Justin and Chris

By JT's Place Webmaster

Published on Jan 13, 2003


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions and commentary can be sent to "jtpoole9@cybersouth.com". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.

=========================== Justin and Chris - Chapter 6a by JT Poole

// Lance's House -- 8 AM //

"Good morning Randy, how did you sleep?" Lance asked as Randy walked into the kitchen. "I hope you had a wonderful sleep as I did."

"Good morning Lance. Unfortunately, I didn't have a wonderful sleep. I kept having the same dream over and over again. I just don't know what it means." Randy stated.

"What was it about if you don't mind me asking?" Lance asked.

"Well, first, I had a dream that I suddenly became ill and my life drastically changed. It seemed in the dream that all of my friends left me, my family had all disappeared and no one loved me anymore. I had to stop working, I had to stop doing everything because I was too ill to go on and I couldn't continue acting, because the pain was too unbearable." Randy explained. "I am so glad that my life isn't like that for real. I don't know what I would do, if I was ill and couldn't be me."

"Wonder what made you have a dream like that, are you or someone you know ill?" Lance asked.

"Well, I have this friend. I like this person a lot, but he has a very serious illness called Crohn's Disease. He was diagnosed with the illness almost two years ago, and since then, he has had three major operations and has been in two comas. This person was really close to me, but after he got ill, things went downhill for him. First his boyfriend left him, and that hurt him very badly. Second, since he wasn't able to work, he fell behind on all of his debts, and now he's struggling with financial problems, Third, since he was hurt over his boyfriend leaving him, he got depressed and he isolated himself from everyone else, making sure that he had no contact with his family." Randy explained.

"Oh my god, that sounds so horrible. What else happened to this person? Is this person still in your life?" Lance asked.

"No he isn't, when his parents found out about his illness, they insisted that he moved to be closer to them so that he could then spend the remaining months the doctors said he had left with them, but he has outlived the terms that the doctors said he had. No that he is still alive, he has become so depressed and bitter. It seems he can't stand being around other people. I recently heard that he was in the state of Georgia trying to recuperate, but he's not getting any better." Randy explained.

"I feel sorry for this person now. I don't even know him, but I wish there was something I could do to help him." Lance explained.

"Don't try, he's so far gone that he doesn't even communicate with his own family that well, let alone strangers. You wouldn't get far talking with him." Randy stated.

"Why not, I am quite sure that he would love to have someone around to talk too, someone to keep him company." Lance stated.

"Just give that thought a rest right now, I have tried. The only thing he wants is death and isolation, he wants nothing else." Randy stated.

"For a while there, I thought his mother and father were going to have him committed because he kept trying to kill himself, but something happened and he stopped that way of thinking." Randy stated, "It's been a long six months since he tried anything, so I guess he is getting better with coping with his problems."

"That is so sad Randy, who is this friend?" Lance asked, "He needs someone to be around him to help him, to comfort him, to support him when he needs it."

"Lance, all the things you have said, I have tried, but he set it upon himself to be alone. I tried to be his friend, I tried to be there for him, but all he did was push me away from him." Randy stated.

I feel so sorry for him. I had a friend that was depressed like that, but he wasn't ill, he was just lonely, he felt that no one loved him, so he tried to kill himself numerous times. He is still alive, but his family had to place him and a group home where he had constant supervision so that he wouldn't try to take his life again." Lance stated.

"I wish there was a place for him to go, but there isn't. His mother tried putting him in a place like that, but once he was able to escape, he was gone and during the time that he was gone, he didn't receive any medication for his illness, so his parents decided against trying to send him back to places like that." Randy explained.

"Oh my, so basically you are telling me that he is all alone and he doesn't allow anyone around him?" Lance asked.

"Yes he's all alone, but the last statement he made to me, was that `He didn't want to live anymore, he was tired of living, trying to fight for his life when there were no reasons to fight. Why fight when there wasn't one soul on the planet that loved him.' I tried telling him that there were people that loved him, but he wasn't talking about friendly love, he was referring to romantic love. I told him that you couldn't find love if you were dead and he said that he was tired of waiting for love to find him." Randy explained.

"There must be something that can be done about your friend. There must be some way that you can get him to see that his life is more important to other people." Lance stated.

"I have tried, but he doesn't want to live anymore. I tried talking to him recently and well that talk didn't go over well, so I don't know what else to say to him." Randy explained.

"Well I don't either, but when I think of something I would let you know." Lance stated. "Would you like something to eat? I was planning on making some toast and eggs, if you don't like that, I can fix something else for you."

"That would be fine, just that and some coffee is all I need to get through my day." Randy stated.

"What are you doing today?" Lance asked, "I will soon be heading back on tour later today."

"So soon? I thought you guys were in town for a while?" Randy asked.

"No, we are leaving today, that's why I had the meeting with Cole last night, because I will be on the road for the next couple of months." Lance explained.

"Oh, so what about us?" Randy asked. "All the things we talked about this morning, I thought you were looking for a relationship?"

"I am looking for a relationship, but I don't know how to start one while I am busy touring with the guys." Lance explained.

"Well that's a start, you want one. How do you feel about long distant relationships?" Randy asked.

"Well I have never had one before. How would we make it work?" Lance asked.

"How about when you have breaks or free time, we can be together and see how things work out and we can call and write each other, E-mail is my best friend." Randy stated.

"Sounds Good, I guess we could do that Randy. Let's give it a shot..." Lance stated, as he got up from his chair and kissed Randy.

====================================== TO BE CONTINUED...

Comments or Suggestions Contact Information

E-Mail: jtpoole9@cybersouth.com AIM: SwainsboroGuy1 ICQ #: 146925768

Next: Chapter 8

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