Justin Jc Lance

By moc.loa@71pmaVlegnA

Published on Mar 12, 2001


Note from author: Sorry, it took me so long to get this out to you guys just that I have been so busy.If you have any questions or comments please e-mail me at: vampluv4184@aol.com Thanks, Felicia

Chapter 6: Lance woke up and saw it was 6:00am. Oh man its almost time for bsb to come here he thought to himself. I guess I will go wake up the others he thought to himself. Lance got out of his bed and he walked towards the mirror. He look at himself in the mirror. "I look like shit" he said to himself outloud. He went to his bags and open them and got some new pairs of clothes out. He took his clothes off and put the new clothes on him.

Finally, Lance got dressed and he walked out of his room. He knocked on Joey room. "What"yelled Joey. "Get your lazy ass up because backstreet boys are fixing to be here"yelled Lance. "Okay Lance"yelled Joey. "I will come back here in ten minutes to see if you are up"yelled Lance. "Okay why don't you do that Lance and shut the hell up now"yelled Joey. Lance rolled his eyes. "I mean it Joey"yelled Lance. "OKAY"yelled Joey.

Lance walked away from Joey door and knock on Jc door. Jc opened the door. "Yes, Lance I am already up"said JC smiling. "Good now I have two more people to go"said Lance. "I think you just have one person to go"said Justin behind Jc. "Oh"said Lance. "We got up early but we didn't want to wake you because we wanted you to get some rest"said Jc. "Oh okay"said Lance. "Go wake up Chris now"said Jc kissing Lance on the lips. Lance smiled. "See you guys in awhile"said Lance. Jc shut his door.

Lance walked away from Jc door. Lance walked towards Chris door. Lance knock on the door. Chris opened the door. "I set my alarm this time so there was need for you to come and wake me up"said Chris. "Alright, now I just gotta go back to Joey room to get his lazy ass up"said Lance. "Good Luck"said Chris shutting his door.

Lance walked towards Joey room. He knock on Joey door. Joey answer the door and saw it was Lance. "Hey"said Joey in a sleepy voice. "Get ready and everything because bsb are fixing to arrive in my room"said Lance. "Okay"said Joey shutting the door.

Lance walked back towards his room. He saw that Bsb are at his door. "Hey guys"said Lance. "Hey,whatz up"said AJ. "Lets go in my room.The other guys should arrive soon"said Lance. Lance open his door and walked in and bsb followed him in his room.

Five minutes later...

The other guys arrived in Lance room.They saw that bsb already arrived. "Alright, you guys go ahead and sit down because me and Bsb have something to say to you guys"said Kevin. The other guys sat down on the floor. "Alright, lets start with Brian"said Kevin. "Now I feel like this is one of those discussion groups"said Justin smiling. Everyone started laughing. "Well, like I was saying lets start with Brian"said Kevin. "Okay then"said Brian. "Go ahead and say it"said Kevin. "Well, since we are touring together for awhile I think you guys should know that I am gay and I am dating Drew Lachey from 98 degrees"said Brian looking at Nsync guys. "I am gay too"said Howie. "I am bi"said Nick. "Kev and I are only the straight ones"said AJ.

"Well, since you guys are telling us this then we should tell you that Jc and Lance and Justin are going out with each other"said Joey. "Yep"said Justin looking at BSB. "Justin, can I talk to you for a second?"asked Nick looking at Justin. "I guess"said Justin. Justin and Nick stand up and walked out of Lances room.

Justin look at Nick. "What did you want?"asked Justin. "This"said Nick kissing Justin lips hard. Justin try to pull Nick away but Nick was stronger then him.

All of sudden Lance door open. "What the hell is going on here?"yelled Jc. Nick let go of Justin.Nick smiled. Justin look at JC. "Um..."said Justin. "You know what?I don't want to hear about it"yelled Jc running off to his room.

Justin glared at Nick. "This is your fucken fault that this is happening to me because I try to push you off but you never got off of me"said Justin glaring at Nick. Before Nick could say anything Lance walked up toward them. "Okay, what the hell is going on here because Jc won't let me in his room and I know its about you two because he told me he was going to check on you guys"said Lance. "Well..."said Justin. "Well what?"said Lance looking at Justin.

Note From Author: Well I know I put you guys on a cliff hanger at the end and you guys are wondering whats going to happen next but I am going to leave you guys kinda clueless what is going to happen next.The next chapter will come out after April 5th..it would be earlier then that but I need time to write it and plus I am planning things for my birthday because my birthday is on April 1st. Well if you have any comments or questions about the story please e-mail me at: vampluv4184@aol.com Thanks, Felicia

Next: Chapter 12

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