Justins Dream

By Curlybrok

Published on Aug 30, 1999


Justin's Dream Chapter 2 Written By: WK Email: curlybrok@bsbnsync.com

Now the fun starts, well so they say. In the next few chapters you'll see the development of the 'villain (s)' and the struggle the relationships must endure if they are to last. Also you'll meet the other guys of the band and learn what their take on this whole thing is. Will the relationships survive the stress and struggles that lays ahead... You'll have to read to find out.

Chapter 4

JC stirred in his sleep, as he felt rested. He blinked his eyes opened; he smiled as he remembered the night before. JC turned and looked down at Jason as he still held him in his arms. JC pulled his arms from around Jason's sleeping body. Jason snuggled into the pillow and continued to sleep, JC leaned down and kissed Jason on the cheek, then stood from the bed. JC walked into the bathroom and took a shower as Jason slept peacefully.

Brian and Justin walked down to JC and Jason's room and knocked on the door. Jason stirred, and then realized someone was knocking at the door, "Just a minute." Jason said. Jason gather his thoughts and then stood from the bed, He grabbed his boxer, or what he thought were his boxers he pulled them on and walked to the door. Jason opened the door and saw Brian and Justin standing there each with a big smile. "Good morning." Justin said. "Morning Justin." Jason said. "Come on in guys." Jason said as he stepped back from the door. Brian and Justin followed Jason into the room. Brian and Justin grabbed a seat on one of the couches and Jason slowly sat on one of the chairs. "I think someone is sore." Brian said. "Just a little, but it was worth it." Jason said. Just then JC walked out of the bathroom naked, "JC I hope your wearing something, we have company." Jason said without looking at JC. JC froze, "You could have told me that before I walked out of the bathroom." JC said. Brian and Justin cracked up laughing, "That's ok JC I've seen you naked before." Justin said. "Yeah, but Brian hasn't." JC said. "Well there a first time for everything." Brian said. Jason through JC a pair of boxers from his bag, JC quickly pulled on the boxers and walked over to the chair Jason had been sitting in. Jason walked back over and took a seat on JC's lap.

"Me and Brian heard some loud moans last night and came to investigate." Justin said with a laugh. "Really, the only thing I remember from last night is a great guy who made love to me." Jason said, and then kissed JC's lips. "Really, so where did he go?" Brian asked with a laugh. JC stuck his tongue out at Brian and returned to kissing Jason's lips. "Breath!" Brian and Justin said together. JC stuck his middle finger up at them and continued to kiss Jason. "Your not my type." Brian said. JC released Jason lips, and they smiled. "Ok, are you two done?" Justin asked. "For now." Jason said with a huge grin. "So what's up guys." JC asked. "Well we wanted to know if you guys wanted to join us for a movie tonight after the charity basketball game." Brian said. "That'd be fun, what move?" JC asked. "We haven't decided." Justin said. "Well we can always decide that when we get to the theatre." Jason said. "Ok." Brian said.

"Who's room are we having breakfast in?" Justin asked. "Nick said he wanted to host breakfast this morning." JC said. "I'll have to call down and see when he wants everyone to be there." Jason said. While Jason talked with Nick on the phone, JC Brian and Justin talked about the charity b-ball game that they were putting on. Jason hung up the phone and turned to Brian Justin and JC, "Hey Jason are you playing in the game today." Justin asked. "Why you afraid to lose?" Jason said with a laugh. "Actually I was going to ask you the same thing." Justin said. "Actually I can't while you guys are having fun playing, I'll be at the Arena getting things ready for tomorrow's show." Jason said. " My baby's not coming to see me play?" JC said disappointed. "I'll be there but I'll only make it for the second half." Jason said. JC sat in the chair disappointed, Jason walked over and knelt in front of JC. Jason grabbed JC's hands, He lifted JC's chin, "I promise we can make up for it tonight." Jason said with a smile. JC smiled, "Ok." JC said trying not to sound too happy. "Ok were leaving while you guys still have some clothes on." Brian said. "Ok, we'll see you guys at breakfast, well maybe." Jason said. "See you later." Justin said with a laugh. "Oh, and don't moan too loud I've been told the neighbors can hear you." Brian said. JC and Jason started laughing. "Oh we won't." JC said with a smile.

"I'm going to take a shower." Jason said. "Ok, well don't take too long, I miss be with you when your away." JC said. "Ok, I'll be back really soon." Jason said as he kissed JC on the lips. Jason walked into the bathroom to take his shower, JC walked over to his back to get some clothes. "Hmm what to wear today." JC said to himself. JC grabbed a pair of black Calvin Klein Boxer-briefs, a pair of black cargo pants, and a white T-shirt. He walked over to Jason's bag and took out the same outfit except instead of a T-shirt he took out a dark blue RP55 sweatshirt. JC dressed quickly and waited for Jason to come out of the bathroom.

JC sat on the bed as he awaited Jason to get out of the bathroom, JC smiled as the door open and Jason stood in the door way naked, Jason slowly made his way over to the bed and took a seat on JC's lap. Jason kissed JC's lips; "I should probably get dressed so I can see you later at the game." Jason said. JC nodded and gave Jason the clothes he had picked out for him. Jason quickly dressed and he and JC left the room to go to the limos and trucks waiting in the parking garage.

The guys listened as Jason gave them their instructions, "I'm going with Jon, to the Arena to finalize the setup for the show tomorrow, I'll be at the game when you gets are in the third quarter. After the game your free for the evening." Jason said. The guys all nodded and the headed for the limos, while Jason headed for the Dodge Durango with Jon. About 20mins later Jason and Jon pulled up to the Arena and walked in to see the crew still busy setting up the stage, lighting, sound system, and all the other equipment for the show.

"Jason, when you get a chance I need you to sign a few press releases for the show tomorrow night." Allison said. "Ok, I'll be right with you, I just need to check out the dressing room to see if they have been setup." Jason said. Jason quickly checked all the dressing room, and then ran over to Allison, who was waiting with a list of things to get done. "Ok, these are the press releases, the usually stuff." Allison said, Jason nodded and signed them. "Ok, MTV wants to know if they can have an Interview at the show tomorrow?" Allison said. "No, the guys don't have time after the show they are off to Charlotte, tell them they can have an interview in New York in a two weeks." Jason said. "Ok, Lynn, Justin's mom, called she wants JC and Justin to call her when they get sometime." Allison said as she took notes. "Ok, I'll let them know." Jason said. "Your tickets for the Tarheels and Wildcats game are ready, they will be delivered to the hotel in Charlotte." Allison said. "Four tickets, right?" Jason said. "Yes, four tickets center court." Allison said. "Anything else?" Jason asked. "Not now, but later you have to sign the hotel forms for Charlotte, and ok the online chat that's coming up in two weeks." Allison said. "Ok." Jason said and walked away.

'Ok, Jon, see you tomorrow after the show." Jason said as he left the stage. "Ok, Allison any other forms or things you need me to sign?" Jason asked. "Here are the hotel forms for the rooms, and this is the chat info, and the computers will be delivered to Charlotte in 2days." Allison said. "Ok." Jason said as he finished signing the forms. "Thanks Allison, see you in Charlotte." Jason said as he left Allison's office.

Jason pulled into the parking lot at the gymnasium where the game was being held, he felt tired after spending all morning and part of the afternoon at the Arena, but he had promised JC that he would come and watch the game. By the time Jason had walked in to gym the game was in the last part of the 4th quarter. Jason took a seat next to JC, "Sorry I'm late things were really busy at the Arena." Jason said. "It ok." JC said. "No, it not ok I promised I'd be here and I wasn't, I'm sorry. I want to make it up to you later." Jason sincerely. "Ok." JC said with a smile.

The game finished up, and the guys headed to get changed and head back to the hotel to relax for the evening. No one said anything to each other as they rode the elevator up to their floor. The guys walked off the elevator as it stopped on their floor. "So what's the problem guys?" Jason asked. Everyone stayed silent. "Well either there is a problem, or not. Now if there is a problem lets discuss it and get pass it or if there is not a problem then let move on." Jason said. Jason waited for several seconds everyone stayed again. "Ok lets move on then." Jason said. "Wait." Howie said. Everyone looked at Howie, "Brian do you love Justin?" Howie asked. "Yes, I love Justin with all my Heart." Brian answered. Howie turned to Justin, "Justin do you love Brian?" "Yes, I love Brian very much, I've never been happier with anyone." Justin said. "That's all I wanted to know." Howie said. Howie walked to his room and entered, "Anyone else have anything to say?" Jason asked. The guys shook their heads 'no'. "Ok, let's go then." Jason said.

JC and Jason walked into their room, Jason laid back on the bed and closed his eyes. JC walked over to Jason and took a seat on the bed next to him. JC placed his hand on Jason's chest, "Are you tired?" JC asked. Jason nodded his head. "Well we don't have to go out tonight if you don't want to." JC said. "No, lets go, we promised Justin and Brian we would go." Jason said. "Beside I don't get to spend much time with you." Jason said. "Ok, lets get changed and go then." JC said. JC got up from the bed and held his hand out to help Jason up. Jason stood with JC's help, then he kissed him on the cheek. "I love you JC." Jason said.

Jason and JC were soon walking down to Justin and Brian's room. JC knocked and Justin opened the door to let them in. "You guys ready?" JC asked. "Almost just waiting for Brian." Justin said. Brian walked out of the bathroom only in his boxers. "Brian, do you ever wear any clothes?" JC asked sarcastically. "Actually Justin won't let me." Brian said with a laugh. Justin walked over to Brian and kissed his lips, "I like you better with nothing on." Justin said. "Guys, can we get going?" JC asked. "Oh, yeah forgot you were here." Justin said. "I think it's a good thing you remind him, or we may have been treated a sex show." Jason said with a laugh.

Brian dressed quickly and they all head out to the limo. "So what movie are we going to see?" JC asked. "I hear that Sixth Sense is good." Brian said. "I wanted to see Blair Witch." Justin said. "That suppose to be good." Jason said. The guys decide on Blair Witch just as the limo pulled up to the theatre. Justin walked up to the ticket booth, The girl looked up and Justin smiled. "Four for Blair Witch." Justin said. "Oh no you don't your not paying tonight." Brian said. The girl look at Justin then Brian, "Who says your paying." JC said. Now she was about to pass out after see JC standing there, meanwhile Jason was laughing hysterically behind them. "Guys, How about you give the young lady an autograph and I'll pay for the tickets." Jason said as he stopped laughing. Justin grabbed a piece of paper and signed and passed on to JC and Brian, meanwhile Jason paid for the tickets.

Justin and Jason took a see in the theatre, while JC and Brian got them sodas and popcorn. "So your mom is going to be in Denver, when you guys perform?" Jason asked. "Yeah, she is." Justin said. "And your not sure how she is going to take you and Brian being together, right?" Jason asked. Justin nodded his head 'yes'. "Don't worry I'm sure everything will be fine." Jason said. Just then JC and Brian arrived with the popcorn and sodas. "So what are you guys talking about?" Brian asked as he sat next to Justin. "We were discussing whose boy friend is better in bed." Jason said with a laugh. Brian and JC looked at them with shock. "Oh grow up guys, we wouldn't discuss that, and if we did we wouldn't tell you." Justin said as he tried to control his laugher.

The movie started, and the guys sat back and watched. "That was a great movie." Brian said as they walked out of the Theatre. "Justin looked at Jason and said was the movie really that scary" as he pointed to Jason's pants. "I think you should ask JC, He's the one who split the soda on me when he nearly jump into my lap." Jason said. "I'm sorry about that babe, I promise I'll make it up to you." JC said with puppy dog eyes. The guys laughed as they walked down the street.

Brian and JC crossed the street and Justin and Jason followed. Justin was busy talking to Jason and didn't notice the car coming for them. The car was going too fast to stop, Jason noticed the car and pushed Justin out of the way; as Justin clear the path of the car it hit into Jason, sending him fly onto the hood of the car and into the windshield. JC turned around and saw Jason's body roll off the hood of the car as it came to a stop. "NO!" JC yelled out. JC turned and ran to Jason; Brian quickly followed. "Jason?" JC said as tear began to stream down his face. "JC, I love you." Jason said weakly. "Please hold on." JC said. Brian helped Justin stand, Justin reached for his cell phone and called 911. With in minutes the police and ambulance arrived. JC held Jason as he waited for the paramedics to look him over. "Don't live me, Promise me you won't leave me." JC said. "I promise." Jason said as the paramedics began to work on him.

Justin grabbed JC into a hug as the paramedics placed Jason on the stretch. JC cried on Justin's shoulder, "JC go with him, we'll meet you at the hospital." Justin said. JC nodded and released Justin, "Anyone coming with him?" the Paramedic asked. "Yes." Brian said as he pointed to JC. "Ok lets go." The paramedic said. JC got in the ambulance and they quickly drove away. The officer approached Brian and Justin and began to ask them some question. Justin told the Officer what he saw and what had happen, the officer then told them that the driver of the car was drunk, and would be facing serious charges. As the officer finished taking their statements, Justin's cell phone rang. "Hello." Justin said. "Justin it your mother, how are you?" Lynn asked. "Justin what's all the noise, are you at a concert or something?" Lynn asked. "Mom, Jason was in an accident, he just got hit by a drunk driver." Justin said. "Oh God, is he alright?" Lynn asked. "We don't know." Justin responded. "Where are you guys?" Lynn asked. "We in Atlanta." Justin said. "I'll see you guys soon, I'll be there in about 2 hours." Lynn said as she hung up the phone. Brian called Kevin and told him what happened as the limo arrived. Brian and Justin got in and head for the hospital.

Brian and Justin quickly got out of the limo as it pulled up to the emergency entrance of the hospital. Justin saw JC as he walked into the lounge for family and friends. "JC?" Justin said as he walked up to JC. JC just grabbed Justin into a hug. "How is he JC?" Justin asked. "I don't know." JC sobbed. The Nurse came up to them. "How is he?" Brian asked. "He's in critical condition, He has several badly bruised rib, a fractured arm, badly sprained wrist, and a concussion; he also has several bumps and bruises." The Nurse replied to Brian. "Will he be alright?" JC asked. "We are still waiting on some test results." The nurse said. "The doctor will have more for you in about 20mins." The nurse said. "Thank you." Brian said.

The guys walked in the lounge that JC, Justin and Brian waited. Kevin looked at Brian and they walked into the hall. "What happen?" Kevin asked. "He got hit by a drunk driver saving Justin's life." Brian said as a tear slid down his face. Kevin hugged Brian, "How is he?" Kevin asked. "He in critical condition, but I pray he makes it." Brian said. Joey waked into the hall where Kevin and Brian where. Brian pulled away from Kevin and looked at Joey. "Joey could you do me and Justin a favor?" Brian asked. "Sure Brian, what do you need?" Joey asked. "Could you go with the limo and pick up Justin's mom at the Airport." Brian asked. "Sure, when is she getting in?" Joey asked. "She told Justin in two hours." Brian said.

"Ok you guys keep me posted on Jason's condition, ok." Joey said. "We will." Kevin said. Joey left and head for the airport to pick up Lynn. As Joey left the doctor came up to them. "How is he doctor?" Brian asked. "He's starting to stabilize, but it will be awhile before we know for certain he is out of danger. "He has been asking to see a Joshua Chasez." The doctor said. "That would be me." JC said from the doorway. "Well, you can see him for a few minutes." The doctor said. "Justin will you come with me, please?" JC asked. Justin nodded and followed JC and the doctor to where they were keeping Jason. JC walked over to Jason, Justin stood behind JC and placed his hand on JC's shoulder for support. JC reached out his hand and held Jason's hand. Jason opened his eyes and looked at JC. JC bend down and whispered "I love you into Jason's ear." Jason smiled slightly and nodded. "He needs his rest." Doctor Melancen said.

JC and Justin walked back to the waiting lounge, where the others were waiting for them. "How is he?" Brian asked. "He's resting, but I think he'll be fine." Justin said. Allison walked in to the lounge a few minutes later. "I just spoke to the Doctor and the press is here, so I need one of you to come with me and answer some questions." Allison said. "I'll go." Brian said. "Ok. Allison said. Brian and Allison walked out of the lounge and headed to a meeting room where all the press was being sent. "I'll do most of the talking, If they ask you any questions keep them short." Allison said. Brian nodded and they walked into the room.

"Can I have everyone's attention please." Allison said. The reports all turned to Allison and Brian. "Thank you, we have a short statement, then we will answer some of your questions." Allison said. "My name is Allison Morgan, I'm the assist PR, for NSYNC & Backstreet Boys." Allison said. "This evening at approximately 7:30pm, Jason, the PR for Backstreet Boys and NSYNC was struck by a drunk driver. He had just pushed Justin Timberlake out of the path of the on coming car before being hit. He is currently in stable but critical condition." Allison said. "We will now take a few of your questions." Allison said. "What types of injures did he receive?" one of the reports asked. "He has bumps and bruises, a couple bruised ribs and badly sprained wrist, the concussion he received is what is keeping him in critical condition, the doctors believed that he will be upgraded to stable in a few hours." Allison said. "Did Justin receive any injures?" Another reporter asked. "No, he fine." Brian said. "That is all the questions we have time for, Mrs. Lynn Harliss will be have another press conference later this evening after she has spoken to NSYNC and Backstreet Boys." Allison said.

Allison and Brian left and head back to where the guys were waiting for them. "Ok, guys we should head to the hotel, so we can get some rest." Kevin said. "I'm staying." JC said. "I'll stay with JC." Justin said. "Ok, we'll be back in the morning. Justin tell your mom that when she comes to tell the press the concert is cancelled tomorrow night." Kevin said. "Ok, I will." Justin said. The guys left and JC and Justin relaxed. "Thanks for staying Justin." JC said. "You'd do the same for me JC, beside I would be the one laying there if it wasn't for Jason." Justin said as a tear slid down his face. "I own him, and the least I can do is be here with my best friend." Justin said.

Justin and JC where showed to another waiting room, when they moved Jason to his own room. As Lynn walked in she saw JC sleeping, his head lying on Justin's lap. Lynn took a seat next to her son, and JC. "How is JC doing?" Lynn whispered. Justin looked at his mom with confusion. "JC told me about him and Jason." Lynn whispered. "He's taking it hard, but he's happy that Jason is going to make it. The doctor said he will need at least a week to rest, and he'll be fine." Justin said. "Why don't you get some sleep Justin, I'm going to have a press conference with Allison, then I'll be back" Lynn said. Justin nodded and made himself a little more comfortable; Justin drifted to sleep.

After the press conference Lynn walked down to Jason's room. She walked into the dimly lit room; Lynn looked down at Jason. He stirred lightly and then blinked his eyes open as he looked up at Lynn. Lynn grabbed Jason's hand, "Thank you for saving my Justin's life." Lynn said as tears filled her eyes. "Have you told Justin?" Lynn asked. "No, not yet." Jason replied. "Do you want me to tell him?" Lynn asked. "No, not now." Jason said. Lynn nodded, and wiped the tears from her eyes. "Get some rest, I'll come back to check on you later." Lynn said. Jason closed his eyes and went to sleep.

With morning came news that Jason was now stable and would be released at the end of the day. Brian, Kevin, and Joey walked into the waiting room, where Justin and JC slept on the couch. Lynn sat in a chair reading the morning paper and drinking a cup of coffee. "Good Morning Lynn." Joey said as he walked in. "Morning Joey." Lynn whispered back. JC awoke and sat up. "Good Morning JC." Lynn said. "Good morning." JC said as he rubbed his eyes. JC stood and stretched, He began to walk out of the room when Joey said. "JC where you going?" "To see if Jason is up." JC said as he continued to walk out of the room. Brian sat next to Justin; Kevin took a seat next to Lynn as she continued to read her newspaper. Justin stirred and woke up, he saw Brian and was about to kiss him when Brian pointed to Lynn. Justin stopped himself and sat next to Brian.

JC walked into Jason's room. "Good morning." Jason said as he saw JC enter his room. JC walked over to Jason and grabbed his hand. JC let tears slip from his eyes as he stared down at Jason. "I was so scared I was going to lose you." JC said. Jason smiled up at JC and said, "I love you JC." "JC smiled at Jason, "I love you too." JC wiped the tears from his eyes, as the doctor walked in. "Good morning. The doctor said. "Good morning doctor." JC said. "Well Jason, looks like your going to be released today, we did some more test and everything checked out. You'll need to rest for a week, and take it easy, no physical activity and try to keep the stress level low." The doctor said. "Now I've spoken to Mrs. Lynn Harliss, she said that she will be taking over your responsibilities while you recover. She did say that you will still be traveling with the groups, but that they are not leaving till Saturday which will give plenty of time to build up your strength." The doctor said. Jason and JC nodded. "I'll be looking after him Doctor and I'll make sure that he does as you request." JC said. "Very will then, You should be able to leave, as soon as you finish with the IV and have lunch, I'll fill out the forms and you'll be ready to go." The doctor said.

Jason lay asleep in JC's lap as the limo traveled back to the hotel, across from them were Lynn, Justin and Brian. The limo pulled up to the hotel, and JC helped Jason out of the limo. They took the elevator up to their floor, JC walked Jason down to their room. Justin opened the door for them, and let JC and Jason go in. "If you guys need anything let us know." Brian said. "We will." JC said. Brian and Justin walked down to their room, and Lynn walked to hers.

JC helped Jason to bed, so that he could rest. Jason relaxed in the bed and slowly drifted back to sleep as the medication took effect. JC removed his clothes, he got into bed next to Jason and held him as he slept. JC kissed Jason's forehead, and smiled. "Thank you for keeping your promise." JC said. JC drifted to sleep holding Jason.

To be continued...

Ok, I know this one is short, but I wanted to finish it because the next one will be long. There are some surprises coming up in the next few chapters, and if you want to know what they are you'll have to read.

Now I have to say thanks to Dennis and Ryan for give me a few ideas for the story. I also want to thank Matt, JM, Shawn, Jeff, for being great friends and very supportive. I love to hear your comments and suggestions so send them to me curlybok@bsbnsync.com or bsbnsync@ctel.net.

Next: Chapter 4

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