Justin and Wade

By Adam

Published on Nov 22, 2005


Disclaimer - I do not know the sexuality of any body that I write about in this story, I'm just making it up for my pure pleasure and that of the reader.

"What are you wearing?" Justin asked as he climbed into Wade's truck, a sly grin on his lips. It was pajama day during spirit week at their school and Wade was wearing nothing but a pair of baggy boxers. Justin couldn't complain at the sight in front of him, but he also couldn't believe that was all that clothed his boyfriend.

"Hey, it's pajama day, and I'm fully dressed for how I sleep, I can see that you aren't." Wade said with a smile, as he looked over at Justin, who was wearing a wife beater and a pair of pajama pants. Justin hated dressing up for spirit week, but being that he was on student council and that Wade was a star on the footbeal team, he felt like he had some responsibility to participate in the highschool events.

"I dressed appropriately for school, ya know, pants and a shirt. I don't look forward to detention as an extracirricular activity." Justin replied as he leaned into the seat, he was still tired as usual.

"Last time I checked you wore your underwear to bed, although, sometimes I get you in a little less." Wade said with a sexy wink and laugh, eyeing up his boyfriend. Even with the wife beater on Justin still looked cute as hell. Justin could say the same thing about Wade though, sitting there with his well defined body practically in full view. Justin had to admit that he was a little mad that Wade was wearing boxers, they didn't show off as much as his normal boxer briefs did.

"I hope you brought some extra clothes, you won't even make it in the door before someone sends you home."

"I got a cut off shirt in here some where, but the boxers stay." He laughed, reaching around for a shirt, letting his driving go a little. Justin just shook his head and was thankful that no real traffic existed on the roads this early. He smacked Wade on the shoulder and pointed to the road as he grabbed the shirt from behind the seats and handed it to his boyfriend.

"If you get sent home you better find me."

"Why, don't wanna ride the bus?" Wade asked as they pulled up to a stop sign and he pulled the shirt on.

"No, I don't wanna bum a ride off one of the guys." Justin replied as they parked. He jumped out of the truck and looked around the parking lot. He saw the usual crowd of late students heading into the building, he and Wade were usually just a little bit more late than they were.

Wade walked around the car, wrapped his arm around Justin's shoulder and they walked into the school. The bell was ringing and the halls were mostly empty. They quickly went to Justin's locker, where anything of knowledge for the two of them was kept. Wade had used the logic that since he was a jock it would look bad if he had books and stuff in his locker, so instead Justin's locker practically overflowed with them.

"Have fun baby." Wade said, giving Justin a kiss as he went off towards his first period. Justin watched as he walked down the hall and rounded the bend before he put his backpack in the locker and grabbed his book. He shut the locker and went off towards his class.

He walked about twenty yards before he ran into Nick and Britney. "Hey Curly, running a little late?" Nick said as they walked up to him. Both of them were clad in pajamas, a similar outfit that made Justin think Britney had coordinated and told Nick what he was going to wear.

"When you know the answer to a question, why do you ask it?" Justin said with sarcasm.

"I don't know." Nick said with a blank expression on his face, Justin loved him, but man was the guy stupid sometimes.

"Seems like you two are late for class too, what will that do to your perfect attendance record Britney?" Justin said with a smile.

"Hmmm, my attendance still stands because we're on our way to the student council meeting that starts in five minutes, I guess you forget about it." Britney said with a smirk right back. "Come on." She said pulling on both guy's arms. They filed into the student council room and took their usual seats. One by one the rest of the council filled in and then finally Mr. Penbrook the sponsor teacher for the club.

"Okay everyone, quiet down. We're having this meeting to discuss something that has disturbed quite a few teachers recently. Although I have not seen it myself, there are rumors going around the school that some students have been handing out condoms in anticipation for the Sadie Hawkins dance, we have discussed this before and made it very clear that we do not believe in premarital sex. This school's stance remains the same on this issue and as members of the student council we are asking that you lead your class as good examples. Our request is that you hand on pamphlets during your lunches about the dangers of premarital sex and sexually transmitted diseases. " Mr. Penbrook stopped and looked around the room, interest in the topic was at an all time low, almost every meeting had something to do with sex or condoms, a few people were even beginning to wonder if Mr. Penbrook just wasn't obsessed with the topic himself.

"Mr. Penbrook, sir, the school can have it's stance on condoms and sex, and although I choose not to argue against the stance, I'm not going to push it on other students." Justin was practically asleep at this point of the meeting, not really sure whom had made the comment.

"We need at least six volunteers, two for each lunch period." Mr. Penbrook said and scanned the room for volunteers. "No one, is there no one who wants to take an active stance against disease and teenage pregnancy, Mr. Timberlake what about you?"

Justin snapped out of his sleepy state and smirked. "No thank you Mr. Penbrook, Wade and I were both tested and are clean of sexually transmitted diseases, and being that I am in no risk of teenage pregnancy due to the fact that I am male I would wish not to participate."

The entire room broke out into laughter as Mr. Penbrook blushed in embarrassment at the topic. It was very hard for the staff of the school to not know that Justin Timberlake and Wade Robinson were a couple, it still however, was not an issue that most teachers wished to address. The students were mostly okay with the relationship, but most parents were in disgust with it, and the school had to support that majority, the majority that paid taxes.

"Mr. Timberlake, regardless that you can not yourself get pregnant does not mean that you should not have concern for the female body of this class. You and Ms. Spears will represent the student council in your fifth period lunch. Ms. Green and Ms. Porter you will represent the sixth period lunch, and Mr. Wilson, Ms. Demor you will represent sevent period lunch. The table will be set up with pamphlets and fliers when you arrive at lunch, you may eat at the table while you hand out the papers."

Justin cringed and rolled his eyes, not thrilled at the aspect of wasting a lunch. He looked over at Britney who shared his lack of enthusiasm and then back at Mr. Penbrook.

"Also, due to this issue, the Sadie Hawkins dance will be moved to Thursday night, instead of Friday and will end at 9:30 as to allow students to get home in adequate time to sleep and rest for the following day of school."

The entire council erupted in anger and disapproval at the news, with the exception for Justin, Nick and Britney who merely shrugged off, having had no plans to attend the dance to begin with. However, as director of formals and social events Britney felt it was her duty to speak for the council.

"Mr. Penbrook, this school raises a lot of money from the dances, they garner a large crowd of students, each paying fifteen dollars to get in, as well as money on refreshments. If the dance is moved to a school night, and cut in length by an hour and a half that money garnered will substantially drop. The dance will not even raise enough money to pay off the preparation that is put into it, thus putting a debt in the student council budget for planning of future dances and eventually the senior prom. Perhaps an enlargment in the number of chaperones at the dance would be more beneficial to the student class, as well as more productive for the student council." Britney always sounded like a smart ass when she talked, she also came across as though she cared about the issue, when really nothing was farther from the truth. She had been voted as the director of formals, and she did a good job planning them, but she hadn't attended a dance at school since freshman year.

"I can not make that decision, I will address it with Mrs. Holter sometime today and see if it suitable for her and the school baords request. In the mean time the tentative time and date will be announced to the students during afternoon announcements and tickets will go on sale at the end of the day in the foyer. If the plans for the dance change the tickets will still be valid."

"Thank you Mr. Penbrook." Britney said with a smile as she turned to Nick and Justin. "Oh god I hate myself" she said in a hushed voice which got a laugh out of the three of them.

"You may all head to your second period classes now, those of you responsible for the lunch program please remember that this is a serious issue and that the students will be looking to your for questions and guidance. Have a good day."

Justin just sighed as he stood up and walked out of the room with Britney and Nick. "I can't believe this, I have to sit at a table in the front of the cafeteria like a freaking piece of entertainment while everyone else gets to eat. I don't think I can eat with people looking at me." Britney said as they walked down the hall.

"You eat every day with people looking at you, you sit at a table full of people." Justin laughed as they stopped at his locker.

"Well yeah, I know, but that's just you guys. It's different alright, you're not a girl."


"Nick if you even make some stupid comment about the fact that I get fucked like a girl, am Wade's girlfriend or something along those lines I will slam your head into that locker." Justin cut in on Nick before he could even finished his first word. Nick simply busted out laughing as he wandered off to class.

"No point in us going to gym, we'll never make it in time to dress and actually participate." Britney said as Justin shut his locker.

"Yes I know, instead let us opt for a smoke break in the auxillary gym locker rooms." Justin said with a smile as they wandered down the hall. Being members of student council had perks, the most notable being that they could roam the halls virtually at any point during the day and not have to worry about being stopped for a hall pass or questioned. They made there way to the far end of the school and entered the locker rooms that served as a laundry room for the sport's teams. They both hopped up onto the washers and lit up, enjoying the seclusion that the room offered.

"What are you and Wade doing after school today? Nick and I were thinking about going out, maybe dinner, a movie, it's been a while since we've double dated."

"Well, I would suggest that Wade is given time to change, as currently he is dressed in a pair of boxers and a short cut off shirt. And if I know my boyfriend, I'm sure the shirt will not remain on for long as he only put it on because I made him in the car. Now, I like to see him like that, and I know most girls do, but I don't think the parents and guys around town would get much enjoyment from it." Justin replied as he blew out a smoke ring, his feet bouncing off the door.

"That's cool, no hurry, none of our plans ever work out the way we want them to anyways." Britney said as she put her cigarette out and tossed it in the sink. Justin did the same to his, with good timing as the bell for third period rang. "Alright, well I'll see you at lunch, we get to play god-fearing, church going, virgins."

"I'm not sure I can pull off any of those roles." Justin laughed. "But hell we'll give it a try."

The two walked off in different directions, Justin heading towards study hall and Britney heading towards English class.


As the bell for fifth period rang Justin cringed, he was not looking forward to his student council assignment. He slid into the cafeteria and made his way to his normal lunch table, which was filled with a large group of friends.

"Heard you get to hand out pamphlets today." Wade said as Justin grabbed the lunch that Wade had purchased for him and set down his stuff. "Want me to join?"

"That's okay, Britney and I get the luxury of handling this issue all on our own." Justin said with a laugh.

"Nah, come on, it will be fun." Wade said grabbing his lunch tray and leading Justin up to the table. He took a seat next to Britney, set down his tray and then set Justin's down. He winked at Justin and then pulled off his shirt, now sitting at the front of the cafeteria in just his boxers. Justin laughed as he was pulled on top of Wade's lap where he comfortably came to rest. "See, fun." Wade said as he started to eat lunch.

"Ya know you're gonna get in trouble." Justin said with a smirk as he started his own meal.

"Nope, we're gonna get in trouble." He said pointing to Britney and Justin as well. "You two are sitting here with me, and as members of the student council you should know better than to allow this to go on."

"Yeah well, it's not like we could overpower you and kick you out." Britney said with a laugh.

"OH, Hey, kid." Wade hollered at a freshman to get his attention. "If you're thinking about having sex you should be really careful in the decision you make, cuz you don't want diseases or a baby or shit like that. If you want my opinion I'd opt for a dude, cuz sex with a dude is just as good, plus, no baby, I mean, take a look." Justin and Britney were laughing hysterically as Wade lifted Justin's shirt as if to prove that he was not pregnant. The kid simply blushed and hurried off to his table. "Was that good baby?"

"Yeah, great." Justin laughed. "Now do you mind if I get back up, and you go back to your table before we get in deep shit for behaving inappropriately. Unless of course that kid already went and told on us." He laughed again, squeezing out of his boyfriends arms. "Oh and put your shirt back on too, this isn't a bedroom."

Wade stood up, flexing at his boyfriend. "They all like it, the girls love it, the guys are envious, and I know you can't get enough of it." Wade walked up seductively stopping right by his boyfriend, whispering in his ear..."what do you say we head to a bathroom?" He licked Justin's ear as he ended, waiting for his boyfriend to shudder in enjoyment.

"You know we can't." Justin said, knowing it wouldn't be hard for him to cave into the idea.

"Why not, I was thinking we could get a little alone time, kissing, maybe a blow job, ya know, some fun." Wade said, licking at his lips, Justin looked down and saw that Wade was hard, and his boxers did not do much to hide it. "If you don't help me everyone's gonna know I'm horny man, and they're gonna know how big it is baby."

"Wade, stop it, they already know how big it is." Justin said with a snicker, grabbing Wade by the hand. "You're lucky that I love you so much."

"Ahhh, nah, I'm lucky that you love my cock so much." Wade said with a smile, straddling Justin from behind almost carrying him in a walking manner to the bathroom they routinely visited. The same one he and Britney had enjoyed a cigarette in earlier.

"I love your cock you jackass, but I love you more." Justin said as they enveloped into a kiss. Wade broke the kiss, smiling and panting. "Anyways, you love my ass."

"I do, i love your ass," Wade said, smacking it "I love you too though, almost as much as your ass."

"Oh really, well in that case, I guess me and my ass are just gonna go." Justin pouted and turned jokingly to walk away.

"Wait honey, come on. " Wade grabbed Justin by the waist and pulled him back over. "You know that I love you so much more than your ass, it's just the cutest part of your package."

"Oh alright." Justin said and went down for another kiss.

----- I know a horrible spot to leave you hanging but I don't want a sex scene in the first chapter, I'm not a whore. Let me know what you think of the story, I've written quite a few but not since 2001, I know a long time, so I'm kinda rusty, just let me know.

Next: Chapter 2

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