Justin and Chris

By JT's Place Webmaster

Published on Feb 7, 2003


Warnings and Disclaimers:

  1. If reading this is in any way illegal in your town, state or zip code because of your age, religion, or other government rules you shouldn't read this.

  2. If you don't want to read about male/male gay sexual relationships, go away. You shouldn't waste your time with this story.

  3. I don't know any of the members of 'N Sync or any other celebrities that may be mentioned in this story. This story in no way is meant to imply anything about 'N Sync and any other celebrities sexualities, personalities, or anything else. This is a work of pure fiction.

Questions or suggestions can be sent to "jtpoole9@cybersouth.com". I want to hear from everyone out there that is reading this story, tell me what you think whether it is bad or good.


Justin and Chris - Chapter 7 by JT Poole

// N Sync's Tour Bus //

"Are you two okay?" JC asked as he approached Chris and Justin sitting in the bunk area.

"Yeah, still a little mad though." Chris spoke, "But if it hurts Justin, then I guess I can let it go."

"Well I understand why you would be mad, but instead of being mad, why don't you do what you can to help Lance through this. I am quite sure he saw the error of his ways, that's why he apologized to you guys last week." JC spoke.

"Well I have already forgiven Lance, ole stubborn Chris here is the one that wants to give him the work over." Justin stated.

"No I don't, I would rather give you the work over." Chris stated laughing.

"Ewwww, you know what I meant Christopher. Just don't be mean to him. Because he gave us a hard time, doesn't mean we have to turn around and do the same thing to him." Justin stated.

"I guess not. Where is he anyway?" Chris asked.

"I think he's at the front of the bus, Joey went to go talk to him." JC stated.

// N Sync's Crew Bus //

"That's correct, I want to order two dozen roses and have them sent to James Bass' room when we arrive. Thank you very much." Daniel spoke, talking to someone on his cell phone.

"So what's going on Daniel? What do we have on the agenda tonight after we get to the hotel?" Lars, Daniel's assistant asked.

"Not much, the guys will have to do a photo shoot, but afterwards, they are done for the evening." Daniel stated, flipping through his notebook.

"I have a question for you, maybe you would know this. Did Justin and Britney break up?" Lars asked.

"Yes, that's why they are not married. You are not supposed to be talking about this anyway, why did you bring this up?" Daniel asked.

"Well sorry, I just read some stuff on the net about them. The article I was reading said that Britney and Justin break up and she is currently dating Wade Robson." Lars stated.

"Oh really, do you have the website address of that article?" Daniel asked.

"Yeah, I book marked it, but what's with all the secrecy, if they are not together, why aren't we allowed to talk about it?" Lars asked.

"Because there are certain reasons why Justin and Britney parted and we are not supposed to talk about it. That's what the Management at Jive want so that's what was handed down to everyone, no one talks about the reasons why Justin and Britney are no longer together." Daniel stated as his phone rang. "Hello..."

"Daniel how much longer do you guys have before you reach the next venue?" The voice asked on the phone.

"We should be in Memphis soon. Is there a problem Johnny?" Daniel asked.

"None, I just wanted to make sure you guys would be arriving on time." Johnny Wright stated on the phone.

// N Sync's Tour Bus //

"Yo Scoop, phone call. Someone named Randy." Joey stated, handing Lance his cell phone.

"Oh...give me that." Lance stated as he grabbed his phone in a hurry to talk to Randy. "Hello."

"Well I see you guys are having fun on the road." Randy stated, "How are you doing today Lance?"

"I am okay, just trying to rest a bit before we get to the next stop. We have a photo shoot today and that's it. So what are you doing?" Lance stated.

"Going over some lines with Gale and Peter, the next season of QAF will be starting soon and we have started work on ten more episodes, so we are rehearsing lines." Randy stated.

"Oh...sounds normal. We have to go into the studio tomorrow and rehearse for tomorrow night's concert." Lance stated, "I told the guys about last night and this morning."

"Oh uh, how did they take it?" Randy asked.

"Well so far so good, well almost. I think Chris is mad with me. When he and Justin came out to us, I gave them a hard time, now after I have come out to them, he's angry that I was such a jerk back then." Lance explained.

"Well everything isn't going to be easy all the time babe, there's going to be hurdles everywhere and with everything you do." Randy stated.

"Yeah I know. I have another problem too. Our tour manager has been giving me a hard time. He's gay and well I don't like him like that. For the last couple of months he has been making passes and hitting on me and I keep telling him that I am not interested, but now that I am gay and out to the guys, I feel there is going to be a problem with him." Lance explained.

"Well I hope not. Have you told the guys about what this guy has been doing?" Randy asked.

"No, not yet, but I guess I better tell them before something bad happens..." Lance trailed off as Joey was standing in the doorway listening to the conversation.

"What the fuck has Daniel been doing Scoop?" Joey shouted.

"Randy, why don't I call you back...seems I am going to have to deal with this first." Lance stated.

"Alright babe, call me back when you guys get to the hotel and tell me what happens." Randy stated, "Bye handsome."

"Bye." Lance stated, hanging up the phone and placing it in his pocket. "Joey calm down."

"Why should I calm down? You just told someone on the phone that Daniel has been making passes and hitting on you and you didn't tell any of us about it." Joey stated.

"Well he has. I didn't expect anything to come of it, I just thought he was been overfriendly." Lance stated, as Chris, Justin and JC came walking into the kitchen area.

"What's going on in here, what's wrong with Joey?" Justin asked.

"I am upset about Scoop not telling us that Daniel, our tour manager has been making passes at him." Joey stated.

"Daniel James, the tour manager?" Chris asked.

"Yes him. Lance was telling someone on the phone that he has been doing this for a while now." Joey stated.

"It's okay Joey, I don't expect him to continue to doing it." Lance stated, "I told him to stop bothering me today."

"Have you told him to stop before?" Joey asked.

"Well yes I have, but..." Lance trailed off, as Joey started speaking again.

"Well I guess he didn't take your word since he did it again." Joey stated. "We need to have a meeting with him and get this out in the open."

"No we don't. Let's just keep this to ourselves and not cause any problems." Lance stated.

"Why not Lance? If he's bothering you and you don't like him, then we need to do something to stop him." Justin stated.

"Well let's just leave it alone. I don't want Daniel to overreact or anything. For the last couple of months, I have been telling him that I wouldn't date him because I wasn't gay. Now that I have come out to you guys, he might see that as an excuse to continue to hit on me." Lance stated.

"Scoop!! Don't let this guy hinder the way you act around anybody or us. If he's doing something that makes you uncomfortable then you need to tell him." Joey spoke.

"I agree with Joe on that one. We will just have a small meeting and tell him to stop what he's doing to you, or we will have Jive replace him." Justin stated.

"Justin, I don't want to cause any problems. Johnny's already pissed about recent events." Lance stated.

"Who cares? If we have a problem on this tour, then I am quite sure Johnny wants to make sure everything goes alright, due to the recent publicity we have gotten over me and Britney's breakup." Justin stated.

"True, so why don't we have a meeting with Daniel once we get to the hotel tonight after the photo shoot?" JC spoke, jumping into the conversation.

"Okay you guys win. But when he freaks out and starts acting crazy, I am going to blame you guys." Lance stated.

"We will worry about that at the meeting. If he wants to freak out let him, but we will remind him that he will be loosing his job if he does anything else out of the ordinary towards you or any of us. We shouldn't have to change the way we act around our manager." Joey spoke as he sat down besides Lance and gave him a hug.



Comments or Suggestions Contact Information

E-Mail: jtpoole9@cybersouth.com AIM: swainsboroguy1 Yahoo: swainsborogaboi ICQ #: 146925768

Next: Chapter 10

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