Just What I Need

By moc.loa@1kwahymmoT

Published on Jul 13, 2014




By Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


It's a sad state of affairs when a man has to stoop to spying on his wife talking on the phone with her friends to find out what's going on. But the alternatives (confronting her and trying to get her to tell the truth like that, or hiring a private detective) weren't possible, the first because my wife wasn't going to admit cheating on me without more proof than I had, and the private detective would be far more expensive than I could afford. And besides, I could hear that she was on the phone, and the delighted tone in her voice was not one that she would use if she was talking about anything else. It was worth sneaking up to the bedroom door and listening at least long enough to find out why she was so happy. Maybe she'd won the lottery!

"And he just threw me back on the bed so hard I bounced. And then he took off that tool belt and said, Now, Honey, now I've cleaned out your pipes, I'm going to give you just what you need!' And you know, he had just what I needed, too! I'm never going to forget that.... Wait a minute, will you, Marge?" And my wife got up and pushed the door firmly shut. I tried to listen more, but her voice had been cut down to an inaudible sort of half-voice that left me knowing only that she was giving her friend every detail of the lovemaking. I walked away after a minute of that, after all, I knew all I needed to know.

We'd called a plumber in the day before to fix the sink, whose garbage disposal had gone on the blink. A new disposal and a bill for two hours' work, I'd grumbled that a mere disposal shouldn't have taken that long. Well, now I knew why the job had taken the man an hour and a half longer than it should have!

I went down to the study and found the invoice for the plumber. The name on the bottom for the man who'd done the job wasn't a beauty of calligraphy, but it was legible. "Ricky" something. Good enough.

I called the plumber the next morning from the office. "Jason's Plumbing." came the feminine answer.

"Yes, is Ricky there?"

A short pause. "I'm sorry, but he's not working today."

"Oh." I thought quickly. "He left his toolbelt at my home yesterday, and I wanted to make sure he got it back soon as I could. I have it with me here."

"You might try to reach him at his home."

"Yes, yes, please." I said.

"Let me get you his phone number." Another pause. "Ricky Harrison's phone number is...." The woman supplied it to me and I jotted it down.

"Thank you, I'll see he gets it in time for work tomorrow morning." I said. Ricky Harrison, I had his phone number and last name. The phone book gave me his home address.

So by ten thirty, I was sitting in my car outside his front door. I wasn't uncertain about anything here, the mail box had the name "Harrison" in clear lettering on it.

Up until now, I'd been focused on finding the man. Now that I had...now what did I do?

I considered my not-very-considerable muscle and frame. Well, if he was able to lift my wife and throw her onto the bed, I wasn't likely to overpower him. I knew I held no great hold on my wife's affections, but if she was going to have an affair, I needed her to at least act with some discretion.

All things considered here, I had to speak with this man, come to some sort of arrangement. Find out his interest in my wife, she couldn't have been with this man before, and it might have been a one-time thing. Was he going to be coming back to her?

So I screwed up my courage and went to knock on his door. Instead of the door opening, I heard a call, "Come in!" Puzzled, I knocked again.

"Come in, damn it! Shit!"

What else could I do, but turn the doorknob and go inside. A blanket was hung over the window, leaving the living room on the other side of that door dark. It would have been nearly pitch black had there not been the plasma television set on one wall, sending its wavering ghost-light over the figure on the couch.

"Who the fuck are you?" he wanted to know.

I started to talk, stopped, cleared my throat with a "harumph!" and tried again. "My name is Adam, Mr. Harrison, Adam Kinley."

The man made a grunting "I thought you were Ted. Get the fuck out of here." He shifted and my brain was able to sort him from the multi-colored quilt he had thrown over the ragged couch. Now I could see that he wasn't much of a superstud. His stomach held a slight paunch, that visible under the t-shirt worn under the unbuttoned blue-paid shirt that also hung over his blue jeans. His face was too fleshy to be really handsome, a black mustache under the too-large nose, the hair thinning on top, not bald by any means but not the gorgeous coiffure I would have expected in a paramour that would make my wife gush so on the phone.

This gave me the courage to proceed. "You were the man who came to my house the day before yesterday to fix the disposal. Or was that your son?"

The man looked at him, then said, "Yeah, that was one of my jobs." He gave a hard bark of laughter, just a burst of sound. "Took me quite a while, too."

"Yes, I know. My wife was talking about it on the phone to one of her friends and I overheard her."

I started to say more, but he laughed again, cutting me off. "So she was bragging about me, huh?"

"Yes." I admitted. He laughed and I waited for him to finish this one, a longer noise. When he was done, I went on, "I need to know your intentions toward my wife."

"What intentions?"

"Do you intend to keep seeing her?"

"Maybe." He admitted. "After all, the poor thing was absolutely starved for some good loving."

"Are you...in love with her?"

"Love?" he looked at me astonished. "What the fuck does that have to do with it?"

"But if you don't love her, then why...."

"Hey, buddy, there's plenty of this to go around!" he grabbed his crotch and waggled a bulb of it at me. "She wants a ride and I'm available, I'll give it to her. Otherwise, I'll give to whoever else I feel like!"

I had to breathe a sigh of relief at that. "So you're not emotionally involved with my wife."

"Hell, no!" he said. "I got plenty of women wanting a ride on this." He waggled his basket again. "They all know I got what it takes to make their day!"

He had gone from a moment of time from a potential enemy to a potential ally. "Mr. Harrison, sir, uh, may I call you Rick?"

"Why not?"

"And I'm Adam." I rushed on. "I'm not upset at you seducing my wife, but maybe, seeing that you aren't that interested in her, perhaps you could help me keep her?"

"Help you how?"

"Because my wife has lost all interest in me." I said. "It's been weeks since she's let me make love to her. You, though, you got her into bed and eager in no time. What is your secret? If you can tell me?"

"Secret. Hell, ain't no secret, no more'n there's a secret on how to fix a garbage disposal. Just a case of knowing how to do it, is all?"

"Yes, yes!" I said eagerly. "Can you teach me how to do it?"

"Now why would I do that?"

"Please, Mr. Harrison, please, Rick, man to man, can't you teach me what to do?"

"Well...I guess I got nothing better to do this morning." he said.

"Oh, thank you, thank you, thank you!" I gushed.

"Now, why don't you take off your pants and we can get started."

"Take off my pants?" I was puzzled. "Why?"

"Because I got to show you what to do." Rick had stood up and was unbuttoning his own. "You can't tell a man how to please a woman, you got to show him."

I thought about this, it sounded reasonable. "All right." I had to remove my shoes before I could take off my pants, but then I shucked them and stood up. "All right." I said again.

He looked at me in my boxers. "The shorts, too." he said. He himself was down to only a third and t-shirt on, his hairy legs were thick and bulbous. I again wondered at his relative normalness of his appearance, equally far from ugliness and attractiveness. Had it been animal magnetism that had made my wife fly into his arms?

I slipped off my boxers and when I did, I said, "Now what?"

"Now you got to grease me up."

"Grease you up?"

"Yeah, get down on your knees and suck on me."

"Huh?" but his hands on my shoulders were peremptory enough to make his intent clear, I knelt slowly and he grabbed his cock and waggled the semi-hard dong in my face. Dear Lord, the man was hung! Three more inches than my own, at least, maybe more! I'd never felt small as a man before until I looked into that single weeping eye and knew what it was to see a huge dong.

"Come on, suck it!" his hand caught the back of my head and jerked me forward and that sticky cockslit slapped me on my cheek just below the right eye, the head slid up and the bulb was jammed right into my eye socket. There was still some slime on the slit, and that made it sting my eye.

Rick growled and he moved and this time the cock was shoved at my mouth, I barely opened my lips and he was cramming it in me. "There, now suck on it, you bastard, suck it good! Get me all nice and wet and hard, God damn it! Now!"

I gurgled and coughed and he forced my head to bob back and forth. Soon enough, I was slurping on him as well as any straight man can suck a cock that's been jammed down his mouth and throat like that. Rick wasn't complaining, he was forcing me to move faster, faster! His cock was a thick steel-hard pole, it smelled of old male raunch dried in place, and tasted worse, and it was driving in and out of me. His balls rested in thick folds of skin that was his scrotum, and all of that was covered with a rank, almost abrasive black pubic hair that scratched at my cheeks. I thought pubic hair was supposed to be soft! His wasn't.

But I had to do this for Honey, I had to learn how to please her so much that she'd never think of leaving me! I couldn't bear it if she were to divorce me! Not to mention the expense of two households. So I bore up manfully on my duties and I sucked that prong with all the enthusiasm I could scrape up.

"Ah, hell, yeah, you're a good cocksucker, Adam." Rick grunted. "You're sucking me so good, I'm almost tempted to let this be your only lesson for today. But I promised to teach you and I'm a'gonna!" He yanked his prick from my mouth with a "pop" and I saw that I had lubricated it with a thick, grayish coat of my saliva.

"Now, up on that couch on your back and raise those legs high." Rick instructed. I complied, trembling. It was for Honey, it was for her, I had to learn this, I had to know how. I kept saying that to myself as Rick crawled onto the couch in between my uplifted legs, and then he leaned over me and I felt that slime-coated prong of his pushing in between my buttocks. Then it found my asshole and when it started pushing at my sphincter, I yelped.

"Ow, oh, ow, stop, stop, I can't take it, I can't...." and then he got a good purchase and he pushed into me, hard! I felt that huge glans pop inside me and I howled, "OWWWOOOOOOHHHH!"

"Yeah, take it, man, take it all, feel that hard pud. That's what the women love, they love the hard feel of a hard prick driving into them like they were made of raw hamburger! Take it, take it all!" And he shoved at me hard again and more of his prong was driven into my bowels!

"OWWW, OWWW, OWWWOHHHHHOWWWWW!" I yelled. "Take it out, take it out, please, God, take it OUUUUUUUUUUT!"

"Fuck that!" Rick growled. "Hang on and take it, learn what it takes to please a woman!"

With that reminder, I reduced my howls to moans, and he pushed in further, I kept it to low moaning sounds only. With his long prong buried totally in my butt, he said, "Well, Adam, now it's inside you, you ready to learn how it's done?"

"Uh-huh!" I gasped out feebly.

"What you got to do is give the woman some energy when you ram her. Don't just bob up and down, really slam it in and out of her!" And to my dismay, Rick demonstrated by doing it, he yanked his prod out to where only the glans' flare catching on the sphincter kept him inside me, then he would drive that whole length all the way back down into me again. The first time he did that, the pain was unbearable! The second time, the pain was incredible! The third time, it was miserable. The next time, it was uncomfortable. The time after that and all the rest...what the fuck was happening to me? The sheer roughness of his assault had managed to tear itself a channel where he could fuck me with impunity, all I felt was his shaft moving in me, and there no more pain, no more discomfort. What there was, though, still and had been there all along though buried in the pain...was pleasure.

Quite a bit of pleasure. The repeated movements of his body driving hard and fast in and out of me was doing something unexpected, it was making me love being this man's fuck-receptacle. I was being fucked by him and that felt...right. Like it was where I belonged, where I ought to be!

I began to moan and Rick recognized the sounds. "You see, you're getting into it, now, aren't you?"

"Yeah, oh, oh, yeah!" I grunted.

"So now I start mixing it up." He said and he grabbed my legs with his forearms, his hands holding them in place, and he lifted himself up so that he was standing on the couch and I was up so that my weight was on my shoulders. "And now I fuck you like this!" he said and began to hunch at me again, his hands making my body do part of the work, the pain was back, but not in the extreme it was before, and it soon faded away, and the pleasure now was different but just as intense. I felt a renewed sense of belonging to this man, his to do with as he wanted, and Rick again senses my relaxation.

His response was to pull out of me entirely, he levered me around so that I practically fell to the ground on my knees, my upper body still on the couch but face-down, and he was on the floor on his knees behind me, and his cock plunged into me in no time, my butthole was an open freeway now, he didn't have to fish around or shove at me to open me any more.

He slammed into me anew, his hips slapping mine and I was moaning now, so damned turned on, and I hadn't even touched my cock, I'd just been fucked into this rising climax. God, was this even possible? Could I get so turned on by a man's dong in my ass that I'd come just from his ramming it in and out of me like I was a pudding-filled bag instead of a man?

He grabbed one of my legs and lifted it up, making me twist sideways and he was fucking me side-wise now, but I didn't care any more, I just wanted more and more of his cock in me, fucking me harder, come on, harder, harder, more, more, more!

I murmured those words to him and his laugh was the laugh of a torturer who had broken his prisoner on the rack, not a trace of gentleness in it. And I broke, but not in two, I broke out in climax.

"AH-AH-AH-AHHHH-GUHHHHH!" I groaned and squirted my jizz all over that ragged, smelly couch, and I wondered how much of that smell was from the women he had fucked, and now I was adding my smell to the mixture, and I didn't care, I was only one of a dozen ore more, but I was the one he was fucking now, and that was all that mattered.

So I climaxed, squirting my load and was done, and Rick felt me relaxing, he leaned over to put his lips to my ear.

"I didn't say I was finished with you, cunt!" he snarled. "We'll be done when I'm done and not before!" And he kept right on fucking me.

I was a piece of meat in his hands, he rolled me around as he wanted, ramming me from this direction and that. Finally, he threw his head back, drove his dong in me deep, and roared, and I felt the hot jizz pumping into my ass from his balls that were pressed against my buttocks, I could feel it surging through the shaft its whole length and then it was boiling inside me.

Done, he fell onto me, panting hard, a leaden weight, and I didn't matter to him at all.

When he was good and ready, and not before, he looked me in the eyes, still pressing me down with his full weight, and said, "And that's how you do it. That's what all the women love about me screwing them."

"I see." I said as he pulled out of me, and I felt his spunk dribbling out of my ass. "Thank you."

"Get your pants on and get the fuck out of here!" he growled at me. "I got a friend coming any minute now."


"Yeah. Get the hell out!"

I got dressed and left. He'd given me a lot to think about.

When I got home, Honey said to me, "Adam, honey, we're going to have to call in the plumber again. The shower drain is clogged something terrible."

"I'll take care of it." I promised her.

"Make sure they send the same one as last time, will you?" Honey pressed me and I could hear the lascivious tone in her voice.

I sighed. Honey needed something I could never give her. I couldn't fault her for wanting it, but she'd never get it out of me, it wasn't in me. "I'll give them a call first thing in the morning." Let her have Rick on the side; he'd never take my wife away from me. I could live with that.

I did, but when I asked for Rick, the woman I'd spoken with before told me, "I'm sorry, but Mr. Harrison no longer works for us. We have another serviceman we can send over tomorrow afternoon."

"All right, do that." I told her and gave her the address. I called my wife and told her the bad news, then I picked up the phone and called yet another phone number.

"Rick? Adam here. I understand you're currently out of work. My building is looking for a janitor, someone who knows his way around and can provide us the full service we need. Would you like the job?"

His response was exactly what I expected from Rick. "You figuring on getting some special service as part of the deal?"

"You have just what I need." I agreed. "Come by work this evening after business hours so we can get you started. Would six-thirty work for you?"

"I'll be there! Cunt!"

"See you then." I was going to be working late a lot from now on!


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E-mail the Author at Tommyhawk1@AOL.COM


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