Justin and Zack

By Zeco

Published on Sep 23, 2001


So, here it is another chapter, I have to say that I take a little time writing, and since school started I don't know how many time I will take writing this.... well I wanna thanks pseudOnym for helping me and supporting me. I know that the chapters are short but I just can't make them bigger.... well someone said that size doesn't matter....

Now if you shouldn't read this then don't, and if you think that this is real then you should make an head exam....

Enjoy it

Justin and Zack4

I must say that driving with a happy Justin wasn't easy, I mean how many times can a hand accidentally slip on you? When we stooped at a red light I decided to stoop that

  • Justin do you have a problem with your hand? - I asked looking at him

Before he could even answer I grabbed his neck and kissed him with all that I had, I only stooped when the car behind us started to protest, I released Justin that by the look on his face wouldn't concentrate enough to slip his hand. When we arrived at my house I turned off the car and looked at Justin

  • Are you coming? - I asked

  • Almost- he answered with a devilish smile

I couldn't see my face but I bet that I was really shocked, before I could say something a pair of lips made sure that I was to distracted to say something

  • Now we are even- he said with a smile- so this is your home huh?

  • Yeah, I call it my home but it was my sister that bought it..... I want to find a real place, buy it and call it "my" home...

  • I bet that you'll find something in Orlando....- he said- now could you please show my your palace?

  • Of course your majesty- I said with my best British accent

I got of the car and headed to his door, I opened it and he got out acting like a king, I bowed to him and closed the door

  • Shall we enter? - I asked pointing to the entrance door

He nodded, I ran to the door and opened, he entered and when I was starting to get in he grabbed my shirt and kissed me with all the he had

  • That's for opening the door of the car...- he said with a smile

  • What about opening the front door?- I asked a little stunned

  • That was your obligation as my boyfriend....

  • And what is your obligation as my boyfriend? - I asked with a raised eyebrow

  • Make you happy- he said simply- now could you show me your home, or should I say... your sister's home

  • Sure, I bet that is another of my obligations as your boyfriend right?- I asked smiling

He nodded" There are another obligations but you'll find out later" he said with a smirk

I blushed" Justin, about that.... I don't know if I can have Sex with you right now..... I can only give myself to anyone when the relationship is strong and I'm sure that it will last"

He was a little hurt" What I mean is that I only know you for about 12 hours and I don't really know you..."

  • I understand that, besides I would never make you do something that you don't want to..."

  • Thanks- I said hugging him- now about that tour you asked, I'm afraid that it isn't going to be free...

  • That's no problem I can pay it- he said with a devilish smile

  • But you have to pay before the tour starts....

He just nodded and I don't think that I need to tell you how the kiss went, you probably know that this boy had a degree at kissing

After showing the house and after a lot of "payment", I decided that it was time to start packing, it wasn't easy I confess but with a lot of self-control I managed to resist the temptation of leave packing and put to use my boyfriend that was in the room trying to distract me....

  • Well I think that I have everything that I need...- I said looking at the pair of huge bags in front of me

  • Finally...- Justin said with a sigh- now we can have time for others things...

  • What other things? - I said with a smile

  • These kind of things- he said pushing me on to the bed

When we were just starting to get into it, that damm thing that some stupid guy invented to call other people when wherever we are, but that only ruins the perfect times rang

  • Damm thing- I said groaning

  • I swear that if it is Chris, he won't arrive to Orlando with all of his important parts- he said grabbing the phone

  • Hello- he said

I could only hear one side of the conversation so I decided to have some fun, I started to distract Justin with some of my talents" Hi .... Mmmmmm, ok we'll be ther... no we aren't, I mean he is I am talking to yo...... mmm, ok bye" He hung up the phone and looked at me with a glint on his eyes" That was an very angry queen of pop saying that your poor sister is complaining about her brother that prefers to be with an certain singer than with her...."

  • Shit- I said- where is she?

  • She's at the hotel with the others, I told her that we'll be there in 15 minutes....- he said sighing

  • Thanks- I said giving him a quick kiss- but I think that is better if you get of me...

  • Can't you carry me to the car?- he said with a pout

  • I'd love to, but there is tiny little problem.... I can't take you your too heavy for me...- I said with a smile- now you can carry me.....

  • Sure...- he said with a grin

Before you could say "eat" in Chinese, Justin lifted me and took me to the entrance of my sister's house

  • Thank you- I said giving him a kiss

  • You're welcome, how many time do we have until our flight?- he asked

  • Two hours and something, we still have time to say goodbye to my sister....

  • Ok, let's go, I'll drive- he said grabbing the keys

  • Justin I don't think that that is a good idea, you look pretty tired, you can have some rest while I'll drive....- I said grabbing the keys

  • Ok


The drive to the hotel wasn't very special, since he was sleeping, I focussed on thinking about my life.... since I was little I loved to dance any kind of dance, so this was a dream come true, being on stage doing what I loved and with the man that I loved.... It's strange saying that I love someone that I only knew four some hours, but honestly I felt some type of connection for him, I know, I know it is early, but for the first in a long time I could say that this relationship is going to last. After thinking about this (yeah I know I think really quickly...) I looked at him, he was deep in sleep, and has you probably know he looked really.... really.... really.... sleepy, just kidding, he looked really cute sleeping and drooling a little. After about 10 more minutes we arrived at the hotel, I parked the car and I needed to wake Justin up, I tapped his shoulder, but he didn't moved; I shacked his shoulder.... nothing..., it was time to take drastic measures, I looked around me to make sure no one was looking and I kissed him, when he started to respond to the kiss I stooped

  • We're here...

  • Okay- he said with a yawn- by the way, nice way to wake up, normally when I fall a sleep I normally wake up with water being splashed at my face....

  • You poor thing...- I said holding my laugher- but I really need to say goodbye to my sister...

  • Ok, lets go...- he said getting out of the car

The "trip" to the hotel's room wasn't that exciting, besides the fact that I had an almost sleeping Justin everything went ok... now dragging a half-asleep half-awake Justin as really hard, I guess the plain trip to here was pretty tiring....

We walked to the door and knocked, we heard some talking from inside that stooped when we knocked

  • Hi there, glad that you decided to join us- my sister said

  • Well we had to visit our servants, right? - I asked

She smiled and let us in, I must say that I was surprised to see that only Lance and my sister were in the room

  • So, what were you two doing alone? -I asked

Lance blushed, and has I was expecting my sister answered" Nothing that is in your dirty mind..."

I decided that I was too tired to start teasing my sister, so I dropped it" Lance, where can I put this think that is sleeping on my shoulder?"

  • You can put him in that room-he answered-We decided that it was better if we went tomorrow, and I made arrangement so that you come with us - And you'll have to share the room- my sister said with "that" smile- unfortunately we could only find a suite that had 5 rooms, 3 with two beds, one with a single bed, and another with a queen sized bed....

  • Yeah, I bet that in the winter this place must be full- I said smiling- but I'm not complaining....

  • So do I....- we heard a sleepy Justin say- but can we go to bed? I'm sooooooooo tired..

  • You go, I have to spend the last night with my sister...- I said

  • Then I'll stay here with you - he said- besides I bet that you make a great pillow...

And the night was like that.... me sitting on the couch with Justin sleeping with his head on my lap, and Lance and my sister in front of us, we spend like 1 hour talking until the moment that Lance started yawing, they both went to bed leaving me and a sleepy body in the living room, I guess that I had more strength than I tough that I had, I managed to carry Justin to the bed with letting him fall( I probably should win something for that....).

I guess that I was also pretty tired, the second I touched the pillow I felt asleep( I think that having a pair of arms around me also helped....)


Well thanks for reading and e-mail me with your opinions to zeca_p@netc.pt

Next: Chapter 5

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