Justin and Chris

By JT's Place Webmaster

Published on Dec 18, 2003


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync, or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync, and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "jtpoole9@cybersouth.com". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

====================================== Justin and Chris -- Chapter 16 by JT Poole

// Memphis, TN -- Baptist College of Health Sciences (Hospital) -- Lance's Room //

"Hi Scoop." Joey stated, walking into Lance's room. "How you holding up?"

"How do you think I am holding up?" Lance spoke, sarcasm dripping from his words. "I just found out my boyfriend will never walk again and I will have some nerve damage for a while."

"Scoop calm down." Joey spoke, sitting in the chair next to Lance's bed. "Everything is going to be okay. Randy's friends are here and they told us that Randy's doctor's say that his paralysis may be temporary, we just have to have faith and give it time."

"Faith and time? I don't believe in that crap anymore." Lance stated, tears falling from his eyes.

"James Lansten Bass stop that kinda talk." Joey spoke. "You listen to me and listen to me good. Everything is going to be okay with you, everything is going to be okay with Randy. Don't you go talking bad like that, you should keep the faith, and things will get better."

"Shut the fuck up Joe, things are not going to be okay. I am not okay! Randy isn't okay! So shut the fuck up and get out of here!" Lance screamed.

"Scoop..." Joey spoke as Lance cut him off.

"I said get out, I want to be left alone!" Lance screamed again.

"Okay Scoop, I will be back later to check on you." Joey stated.

"Don't bother, I will still be here in this fucking condition!" Lance stated closing his eyes, still crying.

// The Waiting Room //

"Here baby, all I can find was chips and tuna sandwiches." Chris stated, handing Justin the bag of chips, sandwich and soda.

"That's okay baby, I don't feel like eating right now. I am just so angry at everything that has happened." Justin stated hugging Chris as he sat down besides him. "I am so glad he didn't hurt you. I don't know what I would have done if you were taken away from me."

"Shhhh baby that didn't happen. I am still here." Chris whispered into Justin's ear as Justin cried on his shoulder.

"I know baby I know, but..." Justin stated, sniffling.

"But nothing Justin, I am still here, I am alright." Chris stated, placing his finger under Justin's chin and placing a kiss on his lips. "I am okay baby."

// Atlanta, GA -- Airport //

"Hi Reese, just me letting you know that my flight leaves in an hour, I shall be in Memphis by dark. Please tell Randy I am thinking of him. Bye." Gale stated, leaving a voicemail message for Reese.

"Hello Mr. Harold, " the woman stated, handing Gale a plane ticket and a folder. "Here is your hotel reservation, and I made sure it was close to the hospital."

"Thank you Terry, you are a godsend." Gale stated.

"Your are welcomed Mr. Harold." The woman stated.

"Terry I have told you time and time again to just call me Gale." Gale stated.

"I'm sorry Mr. Har...I mean Gale, it's just a habit that I am use to. Not all of our customers want us to call them by their first names." The woman stated.

"Well I am the exception." Gale stated, turning to walk towards the door. "Again thank you for all of your help."

"Have a nice flight Gale." The woman stated as he walked down the corridor towards his plane.

// Back in Memphis at the Hospital -- Randy's Room //

"Hi Randy how you feeling?" Cole asked as Randy opened his eyes.

"Where's Lance?" Randy asked.

"He's down in his room." Cole stated. "How are you feeling? Don't worry about Lance, he's being taking care of."

"Well I want to see him." Randy stated.

"Well that's going to be a problem right now since he's in a similar condition as you are in." Reese stated.

"What!" Randy screamed. "He can't walk either?"

"At the moment he can barely move. It seems that guy shot him in the back right after he shot you and Lance didn't know it. While he was riding in the ambulance with you on the way here, the paramedics saw the blood running from his back and discovered that he had been shot." Cole explained.

"Oh my god Lance, I need to see him." Randy stated.

"Right now honey there is no way for you to see him, you just have to wait." Reese stated.

"Why am I being put through this?" Randy asked, crying again as the nurse came back into the room.

"Okay gentlemen I think it's time for you all to leave, you are upsetting him." The nurse spoke.

"They are not upsetting me, the fact that I am stuck in this fucking bed, in this fucking room, without my Lance is upsetting me!" Randy screamed, causing himself pain.

"See young man you need to calm down, you are causing yourself pain." The nurse stated, walking over to the bed. "Let me give you something for the pain."

"I don't want anything for the pain, I want Lance." Randy stated, full out crying now.

"Who is Lance?" The nurse asked, directing the question to Reese and Cole.

"Lance is his...Lance is his friend." Cole stated.

"Well have someone contacted this Lance so he can come visit Mr. Harrison?" The nurse asked.

"Well the Lance in question is in this hospital right down the hall." Reese stated. "He isn't able to come here."

"Oh." The nurse spoke. "Well that presents a big problem."

"Yes it does and from what I hear, they both are going through the same thing." Cole stated.

"May I ask a person question?" The nurse asked.

"Sure go right ahead." Cole stated.

"Mr. Harrison and this Lance person are more than just friends aren't they?" The nurse spoke.

"Well for privacy reason and other reasons, yes they are." Cole stated.

"I figured that." The nurse stated, walking over to the bed. "Every chance that he's gotten to, he has screamed about him or something. Right now neither of them are able to see the other. I know that is hurting him more than being here paralyzed."

"I don't even think he cares about that, I think he is more worried about him." Cole stated.

"Speaking of caring, can I see you outside honey?" Reese stated.

"What is it baby?" Cole asked as they walked outside of the room.

"Gale called back, he said he should be here by dark." Reese stated. "He's not happy."

"Just great, we have enough problems here, we don't need him causing more. He had his chance, now he wants to show some affection." Cole stated.

"Well I guess people don't really react until something is gone before they realized what they had." Reese stated.

"Well we have each other, so we didn't miss out." Cole stated, leaning over to kiss Reese. "I love you baby."

"I love you to baby." Reese stated as his phone rang.

// Down the Hall -- Nurses Station //

"Look I have been waiting here for hours, when are you going to tell me something?" Shawn stated, slamming his fist down on the countertop. "That' s my husband, you have to tell me something."

"Sir I am sorry but there is nothing we can tell you right now." The nurse spoke.

"Why the hell not!?!" Shawn screamed.

"Sir we can only give that information to legal relations and you are not considered legal." The nurse spoke.

"What the fuck!" Shawn screamed. "I am his legal relation, I am his husband. That was recognized in Vermont when we got married, it should be recognized here! Now tell me what's going on with my husband!"

"Sir your so called marriage isn't recognized here in Tennessee." The nurse stated as Shawn screamed again and walked away.

"I am calling our lawyer, when I return you have the information I need ready or prepare to be sued." Shawn stated as he continued on down the hall as he pulled his cell phone out and dialed a number.

"What's going on Shawn?" Justin asked, walking towards Shawn.

"That damn bitch back there won't tell me anything about Wes." Shawn stated, turning around and pointing at the nurse he was just talking to.

"Why not?" Justin asked.

"She refuses to recognize that I am a relative. She said that my marriage to him doesn't make me his family since it's not recognized in Tennessee." Shawn stated.

"What, Shawn come on." Justin stated, walking back over to the counter, dragging Shawn by his arms. "Who's in charge here?"

"I am the head nurse on duty how may I help you?" The nurse asked.

"Well you can start by telling us how Wes Danson is doing right now." Justin stated.

"Are you a family member?" The nurse asked.

"No I am not, but this is his husband." Justin stated. "Now could you please tell him what condition his husband is in?"

"As I told him before, his marriage isn't recognized by the state of Tennessee and there is no policy that states that we are required to give out medical information to domestic partners." The nurse explained.

"I am not a domestic partner!" Shawn screamed. "Fuck this, I am going to sue this place!"

"Do what you wish, but we can only release information to immediate family members." The nurse spoke as she picked up her clipboard and walked away.

// Down in Lance's Room //

"Hey honey how do you feel?" Diane Bass spoke to Lance as she entered the room.

"I am highly pissed, that's how I feel." Lance spoke.

"Why come?" Diane asked.

"All day everyone has been telling me they know how I feel, no one can possibly know how I feel." Lance stated.

"Honey just calm down. Believe me, everything is going to be okay." Diane stated.

"No it isn't going to be okay. I am stuck in this damn bed and Randy will never walk again." Lance stated.

"That's not true son. You must keep the faith that things will get better. The lord never fails us, just remember that son." Diane stated, sitting next to Lance holding his hand.

"Mom I can't, I just can't believe right now. Too much is going on for me to continue believing." Lance stated.

"Right now is the time that you need to believe. If you don't believe that the lord will fix things, then they won't be fixed." Diane stated. "Just have faith baby, you and Randy are going to be okay."

"Oh my god." Lance stated, trying to sit up again. "Owww..."

"What is it baby?" Diane asked.

"What about Wes? How is Wes doing?" Lance asked.

"We don't know right now, he hasn't come out from surgery again." Diane stated.

"I forgot all about him." Lance stated. "Has his husband gotten here yet?"

"Yes he's here and the hospital staff is giving him a hard time." Diane stated.

"Giving him a hard time? Why? How?" Lance asked.

"They won't tell him what's really going on with Wes, they refuse to recognize his marriage to Wes." Diane stated.

"Oh fucking great." Lance stated.

"James Bass watch your tongue." Diane stated, scolding Lance.

"Sorry mom, but that's just wrong." Lance stated.

"It may be wrong, but you watch your tongue." Diane stated. "I will be back, I am going to get an update from the guys."

"Okay mom, see you later." Lance stated.

"You get some more rest. I love you son." Diane stated.

"I love you mom." Lance stated as he dropped his head back on his pillow and closed his eyes.

====================================== TO BE CONTINUED...

Comments or Suggestions Contact Information

E-Mail: jtpoole9@cybersouth.com mailto:jtpoole9@cybersouth.com Website: http://home.cybersouth.com/jtpoole9/hosted.html Yahoo: johntpoole AIM: blk4whtnga@aol.com ICQ #: 146925768

Next: Chapter 19

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