Justins Challenge

By "" <masterofjustin@gmail.com>

Published on Jan 16, 2011


As Justin dried himself off after taking a shower, thankfully very short so after the near endless amount of shocks he received when waking up ? he?d held onto Michael as the electricity tormented his groin and asshole ? he only got one when resuming operation after showering. He found the clothes his Master had selected for him. He couldn?t help but smile a little.

After taking care of his body, deodorant, body milk and so on, he picked up the clothing. A pair of white briefs that were barely big enough to cover his genitals and his butt was all that he got for underwear. That posed the challenge that he could hardly keep his erect cock inside of the briefs. And Justin had no illusion about his dick growing soft during the day. The outfit his Master had given him didn?t allow that.

And the drops of pre-cum that had already started to flow out of his slit made his cockhead moist and wet. He tucked his hard cock to the side and folded it in the brief. The jeans were a tight fit and he was very aware that his bulge was visible to anyone looking more than casually at him. The green shirt he was wearing clung to his well built physique in a pleasing and showing way ? with the bottom of the shirt just above the waistband of his pants. Socks and sneakers completed his outfit and when Michael came in to dress Justin was just about ready.

Michael stared at Justin for a few seconds, savouring the sight.

?You look totally hot Justin,? he admitted.

Justin smiled a white smile.

?Thanks,? he replied. ?Though I?m fairly certain that it will be quite noticeable to any interested onlookers.?

?That is for sure,? Michael agreed. ?And since you tend to attract attention as a rule.?

He left the sentence unfinished. Justin knew what he meant and the thought of going out dressed like this both excited and scared him in equal measure. His Master hadn?t ventured this way before with his slaves, at least, not as far as either of them knew. He did place them in humiliating situations but not like this.

Right then the pattern changed at the electricity caused a beating, pulsing pain inside his ass. He grimaced and bent forward a bit. It was going to be a long, long day.

When he walked onto the campus, Justin was glad for the summer coat he grabbed when leaving the house. It didn?t hang low enough to cover his entire crotch, but it was just long enough to create some obscurity to his package. His backpack flung over his left shoulder he looked around.

Rick walked to another part of the campus, he followed a different set of courses and waved Justin goodbye.

?Good morning,? a voice sounded from behind him and when he turned around, Justin saw Guy.

Guy was Justin?s best friend and they had known each other for over ten years. He was one of the few people in Justin?s life, not part of the family, that knew about Justin?s existence as a slave. Guy, a straight hunk of a man had accepted Justin?s homosexuality in a stride.

?You are not attracted to me?? he had asked when Justin had come out to him and Justin was apprehensive right away, usually it didn?t fare so well when straight guys asked that.

?No, I?m not,? Justin had said, truthfully.

Guy was his friend and he loved him, but not in a sexual way.

?Damn,? Guy had said. ?It would have been good for my ego if a gay looker like you found me attractive.?

And that had sorted the matter.

But when Justin started to develop his submissive side and found Frank, his Master, things were more complicated. Guy wasn?t so quick to let it slide then. Finally, after a long talk with Frank, where Justin wasn?t present, he seemed to be fine with it. And though it did take him a few times to get used to Justin being naked when they were at his place he got over that too.

Nowadays, whenever he was in the house he would strip often as well and they swam naked in the pool.

?Good morning Guy,? Justin said smiling.

Guy looked at him, his eyes darting over Justin?s body, obviously noticing the bulge in his groin. He then looked at Justin?s face again, with a questioning look.

?What did he do to you?? he asked. ?You look edgy and uncomfortable.?

Justin nodded.

?Well, that sounds about right,? he admitted. ?I?m not sure you want to hear this though, it?s pretty intense ? even for me.?

As they walked towards a bench on the lawn, to sit down and kill some time before the first class, Guy raised his eyebrows.

?Try me,? Guy said.

And Justin did.

?Sweet Jesus,? Guy said when Justin was done talking. ?That is intense. And how are you holding up??

?I don?t know yet. It depends highly on the setting on the unit to be honest, and I get some pretty intense cramps in my bowels every now and I?m horny as fuck but I?m doing the best I can. I know it will please my master.?

Guy nodded ? he didn?t fully understand the emotional side of the life Justin had with Frank and the other boys, but he could find understanding rationally. And though it was a life he would never consider for himself, he did see how it had made Justin an even greater and happier person than he was before. And that is what mattered to Guy.

Ever since Justin had entered into servitude with Frank, his social circles had diminished. Not because he shared his lifestyle with everybody who didn?t want to hear, far from it, but because the demands of his Master always came first. Though Frank allowed the boys a certain amount of freedom outside the house, there were clear limits and boundaries to that freedom. Passing those limits held serious repercussions for the slaves.

If Justin had to choose between spending an evening at a party with some guys from college or being at home, serving his master and being there as his property ? it was really no choice at all. He had volunteered his being to his Master.

For a friend to cope with that choice for a lifestyle was difficult, to actually accept it and stay as close as before was precious beyond counting.

?Going to be an tough day for you then,? Guy surmised.

?Hell yeah,? Justin admitted and found it both strangely exhilarating and frightening.

It was during the second class of the day that the tens unit switched to a very painful pattern. The teacher in front of the class, not the most inspired or interesting one at the university was droning on about something that was absolutely trivial but not understood by a great deal of the class. Justin had finished his notes and since he had done his reading up front he sort of allowed himself to think about other things.

Part of these things was exchanging smiles with the boy three chairs further down the row he was occupying. Justin didn?t know the name of the guy, he had only transferred here two weeks ago and he kept kind of to himself. He was very cute though and beneath the clothing that did a good job of obscuring the shape of his body Justin noticed hints of a lickable form.

While Justin was silently flirting with him, he flirted back and tried to maintain his focus on the lecture. Guy, sitting on the other side of Justin muttered something under his breath and though Justin couldn?t make it out, it certainly wasn?t a compliment.

It started as a quick five jolts that went from his asshole all the way to his cockhead. Justin gasped in a mix of shock and discomfort. A couple of seconds passed before another five jolts travelled the distance, slightly more powerful. The pattern repeated and Justin felt his muscles starting to cramp a bit more at each rhythm. At the fifth sequence he groaned and grabbed his abdomen with his arms.

?Bad one, eh?? Guy said, while still writing down the things the teacher droned.

?You ? have ? no ? idea,? Justin managed to choke out as another rhythm passed through him, now positively stunning his body with the pain.

He breathed through gritted teeth trying to maintain control over his body and staying on top of the pain. It couldn?t get much worse than this anyway ? he told himself.

Another five shots pained his groin and ass, his chute cramped in response, attempting to get the steel balls out ? an attempt that was thwarted successfully by the inserted butt plug.

?Just so you know,? Guy said, apparently unfazed by what Justin was going through. ?You?re dropping sweat on your notes.?

In reality Guy was anxious about his friend, but he knew better than to interfere. This was Justin?s fight and he alone would have to fight it.

?Fuuuuuuck,? Justin croaked out ? loud enough for several rows below them to hear.

This couldn?t go on much longer, at least not with more power behind the jolts. He would start screaming soon if it did. He removed one hand from his abdomen and moved his notes to the side and grasped the upper side of the table with it.

Another five beats crackled from his brown rose to the balls that were pushed down in his sack and passed on through his cock all the way to his cockhead that pressed painfully against the cage it was caught in

?Njeeegggggg,? Justin groaned.

?No more, please, no more?, he begged silently.

The last jolt had felt like his cock would rupture along the side from sheer force.

He groaned again when the next wave passed through him, louder this time but he was in his own cocoon of pain ? where he tried to cope.

?NNJJJEEEEEGGGGGGGGGG,? he practically screamed when five more shots fired through him.

He was certain that bleu lightning was walking along the surface of his cock and balls. That would explain the pain he felt, partly. Apprehensive he waited for the next sequence, trying not to imagine how those would feel. They didn?t come.

The unit in his back didn?t give of any more jolts and went silent. A new pattern would start soon, but now he had a bit of a breather.

Slowly, he came out of his own world ? the immediate pain was gone, but the residual pain was lingering. As he focussed again on the classroom around him he saw everybody look up to him, wondering. Even the teacher.

He felt his face flush; he was turning a deep, bright red as the awareness that the entire class had been partaking in this particular spell of pain. He wished the ground would open up and swallow him whole.

?Cramps,? Guy muttered under his breath next to him.

A lifeline and Justin grabbed it gratefully.

?I?m sorry,? he managed to say, rising up half from his seat. ?Just some terrible cramps. I?ve got an infection you know. Sorry about the noise. I?m okay now though.?

The stunned silence endured a few seconds longer and Justin feared that they weren?t going to buy into it. Then the teacher finally broke the silence.

?That?s quite alright Mr. Chase,? he said. ?I can understand your discomfort having been on the receiving end of an intestinal infection once. I hope it will pass soon for you.?

?Yeah,? Justin said. ?I hope so too.?

?In the meantime Mr Chase, whenever you need to leave the classroom ? feel free to do so,? the teacher concluded and continued with his lecture.

Hendrick, a guy in the same rowing team as Justin made a remark that was met with some laughter ? about holding the smell up there and that was that.

?Oh my god Justin,? Guy said, and he couldn?t hold his grin. ?I?m sure it was altogether really unpleasant for you, but in all fairness ? it was funny as hell.?

?I?m sure it was,? Justin said, composing himself again.

The boy he had been flirting with didn?t look sideways anymore.

?Shame,? Justin thought and started on the homework assignment for next time.

Swimming practice started at four o?clock and Justin was usually in the dressing room around a quarter to, but with the added work of removing his equipment, cleaning it and storing it he decided to go early. A quarter past three and he walked into the dressing room for the first team.

He didn?t have quite such a bad experience anymore during the day and he was glad for it. There had been other difficult moment, but those involved stimulation rather more than pain.

He opened his locker, thumbing the combination and got his Speedo out. He quickly undressed and when he removed his brief, he couldn?t help but gaze for a few seconds in the mirror. The front side of his brief was soaked in pre-cum as was his entire shaft. Justin knew he had a beautiful body, but now, with the cage on top of his cockhead ? that was a deep purple ? he liked looking at himself. The golden cockring at the bottom still there, the stainless steel ring on his ball, his balls pushed to the edge of his sack, pulsing with ache. He knew Master Frank enjoyed watching him like that and he was happy he could give his master pleasure.

He had no idea how long this would last, but when it was done and he was allowed to cum again, he would give his master and fellow slaves a wonderful show to show his affection for them all.

Quickly he removed the control unit, making sure he hit the PAUZE button before he removed the connectors. He started by unscrewing the ballring, it took a few twists, but then his balls were given freedom again. They clearly enjoyed having the space again and travelled up in his ball sack.

His hand went to the cage that kept the rod in his slit, but when he saw the flesh of his cockhead push through the bars, he got some lube from his bag and applied it liberally to his cock. He started to unscrew the cage. As it ground against the sensitive glands he felt his balls spasm and jump ? ready to unload their sperm in response to this stimulation. He breathed deeply and brought the urge down again. He continued screwing and the mix of pain and stimulation was nearly overwhelming. He wanted to scream and shoot, shoot, shoot. White-hot arrows of thick, man juice all the way to the ceiling. But he would not.

Finally he got the cage of and carefully, he pulled the flexible rod out. It chafed a bit against the sides but again, made him nearly cum. A good stream of pre-cum followed the rod out, over his hands and cock. He licked his hand clean.

With that out of the way, he sat dawn on his knees on the bench and leaned forward. With his left hand he held on to the bench, with his right hand, he grabbed the flat plate of the butt plug and pulled. He consciously relaxed his sphincter but even so, after being stimulated with electricity for so long his love hole wasn?t ready to give up the treat quite like that. He had to pull quite hard until the plug widened his unrelenting asshole far enough to pass through and out.

His ass popped when the plug came out.

?One down, three to go,? he said out loud, trying not to think about what would happen if somebody got in, seeing him like that.

He was facing the door, with his ass facing the mirror so that he could have a view. In front of him were several items that still reeked of his juices and that were obviously used for sexual torment. His right hand was pulling on a string and a sizeable stainless steel ball was slowly extracted from a rose that, normally brown and inviting, was still a bit red and puffed from recent abuse.

If his team captain came in now, he would probably be off the team ? though that would be the least of his problems.

The three balls took quite some doing and Justin was actually a bit out of breath when he was done. He looked at the clock at the wall ? three thirty five, just in time. He got up and picked the tools up. Quickly he cleaned them at the sink, wrapped them in a plastic bag and put them in his locker. Don?t think about putting it back later on, don?t.

He gazed down at his erection. It hadn?t abated in the slightest. His straight cock was bobbing up and down happily, quite content with being rock hard and oozing pre-cum.

It would pass once he started swimming, but he couldn?t really wait for that. .

He put on the official Speedo?s of the team and as he realized that where he could have put his cock to the side in his briefs, the Speedo?s were too small for that. It was a mystery to Justin why swim teams always wore the tiniest of swimsuits, but it was a mystery he was glad to have in the world. Ogling nearly naked boys with only the prize goods hidden behind clinging fabric was a great pastime.

But the Speedo?s they had to wear were very small. They were white and, when wet, slightly see-through. Also, the front pouch was barely big enough to contain stick and nuts and touch a bit of the pelvis. All the boys on the team shaved their pubes bare, something that was quite a sight for Justin during dressing. The backside of the Speedo?s wasn?t big enough to cover the mounds of their ass cheeks and a sizeable part of the muscles, trim buttocks of all the boys showed. They shaved their assholes as well, even the straight guys ? vanity demanded.

Justin?s best guess was that a coach at one time had been about as gay as he could get and managed to get the swimwear that he fancied taken as the official clothing. The straight guys didn?t mind much ? their skimpy swimwear only helped them get the attention from the girls that they wanted and the gay guys didn?t mind ?they liked what they saw.

But now the tiny piece of fabric posed him a serious problem, as he couldn?t get his erect dick inside the fabric. He went into the shower and decided to take a cold, really cold shower. Hopefully that would help.

He turned the cold-water dial and a torrent of nearly freezing water came down upon him. Shivering and whimpering he allowed the cold water to wash over his entire body, with the desired effect. His stiff fuck stick lost some of its stiffness and went from hard to plump. Justin could fit plump in the Speedo and he tucked his rod in.

When he came back into the dressing room three of his fellow teammates were already there, in various states of undress. There muscles torsos clear for Justin to see. They greeted each other and Justin quickly said he was going to warm up because when one bent forward to take of his boxers, his little round pucker nearly blinked at Justin and he felt the familiar stiffening in his groin again.

Swim practice was gruelling, Coach Riley really put the boys through the wringer ? but Justin did very well. Being physically active got his mind off his current plight. He swam his lanes, did his strokes and generally performed better than before. Lending credit to the idea that abstinence has a positive influence on the athletic performances.

There was a match four weeks from now and Coach Riley was adamant about winning that match. Though his determination to do so was matched and raised by the determination of the team.

All eight boys had been training hard and even though they missed a body they believed they had a really good chance this season.

Coach Riley wasn?t overly harsh or insulting to the boys. In fact, he was a nice guy who didn?t hold with any ?doodledaddling? as he called it. His welcoming speech to the team was a simple as it was clear and every team member knew it by heart. He was perhaps mid-forty, but he still swam a lot. He couldn?t match the speed of his swim team but he could match their endurance.

And he drilled them. And when they all felt their muscles ache with the familiar ache of tiredness, he sent them in again. Five laps, full speed.

Out of breath and rapidly losing strength in their muscles, the boys climbed out of the swimming pool when he came round.

?Well done. Now, hit the floor and give me twenty push-ups,? coach Riley demanded.

The boys looked at him confused, training should have been over by now.

?Don?t look at me like that, I?m not Father Christmas, so get to it,? the coach said, annoyance audible in his voice. ?And count them out loud Chris, you?re the Team Captain after all.?

As they started the push-ups, against the protest of their muscles, Chris counted them out.

?Don?t stretch your arms all the way,? the coach commented.

?Flex those asses, straight as an arrow.?

?Vince, I can see your overweight gut hit the floor, suck it in and keep it tight.?

?Slower, rushing twenty is something everybody can do.?

?Twenty!? Chris called out, clearly out of breath.

?Well done guys, now jump in and give me five laps, full speed,? Riley complimented.

Justin crawled up to the edge of the pool, realizing that he hardly had any strength left in his upper arms. The whistle sounded and he jumped in. The first few strokes were hard, the rest way harder. He glided through the water trying to keep his normal pace but he knew he didn?t make it.

?You are the best swimming team and this season you?ll be winning. But there is more in you, there is record breaking material in you boys and I intend to get that out,? coach Riley shouted as he walked with them along the edge. ?Holiday is over and your training schedule just got harder.?

The five laps felt like five hundred, but finally the eight young men stood on the side again, dripping water on the floor.

?Twenty,? coach Riley said.

They didn?t make it. Most managed another six, Justin managed to get up to nine, and Chris pushed out a ten but collapsed after that. With their arms limply at their sides, the muscles screaming for nourishment and rest they lay on the floor. Eight pair of well shaped hills of ass rising out of a landscape of long legs and sculpted backs and shoulders. There weren?t many students watching, never at the start of the year, but the few that were feasted on the sight.

?Well done boys,? coach Riley said honestly. ?This was tough as it was a serious step up from your summer schedule. But I need you in shape and I need you in shape fast. I want you all to hit the pool every day, with one-day rest and build up to the entire routine, followed by five sets of five laps and twenty push-ups. There is no training on Thursday but next week I expect all of you to have made significant progress towards that goal. Thursday next week every one of you finishes it.

?What we will have Thursday is a try-out if all goes well. There are a few new recruits that have expressed interest in joining the team, so maybe we?ll have a full pack soon.

?Chris, Justin, I?ve talked with your running coach and they agreed that this should not interfere with your normal routines there, though they will be picking up the pace a bit as well. So make sure you eat enough, eat healthy and drink plenty of water.

?Thanks for the effort guys - you did great,? Riley concluded and walked away.

As the team scrambled to their feet Justin was faced with the difficult decision to join his team mates in the dressing room, causing all kinds of potential problems or find an excuse not to join them straight away. On the other hand, the longer he waited to dress and get the electro unit on again, the worse it would be. And it was already over two hours.

He followed them into the dressing room.

?I?m absolutely knackered,? Chris stated. ?The training was tough, but that last part, was impossible.?

The others agreed.

?Still, I think Riley has a point ? we are good enough to win the matches this season,? Justin said. ?And maybe even break a few records.?

Chris turned around naked, wringing his Speedo dry. His limp cock swayed from left to right, following the motion of his turning with delay. Chris had really big balls that were always plainly visible inside his Speedo as was his thick cock. Justin had never seen it erect but he was willing to bet good money on it that Chris could rival Peter in size.

He wouldn?t mind laying on his back for that one eyed snake and thrust his manhole towards Chris, allowing him easy access to his insides.

?Whoa, wrong line of thought there! Get back to normal town!? he quickly told himself as he realised that his imagination was getting the better of him. He missed half of Chris? answer and he shook his head.

?Sorry, I didn?t hear you,? Justin said.

?Of course not,? Chris grinned. ?You were too busy admiring this here,? he added and grabbed his cock.

The fact that Justin was gay was a well-known fact on the swimming team, as was the fact that Jerry and Fred were as well. It wasn?t something they needed to hide and the other guys didn?t mind. Or, as Chris had put it when the team got together for the first time in this make up ?I like admiration, if it?s a girl I like to give her something back but admiration from a guy is good as well. Besides, head is head.?

He had so far never made good on that implied promise but it had broken the ice and it was also true. The guys liked attention, and the fact that three of the teammates enjoyed watching their bodies stroked their egos.

?True,? Justin said simply. ?But please repeat what you just said Chris and I?ll focus on your mouth this time.?

?I said,? Chris repeated, exaggerating his pronunciation. ?I think you?re right. We have a great team and you and Fred have been doing some amazing times so far.?

The guys all agreed and one by one they went into the shower to wash. Justin managed to delay long enough to go in, when half of the team was already dressing again.

Far more nervous than he was willing to admit to himself he stood under the water stream. He had it quite a few degrees colder than he preferred, but he needed to calm down. Inside his belly a tightly woven knot of nerves pressed against the sides, the front, the back ? everywhere. He would need to reattach all the things to himself again, and that would take a little time. Then he would have to hit the RESUME button and endure the ride. But the others needed to leave before he could do that.

Accepting as they were of him being queer, he didn?t want to test their acceptance of his sexual submission and orders.

He washed himself thoroughly and after he heard the last one say goodbye, he turned the shower off. Deliberately he towelled himself dry and walked back into the dressing room. As he stood still in front of his locker he noticed he was shaking a bit.

?Nonsense,? he said sternly to himself. ?Everybody is gone, you are fine. Besides, this is part of the test. Master knew you would have to do this and he wants you to do it.?

He got the bag with the items from his locker and pulled the steel balls out. From the bottle of lube he started oiling them up really well. It wouldn?t be easy to get them in again, especially on his own, but also, he could feel his asshole throb faintly in residual pain. His training notwithstanding, his love chute wouldn?t be welcoming to this invasion.

He put a liberal application of lube on his fingers and tried to push two fingers with the lube in. Something that he should easily be able to accommodate, but he could feel the muscle ring clutching around his knuckles. No, not easy at all. Still, his cock responded and grew to its full size again.

He picked up the balls and knelt down on the bench again. He laid his head on the bench and used on hand to pull an ass cheek away; with the other hand he placed the first of the balls against his asshole. Slowly he increased the pressure and tried to relax as much as he could. But his sphincter didn?t bulge and he started pressing harder.

He had strong hands and that allowed him to shove the ball in for about a quarter of it?s total, but no further. His ass contracted, trying to work the intruder out and causing Justin considerable pain. He applied more pressure, but his asshole really decided it had enough and despite his considerable efforts to relax and let the ball in, it was pushed out.

?Fuck!? he said when the ball popped out and into his hand again.

?I think,? a voice from behind him said. ?That that?s precisely the problem.?

Justin?s heart didn?t miss a beat. It missed several. He jumped up and swivelled around, all blood draining from his face and a very real and present panic moving up.

A few meters in front of him stood the boy he had seen earlier today, when he had the embarrassing episode of ?cramps? in class. He looked incredeously at Justin but a certain amount of surprise was evident in his posture. The sound of the beads dropping on the floor only emphasized the situation.

?It?s ? I?m ?. Look it?s nothing. Really. I?m just, you know?? Justin stammered his face was on fire and felt tears of humiliation sting behind his eyes.

The boy composed himself a lot faster than Justin and smiled.

?It looked like you were trying to put three big anal beads into your ass,? he said. ?Not sure that?s nothing, but maybe our points of view differ. By the way, that?s a dangerous weapon you?re pointing at me,? he added, nudging towards Justin?s groin.

Justin looked down; his cock was rock hard and pointing straight up. Even though he didn?t think it was possible he felt his face redden even more.

?Don?t worry,? the boy said. ?I?m not going to freak out. I figured that something was up today in class, something a lot more than cramps.?

?You did?? Justin said dumbfounded.

?Well, Guy whispering your condition to you and the fact that he hardly showed any reaction at all were big clues,? the boy said.

?They were?? Justin asked, feeling even more stupid.

?That and when you left class you were in front of me, your shirt half hung over a device on your back and three lines went into the top of your shorts.?


?So, what?s next?? the boy asked. ?And maybe you can give me more than a two word answer? By the way, my name is Eric. ?

Justin shook his head, trying to clear the turmoil. He was naked and aroused in front of a stranger ? that was nothing new. He would have to explain a very embarrassing and humiliating situation to this stranger ? that was nothing new as well. There was no reason why he couldn?t focus and just answer Eric.

?Well, it?s like ? I have to wear all this,? he started, looking into the brown eyes of Eric. ?And it?s hard to get it back in, because it hurts a lot.?

Eric laughed; he had a clear, sprinkly laugh that sounded very sweet.

?That?s more than a two word answer,? he admitted. ?But not much of an explanation. Maybe you can explain me tomorrow, during lunch? I?m new in town so you might as well show me a good place to eat.?

?Ehhhh, sure,? Justin agreed.

His head was spinning. It was moving fast along a track he didn?t expect or quite believe. He expected Eric to freak out or at least respond slightly aggressive. Instead, he was totally calm and composed ? and he just arranged lunch for him the next day.

?Need some help getting them in?? he asked.

Justin?s world didn?t just shake, it flipped upside down, started shaking and significant pieces fell off. His first impulse was to say no. But when he weighed his options he doubted the wisdom in that. He needed to get the gear on again, if he didn?t he would be punished severely but worse, he was sure his Master would be disappointed at his performance. And if his Master found out that he had been offered helped ? and he would find out because Justin would have to tell him ? he would be angry and disappointed. Saying no to Eric would be putting his own needs before those of his Master, a grave mistake and one he did not intend to make.

?Yes please,? he said, blushing even more.

?Looks good on you, the red face,? Eric said and winked.

He bent over to pick up the beads.

?Do you have some more lube??

?Yes,? Justin gave him the bottle and kneeled down on the bench again.

He arched his back and presented his hole to Eric who got a good glob of lube on his fingers. When his fingers touched Justin?s sphincter he betrayed his own nervousness to Justin. The way he touched the muscle ring made it clear to the slave boy. Slowly he worked his fingers inside Justin and spread the lube around. The chute was warm and moist and he made good work of greasing the edges.

He picked up the balls and Justin tried to relax again. Gently Eric placed the first ball against the entrance to Justin?s love canal ? and pushed. Grunting and with pain flaring up Justin felt the ball slide in. His hole was opening, widening and burning. But it went in and past the biggest point. Justin gasped as his muscle closed behind the ball, swallowing it inside.

As Eric started working the second ball into his ass, Justin still tried to get his mind around the situation. He was being geared up by another guy whom he never met and who caught him trying to do it himself just moment before. Eric must clearly be gay; otherwise he wouldn?t be so calm about it ? no way! Even Guy, open-minded as he might be, wouldn?t help with it.

?Njeeggg,? Justin grunted when the second ball slid in.

?I know that sound,? Eric remarked dryly.

They couldn?t help themselves, but they both laughed out loud.

As Eric worked the third ball in, Justin was getting terribly aroused and felt his cock throb. It?s been barely a day and he already wanted to cum so desperately. How was he going to last much longer than this? Tomorrow he would have to go through this exercise again and basically every day of the week. Justin had serious doubts if he could manage it and he feared the idea of admitting to his master that he had failed.

The third ball took its place with the others ? filling Justin up.

?All in,? Eric remarked. ?Anything else??

He asked it half in jest, half serious and he was only mildly surprised when Justin produced the butt plug.

?That one as well?? he asked. ?Getting really full in there.?

?You have no idea,? Justin said.

?Alrighty then,? Eric said and with a swift and powerful push he shoved the butt plug in.

Justin cringed at this abrupt invasion, it was unexpected and pleasant. It reminded him a bit of how his Master did things.

?Thanks,? Justin said, as he turned around to sit down on the bench.

?You?re welcome, but I take it that is not the whole outfit??

?No it isn?t. Two more items finish the set.?

Justin grabbed the ball stretcher from his bag.

?This is to shock my balls.?

It felt natural to hand it to Eric to put it on. Better to have it put on than to put it on himself.

Eric looked puzzled, not sure how to get it around the ball sack of Justin.

?There is screw there, that tightens the ring and another screw that pushed the two sides apart.?

?Okay,? Eric said, not quite convinced. ?But it?s not big enough to allow your balls through.?

?It is, barely. You have to push them through ? it will hurt me but that?s all right. I?m used to it.?

It took Eric a few seconds to process this. Justin was relieved to see that the calm was mostly a fa‡ade and that some serious nervousness was hiding underneath.

Justin spreads his legs and allowed the boy free access to his cock and balls. It was humiliating and arousing. He knew he would tell his Master about this and hoped it would meet his approval.

With a cool hand, still a bit slick from the lube, Eric grabbed one of Justin?s balls. With some force he pushed it through the narrow ring. He was rewarded with a soft whimper from Justin. Swiftly Eric pushed the second ball through and once both were underneath he pulled on them roughly ? moving the ring up. Justin cried out softly ? that hurt.

It didn?t take Eric long to tighten the ring and push his balls all the way to the bottom of his ball sack.

?Any good?? he asked Justin, sounding sincere.

?Feels perfect ? they are painful and have nowhere to go. That will ensure that any shocks will hit them.?

?Was that what was happening to you in class,? Eric said thinking. ?Shocks on your balls??

?Partly,? Justin explained. ?It was a sequence of shocks that travelled from the plug in my ass to my balls and from there were passed on to my cock. They increased in power and pain with each sequence. Until the result you witnessed.?

?So, there is something for your cock then?? Eric asked, sounding eager.

?He is loving this,? Justin realized.

?Yes, this.?

Eric looked at the flexible rod and the screw cage.

Justin leaned back and opened the slit in his glands to allow the boy easy access. He was horny as fuck and wanted to cum. The humiliation and exhilaration of this moment was overwhelming.

?Lube it up before you put it in please,? Justin asked as Eric came closer.

It went in smoothly, even though it was fairly obvious that Eric had never done something like that before. He pushed it in, allowing the lube to coat the shaft and pushing it in deeply. He screwed the cage on and as the sides rubbed against the enlarged cockhead Justin fought against the throbbing warning from his balls that they were ready to shower the boy in front him with hot seed.

Finally Justin was completely hooked up and he lay face down on the bench, holding himself tight. The connecters were in place, the tens unit ready and all that remained was to resume operation.

?Once you press the resume button, I?ll get blasted with shocks ? far worse than the ones in class ? for the time the device was paused. It?s about one shock for every eight to ten minutes I think,? Justin explained. ?Don?t worry ? they won?t kill me, but they will seriously hurt me.?

He put the bit in his mouth and waited.

?Okay,? Eric replied and pressed the button.

He took a few steps back as Justin was electrocuted in front of him. Justin was convulsing with the pain of the electro shocks. One shock forced his groin up into the air, the next one caused him to slam down again, nearly crushing his balls. Through the bit a roar of agony came out and he cried tears of pain.

Eric turned pale and realized something else was happening to him. He put that away for later investigation ? he would have to think about today a great deal. Part of him felt like an outsider watching a show in which he himself featured.

When it was over and Justin had composed himself again, looking rather uncomfortable as the electricity felt like ?slow fucking me? as he put it, he thanked Eric.

?Don?t thank me yet, you owe me lunch and a very good explanation,? the boy reminded him.

?I know,? Justin agreed. ?Just wondering now ? what are you doing here??

?I?m supposed to try out for the swim team at half past five,? Eric told Justin.

?Half past five, you better get changed quickly then, that?s in five minutes.?

?Yeah, I know, but I was delayed a bit,? Eric said, smirking.

?Hope you make it,? Justin said and found that he meant it.

Quickly both boys got their clothes off and on. Locked away in his own world for now, Justin missed Eric changing completely and realized he had not taken a look when Eric was halfway out to the pool.

?See you tomorrow then Justin,? Eric said as the door closed behind him.

?See you tomorrow Eric,? Justin told the closed door.

He tied his shoes and got his backpack on. Time to go home and share this experience with his master and brother slaves. But also time to think about it. Sex, nakedness, eroticism, pain, humiliation ? it all played a major role in his life but this scene was something even he had trouble accepting.

Next: Chapter 5

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