Justin and Chris

By JT's Place Webmaster

Published on Jan 27, 2023


Warnings and Disclaimers:

I don't know any of the members of NSYNC or any celebrity mentioned. I don't know anything about their sexual orientation or the orientation of any other celebrities in this story (even though I wish some of them were gay). This story is fiction and you shouldn't take it for anything else but that. This is only for entertainment value only folks. Hope you enjoy the show oh I mean reading.


Justin and Chris

Chapter -- 26 by JT Poole

// Orlando, FL -- Sunscape Apartments (John's Apartment) -- Later That Evening //

"I thought he loved me. Why wouldn't he tell me that?" Joey asks, crying on Justin's shoulder.

"Maybe he was scared that you would treat him differently if you knew." Justin replies, rubbing Joey's back.

"I wouldn't have treated him differently. I love him. He could have told me that, I would still love him regardless." Joey says as Shawn comes out of the room with John, walking back into his bedroom.

"He's calmed down now." Wes says, sitting down across from the guys. "He stopped taking his meds because he didn't want you to know that he was really broken..."

"He's not broken!" Joey raises his voice. "So he has mood swings and have bad days, don't we all? I don't care about that. I still love him. Why couldn't he just tell me?"

"John is...well John has had a hard time with relations in the past." Wes says, covering his eyes. "John's last two relationships didn't go well at all. John has gone through hell the past few years and basically the guys used his bi-polar disorder against him. Those guys blackmailed him into things he normally wouldn't do. To keep his illness secret, he did what they wanted."

"What? Who would do something like that to him?" Joey asks.

"My brother." Shawn says, walking into the room.

"Your brother screwed him up like this?" Joey asks, standing up quickly and getting in Shawn's face. "Why would your brother do something like that?"

"He did it to hurt John and to hurt me and Wes." Shawn says, shaking his head.

"No Shawn, don't tell them that." Wes says, tears streaming down his face. "We don't need to bring that up again."

"Well I think Joey has a right to know about that." Shawn says as Joey looks between the two men.

"Know about what?" Joey asks, sitting down again, not taking his eyes off of Wes and Shawn.

"How much did John tell you about his and Wes' life?" Shawn asks.

"He...he told me about the abuse they went through with their father." Joey answers.

"What did he actually tell you?" Wes asks. "What abuse did he tell you about?"

"He told me about the things your father did to all of you." Joey replies. "I know about all of that dirty stuff."

"Dirty stuff? What actually happened Joe?" Chris asks, laying his hand on Joey's leg. "Is that what you were trying to tell me about the other night when you had some things on your mind?"

"I told you Chris...if you want to know, you have to ask John yourself." Joey says, looking at Shawn.

"My twin brother Aaron dated John for a while. At the time Aaron was only using John to get closer to Wes. The two of us were in a relationship already when Aaron and John started dating. We thought it was a good thing that they hooked up and got together." Shawn explains, getting up and walking around the coffee table. "As time went on, Aaron grew tired of him and set his eyes on Wes."

"Wait a minute. You saying your brother went after your then boyfriend?" Justin asks.

"Yeah he did. At that time it was hard for almost anyone to tell us apart. When taping for `X-Men' started, I was in and out of Wes' life for over three months. One day, putting his sick mind into motion, Aaron made a move on Wes. Not expecting John to come home earlier than expected, John caught Aaron with Wes together talking and well...well he overheard some very evil, disgusting and horrid talking about him from Aaron..." Shawn tells them, being interrupted by Justin.

"Okay run that last part by me again. So you and Aaron were talking badly about him?" Justin asks, looking at Wes like he could pop the man a few times.

"No, it wasn't me, it was Aaron doing the talking." Wes replies, not meeting Justin's eyes. "He started talking about John and I thought he was Shawn until he started making his move on me."

"As I was saying. John was at the house and overheard everything that was said about him. Hearing the things Aaron said set him off. The only thing he could think about was how could the person he loved so much think of him so badly." Shawn says, this time being interrupted by Joey.

"Okay how did you know he was Aaron?" Joey asks.

"Well I didn't know he was Aaron until after he kissed me and started touching me..." Wes replies, letting his voice trail off. "At that time, John came in and saw us. He knew that it wasn't Shawn."

"How did John know that?" Joey asks.

"Because I had just hung up the phone with Shawn who was still in New York filming." John replies walking into the room. "Why are you guys talking about that? It's all in the past. Let it stay there."

"Baby are you feeling better now?" Joey asks, walking over to John and kissing him on the cheek.

"Joey why are you still here?" John asks, not looking up at the man. "There's no reason for you to still be here. You know the truth now. Just go on about your business."

"What? John I'm not leaving you. I told you...nothing...there's nothing you can say or do that would push me away from you. I love you John."

"You only think you love me. Put up with me for a few nights and you'll be out the door too." John says, turning away. "Just leave Joey. You won't have to ever see me again."

"John I'm not leaving you. No matter what you say." Joey says as he tries to hug John, but is met with resistance.

"Just leave Joey. I will call Johnny in the morning and tell him I won't take the position." John says, turning and walking back to his room. "I'm not feeling well. I think I will just go on to bed."

"John I'm not..." Joey states, being cut off by John.

"Joey just go. There's nothing more to say about this." John says, walking to his room as Joey drops his head and starts crying.

"I...I love him and he just pushes me away like that. Maybe I was wrong." Joey says, grabbing his jacket and walking out of the house.

"Joe...Joey stop!" Justin says, getting up and running out of the house, leaving Chris there with Wes and Shawn.

"What should we do?" Chris asks. "This is going to really hurt Joey. This is his first real relationship with a guy and I believe he genuinely loves John. Is there something that you guys can say to him about him and Joey?"

"Frankly I don't know. I don't think it's wise for us to talk to him about it right now." Wes says.

"He's right. I don't want him to get upset or anything." Shawn states just as there is a crush in John's room. "Oh no!"


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Next: Chapter 29: Ill Be Your Shelter 1

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