Justins Challenge

By "" <masterofjustin@gmail.com>

Published on Jul 14, 2013


Author's Note:

What follows is a work of fiction. It does contain a minor and man/man sex - if this is not your taste, or if it's illegal to read such material in your area of the world safely browse away.

The characters exists in a fictional world where many of the concerns that are part of our normal daily life do not exist. Keep this in mind while reading this and always mind your own safety and health.

It's not allowed to publish this work elsewhere without my express, written permission.

Comments are welcome at: masterofjustin@gmail.com.

It's been a long time since I last published about Justin and to anybody who waited, apologies. The next couple of chapter's shouldn't take quite so long ;). Enjoy!

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"So, where do you want to go?" Eric asked, smiling nervously.

His stomach was a tight knot and he could hardly stand still. He had been dreaming and dreading this moment in equal measure. As he had ridden home on the Monday afternoon, his mind was reeling from horny shock (and his body was responding in kind). But when he came home, and blew his fourth load with just the memories of the locker room encounter, doubt had started to rear its ugly head.

Even though he didn't need to convince himself it really, truly happened, a strong feeling of disbelief had settled in his mind.

And he became sure it hadn't happened. Stuff like that didn't happen.

And if it did happen, it didn't happen to him.

But it had happened and he found himself constantly wondering about not so much what had happened but why it happened.

"There is a nice lunch room a few streets off campus," Justin said. "They have some good food and we can actually talk there."

Eric seized the other boy up properly and he noticed that Justin looked a bit ... stressed.

His face was slightly drawn and his blond hair was clustered in sweaty strands here and there. Obviously he was in some discomfort. Probably the `equipment' he is wearing, Eric considered.

Justin wore a tight green shirt that showed off his chest and abs well. A dark spot on his back and front made it clear he wasn't only sweating on his head.

"Are you alright?"

Eric felt silly asking the question, but the bravery he displayed in the locker room wasn't kicking in yet.

"Yeah," Justin said. "I'm okay."

When he saw the disbelieving look Eric gave him he laughed. A sincere and clear laugh. "Okay, okay," he admitted. "Apart from the fact that my balls are pulsing in pain like mad, my cock has never been so hard and I need to cum so badly that even the pressure of my short is painful and my ass is on fire and giving me cramps."

A rush of blood went into Eric's face and he nearly tripped as they crossed the front gate into the street.

"And my master has told me to be completely honest and frank with you, which I see, takes a bit of getting used to for you."

Puzzled Eric looked at Justin.

"You told him about what happened?"he asked.

Justin nodded. "Of course I did."

He didn't say it defensively. It was a simple statement of fact that Eric took to mean that the alternative, not telling his master, never occurred to Justin.

"He thought it was very nice of you to help me like that and he was pleased I was willing to ask for assistance instead of failing to obey him," Justin continued.

Eric could almost physically feel how his mind started to drift loose. As they were walking down the street, the sun shining hot in the sky, the incredibly gorgeous boy was saying things that belonged in a porn flick. Or in a story that Eric read while jerking off. And Eric needed time to adjust. As his nervousness transformed into the fragmented wonder of an unsolved puzzle he attempted to make sense of his own thoughts and feelings.

He wasn't aroused.

Well, he was, but not as much as he was curious and he needed to sift through the questions that jutted up in his mind in a frantic jumble. Somehow he was in a terrible hurry to find out everything he could about this young man next to him. As if this was the one and only time he would ever be able to find out anything and if he failed today something would be lost. And it would be lost forever and even though he would try to find it, he'd fail.

Eric was neither an idiot or a stranger to sex. He had been around the block quite a few times and he discovered the pleasure he got from having a cock pounding in his ass or his cock inside another guys ass five years ago when he had been living in Prague with his parents. And he knew about bondage and the whole master and slave thing as he called it, even though it wasn't from any personal experience. The closest he had ever come to it was when two guys he went home with used handcuffs on him and fucked him four times each. He had been positively exhausted when they were done and when the black haired one started to blow him he came instantly. Justin would probably consider that mild foreplay. The thought brought a smile to his face.

They walked the rest of the way in silence. Eric was grateful for the time to gain his composure and Justin needed to concentrate to fight the hurt as another set of painful shocks blasted through his balls. Master Frank had been very amused by Justin's story and asked a lot of questions. He wanted to know all about Eric, how he looked, what he said, how he talked. His interest in the boy was very obvious. And he wanted to make sure that his slave had not disobeyed any orders. Justin hadn't and no punishment had followed. Instead, Master Frank gave him additional instructions that he would have to try and follow.

When they entered the lunchroom a blond waitress with a name tag telling the world her name is Sally, greeted them enthusiastically.

"Hya handsome," she exclaimed as she walked them to a table in the corner next to the window. "Good to see you again, how are you?"

"I'm good Sally," Justin replied. "And you?"

"I'm great, I passed all my exams so it's home stretch from now on," she said as they sat down.

"Good for you," Justin said happy.

"Thanks," she looked at him with sternly. "You don't look too good though handsome. Something wrong?"

"Nah, not really," Justin told her. "Just feeling a bit under the weather I guess."

"Hmmm..." she nodded, giving them menus. "You tell that boyfriend of yours to take good care of you."

"Will do," Justin said.

With a flashing smile at both `handsome' and Eric she turned and walked away to another table.

"You know her?" Eric asked.

"Yeah," Justin admitted. "I do. She was my first, and only, girlfriend. We go back a while."

Eric nodded and tried to come up with a good way to start.

"Sooooo, you're like, you know, like a gay boy" Eric hesitated. He found himself tripping over the words now that he was face to face with this incredibly beautiful boy. As he looked at Justin he could see the definition of his chest underneath the tight t-shirt. He had seen it all and he had touched him in the most private places.

"Gay boy?" Justin asked.

"Yeah, well, you know what I mean,"

Justin laughed, a laugh that could make anyone fall in love with him. Nah, strike that,' Eric thought. make that will make everybody fall in love with him.'

"I'm gay – and so are you," Justin replied.

He didn't ask or assume.

"But that is so not what you wanted to say," he continued. "You wanted to say something like slave, didn't you?"

Eric blushed again, his face turned a deep, hot red and he looked at his menu intently for a few seconds. He tried to make sense of these sudden emotions. He had seen Justin naked. And he had put several metal balls into his asshole. Justin's hard, beating, oozing cock had been in his hand as he inserted a small, flexible metal strip into his piss slit. His hand had smelled of Justin's cock, pre-cum and body and he had sniffed the smell when he jerked off at home.

So, why was he embarrassed? Justin should be embarrassed. He was the one with the metal butt plug up his asshole, hurting his balls and love hole.

Telling himself that didn't quite cause the reaction he had hoped, but Eric did calm down a bit.

"I did," Eric admitted. "You're a slave right? As in a master and stuff," he continued.

Justin smiled, lighting up his face even as a flash of pain played over his features.

"Yes, I am," Justin nodded. "In that I serve my master in all ways he wants me to."

"And now you are wearing all that for him?" Eric asked.

"I would like to ask you something," Justin said, sounding more demurely. "If that's alright."

"Sure, go ahead!" Eric gave quickly.

"You've seen me naked, aroused and you've helped me putting on equipment. Your hand was on my dick and it was very hard as I was very excited at the time. There are three metal beads in my asshole, that you've pushed in yourself. I don't think I've got anything left to show you about my body that you've not seen and yet you appear to be uncomfortable. Is that so? Do I make you uncomfortable?"

Eric looked at Justin's face, his eyes the bluest blue.

"No," he said. "No, not at all. It's just, I don't know how to do this. I mean, I don't want to insult you and I don't know where to start."

Justin smiled again and pushed his blond hair to the side. A gesture that was painfully attractive.

"Don't worry about my feelings, I serve and I am a slave to my master. By talking to you I am serving my master and that is enough for me. If you ask any questions that would be considered impolite or rude in different circumstances, they won't be qualified as such here."

Sally came back with food and drinks they never ordered, putting them on the table as she started talking once again.

"So, who is the cute friend here handsome?" she asked Justin.

"This is Eric," Justin said. "He is new in town."

She looked at Eric, studying his face and the perpetual smile that was on her face widened.

"You're one tasty kid," she said. "Justin has great taste in guys."

"Eh ... thanks I guess," Eric felt himself turn red again.

"Don't worry tasty," she beamed at him. "It's pretty clear that you've not been building that body for my gender."

If Eric considered Justin frank en uninhibited, Sally was worse.

"Sally is very much into nicknames and saying what she thinks," Justin elaborated.

"I noticed," Eric felt his face had to be as red as a traffic light.

"Don't worry tasty," she joked. "I won't bite you. Not that I wouldn't want to, but if you're with Justin I know you're out of my league. So, without further ado, enjoy your lunch boys – I've made sure you won´t feel guilty."

It was with that remark that she turned and walked away again. Leaving Eric dumbfounded and Justin positively beaming. It dawned on Eric that he hadn't actually ordered anything. Looking down at his plate he saw two slices of dark bread and a small bowl of something that could be tuna salad.

"She just gave us food?" he asked knowing the answer already.

"Yeah, she did," Justin said as he started to spread the salad on the bread. "Don't worry, she'll made sure you're eating healthy."

"Does she know?" Eric asked as he took the first bite. It tasted quite good and he savoured the taste.

"About my master? Yeah, she does." Justin told Eric. "I mean, when I came out to her we had a bit of a rough time, and we didn't talk that much. So, in the whole period when I met my master and became his slave we were in a no go area. But when we picked up again, about a year ago she figured it out pretty fast." He laughed at a memory.

"She is one of the smartest persons I know and it took her a whole of three minutes to figure out how things worked in our house. She came over one night for dinner and instead of usual, master told us to get dressed."

Eric nearly choked on that comment, trying to grasp the meaning of instead of usual' and get dressed' as Justin continued his telling. The whole ´us´ part went by him, thankfully preventing temporary overload.

"So, she meets my Master gages him looks at me and Michael then smiles and says: `Do I make the boys uncomfortable by forcing them into clothing at home Frank?' I'll never forget the stunned look on my Master's face as she said that, he needed a few seconds to compose himself."

"But then he laughed out loud, looks at me and tells me I have good taste in women and then orders us to strip. It was so humiliating, having to undress in front of her at the command of my master. Of course, just stripping wasn't enough so there I was, standing naked in the position with my cock hard sticking out while my ex-girlfriend who I had only started talking to less than a month ago, looks at me. Hell, she doesn´t just look, she studies me. I think she inspected every inch of me. On top of that, my Master tells her that if she wants I can show how well I shave."

"But after a few minutes it was normal again, like when the master has guests or when we're in the club. She did take every opportunity to feel me up. I'm pretty sure that master promised her that if she ever wants to, we'll be having sex in front of her. Don't think she'll ever cash that in though. Yeah, she knows pretty well."

"So, there are normal people who know you're a slave," Eric contemplated.

Justin looked at him quizzically.

"Oh shit," Eric blurted. "I didn't mean that. I meant, shit, I don't know what I meant. I just meant, you know, it's not something you can just share with the world."

He felt stupid and hated himself for saying it. But Justin looked at him a bit longer before answering and when he did, he was careful in his wording.

"Yes, I know what you mean, but it's just – the choice of words was perhaps a bit poor. But I'm not an idiot and I know that the way I live my life is not understood or accepted by many, so even though I'm very grateful that I have friends that understand me and love me the way I am, I also know that it's not wise to flaunt it to the world.

"Guy and Sally are very precious to me and I think some of the most special human beings on the planet."

"Can you have them? Friends, I mean," aren't you supposed to be only for your master?" Eric asked.

"My master loves us all as the slaves that we are, including our interests, our passions and our social contacts. Even though my service to him is unconditional and I am only myself when obeying his wishes I can still have relationships with others, friends even. But even so, if it is my master's wish, I would not see them anymore.

"It's the same reason I get an education and why some of my brothers already have a job."

Eric thought about that for a while and Justin elaborated.

"It's the way of my master, but not the way of every master. I know a master who holds two slaves in the way you are thinking. I don't think they have spoken to somebody else since they entered his service.

"But my master likes to be entertained in many ways. And it's kind of hard to carry a conversation without experiences."

"Right," Eric agreed. "I guess that makes sense. It's just that what I've read about it is different."

"You mean the jackoff stories on the internet? Well, I guess some of those are very true and as I said, I know slaves who have different lives to mine but it depends on their master. I exist only to please and serve my master, in all ways and my master is both harsh and very demanding."

Justin grimaced, put his lower arms on the table and leaned forward.

"Sorry, I need a minute," he whispered.

Beads of sweat appeared on his forehead and his breathing became very deep.

"Are you in pain?" Eric asked. "Is it the device?"

"Yes and yes, but that is not the problem," Justin was barely audible and Eric could see the muscles in his arms tense up. "The rhythm that is currently active is like being fucked and fucking somebody at the same time. I haven't been allowed to cum since Sunday and I'm not allowed to cum until my master tells me. It's quite hard to fight it."

"Oh." Eric watched as Justin's face became a mask of concentration, fighting the urge to shoot his load into his briefs as the pulsing rhythm in his ass and shaft intensified as if determined to push him over. "Why?"

"Why?" Justin repeated the question. "What do you mean?"

"Why does your master make you wear this? And why aren't you allowed to cum?"

Justin looked at him and managed a small smile.

"Oh fuck, I think I'm gonna fail," he sounded panicked and a look of true fear appeared on his face.

Something in Eric kicked in, some deep creature that had taken over when he had met Justin in the locker room.

"No you're not," he said, both gentle and stern. "Focus and fight it, you won't fail your master here or now."

"I need to cum, I really do," Justin said, pleadingly.

"I know you do, and you will soon enough. But when you are given permission. And that is not now. Now focus."

Justin's eyes dimmed a bit as he mentally retreated and focussed on refusing his body to shoot his cream into his briefs. Seconds passed and became a minute and Eric waited. He just looked at Justin who was trying with all his might to serve his master and he felt like he started to understand it a little bit. Eventually the absent look faded from Justin's face and he refocused on Eric. A weak smile played across his lips.

"Thanks for that," he said that. "You helped me through there."

Eric shrugged. "No I didn't. You did it yourself. I just helped you remember that you can do it."

"I don't know how much longer I can do this though," Justin said, sounding very down. "It's so hard to fight it and it's only been three days."

"But to answer your question, I don't know. He told me he wants me to wear this at all times and he doesn't want me to cum until he tells me to. He put this on after I failed his previous order not to cum."

"You're not allowed to cum at all?" Eric asked.

"No, I'm not. Usually we are though, master thinks it's good for us to explore our bodies and offer each other relief. Though there are many occasions when we're not allowed to cum, most of the time we are but only if together."

"You talk about we all the time, there are more?" Eric asked, picking up on it at last.

He is being overloaded with information and he can barely process it all in time.

"Yes, you just noticed?" Justin asked, emphasizing Eric's feeling of overloading.

"I guess," Eric said, shrugging.

"We're with five trained slaves," Justin said "and one in training."

"And you can only cum with another slave?"

Justin nodded, and he had a serious look on his face when he answered.

"Yes, our boy cum is not our own and if it's wasted by simply jacking off it's a serious offense. My master wants us to provide sustenance to each other and learn how to better please him when we want to share our cum."

"I see," Eric said, though that was not true.

Justin gave him a friendly and understanding smile.

"I don't think you do, not entirely, but you're starting to," Justin said. "I think we've talked enough don't you think? I don't want you running away scared in a minute, you're far too cute for that."

`Cute, he thinks I'm cute!' flashed through Eric's head.

He looked at Justin, stared at him for a good half minute and was again amazed by how utterly beautiful the boy was. Justin didn't blush or appear to be uncomfortable by Eric's staring. He was used to being looked at, often unclothed and judged based on what the other saw but Eric didn't realize that.

They got up from the table and as Justin paid for their food and chatted with Sally Eric went outside and stood in the burning sun, breathing slowly and getting to grips with his thoughts. His world, which he until today, would have typified liberal and exploratory had been shaken quite a bit. He had to incorporate the existence of a smart, handsome, educated young man that chose the life of a slave. A boy that could melt any heart with just a smile needed to be controlled, needed pain, needed servitude to be himself. And he could talk about it in a normal conversation. There was still so much he would like to know but he had to agree with Justin that it was enough for now. As he stood there, savouring the heat from the early afternoon sun he realized that he was excited, but not sexually. Somehow he felt relieved that he didn't. He knew one thing for sure: he was not going to share this conversation with his parents tonight. Open minded as they might be and to Eric they were pretty okay in that regard this would be a bit too far out of their comfort zone. In fact it was pretty far out of Eric's own comfort zone as well but he was fascinated and intrigued.

When Justin came out into the sun he looked at Eric with a puzzling look.

"So, what are you thinking?" Justin asked, his eyes more serious than the tone is his voice.

"That it sounds like an erotic story, or the five line intro to a porn movie with a `story'," Eric emphasized the last word. "Except that it isn't. And you're right, I don't truly understand."

Justin nodded and they started the walk back to campus.

"But I want to," Eric continued, almost sighing it as he said so. "And I don't even know why."

"Jerk off material?" Justin asked.

"No," Eric said vehemently. "I mean, it is, sure, but no. Not because of that. Oh, I don't know."

Justin put an arm around Eric's shoulder and drew him close. Eric felt the heat radiate of the boy and smelt his scent.

"You'll find out," Justin said. "You'll find out whether it's just sexual fascination or something else."

"I guess," Eric agreed.

"The fact that you didn't freak out when you saw me in the locker room says you will," Justin stated.

As they walked onto the campus again Justin looked at his watch, "I'm due in class Eric and it was great meeting you and talking to you. I guess I'll see you on tomorrow at try-outs then?"

"Yeah, definitely. I hope I make it on the team."

"Looking forward to seeing you in a speedo and getting a proper look," Justin said.

Eric laughed. "That's only fair. I got to see you fully naked and delicious."

Eric felt a slight blush coming up as he said that but Justin smiled and thanked him. Justin then pulled out his mobile phone from his pocket and they exchanged phone numbers. Justin raised his phone and snapped a picture of Eric.

"See you Eric," he said, leaned forward and gave him a kiss. Then with a last flash of a smile he turned and sped towards Rollington Hall.

Eric remained behind watching Justin move away. The tight t-shirt clinging to his sculpted frame, the almost imperceptible jerk in his steps that showed his discomfort. It was only after Justin had disappeared through the doors into the hall behind he started moving towards his own class.

"He sounds like a nice boy," Eric's mother said when Eric told about his lunch with Justin.

Obviously he let out the more intimate details and kept it to general statements.

"He is."

Eric's father leaned over and ruffled his son's hair. It was a gesture of parental love that Eric sometimes thought he should have grown out of, but he loved it still.

"Oh, boy, only her for a few weeks and Eric has started to check out the hotties," he said.

"Takes after his father then," Janice said with a mischievous smile.

"Darling," Tom exclaimed in a mock hurt voice. "You know you are the only one for me and always have been." They laughed. It was a family joke that heralded back to the days when Eric's parents had been in their twenties. Eric had seen pictures and even though he thought the clothing was odd, he did notice that his parents were quite the lookers when they were young. Even now, when they were approaching fifty they still were handsome. Tom had been `very´ interested in girls and it wasn't until Eric's mother rejected him four months long that he really started to pursue her. It took him the last two years of his college years to get her to agree to a date with him.

"What time are you trying out for swimming Eric," Tom asked.

"Four thirty," Eric answered. "After classes are done. There are three spots on the team and eleven guys who want in so it's gonna be tough."

"Four thirty, I'll be able to reschedule my meeting so if you don't mind I'd like to come and look at your try out," Tom said.

Eric stopped chewing and didn't really know how to respond. He felt a big clump in his chest pressing down on his stomach.

Eric would never consider his childhood bad, or his parent uninterested. Far from it. The love and devotion his parents felt for their son was all too obvious and beyond question. Their interest in his life and his activities had always been clear to Eric. But, a price they paid for the life they lived and the experiences that it offered was that they often had to miss out on their son's moments. Their jobs wouldn't allow it, or he distance made it impossible – so many of the proud moments they had were because of pictures or stories. Not out of first-hand experience. It was something Eric had learned to accept when still very young but it never really quelled the desire or need to have his parents close at those moments. And to have his father remark so casually that he would be rescheduling a meeting, just to watch his son try out for the swimming team hit home. It was a very vocal reaffirmation that Eric's life had changed fundamentally when they moved to town.

"You alright son?" Tom asked when he saw the expression on his face's son.

"Yeah dad, I'm alright," Eric admitted. "I was just surprised, that's all."

"Pleasantly I hope?"

"Absolutely," Eric eagerly responded.

They ate in silence for a while until Eric's phone went off with a sound. The screen lighted up and the message window appeared, telling him he just received a message from Justin.


Eric read the message and as the meaning sank in, he nearly choked on his food. Coughing and wheezing he reached for his glass of water and took a big gulp. With perspiration on his forehead and his face flushed he turned his phone around.

"Sorry about that," he said.

"That must have been some message Eric," his mother dryly said, giving him an encouraging smile.

"Not much so, but was distracted enough to choke. It was an invite from Justin, you know the guy I just told you about, to have dinner at his place on Friday."

Eric was amazed how composed and calm he managed to sound.

"Oh, how nice honey," his mother said. "You have fun."

Her answer clearly indicated she assumed that Eric would accept the invitation. And Eric had every intention to.

"Thanks mom, will do."

Eric enjoyed having dinner with his parents, but he was glad when he was finally able to leave the table and retreat to his room. He closed the door behind him, not bothering to lock it and laid down on the bed. He stared at the message on his screen and wondered what to answer.

The invitation stirred a very familiar feeling in his loins as his mind quickly raced through that scenario.

He tapped inside the text box and the keyboard appeared on screen.


He hit the send button and waited. Unconsciously he started rubbing his crotch and his jeans covered dick hardened swiftly. His body was in severe need of release by now. Genuine interest aside, the thought of Justin naked with a hard on was enough to make any gay man drool.


His phone had hardly finished playing it's message sound or Eric was typing his next reply.






Eric undid his belt and fly and pushed his jeans down his legs. His hand slid under his waistband and he started caressing the hard shaft of his rod.




`I SEE.'

Eric took of his shirt and kicked of his trousers and underwear. Naked he lay on the bed and started to slowly stroke his dick.






Eric put down his phone and lifted his knees. He never got his other hand near his ass. He was too close and strands of cum flew out his dick, hitting his face, his chest, his stomach. Panting he laid down on the covers, licking his sticky hand clean of his cum. He knew Friday was going to be a long wait.

Next: Chapter 6

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