Justin and Alan

By John McDonald

Published on May 2, 2011


The following story is completely fictional and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives. However, if they ARE having this sort of fun in their lives, more power to them!

JUSTIN and ALAN - Chapter 5

[When we last visited Justin and Alan, Alan had been arrested for semi-specific sex crimes in four states. Masterfully smooth talker that he is, Alan managed to extricate himself from the clutches of the legal system in three of those states. We pick up now in a California courtroom.]

"All rise. The District Court of Santa Barbara County is now in session; the Honorable Stephen J. Ralston presiding."

The prosecution and defense counsels rose, as did the occupants of the viewing area. Alan, who wore an orange jumpsuit several sizes too small that accentuated his assets, stood as well. He gave Judge Ralston a seductive smile. The judge, a married gay man with a very healthy sexual appetite, had read the charges and supporting documents regarding Alan's incarceration with great interest. He motioned for the defense attorney to approach the bench.

"Mr. Andrews, I want to see your client in my chambers before the trial commences."

"Shall I accompany him, Your Honor?"

"No, no; I wish to speak with him privately. I will instruct the bailiff to escort him."

Less than five minutes later, Alan sat in front of the judge's desk with his legs spread. He took on a very cocky posture in the chair as he studied the judge, who was reading from the trial records from the other three states where Alan had been charged.

"Well, Mr. Valdez, you certainly have been a busy young man. When do you find time to eat, to sleep and to work out?"

"I manage. Too bad you have to wear that baggy robe, judge. I'd like to see what you've got under there. Maybe we could negotiate a settlement of my charges."

Having said that, Alan followed up with a broad smile and a raising of his eyebrows. The judge smiled as well, but his was a smile of "I know a lot more than you think I know". He did rise and unzip his robe, causing Alan's jaw to drop (which didn't happen often). Judge Ralston was extremely fit for a man in his mid-fifties. His pouch briefs revealed a very ample package.

"I don't wear dress pants under my robes. It's more comfortable this way.........and on occasion it is also convenient. In your case, Mr. Valdez, I happen to be acquainted with the judges who dismissed your charges in Oregon, Nevada and Arizona. I know what they like because I've personally given it to them. If you want to leave my courtroom scott free, I want a piece of that luscious ass you're hiding in the jumpsuit. I'm a fan of yours. I've seen you on You Tube and in several magazines."

"Yeah, I can tell. You're leaking pre-cum already, Judge. Okay, let's get this over with. Where do you want me?"

"Oh, no no no. What I want will take too much time to not cause suspicion in the courtroom. We will first go back out there, and then your lawyer will ask for a recess. I'll give him two hours. That should be sufficient time for both of us to get what we want. And by the way.......you didn't `sexually abuse' a minor in this state. The blonde young man who refused to press any charges against you is NOT seventeen as most of his fans believe. He's actually twenty-five and has a medical condition that masks his true age. I'll inform your lawyer where to access that information AFTER we've concluded our......uh.......negotiation."

Alan couldn't help smiling to himself. This man was a master manipulator, more so than himself. For that, Alan had respect for the justice. Maybe he could even cultivate a lasting relationship with Judge Ralston. It couldn't hurt to have a friend in a high judicial place.

They returned to the court and Alan slipped a note to his lawyer, who immediately followed the directions.

"Your Honor, defense counsel requests a brief recess to retrieve vital information that has just come to light regarding the alleged victim in the charges against my client."

The assistant prosecutor rose and voiced her objections. The judge then ruled.

"Counsel for the defense, I am granting you a two-hour recess. This information had better be worth this court's time. Bailiff, escort the accused to my chambers where I'll be questioning him further. Court is in recess until one p.m."

The courtroom was cleared, and Alan was returned to the judge's chambers by the bailiff and a county officer. The judge dismissed both and locked his door.

"You see that heavy oak door, Mr. Valdez? It helps to muffle any sounds that might try to escape this room."

"Look, I know the score, judge. I have to put out, but it's going to be difficult with these wrist and ankle bracelets. How am I supposed to bare my ass?"

The judge smiled that same `I know more than you think' smile and reached into his desk.

"This is a master handcuff key. Now just to play it safe, in case you have any foolish ideas about escaping, I will cuff one of your ankles to the leg of my desk. The desk itself is bolted to the floor."

Judge Ralston drew the drapes on his windows, making the room darker. He unlocked one of the ankle cuffs and snapped it around the leg of the desk. Then he unfastened Alan's handcuffs and instructed him to strip off the jumpsuit.

"No, please, Mr. Valdez- take your time. I want to savor the unveiling of that hot body before I ravage it."

The judge now had a crazed, super-horny expression on his face. He had already discarded his robe and was seated on his desk chair in his briefs. Alan faced him as he stood at the corner of the desk. The hot, muscular model slowly unzipped the front of the jumpsuit and seductively removed one sleeve at a time. When he slid the suit down to his waist, Alan turned and wagged his gorgeous butt at the judge.

"Hold it! Stand just like that as you pull it down to your knees. I want to see those golden globes you have, and be sure to flex them as the suit drops to the floor."

The judge didn't see Alan roll his eyes at that order. In truth, Alan was rolling them at himself for being on the other end of the stick, so to speak. This judge was amazing, and far more in control than the other three had been. Alan had merely seduced and fucked them, and it had been so easy. He certainly had respect for a man who had the tools to turn the tables on him as Judge Ralston had managed.

"You sure you can handle me, judge? I mean, you ARE a little bit older than I am and probably have less stamina."

"Don't worry, kid. I popped a viagra this morning before court. I have our little interlude carefully planned out."

Alan turned his head and looked squarely at Judge Ralston. There was that look again on the justice's face. Alan couldn't help but smile.

"Judge, you're my kind of guy."

"Well, if you like what I have to offer, maybe we can get together again sometime."

Judge Ralston approached Alan and place his hands on the stud's golden ass mounds. He ran his hands over each exquisitely defined muscle. He squeezed them, massaged them and even bent down to kiss them. Judge Ralston, it could be said, was `an ass man'. In front of him was the most enticing target he'd ever seen. He'd viewed Alan Valdez bare in videos and still pictures, but those occasions paled to having in-person access. The judge was already beginning to leak.

He continued his hands-on examination of Alan's muscular body. The judge kneaded Alan's pectoral muscles, pausing to tweak each nipple. He rubbed Alan's shoulders and moved his hands to Alan's sinuous neck. First he planted his lips firmly to the side of Alan's Adam's Apple. Then he turned Alan's head with a hand on the hottie's chin.

"I am going to kiss you, Mr. Valdez. I want you to respond like you really appreciate it."

At first, Alan's eyes widened considerably as Judge Ralston sucked on his bottom lip and then his tongue. Alan felt the root of his tongue screaming as the justice nearly tore it from his mouth with such great a suctioning action. Then Alan sought, and captured, the judge's tongue. A battle for tongue domination ensued. The judge broke the kiss first.

"That's what I meant, Mr. Valdez. I give you an A+ for your hot mouth."

"You ain't seen nothing yet, judge."

"I'm counting on it, Mr. Valdez."

Judge Ralston took a tube of KY gel in hand and commenced lubricating Alan's crack and hole. One finger, and then two, entered the tight hole of the super hot model. Alan pushed his ass back against the judge's fingers as he felt his ring loosen up. It had been awhile since Alan played `bottom' to anyone. The judge slipped on a ribbed condom and added some KY to it. After wiping his hands clean, the judge placed them on Alan's hips.

"Lean over my desk, Mr. Valdez. Prepare to feel like a virgin again, because I am quite large when fully erect."

Alan reached back to size up the approaching weapon.

"Holy shit! You're what- about ten inches long and maybe five around?"

"You are an excellent judge of size, Mr. Valdez. You've got me measured precisely, and you didn't even use an instrument. Now, bend over if you will."

Alan complied with the judge's order. For good measure, he arched his back and pointed his fabulously tanned bottom at the man who was preparing to use him. Judge Ralston was also leaking saliva from one corner of his mouth as he moved into position. His copious pre-cum leak would make the condom slide a bit, and the judge considered fucking Alan bareback. Reason told Judge Ralston that he'd be an absolute fool to forego protection with someone so obviously over-sexed. The justice may be many things, but `a fool' wasn't one of them.

He pressed the tip of his rock hard, viagra enhanced, ten inches at Alan's well-lubed back door. The judge leaned into the hot body and he slid about five inches deep before the thickness of his shaft inside the ribbed condom caused his progress to grind to a halt.

"How do you feel so far, Mr. Valdez?"

"Full, judge."

"Heh, heh......well, I'm only halfway in so let's see if I can get you to relax a little."

Judge Ralston rotated his hips as if to stir Alan's hole. As he stirred, he pressed downward with increasing pressure. On Alan's part, he tried to expand his anal ring by concentrating on eliminating an object of this size rather then consuming it. When he was eight inches deep, the judge encircled Alan's waist and thrust mightily while pulling the hot muscleman back towards him. Alan's feet actually left the floor for two thrusts as the very strong justice worked his final inch into the delectable ass he'd impaled. He then allowed Alan to rest against the table. At the same time, Judge Ralston lay forward against Alan's powerful back.

"Mmmmmmm, mmmmmmm......you are one hot stud, Mr. Valdez."

"Thanks, judge. I appreciate that last move you pulled on me. I'll use that the next time I screw a hole that's too tight for me to easily slip into."

"Just consider that a perk, pussy boy."

Judge Ralston quickly commenced hammering like there was no tomorrow. If the desk hadn't been bolted to the floor, it is certain that he would have moved it as he power-fucked Alan's tight ass. Considering the narrow fit, it was an easy rub against Alan's prostate. Long before the judge was even beginning to build a climax, Alan spewed several ounces of his hot seed all over the justice's desk.

"Sorry for the mess, judge."

"No matter. I'll wipe it with a hanky, add some of my own to it, and you can keep it as a souvenir of our magic moment."

The judge then laughed demonically and continued pumping away. Alan flexed his glutes, much to the delight of the man behind him. Several more minutes went by and the judge begin to pant loudly.

"Oh FUCK! I am so close to cumming. If I should happen to burst the condom, don't worry about catching anything from me, Mr. Valdez. I have myself checked monthly- don't want to embarrass myself by passing something on to the wife."

And so the chamber action continued for the next forty-five minutes or so. The judge came twice inside Alan, and then had the hot Mexican stud suck him off. Judge Ralston disappeared into the next room and took a quick shower. He brought Alan a basin of warm water and several cloths to do an impromptu clean-up of himself.

"I'd invite you to use my shower, but I can't chance unshackling you from my desk. Maybe sometime in the future, after the legal matter has long passed, we can share a shower together."

"Sure thing, judge. Thanks for the good time. I hope you got everything you wanted out of it."


When court reconvened, the assistant district attorney moved to withdraw the charges that brought Alan Valdez to the courtroom in the first place. Defense counsel's providing of certain evidence made the charges invalid. Alan was free to go back to Los Angeles County and seek his boy toy, Justin.

Justin Bieber was rather mopey after his super lover, Alan was taken away. He went through the motions of sexual antics with Nick, but it just wasn't the same. Alan had excited and pleasured him in a way that had no substitute. How could he face the remainder of his life without such ecstatic fulfillment?

Little did Justin know, he was about to have that world of enchantment reopen to him.

Thanks to all of you who have faithfully followed this story. It ended prematurely with Chapter Four, so it is now being coaxed out of mothballs, so to speak. One recent reader referred to the previously designed ending as "crap". Chris- you were "spot on". Truly, I had already written about half of Chapter 5 when you voiced your opinion. Thanks to the previously faithful: David, Malc, Jack, Anna-Maria, Jake, Bill and Bob........and of course, Chris- my newest fan.


Next: Chapter 6

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