Just the Truth

By M. F. Luder

Published on Nov 8, 2003


It wasn't really that it has taken me this long to keep on writing. It's just that stop posting here and started posting in my own web page. But then I figured, I could post here nonetheless.

Here's another chapter.

You can check out the rest of the chapters, I'm already out to 26 I think, in my web page: http://www.geocities.com/sdlucly/

I'll keep on posting here on a regular basis.

Enjoy the chapter.

Now with the story...

Just the truth By M. F. Luder

Chapter 17

It was the loud ringing of phone that woke me up. Out of habit more than anything, I reached out to the nightstand, trying to get a hold of my phone. When my hand hit air and the base of the night lamp, I tried my best to open my eyes.

I felt some shifting on the bed and knew that I wasn't alone. Lying down on my back, I tried to remember the last couple of days. It was common on me that after finals, I'd be a little bit disoriented on my surroundings. When the ringing ended, I heard the phone colliding with the floor. I jumped slightly from surprise, but said nothing.

Kevin turned around on the bed, dropping his arm around my waist, burring his face in the crook of my neck, covering us with the sheets again.

"Too fucking early," I heard him mutter under his breath.

"Who was it?" I was still half daze, but my curiosity was taking the most of me.

Kevin only snuggled closer to me. I moved my arm so I was holding him close to my chest. At least that meant something; I was, after all, a lot more comfortable with him. That was amazing in itself.

"Wake up call."

I frowned. "You dropped the phone, how did you know who it was?"

"I don't need to." He lifted his still sleepy eyes to meet mine. "I placed the request for the wake up call. I know it was that." Letting his head fall back on my chest, he held me closer. "Don't wanna wake up."

I chuckled and I could see him shaking along with my body. "You look so cute." I leaned over and kissed him on the top of the head. "You look cute when you don't wanna wake up."

I was shut up by Kevin's hand covering my mouth. "No speaking. Hush. Sleep."

I forced myself not to chuckle at that as well. We stayed like that for at least another minute before Kevin lifted his face, sighing softly. "I hate waking up."

"I can see that."

He frowned. "You're too chirpy for this ungodly hour."

Looking at my watch, realizing it was already eight thirty. "It's eight thirty," I told him. "It's not that early."

Kevin shook his head. "Seven thirty." Just then I remembered it was one hour less than in Orlando. "Still, don't you like sleeping?"

"Of course I do, who doesn't? I just never sleep till so late. At least not past eight or nine." I shrugged. "I only sleep in if I've stayed online the night before."

"That's so wrong. You should be able to sleep as much as you can."

I shrugged. "I don't know. I think it has a lot do with habit."

Kevin leaned over and kissed me on the lips. Somehow, morning breath didn't bother either of us. Pulling away, he smiled at me. "Good morning," he started rubbing his eyes, trying to clear his foggy mind.

"Good morning to you too."

He sat down on the bed, looking at the fallen phone.

"Why did you throw it anyway?"

"It's better like that. Otherwise, I have to pick up and then hang up. Throwing it to the floor makes it stop."

Weird analysis, but then again I had had weirder ones in my best -- or worse, depending on the point of view -- days.

"I gotta call room service for breakfast." He turned to look at me. "What do you want for breakfast?"

I shrugged. "Kate and I usually have either tea or yogurt, so I think we'd have tea today."

"Just that?"

"Yeah, we don't have much time to have breakfast, so we kinda skip it."

Kevin looked at me funny and I saw a look flicker across his face that resembled Lilyan's whenever she was concern about us. "That's not healthy. For either of you."

There ya go. The exact same thing she tells us when we talk on the phone. I leaned over and kissed him. "Don't worry sweetie, we're used to it."

I think the 'sweetie' part did the trick, coz he was smiling at me. I stood up and walked over to my suitcase. "I'm gonna take a shower."

Kevin nodded, picking up the receiver and proceeding to dial.

"Love you."

"Love you too popped."

Sitting down on the couch, I looked around for the control. Kevin was sitting on the table, going through some papers. Seeing him there made me remember I was thinking about asking him about it. Brian and Howie were already in the room, so I decided to ask him later. I looked up as I heard a knock.

"I'll open," I say, standing up. Turns out it was Katy Kate. "Morning darling," I leaned over and kissed her on the nose. She grinned at me and entered the room.

She flopped down on the couch and I joined her. "It's way too early," I heard her complain as I buried my face in her stomach. I couldn't help but chuckle at her statement.

"Kate, it's nine thirty for us, how can you say it's too early?"

Kate placed her hands on either side of my face, lifting it so I could see her right in the eyes. She was glaring at me. "We're in summer vacation in case you happen to forget Matt. We're supposed to sleep in. I was planning on waking up at noon."

I shook my head in amusement. "I still can't believe how in the world you can do that. Noon? I remember last summer, you used to wake up for lunch."

She nodded very proud of herself. "Yeah baby. And that's life, you know?"

"That's life for you. I, my friend, like to wake up bright and early so I can read fanfic."

She sighed. "I can't believe you'll leave dreamland for a story. That totally beats me."

I shrugged just as I heard another knock. This time it was Brian who stood up. That kinda surprised me for a moment, since it wasn't really his room, but Kevin's words about privacy stuck me. He seemed more than right in that moment.

Nick and AJ entered the room, saying their hellos and taking a seat on the couch and by the table, respectively.

"Morning kids!"

Kate and I glared at him. "Kids?" Kate asked. "I'm sorry Nicky, but you behave more like a kid than we do."

"Oh yeah--"

Another 'argument' was about to erupt when there was another knock on the door. I turned around and counted. We were all there already, so I had no idea who that could be. Kevin opened the door and turns out it was our breakfast.

After the bellboy left, the guys seemed to wake up to life as they stood up and started serving their plates for breakfast.

"Looks like it's buffet," Kate told me with a small smile.

I nodded. "Looks like it." We stood up and walked over to the cart. "I asked for tea." She smiled at me at that and we just picked up our teas.

Kevin joined us on the couch. He had french toasts, eggs and bacon. It was amazing just how much these guys ate. That, of course, besides his cup of coffee.

Brian was looking at us funny as Kate and I had our tea. "That's all you're having?"

Somehow, I had been guessing he'd ask that.

Kate shrugged. "We usually skip breakfast."

"Shouldn't you be drinking milk?" Howie said as he took a sip of his coffee. "You're barely eighteen, I just thought you'd have milk."

"No way! I just hate milk." I've always been very vocal in my dislike of the... liquid. "I haven't had milk since I was... what? Twelve maybe? I just don't like it."

Kate chuckled. "Yeah. That thing is just horrible. We'd rather have tea."

I think Howie was about to say something else when Nick interrupted. "What time do we have to leave?"

Kevin checked his watch. "In thirty minutes. We've got the interview and photo shoot until noon, then lunch, then the autograph signing and the concert." He turned around and smile slightly. "You can come with us to the interview."

Kate shook her head. "We'd only get in the way. We can see you over at the venue."

"No," Nick took a bit of his toast before continuing. "We won't see you guys all the day long."

I shrugged. "It's fine by us..."

"No, Nick's right." Kevin paused for a moment, thinking. "You can come with us for lunch. The autograph signing is in a CD store, so you could tag along until we leave for the venue."

I turned around and looked at Kate. She nodded and that was it. "Sure."

Kevin nodded and kissed me softly. The guys resumed their breakfast and it felt like we would still be imposing during lunch and the signing.

To say that the guys have lunch in style would be the underestimation of the year. It was difficult enough to find the place where the guys were being interview. And even a lot more difficult to try and convince security that we weren't a couple of crazy fans wanting to take a glimpse of the group. This is the first time I almost got kick out of any place, let alone a Magazine HQ. Kate was blooming, she was so happy. I can't believe she was happy because two guys were looking at us like telling them we actually know the guys was the funniest joke they've ever heard.

Then, going over to the closest McDonalds -- AJ finally won the ever fighting battle of where to have lunch -- wasn't your usual trip. Kate and I would always take one of the cars and just drive over there. But no. With the guys, it was something totally different.

Not only we went with the guys and their bodyguards -- whose names I still don't remember --, but we also caused complete chaos when the guys walked out of the van and into the establishment.

We took over three tables, being the five of them, Kate and I, and the five bodyguards. Two of the bodyguards took the guys' orders, while I stood up and walked over to the cash register.

"Hi, two double quarter pound with cheese. One of them without tomatoes, thanks. Two large cokes and fries."

The guy told me the price while I got the money out of the wallet. When I was receiving my change, the bodyguards were standing behind me, waiting to give the orders.

Eric came up to my side, grinning at me. "You coulda have waited for us to take your orders too, you know?"

I shrugged. "No need for you to bother. I can do it." I think the foundation of all this was the fact that I didn't want Kevin thinking I was being a burden to him -- to the guys. It wasn't like I couldn't pay for Kate's and my meal, or go and order it myself. I could. And I didn't want the guys -- the bodyguards or anyone at all, actually -- thinking I was being supported by Kevin. The idea in itself killed me, so...

The cashier came back with the tray, my order on it. "Which one doesn't have tomatoes?" He pointed the one on the right and I thanked him.

"See ya in a few," Marcus called after me while I was going to the table.

I came back to the tables, sat back in my seat -- I was in the corner, Kevin on the head of the table on my right and Kate in front of me. Placing the tray in between Kate and me, I looked at her. "Here. Yours the one on the right."

"Where did ya go?" Kevin asked me as soon as I had seated. "I turned around and you weren't here."

I shrugged again. "Went for the food."

Kate picked up the one on her right and I placed my hand on hers. "No," I shook my head. "The one on my right."

She glared at me. "If you don't talk properly, then I can't understand you."

I glared back at her.

I saw Kevin was about to argue about me paying for my very own food when Nick spoke up and interrupted him. Have I said that the boy has the perfect timing sometimes?

"What's wrong with her taking the one on her right?"

"That one," I said, placing the straw in the cover of the coke, "has tomatoes. Kate hates tomatoes."

Brian turned around, getting into the conversation as well. "And why is that a problem?"

"It's not really a problem," she took a sip of her coke, her sandwich still on her side of the tray. We had both decided to wait for the guys, so we could eat together. "It's just that I don't like tomatoes very much."

"You hate them."

She gave me her evil eye -- which I already was immune to -- and continued. "Matt's learned to ask my hamburger without the tomatoes."

"I had too." I look up at her, taking another sip of my coke. "Remember the first time we ate here and I bought it with tomatoes?"


I didn't care about her warning tone. I was gonna tell this story even if I died trying -- which would probably be my future. "She didn't want to pull the tomatoes out, thinking it'd look gross to pick the food. I just opened the paper, separated the bread and put the tomatoes on the tray. Plain and simple."

Nick started chuckling while Kate was looking at him like the group was going to need to audition for a new blond. "You were embarrassed of taking the tomatoes out?"

"I was young!" This time Kevin looked funny at her. "Ok, I was younger. Still, I just thought it wasn't--"

"Lady like." I completed. Back at school, her and one of her closest females friends -- and mine on the way, of course -- Olga used to use that word a lot. When something just wasn't proper for them to do, they'd say: 'it isn't lady like.' I used to crack up at it every time. I still do. Bad habits usually stay even after having finished school.

I was starting to think that her new hobby was glaring at me, as she did it again. I saw Nick about to ask what in the world 'lady like' meant, but I was saved -- because I know Kate would have skinned me alive if I even started telling him about that -- by the two bodyguards. Ok, I really gotta ask Kevin for their names once again.

They placed the three trays they had with them on the tables. Each one of the guys started taking their orders, eating away. Kate and I opened our hamburgers, joining them.

I had barely given it a bite when I heard a squeal.

"Oh, great," Nick took a sip of his coke, trying his best to hide his face, "just what we needed."


I didn't even get to finish the sentence. Before I knew it, there were three girls jumping up and down by the table. They started talking at the same time and I couldn't understand what they were trying to say. Kate and I looked at each other, neither of us knowing what to do.

The bodyguards were trying to calm the girls down. Kevin, giving them a small smile, spoke up. "Please girls, calm down, and we'll be able to understand you."

"OH GOD! NICK I LOVE YOU!" One of them started jumping up and down, repeating the same phrase like a mantra. She kept trying to reach out and touch him, but Eric stayed put, not really letting her get too close.

"OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD! OH MY GOD!" Another one kept looking at the five of them like they were ghosts and she couldn't really believe she was seeing them.

The last one, who I think had the coolest head out of them, was shaking but at least keeping quiet. She started motioning for her friends to quiet down. When she finally achieved it, she turned around. "I'm so sorry! Could you please sign us some autographs?"

The guys nodded and the girl handed them a couple of papers and pens. Where did they get the papers, I've got no idea.

It was barely five minutes later when the guys finished signing and four more girls appeared. The guys started talking with the girls, signing every single piece of paper the girls put in their faces. Kate and I just started at each other. I think it was a combination between just how much attraction the guys got and how they handled their fans.

When they had signed for quite a while, I saw Walter and who I think was Adrian -- or was it Marcus? -- started collecting the food that the guys had barely touched. Eric motioned for us to stand up, so we did just that. Kate had almost finished her hamburger, so she placed it, along with mine, in her pocket while I took both our cokes. Kate picked one of the packages of french fries, me taking the other.

Kevin looked around, nodding when Walter nodded at him. "Girls," he said over the commotion, "it's time of us to go. We hope to see you all in the concert!"

The rest of the guys started saying the goodbyes while the girls tried to ask them more questions. We followed the almost caravan of the guys and the bodyguards into the van, the girls right behind and starting to hit on the doors.

It wasn't until the engine had started and we were pulling out of the driveway that I felt confident enough to turn around and look at the guys. Each one of them was looking for their missing lunch, hamburgers and fries coming and going.

"That was something," Kate stated, taking her hamburger out of her pocket and handing me mine.

AJ nodded, half shrugging, taking another bite of his Big Mac. "I had been hoping no one would recognized us." He took another bite. "Guess it didn't happen."

"You guys handled the girls pretty well," I looked around, Kevin giving me a small smile. "They got kinda out of control."

Brian shook his head. "Nah, that's nothing. It can get worse when there are about two hundred girls."

I stopped myself from shivering at the thought. Kevin gave me another smile, eating his french fries. I stayed quiet the rest of the way, thinking about what had just happened.

"Matt, check this out!"

I blinked myself out of stupor, Kate's voice calling my attention. I had been staring at the very same CD cover -- Donna Summer's greatest hits -- for god knows how long. I tend to do that sometimes -- space out. Kate says it's because my brain works too much all the time, so it kinda needs sometime off every once in a while. I never bought that excuse of her.

I walk over to where she's standing, showing me a CD. "I wanna buy this one. You're gonna love it, I can assure you that."

I looked at the CD, turning it around my fingers. Savage Garden: Affirmation. I looked at her. "I'll like this one?"

She nodded enthusiastically. Somehow, I didn't believe her. "You're going to like it. I'm telling you. Here's the song 'Truly, Madly, Deeply'. You've heard that one before!"

"I have?"

"Yeah, I showed it to you along with 'I knew I loved you'."

I wasn't convinced. "Well, if you wanna buy it..."

"Isn't there something you wanna buy?"

I shook my head. "Not really. Nothing here catches my eyes."

We heard another scream -- we had actually lost count about half an hour ago -- and turned around. This time it was Brian who was smiling at the girl, talking with her softly, laughing at her enthusiasm about meeting him.

The guys had been in the signing for about an hour or so. Kevin had told us to look around, since they were quite busy. I had gone through every single aisle so far and I could tell you where to find what CD. I was bored. I was beyond bored.

Kate, on the other hand, had chosen three CDs to buy already. That girl was gonna leave the place half broke.

I let out a soft sigh, Kate turning around to look at me. "You're bored, aren't you?"

I nodded. There was no need to hide the obvious. She checked her watch. "Don't worry, they should be getting done anytime now."

I checked my watch. Anytime now meant in the next thirty minutes. "Remind me to stay at the hotel next time the guys have something to do. At least like that I can watch X-Files."

She slapped me on the shoulder playfully, even though it kinda hurt. "He's your boyfriend," she whispered, "you should enjoy your time with him."

"I do", I started, going down the aisle and over Classical Music. I wanted to see if I could buy a CD of Tommaso Albinoni. He had always been my favorite. "But him signing autographs and me going down aisles isn't exactly 'us' time, let me tell you."

Kate shrugged nonchalantly, giving me a wide smile. "It doesn't matter. I'm having fun."

"You're shopping girl. When shopping isn't fun for you?"

When I reached the aisle, I started going through the CDs. Nothing here for me. I lifted my eyes, catching Kevin looking my way. He gave me a soft smile and I returned it. He smiled at me one last time before turning his attention back to the girl in front of him. Well, if I had any luck, they'd be done soon enough.

I pressed my eyes together, hopping to get the fogginess out of them.


I looked up, smiling a Kevin. "Yeah, kinda. Even though I don't know why. I haven't done anything today."

He pulled me closer to his chest and I didn't complain, snuggling deeper into his embrace. The show went more than fine. It had only been my second concert ever, but it had been amazing. I had the feeling that no matter how many times I'd watch it, I'll always love it. Now, the guys and I were hanging out in the dressing room, waiting for the crowd to dissipate and their bodyguards to tell us it was save to leave.

It was a phone ringing that forced my eyes to open. The guys started looking at their cells, Kate and I not thinking twice about it. Both our cells, besides ringing, where on vibration. And, having them in our pants' pockets, we would have felt them.

Kevin moved a little to the side, opening his.

"Yeah?" Kevin said on the phone.

I heard his side of he conversation as I looked at him. "Ok... sure... aha... yeah, no problem. Alright. Bye."

He closed it down and placed it back in the side pocket of his gym bag. "It was Michael," he said into the room.

The guys turned around, looking at him. Kate and I shared a quick look before focusing on Kevin as well. "He said that we've got a meeting with management tomorrow at four."

AJ nodded for the group. "Sure."

Barely a second later, the guys resumed their thing. And about a minute later, I heard a control being thrown against the floor, calling my attention. I lifted my eyes enough to see Kate glaring at a jumping Nick.

"AHA!" Nick started doing this very weird happy dance -- at least I thought it was a happy dance. "I won! I won!" He was doing what reminded me of break dance and I contained my laugher.

Kate sat there, in front of the tv, glaring at him. "It was sheer luck. I'm better than you when it comes down to Mario Cart!"

AJ took his earphones off, looking at Nick over his sunglasses from his position lying down on the couch. "Kate, do me a favor and beat Nick on the next game, will ya sugar?"

Kate looked at AJ funny for the whole 'sugar' thing, but didn't say anything. I've got the feeling that hanging out with the guys -- specially with Nick -- is teaching her, and me along the ride, how to handle jokes much better.

Before Nick could complain about it, or one of the guys go against Nick at that, Eric -- or was it Adrian? -- entered the room and nodded at Kevin. "Lets get going," he said, closing the door after him.

The guys, Kate and I stood up and walked out. Marcus -- I've come to realize that the only one I can recognize is Marcus, since he's black -- motioned for us to walk down the hallway and into the parking lot. The busses were there, waiting for the guys to hop inside. Kevin had told me earlier that day that tonight they were, or we were, going to travel through night.

I followed Kevin into one of the busses. It had blue and black lines on the sides and tainted windows. To say the bus surprised me would be the understatement of the year. The thing was huge. What seemed like the kitchen area was first, a full refrigerator and couple of cupboards along with a small kitchen table.

Still following Kevin, I crossed the door and entered a very long hallway. To my very own surprise, there were bunks all along the side. Two on both sides. Three rows. Making a grand total of six bunks. Kevin placed his gym bag in which I guess was his own.

He turned around, leaned over and kissed me. "This is my bunk. Feel free to throw in anything and everything you want."

I smiled. "Thanks."


Hearing Kate's voice, I turned around. She was standing in the middle of the hallway, her eyes moving from one bunk over to the other.

She looked at the guys, half glaring at them. "If you were to tell me which one is mine would be very thoughtful of you guys."

Nick chuckled. "Sorry. This one," he opened the curtains to the one above us, "is yours."

She nodded. "Thank you oh so very much," her voice was dripping with sarcasm. Nick only gave her the evil eye.

Kate threw in her backpack, making the place quite at home.

I stiffened a yawn. Apparently Kevin heard me, coz he turned around. "You're tired. We better turn in."

I wanted to refute him. I wanted to tell him that I could stay up another five hours, but he'd know I couldn't. Somehow, I was really tired. I nodded, giving him a small smile. "Thanks."

He leaned over, giving me a soft kiss. He started taking off the sweats he was wearing, right there in the middle of the hallway. I didn't say anything, remembering Kevin's words about the five of them being so clamped up.

I had a little bit of experience about this, having been in the swimming team. I wasn't that prude. However, I still wanted to sleep in my pajamas. Kate, being the smart cookie she was, had suggested to place my pj in my backpack. I was practically forced to do it, so it wasn't such a bad idea I did. I hate it when she does this.

"I'm gonna go change."

Kevin nodded. "The bathroom is the first door on the left."

I walked over there and closed the door behind me. Barely five minutes later, I was walking back into the hallway in my pajama bottoms and a t-shirt.

AJ and Nick were already in boxers. Brian was putting something away and I think I saw Howie in the kitchen, drinking something.

"Finally," Kate started, "a lady can go and change."

I kept my mouth shut about the 'lady' comment.

"Good night guys," Kevin called out. He placed his gym bag in a very neat compartment on the side. I gave Kevin mine, putting it inside as well.

"Good night," I said as well. I jumped on the bunk, sliding to the wall as much as I could, so Kevin could fit. I was starting to wonder if the place was going to be big enough for the two of us when I felt the bed shift under Kevin's weight. Apparently it wasn't a concern in Kevin's mind, since he spooned me, kissing my cheek.

"This isn't as tight as I thought."

I heard Kevin chuckle, his breath tickling my ear. "Yeah. It used to be smaller, but finally we could ask for a bigger bus."

I didn't understand Kevin's statement, but I was far too tired to ask. I was starting to close my eyes when I saw light entering the bunk. My guess was that the curtain had been pulled.

"In case you forgot your manners--"

I groaned as I recognized Kate's distinctive voice.

"--I happen to remember mine. So good night."

I sighed. "Good night to ya too Kate. And sorry about that."

There was a small pause before she continued. "I'm only forgiving you because I saw how tired you were. Tsk Tsk." That sound, that clicking sound with her mouth, was so very she. "You're gonna have to stop reading too much and start taking naps."

I so wanted to glare at her, but looking at the wall I couldn't. "In your dreams."

When the bunk was in the dark again, I knew she had closed the curtains. "See ya tomorrow," I heard her say finally before I felt the rook shifting under her weight as she got in her bunk.

I heard some noise for a couple of minutes before a long list of goodbyes were heard.


"See ya!"

"Good night guys!"

"Night to ya all!"

"Ok guys, enough, I wanna sleep."

"Shut up!"

"You shut up!"

Kevin chuckled. "It's like this every time," he whispered in my ear. "AJ, Nick you two shut up before I kick both your asses," he called out.

Silence reined after that and I snuggled closed to Kevin's chest.

"I love you," he said, kissing my neck.

I smiled. "Love you too." And with that, I closed my eyes.

I've changed addies. You can contact me at mfluder@ec-red.com now.

Take care and investigate.

M. F. Luder http://mfluder.cjb.net

Let the truth be known though the heavens fall. - Mulder. Redux.

Next: Chapter 18

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