Justin and Alan

By John McDonald

Published on Jun 20, 2012


The following story is completely fictional and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives. However, if they ARE having this sort of fun in their lives, more power to them!

JUSTIN and ALAN - Chapter 13

"The brain is a marvelous organ. It has many paths and many mysteries. And the mind is more than just the brain and its treasure trove of knowledge. I suppose anything is possible if it can be conceived."

Justin smiled broadly, grasped Criss' upper arms and gave him a quick kiss on the mouth.

"You've given me an idea, Criss. Thanks."

Justin raced back to his suite to test out his theory that was still organizing itself in his head.

Justin reasoned that he must not look at Alan, that there was sort of a "Medusa Effect" going on. He stuck his tongue out at the thought of any comparison between himself and the snake-haired crone of old world mythology.

If he was to facilitate the rebirth of Alan's full libido, he’d have to carefully work around the rules that Criss Angel had more or less spelled out: no sight or touch on Alan’s part, at least not before full excitement had been achieved.

Justin entered his suite and collided with Alan in the bedroom doorway. Alan had put up his hands defensively and grazed Justin's forearms.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAA!!", shrieked the sexy Latino, and he dropped to the floor like a rock.

"Shit. Criss was right again."

Justin rolled Alan onto his back (after copping a feel of his gorgeously muscled ass) and took hold of his ankles, dragging him back into the bedroom. The singer seized a pillow from the bed and placed it under Alan's head.

A muffled sound from the other side of the bed drew Justin's attention. The Jonas brothers were still tied together, so our song babe released them. Nick was furious.

"I'm going to fucking drill him a new asshole. Out of my way, Justin."

The Bieber stood between Nick and Alan with arms folded.

"He's for ME to deal with, Nick. If he caught you with your pants down, it's your own fault for being careless. You and Joe need to chill. Go down to the pool or something."

Without argument, the brothers left the suite. Justin surveyed his unconscious lover. After several minutes, his strategy took form. He went to a prop trunk he always traveled with, and he retrieved a simple blindfold. This he fastened around Alan's eyes, and then parked his shapely butt on the model's abs. Justin scooted back and forth, nudging the pouch on the hunky Latino's spandex shorts. There was some rapid growth taking place, and a wet spot spreading on the shorts. Our boyish musician leaned forward and locked lips with the stud beneath him. Alan's hands went to Justin's hair, felt the outline of his hairstyle and quit moving. When Alan ripped the blindfold away, horror spread across his face, his cock went limp, and he passed out again.

"Shit. This is going to be hard." And then Justin laughed at the pun he'd just uttered.

Ten minutes later, Justin Bieber had his man toy prepared for sex.......he hoped. He had put the blindfold back in place, had tied Alan's hands behind his back with a bathrobe belt and had tied the Mexi-stud's ankles together. Alan was totally immobilized on the floor.

Justin began gnawing on Alan's pouch. Then he ran his tongue up Alan's taut stomach muscles to his awesome pectorals. The horny singer indulged in extended nipple play before journeying up to the bronzed model's lips. Oh my god, those lips! Justin traced them with his tongue back and forth several times before dropping his whole mouth onto Alan's. All the while, Alan Valdez could not see or touch who was stirring up a sexual frenzy in his body and mind.

Justin desperately wanted to get fucked, but he also realized he needed to bring Alan to orgasm a couple of times before revealing his identity. Even then, there was no guarantee that Alan could overcome the conditioning to which he had been subjected.

The Biebs reached back to Alan's expanding crotch and gave a squeeze while continuing the lip massage. Alan's dick peeked over his waistband. Bieber rubbed back and forth slowly and deliberately, bringing the model's fuck muscle to full staff. Then, the teen heartthrob scooted down Alan's super hot body until he was able to engulf the throbbing pole with his mouth. Justin bobbed up and down as he licked and sucked. All the while he was thinking, "I gotta have him, but he's not going to own me again."

Justin took Alan into his oral cavity and worked those throat muscles. One hand played with Alan's nipples while the other cupped, squeezed and jiggled his balls. Alan was writhing on the floor, only able to thrust with his pelvis. Shortly after that, he let out a long moan and jetted into Justin's mouth. The boy Wonder lapped and swallowed, but didn't slow down his attention to the snake that had just spurted. Justin ran the flat of his tongue up one side of the shaft and down the other. Then he gripped it just beyond the head with his teeth, and fluttered his tongue against the tip. He also reached under Alan's body and cupped his buns, squeezing them hard and with much pleasure. Justin wanted to try a spindle dance, but wasn't sure Alan was ready.

Instead, an over-sexed Bieber gripped Alan's shaft and tugged it to bursting. A generous leakage of pre-cum made the manipulation simple to execute. It only took minutes for a second explosion of his juices to propel from Alan's body. Justin descended onto Alan's mouth again, giving his lips a very aggressive workout. He pulled back and Alan spoke.


"Shhhhh, don't try to talk yet, Alan."

"No, I can't do this. HE will come after me."

"Don't worry. He won't hurt you unless I call out his name."

"No, no; this is bad; I can't be doing this."

"The only bad part is if I tell you to stop and you don't listen to me. So let's try this in stages. I'm going to untie the blindfold and let you look at me while I jack you again."

Alan's eyes were shut when the blindfold came off, but his cock was still rock hard.

"Alan! Look at me, man."

Alan Valdez opened one eye carefully, and then the other. Justin stroked him slowly and seductively, alternating his hand with his velvety mouth. Alan closed his eyes, tensed up, and shot another volley that rocketed six feet upwards before splattering back onto his chest.

"Way to go, you stud", Justin yelled excitedly and then proceeded to clean it up and share orally with the super hot muscle model. Alan opened his eyes again and smiled tentatively.

"You sure this is okay, Biebs?"

"You bet your ass it's okay. You're fine unless you get out of control to where you don't listen to me saying stop."

Justin untied Alan's hands and feet for the final test. After noting that the studly Latino had remained hard after that last series of bursts, The Bieber stood up and lubed his bared bottom in full view of his dark lover. Justin lowered himself carefully onto the now slick post, and let the sensation of being filled wash over him. In his head he was screaming, "OH FUCK YES", but he was maintaining calm on his face so as to keep Alan calm. Alan had sort of a "deer in the headlights" look on his face, but he wasn't going soft. Justin began rocking back and forth and side to side.

"Like that, don't you, stud."

Alan gave a tentative smile.

"I bet you want to slam my ass, don't you, you hot fucker." And he clenched his anal ring as he ended his question. A broader smile grew on Alan's face and he carefully moved his hands to Justin's smooth, lean muscle thighs. Bieber ran his own hands up Alan's arms, across his shoulders and down onto his awesome pectorals. The singer then leaned forward and kissed Alan long and lingeringly on those intoxicating lips. Alan closed his eyes and returned the mouth massage. They opened their eyes simultaneously. Alan spoke first. "Is it okay if I hug you?"

"Yes, Alan."

Alan Valdez sat up like a shot and swooped both arms around Justin's upper body, bear-hugging him while thrusting into him hungrily. In a very smooth move, Alan got Biebs on his back with the singer's legs over looped over Alan's shoulders.

"Criss Angel!" Justin spoke in a commanding tone of voice.

Alan went soft, popped out of Justin's posterior, and began to tremble as if caught in a draft.

"What did you do that for, Biebs?"

"I had to make sure you knew what would happen if things get out of hand."

Alan hung his head sadly.

"Don't look so down. I still want you to fuck me."

Alan looked up excitedly, leaned into Justin's mouth and began working it over with the hunger of a starving man. Alan felt his cock being manipulated by Justin's hand, and it quickly rose to the occasion that called it. The Bieber threw his arms and legs around the horny Latino and pulled himself in tight. Alan's pre-cum leaking cock found Justin's entryway and wormed in as Biebs was lowered to the floor. Alan pushed his full length inside and began hammering. Justin pulled his hair, writhed, squealed and groaned beneath the hot body that was plundering his. As Alan accelerated the pace, Justin latched onto the model's neck and left a line of hickeys from his ear to his collarbone.

"Alan, let's go to the bed, man."

Needing no further encouragement, the muscular model gathered Justin from the floor and raced with him to the bed. Alan was suctioned to Justin's mouth when they hit the bed. The horny model grabbed at the singer's bubble butt, kneading his buns ravenously while thumping the boy's hole. Justin had wanted to get his brains fucked out of him, and he was getting his wish. He clenched once more at the sexy bronzed body, and suckled the other side of Alan's neck. Every muscle in Alan's body suddenly tensed and, with a lion's roar, he blasted yet another load of his potent seed into Justin's tight canal. Finally sated, Alan rolled to his side still inside Justin who was gripping the slowly deflating pole until cum lube allowed the fuck master to slip out. Alan Valdez may have been the master of fucking, but Justin Bieber now had a tool to control him.

Thanks for the feedback from former and current readers. Please take a moment to sample my new story: "Paradise-Found" which is posted under "beginnings" and "interracial". I'll keep both stories going until my brain explodes from overload. There is also "The Neighbor Series" posted under adult-youth. Not sure I can keep all 3 alive at the same time, but there's more to come there too. Todd, Carlos and friends are just on hiatus for awhile.

Many thanks again to Robert! And thank you to new reader, Caleb.

Hope to hear from anyone who enjoys the latest installment. madmax212542007@yahoo.com

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