Justins Dream

By Curlybrok

Published on Jul 29, 2000


Justin's Dream Written by CurlyBrok curlybrok@bsbnsync.com

Justin Dream Chapter 22

"Thank you Kevin, were on our way." Jackie said, and then hung up the phone. "What's wrong, is Brian alright?" Justin asked with fear. "We have to hurry Justin, so I'll explain in the limo." Jackie said before picking up the phone to call Jason. Justin quickly got to his feet and grabbed some clothes from his bag. Lynn quickly grabbed her jacket, as Justin ran into the bathroom to dress. "Jason, Kevin called we have to go to the hospital." Jackie said calmly into the phone. "I'll be right over then we can head down." Jason said before hanging up the phone. "We have to go to the hospital." Jason said to JC. JC nodded and stood to follow Jason to Justin room.

Kevin met them in the hallway to Brian's room. "Kevin, what's going on?" Justin asked. Kevin put his finger to his lips and sent Justin into Brian's room without saying a word. Justin slowly approached Brian's bed. As he reached out and touched Brian's hand, Brian's eyes opened. Tears began to fall from Justin's as he saw Brian's eyes open. Brian smiled up at Justin, "Shh... don't cry." Brian said weakly. Justin wiped his eyes with the back of his hands. Justin nodded, "I'm so happy that you're ok." Justin said. Brian nodded weakly, "Get some sleep Brian, I'll stay here with you." Justin said as he sat next to Brian. Brian closed his eyes and drifted to sleep.

Justin closed his eyes also and drifted to sleep holding Brian's hand. 'I hope he didn't hear me.' Justin though as he laid on one of the couch after a dream when he and Brian had started the tour. A fading sunset on a beach could be seen in the distance, as two young men walked hand in hand.

If you wait for me Then I'll come for you Although I've traveled far I always hold a place for you In my heart If you think of me If you miss me once in a while Then I'll return to you I'll return and fill that space in your heart

"Does this mean that you like me?" Brian asked. "Yes Brian, I like you, your caring, and kind, you some much fun to be with." Justin said. Brian smiled. "I like you too Justin." Brian said. Brian turned and kissed Justin on the cheek. Brian and Justin spent the rest of the evening holding each other and talking.

They watch as the sunset behind the clouds, giving its last rays of warmth for the day. Brian smiled and turned to Justin, he leaned in and placed his lips on Justin's.

A smile had formed on Justin's lips as he lay dreaming about his first week with Brian, how he fell in love with him and how much he loved him.

Remembering your touch Your kiss Your warm embrace I'll find my way Back to you If you'll be waiting

Justin's mind was filled with visions of all the times he has spend with Brian. There first kiss, their first time making love. Justin could remember the look of pure pleasure on Brian's face as they made passionate love that wonderful night. Justin felt as if he were one with Brian.

If you dream of me Like I dream of you In a place that's warm and dark In a place where I can feel The beating of your heart

Remembering your touch Your kiss Your warm embrace I'll find my way Back to you If you'll be waiting

Brian shift in his sleep, his mind was filled with love for Justin and fear of leaving Justin. Brian wasn't sure if he was strong enough to hold out for Justin, he felt weak and tired. His faith and love were strong.

I've longed for you And I have desired To see your face your smile To be with you wherever you are

Remembering your touch Your kiss Your warm embrace I'll find my way Back to you If you'll be waiting

Justin awoke from his sleep, and looked towards Brian. Justin smiled and placed his hand on Brian's cheek. Justin's stood from his chair and walked over to Brian. He kissed Brian's forehead and smiled down at him.

Justin jumped as he heard the monitors' alarms going off. Seconds later two nurses ran into the room followed by Jason and JC. One of the nurses took his vitals quickly, the other reached for the intercom. "CODE BLUE, CODE BLUE, Room 131." She said. The doctor rushed into the room followed by 2 other nurses and a crash car. Jason grabbed Justin and pulled him back so the nurses and doctor could work on Brian. 2more doctors quickly arrived and Jason grabbed Justin and pulled him in to a hug to keep him from looking at what was going on. By this time Justin was crying and shaking.

The Doctors and nurses rushed Brian from the room and towards the OR (Operating Room). "What's happening?" Jackie asked as she came into the room after the doctors and nurses had rushed Brian from the room.

Please say you'll be waiting Together again It would feel so good to be in your arms Where all my journeys end If you make a promise If it's one that you keep I'll come to you If you wait for me And say you'll hold A place for me In your heart

Several more hours had passed. Jason paced the hall now, he started to become impatient, and it had nearly been 5 hours since they had last seen Brian. JC came up behind Jason as Jason turned to begin his pace back towards the other end of the hall. JC handed Jason a cup of Coffee. "Come sit down for a while, they'll tell us what's happening as soon as they can." JC said. Jason sighed. "I know JC, but I'm worried and I just can't sit there and do nothing." Jason said. JC nodded. "How is Justin doing?" Jason asked. "He's finally asleep." JC said.

A doctor walked towards them, Jason recognized him as one of the doctors who had been in Brian's room during the code blue call. The Doctor walked up to them, "Are you friends and Family of Mr. Littrell." He asked. Jason nodded "Yes we are." "This way doctor." JC said as he and Jason walked towards the waiting room. The doctor followed them into the waiting room.

Jason knelt down next to Justin. "Justin, you need to wake up. The doctor is here." Jason said in a soft tone. Justin rubbed his eyes. "What, what's going on?" Justin asked. "Brian's doctor is here." Jason said. Justin sat up and rubbed his eyes and tried to wake himself up.

"I'm doctor Anthony Smith." The doctor said. "Let me give you and update. Mr. Littrell had heart palpitations. We rushed him to the Operating Room, and quickly were able to settle his heart rhythm. We then had to operate to close internal bleeding which the palpitations caused. We then gave him a complete exam to make sure he had no other injures or complications." Dr. Smith said. "We didn't find anything else and gave him medication to help him sleep and get his rest. We have placed him in intensive care, where he will stay for the next couple days. After he has stabilized we will move him to his own room again." Dr. Smith said. "When can we see him?" Jackie asked. "Not for another hour to two hours, we want him to get his rest first." The Doctor said. "Thank you doctor." Jackie said.

A week had passed and Brian was doing much better, the nurses had him walking around and moving now. He had been moved to his own room, and Justin spent most of his free time at the hospital being with Brian. Jason and Lynn held several press conferences to keep the fans and public up to date on Brian's condition. The remaining concerts had been cancelled and reschedule for 4 months down the road. However, the guys didn't get much of a break, they still had albums, and interviews to work on.

"JC, hurry up, we have to get to the hospital so we can pick up Brian and Justin." Jason said. "I'm coming give me a minute." JC said from the bathroom. A few minutes later JC walked out of the bathroom. "Ok I'm ready lets go." JC said. Jason grabbed his cell phone and they headed to the hospital.

"It's about time you guys get here." Justin said. "Sorry, JC was taking forever in the bathroom, I think you're starting to rub off on him." Jason said with a laugh. Brian laughed quietly to himself. "Oh, so you think that this is funny, huh? Well we'll just see how funny it is when I get finished with you." Justin said with a big grin. "Um, Justin I don't think Brian will be able to do that till he is fully recovered." JC said trying not to laugh. Justin stuck up his middle finger at JC. "Thanks but I only do that with Jason." JC said with a laugh. "It wasn't an offer." Justin said. "Aw shucks." JC said faking disappointment. Jason eyed JC, "What?" JC said. "Behave yourself little boy." Jason said. "Little boy? That's not what you were saying last night." JC laughed. "JC! You're really perverted." Jason said. "I learnt from the best." JC said with a smile before kissing Jason's lips.

"Get a room." Justin and Brian said together. "We have one, but you guys are keeping us from it." Jason said after releasing JC's lips. "So when can we leave?" JC asked. "We just have to call the nurse when we are ready." Justin said. "Ok, well lets do that so we can get back to the hotel before the fans realize that the limo outside is for us." JC said. Brian nodded and pushed the call button on the bedside control. The nurse appeared a short time later with a wheelchair to take Brian out of the hospital.

Brian and Justin lay asleep in each other's arms in their hotel room for the first time in nearly 3 weeks. Brian had been through 3 weeks of hell, now he was in heaven in the arms of Justin Timberlake, the man he loved with all his heart. Brian smiled contently, as he dreamt of being with Justin.

"Make sure all the equipment is loaded and accounted for." Jason said over the two-way radio. Crewmembers moved around quickly loading equipment and luggage onto the busses and trucks. Brian and Justin sat in the bus, waiting for things to finish loading so they could head back to Orlando. Jason quickly jumped on the bus "Alright lets go." Jason told the driver. JC lay in his bunk sleeping, as usual. Jason crawled into the bunk with JC and closed the currents. Jason wrapped his arms around JC, and snuggled closely to him. "I love you." JC whispered as he keep his eyes closed. "I love you too." Jason said before placing a kiss on JC's forehead.

Chris, Joey, Kevin and Nick sat in the booth playing cards, while the rest of the guys slept or watched TV. Brian had been ordered by his doctors to rest as much as possible, so he and Justin had gone to sleep in Justin's bunk. Lance mean while sat in the back of the bus working on some paperwork for his management company as he watch the local news.

The bus finally arrived in Orlando the following morning after a brief meeting at Wright Entertainment for the N Sync guys. Justin, Jason, JC and Brian all headed to Jason and JC's house. "It feels so good to be home." JC yelled as he entered the house. "I think the first thing I'm going to do is sleep." JC said. Jason and Justin both looked at each other and started to laugh. "You sure ain't gonna get any sleep tonight, so you might as well get what you can now." Jason said with a grin. "Well I need to run to the store to get some groceries, and stuff we need, anyone want to go for a ride." Jason asked. "Sure I'll go." Justin said. "I'm going to go laid down for a while." Brian said. Justin kissed Brian's lips gently, before dropping his bags by the stairs and heading out to the store with Jason.

Justin and Jason finished their shopping at the grocery store and headed over to the mall to pick up some things to have fun with. Jason and Justin entered a couple clothing stores, and picked out a few things. "So do you thing Josh is going to like this." Jason asked Justin. "Yeah, he'll love it." Justin said. "I need to stop by the pharmacy to pick up Brian's meds and some other essentials." Justin said. "Ok, no problem." Jason said. "I need a few things there too." Jason said. Justin smirked, and walked with Jason down towards the pharmacy in the mall.

Justin and Jason were laughing, as they walked into the house. "The look on that girls face when she saw your name appear on the screen after running your card was so funny." Jason said. "Oh, but wait the way that old lady looked at us when we were buying condoms was even better." Justin said. "Looks like you guys had fun." Brian said as he lay on the couch watching TV. "Your up." Justin said. "Yeah, my head has been bothering me." Brian said. "Oh, I have your meds." Justin said. As he reached in the bags in placed on the kitchen counter. Justin looked at the bottles looking for the right bottle. "Here you go." Justin said as he handed Brian two pills and a glass of water. "Thanks." Brian said and downed the two pills and the glass of water.

Justin and Jason worked on cooking supper while JC slept in the master bedroom upstairs and while Brian slept on the couch. "So what are you and JC planning on doing during the down time?" Justin asked. "Well I have some work to do at the office, and then we plan on just relaxing around the house." Jason said. "What about you and Brian?" Jason asked. "Well Brian needs his rest, so we'll probably just stay here, if that is alright with you and JC?" Justin said. "You guys and stay as long as you want. Besides mom would be watch yours and Brian's every move." Jason said. "That's for sure." Justin said.

Jason and JC lay in their bed, watching MTV's Real World. Jason had his arms wrapped around JC and his head lying on JC's chest. "Do you think that Danny guy is cute?" JC asked Jason. "Not my type." Jason said. "Ok, but do you think he is cute?" JC asked. "No, you're the cute one." Jason said as he looked up at JC. JC smiled down at Jason. "Your so adorable." JC said. "Well your goofy looking." Jason said with a laugh. "Goofy looking, huh?" JC said. Jason shook his head yes. "I'll show you goofy looking." JC said and started to tickle Jason. Jason laughed and gasped for air, trying to get out of JC's reach. "Oh, god.... Stop... please..." Jason said. "Not till you take it back." JC said. "Ok, ok... I take it back." Jason said, still gasping for air and giggling. JC stop tickling Jason.

"Asshole." Jason said as he caught his breath. "You asked for it." JC said. "Blow me." Jason said with a laugh. "Ok." JC said as he went under the sheets. "JC what are you doing?" Jason asked a little confused. JC removed Jason's boxers, "JC I was kidding." Jason said. However, JC wasn't listening, he was too busy playing with junior. "Josh, Josh." Jason said. "Oh God." Jason said as he felt JC's mouth on his cock. Jason grabbed the sheets, and closed his eyes. JC moved his tongue along the underside of Jason's length. His lips held a tight bond with the base of Jason's smooth cock. Jason gasped for air as pleasure flowed through his body. JC moved up and down on Jason's cock, deep throating him, before moving back up to the head of Jason's rock solid cock, and sucking on just the head. JC's tongue, swept over the end of Jason's cock collecting all the pre-cum, the sweet taste of Jason's juice only made JC want more of Jason's pulsating penis in his mouth. "Oh God, oh... oh Josh, oh... Ah." Jason gasped out as he felt complete pleasure run over his body.

JC released Jason's hard penis, and began an assault on Jason's smooth balls. He took them one by one in his mouth bathing them in his warm mouth. JC licked Jason's balls, and shaft. He sucked on the head of Jason's cock again, before taking Jason deeper, and deeper into his throat. Jason released small moans which were becoming inaudible as the pleasure continued to pass through his body. "Josh, I'm.... Oh God.... J... Josh... I'm... oh... gonna... oh cum." Jason heaved out. JC increased the movement of his mouth on Jason's hard cock, moving up and down faster on the hard, smooth and sweet shaft he had in his mouth. Jason gasped, and let out a moan as he began to unload his sweet tasting juices into JC's warm mouth. JC continued to suck on the head of Jason's cock, rubbing Jason's balls gently trying to get every last drop of cum out of Jason's large balls. Jason held the sheets tightly in his hands and his eyes were shut as he shot load after load into JC's waiting mouth.

JC swallowed every last drop of Jason's sweet love juice. He release Jason's cock from his lip before he moved up Jason's body to his lips. Jason parted his lips so he could share the cum that JC had left on his tongue. Their tongues touched and dance exotically with each other. Jason and JC ended their passionate kiss, as JC wrapped his arms around Jason, and held him close. Jason's eyes slowly closed as sleep began to overcome him. "Thank you Josh, that was wonderful." Jason whispered. JC smiled and kissed the back of Jason's neck "I love you babe, now get some sleep." JC said. Jason nodded, as he fell into dreamland.

JC immerged from the pool, after a cool dip Water dripped from his body, as he walked around the pool towards the lounge chairs where Jason, Justin and Brian were sitting enjoying the sun's bright rays. JC straddled Jason's hips; Jason had his eyes close, as he absorbed the sun's rays. JC quickly sat down and wrapped his arms around Jason getting him soaked with the water that was on his body. "JC!" Jason said as he felt JC's body soaking him with the pool water. Justin and Brian started laughing. "What I just wanted to give my boyfriend a hug." JC said with a grin. Jason gave JC a doubting look, "Oh, I'm sorry babe." JC said. JC leaned forward and began a sensual and passionate kiss upon Jason's red lips. Jason and JC kissed, their tongues dance exotically. Jason released JC's lips. "You didn't shave this morning, you're all picky." Jason said. JC stuck his tongue out at Jason. "Don't stick you tongue out unless intend to use it." Jason said.

"You two need a room." Justin said. "And a box of condoms." Jason said with a grin. "I like that idea." JC said. "I thought you would." Jason said. "Ok, I don't mean to switch topics on you guys but when do we have to be at the office?" Justin asked. "In an hour." Jason said. "Well, I'm going to go shower and get ready then." Justin said. "You coming Brian?" Justin asked. "No, go on without me, I'll shower and change after you're done." Brian said. "Ok." Justin said. Justin got up from his chair and walked inside without saying another word. JC leaned forward and whispered into Jason's ear. "I'll go talk to him." JC said. Jason nodded, and kissed JC's lips again, before JC went inside. JC walked upstairs and stopped at Justin and Brian's room. JC knocked but got no response. He opened the door slowly and walked in. Justin sat on the bed his hands covering his face. "Justin?" JC said softly. "Huh?" Justin said, he quickly wiped the tears from his eyes. JC walked over to Justin and pulled him into a hug. "Justin what's wrong?" JC asked.

Justin cried on JC's shoulder, "He doesn't love me anymore." Justin gasped. "Who doesn't love you anymore, Just?" JC asked. "B... Brian." Justin said weakly. "Oh, Justin. Brian loves you very much. He's just going through a rough time that's all." JC said. "He won't sleep in the same bed as me, Josh. He doesn't talk to me, he just sits there and stares off into space. I'm losing him Josh." Justin said, as he pulled away from JC. "Justin, he loves you, I know he does. Brian has just had a brush with death, and I think it scared him." JC said. "Josh I almost lost him, I just got him back I can't lose him like this." Justin said. "I know Just, I know." JC said. "Look Justin, I know Brian loves you. Just give him some time, and he'll come around." JC said. Justin nodded, "Go take a shower and get ready to go to the office, and you'll feel better." JC said. Justin smiled and wiped his eyes, he walked to the bathroom to shower. JC stood and left the room, Brian who had been outside the door during the whole conversation quickly ducked into another room, before JC could come out.

JC walked past not even noticing Brian in the other room. Brian sighed, "I'm sorry Justin." Brian said to himself. Brian wiped the tears from his eyes and walked to the spare bathroom so he could wash his face before he walked into the room he had been sharing with Justin.

Jason sat at his desk working out plans for the next leg of the tour and rescheduling cancelled shows. "That won't work we are in Foxboro Massachusetts on those days." Jason said. "We could be at Madison Square Garden two days later." Jason said. "That will be fine, we'd be there for a total of four days." Jason said. "Very good, we'll make our bookings at the hotels." Jason said and hung up the phone. Jason buzzed Allison extension and asked her to book hotels in New York for the crew and N Sync.

Jason looked up from his desk, as he heard a knock at the door. "Come in." Jason said. Brian opened the door and walked in, he closed the door behind him, and walked over to a seat by Jason's desk. "Do you have a few minutes, I need to talk to you about something." Brian said. Jason nodded, and put down his pen and gave Brian his full attention. "I overheard something today, and I'm not sure what to do about it." Brian said. "What did you hear?" Jason asked. "I overheard Justin and JC talking and I think I hurt Justin's feelings, not intentionally, but I hurt him and I don't know what to do to make it up to him." Brian said. "How did you hurt him?" Jason asked. "He thinks I don't love him anymore." Brian said, as a tear escaped his left eye. Jason stood from his chair and took a seat on his desk in front of Brian. "Brian, have you told him you love him lately?" Jason asked. Brian shook his head. "Have you talked to him, about how you feel about your relationship, or how much you enjoy being with him?" Jason asked. Again Brian shook his head. "Try talking to him, I bet things will work out just fine if you do." Jason said. Brian nodded and wiped the tears that had escaped from his eyes.

"Thank you Jason." Brian said as he got up to leave. "Brian. JC and I have reservation at La Coquina for tonight, but we can't make it because we both have to work late, why don't you and Justin go instead." Jason said. "Are you sure?" Brian asked. "Yeah I'm sure, beside JC and I are working late so instead of losing good reservations why don't you two go have a romantic dinner." Jason said. "Thank you." Brian said, a smile gracing his face. "Anytime, have fun." Jason said. Brian nodded and left.

JC walked into Jason's office and sat down on Jason's lap. Jason grunted, "So what are you doing for lunch?" JC asked. "I was thinking of sausage." Jason said with a grin. "Sorry you can't have that right now." JC said. "Ah, come on please." Jason said. "No, but seriously what are you doing for lunch?" JC asked again. "I was thinking of ordering out." Jason said. "I've got a better idea." JC said as he stood. JC took Jason's hand and lifted him out of his chair. "Come on, I have surprise for you." JC said. Jason gave JC a look of uncertainty. "Oh come on you'll like it." JC said as he a pulled Jason along with him. They walked outside to the back lawn of the N Sync Compound. JC pulled Jason along and lead him to a small area shadowed by a large tree. Spread before them was a small picnic that JC had setup earlier.

"Aren't we the romantic type?" Jason said with a grin. JC blushed and sat down pulling Jason into his lap. "I thought we'd spend some quality time together." JC said with a smile. "I thought we did that last night." Jason said with a laugh. "Do you only think about sex?" JC asked. "Umm... Well I am a man Josh, men think about sex every seven seconds, or so I've been told." Jason said with a laugh before kissing JC on the lips. "Well if you eat all your peas like good growing boy, then we can have sex after." JC said with a laugh. "Ok, deal." Jason said. "Only one problem." JC said. "What's that?" Jason asked. "There aren't any peas, but we can still have sex after." JC said with a laugh. "With all the guys in the house who could at anytime come out here and see us, nah I'll pass and wait till we get home tonight." Jason said. "Well who says I'll be in the mood tonight." JC asked. "Oh I'll make sure you're in the mood." Jason said with a sly grin. "Oh really, and how are you going to do that?" JC asked now intrigued. "You'll see, now lets eat I'm starved." Jason said.

JC smiled and kissed Jason's lips before pulling some of the food out of the picnic basket. Meanwhile, Brian was searching for Justin in the N Sync compound. He came upon Chris who was sitting in the main conference room with Lance working out some of the costume ideas for the tour. "Chris, have you seen Justin?" Brian asked as he knocked. "No, I haven't Brian." Chris said as he turned towards Brian. Brian nodded, and was about leave when Lance spoke up. "Brian, he's in the studio working with Britney right now." Lance said. "Thank you Lance." Brian said as he quickly left and headed to the studio.

Brian knocked on the studio door, waiting for a response. "Come in." Britney said. Brian shyly opened the door and walked in. Justin looked up from the notes he was looking at; he noticed Brian and looked back at his notes without saying a word. "Britney could Justin and I have a few moments alone?" Brian asked. Britney nodded and walked out of the studio without saying a word. "Justin?" Brian said. Justin continued to look at his notes, and refused to look at Brian, tears had filled his eyes. Justin feared that Brian had come to break up with him.

Brian knelt down next to Justin, and trying to get Justin to look at him. "Justin, please look at me." Brian said. "Brian, please if you're here to break up with me just say so and leave so I can deal with it." Justin said. "Justin, I'm not here to break up with you. I'm here to say I'm sorry for being a jerk to you lately." Brian said. Justin looked at Brian and wiped his tears. "Oh, Justin please don't cry. I love you so much, I could never leave you." Brian said. Justin hugged on to Brian, "I'm sorry Brian I thought you didn't love me anymore." Justin said. "Justin I love you with all my heart. I've just been scared that I'd lose you or leave you alone. I nearly did and I was afraid to deal with that." Brian said. Justin nodded, and wiped all the tears from his eyes. "I want to make it up to you tonight. So will you join me for dinner?" Brian asked. "A date? I get to go on a date with Brian Littrell from Backstreet Boys?" Justin said with a grin. "No, actually I get to go on a date with Justin Timberlake from N Sync." Brian said with a laugh.

"So can I pick you up around seven?" Brian asked. Justin nodded happily and kissed Brian on the lips. "Good I'll see you at seven." Brian said with a smile. Justin smiled and felt much better now that he and Brian had talked and gotten the air cleaned up about what was bothering the both of them. Brian waved bye as he left the studio and head to one of the lounges so he could work on writing a few songs for The Backstreet Boys' next album. Britney smiled at Brian as he walked out. "Thanks for talking to him Brian, I know he need that." Britney said. "I need it to." Brian said. Both went their separate ways and back to work.

Seven came around quickly and Justin and Brian had just finished getting ready and the limo waited from them outside of JC and Jason's house. "Are you ready to go?" Brian asked. "All set, and starved." Justin said. Brian smiled and kissed Justin's lips before escorting him out to the limo. Brian helped Justin step into the limo and followed him in, and instructed the driver where to go.

"Reservations for Littrell." Brian said. "Right this way Mr. Littrell." The host said. They were lead to a table that was hidden from everyone else, but gave a great view of the restaurant. "Your waiter will be with you in just a moment." The host said and left them. The waiter approached bring Justin and Brian each a glass of water and a menu. "Good evening gentlemen. Would you care for something from the bar?" The waiter asked. "A bottle of your best wine." Brian said. "On its way sir." The waiter said and left. Brian and Justin looked over the menu and try to decide what they would have. "What do you feel like having?" Brian asked. "I'm thinking of going with the breaded Chicken and spaghetti." Justin said. "Sounds good, I'm think I'll have the same." Brian said.

"So did you guys have a good time?" JC asked as Brian and Justin walked into the living room where Jason and JC were watching TV. "We had a great time now we are going to head to bed." Brian said. "Good night guys." Jason and JC said. Jason and JC laid back down on the couch and snuggled up to each other and continued to watch TV as Brian and Justin went up to their room. Soon they drifted to sleep holding each other.

"I love you Justin." Brian said as he snuggled closely with Justin. "I Love you too Brian." Justin said. Laying his head on Brian's chest. He closed his eyes and drifted to sleep with a smile upon his lips. Brian's mind became filled with thought of Justin as he held the one he loved in his arms. It felt so right and so perfect, he never wanted that feeling to go away or change. He wished he could spend the rest of his life like this, holding Justin in his strong arms, protecting him from the world.

Justin's Dream Chapter 23

"Good Morning guys." Jason said as he took a seat that the head of the conference table at the N Sync Compound. The guys all waved good morning and Jason opened up his binder and pulled out some paperwork. "Ok, lets get started here. I have some good news, some bad news and some more good news." Jason said. "Well what's the good news?" Lance asked. "Well, First off we are heading back on tour in a month. Actually N Sync and Pink are heading out on Tour. Now for the bad news." Jason said. "Backstreet Boys will not be heading out on tour with us, nor is Britney." Jason said.

"BSB is heading out for promos and studio work in about 2months. Then you'll be meeting up with N Sync and Pink for the last two weeks of their tour which will be to make up for the dates missed on the previous tour." Jason said. "Britney will be heading into the studio then out on her own tour with Innosense. Then we meet in New York in 4 months for Challenge for Children Charity fundraiser, which will sponsor the Charities N Sync will choose. After that BSB will have a month off before heading out to tour in promotion of their next yet to be named album." Jason said.

"I have a question." Justin said. Jason nodded and gave Justin his attention. "Will Brian be able to come on tour with us when we go on the road?" Justin asked. "He'll be able to be there for the first month but after that he'll be heading out on promos, so he won't be on tour the whole time but he'll be back two months later." Jason said. Justin nodded. Brian leaned towards Justin, "It'll be alright babe, and I'll call everyday I'm away from you." Brian said. Justin smiled and nodded. "Ok we are going to be breaking up into groups to work on things. Britney is going into the studio with Diane Warren and Backstreet Boys are off for the next two weeks so they can head home if they want. N Sync is going to be gathering in the lounge to work out the set list." Jason said. The guys all nodded and broke up into there groups. "Do you wanna stay here or are you going to head back to the house?" Justin asked Brian. "I'll stick around for a while, but I have some errors I need to run later." Brian said. Justin smiled and he and Brian headed toward the lounge for the group meeting.

Jason finally came in and took a seat on one of the couches with his laptop, Allison set up her laptop and phone on the coffee table by the one of the chairs. "Are we ready to start." Lance asked. "In just a minute we're waiting for Johnny." Jason said. "Oh cool, he's going to be here?" Joey asked. "Yeah, in just a few minutes. He had to talk to Britney." Jason said. The guy nodded and just as they finished their conversation Johnny walked in.

"Are we ready to start?" Johnny asked. "Yeah, when every your ready." Jason said. "Ok, well first thing. We need to appoint a Tour Manager." Johnny said. "Well that's rather obvious who it'll be." Lance said. "Ah, and who might that be?" Johnny asked. "Jason of course." Chris said. "Well that is up to you guys to decide." Johnny said. "Well Jason has been the Tour Manager for the last two tours, and he does the best job of all the tour managers we've had." Joey said. "Justin, JC? Anything to add?" Johnny asked. "Well he's my brother Johnny so you know what my vote is." Justin said. "Well I can't vote for Jason." JC said with a grin as he had his arms wrapped around Jason. Jason turned and looked at JC. "Your aiming for the dog house aren't you." Jason said. Johnny started to laugh. "Ok, well I guess that is decided." Johnny said. "Looks like your heading out on tour with these bozos again." Johnny said to Jason. "Well that sounds like so much fun." Jason said with a laugh. "Oh you know you love it." Chris said. "Actually I just like sharing a bed with JC." Jason said. "Eh, I didn't need to know that." Chris said faking being disgusted. "Oh shut up Prozac boy." JC said. "Alright guys lets get to work." Johnny said with a laugh.

"Well next we need to work on the set list." Johnny said. "What about opening with 'Bye Bye Bye'?" Johnny asked. "What about starting with 'No Strings Attached" and ending with 'Bye Bye Bye'." JC said. "I don't think we should do 'Bye Bye Bye' nobody likes it." Justin said. Johnny and the guys started to laugh. The guys worked on the set list going over songs that they wanted to do and placing them in the set list. "So this is the set list so far." Jason said and began to list the songs. 'No Strings Attached', 'I Want You Back', 'God Must Have Spent', 'Justin's Beat box Skit', 'I Drive Myself Crazy', 'I Thought She Knew' and 'Bye Bye Bye'. "What else do we want to add?" Jason asked. The guys went through more songs till they had a complete list of songs they wanted to perform for the tour.

Allison printed out the set list and passed out copies to everyone after they had finished with the initial ideas. "Anyone have any changes they want to make?" Jason asked. "I think that's good." Lance said. "Yeah I like the set list." Justin agreed. "Anyone else?" Johnny asked. They all shook their heads. "Ok well lets move on to what we want the stage to look like. "Well going with the whole 'No Strings Attached' Theme I think we should come down from the ceiling." Lance said. "I like that idea. I'd also like to come out of the floor of the stage." JC said. "A moving stage would be cool too." Justin said. The guys ran through a bunch of Ideas before breaking for lunch that was served in the compound's dinning room.

They guys took the afternoon to work on costume ideas while Jason continued to work on setting up tour dates. "Allison have you heard back from Pink if she is going to be signing on for the tour or not?" Jason asked. "Yeah I just got off the phone with her manager and she will be on the tour as an opening act." Allison said. "Great. How are the hotel accommodations coming?" Jason asked. So far so good, we have two floor reserved at all the hotels that we have date set for." Allison said. "Ok, have Melinda get back to you on the list of confirmed people attending the Challenge for Children event and get hotel rooms reserved for those people.

JC walked into Jason's office and took a seat on Jason's desk as he was talking on the phone. "Alright, I'll talk to you later mom, and we'll all stop by this weekend for lunch." Jason said. "I love you too. Bye." Jason said into the phone and hung up. "Oh so we are going to having dinner with Lynn and Paul?" JC asked. "Yeah on Sunday afternoon they want us to come over for a cook out." Jason said. "Well that should be lots of fun." JC said. "Yeah should be, so are you guys taking a break?" Jason asked. "Actually we decide to call it a day." JC said. "Ah, well then we can go home and fuck all night?" Jason asked. "No, I want to go home and sleep." JC said. "You're always sleeping." Jason said with a grin. "I do not." JC said. Jason rolled his eyes. "Well since you're being mean to me no sex tonight." JC said. "I'm sorry." Jason said with puppy dog eyes. "You don't play fair." JC said. "All is fair in love an war." Jason said with a grin. JC shook his head.

"Well let's go home and fuck big boy." JC said. "Last time I check you were the BIG boy." Jason said with a grin. "Oh are we comparing size now?" JC asked. "No, actually I was just having fun with you, I know I'm bigger." Jason said. "I don't thinks so." JC said. "Wanna go compare?" Jason asked. "You'll do anything to have sex with me won't you?" JC said with a laugh. "Shh, don't tell my boyfriend he might get upset and kick you cute butt." Jason said with a grin. "Oh God." JC said. "Are you cumming already." Jason said with a laugh. JC shook his head, "Let's go Justin and Brian are waiting for us." JC said. Jason was about to speak but was interrupted by JC. "And don't even think it, I know what you were going to say." JC said. Jason made a face at JC, "Come on lets go." JC said. "I'm coming." Jason said. JC was about to speak but Jason stopped him, "No, not that kinda coming." Jason said. JC laughed and put his arm around Jason and they walked out to JC's Jeep.

Jason and Justin stood on the patio cooking on the grill, while JC and Brian had gone to the store to pick up a few things. "Justin pass me a sprite from the cooler." Jason said. Justin passed Jason a sprite; Jason opened the bottle and took a sip. Justin flipped the burgers on the grill, and then closed the lid. "We're back." JC said as he stepped onto the patio. "Grab a plate it's just about ready." Justin said. "You let Justin cook?" JC said. "Hey I can cook." Justin said. "Yeah, toast." JC said with a laugh. Justin stuck his tongue out at JC. "I'll pass." JC said. Jason and Brian laughed. "Come on lets eat." Brian said. The guys each grabbed a plate and filled it with food.

Justin turned on the radio and took a seat by Brian facing JC and Jason. "Ok, I have to admit the burgers are really good." JC said. "Thank you JC, I told you I could cook." Justin said. "You're listening to KISS FM." The DJ said as another song ended. "So have you all heard the latest? Well it seems that JC Chasez of N Sync is seeing their Tour Manager Jason Timberlake who is also the brother of Justin Timberlake of N Sync." The DJ said. JC dropped his burger and looked at the radio. "Pictures of the two have been posted on the Internet, the pictures show the two hugging and holding hands." The DJ said.

Jason cell phone rang and he looked at it before picking it up. "Hello." Jason said. "Jason this is Johnny." Johnny said. "Turn your radio to KISS FM." Johnny said. "We're listening to it now." Jason said. "Good, You, JC, Justin and Brian get over here right now." Johnny said. "We're on our way." Jason said.

To Be Continued...

Hi everyone. Sorry it's been sooooooooo long since I've posted but I promise things will come on regular schedule now, I've started planning the next part, which I'll be starting tonight.

ALSO, If you want to get an email on when I update the story, send me and email with the email address you want me to email you at and put that you want to get updated on the story in the message, also let me know what you thought of this one, oh and for those of you who read for the sex, there is going to be a big one coming up in the next part. So stay tuned oh and for those who ready my other story Forever and Always, JC and Justin are about to have their first time so stay tuned.

Thanks for reading. If you want the lyric or mp3s of any songs used in my story please email me and I'll email you the lyrics and tell you where to get the mp3s.

Next: Chapter 15

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