Justins Challenge

By "" <masterofjustin@gmail.com>

Published on Jan 16, 2011


The slaves all stood to attention when master Frank entered the dungeon. They formed a circle shape in the centre of the dungeon so that they each could see the others. In the middle of the circle was a raised platform. It was sturdy built and often used to put the slaves on in various set-ups. It would soon be the place where Tim would either conclude his initiation or find his clothes again.

But tonight a small table was put there. Underneath a black piece of cloth the vague shape of several items was visible, but it wasn?t possible to make out what it was. Justin felt nervous. He was going to experience whatever was underneath there and he was sure he would suffer because of it.

Frank moved to the middle and stepped on top of the platform. He looked at his slaves, waiting around him. Their trained bodies, their hard cocks and beautiful balls pushed outwards by the cockring looked amazing in the light of the dungeon. Their ready position was as simple as it was effective. Spread their feet about shoulder width, tense the muscles in their abs, ass and chest forcing their core upright and pronouncing every muscle. It was a position that created significant beauty for Master Frank to enjoy visually and that took ever-increasing effort to maintain as time went on. And, with their hands locked behind their heads, his access to their bodies was unrestricted.

There was a lot of love between the slaves, something Frank cherished and supported. He was a strict and hard master that demanded more and more from the boys he owned and together they achieved more then on their own. It was because of that that each and every boy would be sharing in Justin?s torment, though in more moderation.

?Good evening slaves,? he said and got on the platform.

?Good evening Master,? they responded in unison.

He took his time looking at each of his slaves. He loved them each and every one, though each for different reasons and with all their devotion to him was complete. The only one that was still trying to prove that was Tim. But that was more a formality at this point. The way he had taken to the fuck by Peter showed that he would soon become a full slave in Frank?s household. He would then have six slaves to maintain ? a lovely number. Perhaps the time had come to keep that number. He would discuss that with John tonight, when he would take John to bed again.

They had their muscles flexed and they had all showered ? the smell of the skin oil they used perpetrated the air. It was already underpinned with the sweet tang of their sweat. Their cocks bobbed and pulsed. Cockheads pointing at their master.

Frank didn?t usually have an idea what he would do to his slaves when he came down in the dungeon. He made it up as he went along and that wasn?t always good for his slaves. Franks harsh streak could drive his slaves to the absolute limit of their abilities and his ability to drive them into a state of sexual insanity allowed to explore their sexuality and sensuality in ways they otherwise would never do. He had excellent methods for forcing them to go over their limits.

John was his oldest slave, the first one he ever owned and the one that would always hold that special place in his heart. At 25 he had established himself well in the household. He was a big, muscled young man and stood out from the other slaves. His daily routine in the gym, on top of the routine Frank gave him, helped with that. Having him swat Justin was a cruel choice, but even Frank couldn?t deliver the force John could. He was nearly two meters tall and his skin had the deep golden brown tan from being outside a lot. He did most of the handiwork around the house and did that in the nude whenever possible.

It was with John that Frank had started to develop his desire to own slaves, to make them do his bidding but also to love them. He needed to love his slaves, otherwise the required connection was missing. John had volunteered for the job so the speak and they had learned together.

?Please, share with me your stories of today,? he asked.

With that Frank didn?t mean the details of their homework, or chores, but the sexual activities they had undertaken together. Few, if any of those activities, were unknown to Frank, but it was part of their submission to him. He gave them permission to enjoy each other, but in return even those moments were his to saviour.

They all told all they did together. Everybody had cum at least once without Master?s direct orders and it pleased Frank to hear that. All apart from Justin, who told about his blowjob of Michael.

?Justin, please come closer to the table, you too Rick,? Frank said.

The boys approached, Rick looked startled and his green eyes looked worried.

?Good,? Frank thought.

?As you know Justin has the command not to cum without my express permission. I?ve decided to make it slightly harder for him to comply with my command, as well as punish him for his failure to comply with this command today,? Frank started to explain. He had no desire to motivate his decision any further. In many ways it was not their place to question why, it was simply to do.

?You will all share, partly in his punishment. As I expect you all to help Justin in both achieving his goal and increasing his expertise. For this reason I lay down several rules that apply from now on.?

He looked at his slaves. They listened intensely, their eyes devote and submitted to his will. There was an interesting tang of nervousness inside Frank ? he had never started down this road before and he wondered where it would lead. The final goal was clear in his mind, but how they would get there was a big question.

?As you all know, Justin is not to cum without permission. He is still able to perform sexual services and if possible he can be fucked as well. But possible is not always applicable for him, or for any of you. You will respect that,? he saw the confusion on their faces and continued. ?It will become clearer soon. Also, none of you will directly stimulate Justin unless I order you to. So, no aborted blowjobs or allowing him to fuck you even for a bit.

?Of course, we all know that Justin has a great desire for sex and it will not be easy to maintain his composure at all times. I expect each and every one of you to help him with this.?

Frank stepped in front of Justin and looked the boy straight in his clear blue eyes. There he saw confusion, fear, desire and love. The things he hoped for.

?Justin, tonight you will start on a journey. You will suffer greatly during that journey but that?s your destiny as my slave. I expect you to make me proud and give me everything I ask for and more. If you fail to do so, my wrath will be terrible and the repercussions will be heavy.

?But you won?t go alone and your brother slaves will join you on parts of the trip.?

Frank stepped back and removed the black cloth from the table.

Justin looked at the tools lying there and took a bit of time to take it all in. He didn?t quite get it, but he could guess parts of it. And those didn?t make him too happy.

?Rick, get one set of the balls and lube them well. Also, lube up Justin?s asshole,? Frank commanded.

?Yes master,? Rick said.

There were six sets of the balls on the table. Three, large steel balls that were connected with a cord. Pleasure balls usually, but these were rather heavy and big.

?Justin, these balls will be inserted into your ass now. They will stay in there at all times unless they need to come out for obvious reasons. Whenever you remove them you will wash them, and reinsert them. Also, you can remove them during training ? for instance, when you have swimming training tomorrow. But, before you get dressed again, you have inserted them again.

?The rest will wear these balls whenever they are at home. You are free to remove them if your ass is required to be fucked, but at other times, they are in. That includes at night.?

Justin felt his face flush. Tomorrow he had school again. Walking around on campus with these steel balls in his chute would be uncomfortable. But having to remove them before practice of the physical activities he partook in was problematic. Also, he had no doubt ? after a certain amount of time, having these heavy balls in his asshole would go from ? mere uncomfortable? to ?gut wrenching painful?.

Rick moved behind him and he bend over, grasped his ankles. Rick slid two fingers into his asshole, covered in lube to ease the insertion of the balls. Usually two fingers were not something that took Justin particular effort to accommodate, but after everything his ass has been put through that day it hurt. Rick did a good job at lubing it up and when he stepped back again Justin felt how his asshole was slick and moist.

Frank picked up the set of balls Rick had been greasing and moved behind Justin. He placed the first ball against the pucker of his boy and applied pressure. Justin tried to relax and bit his lips to fight the pain. Slowly the ball stretched his asshole open until it was past its widest point. The muscle closed again, swallowing the first ball into his fuckhole. Without pausing Frank put the second ball against his hole and pushed it in. This time his beaten and sore sphincter didn?t give way so easily. There was only so much he could take and Justin feared he might have reached that moment for today. But suddenly, his hole opened up and the second ball disappeared inside the dark, warm tunnel.

Frank looked approvingly as the balls disappeared into the ass of his slave. The third one slid in rather easily and the rest of the cord hung out. That was needed to pull them out again. Something that was rather more painful by the time they came out.

?Excellent,? Frank said. ?Stand upright.?

Justin got upright and was halfway with putting his hands behind his head again when the pressure on his ring muscle landed. He flinched and froze for a good two seconds as the sensation overwhelmed him. It was a great feeling and his cock responded in kind, but it was also rather painful as the lowest balls rubbed against his beaten pucker. But, not only that: the heavy steel balls rubbed against his love nut and he felt his cock stiffen even further.

?Thank you Master,? Justin said.

It didn?t take him much imagination to think of how this would feel in a couple of hours, or days. And with college starting again tomorrow he wasn?t sure how he would cope. Master had ordered Justin to partake in quite a few of the physical activities at his college: swimming, running and rowing. He was good at sports and his body stayed in great shape because of it but now it meant he would have to remove and reinsert the sizeable balls before and after. The thought of being caught doing that came to the front of his thoughts straight away and didn?t really go away.

?Now, Justin ? I expect you to insert the balls by your fellow slaves as well,? Frank said.

?Yes Master.?

Justin picked up the bottle of lube and put a sizable amount of it on his fingers. He pushed Rick against his shoulders and the boy bent at the shoulders, grasping his ankles. Justin shoved his fingers into the ass of the boy. All boys had learned to stay tight even after having some big things shoved up their assholes. For Rick, this came more or less natural. He had an incredible tight ass that befitted his slender body. Justin felt the ass muscle grip his fingers and squeeze it as he smeared the lube around in Rick?s chute.

Once he got a set of balls ready he started pushing the first one into Rick?s asshole. Relaxing his asshole Rick allowed the first ball to slide through, widening his hole and then closing swiftly behind it. Only the thin, connecting line hung out. A sharp intake off breath showed that he felt the thing inside his love canal.

Justin started to work the second ball into the asshole of the read head. It took a bit more pressure, as if the insides of Rick decided that one was enough.

?Too bad cutie,? Justin thought. ?You?re going to enjoy three of them inside your lovely ass. ?

He pushed it in and when the entrance closed behind it Rick groaned softly. While he was putting the third ball in, Justin realized that the pressure on his prostate was becoming more noticeable. He cock was jumping up and down and started forming pre cum on the tip. He smiled inwardly. It didn?t take him a few days to start oozing again. Only a few hours.

Of course, cumming twice after a few weeks was not enough to sate his appetite. It wasn?t a surprise that he was horny again already. Of course, blowing Michael hadn?t helped and he was sure he would be performing many of those services.

It took Justin a good fifteen minutes to load up all slaves with the balls. By that time he was feeling his own set rather well. A line of nectar flowed from his piss slit, down the shaft onto his balls sack. There is collated underneath before it fell to the floor. He would definitely need to bring clean briefs to school tomorrow. Also, putting the hard steel balls into the very fuckable holes of his brothers was a turn on.

They stood in position again, waiting for their Master. Frank looked at his slaves approvingly. He knew that the balls were both very erotic and also slightly uncomfortable. For Justin it would become much, much more than uncomfortable. But he wasn?t done with the poor boy yet.

?That?s the part you?ll all be sharing with Justin,? Frank said. ?Of course, this isn?t all I want you to wear Justin.?

He gestured towards the remaining items on the table.

?Justin, come to me,? Frank commanded.

Justin obeyed and as his strong legs carried him towards his Master, he felt the effect of the steel balls in his hole again.

?Lean over,? Frank said.

In a move reminiscent of the one he made only a short while ago, Justin leaned forward grabbing his ankles. The cool air in the dungeon touched his asshole and he tried to relax.

Master took the steel butt plug from the table and held it in front of Justin.

?This will go in, as well as a rod into your cock Justin,? Frank explained. ?Together, both will be hooked up to the mobile electro unit. They will ensure that you are continually reminded of your status and the fact that you belong to me.

?The program is mostly random and it will continue during the whole day. Whenever it?s been switched off it will make up for that time. I?m sure that you won?t need any encouragement to get in gear again but see that ass an added incentive.?

Justin trembled and tried to figure out how he was going to last with this. Knowing his master by now, he was fairly certain that the program was fairly diabolical. Justin was susceptible to electro torture. He had cum on several occasions while his balls and cock were blasted with intense shocks.

Frank got behind his slave and watched at the brown nipple in between the two smooth, round buttocks. Part of the training for Justin was also uncomfortable for Frank. As Justin would not be available to all Frank?s other desires.

He pushed the steel butt plug in, allowing Justin?s rosebud to snap shut over the wire that connected the steel holding plate to the plug itself. Then he took one of the connectors and put it into the slot on the plate.

?Get upright,? he ordered.

Justin complied, his chute starting to complain about the tough invasion. His rock hard dick pointed upwards, bobbing and nodding to the world.

Frank took a metal ring and grabbed Justin?s balls in one hand. The ring was rather tight and he pushed Justin?s balls through, one by one. It hurt and Justin grunted as the tight ring enclosed his ball sack, pushing his balls down. Another connector was attached to the ring.

Finally his Master picked up a thing, flexible metal rod, about eight inches long and greased it with lube.

?Open up,? Frank told Justin.

Of course, even though he knew what was coming, Justin did as told. With his fingers he took hold of his cock head and pulled his piss slit open. Frank pushed the rod into his canal; a burning, painful sensation grew in intensity as the entire rod was shoved in. Only a small part stayed out, with a screw wire and an opening for the connector to the electro unit. Frank got a little half globe metal cage and screwed it on top of the rod. The round metal sided pushed Justin?s cockhead in painfully and he had to fight to prevent himself from moving away from the sensation. Finally the cage was in place and the sides snapped over the edge of his cockhead, pressing onto the hard shaft behind. The perfect way to make sure the metal wire wouldn?t come out. Also, a horror to take off when erect. Justin was very aware of the plug in his asshole, the rod in his cock and the ring pressing down on his balls.

With a smile, Frank put the connector in and he picked up the final part of the outfit. A mobile tens unit that was attached to an adjustable strap. He placed the unit in the small part of Justin?s back, just above his lovely butt, and locked the strap in place, tightening it. He put a bit into Justin?s mouth, just before he put the three dangling connectors swiftly into the corresponding slots on the unit and hit the RESUME button.

?I programmed it to start about fifty minutes ago Justin,? Frank managed to say before the first jolt of electricity coursed through the boy. ?So it?s making up for some lost time.?

A jolt of pain blasted through his balls into his cockhead, all the way to his sensitive head. The force of the blast appeared to be more than strong enough to rip his balls clean off and Justin howled. His muscles spasmed and he crashed into the table. Panting he lied on the table, trying to recuperate a bit. That was beyond painful ? that was unbearable.

He was about to try and get upright when another flash of lightning coursed through his body. This one set not only his balls and cock aflame, but also his ass. The muscles contracted and the steel balls pressed hard against his prostrate. A tingling cramp announced itself in his abdomen.

His fellow slaves looked at him with horror. The boy was clearly in near unbearable pain, his beautiful body contracted and convulsed with each blast of electricity. And none could deny it was also very erotic to watch the handsome boy move in this way. His strong muscles moving beneath the tanned skin.

The more blasts of electricity coursed through Justin, making him spasm and cry with each one of them. He could barely hold on to the table as he tried to endure the torment. It was horrible but finally the pain started to subdue. What remained was a regular pattern of mild electric current coursing through his chute into his balls. It wasn?t very painful, actually rather pleasant.

?The patterns differ,? Frank continued to explain. ?And they change randomly. Some will be mild, others will be highly arousing, others will be painful, and so on. There is no set order in the patterns, they just come and go at random. Though the sensation when resuming the function on the tens unit is more or less the same each time. Though the longer it?s been on pause, the longer the experience.?

Justin managed to get upright again, resuming his slave position. He felt very exposed and very vulnerable and for the first time in quite a while he was very aware of his nakedness. Nothing about him was hidden for his master and nothing was secret. His determination to endure this was a strong as ever, maybe even stronger than before.

Though in the back of his mind he dreaded the following day, when he would be at college wearing this outfit, he stayed focussed on the now.

?Justin,? Frank said, as he stepped closer. ?I love you,? he finished and he gave the boy a long and loving kiss as he caressed the body of his slave.

?Since you will not be taking part of the further activities, I suggest you step into the corner and watch from there,? Frank said after he broke the kiss.

?Yes master,? Justin said and he walked a corner of the dungeon. As he walked the pattern switched a bit and his cock grew even harder, something he had not thought possible.

From there he watched as his brother slaves began to receive the lavish attention of their master. Frank wasn?t kind for them and by the time he was happy with the results every one of them was exhausted. Their bodies were aflame in hurt and the thick smell of cum filled the air. Justin was mad with lust even as his balls were shocked painfully by the device, making him buck slightly at the hips. And as he discovered it took him more and more effort to divert his attention away from sex in any form he wondered how we was going to last even a day.

Next: Chapter 4

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