Justice Prevails

By Skorpio

Published on Jul 22, 2005



Caveat lector: this story is pornographic fiction, with an emphasis on "graphic." Any similarities to actual persons or events must reside in your own vivid imagination because that was never the intent of this author. Should lurid encounters between males offend your sensibilities, read no further! If you are under the age of consent, turn back at once!

Lastly, if Black Domination is not your particular cup of ambrosia, don't waste your time here. Black Domination is fantasy for some, reality for others....

Justice Prevails, by Skorpio

Newspaper headline: JUDGE RULES IN FRAT HAZING

NEWARK, NJ (DP) - Five fraternity brothers in an incident involving an 18 year old pledge are innocent of sexual assault an Essex County judge ruled yesterday. Appellate Judge George Jackson said Monday that the incident was "not a sexual offense as much as it was about voluntary surrender."

The New Jersey High Court held there was no assault by the fraternity or any of its members for engaging in the physical hazing of a member who remained in that fraternal organization for over a year and who did not take the opportunity to quit. By remaining the pledge assumed the reasonable risk and expectation of being hazed.

"Assumption of risk has two subjective elements," explained the Honorable Judge Jackson: "The plaintiff's knowledge and appreciation of the risk and the plaintiff's voluntary exposure to that risk. This alleged victim voluntarily chose to pursue involvement in these activities and he reported nothing to school officials and his parents during the year-long period. The plaintiff's argument that so-called `peer pressure induced a coercive environment that prevented him from exercising free choice' is not persuasive."

Billy Myerson, a white freshman majoring in English Literature at Garden State College pledged Alpha Alpha Nu, a nationally recognized Black fraternity. Myerson testified that as soon as he moved into the Black fraternity house extensive hazing began which escalated into physical and sexual abuse.

Myerson claimed to have been forced to perform a variety of humiliating acts, including flushing his face in a urinal, drinking from a toilet, eating dog food, drinking his own urine, submitting to anal intercourse with a "black dildo" and performing fellatio upon five senior fraternity brothers.

When asked why he sought membership in an all-Black fraternity, Myerson reported that he had been friends since grade school with three of its members. Defendants and fellow pledges Jamar Tyson, Derek Michaels, and Terrence Jones confirmed that they encouraged their long-time acquaintance to pledge Alpha Alpha Nu.

Said Tyson, "I thought Billy was AAN material. I had no idea the [plaintiff] was such a [submissive individual]."

Myerson testified that he was stunned his long-time acquaintances had betrayed their "friendship." The nature of that "friendship," however, bears examination. An undergraduate who does not wish to be named informed this reporter that Myerson has a reputation on campus as a "wigger," that is, a caucasian who affects an urban style and manner of speech. "[The plaintiff] thought he was Black. But that shit was all in his own head."

Myerson remained in the Alpha Alpha Nu fraternity for two semesters until he flunked out of school. It was only then that he sued Alpha Nu and its members for sexual assault. Trial court granted summary judgment on most claims, however the Court of Appeals reversed this decision and dismissed all charges.

Judge Jackson noted that none of the other pledges, nine altogether, all of whom happened to be African-American, complied with these bizarre activities, specifically those involving urinals, dildos, and oral submission. Defendant Trey Williams, President of Alpha Alpha Nu, testified that this time-honored rite of passage was designed to weed out undesirable candidates.

"There is no place in Alpha Zeta Nu for submissive or weak-minded members. Only pledges who refuse to submit to these outrageous demands are given any consideration. The fact is, the [ plaintiff ] willing complied in his reckless determination to become an Alpha Alpha Nu brother. He was certainly never forced. In fact, [the plaintiff] responded to all 'tests' with extraordinary, maybe pathological submission."

Williams went on to make the devisive statement that this was one reason why caucasians are rarely considered Alpha Alphas Nu material.

Judge Jackson stated that `the five senior fraternity brothers engaged in some horseplay of a questionable nature which however did not constitute rape or even attempted sexual assault. Hazing like this has been going on for decades. It is a fair and reasonable method of separating the men from the boys, so to speak."

In a statement to the press, Judge Jackson elaborated, "No one forced this pledge to perform anal or oral sex. Billy Myerson did as he was told but coercion was not involved, unless you entertain the defense that a caucasian cannot refuse a command from an African-American which is patently absurd. The plaintiff appears to have been all too eager to surrender his dignity, whether to the unseemly demand of flushing his face in a public urinal, introducing a foreign object into his rectum, or submitting his mouth to the phalluses of his fraternity brothers. It was always his choice and notable that no other pledges followed his example."

According to psychologist Wanda Jenkins, "Clearly the plaintiff submitted willingly if not eagerly to these circumstances which any reasonable applicant would deem unacceptable. In his zealous desire to belong to a cultural group to which he had no reasonable expectation of inclusion, Billy Myerson has simply demonstrated his unworthiness. The fact remains that Myerson, a white male, is the only pledge to submit to these demands."

The Alpha Alpha Nu fraternity is considering filing libel charges against Billy Myerson who has withdrawn from State College. The nine African-American pledges who refused to participate in the humiliating scenarios described by the plaintiff were admitted into Alpha Alpha Nu

(Copyright 2005 by The Disassociated Press. All Rights Reserved.)

Post Script:

After losing his case, Billy Myerson became a cocksucking slut for Black dick, seeking it in every park and train station, outside every liquor store and in every bar. One night he brought home a good looking, muscular, young thug from the mall who took total control of his life. For the next ten years Billy was this brother's personal slave and made to service many, many horny Black Men to come. It made the whiteboy feel content, but eventually he was discarded and replaced.


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