss and got up to go to the bathroom. When I had shaved and showered and came back to the bedroom I found him on my bed reading a magazine. He had removed the breakfast tray and put on some music. I wasn't wearing anything but boxers, and he looked at me with an appreciative smile.

"Mmmm" he said "Yummy!"

I just smiled back at him. "You too!" I said and went to my closet to find some appropriate clothes to match his.

"You should bring a weekend bag. I don't think we'll be able to make it back tonight." he said casually while pretending to read his magazine. "And you should bring your passport too. And a suit. And a tie."

"OK" I said. On the inside I was getting really confused, but I didn't want him to know. The game was still on. I found a small trolley and started to throw in some clothes and went to the bathroom to get my sponge bag, singing along with the music.

"Hey, you've got a good voice!" he shouted from the bedroom.

I stopped singing, wondering if he was kidding or what. I don't really think much of my singing voice.

"Why did you stop?" He asked, now standing in the bathroom door.

I looked at him with a pout. "I really don't sing that well" I said "That's rubbish" he said, walking towards me and putting his hands on my shoulders. "I meant it. You do have a good voice!"

And he leaned in and kissed me. I pulled him towards me, and started snogging him, until I could feel something begin to stir down below. Then I broke the kiss and said. "Hey, I better finish packing."

And finally he lost it.

"For Gods sake, man, don't you even want to know, where we're going?" He exclaimed.

I didn't answer him right away, pretending to think about it. "Nah!" I finally said "Not really!"

And then I grabbed my sponge bag and went back to the bedroom, with him tailing after me. I put the sponge bag in my trolley, zipped it up and turned around.

"So, should we get going now?" I said happily, enjoying the frustrated look on his face. And then I lost it too and started laughing.

"OK, then" I said "You can tell me now!"

He lit up like a rising sun and said "Paris. We're going to Paris! And I have arranged everything. Ana's taking care of the cats, the cab will be here in 50 minutes, our flight leaves from Heathrow at 3.05, we'll be in Paris in time to go to the Hotel and freshen up. Dinner at Maxim's at 8. And afterwards we go to Montmatre."

He stopped for a moment to catch his breath before he continued with a grin "And the rest is up to you."

I guess I must have looked pretty stupid, but he really got me there. I was completely dumbfounded. I'm usually not one to plunge into things and do something absolutely silly just for the fun of it. And this surely qualified under that category. He really pushed me over the edge there.

He looked at me with a triumphant expression on his face.

"Hah! Got you!" And the he started laughing ecstatically.

I got a hold on myself, and my mind found its usual thought pattern of "But..."-sentences. But one look at Jon's happy face was enough to make me dismiss it.

I thought "What the hell -- let's roll with it!". And I felt as if I had dived into a pool of champagne.

I guess my face lit up too. The truth is: I love Paris. Absolutely adore it. The thought of sitting with Jon on the steps in front of the Sacre Ceur Cathedral at the entrance of Montmatre made me feel all warm inside.

"Paris is OK!" I said. "Very much OK, actually. But don't you think you've been going a little overboard here. I mean going to Paris for dinner is one thing, but Maxim is another thing. And how did you manage to get a table, at such short notice?"

"Being a celebrity holds a few advantages." He smirked. "I don't normally use it to get what I want, but it comes in handy, when you really need it. And don't worry. I can afford it."

"Yes, you probably can" I said "but I would feel a hell of a lot more comfortable, if you'd let me pay for myself. I don't want to risk being labelled a gold digger! And actually -- I can afford it too, when it comes to that!"

"Yeah, Yeah. Then I suggest, that you arrange a neat surprise for me sometime," he answered with a smile, "but this is my night and my treat. And I want you to just lean back and enjoy the ride."

And then he leaned in for a kiss, and who would I be to deny it?

When we broke the kiss to come up for air, I looked him in the eyes.

"I love you!" I said. "I don't care if we just met. I love you, body and soul!"

"Me too!" he almost whispered. "It's scary. I never thought I could feel so much for anybody just like that, but you've really proved me wrong. It's like we've known each other always."

"Yeah. Finally I understand what the word 'soul mate' really means." I said. "And I guess I'll just have to live with the body that comes with it." I added with a smirk.

That one earned me a slap on the shoulder.


The cab picked us up at the right time, and the next thing I knew we were on our flight to Paris -- 1 st Class of course, with free champagne and everything. It's only a two hour flight, so we landed at Paris De Gaulle airport at five. An hour later we arrived at Hotel le Relais Montmartre. It turned out to be a very, very romantic place. Not one of the big fancy Hotels, but a small, cosy place just off Montmatre. Jon told me, that he hugely preferred small places like this -- partly because it was cosy, partly because no one would look for a celebrity here, so the chance of marinating a bit of privacy was vastly increased when staying in a place like this.

Our room was very cosy indeed with two queen size beds and a nice bathroom. The decoration was elaborate with beautiful furniture and nick-nacks that completed the impression of a nineteenth century room. Jon had ordered a bottle of champagne, which we drank while we chit-chatted and got ready to go out for dinner.

Five minutes to eight our cab rolled up in front of Maxim's. When we entered, we were greeted by an immaculate head waiter. "Bonsoir messieurs"

And Jon showed one of his hidden talents as he answered in perfect French.

"Bonsoir Monsieur. Je suis Jon Lee, et je ais reserve une table pour deux."

The waiter lit up with appreciation. The French really like it, when you try to speak French, and when someone does it as well as Jon, they tend to treat you with the utmost respect. We were shown to a very nice table in L'Imperial.

What a place. For those of you who don't know it, Maxim's is THE icon of Art Nuveaux. It is fabulously decorated with impressing woodwork and mirrors, lily-shaped lamps and artistically decorated wall panels. It's a feast for your eyes to be there. And the food is famous too, by the way.

And we were not disappointed. I don't think I've ever enjoyed a meal so well composed and prepared. And the service was fabulous too. We almost got the feeling, that this was not just a restaurant, it was a temple for the celebration of food. So when we left the place 3 hours later, we were probably the happiest people on the surface of the earth. The only thing that could have made it absolutely perfect was, if we had been able to hold hands in public. But never mind, the night was magic anyway.

We hailed a cab and had the driver take us to the steps in front of the Sacre Ceur. It was a relatively warm spring night, and we sat down at the top of the stairs and took in the view of the illuminated city. Jon sneaked his arms around my shoulder, and if the night was a little chilly, I never felt it.

"I wish it could always be like this!" I said. "This is what dreams are made of. This is the essence of magic. This is food for your heart and soul!"

Jon turned his head towards me.

"We will always find moments like this." He said. "As long as we're together, all good things in life can be magical."

And he kissed my cheek.

After a while we rose and went over to the Place du Tertre, where artists are drawing portraits on the spot and selling different sorts of artwork. It's a bit of a tourist trap, but rather charming anyway. We found a café and had coffee and cognac and made up stories about the people passing by. A little after midnight we agreed to call it a night and walked back to the hotel. It was actually only a few blocks away. Well, "walked" was actually a bit of an understatement. Maybe I should have said "raced". I think we were both in a bad need for a bit of snogging.

And surely, as soon as the door to the hotel room was closed behind me, he had me up against it and dived in for a kiss so passionate, that I was completely swept away. When out lips parted he started kissing my cheeks, my ears, and my neck. We were both breathing heavily by then.

"Nicky" he said in a hoarse whisper "I don't want to wait anymore. I don't give a damn about taking it easy. I love you and I want you, now!"

I answered by looking into his eyes and started to take off his tie and unbutton his shirt, letting my hands slide over his perfect chest. I leaned in and proceeded with kissing his face, making my way down his neck to his chest while I slowly peeled off his shirt and his jacket at once.. Oh my God, what a body! The sight of his chest and his delicious nipples made my dick twitch in my pants. I raised my head to his again, my mouth found his, and our tongues danced in our mouths. Jon started to pull my clothes off too, and now it was his turn to kiss his way down over my neck, my shoulders, my neck, and my chest. He found my mouth again and pressed his body against mine.

The sensations of our naked chests pressing together almost made me cum in my pants. I was rock hard, and I could feel Jon's erection rubbing against mine. I reached down and grabbed his butt and pressed him harder against me. His kiss became even more passionate and we were both moaning into each others mouths. Suddenly he moved away from me, dragged me to the bed and pushed me down on my back before throwing himself on top of me.

The kissing continued, but soon he moved his kisses downwards again. Down over my chest, where he gently kissed my nipples, making me squirm with pleasure. Then he kissed his way downwards while undoing my pants and releasing my dick. He licked his way up the shaft, and as soon as he touched the head, I felt the orgasm starting to kick in. Jon sensed what was happening and quickly started to blow me while I came like never before, whimpering like a baby. He swallowed it all, and when it was over he crawled back up and kissed me.

We snogged gently for a moment before I turned him over on his back. Now it was my turn. I kissed my way down to his chest and found a nipple. I let my tongue circle it and then gently nibbled at it. Jon's hips shot up immediately. My fingers found his other nipple and caressed it while my mouth continued its job. He went completely wild. He moaned and his crotch pressed against my stomach, so I decided it was time to finish the job. I kissed my way to his waist, undid his trousers, pulled them down and released the animal. I took a moment to admire it in all its glory, before I started to lick it. Slowly, teasing him, caressing his butt with my hands. And then I let go and took it in my mouth, got a good hold of his buttock, letting my finger touch his anus and started bobbing my head..

The result was immediate. "Oh my God!" he whined, and came at once in violent spasms. I kept on sucking his dick until it was all empty. Then I lay down beside him and caressed his body while looking at his happy, post orgasmic face. He turned his head and kissed me gently

"I love you, Jon Lee!" I whispered.

He smiled at me and said "I love you more!"

And then we started kissing again. He rolled me over and lay down half on top of me, our bodies melting into one, both getting turned on again. And so we did it again. And again. Before we collapsed with bodies intertwined and fell asleep.

To be continued...

As always: Comments and suggestions are very welcome at lcwrite@gmail.com.

Next: Chapter 6

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