Justin and Nelly

By Scream

Published on Sep 24, 2005


University high

by Scream

Okay, I'm back for a second time. Did y'all miss me? As you know this story is quite long. It's an AU (Alternate Universe) which means the celebrities in this story aren't celebrties but they are still them.(confused?) This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives.Also, you should defiantly be 18 to read this even though you're probably going to ignore it if you aren't 18. Sorry it took so long to come back to y'all but I had to make this season better than the first. I'm so happy i got feedback while on my hiatus it warmed my heart. So about me... school started back so you know i couldn't write as often as i liked too but don't fret non i write instead of homework so it works out.Well it's been almost a month since i ended last season. Wow ! Didn't I say a couple of weeks. Well don't hate me. I can tell you now alot of thigns are going to change this eason and everythig isn't going to be so happy go lucky. Please send feedback to screamifyouwant2gofaster@yahoo.com I'll try to write back.

Now back 2 where we left off with our lovely High School...

Chapter 51

After the whole club incident Justin decided to take some time for himself. He was alone for the rest of the week. He was so depressed he dropped 20 pounds so he had to buy new clothes. He recently became a brunette which felt really weird since he fought so hard to stay blond. This hair color was more natural it was deep brown. He readjusted his small red shirt that had the words 2 Hot 4 U written in fire letters. He pulled up his low Ryder jeans and straighten the hat that covered his brown braided hair. He reluctantly opened University High's front doors and walked over to his locker. Justin saw his blond perky friend rambling through her locker and he rolled his eyes as she bounced on one foot. He opened his locker took off his cap and threw it in his locker. He pulled out his glasses case and put them on. He grabbed his one inch binder and technology book. He threw his book bag in the locker before slamming it shut and locking it. He rolled his eyes yet again as he heard Britney humming 'Sometimes' by some blond singer chick out there in a faceless music world. Justin pulled up his low riders before walking toward Mr. Pitt's class. Britney slightly ran to catch up to him.

"Why didn't you wait on me Justin?" Britney said in a hickish nasal whiney voice. Justin stopped and looked at her with his 'What the fuck?' look before continuing to walk. Britney being the persistent girls he is just kept walking. She frowned at her friend's silence but continued to walk. H sharply turned the corner and walked not Mr. Pitt's class taking a seat at his normal computer seat. He sat down his binder and pulled his cell phone out his pocket. He turned it off without saying a word and Britney just stared at him.

"What?" Justin asked slightly annoyed.

"What's wrong?" Britney asked

"What the hell are you talking about?" Justin sneered

"I mean you disappear for the whole weekend don't say nothing now you have brand new clothes a new hair color and attitude and you haven't said shit." Britney explained

"What? Now I have to explain everything to you. HA! That's funny." Justin said opening his binder.

"What's wrong Justin you're never mean to anyone you're a sweetheart. Every since God knows what went down at the club Friday you've been acting distant and cranky." Britney pestered. Justin sighed and thanked God when the bell rang and fine ass Pitt walked in. Mr. Pitt waited for the class to settle. He noticed Justin looking slightly annoyed at something and he wanted to check up on him. He walked over to the teenager.

"Justin how are you?" Mr. Pitt said laying a hand on Justin's shoulder. Justin flinched but relaxed.

"I'm fine Mr. P." Justin said in bubbly voice which was the total opposite of what he used with Britney. Brad smiled. He walked to the front of the class and began teaching.

"What's that about?" Britney asked referring to what Mr. Pitt was talking about.

"Just a little nosey bitch today aren't you?" Justin said with a not so funny laugh.

Britney was really puzzled about how Justin was acting and figured he was horny or something which wasn't untrue. After about 40 minutes later the class was almost over and everyone was itching to get the day over with.

"Ok, the bell's about to ring. Remember to read pages 40 to 48 tonight for homework. You guys are dismissed except Mr. Timberlake could you stay after for a couple of minutes." Mr. Pitt instructed. Britney left without any argument since she and Justin didn't have the next period together anyway. Justin was puzzled at why his teacher wanted him to stay after. Justin gathered his books before walking up to his teacher's desk.

"Mr. Pitt you wanted to see me?" Justin asked leaning his weight on one foot. Brad looked down at his grade book before looking at Justin. Justin thought he looked hot with his glasses over his brown eyes.

"Yes I wanted to ask you are you having trouble in this class?" Mr. Pitt asked tilting his head to the side with curiosity.

"Uhm not really why?" Justin said confusion written all over his face.

"Well, Justin you're grades have dropped in this class recently I know you've been going through some things so you may just be messing up." Mr. Pitt said

"Oh really? Well I just I have been distracted." Justin sighed

"Did you understand what I went over today?" Mr. Pitt asked Justin whom blushed.

"Not really." Justin said shyly. Brad looked at his wrist watch before standing up. He pointed to a computer.

"I don't have a class next period. I'll show you what I was talking about. I`ll write you a note for your next period class." Mr. Pitt explained. Justin walked over to the computer and too a seat placing his right hand on the mouse. Mr. Pitt stood behind Justin and put his hand on top of Justin's that was on the mouse.

"Ok, you move to the start menu." Mr. Pitt said softly in Justin's ear as his firm chest pressed up against Justin's back. Justin felt electricity in his hand and back.

"Then you click this." Mr. Pitt said moving his hand the mouse and Justin's hand as he explained. Justin looked up at his teacher's face which looked down at his.

"Then you kiss the lips I mean flip the switch." Mr. Pitt stuttered as his face was looking t Justin's

"Then you..." Mr. Pitt said closing the distance. He tightly pressed his lips against Justin's in a fiery wet lust filled kiss. Justin responded as Mr. Pitt slid his tongue into Justin's mouth. Brad realized what he was doing and broke the make out session with one of his pupil.

"I'm so sorry Justin." Brad said walking to his desk and writing a pass. He handed it to Justin. "I think you better go." Brad said looking at the ground. Justin was stunned to say the least.

"Mr....Brad! Wait, you kissed me..." Justin started

"I know I'm sorry you have to go." Brad said quickly

"But.." Justin tried again.

"GO now!" Brad said sternly pointing at the door. Justin flinched before picking up his binder and briskly walking out the class. Justin sighed. Second time in a week a man has hurt me. Maybe I should turn straight.' Justin laughed at the thought. Naaaaah.' Justin said walking to his next class

Chapter 52

After yesterday's awkward moment between student and teacher Justin was mad as hell even more than lately. Justin walked into his first period technology class late with a binder or anything. He looked at the Mr. Pitt daring him to say anything which he took the threat heavily. Justin pulled out his chair loudly before plopping down in it. Britney looked at Justin strange. Mr. Pitt was scared to say anything to Justin seeing him pissed as he was. Justin was never late for class. Justin glared at Mr. Pitt all while he was teaching.

"Ok, class I need to finish what you started yesterday." Mr. Pitt instructed before he got from in front of the class he saw Justin's hand raised in the air.

"Yes?" Mr. Pitt said happy that Justin was actually going to participate in class.

"Why do we have to finish something we stated yesterday when you won't finish what you started yesterday? Mr. Hypocrite." Justin snarled and the whole class went silent and wide eyed at Justin`s defiance. Mr. Pitt's nostrils flared with anger and he pointed toward the door.

"Outside." Mr. Pitt said Justin didn't move.

"Outside now!" Mr. Pitt yelled at Justin. Justin slowly got out of his chair and walked out of the class room into another one. He closed the door to the empty classroom and looked a Justin who had his arms wrapped around himself and a frown on his face.

"What is wrong with you?" Brad asked

"What's wrong with me? What's wrong with you? I didn't even expect a full term relationship or anything from you. All I waned you to do was acknowledge the fact that we did kiss. I guess you're not attracted to me." Justin said sadly.

"It's not that. It's just that you're 18 and I'm 36 and..." Brad started

"Fuck that either you like me or you don't..." Justin stopped when Brad's warm large hand caressed his cheek. The door of the empty classroom swung open and Britney was shocked a what she saw. It was defiantly more than teacher pupil relationship. Justin turned around quickly before rolling his eyes.

"Uhm phone Mr. Pitt." Britney stuttered before walking away from the door. Justin sighed.

"I think we better go back." Justin said pulling away from his teacher and walking out of the class. He walked back into the classroom more clam than he was before. Class continued with snide remarks form Justin and a bright smile on the teacher's face. Britney on the other hand couldn't wait until class was over she could ask what their teacher was doing to him. The bell rang and Britney picked up all her stuff and look to her left only to find Justin was already out he door. She didn't see him for the rest of the day. She figured he skipped again. He was doing a lot of that lately. After school that day Britney walked out of the back door of University High breaking the habit of going out the front door. She witnessed Justin up against a wall and their teacher pressed up against him. They were kissing but really close to it. She let her presence be known but she hid the fact that she didn't like this at all.

"Justin." Britney called. Justin looked pas his teacher and looked at Britney before curling his lip in annoyance.

"I'll see you later Brad." Justin said as Mr. Pitt moved away from him and blow a kiss before walking pass Britney, who had a pissed off look on her face, into the school. Justin snorted before pulling out a pack of cigarettes out of his messenger bag and putting on in his mouth. He leaned up against the wall before lighting it and inhaling. He blew out a smoke ring and tipped the cigarette to get rid of the ashes. It was an awkward silence between the two old friends. Justin pushed himself off the wall he was leaning on and walked away from Britney. She was quick enough to follow him.

"What was that?" Britney asked

"What?" Justin snorted as he continued to walk.

"That thing with Mr. Pitt. Justin he's our teacher let alone your 18 and he's what 37..." Britney started

"He's 36." Justin corrected

"Anyway, he's still way too old for you it looks like he's taking advantage. Plus he's married I've seen is wife." Britney said sternly

"They got a divorce." Justin said stubbornly.

"Why are you making excuses for him and how could you let some guy use you to serial cheat on his wife. He's married!" Britney exclaimed

"At least he's not raping me." Justin said nastily

"Why are you trying to hurt me? I'm just trying to look after you!" Britney said walking in front of Justin causing him to stop. He held his head low and started talking

"Britney don't ok. Maybe is he is married. Point is I need his attention right. I NEED to feel loved right now. I did the stupidest thing a few weeks ago. I ruined the best thing in my life because it wasn't going to way my spoil ass wanted. I had the best guy in the world ready to marry me and I what? Treat him like shit and tell him it's over all because we don't go to the same fucking school. I was stupid and foolish so don't' try to take this thing I have with brad away from me. I want to be loved and I can't do that if you tell people about it ok?" Justin explained in a sad voice which shocked Britney at he demeanor change. Justin walked pasted her without another word. Somehow things had gone from bad to worse. The only solutions he could come up with is it get Justin and Nelly back together which wouldn't be easy.

Chapter 53

Nelly and his friends sat around his apartment on day doing the usual hanging out which they were doing more often since Nelly doesn't have a steady relationship to tend to. The phone rang and he reached over and picked it up. He didn't look at the caller id so he answer the phone in question.

"Hello?" Nelly answered

"Hey Nelly." a female's voice said

"Hey what's up?" Nelly asked as he sat back down on the couch

"I just needed to talk to you about something." the girl said shyly.

"Ok Britney what?" Nelly asked with question filling his voice.

"Well first have you talked to Justin lately?" Britney asked. Nelly shook his head even though she couldn't see him.

"Uhm no. I saw him at a club last weekend and we talked for a whole song." Nell explained "Why?" he asked

"I don't know see lately I've been really worried about him." Britney sighed

"What's wrong?" Nelly asked

"He hasn't really been himself after that weekend. I think he either saw something that fucked him up in the head or something. He's been really cold to just about everyone. Very snaky. Very angry. He's been cussin up a storm. Skipping classes. He's even dyed his hair a dark color to match his dark persona. Get ready for this, he's letting a MARRIED teacher use him to cheat on his wife and he doesn't have a problem with it." Britney listed off. Nelly was silent for a moment. Justin, his Justin was doing all the things Britney just described. What had happened last weekend to make Justin snap like that.

"He's that bad?" Nelly asked

"Yeah could you please talk to him cuz I want my best friend back." Britney pleaded

"I'll try to talk to him but he prolly won't listen to me." Nelly said sadly

"How come?" Britney asked curiously

"Because I think I'm the reason why he snapped. See at that club that me and him and prolly you were at this weekend. I was wit this girl and I guess he didn't like it." Nelly shrugged

"Oh, yeah sounds like him Justin snaps really easily. But I'm thinkin in my head that you are the only one he'll listen." Britney explained

"I'll see what I can do." Nelly sighed.

"K Thanks Cornell." Britney concluded

"Aight Brit." Nelly said hanging up the phone all his friends were staring at him.

"'The fuck are y'all looking at?" Nelly asked with an eyebrow raised

"Who was that? Ali asked

"Was it that hoe from the club?" City asked with a laugh

"No asshole it was a friend of mine." Nelly said

"What did your friend want? Some dick?" Kyjuan asked with a laugh

"No." Nelly said

"So you didn't get none from that girl at the club?" Murphy Lee asked

"No, she was just a date I guess." Nelly shrugged

"Make sure you take plenty of condoms for your little booty call that just rang." Slo laughed lowly

"I haven't had sex in a while right now would not be the best time to play with me." Nelly warned sternly.

"Well what was the call about?" Ali asked curiously

"I gotta go help a friend out." Nelly said vaguely as he sighed. What was wrong with his baby? The Justin that Britney described was not the one he'd known for the past year and a half. The Justin he knew was sweet. He was innocent yet risqué at the same time. This whole separation thing was hurting him but he didn't go off the deep end. Nelly thought maybe if he would have fought Justin to stay together he wouldn't be alienating most of his friend and letting some sleaze use him. If he could fin Justin maybe he could talk to him. Where would the younger man be though. Nelly thought for a moment before smiling. Justin was at the mall. He always went to the mall when he was unbalanced. Shopping made Justin emotional everyone knew that. Also Nelly knew Justin's trust fund just kicked in and he had a job so he was prolly buying the whole mall.

"Y'all wanna hit the mall?" Nelly asked with a small smile

Justin laughed as he talked with the sales guy behind the counter at the American Eagle. He knew he the guy that worked their. They had met when he was only a Sophomore and it was not on good terms. Somehow, things had turned around and they were actually becoming good friends even flirting a little. Yes, Usher still defiantly had a thing for Justin but he wasn't going to try and force himself on the younger man. Justin flirted so much that Usher bought all the stuff or him using his employee discount. Justin leaned over and kissed his cheek lightly with a friendly smile. Usher grinned at Justin's actions. Justin promised to see his friend later and walked out of American Eagle. Justin looked down at his watch and noticed he didn't have anything t do that day. Justin stopped at a water fountain and took a sip before he felt a body pressed up behind his. He spun around and was met with a familiar face. Justin sighed before hitting the person in the shoulder playfully.

"Don't scare me like that you know I hate it." Justin pouted

"Uh huh well it's not hard to scare you." the person smirked

"Cornell you crack me up." Justin said sarcastically with a dry laugh. Justin turned to walk knowing his ex-boyfriend would follow.

"Well that was an interesting performance you gave in The ` Eagle." Nelly laughed

"What do you mean I didn't do nothing." Justin said

"Well you flirted so hard with what's his face, the guy I beat down, that your nipples are still hard." Nelly said looking at Justin chest and licking his thick lips in lust.

"Firstly stop looking at my nipples horn ball." Justin said moving Nelly's head to the side with his hand. "Next, were you spying on me?" Justin said with a `I'm not mad' voice. Truthfully it warmed his heart that his boyfriend that he hoped to get back together with cared about him.

"Well I needed to talk to you and I knew you'd be over here in teen clothes alley." Nelly laughed. Justin shrugged because he's right.

"What did you need to talk about?" Justin asked

"I wanted to ask you are you ok?" Nelly asked

"Yeah why would you ask me that don't I look fine." Justin said

`Hell yeah.' Nelly thought. "Yeah you look fine but the way your acting is really different." Nelly said

"What do you mean?" Justin asked as he stopped walking

"Britney told me some interesting things that have been going on with you lately." Nelly said

"What? Britney told you what? What the fuck does she know?" Justin sneered

"Evidently alot. She said you have been barking and snarky lately. She said that you've been a bitch lately. She also told me you've been letting some perverted 30 something year old married teacher take advantage of you." Nelly said sadly.

"Fuck her. What the fuck does she know? I have not been a bitch she has been the bitch. Why the fuck does everyone keep questioning who I date and what I do with that person if he's married so what. He's not taking advantage of me." Justin growled. Nelly didn't know who he was talking to. Justin looked sounded and acted differently. He didn't have that witty sense of humor or that loving attitude. His eyes didn't even show the same thing anymore. His eyes use to show innocence and life but now replaced with angry and pain. Nelly also noticed Justin didn't have that clean linen smell anymore. He had a spicy cinnamon smell to go long with his fiery attitude. His hair had even changed color which Nelly just noticed. It wad darker, how appropriate.

"What happened to you? You used to be such a beautiful person." Nelly said incredibly

"What are you talking about? I look the same." Justin said vainly folding his arms across his chest.

"Mostly you do I'm talkin bout the inside, J. You've changed a lot. I know you and this is not you." Nelly reasoned. Justin was quiet for a moment before speaking again.

"Well, maybe you and Britney and everyone else don't know me anymore." Justin said cryptically Justin turned and walked away before he felt a forceful hand grabbed his arm and spin him around. Nelly attitude changed from caring to stern in a matter of minutes.

"Justin I still love you and there are only so many times I`m gonna let you run away form me." Nelly said seriously letting Justin go to walk away from him.


Ok, so i kno yall must be pissy mad about me not updatin. Well i have school so ya kno it takes a while. I'll TRY to update more but i can't make any promises. So how r u likin it? Different huh? Well let me know what u think email me or somethin. -Scream

Next: Chapter 19: Justin and Nelly 54 56

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