Justin and Chris

By JT's Place Webmaster

Published on Jul 31, 2004


Warnings and Disclaimers:

I don't know any of the members of NSYNC or any celebrity mentioned. I don't know anything about their sexual orientation or the orientation of any other celebrities in this story (even though I wish some of them were gay). This story is fiction and you shouldn't take it for anything else but that. This is only for entertainment value only folks. Hope you enjoy the show oh I mean reading.

====================================== Justin and Chris Chapter - 20 by JT Poole

// Memphis, TN - The Radisson Hotel - John's Hotel Room //

"Ja...Joey you kissed me." John spoke, stepping back from Joey.

"Yes I kissed you and I want to do it again." Joey spoke, walking closer to John, pinning him up against the wall and kissing him again.

"Please don't hurt me." John spoke out, tears in his eyes as he and Joey embraced and kissed again.

"I will try not to hurt you." Joey spoke as he and John held on to each other dancing in place to unheard symphony playing in their minds.

"Why don't we order dinner and get that movie." John spoke, leading Joey back over to the sofa as the two of them sat down and resumed their kissing as JT, dropped the menu he had just picked up, reaching over to the lamp to turn it off.

"We can eat later, the only thing I am hungry for is you." Joey spoke, kissing down John's neck.

"Oh God you feel so good on me." John moaned out, pulling Joey's shirt off and slinging it to another part of the room as Joey did the same thing with his shirt.

"If I wasn't gay, I am now." Joey spoke, laying back on the sofa and pulling John on top of him as they continued to kiss, still touching the other's body.

// Upstairs in Justin and Chris' Room //

"Oh baby, come on back to bed." Chris said, pulling the covers back, waiting for Justin to come back to bed.

"I am baby, let me get something." Justin spoke, making a lot of noise in the other room.

"Baby what are you doing in there?" Chris asked as Justin walked into the room carrying two flutes and a bottle of wine.

"I was getting some glasses and the wine so we can continue celebrating." Justin spoke, popping the cork on the wine and pouring the liquid into the glasses. "To Us."

"To us." Chris said as he and Justin clinked their flutes and took a drink.

"I love you Christopher Alan Kirkpatrick." Justin spoke, putting his flute down and moving closer to Chris.

"I love you too Justin Randall Timberlake." Chris spoke, pulling Justin on top of his body, pulling him down as the two of them shared a passionate kiss. "Are you ready for round two?"

"Yeah baby you know I am." Justin spoke, reaching under the covers and stroking Chris' dick. "I'm gonna ride you until you can't get it up no more."

"You are going to be on this for a while then." Chris spoke, wrapping his arm around Justin's shoulder, and urging him closer. "Come on baby, I can hardly wait to be back inside of you again."

"Glad I can't get pregnant, if I could you would be a daddy already." Justin said, giggling, leaning up to kiss Chris passionately as he crawled on to oh him, straddling his hips. "Let me get you in me."

"Go slow baby, I like to savor the feel of you sliding down ever so slowly." Chris moaned out, putting his hands on Justin's hips, stopping him from moving.

"I'll go slow baby, just let me get use to you in me again." Justin whispered in Chris' ear, kissing his neck, using his ass muscles to stroke Chris' dick.

// At the Hospital - Wes' Room //

"Baby calm down, please do that for me." Shawn spoke, trying to calm Wes down from screaming.

"No! I need to get out of here, I need to get out of here right now!" Wes screamed again, struggling with Shawn as a nurse walked into the room.

"What's going on in here?" The nurse asked.

"Get away from me! Don't you dare touch me!" Wes screamed at the nurse as she approached. "Get the fuck out!"

"Wes please calm down." Shawn spoke, rubbing Wes' back.

"No! No! Get away!" Wes screamed as another nurse walked into the room.

"What's going on in here?" The second nurse asked surveying the scene.

"I don't know Mary, I walked in and saw this." The first nurse spoke, pointing to Wes and Shawn.

"We need to get him calmed down and fast, he's disturbing the other patients here." The second nurse spoke, walking back out of the room.

"Sir, sir can you tell me what happened?" The first nurse asked.

"I don't know what happened. He was sleeping and he woke up screaming. I am doing my best to calm him down." Shawn spoke, still struggling with Wes.

"Well if he doesn't stop on his own, we will be forced to sedate him." The first nurse stated, walking out of the room as night doctor and the second nurse came into the room.

"What seems to be the problem here?" The doctor asked.

"There's no problem, he's calming down now." Shawn stated, sitting on the side of the bed, holding Wes in his arms, rocking him back and forth.

"Are you sure?" The doctor asked.

"I'm sure. He's calm now, there's no need for anyone to do anything." Shawn spoke, smoothing Wes' hair.

"Alright. If I am called again for any commotions in this room, I will sedate him." The doctor spoke as he and the nurse walked out.

"You won't be called again, I promise you that." Shawn spoke, still holding Wes as he started to cry softly.

"Goodnight gentlemen." The doctor spoke as the door closed.

"Baby talk to me, what did you see?" Shawn asked.

"Where's John?" Wes asked. "I need John."

"John's back at the hotel I guess with Joey." Shawn spoke, looking at Wes in the eye. "Baby talk to me please. Tell me what you saw."

"I...I can't, I need John." Wes stated, body trembling as he started struggling with Shawn.

"James Wesley Danson stop this right now." Shawn spoke, trying to calm Wes down again. "Don't make the doctor come back in here. The doctor said he would sedate you if you made him come back."

"I need John, I need John right now." Wes spoke, crying violently now.

"No baby, you need to rest, John isn't available right now." Shawn spoke, pulling out his cell phone. "I am going to call him and leave him a message for him to call us as soon as possible. Okay baby?"

"That's not okay, I need to get out of this place now. He's the only one that can get me out of here." Wes spoke through his tears.

"He's already made arrangements for you to leave in the morning. Baby just calm down and try to get some rest, please for me." Shawn spoke, calling John's cell and leaving a message.

// Back at the Radisson Hotel - John's Room //

"That was a wonderful dinner John, I'm stuffed.." Joey spoke, placing his fork down on the plate.

"You act as if I cooked it, you best thank Gionni's down the street." John spoke laughing.

"Well thank you Gionni for the wonderful dinner." Joey spoke laughing too. "Do you think he heard me?"

"I doubt it, but you get an 'A' for effort on that one." John spoke, removing the plates from the table and placing them into the trash.

"Well it's all good, I am here with you, we just had a wonderful meal, why don't we finish what we started earlier." Joey spoke, pulling John closer to him and placing a kiss to his lips.

"No Joey, stop, I think we are moving a little bit too fast." John spoke.

"I'm sorry." Joey spoke, releasing his hold on John's arms.

"Don't be sorry, I...I just don't want to get hurt again, I have been hurt too many times in..." John explained as Joey stopped him with another kiss.

"I am not going to hurt you John, let me show you that, let me love you." Joey spoke.

"Love me? You can't love me, we just met." John spoke.

"I can to love you. I told you earlier that I have strong feelings for you and I have determined that feeling to be love." Joey spoke, pulling John closer to him as the two of them embraced again and shared a passionate kiss.

"Joey please don't hurt me." John spoke.

"Trust me, I won't hurt you, I promise you that." Joey spoke, as the two men walked over to the sofa and sat down, embracing each other.

"Don't make promises you can't keep." John spoke, picking up the remote control and turning the television on.

"Why don't we skip the movie and just lie here together, just the two of us talking some more." Joey suggested, pulling John into a lying position next to him on the sofa, hugging him to his chest. "Let's see. What made you want to be a lawyer?"

"Well that's a long story." John spoke as his expression changed.

"What's wrong? What did I say or do?" Joey asked.

"No, it's not you. I'm sorry about that, I was just thinking about my adopted father." John spoke, wiping the tears away from his eyes. "My adopted father made me want to become a lawyer."

"Why? If you don't mind telling me." Joey spoke, rubbing John's back.

"Well to start when I was ten I told my mom and dad I was gay. Yes I knew way back then that I was gay, but they wanted nothing to do with me so I ran away from home. I would run away from home, and the police would bring me back. After awhile, my parents stopped sending the police to find me. So one day I ran away from him, and when the police got to me, I was taken to an orphanage. That place was terrible, there were days I wanted to just die. On my eleventh birthday, I met Wes. Wes' real parents had been killed in a car crash and that's why he was there. We became friends immediately and spent all of our time together. A few months later Wes was adopted by this couple that everyone thought was so nice. When he left, it felt as though a piece of my soul had been pulled from me." John explained.

"Oh God, I...I don't know what to say." Joey spoke. "What happened next?"

"Well a few weeks later, the family that adopted Wes came back to the orphanage." John said.

"Were they bringing Wes back?" Joey asked.

"No, they came to get me." John stated, adjusting his body next to Joey on the sofa. "Wes told them so much about me, and the fact that he didn't want to be without me, that they came to adopt me too."

"Sounds cool, you two were not separated. Go on." Joey said, caressing John's cheek.

"The housemother came to get me, and told me that I would be adopted. I was happy, and then thought about my real parents." John said, thinking back to that day. "I called my parents to talk to them and my dad answered, telling me that I should be happy that he and mom terminated their parental rights a long time ago and that they didn't care where I went and who adopted me. He hung up the phone and I haven't spoken to either of them since then."

"Oh that's fucking wrong." Joey spoke.

"Yes it is, but I quickly got over it." John said. "Later on that day, all of my stuff was gathered up and I went home with Wes and what was my new family. We all went out to celebrate the new addition to the Sullivan family."

"Things are sounding good so far." Joey expressed. "So I see neither you nor Wes changed your last names."

"No we didn't change our last names. That's something I felt I should keep regardless if my parents didn't want me. I was still a part of them and they will always know there was a part of themselves out in the world that they threw away."

"Well that's their loss." Joey spoke, rubbing John's back. "So go on, what else happened?"

"Things went on good for the next three years and then we got another addition to the family." John said, thinking back to that day. "Me and Wes were out in the back playing hoops when dad came home with Kevin, our new younger brother. Kevin's mom was a drug addict and his dad use to molest him so we thought it was odd of dad to bring him home considering his background."

"What's wrong with him?" Joey asked.

"Well he was abused..." John stated as Joey cut him off.

"You were abused in a different way, your parents threw you away. I don't know if they physically did anything to you, but neglecting your child is abuse." Joey explained.

"Yeah it is, but what I was getting at was that he was troubled and that he wasn't right in the head after all he had gone through." John said, setting up now, with Joey moving with him.

"What actually happened John?" Joey asked, seeing that John was feeling uneasy about telling the story.

"Well Kevin didn't sleep in the room with us, he had a bed in our room, but he would always end up with Tommy and Karen." John spoke, playing with some imaginary item in his hand.

"John if you don't want to continue, you don't have to. I am so sorry for starting this conversation." Joey spoke, hugging John, taking notice of his current state of mind.

"No, I'm okay Joey." John spoke, kissing Joey on the cheek. "It's just something that I need to tell you, if you want to be a part of my life, you might as well know what went on in it."

"But if it hurts you I want you to stop, I don't want to see you hurt." Joey spoke, caressing John's face in his hands and placing a kiss to his lips.

"I'll be okay." John spoke, moving back into a lying position on the sofa, this time facing Joey.

"Okay babe, but if you want to stop you can, this isn't required." Joey spoke, kissing him on the forehead.

"Okay." John said, taking in a breath as he started again. "As I was saying earlier, Kevin would never sleep in his bed, he would always end up with Tommy and Karen in their bed. He claimed he was having nightmares, and he probably was considering his past. That went on for a few months and then Karen suggested that Kevin see a therapist. Tommy disagreed at first, but then he came around on the idea. A few days later Kevin started going to therapy. I bet you wondering did this stop the sleep problem, well it didn't Kevin got worst. He would sleep in his own bed, but later on in the night he would get up and leave the room and go to Tommy and Karen's room and crawl into bed with them."

"So the therapy wasn't working?" Joey asked.

"Well put it this way, the therapy was working, but Kevin wasn't." John said as Joey looked at him strangely.

"What do you mean by that baby?" Joey asked.

"Well in Kevin's mind, Tommy was his real father and had associated what had happened to him with Tommy, so he started getting physical with Tommy." John explained.

"Are you saying that he thought Tommy was his real dad and that he started having sex with Tommy?" Joey asked.

"That's exactly what I am saying." John spoke, causing Joey to look at him with horror on his face. "Tommy had been having sex with Kevin every time that they were together. It seems the chain of life repeats itself doesn't it?"

"Oh God, so what did Karen your mother say about this?" Joey asked.

"Well she didn't know what was going on or she claimed she didn't know when one of Kevin's teachers figured out what was going on." John spoke, looking away.

"Did you suspect something was going on?" Joey asked.

"At first I didn't, but as time went by I started thinking that something had to be happening because Tommy and Kevin spent so much time together. Then things started to fit together. On my sixteenth birthday, Karen organized this big giant birthday bash for me. She had invited all of our friends along with the kids in the neighborhood. At the party, Kevin, Tommy and a few other men would disappear from the party. Both Wes and me noticed this and decided to see what was going on. The next time we saw Kevin and Tommy, we decided to follow them. When we got inside the house, we didn't have no idea what we would find, but it blew both of our minds. Lying there on the bed was Kevin completely naked with one of the men from the neighborhood having sex with him." John explained, tears slowly falling from his eyes.

"Oh shit. Tommy was passing him around?" Joey asked.

"Yes he was passing him around. Kevin was only twelve years old . How could Tommy do that to him? How could a man slated with protecting us from harm pass one of us around like that?" John asked.

"I don't know baby, I really don't know why people do the things they do." Joey answered, wrapping his arms around John.

"We stood there at the foot of the stairs watching each man take a turn with Kevin, he looked like he was drugged up or something." John spoke again. "One after another, the men would get into the bed, have their way with him and then get off of him, leaving him left on the bed. We stood there watching all of them until one of the man walked out of the room towards us and spotted us."

"Oh God, please don't..." Joey spoke, tears running down his face now.

"The man walked over to where me and Wes was and he grabbed me first and then Wes. He told Tommy that he wanted me. I struggled with him and Tommy slapped me to make me stop. The man said he would pay more for me, that I looked like one that would offer more." John continued talking, wiping tears as he told Joey the remnants of his past. "Then he looked at Wes and said 'I have a friend that would just love him too' and he pulled out his wallet and handed Tommy a card and told him to call the number. About an hour later, Tommy left to go back outside and he told Karen that he was taking all of us boys camping and that she would have the house for the next few days. "

"He took you guys camping and those men hurt all of you?" Joey asked.

"Well he took us camping, but nothing didn't happen." John said, calming down a little bit.

"What happened then?" Joey asked.

"Well it seems that the police had been investigating the men that we went camping with so they were arrested and we went back home early." John said. "When we got back home, Wes told Karen what happened. She didn't believe it at first, but after I told her too, she believed it and filed for divorce."

"That's good." Joey spoke.

"No it wasn't good. When they divorce proceedings started, Tommy's friends lied about Karen and had her set up to fail. When it was time to award custody of us to one of them, Tommy made things look like Karen was unfit and that she wouldn't be able to take care of us. So he won custody of us and she wasn't able to see us. So we had to go with him, regardless of what we said."

"What! You gots to be kidding me." Joey exclaimed, calming down when John, kissed him on the cheek.

"The first thing Tommy did was adopt another kid, his name was Chad and his parents had died like Wes' parents. He wasn't gay like me and Wes, but regardless of that, he was going to change him anyway." John said, sitting up again.

"Baby I think you need to stop and let's get some air." Joey spoke, standing up, grabbing John by the hand, pulling him out to the balcony. "Look at the lights they are so beautiful, just like you."

"Flattery gets you everywhere." John spoke, wrapping his arms around Joey's waist and placing a kiss to his lips. "I'm sorry I am laying all of this out on the table like this. Hearing all of this, you probably have changed your mind about us being together now."

"No I haven't changed my mind. Is that what you were trying to do?" Joey asked, rubbing John's face. "I don't care what you tell me, my feelings will still be strong for you."

"That's what you say now, but time will tell." John spoke.

"In time you will see that I love you and I know you feel somewhat similar. It might not be love right now, but I am sure it will come in time when you trust me more." Joey spoke. "Are you ready to go back in and tell me more?"

"I guess so, but why don't we stay out here." John spoke, sitting in the chair and pulling Joey down in his lap, as the two of them sat in the lounge chair.

"Okay baby, whatever that will make you happy." Joey spoke, placing a kiss on John's lips.

"So Chad took Kevin's bed and Kevin started sleeping with Tommy. The next thing Tommy did was move us to a new location so that he was sure that Karen couldn't help us or interfere with his plans. We moved out west to Tempe Arizona. When we got to Arizona, he legally changed his name so that Karen couldn't find him. He enrolled the three of us into a private school there and had false records created for the three of us." John explained as Joey stopped him.

"Three? I thought it was four of you. You, Wes, Chad and Kevin. That's four people baby." Joey spoke.

"I'm sorry, I left out a piece." John spoke, kissing Joey on the cheek. "Well me, Wes and Chad were enrolled into school. He wouldn't let Kevin go to school, he felt that Kevin was too fragile and that he couldn't keep up the appearance of our new identities. I was no longer John Poole, I became John Danson, and Wes became Wes Poole and Chad took Tommy's real last name, he was Chad Sullivan. He thought that this would keep Karen from finding us and anyone else that she might send to find us and get us away from him. When school started for the three of us, Tommy told us that if we slipped up, he would kill the one that made a mistake, so that's how his secret was safe. We did what he told us too and dealt with it the best we could.""

"Is this Tommy still alive?" Joey asked.

"Yes he's still alive." John answered. "My senior year of high school, a few months before my eighteenth birthday, Tommy went as far as selling me to three men in one night. I refused to go with the men and he beat me up, Wes tried to help me and he beat Wes up too. So to solve the problem, he sent Chad in my place and the men brutalized him. When they brought him back to us, he basically stopped talking or anything, he was lost within his mind. We actually had to feed him and see after him. It was like his whole life, his personality was erased from his body. Tommy didn't stop there, he moved on to Wes and started selling him out again. The same men that had gotten to Chad, got to Wes and they beat him, and did every deviant sexual thing they could think of to him. When Wes came back to me, he was in a similar state of that of Chad, be Wes was strong, he bounced back and we came up with the idea to run away and find Karen. I went to talk to the police to see what could be done about Tommy, but that only made matters worse. He found out and said that none of could leave the house again. It got so bad that he would actually chain us to the walls in our room and he would only take Kevin with him. One day he let me out to service someone and when I was done with the guy, I was able to get into the kitchen. While in the kitchen, I grabbed a knife and put it in my pants. While Tommy was escorting me back to the room, I took the knife and stabbed him in the chest, I tried to kill him, I wanted to do what I could so I could get away from him, but I missed his heart. Oh well, he fell backwards down the stairs, I run up to the room and unlocked Wes, Chad and I couldn't find Kevin. Me and Wes got Chad out of the house and I called the police. The police came to get us and took me to jail for attacking Tommy."

"What? Didn't you tell them what was going on?" Joey asked.

"Yes I did, but since they didn't have any proof of that, the only thing they had to go on was that I had stabbed Tommy and that he was lying on the floor bleeding to death." John explained as the night sky turned cloudy, and it started to drizzle.

"Come on before we get drenched." Joey spoke, jumping up, pulling John up with him.

"That felt good." John said, laughing as he and Joey stood in the room dripping water on the floor.

"I think we better get out of these clothes before we catch a cold." Joey spoke.

"Come on." John spoke, pulling Joey towards the bedroom.

"Why are we going into your bedroom?" Joey asked, smiling widely.

"To change into something else, get your mind out of the gutter." John said laughing as Joey frowned.

"Damn, I thought we were going to do it or something." Joey spoke.

"I don't think so Mr. Fatone. The only thing we are going to do is get out of these wet clothes." John said.

"Cool even better, I get to see you naked." Joey spoke, laughing at the expression on John's face.

"No you don't." John said, giving Joey a pair of shorts to put on. "Go in there and put those on."

"I can put them on right here." Joey stated, unbuttoning his shorts and letting them fall to the floor as he took off his shirt too. Standing in front of John in his natural glory.

"Oh my God." John spoke, staring at Joey's naked body.

"What?" Joey asked, getting paranoid now, hurrying to put the shorts on. "What's wrong? You are looking at me like I have a third eye or something."

"You are beautiful." John whispered, barely audible.

"What did you say?" Joey asked.

"I said you are beautiful." John repeated his comment.

"Thanks, I think." Joey stated, walking over to John and helping him out of his wet clothes. "Why don't we get into bed to warm back up."

"Ummm, I don't know." John spoke.

"We are both adults here, I know how to behave, do you?" Joey asked, being funny.

"Of course I do." John said, just as Joey held up his wet shorts, causing John to realize he was standing there naked.

"Where do you want me to put these wet things?" Joey asked, bringing John out of his daydream.

"Put them in there, just hang them on the racks in there, they should dry." John spoke, walking over to the dresser and pulling something out as Joey whistled at his butt. "Stop that."

"You have a sexy ass." Joey spoke, walking over to John and kissing him again. "It's cold in here, why don't we go ahead and get into bed."

"Okay, just behave yourself Mr. Fatone." John spoke, sliding into bed on his side as Joey crawled across him and get in on the other side, wrapping his arms around John's waist under the covers.

"Okay finish the story." Joey said, snuggling up to John.

"Okay, where was I?" John asked.

"You were talking about Tommy getting stabbed and you going to jail because the police didn't have proof." Joey answered.

"Okay so the police took me to jail, and put Chad and Wes in the hospital. When they got me into jail, in the light, they saw all the marks and bruises on me. So they took me to the hospital and they got the proof they needed to arrest Tommy and his friends. Tommy's trial went on and on for a few months before he actually was found guilty and put in jail. After we got put back with Karen, Wes started to really loose it. Wes just didn't want to be around anybody and he thought his best bet was to kill himself. After Karen found out about this, she got him into therapy along with Kevin, then she put me there too." John explained as Joey wrapped his arms tighter around his waist.

"Okay, so what made you want to be a lawyer?" Joey asked again.

"Well during the trial, I enjoyed how the lawyers argued with each other, and I enjoyed seeing the look on Tommy's face when the judge said he was guilty. I want to fight crime, and being a lawyer is how I can do it." John stated, wrapping his arms around Joey and kissing him passionately.

"I enjoyed that. Could you please do it again?" Joey asked as he and John kissed again.

// At The Hospital - Lance's Room //

"I have been calling him since eleven, he hasn't answered any of my calls or the messages that I left him." Lance spoke, talking with JC.

"I am quite sure he's still on his date with John." JC spoke, yawning. "I am quite sure he has his phone turned off or something. Just talk to him in the morning Scoop."

"I need to talk to him tonight. I had a bad dream and I am worried about him." Lance spoke, trying to maneuver himself differently in the bed.

"Don't worry about him, give him until tomorrow sometime, I am quite sure he will call you back." JC speak, yawning again. "Scoop I am going back to bed. Stop worrying and go back to sleep."

"I can't Josh, but I will give up for now." Lance spoke, pressing the end button on his phone.

// Back at the Radisson - Chris and Justin's Room //

"Baby I can't wait to become Justin Kirkpatrick." Justin spoke, kissing Chris passionately.

"I can't wait either baby." Chris spoke, sitting up in bed. "You know it's almost three and we are still awake. That's a new sex record for us."

"Oh stop it baby, we did sleep earlier today." Justin spoke, playfully hitting Chris in the chest and then placing a kiss to his lips. "Come on baby, I feel like a shower."

"Well come on." Chris spoke, grabbing Justin's hand, pulling him out of bed. "You ready for the nest round?"

"Baby I am sore. I don't think we should have sex again tonight, wait till tomorrow." Justin spoke, rubbing his ass.

"Maybe you have a point." Chris spoke, walking funning into the bathroom.

"Instead of a shower, I think we should fill the tub and soak, I think we both need it." Justin spoke, leaning over the bathtub and turning the faucet on.

"Get it good and hot." Chris spoke, stripping out of his clothes.

"You know I am baby." Justin spoke, wrapping his arms around Chris. "Soon we will be doing this all the time."

"Hello we do it all the time now." Chris laughed, stepping into the tub, testing the water with his toe.

"Silly, I mean we would be doing this as husbands." Justin spoke, taking his clothes off and putting his hand in the water to test the temperature.

"Come on in baby, the water is just right." Chris spoke, holding his hands out to Justin.

"Oh yeah that feels good." Justin spoke, sinking into the tub next to Chris.

"I can fall asleep in here." Chris spoke, placing a kiss on Justin's lips.

"Well if you do, you can prune by yourself, I don't feel like being wrinkly." Justin laughed, lying his head on Chris' chest.


Comments or Suggestions Contact Information

E-Mail: jtpoole9@nctv.com Website: Yahoo: johntpoole AOL/AIM: swainsboroguy2@aol.com ICQ #: 146925768

Next: Chapter 23

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