Justin and Nelly

By Scream

Published on Jun 5, 2006


University High

by DL

This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives. Also, you should defiantly be 18 to read this even though you're probably going to ignore it if you aren't 18.

Please send feedback to pantsdownreallow1@yahoo.com

Chapter 71

Cornell stood in the doorway of his bedroom looking at his bed with his arm folded like he was thinking. There was a large sleeping lump under the bed sheet that was snoring. It moved p and down as it breathed. Cornell reached over and pulled the covers off of the sleeping lump to reveal Justin. Nelly just looked at him, they couldn't be anymore opposite. He put his hand on Justin's forearm and noticed the extreme changed from the slight tan white and the brown of his skin. Saying they were different was going far beyond race or ethnic background. Nelly was assertive and got what he wanted while Justin waited for things to happen o to come knowing they would eventually. Justin was an emotional train wreck while Nelly was hard as stone. Justin was easily angered while Nelly only got angry when somebody fucked with his man or someone close to him. Even in bed they were different. Nelly was more dominate while Justin just let things happen. It worked somehow. Their differences brought out each others positive qualities. Nelly ran his hand over Justin's abs to wake him up. Justin grunted out a string of curse words and rolled over. Nelly put his hand down Justin's sleeping shorts and squeeze one of his as cheeks.

"Ugh baby not now I'm sleeping." Justin mumbled and started snoring again.

"Them letters are here if you wanna read them." Cornell whispered in Justin's ear. Justin threw the covers back and sat up in the bed like he was never sleep.

"Forreal? Did you open them yet?" Justin asked

"Nah I was waitin on yo sleepin ass." Nelly said

"Well my sleepin ass was sleep cuz your loud ass kept me awake with that snoring." Justin said

"Aye, I don't snore nicca. I sigh, you snore." Nelly said

"Whatever you snore I snore whatever it was loud last night." Justin shrugged

"Shut up and read your letter." Nelly said

"Read it to me. No I'll read it. No read it. No I'll read it." Justin said snatching the letter and handing it back.

"Boy, just read mine and I'll read yours." Nelly said opening Justin's envelope while Justin opened his. Justin eyes lit up at what he read.

"You got in!" Justin said hugging the older man. When Nelly didn't return the hug he got worried.

"You ain't get in baby sorry." Cornell said folding up the paper as Justin looked at him like he was crazy.

"Excuse me?" Justin asked

"They rejected you." Cornell said with a straight face.

"What the fuck? Them bitches don't know who they fucking with. I'll blow that fucking place up. Where my keys?" Justin said jumping out the bed making Nelly bust out laughing and grab him around his waist and pull him back down. Justin hit the bed and bounced it took that much force to make him sit back down.

"What the hell are you laughing for fool?" Justin asked

"You got in." Nelly whispered.

"I got in?" Justin asked dumbly with his mouth wide open.

"It was a joke. Close your mouth fo' something go in it." Nelly said laughing loudly at Justin face. Justin snapped his mouth close and pouted because he didn't see shit funny. Justin look at the nightstand and picked up a box of Kleenexes. When Nelly leaned back up Justin hit him upside the head hard as he could.

"If it's one thing I asked you never to play about, it was college, stupid ass." Justin said. Nelly rubbed his head as his laughter died down.

"I couldn't' help it. You gullible as hell derrty." Nelly said

"Shut up don't talk to me." Justin said pouting

"Awww c'mon I was playing with you baby." Nelly said trying to hug Justin. Who tried not to smile but he did.

"We're going to college together." Justin said and Nelly nodded

"All the way in New York. What the fuck were we thinking?" Justin said scooting over letting his man lay down next to him.

"Tryna get away from this bullshit down here." Nelly said

"You think we'll be the same up there as we are down here?" Justin asked

"Hell I hope we're better." Nelly said

"We won't know what to do up there. And I heard them people are mean." Justin said

"They just different that's all. Aye look you just wanna go up there for a vacation or something to ease your mind." Nelly suggested trying to sooth Justin's mind.

"Yeah that's sounds fun." Justin said leaving the room quiet.

"Won't have no friends up there." Justin said after a minute of quietness between the two.

"You'll make some new ones." Nelly said

"What about you?" Justin asked looking Cornell in his chiseled face. "I got friends up there." Nelly said vaguely.

"Alright now." Justin said getting comfortable laying up against the body of muscle known as Nelly. Nelly kissed Justin's forehead before laying his own head back. Different they are, and different they always will be.

Chapter 72

"Hey." Justin walking up to Britney in the lunchroom pressing a friendly kiss to her lip.

"Hey what's up?" Britney asked

"Nothing." Justin said

"Guess where I got accepted to next fall?" Britney and Justin said

"You go." Britney said

"Nah you go." Justin said

"No I insist." Britney said

"Bitch where the hell are you goin to school at? And it better not be where I think it is." Justin asked

"Not NYU damn." Britney said

"Good." Justin grumbled

"So its almost over, arent you happy?" Britney said happily

"I guess. Shit I'm sick of lookin at your redneck ass." Justin said chew his gum in his special way and smiled.

"Whatever. Talking like that ain't gonna make it easier for you up there." Britney said

"Zip it. Who is that?" Justin asked pointing to a guy walking with the rest of their social group.

"Oh that's Alex. You remember him I know." Britney said

"Damn he got fine as hell what happened?" Justin asked referring to the fact that Alex's laugh got deeper he got facial hair and he has more muscles.

"You know, they put stuff in the food." Britney said

"You know what I'll have to get another best female friend cuz in light of recent events in the world, your reputation is shit. Besides you just ruined my lunch." Justin said throwing down his chicken sandwich. The rest of the group walked over including Alex and sat down.

"Got my college acceptance later." Jessica said

"Your dumbass got into college?" Britney asked

"Well duh. But I didn't get into NYC^Å" Jessica started but was cut off by a groan and Justin's head hitting the table.

"YES! No offense." Justin said

"Yeah well the rest of us are going different places too." Christina said

"Aww I ain't goin to see ya'll no more. I'm sad now." Justin said "Well I'm over it." Justin shrugged.

"Aww this is one of the last times we'll eat together." Britney said

"Thank God." Alex said

"I second that." Justin laughed

*** "Come on baby you can go faster than that." Nelly said

"If I go any faster my hand is gonna fall off." Justin said

"Your hand is too wet." Cornell commented

"Well I been holding this thing for too long." Justin said wiping his hands on his shorts. Cornell shook his head and laughed.

"I win." Nelly said

"Man that's booty. I ain't played this game in a long ass time." Justin said putting down the play station controller and pouting.

"Yeah yeah excuses excuses." Cornell said

"We need to play a game that I can win." Justin said

"I got a game I'd let you win." Nelly said wiggling his eyebrows.

"Shut up. I'm dead ass. I don't like this losing thing." Justin said

"Leave it alone." Cornell said

"Whatever mean ass." Justin said frowning

"Ok before this fight even starts I'm sorry." Nelly said

"Save time." Justin laughed

"When are we gonna start movin shit into the new apartment?" Nelly asked

"Soon as graduatin is over." Justin said

"Let's go up there like next week." Nelly suggested

"Yeah but one problem I hate airplanes and there ain`t even money in the state of Florida to get me on one." Justin said

"So you expect me to drive yo lazy ass up there cuz you also hate to drive long distances." Nelly said looking at Justin like he was crazy.

"Well yeah." Justin shrugged.

"You on that shit J forreal." Nelly said

"Well how we gonna go then stupid?" Justin asked

"Don't worry bout it." Nelly said "When do you graduate?" Nelly asked a minute later.

"Saturday." Justin said

"Are you excited?" Nelly said

"Why would I be?" Justin said

"Cuz you're gonna be a man now. No more high school and the bullshit that comes with it. You studied 12 years for this and you ain't happy?" Nelly said

"I'm gonna miss everybody. I been with these people since I was 3 and I won't see a lot of them anymore. I'm more sad than excited baby." Justin said

"Well life's a turntable and It's keeps going a lot of people are gonna come and go out of your life, it's part of growin up." Nelly said. The room was quiet after he said that.

"You know I didn't know you were so deep." Justin said

"I'm just a genius like that." Nelly grinned showing his teeth. Justin smiled back and playfully punch the older man in the gut.

"Stop braggin." Justin laughed as he was pulled on Nelly's lap by his fist.

"You tryna hit me punk huh?" Nelly said rubbing Justin's hair.

"Not the hair. I was playin!" Justin said through laughing as Nelly continued to rub his head the wrong way.

Chapter 73

Justin sat on the stage in his long gown with the funny cap thing on his head. It was the afternoon of the class of 00's graduation and he didn't want to be there. It was boring. The valedictorian was still making his speech going into his 9th minute. He would have left by now but the school laid if he didn't attend he wouldn't get his diploma. He sighed and slouched in his chair for a third time. He looked out into the crowd and saw everybody's parents and he connected them with the students on the stage. His eyes stopped and focused on two sets of parents. He squinted until he saw that they were his parents who still showed up after he moved out and haven't attempted to contact them in months. He saw them wave and he smiled kindly and waved back. After a few more minutes the principles started calling all the names of the senior class in alphabetical order by last name. He watched one by one as each of the students got up and walked over shook the principles hand got their diploma and put their tassel on the opposite side of their box hat thing. Nearly all of his friends went before him including Britney who was nearly a year younger than him. It made him cringed. When they got to Justin's name they called his full name out which made him blush slightly as he walked across the stage and got his diploma. After they did the traditional tossing your hat up and saying your graduation year like asses thing, everybody was free to go. Justin walked off the stage and saw his parents coming toward him he put on a smile as they approached him to give their congratulations.

"I'm so proud of you." Justin's mom said hugging him and smiling.

"Thank you." Justin said hugging back.

"I knew you could do it son." Justin dad said hugging him also.

"I'm glad you could make it." Justin said kindly.

"How have you been sweetheart?" Justin's mom asked in a motherly way she was known for.

"I've been great." Justin replied noticing he was talking to them like they were strangers

"Anything interesting going on?" Justin's dad asked

"Besides finishing high school nothing really. I'm moving to New York." Justin revealed

"New York? Why? When? For what?" Justin's mom said

"In this order. Yes. I need a change. This summer. College duh." Justin said

"When was this decision made?" Justin's dad asked

"When I got into NYC and decided to move." Justin answered sending a silence into the air.

"I'm sorry about the way you found out what you found out son." Justin's dad sighed

"I'm over it. What did y'all do about it?" Justin said

"We're getting a divorce." Justin's mom said

"If that's what you think is best I'm behind you 100%." Justin answered.

"We still want to be a family though. You included. I don't care if you are movin up north. You call if you need anything or if you just want to talk." Justin's dad said

"Yes, Christmas Thanksgiving all the important holidays I want you home ok? We're gonna make this work." Justin's mom said

"I'll try." Justin promised.

"Ok, we know you've got other stuff to do so we'll call later ok son?" Justin's dad said hugging him again and then his mom.

"Ok thanks dad. I love you guys." Justin said before letting go. He couldn't walk away without letting his emotional mother take some pictures. He went on his way after the pictures. He looked around hoping to find the person he was really looking for. He lifted his head up to see over the crowd and everybody.

"You lookin for me? Someone said which made Justin spin around to see who it is. A smile quickly covered his face as he approach the man in the suit.

"Yeah I was. I like how you hid from me." Justin said

"Well I ain't wanna interrupt the family moment." Cornell said

"It's ok I was tying up some loose ends." Justin explained

" I saw, I'm glad you it went good." Nelly said. Justin grinned and held up his diploma.

"I got it." Justin said

"I see you. Now you're on my level." Nelly said

"Yeah you get your AA like next week or some shit. I'm on your level for now." Justin laughed.

"Aye I'm tryna make You feel better about bein young and crazy." Nelly said

"Well you're old and crazy so it don't even matter." Justin said

"You love my old and crazy ass tho I kno that Fa Sho." Nelly said moving Closer to Justin and wrapping his arms around his waist.

"You`re ok." Justin said.

"Just ok?" Nelly said resting his forehead against Justin's

"Just ok." Justin smiled and pressed their lips together. The two sucked on each others lips and massaged each others tongues with their own for over five minutes. A throat clearing sound separated the two.

"Making out in public, so disappointed in you." Britney said smiling.

"Bitch please I'll kiss my man anywhere I want to." Justin laughed and kissed Cornell on the lips again.

"Can I get a hug form you too since we're all goin our separate ways." Britney said. Justin and Nelly looked at each other before moving towards her.

"Come here." Justin said as they shared a group hug. They all let out an over exaggerated sigh before separating.

"I'll call you Brit." Justin said

"K bye." Britney said waving and walking away.

"So what do you wanna do now?" Justin asked

"Let's go home and pack for new York baby!" Justin shouted.

"Let's go home and sleep and pack tomorrow." Nelly suggested.

"Pack." Justin demanded

"Sleep." Nelly argued

"This next year is gonna be interesting with you arguing with me all the time." Justin pointed out as they walked towards the car to return to their apartment and get ready to move to New York, where interesting situations are sure occur in the world of Justin & Nelly.

The End. (Maybe)

Cancelled. Ehh. I don't know yet. I can still write the story by myself. And i noticed that i got that best celebrity in a non celebrity setting award thing which warmed my heart. (ignoring disqualification) Well i got some convicing emails and i'm too lazy to start a new story so figured i might sequel this one. So tell me what u think. Email me or IM me at pantsdownreallow1@yahoo.com. Don't do either if you're weird and you know it cuz i'm not afriad to report you. Ok umm yeah. Later. - DL

Next: Chapter 27

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