Justin and Chris

By JT's Place Webmaster

Published on Mar 28, 2004


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync, or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync, and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "jtpoole9@cybersouth.com". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

====================================== Justin and Chris -- Chapter 17 by JT Poole

// Memphis, TN -- Baptist College of Health Sciences (Hospital) -- The Nurse's Station //

"Hello, may I see someone in charge please?" The man asked, walking over to the nurse standing behind the counter.

"I'm in charge here, may I help you?" The woman asked.

"Hi, I'm John Poole, I am a private attorney. I am here at the request of Shawn Ashmore-Danson, I represent him and his husband. There seems to be a problem here." The man spoke.

"What kind of problem do you believe there to be here?" The nurse asked.

"My client Mr. Ashmore-Danson, as he likes to be called, was here a few hours ago and he was trying to find out the medical condition of his husband Wes Daniels. He stated to me that your hospital doesn't recognize him being Mr. Danson's legal relative. Is this true?" The man asked.

"Yes that's correct." The nurse stated.

"Excuse me, what's your name miss?" The man asked.

"My name is Constance, Constance Davies." The nurse spoke.

"Miss Davies by order of the Superior Court of Shelby County, you will tell Mr. Ashmore-Danson everything he needs to know about his husband or you and anyone else that hinders him getting information and making decisions for his husband's care will be held accountable and fined for denying them their civil liberties granted to them by the United States Constitution. Now here is the documentation to back up everything I just told you. I suggest you hold on to those and make copies if you have to, but let it be known that if Mr. Ashmore-Danson is denied the right to know the condition of his husband again or any information pertaining to his husband, the person that denied the information and the hospital will be sued. Now could you please tell my client the status of his husband please?" The man spoke, as Shawn walked up to the counter.

"Could you please tell the condition of Wes Danson please?" Shawn asked as the nurse glared at him, picking up a clipboard and reading what was going on with Wes.

"Currently he's out of surgery, he's in recovery now and about to be taken to a regular room." The nurse spoke.

"Thank you. Can I see him?" Shawn asked.

"I will have someone escort you do Mr. Danson." The nurse spoke. "Just wait over there and someone will be with you shortly."

"Thank you." John stated, walking over to where Shawn had walked, hugged him, handed him a card and shook his hand. "Call me back if you need me again. I hope Wes is doing okay also, I am sorry that all of this had to happen to him."

"Thank you John. I don't know what I would have done if you were not able to get here and take care of this for me." Shawn stated.

"Well it's not a problem, I am here and town to check on someone else too. My friend Randy is in this hospital. Seems he was in an accident recently." John stated, turning around.

"Would your friend happen to be Randy Harrison?" Shawn asked.

"Yes, why?" John asked.

"He's up here on this floor. He was involved in the same accident Wes was involved in." Shawn stated.

"You don't say." John stated.

"Yeah, Randy was shot by the same person that shot Wes." Shawn stated.

"Oh my God. Where is this person that shot them?" John asked.

"All I know is that he was taken to jail, Justin wasn't able to tell me more than that." Shawn stated.

"Thank you Shawn. I am going to see Randy, then I am going to make some calls and found out about this person that caused all of this." John stated, walking back over to the nurses station.

// Lance's Room //

"I just want to see Randy. It's plain and simple." Lance stated, turning over in bed.

"We can't just get him in here Lance, and you know this." Joey stated.

"Then I have nothing to say to you and anyone else. I am not talking to anyone else until I see Randy." Lance stated.

"Lance you know that's not possible right now. Both of you need to heal before you are able to moving around to see each other." Joey stated.

"He has a point Lance, you can barely move and Randy can barely move. How are you two going to see each other?" Chris asked.

"I guess he's not going to talk now." Justin stated. "I am going back outside to the waiting room. "He's just acting like a brat."

"Baby stop." Chris stated, grabbing Justin by the hand. "I understand how he feels. If we were both hurt, I would do everything I could to be able to see you."

"I would do the same, but he knows there's no way we can get Randy in here." Justin stated.

"Baby that's where you are wrong. I have an idea." Chris stated, kissing Justin on the cheek and walking out of the room.

"Where is he going?" Joey asked.

"I have no idea, but I hope he comes back soon." Justin stated, sitting down in a chair in the room.

// 30 Minutes Later //

"Okay Scoop, say hello to Randy." Chris stated, walking into the room, pushing in a TV monitor with a camera connected to it.

"What?" Lance asked, rolling over in the bed. "What are you trying to pull Chris?"

"Nothing Scoop. Just say thank you to modern technology." Chris stated, as he pressed a button and they were all able to see Randy down in his room. "Now say hello to your boyfriend."

"Randy? Can you hear me?" Lance asked, as Randy moved his hand, attempting to wave.

"Hey baby, how are you doing?" Randy asked.

"Oh baby, I was so worried about you." Lance stated.

"Come on guys, let's leave these two alone." JC stated, getting up and walking out of the room as the rest of the guys followed.

"Baby why don't we go back to the hotel, I am really tired and would like to spend some time with you." Justin stated.

"Sure, we have calmed Lance down for a while, maybe he will stop giving the nurses a hard time now." Chris stated. "Before we go, let's check on Shawn and Wes."

"Cool, I hope Wes is doing better than the last time I talked with Shawn." Justin stated.

"He probably is." Joey stated. "I heard he was in recovery earlier when I was waiting on you two to come back."

"Oh cool. So have they put him in a regular room yet?" Justin asked.

"Yeah, they moved him just before Chris left to get his little contraption." Joey stated.

"Cool, so let's go see him then head out." Justin stated.

"You two go ahead, I am going to head out to the van." Joey stated, walking towards the door and bumping into someone, knocking the person over. "Oh God sir, I am so sorry. Are you okay?"

"I am fine, are you okay?" John asked, helping Joey up.

"I am fine." Joey stated, connecting eyes with John and not looking away.

"Are you sure you are fine?" John asked, tapping Joey on the shoulder. "Man are you sure you are okay?"

"Yeah I'm okay just dazed a little. I'll be fine." Joey stated.

"Okay, sorry about that man, you have a good day." John stated walking off as Joey watched him leave.

"Damn Joey, snap out of it. You don't like guys, you like girls." Joey stated, walking out the door, stopping then looking back in the direction that John had walked in. "Damn he sure was hot."

// Back at the Hotel -- Chris and Justin's Room //

"Baby are you okay?" Justin asked.

"Yeah I am fine. This has just been a trying day." Chris stated, walking over to Justin, wrapping his arms around him and placing kisses on his neck. "I want you Justin, I have been wanting to do this all day long."

"I know the feeling baby. I have been wanting to kiss you all over." Justin stated, as the two of them quickly undressed each other and got into bed. "Baby fuck me. I want you in me hard and fast."

"Oh yeah baby, that's what I am talking about." Chris stated, grabbing a condom, and grabbing the lube. "You just don't know baby, I have had a case of blue balls for the last few hours. It's time to relieve the pressure."

"Stop talking and get busy." Justin stated, spreading his legs as Chris massaged lube into his puckered hole. "Fuck me now, talk later baby."

"You don't have to tell me twice." Chris stated, entering Justin, eliciting a moan from him.

"Oh shit baby, fuck me." Justin moaned out as Chris started to thrust into him faster.

"Oh God, help me, I am not gonna be able to hold off. Oh Shit! Somebody's coming!" Chris screamed.

"Who's coming?" Justin asked, moving into time with Chris' thrusts.

"Me!" Chris screamed out as he started shaking and collapsed on Justin's back.

"Damn baby, you didn't give me a chance to bust my nut." Justin stated, as Chris rolled over in the bed onto his back.

"Well baby, I think it's time you learned to give while others receive." Chris stated, grabbing another condom and the bottle of lube.

"What are you doing baby?" Justin asked.

"You are going to fuck me." Chris stated, rubbing some lube in his ass and putting the condom on Justin's dick, pulling him down to his body, guiding him into his love tunnel. "Go slow baby, you are my first."

"What, I am not ready for this." Justin stated as his dick made a `popping' noise and he slid into Chris' ass. "Oh God that feels so wonderful."

"Yes it does baby. Now I know how you feel when we make love." Chris stated, kissing Justin passionately.

"I know how you feel too. You feel so wonderful around my dick." Justin stated, getting into a rhythm now that he had got the hang of things. "I love you Chris."

"I love you Justin." Chris stated, grabbing Justin's ass, pulling him in deeper.

// Joey and JC's Room //

"What are you talking about Joe?" JC asked.

"I don't know man, I just don't know. I was walking out of the hospital when it happened. I think I'm gay." Joey stated, pacing back and forth in the room.

"Well if you are its okay Joe, not like no one else around here isn't gay." JC stated. "I just want to know are you sure?"

"I don't know, I don't know. All I know is I can't stop thinking about that guy from the hospital." Joey stated.

"Okay, so talk to the guy." JC stated.

"I'm scared. I don't know how to do that sort of thing." Joey stated.

"Joe the next time you see the guy, just talk to him. That's all you have to do." JC stated.

"C it's not that easy." Joey stated, walking over to the window.

"It is that easy. Just go with your gut." JC stated.

"My gut is telling me to pack my bags and leave." Joey stated.

"Don't do that. Just talk to the guy when you see him again." JC stated. "If you don't, I will kick your ass."

"Yeah right, like you can do it little man." Joey stated.

"I can do it, and you know I can." JC stated, walking over to Joey. "In your current state of mind, you might like that sort of thing."

"Ewwww, gross, not with you. You are like my brother." Joey stated.

"Yeah, your much cuter brother." JC stated, laughing. "Just talk to the guy. If you need help, ask Justin and Chris."

"I will ask them as soon as the walls stop shaking." Joey stated, making a reference to Justin and Chris having sex.

"Don't remind me of that. I don't want to think about those two having

sex." JC stated, walking over to the refrigerator in the room, grabbing a drink.

"Yeah tell me about it." Joey stated.

"Well I don't have to, you are the one having gay thoughts." JC stated. "You are the one that wants to be doing it with that guy you said."

"Oh shut up." Joey stated, throwing a pillow at JC.

====================================== TO BE CONTINUED...

Comments or Suggestions Contact Information

E-Mail: jtpoole9@cybersouth.com mailto:jtpoole9@cybersouth.com Website: http://home.cybersouth.com/jtpoole9/hosted.html Yahoo: johntpoole AOL/AIM: swainsboroguy2@aol.com ICQ #: 146925768

Next: Chapter 20

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