Justin and Chris

By JT's Place Webmaster

Published on Dec 15, 2022


Warnings and Disclaimers:

I don't know any of the members of NSYNC or any celebrity mentioned. I don't know anything about their sexual orientation or the orientation of any other celebrities in this story (even though I wish some of them were gay). This story is fiction and you shouldn't take it for anything else but that. This is only for entertainment value only folks. Hope you enjoy the show oh I mean reading.

====================================== Justin and Chris Chapter -- 24 by JT Poole

// Friday Morning -- I-75 to Florida //

"John I think I should drive some. You have been driving since we left Tennessee." Shawn says, looking in the backseat at Wes.

"I'm okay Shawn. When I am ready for you to drive I will let you know." John says, moving into another lane as someone cuts him off. "Stupid


"Okay that's it John. You need to pull over. You need to rest or something." Shawn says as John pulls over.

"I don't need to rest. I need to get us to Orlando." John says, hitting the steering wheel.

"Calm down J, you need some rest." Wes says from the backseat.

"You stay outta this." John says, turning to look at Wes.

"What's going through your head John? What's the matter?" Shawn asks.

"I'm sorry. I guess all this is really getting to me now." John says, picking up his handkerchief and wiping his face.

"Is something going on with you and Joey?" Shawn asks.

"Did he do something J? If he did I will kick his ass." Wes says.

"Didn't I tell you to be quiet back there? We don't need comments from the peanut galley." John says, as Wes hits him in the back of the head. "Alright Mr. Danson, don't start. You already trying to start some mess. Just like you upstate white boys."

"Oh whatever bro. You dating an upstate white boy." Wes says, sticking his tongue out at John.

"No I'm dating a southern boy that escaped from upstate." John says, smacking Wes in the back of the head. "Quiet chile. Don't open yo' mouth no mo."

"Damn you still have that ghetto kuntree in you." Wes says, laughing as John turns around. "Why don't you tell us what's going on bro."

"Well I was talking to Joey last night and well he told me that the other tour manager, what's his name got out of jail and has brought a law suit against them, names you and me as defendants too." John explains.

"What? Can he do that?" Wes asks.

"Well the complaint is that you used illegal means to obtain his job and that I helped you get the job through other unethical legal means." John says.

"What? You gots to be kidding bro." Wes says. "This sounds like a joke you are spinning me."

"No joke Wes, I'm not kidding about this." John says. "He's serious about this stuff. Johnny called me about this on Thursday morning and told me about it. After the guys landed in Orlando, Daniel was there at the airport waiting on them."

"Oh damn. How did Lance handle that?" Shawn asks, remembering what he heard about Daniel and Lance.

"Joey said he didn't take it good at all. Before they could get him home, he started freaking out. He broke down at the airport and they had to put him back in the hospital." John says.

"Damn him! How could they let him outta jail for what he did to me, Lance and Randy. Don't we mean more than that?" Wes asks, sitting up in the seat now, moving behind John. "This ain't right bro. Can that bastard get away with this?"

"Right now he's getting away with it." John says, as he turns off the car, opens the door and gets out and walks around the car to the other side. "Okay Shawn you can drive us the rest of the way. I guess I am really tired. You better not hurt my baby. I've had this car a long time and I am not looking to get rid of her now. Be warned mister, I hand her over to you in good condition and you better hand her back to me in the same condition."

"Damn you act like you won't be in the car with us." Shawn says, opening the door and getting in the car.

"Sorry Shawn, I love my car. I know how bad you can get when behind the wheel." John says, sitting in the seat and closing the passenger side door. "Let's get going."

"So what happens when we get to Orlando?" Wes asks.

"Well I am going to drop you off at the apartment and then I am going to work." John says, letting his seat back as he positions himself in the seat to take a nap. "Wake me up when you get closer to Orlando."

"Will do John." Shawn says, smiling in the rearview mirror at Wes as John closes his eyes.

// In Orlando -- Chris' House //

"He's going to be okay Justin. Take it easy baby." Chris says, walking over to Justin and sitting down next to him. "We have to give him some time baby."

"Time? Time? He was getting better and now this!" Justin shouts. "First him and Randy have to separate because of that freak and now this!"

"Justin please." Chris says, as Justin stomps out of the room.

"What's going on in here?" Joey asks, walking into the kitchen.

"Justin's a little bit upset about the way things are going with Lance." Chris replies, walking over to the refrigerator and grabbing something to drink. "You want something Joe?"

"No, I'm okay right now." Joey replies. "I'm just worried about John."

"Why are you worried about John?" Chris asks.

"He's been acting kinda strange. When I talked to him last night he sounded strange to me and when we left he acted as though something was bothering him." Joey says, looking down at the table.

"Could he be upset with Lance still?" Chris asks, sitting down next to Joey.

"I don't think its that, I'm worried about things in his past." Joey says.

"What about his past?" Chris asks.

"I...I can't say. I'm just worried about him." Joey says.

"Joe you can't say something like that and not tell us. What's wrong with his past? Is he a criminal or something?" Chris asks.

"Just forget I ever said anything." Joey says, getting up and walking out of the kitchen.

"Joe. Joey come back." Chris says, walking into the living room behind Joey.

"Just forget about it Chris. I don't want to get into that with you." Joey says.

"Joe I'm your friend. You know you can talk to me about anything. You know that." Chris says. "What's worrying you?"

"Promise me you won't tell no body else Chris, nobody, not even Justin." Joey says, looking at Chris with a little bit of concern in his eyes.

"I promise Joe. What's so bad that it has to stay secret?" Chris asks, sitting next to Joey on the sofa.

"Well it's a long story, but I will give you the short and sweet version of things. John, Wes and their other brothers had a bad childhood. Due to that childhood, John and Wes have some screwed up emotions and I feel those emotions go deeper than what he's telling me."

"What do you mean Joey?" Chris asks, rubbing his back.

"I love him but I know...I know he has some mental issues. He's scared to let people in." Joey says, getting up. "He's always on guard and he feels that behind every corner that someone is going to hurt him."

"How did he get that way Joe? Tell me." Chris says, standing up now.

"I can't tell you that Chris." Joey says, turning away from his friend. "I just wish there was some way for me to help him."

"Well if you tell me what actually happened, we might be able to find out a way to help him." Chris replies.

"I can't tell you what happened to him Chris. I won't tell you. If John wants to tell you he can, but I am not going to betray his trust in me." Joey says, turning around again. "Just forget I ever said anything about this."

"Joe...alright." Chris says, as Joey holds his hand up and walks past him.

// Out in the Backyard //

"What's wrong Curly?" JC asks, sitting down next to Justin.

"I'm worried about Lance." Justin answers, looking up at JC.

"He's going to be okay Curly. It's just a small set back." JC says, hugging Justin.

"It's not a small set back. Randy is gone out of his life and now Daniel comes back again to haunt him." Justin says, standing up. "That's not a small set back!"

"Justin calm down. Don't get upset." JC says, standing up now, reaching for Justin.

"No Josh! Don't touch me!" Justin shouts, walking away from his best friend.

"What's going on out here?" Chris asks, running up to JC.

"Justin's upset about Lance." JC replies, as Chris looks around the yard for his lover.

"Yeah he's upset. He's upset about that damn Daniel coming back and making things worse." Chris says.

"Is there something you are not telling me? Am I missing something here?" JC asks.

"Well yeah you are." Chris replies. "Daniel is threatening to go public with all of our relationships if he doesn't get what he wants."

"Oh no. That bastard! Let me at him, I'll tear him a new asshole!" JC shouts, turning and punching the wall and then pulling his hand to his chest. "Fuckin' Owww!"

"Josh! Are you okay man?" Chris asks, reaching for JC's hand, looking at it.

"I'll be alright." JC says, still holding his hand to his chest. "Why didn 't you guys tell me this? When did this happen?"

"Johnny told us when he called, me and Justin into the conference room." Chris says. "Daniel told Johnny that if his demands are not met, then he would go public with the information he knows about me, Justin, Lance and Randy."

"What about Joey and John?" JC asks, sitting down on one of the lounge chairs around the pool.

"Daniel doesn't know about Joey and John. Those two get together after he was gone remember?" Chris says.

"Yeah I remember. So what are you and Justin going to do if he decides to go public?" JC asks.

"Well I want to come out, but Justin hasn't made up his mind yet. He's upset that if we get outed it would fuck up our careers." Chris responds, pacing back in forth in front of JC. "And I don't really think he's ready to come out yet."

"Maybe he not ready, but that's something you two have to think about just in case Daniel does something stupid and outs you guys anyway." JC says.

"I know Josh, but I don't think it would matter either way. I think the love me and Justin has isn't enough. I love him with all of my heart, but I feel he's loosing interest in me."

"I don't think he's loosing interest in you." JC says, getting up, stopping Chris from moving again. "Justin loves you very much. I don't think he would loose interest in you for anything."

"I don't know Josh. Things ain't like they were when we first got together. Since all this drama with Daniel started, it's like he's pulling away from me." Chris says, a tear falling from his eye.

"I am not loosing interest in you baby, I love you." Justin says, walking over to where JC and Chris stood. "I...I'm just scared for Lance right now. So much has happened that I am scared that he's going to get worse than he already is."

"You really love me?" Chris asks, crying more now as he lays his head on Justin's shoulder.

"Yes I really love you Chris. I love you more...more than life itself. I don 't know what I would do if I didn't have you in my life." Justin says, rubbing Chris' back as he lifts his chin and places a kiss to his lips. "I love you Chris and don't you forget it."

"I won't." Chris says, as they look around the yard to see that JC was no longer there.

"I guess we ran him off." Justin says, smiling as he kisses Chris again. "Come on, let's go inside and get something to eat."

"Okay baby." Chris says, as he and Justin walk back into the house hand-in-hand.

// 2 Hours Later -- Sunscape Apartments //

"Here we are. This place looks...well it looks small J." Wes says.

"It's not small for a three bedroom place." John says, sticking the key into the door and opening it. "Look at all this space."

"Well the outside of this place makes you believe that its smaller than what it is." Shawn says as he puts his and Wes' bags down.

"Which room is ours?" Wes asks.

"I don't know brat. Let's go check and see." John says as the three of them walk around in the house inspecting the rooms. "I want this one."

"Is it the biggest one?" Wes asks as he and Shawn walk up behind John.

"What do you care, it's my apartment." John says, hugging Wes around the neck. "I'm going to call Joey. You two have fun."

"Wait John. Why don't we go out to dinner and you invite the guys to come along." Wes says.

"Are you sure? Do you feel up to going out? You've been in the car along time, I thought you mighta wanted to lie down and rest the rest of the day."

"I'm fine bro. Just ask them to dinner will ya." Wes says, leaning up against the wall.

"Baby are you okay?" Shawn asks, stepping closer to Wes.

"I just need to sit down for a few minutes. He really picked some strange looking furniture for this place." Wes says.

"Ah baby stop. The furniture looks fine." Shawn says as he and Wes sat down on the sofa. "We are alone. You wanna talk about what it was you were upset about this morning before we left?"

"John isn't doing good. I have been watching him lately and he's not...not doing okay. I think he stopped taking his meds." Wes says.

"What makes you think that?" Shawn asks.

"He's too jumpy around other people and it's like he's avoiding all eye contact." Wes says. "He's wearing the sunglasses, it's not sunny outside and when we stopped to eat, he didn't take his meds."

"I thought maybe he took them already when we stopped the time before that." Shawn says.

"No he didn't. I haven't seen him take his meds at all today. I think he has stopped taking them altogether." Wes says.

"Have you asked him?" Shawn asks.

"No, I am scared he will get upset and lash out at me or close me out and stop talking to me." Wes says.

"Well if he's not taking his meds, he might do something stupid to hurt himself or someone else." Shawn says, standing up. "I'm going to get him. If he's not taking his meds, I would like to know why."

"No Shawn don't. I will talk to him after dinner." Wes says. "Just come back and sit with me."

"Wes this isn't something that can wait. If he's not taking his meds, he might...might slip into one of his depressive moods and God only knows what he might do. I don't want to see him hurt again baby." Shawn says.

"I don't want to see him hurt either baby. Just let it wait baby. Please wait until after dinner. I want him to at least have a good time with Joey before I through that out there at him." Wes says.

"Oh I see what you are doing. You are waiting to get him around other people and put him on the spot so he can't ran away from you. Real nice Wes, don't do that around those guys. That's not right and he will probably feel that you are turning against him." Shawn says. "That is not their business."

"It might not be their business, but Joey is his boyfriend and he should know." Wes says as John walks into the room.

"What's going on you two?" John asks, standing in front of Wes and Shawn.

"Nothing's going on. What's up bro?" Wes asks.

"The guys are on their way over here. We are going to watch a movie here and go grab dinner and possibly hit a club." John says.

"Do you think that's a good idea John?" Shawn asks, glaring at Wes.

"Why wouldn't it be?" John asks.

"Well I thought we would all just have dinner you know and just hang out here." Wes says, standing up now.

"Well you don't have to go out to the club. You can come back here, but I am going to be with my man." John says.

"No no, we want to go too." Wes says, leaning over as Shawn catches him.

"I don't think you are going anywhere bro, you look like you need some

rest." John says, walking over to Wes and Shawn. "You know you can go lie down."

"I don't need to lie down!" Wes shouts.

"Hey hey, what's your problem Wesley?" John asks, stepping back from Wes and Shawn.

"John have you been taking your meds?" Wes asks, flat out, his expression not changing.

"What? Why would you ask me something like that?" John asks, not answering his question.

"Have you been taking your meds John?" Wes asks again, straightening up and walking over to where John was leaning against the wall.

"Why are you asking Wes?" John asks, not meeting Wes' eyes.

"That right there!" Wes shouts, grabbing his side. "Why are you not looking at me John? Why are you jumpy around people?"

"I am not jumpy." John says, moving away from Wes.

"You are too jumpy John! Just answer the fucking question!" Wes shouts. "Are you taking your meds?"

"No! Are you happy now?" John asks, walking into his bedroom and slamming the door.

"Great. You've upset him. Wes go talk to him, talk to him nicely." Shawn says, tapping his foot waiting on Wes to go talk to John.

"I'm going, I'm going." Wes says.

"You get him in a better mood before those N Sync guys get here." Shawn says, walking into the kitchen, looking around in the refrigerator.


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Next: Chapter 27

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