Justin and Chris

By JT's Place Webmaster

Published on Dec 30, 2022


Warnings and Disclaimers:

I don't know any of the members of NSYNC or any celebrity mentioned. I don't know anything about their sexual orientation or the orientation of any other celebrities in this story (even though I wish some of them were gay). This story is fiction and you shouldn't take it for anything else but that. This is only for entertainment value only folks. Hope you enjoy the show oh I mean reading.

====================================== Justin and Chris Chapter -- 25 by JT Poole

// New York -- Mercy General Hospital -- Friday Early Evening //

"Hello Mr. Harrison how are you feeling?" The nurse asks, walking over to Randy's bed and grabbing his wrist to check his pulse.

"Lance? Where's Lance?" Randy asks, trying to look around the room as the restraints on his body held him in place. "Where is Lance?"

"Sir I am unaware that you had any visitors." The nurse speaks, writing something down on his chart. "You have been in a coma for the last few days. This is the first you have been awake."

"A coma? I wasn't in a coma." Randy says, trying to move his arms. "Why can't I move? What is this stuff on me?"

"When you first came here you attacked two of the orderlies and one nurse so we restrained you for our and your protection." The nurse answers as the door opens and a man walks into the room.

"Good afternoon Mr. Harrison, welcome back to the living world." The man says, laying his hand on top of Randy's hand. "I'm Doctor Turner, I'm a neurologist here at Mercy General."

"What do I need with a neurologist?" Randy asks, still trying to move his arms.

"Your records indicate when you were admitted to your transfer hospital before coming here, you were a quadriplegic, but since then you have shown full movement in your arms. I was called in to determine if your condition is physical or neurological." Dr. Turner states, squeezing Randy's hand.

"Doctor his vitals have returned to normal since waking." The nurse states, handing the chart to Dr. Turner.

"Let's see here." Dr. Turner states, flipping pages in the chart. "Mr. Harrison are you feeling any pain?"

"A little in my legs, but not much." Randy answers him.

"So you can you feel this?" Dr. Turner asks, touching Randy's leg.

"A little bit. Feels like something is laying on my leg." Randy responds.

"Hmmmm, delayed sensation. Interesting." Dr. Turner states, writing something down in Randy's chart. "Tomorrow you will meet with a physical therapist and then we will be able to determine what's happening with you."

"So what is it you telling me?" Randy asks.

"Right now I don't believe you are a quadriplegic, I believe there is just some severe nerve damage in your back that needs time to heal." Dr. Turner states as his beeper goes off. "It was a pleasure meeting you Mr. Harrison. I will be in later to check on you. Take it easy and get some more rest."

// Orlando, FL -- Sunscape Apartments (John's Apartment) -- Later in the Evening //

"This is just great I don't need this stress right now. Leave me alone

Wes!" John shouts, as he slams the door and Wes' face.

"John please...don't close me out." Wes says, knocking on the door to John's room.

"Go away Wes! Leave me alone!" John says as Shawn walks over to the door.

"John it's me Shawn. Can I please come in?" Shawn asks, tapping on the door.

"No! I don't want to talk to anyone." John says as the sound of something falling over can be heard.

"John are you okay?" Shawn asks, putting his ear to the door. "Please let me come in."

"I said no!" John shouts, throwing something at the door.

"I think we better get away from the door now." Shawn says. "This is just great. Those N Sync guys will be here any minute and he's like this. You better apologize and now!"

"I've tried that. He doesn't care." Wes says, turning away as he starts to cry. "I knew something was going to happen. I just knew it."

"We got to think of something and quick. We can't let those N Sync guys see him like this." Shawn says just as there is a knock at the door. "Oh yeah this is fucking great. I bet that's them."

"Go answer the door and stall them. Don't let them in for a few minutes." Wes says getting up from the chair and going back to the door as Shawn goes to the front door.

// Outside the Apartment //

"Hi there." Shawn says waving at Justin, Chris and Joey. "It's nice to see you guys again. Where is Lance and JC?"

"Hi Shawn." Justin says, smiling at the man. "Josh couldn't make it and Lance is back in the hospital again."

"What? I am so sorry to hear that." Shawn says, sounding sincere. "What happened to put him back into the hospital?"

"Why don't we talk about that inside." Joey says, waiting for Shawn to invite them all inside.

"We can talk about it out here. Wes and John are trying to clean the place up." Shawn says, blocking the door.

"I am quite sure we have seen worse. We sometimes think of Justin as Messy Marvin." Joey says, laughing as Justin smacks him playfully.

"I am not messy. I tend to not clean up often." Justin says as Joey and Chris starts laughing.

"Is there something going on that you don't want us to see?" Chris asks.

"Just a junky house." Shawn says as Wes comes to the door.

"Hi guys." Wes says, stepping outside. "Are you ready to go to dinner?"

"Yeah we are. Where is John?" Chris asks.

"He's not feeling well right now. He said for us to go on ahead." Wes says, smiling weakly.

"Something's wrong? Let me see him." Joey says, walking up to the door.

"Ah he's not very presentable." Wes says.

"I have seen his unpresentableness." Joey says, opening the door to the apartment and stepping inside. "John? John where are you?"

"Oh damn." Wes says.

"Were you two trying to hide John from us?" Chris asks. "Is something wrong with John?"

"What's going on here Shawn?" Justin asks. "Is something wrong with him?"

// Inside -- John's Room //

"Baby can I come in?" Joey asks, tapping on the door.

"Go away!" John shouts throwing something at the door.

"Baby please let me come in." Joey says as he opens the door and sees John sitting cross-legged in the corner rocking back and forth. "Baby what's wrong?"

"Stay away from me!" John shouts scaring Joey.

"Baby?" Joey states as John picks up the closest thing to him and throws it at Joey.

"Get back! Don't come no closa!" John shouts.

"What's going on in here?" Chris asks walking up to the doorway.

"Come out of there guys we need to have a talk." Wes says as Justin and Chris pulls Joey out of the room.

"What is that back there? What's wrong with John?" Joey asks, looking at Shawn and Wes like he could beat them both up.

"That's John having a bad day." Wes answers.

"A bad day? Whoa somebody must have pissed in his cereal." Justin says taking a seat next to Chris.

"What's wrong with John? Why is he like that?" Joey asks, looking at Wes and Shawn, waiting on answers.

"Joey calm down." Shawn says, sitting down next to him. " John is a little upset right now. Once he calms down he will be back to normal."

"Calm down? Back to normal? Hell! What has him like that?" Joey asks, standing up.

"Oh what the hell. It's no use trying to hide this. Joey, John is bi-polar." Wes says, standing up now.

"Bi-polar? He's not bi-polar. What's really wrong with him?" Joey asks.

"We aren't joking Joey." Shawn says. "John is bi-polar. John is like this now because he hasn't been taking his medication to keep it under control."

"I confronted him about his meds earlier in the evening and he got mad and well that's how he is now until he tires himself out and goes to sleep or takes his meds." Wes states, turning away from the men.

"Why hasn't he been taking his meds?" Joey asks.

"I don't know Joey, he wouldn't tell me that." Wes replies, turning around as it suddenly got quiet in John's room.

"Please let him be asleep and nothing else." Shawn says getting up. "I hope he hasn't hurt himself."

"What do you mean? Has he heart himself before or something?" Joey asks.

"Yeah he has." Wes replies as Shawn cracks the door in looks into the room.

"He's asleep. I suggest we get his meds in him before he wakes back up." Shawn says.

"Don't do that. Let him be. I want to know why he stopped taking his

meds?" Joey asks, walking into the room past Shawn.

"Joey what are you doing?" Wes asks walking over to John's door.

"I'm waking him up." Joey replies, shaking John lightly. "Baby...baby can you please wake up for me?"

"What? Joey what are you doing here?" John asks as Joey wraps his arms around the man.

"We were supposed to have dinner tonight baby. We were supposed to catch a movie and go out to a club later." Joey replies, kissing John on his forehead. "But right now I think I just want to stay right here with you."

"No we can't stay here. You are supposed to go out. We have to go out." John says excitedly as he pulls away from Joey. "I have to get up and find something to where."

"Baby we can stay in." Joey says as John moves quickly around the room pulling out his suitcases and opening them up. "John stop. Come back over here."

"No Joey I have to find something to wear." John says throwing his clothes around the room. "That doesn't look right. How about this?"

"John don't worry about that." Joey says stopping John from moving again. "You like fine the way you are."

"No I don't! I look like hell frozen over." John says pulling away from Joey as he bends down and picks up a pair of pants and a shirt. "How about this?"

"John...okay that looks good. Get dressed and we will go out." Joey says as John throws that down on the floor and starts looking through the clothes.

"That doesn't look right. I need to find something else. Damn I can't find what I am looking for." John says walking out of the room past Joey. "Shawn can I borrow some clothes from you?"

"Su...sure you can John." Shawn says, getting up off the sofa and walking into his and Wes' room. "What do you want to borrow?"

"Something blue." John says grabbing Shawn's bag and opening it up.

"John stop. Let me do that." Shawn says trying to stop John from throwing the clothes out of the bag. "Just tell me what it is that you are looking for and I will get it for you."

"I don't know what I am looking for. I just need something to wear!" John shouts.

"Why not wear what you have on?" Shawn asks.

"I am ugly in this. I need something to make Joey happy. I need something that makes me look beautiful." John says, going over to the wall and knocking his head against it.

"John stop that." Shawn says as Wes walks into the room along with Joey.

"Come on John stop." Joey says as John turns around and looks at him.

"Joey what are you doing in here? I am not ready yet!" John shouts as he falls to his knees and start crying. "I am not ready yet. You are not supposed to see me like this. I am too ugly. Get out get out!"

"Joey please go out into the living room. We need to calm him down." Wes says as Joey turns around with tears in his eyes.

"I'll be out there if you need me baby." Joey says as he walks out of the room.


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Next: Chapter 28

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