Justin and Nelly

By Scream

Published on Dec 29, 2005


University high

by Scream

This story is an AU (Alternate Universe) which means the celebrities in this story aren't celebrties but they are still them.(confused?) This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives.Also, you should defiantly be 18 to read this even though you're probably going to ignore it if you aren't 18.

Please send feedback to screamifyouwant2gofaster@yahoo.com I'll try to write back.

Chapter 62 It was finally Friday and Justin's long week had finally ended on a high note. He just wanted to come home and chill out. He had a slight migraine so he slid his key slowly into the front door of his family home. He stepped inside quietly but not exactly tip toeing. He gently closed the door not making a sound. He heard a woman's voice that was not his mother's. Curiosity got them best of the teenager as he walked through the foyer into the hallway that lead to his father's office. Like the little boy he once was, Justin stood by the open door far enough so his father couldn't see him. Justin listened to a conversation between his father and the mysterious woman. "When are you gonna leave?" the woman asked annoyed "She's my wife what am I supposed to do, leave her and my three children." Justin's father said. "Well I was supposed to be your wife and what about the baby we have?" the woman said "You know the situation, after Justin was born I couldn't leave I have to deal with my mistakes. I couldnt just say I didnt want him and walk away form the situation." "Well what about me?" the woman asked "What about you? I gave you a roof over your head and everything you ever asked for without my wife knowing it, you shouldn't complain." Justin's dad explained "Well my child needs a father too." the woman whined. "Look, this is not the right time for me to leave my wife." Justin's dad said rubbing his temples, a habit which spread to nearly all his children. "Fine, when are you expecting them home?" the woman asked "Justin's out of school already but he's so social he never comes home on time. And Lynn is with Stephen and Jonathon so she won't be back til later." Randall said "Well I must be going don't want your "perfect" family to catch your mistress here now do we?" the woman taunted before heading toward the door. Justin's father got up and walked behind her. They walked out the open office door and ran right into a pair of blue eyes filled with pain. The woman stopped and her eyes went from sassy to panic to fear in less than a minute. "Get out." Justin said in deeper voice than his normal speaking voice, aiming it at his father's "girlfriend". She fearfully walked around the teenager and power walked to the front door. `You're cheating on my mother." Justin said, not a question but an accusation. "Justin let me^Å" his father started "I don't wanna hear it." Justin said walking by his father to get the staircase that led to his room. "Justin^Å" Randall started again. "Shut the fuck up!!" Justin yelled at his father for the first in his life. "Who in the hell do you think you're talking to?" Randall said. Justin looked at him for a moment before shaking his head incredibly. "I don't even know." Justin said turning around and walking up the stair case. After Justin got to his room he stood in the middle of the bedroom. He didn't know what to do. He just found out his whole life was built on a lie and a mistake. He was the mistake and his parent's marriage was a lie. He felt like his world was crashing down around him. He felt like he was being smothered and his breathing became labored and the room seemed to be spinning. He had to get out of this room, this house. A few hours later Justin's mom was home and his little brothers were sitting in the family room playing. Justin hadn't left the his room since the altercation that occurred earlier that evening. His father didn't dare say anything about him just sat in the living with his family, unlike he usually does, waiting for Justin to spill the unfaithful beans, if he did at all. He simply told his wife that Justin wasn't feeling good when he didn't greet her he normally did. Later that evening the whole family noticed when Justin came down the stairs for the first time. "Hi honey." Lynn smiled at Justin who didn't smile back. "Hey mom." Justin said nonchalantly "What's wrong?" Lynn asked as she looked closely at Justin for the first time since he made his presence known. She looked at the box in Justin's hand, the huge bag on his shoulder and the gloomy looked plastered on his face and she grew worried. "What's going on?" Lynn asked confused "I'm moving out." Justin said "Don't go." Randall said "I have to daddy I can't live here anymore." Justin explained "Why? Why now?" Lynn asked "You knew it was gonna happen mom I'm just making the first move." Justin explained to his mother. "Don't go like this Justin, not because of me." his father begged "Because of you? What did you do?" Lynn asked confused "Mom, do you ever wonder when he don't come home who he goes to see? And why in the middle of the night he leaves you alone? Now think about that and tell me what he did." Justin said walking over to the area where his brothers were playing and bent down and placed a kiss to both of their foreheads. "You two be good for mommy and daddy okay?" Justin said softly before turning away and walking for the door. He felt a little pull on his hand and looked down into a pair of innocent blue eyes. "Dun go peas." Stephen asked in his adorable voice. Justin bent down and hugged his youngest brother before letting go. "Bye Steve." Justin before opening the door and walking out into the damp cold night. His parents just sat there stunned and helpless because they knew he was of age and they couldn't do anything to stop him from moving out. Justin was gone, maybe for good, and all they had was a memory.

Chapter 63 Nelly plopped down on his couch. He had finally gotten his children to go to sleep and he was exhausted. He threw an am over his eyes and laid back as the peaceful sound of rain hit the roof. It was dead quiet in his apartment as night took over the city of Orlando. Nelly didn't feel like watching TV, he was tired and sleepy after the stressful week he's been having. He didn't feel like getting in his bed because he was too tired. He was half way to sleep when the soft sound of a doorbell chimed throughout the house. Nelly was tempted to let it ring but he figured he might as well get up. He rolled off the couch reluctantly and walked down the stair case to his front door. He looked out the peephole before pulling the door open. He reached out and pulled the person out the rain without a second thought. Nelly slid the bag off of the person shoulder and let it gently hit the carpet. Free from the bag weighing them down, the person proceeded to wrap their arms around Cornell's neck for an unexpected hug even thought they were a little damp from the rain outside. "I had nowhere else to go." Justin said feeling the need to whisper due to the quiet atmosphere. Nelly wrapped his arms around Justin's waist to return the hug. He placed a light kiss to Justin's cheek as he nodded to answer Justin's question. He was always welcomed here and he never forgot it. This was the one place he could go to no questions asked and he wouldn't be convinced not to do what he felt was right. After the hug was finished Nelly led Justin up the stairs to the couch in the living room so they could sit down. "Why didn't you call first so you didn't have to stand in the rain." Nelly asked as he stared at Justin who started to remove his shirt. Justin looked over to see Cornell staring at him like he was doing something strange. "What? You've seen me naked before, and I'm cold." Justin explained nonchalantly and he unbuckled his belt and undid his jeans. Justin leaned down and untied his shoes before pulling them off and putting them by his discarded shirt. Nelly finally stopped staring He reached back and grabbed a blanket to put around Justin's shoulders. "It's cold in here." he explained as Justin wrapped himself into the blanket after he got rid of his wet pants. "Thank you." Justin said "How long you gonna be staying here?" Nelly asked curiously. Justin leaned his head over and rested on Nelly's broad shoulder before answering. "How does forever sound?" Justin said half serious. Cornell wrapped an arm around him and kissed him on the lips gently "Sounds `ight." Nelly agreed "You sleepy baby?" Nelly asked sweetly. Justin nodded his head. Nelly stood up and pulled Justin along with him. They walked the half sleep boy to his bedroom and let me lay down on the side opposite to where Nelly normally slept. After he got Justin settled, Cornell laid down on his normal side of the bed because he too was also sleepy. He was thinking about what just said. Did he really want to stay there forever? It plagued him for five minutes and kept him from sleep even though he had his eyes closed. His thought were interrupted when he heard Justin let out a soft snore like he normally did when he was tired or stress. Nelly let out an ironic snicker, he never thought he'd be so happy to hear that annoying sound. The next morning Nelly was awaken by the loud smell of Zest body wash and the shower running. He opened his eyes just as the shower water was being turn off. He just laid there until he gathered his thoughts and concluded that it was mostly likely Justin taking a shower. The bathroom door swung open and Justin walked out in a pair of ripped jeans and a tank top and sat on the side edge of the bed on Nelly's side. He placed a kiss on the older man's lips. "Morning." Justin said "Morning baby." Nelly said with a sleep filled voice. "Thank you for letting me stay here." Justin said "You always herre." Nelly said "That's prolly why I came here." Justin said "What does your dad think about you staying here?" Nelly asked curious not knowing that he hit a bad spot in Justin's mind. "I don't give a shit what he thinks fuck him." Justin sneered "Chill out. What happened?" Nelly asked "I found out everything in my house wasn't as peaceful as it seemed." Justin paused. He was getting emotional again. "I found out my dad has been cheating on my mom since before I was born and he called me a "mistake". Justin said without emotion. The room was silent as Justin's words were absorbed. Nelly sat up and move so Justin was sitting in between his legs. "You're not a mistake. No one like you could be a mistake." he said kissing the boy's cheek. "So you staying herre for good?" Cornell asked "If you'll have me." Justin said turning his head to look the man in the eye. Cornell leaned forward and connected lips with Justin, a kiss that could only mean yes.


Next: Chapter 23: Justin and Nelly 64 66

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