Just My Luck

By sean leigh

Published on Mar 30, 2005


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Just My Luck (Part One)

By: S. Leigh

I hate him. No. Hate is too good of a word for him. I despise him.

It was simple. All he had to do was pretend to be my boyfriend, but he had to make it difficult .If he was not a 230 pounds black man I would of gave him a piece of my mind, but I ain't ready to die just yet. I don't know why I chose him in the first place.Oh now I remember.He was the only one that I could find in such short notice and I was desperate.The reason. My ex is moving back to town (reason enough) and wanted to "hook-up". Silly of me to believe that was an invitation to get back together.

So it surprised me that not only did he show up at my apartment unannounced, but also decided to bring a "friend". Just my luck if was my off day. So imagine this if you can. Me standing there with bed hair, a t-shirt with god knows what on it, tore up boxers, and my apartment looking like a tornado just blew through no less. Oh come it was Saturday. Saturday is when I catch up on some much needed sleep and it also my cleaning day.So I had a few clothes scatter here and there that I forgot to pick up. Don't act like I am the only one.

So what would you do? I know what I did. I invited them in. I am starting to think that I was dropped on my head when I was a baby. But it was funny though. They were looking around like something was going to jump out at them and carry them away.

"Make yourself comfortable" They looked at the couch then looked back at me then back at the couch again.

"Oh I am sorry, Let me brush that of for you." I took up the clothes and threw it into the bed room. Okay so I am little messy. Oh who I am kidding I am a slob. There are you happy now. I know, I know, but when you hadn't had a man in what....2 years. My goodness how did I survive. Oh yeah. My best friend or in others words my right hand. So since I did have anybody I kind of, sort of let my self go.I mean I did not let it go so far that I am three hundred pounds, but enough for my once six pack to be come a little pudgy.

"Ohm, why don't we come back another time when you got thing in order"

"Oh, okay, what about next Saturday."

"Okay then" They were out the door in a blink of a eye.

So this is where I am at. Stuck with somebody that I hate. By Thursday I got everything that I needed to be done. I never clean so much in my life. But when you are trying to get a man, you will do stuff that you never thought that you would do. So that how I got stuck with an asshole.

Kevin Williams. 6'l with a body that can break your back along with the bed, beautiful light eyes to match with his dark brown skin-tone...thick, succulent, juicy that looked like it's ready to devour you, and a tongue that could work you up into a frenzy. Well that is what I heard. One of my friend introduced us about five years ago and he tried to get with me then, but I was not interested. I guess that was a blow to his ego because from then on it looked like he had something against me.

Every time we went out as a group, any man that I tried to hook-up with always got taken by him. It's like he waited to the moment that I turn my back and then he sticked. By then it was all over and he had won. Who would you choose? A 6'1, 230 lbs black men or a 5'6, 145 lbs, white guy. Come on you can tell me the truth. You won't hurt me feelings. (He goes through men like toilet paper, but you did not hear that from me. I am surprised his dick hasn't fall of yet. All kind of disease can be crawling through him. Okay I know it's a low blow, but don't I look better now)

I asked every body that I knew, but no luck. It was Saturday morning and still no luck. I know what I had to do. I just stared at the phone for a hour before I got up the courage to do it.


"Is this Kevin"


"This is Jason and I am wondering if you could do me a favor" I know he is smiling on the other side of the phone.

"What kind of favor"

"I need you to pretend to be my boyfriend for a couple hours."

"What did you say"

"Don't make this hard for me"

"It's my job to make you hard"

"Are you going to do it are what?"

"Pretend to be your boyfriend or make you hard. No don't answer that. I can accomplish both" That cocky son of a bitch. I just hanged up the phone, but I had a feeling that that was too easy. He is planning something.

He decided to make me sweat by showing up an hour late and when he did show up he decided to pushed me up against wall and gives me a deep down soulful kiss. I was not going to fall for it. I was not going to be another notch on his belt. I am stronger than this. He slipped his tongue into my mouth and I lost it. I tried to resist. Honestly I did. But that tongue must have been magic. He backed away a little taking my bottom lip with him. Then did something that no one else have ever done to me. He used that long juicy tongue a licked my face. My knees buckled. I looked into his eyes and they were glazed over. I knew I was in trouble then.

He backed away and turn around. "Baby, I did not know you had company"

That is when I knew that is was going to be a long night.

He might of won the battle, but I am going to win the war. Hopefully.

Should I continue.....

Next: Chapter 2

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