Justin and Alan

By John McDonald

Published on Mar 10, 2011


The following story is completely fictional and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives.

JUSTIN and ALAN - Chapter 3

The morning sun shone on Alan's face as he groggily awoke. He reached out for his hot, young lover and his hands grabbed a...pillow. Alan peeked around with one eye open and realized he was in bed alone. He got up and padded to the bathroom to relieve himself and noted there wasn't a single sound coming from anywhere in the apartment except the ticking of several clocks.

"Justin? You here, man??"

No answer came back so he finished in the bathroom and wandered out to the kitchen. The aroma of fresh brewed coffee hit Alan before any other detail in the room. Next to the coffee pot, Alan found a note. "Dear Alan.....you were AWESOME, man! That was the best fuck I've ever had and I can't wait to be with you again. I have a rehearsal at the studio this morning, so I'll see you when I see you. Justin"

Alan stared at the note. "He'll see me when he sees me? Huh. Maybe I'll just see him first."

"Justin, take 30 while we work on that console."

"Okay, I'll be in my trailer if you fix in sooner."

Justin strode out of the recording studio to the back lot where several one-bedroom trailers were installed for various artists. As he approached his, he heard the unmistakeable lyrics of Nine Inch Nails' "I Wanna Fuck You Like an Animal" blaring from the bedroom window. He bolted into the trailer pretty much knowing who to expect inside.

"Alan, what the fuck? The whole freakin' lot can hear that shit! Turn it down, man!"

Alan stretched from the bed to the volume control on Justin's amplifiers. As the sound quieted, Justin noticed Alan's bedroom attire for the first time: sheer black nylon boxer shorts that left very little to the imagination. Alan hopped out of bed, grabbed the teen tightly and planted a smoldering kiss on his mouth. Justin's arms hung limply at his sides as Alan mauled his lips. Alan realized his moves were not getting the desired response, so he broke the kiss and stepped back.

"What's wrong, babe?"

Justin looked at Alan with a mixture of anger, resentment and that classic Bieber pout. "Alan, I don't need this shit at work; it's embarrassing, man."

"Hey Justin, I'm sorry. After last night I just figured you'd want to see me again."

"Sure I do, but this is work and THAT was play. I don't like to mix the two, you know?"

Justin stood in front of the shirtless, scantily clad Alan and kept his hands on his hips. On impulse, Alan lunged at Justin and grabbed him around the waist. Alan swung the singer towards the bed, fell on top of him and began tickling his ribs.

"Alan, don't!"

But Alan didn't relent; rather, he intensified his finger work on Justin's sides. Justin laughed. He laughed louder and squirmed underneath Alan. Alan started laughing as well. The two of them completely rocked the bed. Alan's mouth went to Justin's neck and playfully bit as the tickling continued. Justin threw his head back, further exposing his neck. He became almost breathless as his laughter escalated. Justin kicked his legs outward, exposing his crotch completely. Alan's cock swelled and leaked precum as he settled into Justin's clothed open saddle. The tickling continued mercilessly, and neither participant heard the knock at the trailer door.

"Justin, what the fuck? What's going on in here?"

Alan jerked his head towards the doorway and observed a youthful, dark-haired male staring at them with a gaping mouth.

Through tears-of-laughter, Justin squinted at the figure in the doorway and instantly recognized him.

"Nick! You're back!"

"No, shit. Who's the stud on top of you?"

"Take a good look, Nick. Remember the website we looked at the other morning?"

Nick Jonas looked up and down Alan's fabulous body partially straddling Justin, and then the light went on.

"No way. Alan Valdez? Justin, you truly amaze me."

"I met him at that party we were invited to at Selena Gomez's place."

"And you moved on him within an hour of spotting him, right?"

"Fifteen minutes, tops."

"Justin, you are such a predatory bottom, man." "You would know, Nick. It's coming up on 2 years for us, isn't it?"

Alan listened intently to the banter and finally spoke.

"Nick Jonas- you're a hot little number yourself."

"Save it, Muscle Boy; I only top."

"I could turn you on to the possibility of being versatile."

"Is that so?"

"Yes, that is very so. Ask your friend Justin how awesome I am as a top."

"Well, I'll keep it in mind; but right now Justin needs to return to the sound room."

Justin scooted out from Alan's clutches and tucked his shirt firmly back into his pants. Alan looked like someone had removed his dinner plate before he'd gotten a chance to touch it. Nick smiled as he read the expression on Alan's face. The singers certainly weren't exclusive with each other, but Nick could see that Alan was a VERY hot-looking stud who likely had Justin's full attention whenever music wasn't a priority. The idea of trying to be a bottom again was intriguing to Nick, but he wasn't ready to declare his interest. Justin and Nick left the trailer, and Alan went into the bathroom to jack himself off.

"Oh man, I have such a raging hard-on for that bubble-butt-boy. I could take care of this myself, but I'd really rather have somebody squirming underneath me."

Then Alan had the kind of brainstorm that only the super horny get in situations like this. He jumped into his clothes quickly, and headed out the trailer door. Alan wandered the lot towards the recording studios looking for a utility box. When he found the box, he pulled the main breaker handle. Alan sprinted back to Justin's trailer and drew the blinds on all the windows. He slipped out of his jeans, tank top and flip flops, and he hid around the corner from the trailer door. It only took 5 minutes for Justin to storm into the trailer in a rage.

"I don't believe this fucking place! I was NAILING that last song and then the freakin` electricity goes off!"

Justin stomped towards the bathroom, went in and shut the door. Alan seized the moment to lock the front door and sit in the corner of Justin's bedroom. He heard the bathroom door open and the still grumbling singer headed his way.

"Man, I've got so much energy now......I was all pumped up to finish the rest of the songs for the new album. Looks like Alan split, so maybe I should try to call Nick to come over." Justin sent a text message instead, and then he wandered into the bedroom. He flopped backward onto the bed and kept his eyes closed as he spoke aloud.

"If they can't keep the studio running right, I might as well just hang here and fuck. I sure wish Alan had stuck around awhile longer."

"Who says I didn't?"

Justin leaped to attention.

"Holy Shit!!! You scared the crap out of me you moron!"

Justin actually looked angry. His face was read; the artery in his neck pulsed; his mouth was turned down at both ends.

"Justin, you're so cute when you're angry." With that, Alan advanced on him clad once again in those shear nylon boxers. Alan threw his powerful arms around Justin's upper body and hugged him tightly while giving him a powervac kiss on his pouty lips. Justin began to submit. He kissed back, and his hands roamed Alan's massive chest.

Justin let his left arm drift downward across Alan's washboard abs and down to his massive package. Alan groaned his approval into Justin's hot mouth, then he cupped the singer's ass cheeks with his hands and lifted him. Justin did a little hop in the air and wrapped his legs around Alan's waist. Alan sucked Justin's tongue into his mouth and massaged it with his own tongue. Justin humped against Alan's taut stomach muscles. Alan squeezed Justin's ass harder and both sexy studs pressed against each other as they fell onto the bed.

Alan made quick work of Justin's clothing, and hastily removed his own boxers. The muscular stud pinned the luscious youth to the mattress and continued to devour Justin's lips. Alan jabbed his pulsing pole at Justin's tight pleasure hole. Justin instinctively tightened his chute.

"A little lube, man, okay? I don't want my insides split open you know."

Alan grabbed a small bottle he had left under the bed and gave Justin's ass crack a liberal squirt. He then proceeded to work the warm, slippery gel into his captive's fuck tunnel. Alan wildly worked Justin's lips, nibbled his neck, nipped his earlobes and tweaked his nipple with the hand that wasn't busy applying the gel.

"Oh god, Alan- you're like a wild animal."

Alan pulled back to look Justin in the eye with an almost crazed expression on his face as he licked the saliva from his own lips. Alan flashed a victorious grin at his captive and dove back onto him. Alan's rock hard cock was oozing precum like lava from a volcano. He hooked his powerful arms under Justin's legs and jackknifed the panting youth. Justin's sweet ass was poised to be taken. Alan aimed his throbbing post and rammed it home, knocking the breath out of Justin's lungs. The teen's eyes widened like saucers and he threw his head back into the pillow. Alan worked his body like a pile driver fucking the daylights out of his boy toy. Neither of them heard the knock on the trailer door.

Nick fished into his jeans pocket for a key Justin had given him earlier. He could hear a muffled commotion coming from the bedroom, so he let himself in to the trailer. Nick had no doubt that something sexual was taking place in the bedroom, judging from the groans and the rhythmic bouncing of a bed. He tiptoed to the bedroom door and his jaw dropped.

Justin's legs were like the letter V, with a tanned, muscular ass rising and slamming into the vertex of that V. Nick heard grunts and groans from the couple engaged in an obvious fuckfest. Nick was transfixed on Alan Valdez's fabulous butt. Nick felt his own cock leap to attention and start throbbing in his tight jeans. He had only one thing he could do: Nick quickly stripped and jumped onto Alan's back.

Thank you for your continued support. Your comments inspire me to continue writing. Since the last chapter, I've heard from David (one of Nifty's prolific authors- check him out- David Lee), Jack, Jake and Anna-Marie.

Thank you to David, Bob and Anna-Maria for your encouragement and ideas.


Next: Chapter 4

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