Justin and Chris

By JT's Place Webmaster

Published on Mar 31, 2003


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "jtpoole9@cybersouth.com". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

======================== Justin and Chris - Chapter 10 by JT Poole

// Back at the Hotel //

"So what you doing Scoop?" Justin asked.

"Nothing just catching up some stuff for the company." Lance stated.

"Don't you ever do anything besides work?" Justin asked.

"Well there isn't anything else for me to do, so why shouldn't I not catch up on my work?" Lance asked.

"You could go take a swim or something. You are always glued to that laptop and paperwork. Live a little, don't always let your work control your life Scoop." Justin stated.

"You know, you are right. I think I will push this stuff to the side for a while." Lance stated as he grabbed Justin by the arm and pulled him out of the room.

"Hey...where are we going Scoop?" Justin asked.

"We are going for a swim, just me and you." Lance stated.

"We can't. I don't have anything to change into." Justin stated.

"We can jump in naked. I don't think anyone is in the private swimming pool on this floor." Lance stated.

"No we can't. I am not going to jump in a pool naked with you." Justin stated.

"Are you trying to tell me that my body is ugly or something?" Lance asked.

"No, I am just saying that I am not going to do that. I wouldn't do it with Chris. I am not going to be in a out in the open place that can get us into trouble." Justin stated.

"Okay I see your point. Go get something to change into and I will go back and get my trunks." Lance stated, walking back to his room.

// Joey and JC's Room //

"So what do you think the lovebirds are doing?" JC asked.

"Probably having sex. The way they were acting on the way back to the hotel, it seems that those two couldn't wait to get back up to their room." Joey stated.

"Well I am glad it's just those two. Just think if Lance had a boyfriend too, wall to wall sex." JC laughed.

"He does have a boyfriend. Remember the guy from the club, I think him and Lance has something going on." Joey stated. "He didn't come right out and tell me, but when he told us he was gay, he mentioned something about the guy that made him open his eyes and well, he kind made hints that he liked the guy."

"Really?" JC asked.

"Yeah. I bet they have talked since we left Orlando to come here." Joey stated.

"Probably so. Well if he has one, it's okay with me. As long as they are not hitting on me, I still like the girls." JC stated.

"Yeah me too. I am just happy that Justin and Chris are happy with each other. For a while there, I didn't think things would get back to normal, but it's been a couple of weeks now and they are still together. I guess there is something there for them." Joey stated.

"I guess so. I guess I should have seen this coming. I always suspected that Justin was gay; I just didn't want to say anything. When we were on the `MMC' he and Blaine use to hang out a lot and then Blaine came out to everyone. Later he started hanging around Josh, the other one and he turned out to be gay too. So after all the gay people he was around, I was just waiting for him to tell me, but he never did. When he and Britney started dating I was kind of shocked, but we saw how that turned out." JC explained.

"Well I guess it was for the best that she found out now, than after they had gotten married." Joey stated.

"Yeah I am glad she did, but now that she has hooked up with Wade, I think he's playing for Justin's side too, but I don't know." JC stated.

"Not Wade. I thought he was straight as an arrow." Joey stated.

"I have seen him do some strange things and some of the stuff he talks about, well kind of makes you think that he's gay." JC stated.

"Oh well, let's change the subject. I am starting to think that we are gay." Joey laughed.

"Well, let's order some food and watch a movie." JC stated.

"Cool, let me get the menu and you pick out the movie." Joey stated, walking over to the night table to get the room service menu.

// Chris and Justin's Room //

"Where are you going baby?" Chris asked.

"Me and Lance are going down to the swimming pool, do you want to join us?" Justin asked.

"No, you go ahead. I am still a little tired. I will be waiting here when you get back." Chris stated.

"Okay baby, but if you change your mind, we are down in the private pool for this floor." Justin stated kissing Chris on the lips passionately.

"Justin wait. I think I will come along with you two." Chris stated grabbing a towel and the book he was reading.

"Cool hurry up, let's go before Scoop changes his mind." Justin stated walking out of the room.

// Front Desk of Hotel //

"Yes Randy Harrison here to check in with two guests." Randy stated to the receptionist.

"Good evening Mr. Harrison, your room is waiting. Here are your room keycards. I hope you enjoy your stay here." The receptionist spoke handing him the keycards.

"Here guys, here's a card for you, so you can get into the room. I am going to take my stuff up and then go see Lance." Randy stated as he walked towards the elevator.

"Hey, wait for us. We are going to the same room." Reese stated.

"Well I don't have all day, I want to go see him, and I am not going to wait around for you two to move. So get a move on." Randy stated as the doors opened and he stepped in pressing the button for their floor.

"You must be horny or something. Did you call Lance and tell him you were coming?" Cole asked.

"No I didn't but I kind of hinted at it while I talked to him from the plane." Randy stated.

"So you didn't tell him. He could be busy or something, he could have left the hotel." Reese stated.

"He's here, they are done working for the day. All they had to do was a photo shoot and that was it. He told me that he would be in his room handling some paperwork for Freelance." Randy stated.

"Okay well you have fun and we will stay in the room and watch television." Cole stated as the three of them got off the elevator and separated.

"I will, don't you two do anything that I won't be doing." Randy stated walking down the hall towards Lance's room.

======================= Comments or Suggestions Contact Information

E-Mail: jtpoole9@cybersouth.com AIM: swainsboroguy1 ICQ #: 146925768

Next: Chapter 13

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