Justin Jc Lance

By moc.loa@71pmaVlegnA

Published on Nov 24, 2000


Note From Author: Hey!! I changed my e-mail address.So I don't have BsBnSyNc12345@aol.com anymore.My new e-mail address is CrAzYBsBnSyNc16@aol.com.So if you have any comments about the story just e-mail me at: CrAzYBsBnSyNc16@aol.com.I hoped everyone had a nice thanksgiving day!!Enjoy the story! Thanks, Felicia

Chapter 4:

Justin opened his eyes.Justin saw Jc and Lance were still asleep.He smiled.I am so lucky that I have two of them Justin thought.Jc opened his eyes and he look at Justin.He could tell that Justin was thinking because he had his thinking face on.

"Justin,what are you thinking about?"asked Jc softly.

"ALot of thinks"said Justin smiling at Jc.Lance opened his eyes.

"Jc, what time are we going on tour?"asked Lance.

"8AM"said Jc.Lance looked at the clock and saw it was 7am.

"Lets get up and packed our things up"said Lance.

"I will call Joey and get his little butt up and then he can help Chris pack his things up"said Justin.

"Alright"said Jc.

"I am going to my house to go pack my things up"said Lance.

"Alright"said Jc.

"Love you guys"said Lance looking at Jc and Justin.

"Love ya too"said Jc and Justin at the same time.

Lance walked out of Jc house.Lance got into his own car and drove off to his house.

Justin went in the dining room where the phone was at.Justin grabbed the phone and called Joey.

"Hello"said Joey softly in the phone.

"Get up and start packing your things because we are heading on tour at 8AM and then you need to help Chris pack up his things"said Justin.

"Alright bye"said Joey.Justin hung up the phone.

"Jc, I am going to go to my house now to pack my things up.I will see you at the tour bus"yelled Justin.

"Alright Love ya"yelled Jc.

"Love ya too."said Justin.Justin walked out of Jc house and got into his own car and drove off to his house.

Finally, everyone got to the tour bus.Justin look at Chris and the guy next to him.

"Everyone meet Dr.Jenkins"said Chris pointing to the guy next to him.

"Hi"said all the guys.

"Hi"said Dr.Jenkins.

"He already knows our names because his daughter is a big fan of ours"said Chris.

"Everyone get in the buses"said Lonny.

"Nice to see ya too"said Justin.

"Justin Ranidall Timberlake get in this bus young man"said Lonny.

"He is so bossy today"said Justin walking next to Jc and Lance.

Everyone got into the tour bus.

"I have top bunk"yelled Joey.

"I will just have a bottom bunk"said Chris.Jc and Justin and Lance look at each other.Justin got into a bunk.Jc got into the bunk next to Justin.Lance got into a bunk on the other side of Justin.

Everyone got out of their bunks.

"Here we are in this dang bus again"said Joey.

"Yep"said Chris.

"I really didn't miss this bus"said Justin.The guys look at Justin and started laughing.

"What?"said Justin.

"I swear this bus is so cramp up and everything like that"said Justin.

"Whatever you say Justin"said Joey smiling.

"Man I am getting hungry right now"said Chris.

"Driver, can we stop at some kind of restaurant?"asked Joey.

"Not right Joey because the manger wants to keep you guys on the road until we hit the next state we are going too"said the Driver.

"That really sucks"said Joey.

"So I can't eat right now"said Chris looking at Joey.

"Chris, just look in the cabinets to see if there are chips or something"said Justin.

"I swear people just need to know how to go grocery shopping these days"said Jc.

"Yep"said Lance.

"Driver, where are we going?"asked Justin.

"We are going to the hotel for you guys can get some rest and then in the morning we are heading out again"said the driver.

The boys finally got to the hotel.

"You know what I am in a mood for?"said Justin.

"What?"said Chris.

"I am in a mood to go swimming"said Justin.

"That sounds like a good idea.Right guys?"said Lance.

"Yeah, that actually does sound good"said Joey.

"Well lets go in our rooms and change into our swimming suits"said Jc.

The boys went in their room to go change in their swimming suits and went in the pool area in the hotel.Joey jumped in the pool.

"Shit, this freaken pool is cold"said Joey.

"Thats why you don't jump in it first"said Lance walking in the pool.

"Shush it"said Joey smiling.

"I am just going to lay here"said Chris laying in the chair.

"Where is your doctor by the way?"asked Jc.

"He is still changing into his swimming suit"said Chris.

"Dang, he takes along time to change"said Joey.

Justin splashed Joey.

"Hey"said Joey splashing Justin back.

"Water fight"yelled Justin splashing everyone in the pool.

Everyone in the pool was splashing each other.

"I am glad I am not in that right now"said Chris looking at the pool.

Justin heard what Chris said.Justin turned around and smiled at Chris.

"Oh no Justin"said Chris trying to get up from the chair that he was laying on.

Justin started splashing water at Chris.

"Justin, you are so dead right now"said Chris glaring at him.

"Aww poor chris didn't want to get wet"said Justin smiling.

"When you get out of that pool you better run so fast because you are going to get it from me"said Chris.

"Now I am really scared"said Justin smiling.

"Shut up"said Chris crossing his arm.

"And they say I am the baby out of the group look at you"said Justin looking at Chris.

Chris just glared at Justin.

"You guys lets go in now because its getting really chilly"said Jc.

"Alright"said Lance.

The guys got out of the pool and went in their rooms to change back in their clothes. Justin and Lance followed Jc to his room.Jc turned around and look at Justin and Lance. "Are you guys going to go to your room to get dress?"asked Jc. "We will in a sec"said Justin. "We just wanna come in here to kiss ya before we go to our rooms"said Lance. "Alright"said Jc. Justin and Lance walked towards Jc. Lance kissed Jc lips softly.Lance stopped kissing Jc.Then Justin kissed Jc on the lips.

"Jc man"said Joey walking in the room.Joey froze where he was."Omg"said Joey looking at Jc and Justin kissing. Justin and Jc stopped kissing each other and look at Joey with wide eyes. "Joey, we can explain"said Jc. "You better explain good"said Joey crossing his arms. Chris walked in Jc room and saw Joey crossing his arms looking at Jc. "Whats going on?"asked Chris. "I came in Jc room and I saw him and Justin kissing each other on the lips and right now they are fixing to explain to me whats happening"said Joey. Chris look at Jc and Justin. "Well.."said Justin."See me and Lance and Justin are gay and we are going out with each other"said Jc. "You mean a threesome"said Chris. "Yes, a threesome"said Jc looking at Joey and Chris. "Does your parents know about this?"asked Joey looking at Jc and Justin and Lance. "No, but we will tell them soon"said Justin. "Alright"said Joey. "Joey lets go to our rooms now"said Chris looking at Joey. "Bye"said Joey. "Bye"said Lance. Joey and Chris walked out of Jc room and went in their own rooms.

Lance look at Justin and Jc. "Well we got that taken care of"said Lance. "I thought they would be mad at us"said Justin smiling. "Why would they be mad at us"said Jc looking at Justin. "I thought they would be mad at us because we never told them at first u know"said Justin. "Yeah"said Lance. "Well I am going to go to my room now for I can get change"said Justin. "Same here"said Lance. "Alright"said Jc. Jc looked at Justin and Lance. "Love ya guys"said Jc. "Love ya too"said Lance and Justin at the same time. Lance and Justin walked out of Jc room and went into their own rooms.

Note From Author: Well thats the end of this Chapter.Chapter 5 will come out in a couple weeks because I am going to put some more new people in the story.You just gotta wait to see what happens in Chapter 5.If you have any comments please e-mail me at: CrAzYBsBnSyNc16@aol.com Thanks, Felicia

Next: Chapter 5

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