Justin and Chris

By JT's Place Webmaster

Published on Jan 8, 2003


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "jtpoole9@cybersouth.com". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

======================== Justin and Chris - Chapter 5 by JT Poole

// Justin's House //

"Did you see how Lance was dancing with that guy? I didn't believe my eyes when I saw it." Justin stated.

"I know. I thought he was drunk when I saw the whole thing, but as I got over to talk to him, I noticed that he was sober. I just don't know what happened to make him do all that stuff he was doing." Chris stated.

"Well me either, but we can ask him in the morning when we get ready to leave. Let's say me and you go hit the shower and have some fun?" Justin smirked as he winked his eye at Chris.

"Well it seems someone is wanting a little action before bed." Chris stated, walking over to Justin and kissing him.

// Lance's House //

"So Randy, what's the story about you? I was told that you are Justin' from Queer as Folk', is that true?" Lance asked.

"Yeah that's me. I play cute little Justin on that show. But I don't want to play cute little Justin now; I want to be me, Randy. So could we please not talk about Justin, I would rather talk about other things than business." Randy stated.

"Oh, I am sorry. What would you like to talk about?" Lance asked.

"Let's talk about you and why you are currently single. I have been following your career for a long time and it seems you haven't been in any long relationships." Randy stated.

"No I haven't. I haven't found someone with that spark, that little light that makes me want to be around him or her." Lance spoke.

"Him or Her? Do I detect a little bit of bisexuality?" Randy asked.

"Well all I am saying is that I haven't found that person rather it be a guy or a girl. I have always wasted time trying to love other people, but they only wanted me because of the name and the lights. I want someone to love me because of me, not because I am Lance Bass of `N Sync." Lance stated as he started caressing the side of Randy's face.

"That's how I feel. It seems guys only hit on me because they think that I act the same as Justin does on `Queer as Folk'. I am gay, but I am nothing like that character for real. It's just an act. I wish guys didn't treat me like a piece of meat and such." Randy explained.

"I am so sorry people treat you like that. When you started dancing with me earlier tonight, I felt a bit of peace. Once I found out that you were only trying to pick me up, that pissed me off." Lance stated.

"Why, I just want to get to know you and maybe win you over." Randy stated.

"Well first, I was raised to not indulge in things that were not God-like, and second, I ..." Lance trailed off as Randy cut him off.

"Not God-like? Are you referring to the gay thing? Abomination and all that other crap?" Randy asked.

"Well I was taught that homosexuality was wrong and that it was a sin, but lately, I have been hiding my own feelings and after two of my friends decided to come on out, I decided I didn't care what people said either, I was going to have my fun and be happy. I am tired of having to hide my true feelings, if my two friends can do it, so can I." Lance explained.

"What was the second reason you got upset with me Lance?" Randy asked

"I thought you were trying to hookup with me because of who I was, but you are in the business too, so that couldn't have been the reason." Lance explained.

"Cole tried to convince me that you were straight and that I would only be wasting my time trying to get to you." Randy stated.

"Oh he did, did he?" Lance spoke, "I guess I will have to tell him otherwise when I see him again."

"That would really be a shock to his system." Randy laughed.

"Randy, it's late, why don't we take this conversation up to my room, we can talk there and get some sleep, if you like." Lance stated as he grabbed Randy's hand and pulled him up from the sofa and kissed him.

"Mmmm, I like that, what other kind of talking do you have in mind?" Randy asked as he and Lance walked up the stairs.

// Justin's House – 7 AM //

"Chris stop, you know we have to finish getting ready." Justin stated, trying to stop Chris from kissing him on his neck.

"We are getting ready baby, we are getting...ready...to...get...in...the...shower." Christ stated, punctuating each word with a kiss on Justin's neck.

"Oh stop you are such a horndog. You should be tired, we had sex four times last night, isn't that enough?" Justin asked.

"No. Seems like little Chris wants some more of you." Chris stated.

"Well Justin's back door is closed for repairs right now. Tell little Chris to come back when maintenance has been completed." Justin stated.

"Baby are you okay? Did I hurt you?" Chris asked.

"No you didn't hurt me, I am just a little sore. Last night was so wonderful. Hell, I enjoyed everything we did. I don't know, but it seems like your dick felt bigger than what it usually was.

"No, it's still the same size baby. It could have been the positions we were in. I told you not to straddle me like that." Chris stated.

"Well I wanted to try that position and it felt wonderful. I have some other positions in mind that I want to try, but I will show them to you the first chance we get." Justin stated.

"Not to change the subject, but wonder what Lance did last night? Do you think he and that guy did anything? They were all over each other touching and feeling, I thought he was going to take off his clothes or something." Chris stated.

"I know. Do you think Lance is trying to give us a sign or something? Do you think he is gay too?" Justin asked.

"I don't know what to think. From the way he treated the two of us just a couple of days ago and now this, I don't know. He could be a closet freak or something." Chris stated.

"Well if he is, let's support him and not give him a hard time about it." Justin spoke, "I don't think he needs to go through the same stuff he put us through."

"Yeah, but it's kind of hypocritical if you ask me. He gets mad at us for being gay, refuses to be around us and then threatens to leave the group if we didn't stay away from each other, that's just cold. If he's gay, how would he learn his lesson about live and let other people live?" Chris asked.

"I don't know baby, all we need to do is support him if he is gay. Can you do that with me?" Justin asked.

"Yeah I guess so, but I am still going to be angry a little bit. I forgave him for how he treated us, but if he's gay and he put us through all that shit, I want an explanation to what was his damn problem." Chris stated.

"Oh Chris, don't be that way, just let it go, and let's just be happy for him if he is." Justin stated.

"Okay baby, what ever you say." Chris stated.

// Joey's House //

`Move Bitch move out the way...move out the way bitch...move out the way...'

"Ludacris has the song off the heezy, why couldn't we do something like that?" Joey asked as JC stared at him in shock for listen to such a vulgar song.

"Don't act like you didn't like it. I saw you moving your feet." Joey stated.

"Well it had a nice beat to it, but the words were just wrong. We would loose half our fan base if we sang songs like that." JC stated.

"Yeah I know, the parents would start calling us amateur rappers and saying that we are teaching their kids to be thugs." Joey laughed.

"Joe, hurry up, we have to be ready to go soon. We are supposed to meet at the Complex by 9, so that we can be on the buses by 11." JC stated.

"I didn't think we were leaving until 1, what happened with that?" Joey asked.

"Johnny changed the schedule at the last minute, so we are leaving earlier." JC stated.

"Does Justin and Chris know this?" Joey asked.

"Yeah, I told them last night while we were at the club." JC stated.

"Speaking of the club, did you see the way Lance was dancing with that guy last night?" Joey asked.

"Yeah I saw that, did you see the way the two of them were acting in the limo last night? They couldn't keep their hands to themselves. I thought they were going to have sex or something in front of us." JC stated.

"I bet Justin and Chris are wondering the same things too. All the two of them could do was stare in shock as all of this went on." Joey stated.

"I think Lance was in denial about being gay and now he is coming to terms with it. I have been watching the way he has been acting for a while and his attitude towards Justin and Chris has shown me that there is a problem there and I think that problem is that he is gay too and couldn't stand the fact that the two of them got together." JC explained.

"I was thinking that too. The way he has been keeping to himself lately, and I kind of saw him eyeing some guys once, but I never talked to him about it." Joey stated.

"Well, all we can do is support him like we support Chris and Justin. I just hope Chris doesn't get angry with him because of the way he acted previously, if so this is going to be a long six months." JC stated.

"I don't think Chris would do anything like that. Justin wouldn't let him treat Lance badly." Joey stated.

"Yeah, I guess so. But Lance did do a lot of mean things to them when they came out, you have to keep that in mind." JC explained.

"Chris is bigger than that, even though he is an elf, I don't think he will stoop that low to get back at Lance." Joey stated as he and JC laughed about his statement.

"I guess we will find out later on when everyone gets here." JC stated.

================================== Comments or Suggestions Contact Information

E-Mail: jtpoole9@cybersouth.com AIM: swainsboroguy1 ICQ #: 146925768

Next: Chapter 7

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