Justin and Nelly

By Scream

Published on Aug 14, 2005


University high

by Scream

Okay, I'm back for a second time. Did y'all miss me? As you know this story is quite long. It's an AU (Alternate Universe) which means the celebrities in this story aren't celebrties but they are still them.(confused?) This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives.Also, you should defiantly be 18 to read this even though you're probably going to ignore it if you aren't 18. Sorry it took so long to come back to y'all but I had to make this season better than the first. I'm so happy i got feedback while on my hiatus it warmed my heart. So about me... school started back so you know i couldn't write as often as i liked too but don't fret non i write instead of homework so it works out.Well it's been almost a month since i ended last season. Wow ! Didn't I say a couple of weeks. Well don't hate me. I can tell you now alot of thigns are going to change this eason and everythig isn't going to be so happy go lucky. Please send feedback to screamifyouwant2gofaster@yahoo.com I'll try to write back.

Now back 2 where we left off with our lovely High School...

Chapter 35

School was starting back before everyone knew it. The summer had went by quickly and everyone was getting ready to start the new year off. Justin and Cornell were still a little shaky on their relationship but it was still their at least. Nelly decided not to go away to college so he could be near Justin. Most people didn't know this but Cornell was actually very smart. People just assumed because he plays sports he's an African-American and he can rap that's stupid which is just a sterotype.

"So ready for your first day punkin?" Nelly asked

"Yeah, but your not gonna be here this time so I have to hang out with Britney ugh!" Justin laughed

"Don't forget Britney has a boyfriend that graduated last year too y'all in the same boat baby." Nelly reminded him

"Yeah I kno." Justin said looking at the courtyard of University High.All he saw were freshmen everywhere on everything saying anything. " You should see the damn freshmen this year they are outrageous. Little monkeys." Justin said

"Yeah at least when you guys were Freshmen you were mature." Nelly said laughing sarcastically

"Shut up. Hey I gotta go get my schedule so I'll call you after school ok? " Justin said

"Bet. I'll talk to you later I love you." Nelly siad

"I love you too." Justin said closing his cell phone

Justin walked to the office and retrieved his schedule from the attendance lady with the gnarly hair on her upper lip. It was really creepy because every year it would change color it gave Justin the creeps. Jusitn was walking straight looking down at his schedule when he ran right into somebody wearing black. There was Britney Spears sitting on her butt. She had on a long laced skirt with a very very high split. She had on a laced top and some extra pointy toe boots. She had her long blond mane back since last year she cut it. Justin spent most of his summer in Tennesee and Britney was in Louisiana visiting her family so they barely saw each other.

"Britney!!!" Justin said picking the girl off the ground and crushing her in a hug

"Juju!!" Britney said laughing as he picked her up. "How was your summer?" Britney said as he put her down

"Great but I missed your stinky ass." Justin said

"I missed yours too." Britney snickered

"How are your grand-rents?" Justin asked

"They were great they send their love." Britney said. Justin looked at her outfit. It really looked amzing on her. Her style has changed a lot since last year.

"Wow, Brit you've grown." Justin said

"It's just the boots." Britney said assuming he meant her height

"No you've grown." Justin said gesturing toward her boobs

"Oh yeah. That's what being in that Lousinan Bayou heat does to you. Makes you get boobs and get horny." Britney said laughing

"So you're horny." Justin stated as they walked past a bunch of ignorant immature freshmen making farting noise but stopped when they heard Justin say "horny".

"Yeah actually I am and I'm seriously thinking about sleeping with Kevin now. Did you know he loves me so much he called me all while I was in Louisana and he sent me flowers. He's the sweest guy anyone could ask for. I mean all these snotty motherfuckers have always asked me out and maybe I want someone who has not lived such a overprotected life so I see things through their eyes." Britney explained

"Awww... Britney's in love. Thanks so sweet. I'm seriously happy for you." Justin siad smiling at Britney's happiness

" Meanwhile what's this, you trimmed the curls." Britney said referring to Justin's neatly trimmed smaller curls instead of usual cornrows.

"Yup went for a change this year. What's this extensions?" Justin said picking up one of Britney's random braids that lay in her unbraided hair.

"No it's mine I told you Louisiana Bayou heat does stuff to the hormones my hair grew back like whoa." Britney said looking at her schedule. Justin coughed `liar' and earn a slap in the shoulder from Britney.

"What do you have first?" Justin asked

"Techology III." Britney said

"Then?" Justin asked

"Physics I Honors." Britney sighed

"Me too. We always get science together ever since 89." Justin said

"Yup, ever since 3rd grade. Hey what do you have after that?" Britney asked

"I have English III. You?" Justin said.

"I have American History. ugh" Britney said rolling her eyes

"Yeah I have that last." Justin said grabbing Britney's schedule and comparing the two.

"So we have Physics Honors,Spanish III, and Techology III." Justin said handing Britney her schedule back. Alex walked up behind Britney and Justin and tapped them on the shoulder.

"Hey guys! What's up!?" Alex said chipperly

"Nothing much." Justin and Britney smiled

"Hey J let me see your schedule." Alex requested. 'let the games begin' Britney thought knowing Alex and Justin had a thing for each other and it had not went awya over the summer.

Chapter 36

"Can you come over tonight?" Nelly asked through Justin's cell phone

"Yeah, prolly seeing as how I don't have Homework tonight because ya kno it's the first day and whatnot." Justin said putting his messenger bag in the backseat of his car. He closed the door and leaned up against the car.

"Alright, come over herre at 8 `lright?" Nelly confirmed

"Will, do bye I love you." Justin said

"I love too." Nelly said hanging up. Justin closed his cell pone and put it in his pocket. He walked to the driver's side of his black BMW. He started up his car when a knocked on the passenger side window scared him. He looked over and saw Alex and his friend TJ with stupid smiles. He rolled his eyes and laughed and rolled down the window.

"What's up guys?" Justin asked

" Can we get a ride home Ju?" Alex asked

"Sure hop in." Justin said unlocking the door.

"Hey Just." TJ said

"Hey TJ, what's happening?" Justin said as Alex got in the passenger side and TJ got in the back. Justin put the car into Reverse and backed out of his parking space at University High. He then sped out the parking lot.

"Nothing much. I missed the bus. I need a car like whoa." TJ said laughing

"Yeah I fucking hated the bus with a passion." Justin agreed. Justin drove a couple miles away from the school to TJ house. After saying goodbye to him, Justin sped down the road to Alex's house.

"So J what are you doin tonight?" Alex asked

"Oh I'm going over my boyfriend's house for anniversary sex." Justin laughed at his own bluntness along with Alex

"Wow, it's been a year for you guys already?" Alex said

" Yeah, one whole year I actually can't believe it." Justin sighed

"Hey Just? You heard Wade got paroled?" Alex said carefully

"WHAT??!!" Justin said eyes bugging out. "Is he coming to University?!!!"Justin asked

"Yeah, according to the grapevine." Alex reported

"I wonder how Britney's gonna handle this?" Justin said

It's a mad mad mad season opener. Did you miss me? I missed you. Well, i know it's getting off to a slow start but you'll see it will get better. I'm still not done with the whole season i have a few more chapters but i figured why make you wait? Send me some welcome back feedback. -Scream

Next: Chapter 14: Justin and Nelly 37 39

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