Justin and Nelly

By Scream

Published on Jul 18, 2005


University high by Scream

Okay, so this happens to be one of my favorite stories that I have written. It's quite long actually. It's actually an AU (Alternate Universe) which means the celebrities in this story aren't celebrties but they are still them.(confused?) This story is fiction and is not intended to imply anything about the true sexuality of the celebrities mentioned or any personal knowledge about their private lives.Also, you should defiantly be 18 to read this even though you're probably going to ignore it if you aren't 18. Please send feedback to screamifyouwant2gofaster@yahoo.com I'll try to write back.

Now... follow me to a high school where you are not familiar with the people yet you know them of so well...

Chapter 3

"Mom!" Justin said walking into the house

"Don't yell, what?" she asked wiping her hands on a dish towel

" A friend of mine is coming over to do homework is that ok?" he asked giving his puppy dog face

" Sure, well I'm leaving I have to take your brothers to soccer practice so you'll have the house to yourself." she said

"Ok." Justin sighed with content.

"Who's this friend?" she questioned

"Just a guy from math." Justin shrugged

" OoOo a guy, do you like him?" she giggled obviously knowing about him being gay. He came out to her a year ago. She seems ok with it. She even teases him a little.

" MOM!" Justin laughed

" Don't "mom" me do you like him." she laughed

" A little ok a little, Jeez woman." he laughed along with him

"Well I hope everything works out, I'm going to get Jonathon and Stevey ready." she said walking upstairs

When seven o clock rolled around Justin's Mom and brothers were gone. His dad didn't get home until later so he had the house to himself . His thoughts were broken when he heard a doorbell. He padded to the door, his bare feet hitting the floor made the only sound in the house. He opened the door to reveal Nelly.

" Hey, come in." Justin invited

" Thanks man." Nelly said walking in

" You want something to eat I was gonna order a pizza." Justin said getting the phone.

" That'll be cool." Cornell said sitting down. While Justin was talking on the phone Nelly took the time to stare at Justin's body which was in low riding jeans, a wife-beater, and barefoot. Nelly thought it should be illegal to look that good without trying. After Justin was done he sat down next to Cornell on the sofa.

" Do you have to be anywhere anytime soon?" Justin asked hesitantly

" Nah, not really why?" Nelly asked

" You wanna watch a movie and eat before we get started on the assignment." Justin asked

" Yeah dirty that'd be great." Nelly smiled

Later the pizza arrived and Justin put on a movie. He kept sneaking glances at Cornell out the corner of his eye. As did Nelly to Justin. Halfway through the movie they decided to get started on the homework. Justin didn't understand a problem and Nelly was explaining it to him.

" Ok so you drop this variable..." Cornell said

" Uh huh." Justin said not really listen staring at Nelly's full lips

"And then you combine these binomials..." Nelly explained

Justin didn't know how he got the courage he leaned forward and pressed his lips to Nelly is a desperate kiss. Cornell was shocked at the least but he relaxed into the kiss. Cornell pressed his tongue against Justin closed lips desperately asking for entrance. Justin parted his lips where Nelly's tongue gently massaged his. He leaned back on the couch with Cornell hovering over him. Nelly pressed his arousal into Justin's thigh.

Justin moaned with pleasure as thrust his hips forward. They broke the kiss only to breath.

" I'm so sorry, I don't know what came ov...wait you kissed back!" Justin said pacing around the room. He suddenly stopped and stared

" Yeah, I've been waiting to do that for a while now." Nelly confessed

" So you're gay?" Justin asked hopefully

" No I'm bi." he corrected

" Oh that's cool too." Justin said

" So what now?" Nelly asked

" What do you want to do?" Justin asked quietly

" I want more." Cornell said

" Me too." Justin said

"Ok. Can I kiss you?" Cornell asked shyly which Justin had not previously seen

Justin answered him by gently pressing his lips to Nelly's. the kiss started chaste and innocent. It soon progressed into something else, it was full of lust and need. Justin sat in Nelly's lap as they made out. Nelly changed the position so that h was on top of Justin. Justin then reach for Nelly's zipper of his jeans. He then felt a gentle but firm hand on his. The kiss stopped.

" I really don't wanna rush this and if you unzip me then we won't be able to stop. I wanna make this right and not all about sex. The first time should be special between us." Cornell explained

"Yeah you have a point this is my first time ever." Justin said blushing and looking down. He felt a strong finger lifting his chin up.

" Then I'm gonna make this really special and losing it on a couch is not special, you have nothing to be embarrassed about baby." Cornell said kindly

" Well, we can fool around right." Justin said smiling

" Yeah but not tonight it's our first night as a couple." Nelly said

" A couple." Justin murmured " I like that." Justin said quietly

" Me too." Nelly said standing up " It's getting late I should get home, I'll call you later."

"Ok, I'll be here. See ya later...Cory." Justin laughed

" Cory? I like that, but only you can call me that so feel special." Cornell said smiling

" Well I do feel special." Justin whispered never breaking his smile.

" See ya later baby." Nelly said kissing Justin 's mouth.

" Bye Cory." Justin sighed and watched him pull off I his car. He closed the door and leaned up against to keep his balance

Chapter 4

After his new boyfriend left, Justin signed onto AOL to tell anyone who would listen. After he connected he went to his buddy list and saw Britney was online. He double clicked her screen name and wrote her a message.

StinkyOne2000: you'll never guess wat happened!!!

UDriveMeCrazy99: what?

StinkyOne2000: Cornell and I kissed!!!

UDriveMeCrazy99: youre lyin!!!

StinkyOne2000: ok yeha I lied no im dead serious!!!

StinkyOne2000: *yeah

UDriveMeCrazy99: OMG!!!! im so happy. i new you'd get together!!! ; )

StinkyOne2000: yeah right sure

UDrvieMeCrazy99: what else happened smartass

StinkyOne2000: well he said he wanted more and I did too and I wanted to have sex but he said he wanted it to be special...

UDriveMeCrazy99:awww he's so sweet

StinkyOne2000: yeah and now hes my bf and I called him Cory... : ))

UDriveMeCrazy99: that's soooooo cute you guys will make a great couple

StinkyOne2000: yeah I kno

UDriveMeCrazy99: ok off of your fabulous love life...u kno that dude Wade Robson? The junior?

StinkyOne2000: yeah...

UDriveMeCrazy99:well he asked me out!! Isn't that great

StinkyOne2000: that's great but he seems kinda creepy so be careful

UDriveMeCrazy99: I will be ill get Bryan to give me a ride

StinkyOne2000: when is the date?

UDriveMeCrazy99: this weekend


UDriveMeCrazy99: yup, and u might not wanna tell Xtina that you and Nelly are goin out becuz she wets her panties every time one of you say something to her.

StinkyOne2000: lol thanks ill keep that in mind

UDriveMeCrazy99: I also heard Nelly has some kids with that senior I forget her name

StinkyOne2000: ok ill ask him about that later listen Brit I gotta go so ill talk 2 u tomorrow

UDriveMeCrazy99: ok buh bye


StinkyOne2000 signed out at 10:12:13 PM

Chapter 5

"Justin!" his mom shouted

"Yeah?" he asked

" How was studying?" she asked carrying Steven in who was sleeping on her shoulder

" It went great. We ordered pizza, we watched a movie we did some homework and we made out." Justin said nonchalantly

"What?!?!" Justin's mom smiled

"Yup, I kissed him and he kissed me back. Now we're a couple." he responded

" That's great honey." his ,mother smiled affectionately

" So did you guys have fun?" Justin asked

"Yeah Jon and Steve are like the best on their teams." Lynn smiled proudly

"You have to think that you're their mom." Justin laughed

"Damn right, my babies are the best ever. I was the same way with you." Lynn grinned

"Yeah that's why I quit soccer." Justin yawned

"Sleepy?" his mom asked quietly

"Yeah a little." Justin said rubbing his eyes

" Well go to bed pumpkin." she said kissing his cheek

"Ok, night mommy." he said walking upstairs

Justin walked upstairs. He went the bathroom after getting his night clothes. He showered under the relatively hot water he scrubbed his body of the day's task.After washing out he walked into the hallway bumping into his father.

"Hey daddy." Justin greeted

" Hey son." his father said

" When did you get home?" Justin asked drying his hair

" Earlier. OH! Your mom tells me you have a new boyfriend." Randall snickered

" She told you already! Jeez. Yes I have a new bf." Justin sighed

" Well you're gonna have to bring this boy by so we can talk." Randall said

" Yeah right dad well I'm goin to bed see you in the mornin`." Justin said walking into his room

"G'night buddy." his dad responded

Justin set his alarm for school in the morning. He got under his covers in his bed. He soon drifted into a peaceful sleep only thinking about his new beau.


Soooo what did you think? I finally got them together. In case you didn't figure out in chapter 4 UDriveMeCrazy99 is Britney and StinkyOne2000 is Justin. I thought the screenname element would make it more real. Ok, anyway did i surprise you by sending in like 3 chapters. Well, i thought you'd enjoy that much more. Well, I'm outtie again until next time readers...-Scream

PS. Thanks for the feedback sorry it took so long.

Next: Chapter 4: Justin and Nelly 6 9

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