Justin and Nelly

By Scream

Published on Jan 24, 2006


University High

by Scream

This story is an AU (Alternate Universe) which means the celebrities in this story aren't celebrties but they are still them.(confused?) This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives.Also, you should defiantly be 18 to read this even though you're probably going to ignore it if you aren't 18.

Please send feedback to screamifyouwant2gofaster@yahoo.com I'll try to write back.

Chapter 64

Justin moving into Cornell's apartment was easy for both people to handle. They were acting like a couple even though neither of them had actually talked about the strict term "boyfriend". They mostly just enjoyed each others company. It reminded them of thee good old days before things went south. They were sleeping in the same bed even though there was another bed and a couch in the apartment. They didn't have sex not even sexual contact but both of them felt comfortable walking around each other naked because it was normal for them. Now that school was over for the summer the two just hung out everyday. Justin hadn't even thought about calling his parents and he wasn't interested in answering the phone when they called. Right now he was laughing his ass off and he held a football under his arm and Nelly was standing a few yards ahead of him challenging him to try to score.

"Come on you can't do this. You're like bigger than me." Justin said

"Yes the hell I can you started it." Nelly said bending his knee and resting his hands on them smiling at Justin. They were involved in an intense football game on a hot Orlando afternoon. Both of them were shirtless, clad in only shorts that were shorter than the ones they normally wore. They were both sweating and kind of dirty due to the tackling. Justin was trying to find a way through the body of muscles in front of him. He tucked the ball under and started to run full force past Nelly. He thought he was going to score until he was yanked back by a couple of arms that grabbed him around his waist. He struggled to get out of the hold but failed when he hit the ground in a tackle. Soon as he landed he felt something hard and heavy land on him.

"Damn J you're getting strong." Nelly panted toward Justin who was also panting below him as Nelly hovered over him.

"Thanks I work out." Justin tried to laugh and catch his breath. Justin hooked his arm around Nelly's back and rolled him over to his back and Justin's ass rested on his crouch.

"You looked like you didn't wanna move." Justin unintentionally whispered sensually. He pressed his ass back on Cornell's dick and got to his feet.

"Whoa I'm beat I'm gonna go take a bath ok?" Justin shouted as he walked back towards the apartment.

"Damn." Nelly said shaking his head and adjusting his shorts to fit his hard on. Needless to say the sexual tension between the two was high level. They were always doing this together that require touching even though it had be months since that had intercourse and weeks since they had sexual contact. He got off the ground where he was laying and walked back to the apartment through the sliding glass door. He closed and locked the door before looking around. Another thing he noticed since Justin moved in the apartment became spotless, the dishes were always washed and it always smelled of lemon pledge which is better than funky corn chips. He took a seat on one of the bar stools and after about a minute Justin came out of the bathroom followed by a cloud of steam. Justin walked into the kitchen and took out two bottles of water and slid one over to Nelly who gave him a "thank you" look.

"So what do you want to do tonight?" Justin asked

" I'm hungry." Nelly said

"You better go pick up something to eat." Justin smiled

"Oh I see how it is. You've playin my wifey but now you can't cook a brotha something to eat. I got you J." Nelly laughed

"I never said I was your wifey. I'm just anal and a neat freak." Justin explained with a smile

"I know how anal you are." Nelly said unintentionally implying a sexual innuendo. Justin just smiled and shook his head.

"Fine I'll cook but just this one time." Justin said

"Do I really wanna eat that?" Nelly asked

"You have no choice baby." Justin said picking up the nearby cordless phone. "Hello? Pizza Hut? Yeah I can get two meat lover's pizzas?" Justin said. "There it'll b done cooking in 20-30 minutes" Justin laughed

"It better be." Nelly said playfully.

Later that night after the two men ate their food they laid across the couch watching a late movie. The sex scenes in the R rated video got both of them kind of hot even though it was hetero sex. After the movie was over both men were nearly sleep.

"Good movie." Justin commented through a yawn

"Yeah dirrty real good one." Nelly said standing up and walking to the bedroom sluggishly followed by an equally as sluggish Justin. They both fell on their sides of the bed and got comfortable. Justin shifted over to his back to get ore comfortable. Justin thought that he was tired that he would go straight to sleep. The warmth next to him was the thing that was running through his mind. All of the contact, all of the old feelings stirring inside of him, and the cohabitation was making Justin want Nelly sexually mentally and emotionally.

"Cornell I was thinking, I really don't think we can keep on living like this with all this frustration. I know that when we broke up it was hard for both of us and we said we would eventually get back together. I've been wondering why you ain't brought it up yet. You've never been one to say your feelings. I really need to get back to together like exclusively." Justin rambled. He was answered with a loud snore. His words had appeared to be gone unnoticed. Justin sighed loudly because he had said what was on his mind and he didn't think he could say it again. It was up to Cornell whether they got back together or not.

Chapter 65

Justin reached into the refrigerator and brought out two chocolate pudding cups. He sat down on one of the bar stools and opened one of the cups. He put a spoon in the pudding and gave it to the toddler sitting next to him.

"Here ya go." Justin said with a smile as the little boy's eyes lit up and attempted to scoop the pudding into his mouth. The pudding he missed smash onto the bib strategically placed around his neck. Justin was watching Nelly's young son while he went off somewhere. He was the most wee behaved baby Justin ever babysat not to mention he was cute like Nelly. The front door downstairs was unlocked and opened as someone with a key walked into the apartment and closed the door. Justin looked at the staircase that led to the front door expecting to see Cornell returning but instead got confused when he saw a young woman walked up the stairs.

"Cornell!" the girl called out.

"He's not here." Justin said eyeing the woman suspiciously.

"Justin hi where did he go?" the girl asked with fake politeness

"uhh hi^Å." Justin said forgetting the name

"Stacy." the girl said "Remember from the club a while ago." Stacy said. Justin quickly scanned his memory and remembered that girl Nelly was dancing with. His jaw went rigid as he stared at her.

"He's not here." Justin said not faking politeness.

"Well where did he go?" the girl asked sneering

"Hell if I know I'm not his keeper." Justin said

"That's prolly your damn problem." Stacy muttered under here breath.

"You said something?" Justin asked

"No." the girl said

"What do you want him for anyway?" Justin asked

"None of your business." Stacy said

"Well sorry to bust your bubble but he's not here so find another dick to suck." Justin said noticing the condom she was holding and getting angry.

"Aren't we a little old to be calling people out and suggesting things." Stay said folding her arms.

"You're holding a condom and busting into a man's apartment not much to imply." Justin said as he wiped Nelly's son's mouth.

"Why are you here anyway? Didn't Cornell kick you to the curb?" Stacy asked

"For the record I broke up with him and I live here now so whatever you two had going on is over." Justin said walking up to her. "Besides you've wanted him even before we broke up this didn't come up conveniently after we broke up." Justin said

"You're right I've always wanted him but he wouldn't give me the time of day because he was so into you. But I always knew you didn't know what you had and I'm so glad that you let it go." Stacy sneered

"What are you trying to say?" Justin asked ignoring all the insults "I'm saying that Cornell is my man now." Stacy said.

"I think you need to up out my house." Justin said pointing to the door.

"Fine I'll go but remember what I said." Stacy said before going down the stairs and out the door. Justin shook his head before going back to what he was doing.

  • "Hello?" Justin answered his phone groggily

"Hey are you ok? It seems like you dropped off the face of the earth. Your father has been looking for you everywhere." a squeaky voice said through his cell phone. It was so annoying he took it away from his ear.

"I'm ok. I was sleepin." Justin said

"Where have you been?" the voice said loudly

"Brit, calm down I'm livin and that's all that matters." Justin said

"Alright, but your dad is wondering^Å" Britney said

"Fuck him." Justin denounced.

"What happened?" She asked

"Some bullshit I don't feel like talking about." Justin said rolling over and taking off his blindfold while yawning.

"Seriously where are you? I haven't talked to you in like a week and a half." Britney said seriously

"Where else would I go when I'm having a problem?" Justin said. There was a momentary silence and then a sound of realization.

"Oh, so are y'all finally back together?" she asked knowing what he was talking about.

" You do realize you ask that like every week right?" Justin said

"Yeah yeah^Åso are you?" Britney asked

"No. And if that fucking^Ågirl^Å keeps coming over here were not anytime soon." Justin said controlling his temper.

"Well that's why I told you to get back with him a long time ago." Britney mumbled

"What? You wanna get snatch bald headed?" Justin asked hearing her smart comment

"Well sorry but I did tell you that." Britney said

"So." Justin snorted

"Somebody hasn't gotten dick in a while so he's cranky." Britney snickered

" Whatever. I'm still lovable." Justin said

"No fucking comment." Britney laughed

"What I haven't?" Justin said

"I'm surprised Cornell hasn't thrown you out yet all you is bitch nowadays." Britney explained

"Whatever. He hasn't come home yet and it's^Å 11:00. Im glad though cuz I aint liked him since his bitch left." Justin yawned

"You got all summer to work it out, so stop bitching and just go after him. You can always play passive." Britney said

"Ok I'll remember that, Can I go?" Justin whined in his high pitched annoying voice.

"Yeah bye." Britney said hanging up the phone. Justin pulled his blindfold back done over his eyes. The words "Go after what you want" kept echoing through his head as he tried to sleep.

"Tomorrow." Justin yawned before going to sleep.

Chapter 66

Justin sat on the couch waiting for Cornell to wall through the door before he lost his nerves to do what he was going to do. Justin knew for a fact that he came home last night. He smelled his cologne and he remembered someone in bed with him last night. Justin was a patient person but he had been waiting for two hours and Jenny Jones was boring. Justin finally heard a door being open and closed and footsteps up the stairs. He stood up form the couch to greet the person coming.

"Hey." Justin said with a small smiled

"Hey." Cornell said with an equal smile.

"Can we talk?" Justin said and Nelly nodded.

"Has it been awkward for you living with me and not like actually being together?" Justin said

"A lil bit." Nelly shrugged

"So why haven't you even told me you wanted to get back together?" Justin asked finally.

"You the one who broke up with me." Nelly said. They had had this argument before and it was getting old.

"Well you have so much going on in your life I didn't think you had time for me and my problems." Justin said

"I've always been this busy but I'll make time for you like I always used to." Nelly explained.

"Did you make time for Stacy too?" Justin asked

"Come again?" Nelly said confusion lacing his voice.

"You know Stacy bout this tall^Å" Justin signaled with his hand to his chest. ".. a trashy slutty ole girl?" Justin said

"She ain't that bad." Nelly said

"Whatever. All I know I I let her stand right there and tell me she had my man." Justin said

"She ain't got yo man." Cornell said

"The hell she doesn't cuz I don't even have my man." Justin said

"You have me you just haven't realized yet. You had me since '97." Cornell said. Justin just smiled

"How do you know I'm talking about you?" Justin joked

"Come on baby I mean look at me." Cornell said pointing his abs chest and his face "Yeah ok you're right." Justin laughed not even putting up a fight. He stopped laughing when he was pulled into Nelly's chest with their faces close together.

"So we back together?" Nelly asked and Justin just nodded silently. He leaned forward and connected lips with the other man. It was not like those empty kisses they had been sharing when they were on that over extended break that just ended with this kiss of rejoining. The kiss had meaning behind it, to restart the flame that shared that had died down. It had been six long months since they shared these feelings with each other.

"Are we about to have sex?" Justin asked after they parted

"I'll let you know in a few minutes." Nelly said kissing Justin swollen red lips again. Justin placed his hand on the back of Nelly's head as he sat down on the couch behind him. Nelly placed his hands on the back on the couch for support as Justin and he continued kissing with their tongues sliding together in an erotic dance. Justin slid his hand around Nelly's back to his ass and reached into his pocket and pulled out his wallet. He broke the kiss to concentrate on what he was doing. He opened the wallet and found what he knew was there. There was a extra lubricated sensitive thin condom. Justin pulled it out and stuffed the wallet where it was. He put the condom where it was reachable before reaching his hands up and unbuckling Cornell's belt. Nelly reached down to help to help Justin unbutton and unzip his jeans. Justin pulled he mans boxers down to his knees where his pants were gathered and received his ultimate prize. Justin tentatively reached forward and gently grabbed the growing erection from in between his newly crown boyfriend's legs. Justin slid his hand up and down Cornell's penis before opening his mouth and nearly swallowing it whole. He overestimated himself and gagged a little because it's been a while. He pulled back making the suction stronger bringing more pleasure to Nelly. He grabbed the creamy chocolate brown penis at the base and continued to slurp it up the best he could making Nelly's eyes flutter to the back of his head. Justin flicked his tongue over the slit and watched his boyfriend jump from the feeling. Justin bobbing his swollen red lips all over the length of Nelly's dick. He only stopped when his jaw felt like it was going to fall off from sucking so hard. Justin removed his wet mouth from Nelly's private parts and lazily laid back on the couch with a content look on his face. The peace didn't last long as he felt a pair of lips attack his neck and two giant hands removing his shirt and unbuckling his belt at the same time. His shirt was stripped from his body in a heart beat along with his pants. He wrapped his arms around the older man's neck as they kissed and continued foreplay. Soon both men's clothes were in a forgotten pile on the apartment floor and flesh slammed against flesh and they thrust and humped against each other. Their sweating body's made their hard dicks rub together in an orgasmic frenzy. Justin reached his hand over and picked up the condom and held it in front of Cornell's face. He took the condom and expertly opened it with his teeth. He looked down and rolled it onto his stiff dick which brought pleasure within itself. He hooked his hands under Justin's knee and scooted him forward on the couch before pushing his legs back exposing his passage.

"Go slow." Justin said softly. Cornell nodded and grabbed his meat at the base before pressing it against Justin's hole which made him let out a loud breath of air from the cold contact. He pressed it again and let it gently and ever so carefully slip through the tight ring of muscle. Justin hands moved to his back as his nail slowly scraped down Justin's back showing his pain instead of screaming like he wanted to. It had been a long time since he had been fucked so he felt like a virgin again. Justin let out a choked scream and sigh as he felt his insides readjusting. Cornell picked up Justin's hand and let him squeeze it tightly as he got himself inside Justin's ass. He rested and enjoyed the wet tight feeling surround his dick as Justin relaxed. After a few minutes of waiting Nelly pulled his penis back out before pushing it back in. When he heard Justin moaned he started to fuck more forcefully. He repeated his actions of pumping motions, occasion going in a slight angle hitting Justin's prostate so that he could feel as much pleasure as Nelly was feeling. Nelly laid his chest flat against Justin as he continued going in and out of his body, trapping Justin's penis giving him pleasure form the friction.

"Oh baby that feels good." Justin moaned loudly letting out several whimpers afterward.

"Damn your tight as a mother fucker. Yeah baby." Nelly said in a deep voice in Justin ear

"I'm cummin." Justin said and let out a high gasp as his penis erupted in hot sticky white cum and his sexual frustration was released. He lazily let his legs spread wider as his man went to town on him. Nelly lifted Justin's legs higher as he fucked him with more energy. It felt good fucking someone he actually loved. Justin reached a hand under Cornell's body and gently massaged his balls as they went back and forth. Nelly's balls drew up into his sack as his cum flowed out of him into the slippery condom inside Justin's ass. He breathed deeply trying to catch his breath. He looked down at Justin before laming down to kiss him on the lips in post orgasmic haze.


*** Okay so there ya have it they are back together. Ain't it grand? Yes. Okay just to let y'all know I'll give this story another 10-15 chapters at the most before it's finally over. Blah blah blah, you can give me a million reason not to end it but i can give you a million and one why i should end it. Y'all don't fret none (yes I'm a Southerner) All good things must come to an end...so better thing can come!! Okay if anyone noticed the actual title of this story is "Justin and Nelly:University High" well that's about to be over soon as i graduate Justin which will not take as long as his So./Jr years. All of the minor/major and whatever else characters are graduating so "University High" has to be over but ya kno my creative ass has something up my sleeves. So here's what I'm thinking... I'm prolly gonna do a mini-series to connect this and the next major arc in the "Justin and Nelly saga" however long it's gonna be. i kno for a fact that I'm gonna send them to college somewhere off in the distance and they will be in more "adult" situations. I still have all the suggestions for new characters which i am eventually gonna use so look out for your favorite celebrity popping up in there. It's gonna be fun trust me. Also i can get more creative with my sex scenes. BTW did u see the one i wrote for this last chapter? I haven't written a sex scene in so long OMG. Feels good even tho it took me three days. This was acutally susposed to be out like >last weekend< but ole silly me got the two back together the only way i know how. A) admission of feelings and B) freaky sneaky sex. lol. Okay anyway I'll get right on the next installment so don't EVER lose faith in me cuz i try to get these chapters out as fast as i can and maintain a semi healthy teenage life. ya kno? Feel free to IM me to discuss the story and just talk in general or ask questions? kthanksbye. -Scream

COMING SOON: Justin and Nelly: RoadTrip (hopefully by April or May (1 yr since i've been writing this story!) at the latest)

Next: Chapter 24: Justin and Nelly 67 70

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