Justin and Chris

By JT's Place Webmaster

Published on Dec 2, 2023


Warnings and Disclaimers:

I don't know any of the members of NSYNC or any celebrity mentioned. I don't know anything about their sexual orientation or the orientation of any other celebrities in this story (even though I wish some of them were gay). This story is fiction and you shouldn't take it for anything else but that. This is only for entertainment value only folks. Hope you enjoy the show oh I mean reading.

====================================== Justin and Chris Chapter -- 23 by JT Poole

// Memphis, TN -- Baptist Medical Center -- 2 Weeks Later (Wednesday) -- Lance' s Room//

"Good morning Scoop, what's shaking?" Justin asks as he and Chris walk into the room.

"Nothing at all. Have any of you seen John?" Lance asks, sitting up in the bed.

"Not yet. I bet he and Joey are sleeping in, I heard they had a late

night." Chris laughs as Justin smacks his arm.

"I don't want to hear about it." Lance says, looking away quickly.

"So are you getting ready to get away from this place?" Chris asks, sitting next to the bed, pulling Justin into his lap.

"Yeah I am, that's why I am looking for John." Lance states, as someone knocks at the door. "Come in."

"Good morning Lance." John says as he steps into the room followed by Joey, JC and Shawn. "How are you feeling today?'

"I'm feeling like I'm ready to go home now." Lance answers him.

"Whoa there buddy I know you are upset that Randy is gone, but don't take that out on my man." Joey says, stepping closer to Lance.

"Ah blow it out your ass Joe." Lance says, as looks away and then punches the bed. "I'm sorry, I'm just missing Randy is all."

"That's understandable Lance, but I am not the blame for that." John says as Joey hugs him. "I have some good news and some bad news for you. Which do you want to hear first?"

"Oh give me the bad news first." Lance replies.

"Okay here it is. Once you get out of the hospital you can't perform for a few more weeks." John says, waiting on a reply from Lance.

"And the good news is?" Lance asks.

"Once they release you in a few minutes, you can go back home to Orlando, rest and relax, and live it up." John says.

"Is that all?" Lance asks, tears streaming down his face.

"For right now yeah." John says, stepping away from Lance's bed. "If you guys need me, I will be down in the waiting area."

"John?" Joey says, looking at Lance, shooting daggers at him and then at John as he walks from the room followed by Shawn.

// Down in the Waiting Room //

"Out with it John, talk to me." Shawn says, sitting down across from his brother-in-law. "You are bummed and you know it. Spill."

"I think I made a mistake, a big mistake." John says, looking at his hands.

"What did you do?" Shawn asks.

"I was always told never to get involved with people you work for and/or with and I have already broken that rule." John says, not meeting Shawn's eyes.

"No you haven't John." Shawn says.

"Yes I have. I am dating Joey. I broke that rule." John says.

"You don't work for Joey." Shawn says.

"Not right now I don't but next week I will be." John says, pulling some papers out of his briefcase.

"What do you mean by that?" Shawn asks, looking at the papers John had handed him.

"Starting next week, I will be working for Jive Entertainment in Orlando. Since I was handling all of Wes' medical issues along with helping Lance and Randy, I was offered a job by Johnny Wright in the legal department there." John explains. "It seems someone let it slip that me and Joey were together and a certain someone put in a word on how good I was."

"Sounds good John. So how does it feel to be dating someone that can get you into the big time?" Shawn asks, hugging John.

"It felt good, but after the way Lance just acted, maybe...maybe I made a mistake." John says, standing up and walking over to the windows. "Maybe I shouldn't move to Orlando now."

"Move to Orlando? Wait a minute, you live in New York John." Shawn states, looking at John strangely. "You going to sell the house?"

"No, not exactly. I am going to somewhat keep the place in New York and I am going to get me a place in Orlando too." John says, walking back over to Shawn.

"Are you sure of that or are you going to be staying with Joey?" Shawn asks, smirking at John.

"Well that's an option, but I don't know yet. What if we don't work out like he wants?" John says, looking at Shawn with tears in his eyes.

"You guys have been together for the last two and a half weeks and you seem to be in love to me." Shawn says, hugging John. "You need to stop thinking about the past and give him a chance. You know me and Wes had a rocky start because of you guys' past, but we got through it. Give Joey a chance, he really seems to like and love you. Don't push him away John, he's not my brother and he's not those other jerks you have been with in the past."

"I know Shawn, I just don't want to hurt him and I don't want to get hurt." John replies, looking down at the floor.

"Don't sweat it man, you two will be together forever." Shawn says, smiling at John. "Congrats on the job, so what happens to the house in New York while you are not there?"

"You and your husband will be there. You can get away from that rat trap you two live in." John says laughing.

"We don't live in a rat trap, my condo is just fine thank you very much." Shawn says laughing at John.

"It may not be a rat trap, but it's small like one. Move into the house and stop whining." John says laughing as Shawn looks over his shoulder, spotting Joey standing there.

"Hi Joey." Shawn says as John turns around.

"Hello Shawn. Can I take him from you for a bit?" Joey asks.

"Sure, have your way with him. Wait you have already done that." Shawn says as Joey starts to blush.

"You told him?" Joey asks.

"I didn't tell him anything, you just did." John says as he and Shawn starts laughing at the expression on Joey's face.

"Oh ha ha, really funny." Joey says, sitting down as Shawn pats Joey on the back and walks away. "Are you okay John?"

"I am fine. Why wouldn't I be?" John asks as Joey grabs his hand, placing a kiss on the palm.

"Well Lance was being rude to you back there, I wanted to make sure he didn' t hurt your feelings or anything." Joey says, kissing John's palm again. "I don't want him hurting my man."

"Oh stop Joey, I'm fine." John says, pulling his hand away from Joey.

"Are you really?" Joey asks, grabbing John's hand again.

"Yeah I'm fine. You are acting all paranoid." John says.

"Well I was just checking. So when were you planning to tell us that you accepted the job at Jive?" Joey asks.

"I...ah...well...oh...I..." John stutters as Joey looks around quickly and then places a kiss to John's lips.

"I overheard you two talking about it." Joey says, smiling at the shocked look on John's face. "I knew you were going to get the job. After Johnny checked you act, he sad he heard nothing but good things about you and your work."

"You were eavesdropping and your friend Johnny was spying. Hmmm, makes for a terrible combo." John says, poking Joey playfully.

"Yeah, but it's not like you are going to hold that against me." Joey says, rubbing John's shoulders.

"I won't hold this against you this time Joseph, but do it again and I might...I might have to beat you up." John says, looking at Joey with a straight face.

"You...you joking right? You would actually beat me up?" Joey asks, looking at John, shocked by what he just heard.

"Joking? Why would I be joking Joseph?" John asks, looking at Joey and cracking a small, just as he bursts into laughter. "Look at that face, you were looking like you were about to cry."

"That's not funny John." Joey says, looking down at the floor quickly.

"Dang you are easy." John says, still laughing. "You won't make it around me, Shawn and Wes at all."

"We will see about that." Joey says, smiling again. "So are you going to move in with me, since you will be in Orlando?"

"I think that's a big step for me to be making so quickly Joey." John replies, turning around. "We haven't known each other that long Joey, it's a real big step."

"A big step?" Joey says, looking at John. "You just told him..."

"Ha ha got you again." John says, smiling at Joey as his expression changes. "I am looking on the positive side Joey. So far nothing negative, besides Lance, has happened with us."

"That's right baby and nothing bad is going to happen to us. You know if we lived together, we would be able to kiss, cuddle and all that other stuff we do all the time." Joey says, winking at JT as Justin and Chris walks into the waiting area.

"Hey you two." Justin says. "The doctor has discharged brainiac back there, so we can go out for breakfast and get ready to go back home."

"Cool." Joey says. "We can get something to eat before we get on that long boring plane ride."

"I'm not getting on a plane." John says, looking down.

"What? Why not John?" Justin asks.

"I am driving my car to Orlando." John says, not meeting Joey's eyes.

"Why drive, you can have your car carried to Orlando." Chris says.

"I would rather drive." John says as Joey grabs his hand.

"John are you afraid of flying?" Joey asks.

"I'm not afraid, I just don't like planes." John states, as Shawn, JC and Lance join them.

"Come on people lets roll." JC states, standing at the Waiting Room entrance.

"We are coming." Justin states as he and Chris get up and walk out.

"I know what you are thinking Joey and that's not possible, you have to ride with your friends on the plane." John states.

"You are good." Justin says, laughing at the expression on Joey's face.

"You scare me when you predict what I'm going to say." Joey states.

"It's only a gift, I try to use it wisely." John states, smiling, as Chris and Justin look at him strange.

"That's our secret guys, stop being nosey." Joey says, hugging John. "So lets go have breakfast then and enjoy ourselves until we are back together again."

"That's something we can do." John says as they walk out of the Waiting Area to join the others.

"I will meet you all at the restaurant Joey." John says, hugging Joey as they parted.

"I will be waiting for you baby." Joey says, walking out of the hospital lobby.

// At the Restaurant //

"I would really like it if you flew with us." Joey states, holding John's hand under the table.

"I told you Joey, I'm going to drive my car to Orlando." John said, placing French fries in his mouth. "I will be in Orlando in a few days, that's if nothing happens along the way."

"Don't say that baby. Nothing's going to happen to you." Joey says, leaning in closer to his lover and touching heads with him. "I love you and I don't want to lose you."

"I was only saying..." John states, being cut off by Joey.

"I know baby, but still. Nothing's going to happen to you." Joey says as Justin and Chris walks over to their table.

"Sorry to but in on you two's time, but we are getting ready to head to the airport." Justin states, patting Joey on the back. "John are you coming with us?"

"Yes I guess I can come to see you guys off." John answered, standing up, pulling out his wallet, and laying a few bills on the table.

// 1 Hour Later -- The Airport -- Gate 23 VIP Lounge //

"I'm gonna miss you baby." Joey says, kissing John passionately.

"I'm gonna miss you too Joey. " John says as he sees Justin and Chris sitting across from them smirking and pointing. "What are you two smirking at?"

"You two guys, that's what." Justin says, laughing now. "You two are mushy, more mushy than me and lover boy here."

"I don't think so, I have seen you two being mushy, no couple on Earth compares to the mushiness that you two generate." John says, shaking his head and getting up, just as their plane was being called.

"Gate 23 is now accepting passengers for first class." A person says over the PA system.

"I guess that's us baby." Joey says, leaning in and placing a kiss to John' s lips. I don't want to leave you."

"Well you have no choice but to, now scoot baby before you get left behind." John says, kissing him and pushing him towards his friends. I will see you in a few days."

"I will be waiting for you baby." Joey says, his somber expression changing to sadness.

"I know." John replies, turning around and walking towards the lounge exit.


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Next: Chapter 26

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