Justins Dream

By Curlybrok

Published on Dec 22, 1999


Justin's Dream Written By: WK (curlybrok@bsbnsync.com) or (bsbnsync@ctel.net)

This story will revolve around a relationship between Brian Littrell and Justin Timberlake, and around JC Chasez and a fictional character. This story does not imply the sexuality of any member of Backstreet Boys or NSYNC; this story is totally fictional. As always thanks goes out to Jesse, Dennis, Rick, Matt, Jeff, and Shawn, thanks for all your support you guys are great.

Has always if you have comments, questions, and/or suggestions email me curlybrok@bsbnsync.com or bsbnsync@ctel.net. Please let me know what you think, thanks.

Justin's Dream Chapter 12

The ambulance pulled up to the hospital, and they paramedics quickly opened the doors, and they unloaded Justin from the ambulance. Brian followed the paramedics and Justin into the hospital. "This is as far as you go." One of the nurses said to Brian as they raced Justin down the hall. Brian stopped and let the tears flow down his face. Brian quietly said a small prayer for Justin, A nurse approached Brian, "Come with me please." She asked. Brian nodded and followed the nurse to a small waiting room. "You can wait here, if you need anything just use the phone there." The nurse said as she pointed to the phone. Brian took a deep breath, "Thank you." Brian said. The nurse nodded and left.

The limo pulled up to the hospital and Jason and JC quickly jumped out and ran for the emergency entrance. Jason ran up to the nurses' station, "Excuse me... Can you tell me where Justin Timberlake is, they just brought him in by ambulance." Jason said. "Are you family?" The nurse asked. "Yes I'm his brother." Jason said. "They are still checking him out, if you'll follow me I'll show you to the waiting room." The Nurse said. Jason and JC nodded and followed the nurse. Brian stood as Jason walked and in, Jason walked over to Brian and gave him a hug, "They almost lost him in the ambulance on the way here." Brian heaved out as he cried. JC placed his hand on Jason's shoulder, as tears filled his eyes. Lance Nick and Kevin walked into the waiting room. Brian released Jason and they both sat down, JC sat next to Jason.

"I'll go call Lynn." Lance said. JC nodded and Lance left to go call Lynn. JC placed his arm around Jason, and rubbed his shoulder to try and comfort Jason. Nick sat next to Brian and Place his hand on Brian's shoulder. "He's going to be alright." JC said lowly. AJ, Howie, Chris, Joey and Allison walked into the waiting room. "I called a press conference, so we can stifle all rumors, and Michael said he would be here in about an hour, whence he finished his investigation." Allison said. Jason wiped the tears from his eyes and looked up at Allison. "I handle the press conference." Allison said. Jason nodded and then laid his head on JC's shoulder. Lance came back to the waiting room. "I can't seem to reach Lynn." Lance said. "She's touring with Innosene." Jason said. "I'll take care of it." Allison said and left.

An hour passed before the doctor finally came tell everyone about Justin's condition. Jason and Brian both stood up when the doctor entered. The doctor took a seat and Brian and Jason said down. "I'm Doctor Reed. I'm over seeing Justin Timberlake's care." Dr. Reed said. Jason nodded. "What's his condition doctor?" Jason asked. "Well for starters, Justin has a fractured wrist, he also bruised his abdominal muscles. Justin also receive a pretty nasty bump on his head, and he has a few other minor injuries." Dr. Reed said. "Will he be alright?" Brian asked. "He should be fine with a little relaxation and time to heal. We gave him medication to allow him to rest, wrapped his wrist, and took Cat Scans to see if his brain swelled. From the Cat Scans we can tell that his brain did not swell, but he still hit his head hard enough to knock himself out. We also are giving him some pain killers for any pain he maybe feeling." Dr. Reed said.

"When can we see him?" Jason asked. "You can see him now if you're family or a loved one." Dr. Red said. "Then Brian and I would like to see him now." Jason said. The Doctor nodded, "Follow me." Jason and Brian stood and followed Dr. Reed to Justin's room. Brian and Jason walked into Justin room listening to the beeping of the machines. Brian slowly walked over to Justin as he lay in the bed. Brian grasped Justin's right hand, Brian held his tears back trying to be strong for Justin. Justin blinked his eyes open and looked up at Brian. "Brian, what... what happen?" Justin asked. Brian tried to speak but every time he thought about it he wanted to cry. Jason placed his hand on Brian's shoulder. "Justin, you fell during the sailing performance." Jason said. "Well that explains my headache." Justin said trying to ease Brian. "I'll leave you two alone. I'll be back later." Jason said, and left.

Brian looked down at Justin; he looked like a child to Brian. "When I saw you falling I thought I had lost you." Brian said. "I'd never leave you Brian." Justin said in a whisper. "Get some sleep Justin, I'll just sit here." Brian said as he sat in the chair next to the bed. "Ok, Brian." Justin said. Justin closed his eyes and drifted to sleep, as Brian held his hand.

Jason walked down the hall toward the room Allison was having the press conference in. Jason walked into the room, as Allison was finishing up her statement. JC signaled for Jason to come over to wear he was sitting. Jason slowly walked over and took a seat near JC. "We'll now be taking a few questions." Allison said. "Do you know what caused the cables to snap?" one reporter asked. "We are still investigating at this time. Next question please." Allison said. "When will Justin be released from the Hospital?" Another reporter asked. "Probably in 48 to 72 hours depending on how he response to treatment." Dr. Reed answered. "There were reports that Justin was caught by three fans is that true?" a third reporter asked. "Yes that is correct, there were three fans who did caught Justin as he fell." Allison answered. "Is there a relationship between Justin Timberlake and any member of Backstreet Boys, more specifically Brian Littrell?" a fourth reporter asked. "No, and Justin's personal life is his own business." Jason replied, feeling as though he had betrayed Justin by denying his relationship with Brian. "Will the Backstreet Boys will be taping their music video for "Don't Wanna Lose You Now?" a fifth reporter asked. "The video has been pushed back till next weekend" Jason replied. "Will there still be a concert On Tuesday night?" a reporter asked. "Yes the Tuesday night concert will go on." Jason answered. "Ladies and Gentlemen that will be all for tonight, we will have another press conference when Justin is released." Jason said. Jason got up and left, JC quickly left and followed Jason.

"I want to go check on Justin." Jason said as JC caught up with him. JC nodded as they both walked down to Justin's room. Jason opened the door to Justin's room and quietly walked in, Justin was sound asleep in the bed, while Brian slept in the chair by Justin's bed holding Justin's hand. Jason picked up a blanket from a nearby chair and covered Brian with it. "Goodnight." Jason said quietly and then walked over to JC. JC placed his arm around Jason and Jason laid his head on JC's shoulder. "Come on let's go to the hotel its really late and you need your sleep. Justin will be fine Brian's here and the nurse will check on him later." JC said. "Ok." Jason said.

JC laid in the bed with Jason wrapped in his arms, Jason rested his head on JC's chest, as he slept. They had gone straight to bed both equally exhausted with the day's events. Jason fought his dreams as he tried to avoid reliving seeing Justin falling. Jason felt helpless as she saw Justin falling; his pain was further when he saw the pain in Brian's eyes as Brian looked down at Justin's still body lying on the floor of the arena. Tears filled his eyes as he frantically check Justin's vitals; He was reliving his most terrifying moment. Jason sat up in bed, sweat was pouring from his body, and his breathing was heavy as the tears fell from his eyes. JC awoke as he heard the sounds of someone crying. JC sat up in the bed and looked around the room as his eyes adjusted to the dark room. He looked to where Jason had been sleep and notice he was missing. JC looked around the room again but still didn't see Jason, he stood from the bed and then caught a glimpse of Jason sit on the floor by the bathroom, with his knees up to his chest and his forehead resting on his knees. JC walked over to Jason he sat next to Jason and wrapped his arm around Jason. Jason looked up and saw JC; he quickly wrapped his arms around JC and cried on JC's shoulder.

JC rocked Jason back and forth as he held him. "It's ok." JC said as he held Jason. Jason looked up at JC and wiped the tears from his eyes. "I keep seeing him falling when ever I close my eyes." Jason said. "Why don't you go take a shower, I'll order room service, and we can have some quiet time together." JC said. Jason nodded; JC smiled and helped Jason stand. JC rubbed Jason's shoulders, "Go on and take a shower I'll order room service." JC said. Jason walked to the bathroom, and started up the shower. Jason removed his boxers and stepped into the shower. Jason closed his eyes as the water streamed over his head. Jason ran his fingers through his hair as he tried to wipe the worries of the past day away. Jason felt two arms wrap around him, he turned and opened his eyes. Staring into his eyes was JC; JC rubbed his hand over Jason's face. JC took the soap and began to wash Jason's chest, and abs. Jason grabbed JC hand, JC looked into Jason's eyes. "Thank you." Jason said. "For?" JC asked. "For being there for me today." Jason whispered. JC leaned in and place a gentle kiss upon Jason's lips. "I love you Jason Timberlake, with all my heart." JC said. "I love you too Joshua." Jason said. JC continued to wash Jason, and then held him under the water as they kissed again. "We should get out of here, room service will be here soon." JC said. Jason nodded and turned off the water. JC stepped out of the shower and grabbed a towel, and dried off quickly, he then grabbed another towel and dried Jason off after he stepped out of the shower. Jason wrapped the towel around his waist and JC wrapped his towel around his waist and they both walked into the bedroom.

Jason sat on the bed feeling relaxed and free of worry. JC walked over to the door as he heard a knock and opened it; He let the room service guy in and then grabbed a tip and gave it to the young man. "Thanks." JC said. "Your welcome sir." The young man said and left. JC brought the cart over to the table and called Jason over. Jason walked over to JC and sat down on JC's lap. JC held Jason in his arms and kissed him on the cheek.

Justin woke up with a pain in his head; Justin grabbed his head and tried to push the pain away with out success. Tears began to flow from his eyes, as the pain wouldn't go away. Brian felt Justin tighten his grip on his hand, and a soft whimper. Brian blinked his eyes open and looked over to Justin who was holding his head and crying. "Justin what's wrong?" Brian asked in a worried tone. "It hurts" Justin whimpered. "I'll get the nurse." Brian said. "No, don't leave me." Justin whimpered. Brian nodded and held Justin's hand. The Nurse walked into check on Justin's vitals, "Is everything alright?" She asked. Brian turned and looked at the nurse, "No, Justin says his head hurts." Brian replied. The nurse came over and noticed that Justin was holding his head and had tears in his eyes. "I'll be right back." The nurse said and quickly left. The nurse returned a few moments later with the Doctor. Dr. Reed walked over to Justin, "Justin, I'm going to give something for the pain, it's going to take a couple minutes before it starts to work." Dr. Reed said. Justin nodded brushed the tears from his eyes.

After a few moments Justin began to feel the affects of the medication. "How are you feeling now, Justin?" Dr. Reed asked. "Better, Thank you." Justin said. "Try to sleep Justin, you need your rest." Dr. Reed said. Justin nodded. "I'll be back to check on you later Justin." Dr. Reed said and left followed by the nurse. Brian leaned down and kissed Justin's forehead, "I'll stay right here baby just get some sleep. Brian said. Justin closed his eyes and slowly drifted off to sleep.

Lance woke up wrapped in Nick's arms. Lance turned and face Nick, who was still sound asleep. Lance kissed Nick on the nose, "Wake up sweetie." Lance whispered softly. Nick groaned but didn't awake. "Nickie, its time to wake up." Lance said. "But I want to sleep." Nick said. "Come on Nick, the guys are waiting for us, we have to go to breakfast then to the hospital to see Justin." Lance said. "Ok, but I get the shower first." Nick said. Lance kissed Nick's lips "ok".

Lance finished styling his hair, then walked out of the bathroom. "Ready to go?" Nick asked. "Ready." Lance said. Nick and Lance walked down to JC and Jason's room, for breakfast. "Good morning JC." Lance said as he walked in. "Morning." JC said, as he sat at the table drinking a cup of coffee and looking over some paperwork. "Where's Jason?" Nick asked. JC pointed to the bed where Jason was sound asleep. "Shouldn't he be up?" Lance asked in a whisper. "He didn't sleep well last night, so I'm letting him get whatever sleep he can before we leave." JC said quietly. "He took it really hard." Lance commented. JC nodded and looked back to the bed where Jason was sleeping. JC returned his attention to his guest. "Have you planned anything for his birthday?" Lance asked. "I'm not sure I was hoping we could go away for the weekend but that doesn't look possible, so I'm not sure yet what I to do." JC whispered. "Something simple is always nice, a romantic dinner, a little quiet time together is always nice." Nick said. "Yeah that might be an option." JC whispered.

Kevin walked into the room and walked over to the table, "Has anyone heard from Brian this morning?" Kevin asked. "No he hasn't called, but we'll be heading over to the hospital soon anyway." JC whispered. "Where's Jason?" Kevin asked. Nick Lance and JC all pointed to the bed. Kevin looked at JC. "He had a rough night." JC said. Kevin nodded and then sat at the table. "Does anyone know what's on the agenda for today?" Kevin asked. Lance nodded as he took a sip of his orange juice. Lance put his glass down and looked at his notes that Allison had give him the night before. "Ok, well we have the day off pretty much, first thing is first we are all going to the hospital to see Justin then we head over the arena, where Michael will have the results from the investigation of the accident. From there we head over to the studio to meet with the director for the video shoot, and then we have the afternoon off." Lance said. Joey walked into the room and looked around, he notice Jason still sleeping and then walked over to the table. "Any news on Justin?" Joey asked. JC shook his head and put down his paperwork.

"We should go so that JC can get Jason up and then we can all head over to the Hospital." Kevin said. "I agree." Lance said. With that they guys left and JC and Jason were once again alone. JC stood from the table and walked over to Jason. JC knelt beside the bed and placed his hand on Jason's back, "Baby time to get up." JC said. Jason rolled onto his back, "What time is it?" Jason asked. "Its 7:30am." JC replied. Jason rubbed his eyes, and then sat up, "Did you sleep better?" JC asked. Jason shook his head no, "I still keep seeing him falling." Jason whispered. JC rubbed Jason's back, "He's going to be ok Jason." JC said. Jason nodded, "I need to take a shower then we can go." Jason said. "Ok." JC said.

Jason walked into the hospital feeling tired and drained, He has slept very little during the previous night and he dreams were only filled with the images of Justin falling. Jason walked to the nurses' station where Dr. Reed was filling out paperwork. "Good morning Doctor." Jason said. "Good Morning Jason, how are you this morning?" Dr. Reed asked. "I've seen better days." Jason replied honestly. "How did Justin sleep last night?" JC asked. "Quite well, however he did wake up with a headache, we gave a mild sedative and that seem to have helped. I checked him out about 30mins ago and he is doing much better." Dr. Reed replied. "When will he be released?" Jason asked. "Well if all goes will he should be released tomorrow." Dr. Reed answered. "So quickly?" Kevin asked. "Yes, Justin is very strong and young so he can heal more quickly them many people twice his age. He has been responding well to treatment, and he is healing quickly." Dr. Reed answered. "Thank you Doctor." Jason said.

Jason and the guys walked down to Justin's room and walked in, Justin was sitting up in bed slight watching TV, Brian was sound asleep in the chair next to Justin's bed still holding Justin's hand. "Good morning guys." Justin said. "Hey look who's up." JC said. "How you feeling?" Jason asked. "Better, I'm still really sore and my muscle all ache." Justin said. Kevin looked down at Brian sleeping. "How long as he been sleeping?" Kevin asked. "I'm not sure he was asleep when I woke up. I think he stayed up all night." Justin replied, Kevin nodded and cover Brian with a blanket. "We should probably get him back to the hotel so he can sleep in a bed." Jason said. Kevin nodded, "I'll wake him before we leave." "Well the doctor says if you keep up the way you are going you will be released tomorrow." Jason said. "Good I hate hospitals." Justin joked. They guys all chuckled, "I think we'll leave you guys alone for a bit." Kevin said. The guys all left and Jason and Justin, and Brian we're left in the room, Brian was still sound asleep in the chair.

"Rough night?" Justin asked. "Yeah but not as rough as yours." Jason replied. Well maybe but you still look like you got run over." Justin said. "Well it feels like it." Jason said softly. Justin looked over to Brian, "He stayed all night." Justin said. Jason nodded, "He loves you, and yesterday he felt so helpless, I think this was his way of being there for you." Jason replied. "I love too. He said we would be together forever." Justin said. "I think he's right." Jason replied. "He made a commitment to me, that he would never leave me." Justin said as he looked at the ring Brian gave him. "Did he give you that?" Jason asked as he looked at the ring upon Justin's finger. Justin looked up at Jason and nodded, "Yes." Jason smiled, "So does this mean my little brother is getting married?" Jason asked. Justin shook his head, "Not yet, but when we are ready, I want to." Justin said softly. Jason smiled, "I'll be expecting and invitation then." Jason said. Justin smiled and looked over to Brian, "I hate to wake up but he need to get to the hotel to sleep." Justin said. Justin gripped Brian's hand a little tighter, "Brian..." Justin said. Brian stirred a bit, "Brian sweetie wake up." Justin said. Brian stirred a bit more then blinked his eyes open, he looked around the room then remembered he was in Justin's hospital room. Brian looked up to Justin, "Did you need something?" Brian asked sleepily. Justin nodded, "I need you to go to the Hotel and get some sleep in a bed." Justin said. "I'm fine here, I don't want to leave you." Brian whispered. "Brian, please for me." Justin pleaded. "Ok, but only when the guys get here." Brian said. "I think they are here." Justin said, pointing to Jason.

"Good morning Brian" Jason said. "Good morning." Brian replied. "How are you feeling?" Brian asked Justin. "I'm fine, thank you for staying all night." Justin said. "I'll go see the guys I'll be back in a few minutes." Jason said, he then left Justin's room. Brian looked to Justin, "I love you, and I told you I would never leave you." Brian said. "I love you too." Justin said. Brian stood from the chair and walked over to Justin. Brian leaned down and kissed Justin's lips tenderly. Brian released Justin's lips, "Did the doctor tell you when you they would release you?" Brian asked. "Jason said tomorrow afternoon, if everything goes well." Justin replied. Brian smiled and kissed Justin's forehead.

Kevin knocked on the door to Justin's room then entered. "Brian, are you ready to go to the hotel?" Kevin asked. Brian kissed Justin's lips again, "I'll see you tonight, I promise." Brian said. "Ok, I love you." Justin said. "I love you too." Brian said. "Ok, I'm ready." Brian said. "Ok, Jason and JC are going to go with Lance to the arena to see Michael, and the rest of use are going to the hotel." Kevin said as he and Brian walked down the hall. Brian nodded, feeling very tired.

"We think the cables broke because they were faulty" Michael said. "Have you checked the other cables?" Jason asked. "Yes we have check them all and they have all been replaced with new cables." Michael said. "Ok, what about the fans that you talked about yesterday." JC asked. "Yeah, Allison has their names and will take care of getting in touch with them." Michael said. "Ok, well if that is all we are going to head back to the hotel." Jason said. "Yes, that's all." Michael said. JC, Lance and Jason all left and headed back to the hotel.

Brian helped Justin walked down to their room, Justin had been released from the hospital with a clean bill of health, but he was still going to need to take it easy for a week. Brian unlocked the door and helped Justin to the bed his steps were slow. Justin still felt weak and tired, his accident had take a lot out of him. Justin sat on the bed then laid back, Justin closed his eyes and placed his arm on his forehead. "Are you alright?" Brian asked. "Yeah, I'm just really tired." Justin said. Brian sat next to Justin; Brian lifted Justin's legs and rested them on his lap, Brian removed Justin's sneakers. "Why don't you just get some sleep for a while, I'll stay right here." Brian said. Justin nodded, "Can you help me out of my clothes?" Justin asked. Brian lifted Justin's legs and moved out from under them. Brian stood and placed Justin's legs on the bed, he then helped Justin remove his shirt. Brian unbuttoned Justin's jeans and pulled them off Justin's legs. Brian then pulled off Justin's socks. Justin moved up a bit on the bed, and Brian pulled the covers down, Justin laid down under the blankets and Brian covered him. "Thank you." Justin said weakly. Brian leaned down and kissed Justin's forehead, "I love you." Justin smiled, "I love you too." Justin said. Justin closed his eyes and soon was sound asleep.

Brian picked up Justin's clothes and placed them with the dirty laundry. Brian cleaned up the room a bit, and then laid down next to Justin on the bed. Brian laid facing Justin; he stared at Justin's angelic face, to Brian he looked so beautiful. Brian rubbed the back of his hand on Justin's cheek, he kissed Justin's forehead then closed his eyes and slept quietly next to Justin.

Brian and Justin slept peacefully together for a few hours. Brian awoke, He blinked his eyes open and looked at Justin who was still sound asleep. Brian turned and looked at the clock, it read six pm. Brian stood from the bed quietly; he didn't want to wake Justin. Brian walked over to the phone and called room service, he give the person on the end a few instructions then hung up the phone. Brian quickly walked to the door, and waited outside of the room for room service, he didn't want to wake Justin up just yet.

Lance walked down the hall, "How's Justin doing?" Lance asked. "He's sleeping, He is really tired." Brian replied. "Hey Lance could you do me a big favor?" Brian asked. "Sure, what do you need?" Lance asked. "Could you tell the guys that me and Justin want to be alone tonight, I want to do something special for him." Brian said. "Ok, sure thing." Lance said. "Thanks." Brian replied. "Your welcome." Lance said, and walked down to his room.

Room service arrived and Brian quickly tipped the young man, and brought the cart into the room. Brian quietly set up things in the room, while Justin was still asleep in bed. Brian lit the candles then walked over to the bed. Brian knelt down next to Justin, He kissed Justin's forehead and rubbed his hand over Justin's cheek, "Justin sweetie, wake up." Brian whispered softly into Justin's ear. Justin blinked his eyes, "Brian?" Justin said. "I'm right here sweetie." Brian replied. Justin turned and looked into Brian's blue eyes. "I have something for you. Come here." Brian whispered, and helped Justin out of bed. Brian helped Justin walk over to the table, He pulled out a chair and Justin sat down. Brian pushed Justin in, and then walked around the table. Brian picked up the small white rose on the cart and handed it to Justin. Justin smiled and smelled the rose. "Thank you." Justin said. Brian moved his chair closer to Justin, and then he and Justin shared a plate of spaghetti. "Its just me and you tonight." Brian said, as he kissed away some sauce that was on Justin's lips.

Brian and Justin giggled as they shared the spaghetti, and some time alone. Justin laid his head on Brian's shoulder, Brian picked up the piece of chocolate cake on the cart and a fork. "Now its time for dessert." Brian whispered. Justin looked at Brian with worry in his eyes, "Brian you know we can't do that." Justin whispered. "I know Justin, I was talking about the cake." Brian giggled. Brian used the fork and took a small piece of cake and feed it to Justin. "Brian, thank you for everything, you're the most wonderful, talented, and loving person I know." Justin said. "So are you Justin, I love you." Brian whispered to Justin. "I'm tired." Justin said. "Ok, we can go to sleep if you want." Brian said. "Will you hold me?" Justin asked. "Yes, I love to hold you, and to cuddle close to you." Brian whispered as he kissed Justin's lips.

Brian and Justin made their way over to the bed and crawled under the covers, Brian wrapped his strong arms around Justin. Justin cuddle close to Brian and closed his eyes, he quickly drifted to sleep as Brian stayed awake and watched Justin sleep, Brian treasure every moment he spent with Justin. Brian fought his sleep as long as he could; he kissed Justin's forehead, "Goodnight Justin." Brian whispered then closed his eyes.

"Here, let me help you with that." Brian said as he helped Justin button his shirt. "Thank you." Justin said. "There." Brian. "How's your wrist feel?" Brian asked. "It's sore, but I'll manage." Justin said. "Are you ready to head down for breakfast?" Brian asked. Justin nodded, and they both walked down to JC and Jason's room.

"Good morning." Jason said as Brian and Justin walked in. "Hey guys." Nick said. Kevin waved from the table, and Brian and Justin walked over to the bed. "Ok, guys here's was on the agenda for today." Jason said. "Howie, AJ, Joey and Chris still need to finish up some vocals. Justin, Brian, JC, Kevin, Nick and Lance have an interview with MTV about the tour." Jason said. "I'll be going with the guys to the MTV interview, which will be in the conference room at the end of the hall." Jason said. "Now that covers the morning, this afternoon, everyone meets back here, we'll have a short 20min meeting about the video and then everyone is off for the afternoon." Jason said. "We actually get time off?" AJ joked. "I thought you were the one who hated time off?" Jason said. "Only when it's more then two weeks off." AJ joked. "Jason am I going to be able to perform on Wednesday?" Justin asked. Jason looked at Justin; Jason knew that Justin loved to perform, "We'll see on Wednesday Justin." Jason said. Justin nodded.

An hour later JC, Jason, Brian, Justin, Nick and Lance, and Kevin were all sitting at the conference table for the MTV interview. "Hey John." Jason said as he saw John Norris of MTV setting up for the interview. "Hi Jason." John said. "Are you guys ready?" John asked. "Yeah were ready." Justin said. "Justin, I'm surprised to see you here I thought you would still be in the hospital." John said. "They released me yesterday." Justin said. "So how do you feel?" John asked. "Ok, I still feel a little queasy from all the medication." Justin said. "Well we'll get started, because I know you guys are really busy." John said.

"Ok first question, How is the tour going?" John asked. "Well it going great, except for the few accidents we've had, but as far as performances and other work we are having a great time and having lots of fun." Lance said. "Will Justin's accident have any affect on your current tour, and if so how?" John asked. "It will affect the tour, because Justin won't be able to perform till he gets an ok from the doctor, and we have to rearrange our schedule to accommodate these changes." Kevin said. "When can we expect the tour album to be released?" John asked. "We are still working on the album, mainly writing, recording and do some remixes, which we hope to finish by the end of the tour, then we plan to release the album a month after." JC said. "What is your next stop on this tour?" John asked. "We are leaving here on Monday, a week from today and will be heading to Orlando for 2 weeks of rest, then we head back out on tour for the second of three legs on this tour." Brian said.

"Justin, we have been hearing that you have a brother who is older then you is that true and if so who is it?" John asked. "Yes its true, and its Jason our PR." Justin said. "What is it like having an older brother?" John asked. "It's cool, He looks out for me and we have lots of fun together and we have a lot in common." Justin said. "Brian rumor has that you and Justin Timberlake are in a relationship any truth to that?" John asked. "Oh yeah Justin is so hot, don't you think. Ok seriously no we are not, but I like to make all the girls jealous." Brian said with a laugh as he held Justin's hand under the table out of sight of the cameras. "As long as they don't riot your all set." John said with a laugh.

"Well Backstreet Boys and *N Sync tour again after this tour is over?" John asked. "We'd all like to but it will depend on what we have going on then." Nick said. "We're all having a great time and we would hate for it to end, so we'll see what we have going on after this tour is over." Kevin said. "Would you care to comment on the Trans Continental suit against you?" John asked. "Not at this time we will release a statement in the near future" Jason said. "Well that's it guys thanks for your time and see you when you come back to New York later in your tour." John said. "Ok guys we have to run so see you guys later." John said. "Ok, thanks John." Jason said and the guys left.

John Norris and the MTV crew left, and the guys of *N Sync and Backstreet Boys head to their rooms. Brian opened the door to his and Justin's room, and let Justin in. Brian closed the door and walked over to Justin who had laid down on the bed. "How are you feeling?" Brian asked Justin. "I'm fine." Justin said. "Are you sure?" Brian asked. "Yes Brian I'm sure." Justin said. Justin closed his eyes as Brian placed his hand on Justin's chest. "I love you." Brian said softly as he rubbed his hand gently on Justin's chest. "I love you too." Justin said. "Brian, what would you have done if I had died?" Justin asked. "I don't know." Brian said softly. "You're everything to me, I can't see my life without you and I don't want to think of my life without you." Brian said. "Me too." Justin whispered. "Brian will you sing me to sleep?" Justin asked. "Come here." Brian said. Justin followed Brian to the head of the bed. Brian laid back against the pillows and then let Justin rest his back against his chest. Brian wrapped his arms around Justin as Justin laid his head against Brian's shoulder. Justin closed his eyes as Brian began to gently sing to Justin. Brian rocked Justin gently as he sang the song "Spanish Eyes" to Justin. Justin had fallen asleep in Brian's arms as Brian finished the song. Brian closed his eyes and went to sleep as he held Justin; these were the moments he cherished most.

"Jason we finally got a hold of Lynn." Allison said. "Where is she?" Jason asked. "She was on tour in Europe with Innosene." Allison said. "She's on the phone and wants to talk to you." Allison said. Jason walked over to the phone and spoke to Lynn briefly. She told him she couldn't leave and it was tearing her up, she wanted to be there for Justin, but knew she couldn't leave. Jason told her that Justin was being looked after and that Brian wouldn't let Justin out of his sight. He also let her know that he would make sure Justin was going to be ok.

"Ok Allison that's it for today let close up shop and we'll start again tomorrow, enjoy the day off." Jason said. Allison nodded and left. JC surfed the Internet looking for sites about *N Sync. "What are you doing?" Jason asked. "Just surfing the web, looking for something interesting." JC said. "Find anything?" Jason asked. "A few things, I found some nude pictures of Justin want to see?" JC asked. "I think I'll pass." Jason said. "There are some of me too." JC said. "That's ok I get to see the real thing every night." Jason said. "Oh, but you can tell Brian about the Justin pics he might be interested." Jason laughed. "Your bad." JC said. "Who me?" Jason said sarcastically. "But that ok you're my bad boy." JC said with a grin.

"Are the guys coming back here for Lunch?" JC asked. "I think so, we have a meeting then we can do whatever." Jason said. "Ok, do you want me to order a few things for lunch and have everyone come over?" JC asked. "If you want, I don't mind." Jason said. "Ok, I'll get it order for noon then." JC said, and returned to surfing the web. Jason sat down next to JC and started reading over some paperwork.

Jason walked down to Brian and Justin's room to get them for lunch; he knocked on the door and waited for a response. "Brian, Justin lunch is ready." Jason said as he knocked a second time. Justin groaned and slowly awoke; he blinked his eyes and looked around the room. Justin kissed Brian's cheek, " Brian baby, wake up." Justin whispered. Jason knocked again, "Brian Justin are you guys in there?" Jason asked. Justin unwrapped Brian's arms from around him and stood from the bed, Justin walked to the door and opened it. "Oh, I'm sorry Justin I didn't know you guys were sleeping." Jason said as he saw that Justin had just woke up. "Its ok I was getting up anyway." Justin said. "Ok, well in that case we're going to be having lunch in a few minute are you and Brian going to join us?" Jason asked. Justin nodded, "Yeah just give us a few minutes." Justin said. "Ok, see you in about twenty minutes then?" Jason said. "Ok twenty minutes." Justin said. Jason left and Justin closed the door.

Justin walked back to the bed and kissed Brian's cheek again. Brian smiled and blinked his eyes open. Brian kissed Justin's lips, "Jason wants to know if we are going to join him and the guys for lunch?" Justin said. "Ok, but I want to go to the mall this afternoon." Brian said. "Ok, cool maybe I can get a new pair of sneakers." Justin said with a laugh. "I could use a new pair of sneakers too." Brian said. They both laugh, and then walked down to Jason and JC's room.

"Well that is what the video will go like." Jason said. "Wow that's going to look cool." Justin said. "So we start filming on Saturday morning at 7am, so that mean you guys need to be up by 5am if you want breakfast." Jason said. "Ok, so what's up for the rest of the day?" AJ asked. "You can do whatever you want." Jason said. "Jason and I are going to the Mall, if anyone is interested in joining us?" JC said. "Brian and I were planning on going too?" Justin said. "Anyone else interested?" JC said. "I want to go see a movie." Howie said. "That sound fun, count me in" Joey said. "Me too." Kevin said. "Nick and I are going to be staying here." Lance said. "I'll join you guys at the movie." AJ said. "Same here" Chris said. "Alright, tomorrow we have to practice for Wednesday's show, which is also a live Pay-Per-View, and Justin you need to go to see Dr. Reed, if he gives you the ok you'll be performing on Wednesday I spoke to him a little while ago." Jason said. "Ok, what time to I have to be there." He said for 10am, so you and Brian can leave at 9:30 from the arena to go to the hospital to see him about a check." Jason said. Justin and Brian both nodded. "When you guys are ready to leave you can." Jason said. With that the guys left for their activities and places they wanted to go.

Justin's Dream Chapter 13

"Are you guys ready to go?" Justin asked. "Yeah just a sec I need to grab my cell phone." Jason said. "Ok, we're ready." JC said as he walked out of the bathroom. "Ok, let's go." Jason said as he grabbed his cell phone. Brian, Justin, JC and Jason all head down to the lobby to leave for the mall. "The hotel is renting us a Ford Explorer" Jason said as he held up the keys. "I'm driving." Justin said as he grabbed the keys from Jason, before Jason could protest. "Ok, we get the backseat to ourselves then." JC said with a grin. "No, that's a little too kinky. I don't like people watching." Jason said. Brian and Justin laughed.

Forty-five minutes later Justin pulled into Westside Pavilion Mall. Brian, Justin, JC and Jason got out and walked to the mall entrance. They all adjusted their baseball caps, to avoid being recognized. They looked around the different stores for clothes, "That nice." JC said as he pointed to a North Carolina Jersey. Justin whispered something to JC, and then walked over to the clerk. Justin came back over to where Brian, JC and Jason where looking at clothes after a few minutes. "I'm all set here." Justin said. "Ok, let's head over to Foot Locker." Brian said. "Ok." Jason said.

Brian and Jason lead the way to Foot Locker with JC and Justin trailing behind. "Justin I'm not sure what to get Jason for his birthday." JC said. JC and Justin traded ideas back and forth as they walked down to Foot Locker. "Thanks Justin, I think that's what I'll get him." JC said. "Hey you guys are really slow back there." Jason said. "We're admiring your butts." Justin said. Jason and Brian both stopped and turn around. "So what do you think?" Brian asked. "It's very cute." Justin said, with a huge grin. "Jason's is cuter." JC said. "That's your opinion." Justin said. "What do you think Brian?" JC asked. "Justin's ass is cuter." Brian said. "I'm not going there." Jason said. They all laughed as they entered Foot Locker.

After select a couple sneakers each the guys walked up to pay. The young girl behind the counter totaled up the cost and Jason handed over his credit card. She scanned the card then looked at her monitor, She handed Jason the printed out and he signed the slip and handed it back to her. She compared the signatures and then looked up at Jason, "Are you related to Justin Timberlake of *N Sync." She asked. "One sec I'll have to asked." Jason said as turned to JC, "JC and I related to Justin?" Jason asked. "Ask Brian." JC said, as the girl looked at JC. Jason turned to Brian, "Brian am I related to Justin?" Jason asked. "Ask Justin." Brian said with a grin as the girl looked at him. Jason looked at Justin. "If you ask I'll deny it." Justin said with a laugh. Jason turned to the girl, "I think that's a yes." The girl looked at all of them as she frantically searched for a piece of paper and a pen. "Would you like an autograph?" Justin asked. The girl nodded her head and handed Justin the paper and pen. Justin quickly signed it and passed the paper around.

"Thank you." She said as Brian handed her back the paper and pen. "Are you coming to the show on Wednesday?" Justin asked. "I want to but I wasn't able to get tickets." She said. "Well if you stop by the arena tomorrow will get you some tickets." Justin said. "Thank you." She said. The guys waved bye and quickly left the store. "Lets head down to the music shop." Justin said. "Yeah I wanna get some new CDs." JC said. Jason and JC walked down to the music shop side by side, followed by Brian and Justin, who were quietly talking behind them.

After picking up a few CDs, Jason and Justin head to Kay-bee Toys to pick up something for Jonathon, while JC and Brian went their own way. Twenty minutes later Jason and Justin sat at the Food Court laughing and finishing up their milk shakes, when Brian and JC walked up to them. Brian sat down next to Justin and JC sat across from Brian next to Jason. JC took Jason shake and finished it off, "Thanks for leaving me some." Jason said. "You can have something just as creamy later." JC said with a grin. "I think I'm going to be sick." Justin said. Everyone looked at Justin with a concern look. "I'm kidding. I'm fine I was just joking." Justin said. "So now what do you guys want to do?" Jason asked. "Well I'm hungry, so why don't we go somewhere and get something to eat then we can head back to the hotel." Brian said. "Yeah that sounds cool." JC said. "Planet Hollywood isn't too far from here we could go there, unless of course JC has to go to the Hard Rock Café." Justin said. 'Do I have that menu? I forget we better go just incase I don't have that one." JC said. "Well I guess that your answer." Jason said. Justin tossed Jason the keys; "We get the backseat this time." Justin said. They laughed as they head out to the Explorer.

Brian, Justin, JC and Jason sat at the Hard Rock Café looking over the menu. A waitress came over, "Can I take your drink orders?" The waitress asked. "I'll have a sprite." Jason said. "Same for me." JC said. "I'll have an ice tea." Brian said. "I'll have an orange spritz." Justin said. "Ok, I'll be back with your drinks in a moment." The waitress said and left. They returned to looking over then menu, while waiting for the waitress to return with their drinks. "Jason what are you having?" JC asked. "Hmm... I think I'm going to go with the Chicken Parmesan." Jason said. "Yeah that sounds good." Brian said. "I think I'm going to go with the grilled chicken." Justin said. "I'm going with something Chinese." JC said. The waitress returned with their drinks and took their orders, "I'll be back with your order in about 25mins." The waitress said and left.

"Do we still have the house to ourselves on Monday when we get to Orlando?" JC asked. "Yeah I talked to mom this morning, and we have the house to ourselves. Justin, mom said she is going to call you tonight, she only found out this morning what happened and she was worried sick about you." Jason said. "Thanks I'll make sure to stay close by tonight." Justin said with a smile. Even thought he hadn't spoken to his mother about what happen Justin knew she care very much and would have come to see him if she could have. "What are we doing in Orlando?" Brian asked. "We'll we're working on the joint album, then we will be doing a couple interviews, maybe an online chat with everyone, that should be fun. Hmm... let me think." Jason said as he tried to think of the other things they were doing in Orlando. "Oh, we are going to be spending a day at Universal Theme Parks, then we have a concert at Disney, then one in Orlando, more studio time, and then we get a week off." Jason said. "I'm I going to have anytime to sleep?" JC asked. "What do you mean you'll have a whole week do sleep, oh wait never mind I said that." Justin said.

"I'll be back in a minute, I need to use the restroom." Jason said, as he stood. Jason walked down to the restroom, Justin turned to JC. "What are you doing for Jason's birthday?" Justin asked. "I was just going to have a quiet thing just me and him." JC said. "Would you mind if me and Brian planned a party, and then you guys could have quiet time after the party?" Justin asked. "Ok, if you want." JC said. "Thanks JC." Justin said. JC smiled, "As long as I get my quiet time with him I'll be all set." JC. "So what did you get him?" Justin asked. "I got him and ID bracelet, that says J.T. + J.C. on the front and the back says 'You're the Music of My Heart'." JC said. "That's cool." Justin said. "I hope he likes it." JC said. "I'm sure he will. It looked great." Brian said.

Jason walked back to the table, "So what you are you guys talking about." Jason asked. "We were discussing who was going to be on top tonight." Justin said, as seriously as he could. Jason looked at Justin with surprise, and Justin cracked up laughing. Brian and JC joined in, "Asshole." Jason said, to Justin. "Yeah I've got one of those." Justin laughed. "Yeah and I bet Brian knows all about that." Jason laughed back. The waitress returned with their food as they continued to laugh, as she arrived they stopped laughing. "Will that be all?" The waitress asked. "Yes, thank you." Brian said. The waitress nodded and left.

The guys finished eating and chat about different things, the waitress returned with the bill, and Brian took it. "I don't want to disturb you guys, but could I get an autograph?" The waitress asked. "Sure." JC said, and took the paper she had, the guys signed it, "Thank you." The waitress said and left. "We should get back to the hotel." Brian said. "Yeah, lets go." JC said. The guys got up, Brian paid for the meal and they guys headed back to the hotel.

"Oh, a few of us are getting together later for a game of poker if you guys are interested?" JC said as he unlocked his and Jason's room. "Yeah sure, that's sounds fun." Brian said. "Ok so see you later." Jason said. "Yeah see you later." Justin said. Jason followed JC into the room, and placed what he had bought by his bags. Jason walked over to the table and notice several packages lying on the table with a note attached. Jason read the note and then picked up the first package. The label on it read 'New Single', "JC the new single is here." Jason called out to JC who was in the bathroom. "Cool, I'll be out in just a sec." JC said. Jason took the CDs out of the package and took the top one; he walked over to the CD player and placed it in the CD player. JC walked out as Jason pressed play. The music to 'Bye Bye Bye' came on. Jason turned the volume up and then walked over to the phone, "Who you calling?" JC asked. "Brian and Justin." Jason said as he put the phone to his ear. "This is J." Justin answer. "Its him!" Jason yelled in a high-pitched voice, causing Justin to yank the phone way from his ear. "Hi, I'm your biggest fan." Jason said. "Who is this?" Justin asked, meanwhile JC bent over laughing as hard as he could. "I'm your biggest fan, Justin you marry me?" Jason asked. "How did you get this number?" Justin asked, still not knowing it was Jason. "Your PR gave it to me at the mall today." Jason replied. "He did what?" Justin said raising his voice. Brian walked over and took the phone from Justin, "Who is this?" Brian asked. "Brian don't say anything but it's Jason." Jason said, trying to suppress his laugher. "Ok, One sec here's Justin again." Brian said. "Who is that?" Justin asked. "Its your biggest fan." Brian said as he handed the phone to Justin. Brian walked out of the room and ran down to JC and Jason's room. Brian knocked then entered and saw JC bent over laughing and Jason on the phone with Justin. Brian walked over to Jason and signaled for Jason to give him the phone. Jason gave Brian the phone and clasped on the floor laughing. "I love you." Brian said. "Who is this?" Justin asked no even more confused. "I leave you for 2 second and you forget my voice." Brian said with hurt. "Brian?" Justin asked confused. "WHY YOU ASSHOLES!" Justin yelled. Brian pulled the phone from his ear, "Damn I'm going to be deaf in that ear." Brian said. Justin hung up the phone and ran down to JC and Jason's room, "Your assholes." Justin said as he stood in the doorway looking at the three of them laughing. Jason finally caught his breath, "Damn I would have loved to see your face, a few minutes ago." Jason said. "Fuck you." Justin said. "Sorry I only do that with JC." Jason said. "Anyway not that your both here, did you want to listen to the new single?" Jason asked, still trying to control his laughter. "Their new single is in, cool." Brian said. JC reversed the track and started the song again. Justin walked in but keep his angry expression.

"Wow that was awesome." Brian said as the song ended. "You like it?" Justin asked. "I Love it." Brian said. Justin kissed Brian's cheek, "Your not mad anymore?" Brian asked. "I can't stay made at you." Justin said. Brian kissed Justin's cheek. "Are you still mad at me?" Jason asked. Justin turned to Jason, I'm bring your birthday present back to the store." Justin said. Jason stuck up his middle finger at Justin. "You're not my type, and besides I only do that with Brian." Justin said. "You know what they say?" Brian asked Justin. "What?" Justin asked. "They say make up sex is the best." Brian said. "Really Justin said. Kissed Justin's lips, "Why don't we go find out?" Justin said. "Later, right now I just want to go back to our room and hold you in my arms." Brian said, as he kissed Justin's ear. "Brian stop making Justin hard it's starting to show." JC said. "I think we better go to our room." Brian said. "Ok." Justin said. "If you guys fuck you better be quiet I'm going to take a nap." Jason said. "Same goes for you guys." Justin said, as he closed the door. "Oh and me and Brian don't fuck, we make love." Justin said, and then closed the door.

Jason lay down on the bed and closed his eyes, JC walked to the door and locked it, and he walked to the bed and then crawled on top of Jason and began to kiss Jason's lips. "JC what are you doing?" Jason asked between kisses. "Kissing you." JC said, as he continued to kiss Jason. "I know that." Jason. "I just want to kiss you, that's all." JC said. Jason smiled and wrapped his arms around JC; they kissed quietly on the bed. JC rolled off of Jason; he wrapped his arms around Jason and snuggled closely to him. "I love holding you." JC said as he kissed Jason's cheek. "I love it when you hold me, and I love you." Jason said.

Brian and Justin walked into their room; Justin turned to Brian, and quickly began to kiss his lips. "Justin, what are you doing?" Brian said between kisses. "What does it look like?" Justin said as he moved his hands to Brian's waist. "Justin, no, we can't you just got out of the hospital. The doctor said your suppose to rest." Brian said. "I'll rest in your arms as you make love to me." Justin said. "Justin, No, I don't want you to have to go back to the hospital, we can wait." Brian said. "Fine." Justin said, then walked into the bathroom and closed the door. Brian sighed, "You did the right thing." Brian said quietly. Brian walked over to the bathroom, and knocked on the door. "Justin?" Brian said. Brian heard Justin crying behind the closed door. "Justin?" Brian said. "Go away Brian." Justin said. "I don't want to." Brian said as he turned the doorknob, it was unlocked. Brian walked into the bathroom; Justin sat on the floor with his back against the bathtub, and his head in his hands. "Justin what's wrong?" Brian asked as he knelt before Justin. "You don't love me." Justin said as he looked at Brian. "Justin I love you with all my heart." Brian said. "Then why won't you make love to me?" Justin asked. "Justin, I don't have to make love to you to love you. I want to make love to you, but I love you, and don't want anything to happen to you. I want to wait till we're ready. I love you Justin, I always will." Brian said, as he hugged Justin. Justin let himself cry on Brian's shoulder soaking Brian's shirt with his tears. "Please don't cry Justin." Brian said. "Brian please, I need you to make love to me." Justin said, as he cried. Brian closed his eyes for a moment; to Brian it was an eternity. Brian lifted Justin into his arms and walked into the bedroom holding Justin. Justin held on to Brian, Brian laid Justin on the bed and crawled on top of Justin.

Brian wiped the tears from Justin's eyes. "Justin." Brian said. Justin opened his eyes and looked into Brian's crystal blue eyes. "Justin, I want to make love to you, but not like this, I don't just want to do it, I want it to be special each and every time." Brian said as a tear slipped from his right eye. Justin nodded, Justin wiped the tear from Brian's face, "We can wait." Justin said, softly. Brian rolled off of Justin, Justin wrapped his arms around Brian, and he pulled Brian close to him. Brian wrapped his arms around Justin, and Brian rested his forehead against Justin's, they both closed their eyes and drifted to sleep.

Justin sat in the doctor's office; Brian sat next to Justin, holding his hand. Dr. Reed walked in and took a seat at his desk. "Good morning Justin, Brian." Dr. Reed said while looking at Justin's test results. "Good morning Dr. Reed." Brian said. "Ok, Justin, I've review your results, your wrist is healing nicely, but you still need to keep the pressure off of it for a couple more days, and keep it wrapped with the ACE bandage. You are still going to have some tenderness in your abdominal muscle for a while they were bruised badly. Finally the Cat Scan shows that your head injuring is healing, you may feel light head every so often, but that will pass with time." Dr. Reed said. "What about performing tomorrow night, will I be able to?" Justin asked. "I see no reason why you can't but don't over exert yourself." Dr. Reed said. "Thank you Dr. Reed." Justin said. "Well, that's it Justin, next time I see you I hope it's at a concert and not in the hospital." Dr. Reed said as he shook Justin hand, "Brian its been a please meeting you, and I wish you two the best." Dr. Reed said as he shook Brian's hand. "Thank you doctor. It's been nice meeting you." Brian said, and then Brian and Justin left the doctor's office and headed back to the arena.

Brian and Justin sat in the back of the limo, as they head back to the arena. "Justin you've been quiet all morning is there something wrong?" Brian asked. "No Brian there is nothing wrong." Justin snapped. "Is this about last night? Because if that is what this is about we can fuck right now." Brian said. "I asked you to make love to me not fuck me!" Justin said as he raised his voice. "Damn it Justin, stop acting like a child. I told you I wanted it to be special, each and every time." Brian said. The limo pulled into the arena and Justin got out and walked into the arena.

Jason and JC stood on the stage looking over the layout for Wednesday's Pay-Per-View. Justin stormed by heading for his dressing room, Brian walked by hanging his head low, he walked into his dressing room and closed the door. JC looked at Jason, "Trouble in paradise?" JC asked. "I think so." Jason replied. "What's wrong with Justin and Brian I just saw Justin storm by and Brian is in his dressing room crying." Kevin said as he walked up to Jason and JC. "We don't know." JC said. "Are you guys going to talk to them?" Kevin asked. "I'll talk to Brian, but Justin needs time to cool off." Jason said. "Ok, I need to practice, my vocals for 'Bye Bye Bye' anyway." JC said. "Ok, I'll go see if I can talk to Brian." Jason said as he head for Brian's dressing room.

Jason knocked on Brian's door. "Brian its Jason, can I come in?" Jason asked. Jason waited, and then the door opened. Brian stood there with tears streaming down his face. "Can I come in?" Jason asked. Brian moved over a little and let Jason in. Brian closed the door then walked over to the couch. Jason walked over to the couch and sat next to Brian. "So do you want to tell me what happened?" Jason asked. Brian and Jason talked for over an hour. Jason reassured Brian that everything would work out, and then head to see Justin.

Brian sat in his dressing room, writing in his journal, he found that he was able to relieve some stress when he would take the time to write down his thoughts. Brian stood and walked to the door when he heard a knock. Brian opened the door and Justin stood in the doorway. "Can I come in?" Justin asked softly. Brian let Justin in and closed the door. Brian turned to Justin, "I'm sorry." Justin said. I'm sorry too." Brian said. "You have nothing to be sorry for Brian, "It was my fault I shouldn't have pushed you." Justin said as he turned away from Brian. Brian walked over to Justin and wrapped his arms around Justin, "Its ok baby, I love you." Brian said, "I love you too." Justin said, as he turned and faced Brian. Brian hugged Justin tightly. Justin hugged Brian; Brian lifted Justin into his arms and carried him over to the bed that was in the corner.

Brian laid Justin on the bed, and crawled on top of him. "Brian..." Justin said, but Brian cut him off but putting a finger on Justin's lips. "No words Justin." Brian said. Brian kissed Justin's lips, then straddle Justin's crotch. Brian pulled his shirt off, and then returned to kissing Justin's lips. Justin wrapped his arms around Brian, and let Brian kiss his lips. Brian pulled Justin's shirt up, and off his body, releasing Justin's lips long enough to get his shirt off. Brian moved his lips to Justin's chest he kissed his way down Justin's body as Justin moaned. Brian reached Justin's belt and unbuckled it, he unzipped Justin's pants and pulled them down Justin's legs. Brian removed his own pants, then laid back down on Justin. Justin wrapped his arms around Brian and they kissed passionately.

Justin arched his back slightly, letting his crotch gently grind against Brian's. Brian brushed his hand over Justin's soft curls, his lips dancing slowly with Justin's. Justin spread his legs slightly, letting Brian's body fall between them. The aroma of passion surrounded their nude bodies as Brian's other hand drifted down Justin's back. Justin wrapped his strong arms around Brian's neck, his tongue drifting into Brian's mouth. Brian's hand reached Justin's ass and squeezed it lightly. Brian's delicate fingers played on the soft flesh bellow the small of Justin's back. Justin's eyes closed gradually, enjoying the kiss that they shared. Brian pulled back cautiously and began to kiss Justin's cheek. Justin released a soft cry, forcing his hips to grind even harder against Brian's. "Make love to me baby." Justin requested with a deep groan. Brian kept his eyes open as his lips explored the tenderness of Justin's face.

Justin lifted his legs slightly before they wrapped around Brian's waist. Brian's mouth drifted to Justin's neck, his lips taking in the beating skin. Justin's hands slid down Brian's back, massaging his body as he awaited Brian to make a move. Brian's hand traced from Justin's ass to the front of Justin's body. He managed to press his hand between their bodies and caress Justin's navel. Justin giggled softly, kissing the top of Brian's head as a gentle lover would. Brian's fingers grasped Justin's erect penis, petting the wet organ. Brian's fingers slipped over Justin's pre-cum, spreading it on his fingers. "I love you Justin..." Brian whispered after releasing a pleasuring moan. Justin pressed his head firmly into the bed as Brian's fingers jacking Justin off slowly. Justin gasped with ecstasy as his dick began to release more pre-cum. He lost his inhibitions to keep their love making secret.

Brian lowered his body within their position. His dick slid across Justin's and then his soft balls and then to Justin's lower areas. Justin pleaded with Brian to go further, his lips quivering. Brian's lips met with Justin's chest again, kissing each pec with caution. Brian's pre-cum covered hand slipped over Justin's balls, giving them a light squeeze before running to Justin's ass. Brian's middle finger ran over the length of Justin's ass before sliding between his cheeks. Justin grunted heavily, pulling his body up more. Brian's finger pressed gently against Justin's hole. Justin sighed softly, pulling Brian's head up for a gentle kiss. Brian parted his lips and began to kiss Justin in time with his finger's motion. Justin slipped his tongue between Brian's lips, letting Brian suck on it as Brian fingered Justin.

Lust slipped out of the room as Brian let Justin pull back from the kiss. "I'm sorry baby... I love you so much." Justin whispered. Justin leaned back, letting Brian know he was ready for the beginning of their true lovemaking. Brian sat up slightly, pulling Justin closer to his body. He slid his finger out of Justin and then gave Justin an innocent smile. "Don't apologize baby. Let's just make this our moment." Brian suggested, leading his penis to Justin's entrance. Justin nodded and closed his eyes. Brian leaned down, rubbing the head of his moist penis at Justin's hole. Brian let out an audible grunt as the head of his dick slipped inside of Justin. Justin sucked a little air through his teeth, adjusting to Brian being inside of him once again. Justin's insides felt a slight burn as Brian stayed in his position, never slipping any further into Justin. Brian's hands caressed the insides of Justin's thighs for comfort. "Tell me when it's okay Justin... I don't want to hurt you." Brian whispered to his silent lover. Justin released his grip on Brian's waist with his thighs. Justin innocently smiled, losing the ache within his body. "You could never hurt me." Justin whispered, trying to give Brian a sign to move further.

Brian understood Justin's words and began to move further into Justin. Brian leaned down and let his tongue trickle over Justin's right nipple. Justin exhaled with happiness, running his fingertips on Brian's shoulder blades. Brian pressed his balls against Justin's ass as he reached the limits of Justin's inside. He sucked on another portion of Justin's chest as one of his hands grabbed a hold of Justin's erect cock. Justin's body began to meet Brian's as Brian slowly thrusted in and out of Justin. Justin brushed Brian's hair back as both of their bodies began to sweat. "Brian... oh baby, I love you..." Justin groaned out, his voice rising slightly. The bed shook slightly as Brian became a little more anxious about their lovemaking.

Brian jacked Justin off slowly, teasing Justin with his soft fingers. Brian's eyes closed tightly as he moved a little faster inside of Justin. "Oh Justin... heh heh, mmmm baby... you're... you're feel so good..." Brian panted, his breath embracing Justin's neck. Justin released a soft moan, feeling his penis being fondled by Brian's hand. Brian closed his eyes tightly, groaning heavily. His mind was filled with the thoughts of pleasure as they made love on the bed.

"Oh Brian... I'm close baby..." Justin panted, treasuring the feel of his lover. Their dripping skin caressed the other's. Brian's lips feasted on Justin's younger skin as he kissed Justin's earlobe and then his Adam's apple. Brian twirled a finger through Justin's curls, feeling the pleasure intensify. Justin's face twisted with innocent pleasure. He felt Brian's soft tongue run over the hollow portion of his neck. Justin's pants became quicker as his penis leaked it's love juices over Brian's fingers. "Heh heh... I love you baby... don't stop..." Justin pleaded quietly. Brian nodded, lifting his lips to kiss Justin's. Their grinding between their love making was even more erotic.

Justin arched his back greatly and moaned deep into their kiss. His penis began to release it's cum, ejaculating over Brian's hand and his stomach. Justin's balls squeezed tightly as he let himself go between them. He panted and shivered greatly under the weight of Brian's smaller body. Brian released Justin's flaccid cock and wrapped his arms around Justin's back. He pulled back from the kiss and kissed Justin's forehead as he held him, continuing his thrusting. "Justin... oh baby, I'm about to.... I'm gonna... heh heh, baby... I..." Brian couldn't get the words out as he moved with a quicker yet softer pace. Justin held Brian's waist tightly, letting Brian go as deep as he needed inside of Justin. "I... I... I LOVE YOU!!!" Brian called out, releasing his seed deep inside of Justin. He grunted heavily, almost straining to get his words out. He let his body fall onto Justin's as he let all of his cum slide into Justin's body.

Justin kissed Brian's shoulder and held him as Brian tried to shake off the effects of his orgasm. "Thank you." Brian whispered, panting softly. "Don't thank me baby... making love with you is my pleasure." Justin replied, petting Brian's back as he held him.

Jason walked back to the stage. "So are they all set?" JC asked. "I think so, Justin went to talk to Brian." Jason said. "Good I hope they work things out." JC said. "I'm sure they will." Jason said. "Alright Guys, We're going to go to lunch, then we are back to practicing, there is a buffet in the last conference room." Jason said. "After lunch we have a run through of tomorrow's Pay-Per-View it's a 4 hour Pay-Per-View, Performances by Britney, * N Sync, Backstreet Boys, and We are trying to get Gloria here for tomorrow's PPV, We'll know by the end of the day." Jason said. "So that means your not going to perform tomorrow?" JC asked sadly. "We'll see later ok?" Jason said. JC nodded feeling a little depressed. Jason wrapped his arms around JC's waist. "I'll make it up to you later, if you smile." Jason said with puppy dog eyes. "Only if you kiss me." JC said. Jason gently pressed his lips to JC's; they kissed slowly, moving tenderly. JC parted his lips, and slid his tongue into Jason's mouth. JC's tongue explored Jason's mouth slowly. JC slid his tongue back into his own mouth then released Jason's lips. "Are you happy now?" Jason asked. "Very." JC said with a smile. "Good lets go eat, I'm starved." Jason said. "Yeah but I'm not hard." JC said. Jason looked at JC, "That's for desert baby." Jason said with a grin.

Brian had his head lying on Justin's chest still recovering from their intense love making session. Justin's hands were wrapped around Brian. "Brian, I think we should get dress now, the others are probably waiting for us." Justin said. Brian nodded but kept his eyes close. Justin pulled the covers over them and then closed his eyes, "You're tired." Justin said. Brian nodded and hugged Justin's warm body. Justin tightened his hold on Brian, as they slowly fell in to a quiet sleep.

JC sat on the couch with a plate of food, eating quietly and watching Jason's butt as he stood at the buffet table trying to decide what to get. "Anyone know where Brian and Justin are?" Lance asked. "Last time I talked with Justin he was going to Brian, they needed some time alone to talk." Jason said. "I bet, they are probably fucking right now." AJ laughed. "Actually Brian and Justin don't fuck they make love." JC said with a laugh. "Oh right I forgot." AJ said. Jason grabbed a bottle of water then walked over to JC. Jason sat in JC's lap. "What are you doing?" JC asked. "I'm trying to get you hard for desert." Jason said. "Don't you two ever stop?" Joey asked. "Only when we're sleep." JC said. "Actually I dream about you when I sleep." Jason said. "And what do you dream about." JC asked. Jason whispered into JC's ear. "Oh, now that sounds fun." JC said. Jason began to eat the chicken fingers that were on his plate. "Should someone go get Brian and Justin?" Nick asked. "If they are hungry they'll come down. Besides they are probably talking and don't want to be disturbed." Jason said. "Ok." Nick said.

JC placed his plate on the table next to the couch and wrapped his arms around Jason. Jason laid his head on JC's shoulder as he ate his chicken fingers. JC place his hand on Jason's thigh and rubbed Jason's let. "JC you're getting me hard." Jason whispered to JC. JC just smiled, and continued to rub Jason's thigh. "I'm sorry babe, oh wait no I'm not." JC giggled quietly to Jason. Jason finished his chicken fingers, he put his plate with JC's and ten open his bottled water. Jason took a big sip, as JC whispered into his ear. "Lets go to your office and have desert." JC whispered, as he rubbed further up Jason's thigh. "Ok." Jason said. "We'll see you guys on stage in twenty minutes." Jason said, as he and JC ran out of the conference room. "Where are they going?" Kevin asked. "They're going to have desert." AJ said. "Desert?" Kevin said. "He means that they are going to fuck." Nick said.

Brian, awoke he was still lying on Justin's smooth chest. Brian listened to Justin gently breathing. Brian smiled as he look at Justin's face, Justin looked like angel to Brian. Justin had a smiled upon his lips, Brian moved up on Justin body gently trying not to wake Justin. Brian placed a kiss on Justin's forehead, "I love you." Brian said. Justin moaned slightly, but stay asleep, Brian rubbed the back of his hand on Justin's cheek. "Baby, we have to get up." Brian whispered to Justin. "Let me sleep Brian." Justin said. "I'm sorry baby, but we have to get up, the others will be waiting for us." Brian said. Justin groaned then opened his eyes. "Ok Brian I'm getting up." Justin said. Brian kissed Justin's nose, "We'll make up for it later." Brian said with a grin. Justin smiled up at Brian, "I wish we could lay like this all day." Justin said. "Me too." Brian replied. Brian rolled off of Justin, "Let's get up babe." Brian said, Justin nodded and they began to get dressed.

Jason and JC walked out of the conference room, JC had his arms wrapped around Jason, as they walked to the stage. Brian and Justin stepped out of Brian's dressing room. Justin looked at JC and Jason as they were walking up to Brian and Justin, "How was lunch?" Justin asked. "It was ok, but desert was better." JC said as he rested his head on Jason's shoulder. Justin looked at JC confused, and then slowly realized what JC had said. "Oh." Justin said. Jason smiled, "And how was it for you guys?" Jason said, with a grin. Brian blushed and Justin smiled widely. "I'm guess it was good." Jason said. "Better then good. It was wonderful." Justin said, happy as he hugged onto Brian.

Jason was just about to say something when his cell phone rang. Jason took his cell phone off the belt clip, "This is J." Jason said. "Justin or Jason?" A familiar female voice said. "Jason." Jason said. "Jason You have to get all the guys together, I'm on my way to the arena from the airport with the lawyers, we've found some very interesting thing." The voice said. "Ok, I'll get everyone together." Jason said. "How is Justin?" the voice asked. "You can ask him, just a sec." Jason said. as he hand the phone to Justin. Justin looked at Jason with a confused look. Justin took the phone, "Hello?" Justin said as he placed the phone by his ear. "Justin how are you?" the voice asked. "Oh, hi mom, I'm fine. How are you?" Justin said. "I'm doing good." Lynn said. Justin and Lynn chatted for several minutes as Jason spoke to Allison. "Ok, most of the guys are on stage, I send them to your office." Allison said. Jason nodded then turn to Justin. "I see you soon Justin." Lynn said. "Ok, see you soon." Justin said. "Let me speak to Jason real quick." Lynn said. "Ok, bye mommy I love you." Justin said. "I love you too." Lynn said. "Here's Jason." Justin said. "Hi mom." Jason said. "Jason I'll be there in about twenty minutes, we have a lot to discuss." Lynn said. "Ok, we'll be ready." Jason said. "Ok, I'll see you soon. Love you." Lynn said. "I love you too mommy." Jason said, then press end on his cell phone.

Jason finally sat down at the head of the table; Next to him sat JC and the guys on one side and Lynn and the lawyers on the other. "Ok, let get his started." Lynn said. Jesse, N Sync lead lawyer passed out a packet of papers to all the guys. "These are your original contracts with Trans Continental." Jesse said. The guys flip through a few pages, " You can read them later, but you'll find the same in all your contracts. They simple state that Trans Continental gets whatever the hell they want and you guys get shit." Jesse said. "What do you mean whatever they want." JC asked. "Exactly how it sounds, however its not illegal its consider fraud since they were miss leading you guys to believe they were working in your best interest." Jesse said. "I think we all know that." Lance said.

"Well what you probably don't know is how much Lou is keeping." Jesse said. Jesse passed out another packet, equally as thick as the first. "Turn to page fifteen." Jesse said. The guys did as they were told. "That's the break down, as you can see Trans Continental is getting more then their share of everything." Jesse said. "The bastard is getting 100% of all our advances." JC said. "And 50% of our royalties, and 25% of our recording income." Justin said. "That's only half of it." Jesse said. "The greedy bastard." JC said. Jason grabbed JC's hand and tried to calm him down. Jesse passed out another packet, "This is a lawsuit, being filed by your lawyers, on behalf of *N Sync and their Mothers against Trans Continental for 25million in damages, claiming Fraud, which the IRS will probably investigate, and other charges. I only need your signatures to file it." Jesse said. "What about BMG and RCA?" JC asked. "Jive is deal with them, according to their lead attorney, they will have it wrapped up shortly with BMG and RCA getting very little since they helped Lou with his illegal activities." Jesse said.

JC quickly penned his name to the lawsuit and passed it down the line. "The lawsuit also asks that the name *N Sync be returned to its rightful own, Lynn Harliss, Justin Timberlake, Chris Kirkpatrick, Joey Fatone, James Bass, and Joshua Chasez." Jesse said. "What do you mean?" Lynn asked. "When you thought up the name *N Sync it came from the name of Justin, Chris, Joey, Lance and JC, thus it is a part of their name and thus only they and yourself can patent it." Jesse said. The guys all signed the lawsuit and passed it back to Jesse. Jesse quickly signed the bottom and hand it to another lawyer who quickly left to fax the lawsuit to the Orlando office for it to be filed.

"Anything else?" JC asked. Jesse looked over his notes. "No that will be all." Jesse said. "Ok, now I have a couple of things." Jason said. "First off, Saturday we have a video show, then we leave that night for Orlando. We are going to be in Orlando for two weeks, we'll have a lot of work the first week, the send week we are off, then its back to touring." Jason said. "Sounds fun." JC said. "That is, we have a run through for the show then we are off to the hotel." Jason said. With that the guys all left and headed for the stage.

The guys of N Sync finished up the 'Bye Bye Bye' practice, and Justin walked off stage and sat next to Brian. Brian handed Justin a towel, "That was awesome babe." Brian said. "Thanks." Justin said as he wiped the sweat from his face. "I've made some plans for Jason's party, and but we need to go shopping to get a few things." Justin said. "Ok, how about we go Thursday, we have the day off so we can do whatever we want all day." Brian said. "I could think of one thing I would love to do all day." Justin said, as he kissed Brian's ear lobe. "Ah baby. You're getting me hard." Brian said. "Justin it's not polite to get Brian hard in public." Jason said from behind Brian and Justin. Justin jumped when he heard Jason's voice. "Ha... how long have you been there." Justin asked. "Long enough to know that if I didn't say anything we were going to get a free sex show." Jason said with a laugh.

"You would have loved to see that." Justin said. "Actually no, anyway if you guys are done making out or whatever you were doing, we're ready to head back to the hotel." Jason said. "We were just discussing a few things." Brian said. "Uh huh, sure you were." Jason said sarcastically. "We'll let's get going." Jason said, as he turned to go find JC. Brian and Justin stood and walked a short distance behind Jason. "Do you think he knows about the party?" Justin whispered to Brian. "I don't think so." Brian whispered back.

Jason found JC waiting for him by the exit "Are you ready to go?" JC asked. "Yeah lets go." Jason said. The guys rode back to the hotel in silence all very tired, Jason slept next to JC, with his head resting on JC's shoulder. Brian and Justin both slept leaning on his other. JC watched the traffic out he window as the limo rode through traffic. Chris and Joey where quietly chatting.

Jason's cell phone rang; JC quickly took the phone off the belt clip and answered it. "Hello." JC said, quietly into the phone. "Is Jason there." The person asked. "He's sleeping at the moment can I take a message." JC asked. "Yes, tell him Johnny Wright called." The person said. "Ok, Johnny I will." JC said. "Thanks JC. I bet you did know I recognized your voice." Johnny said with a laugh. "Well I hope you do eight million fan sure do." JC laughed. "Yes, and you have been getting eight million emails from them." Johnny said. "Wow. I think we should start answering them." JC said. "Yeah that's why I called Jason to see if you guys had time to answer a few or do an online chat this week." Johnny said. "Alright I'll tell him, I'm sure me and Justin would love to do a chat session." JC said. "Ok, well have him call me when he wakes up." Johnny said. "Ok I will, it been great talking to you Johnny." JC said. "You too JC, talk to you guys when you get back from L.A." Johnny said. "Alright talk to you soon." JC said, and then pressed end on the cell phone. JC re-clipped the cell phone to Jason's belt.

The guys rode the elevator up to their floor; little was said as they rode in near silence. The elevator stopped at their floor and the guys got out. Nick and Lance walked down to their room, while Brian and Justin entered their room. JC and Jason chatted quietly as they walked down to their room slowly. "Anyone up for a game of Basketball?" Justin asked as he stepped back out into the hall. Nick turned to Lance, "Do you want to go?" Nick asked. "Ok, you'll get to see my wonderful basketball skills." Lance said with a laugh. "Count us in Just." Nick said. "Ok cool. You guys want to play?" Justin asked JC and Jason. "Yeah sure" JC said. "Ok great we'll me in mine in Brian's room in thirty minutes." Justin said. "Ok." Jason said.

"Are you guys ready to go?" Justin asked impatiently as he bounced the basketball. "Yeah just let me finish tying my sneakers." Brian said. "Well hurry up." Justin said as he headed for the door. "I think someone is deprived sexually." Jason said with a laugh. "No, I got some today." Justin said with a grin. "I need to learn to stop asking him that." Jason said. "Now Justin, you want to make sure you don't waste too much energy on basketball, so that way you and Brian and fuck tonight." Nick said with a laugh. "Me and..." "Brian don't fuck we make love" JC and Jason joined in as Justin was talking to Nick. Brian, Nick and Lance started laughing.

"Let's go before Justin decide he wants to have sex with Brian." Jason said with a grin. "Your bad." JC said as he slapped Jason on the ass. "Hey!" Jason yelled as he felt JC slap his ass. JC grinned widely and followed Justin out the door. "JC you can only slap him on the ass on his birthday." Brian said with a laugh. "Actually I'm doing something else to his ass on his birthday." JC said with a grin. "That's what you think." Jason said, as the guys walked down the hall to the elevator. "I'm sorry baby, I'll make it up to you." JC said.

"Whose captains?" Nick asked. "How about me and Justin." Brian said. "Ok, cool." Nick said. "I pick first." Justin said. "Ok fine." Brian said. "Ok, I want JC." Justin said. "I get Nick." Brian said. "And we get Jason." Justin said. "Good we get Lance." Nick said with a smile. "Ok lets get this going." Justin said as he passed the ball to Brian.

Justin went up for a shot, and Brian quickly followed to block the shot. Justin shot the ball towards the basket, and in it went. Jason wiped the sweat from his forehead, with his shirt. "Ok we only need 2 more points." Justin said. "Yeah well it's our ball." Brian said. Brian pasted the ball to Nick and Nick head down the court for the shot. Justin quickly blocked Nick and Nick passed the ball over to Lance. Lance went for the shot but Jason blocked it. Jason came down, and "JC!" Jason said, as soon as Lance turned to look at JC, Jason passed the ball to Justin. Justin made a quick sprit for the basket with Brian hot on his heels. "Oh now you don't Brian said, as he tried to block Justin. Justin went for the shot and Brian jumped to block the ball, as Justin released the ball Brian grabbed it and came back down.

Brian passed the ball to Lance who was open; JC quickly guarded Lance and prevented him from moving the ball down court. Lance passed to Nick and Jason intercepted the pass. Jason slowly moved the ball down court fending of Nick. Jason passed the ball to Justin, Justin faked going for the shot and passed it to JC. JC went for the shot, Brian attempted to block the shot but it was too late the ball swooshed into the basket. "Game." Justin said, as he tried to catch his breath. "Well that makes it one for one." JC said. "One more to break the tie?" Jason asked. "Sorry me and Nick have other plans." Lance said. "Ok." Jason said. "We'll see you guys later." Nick said. "Alright catch you later." JC said. "Alright new teams." Justin said. "Ok me and JC version you and Brian." Jason said. "Ok." Justin said.

Jason sat down, exhausted from their third game. "I'm out." Jason said, as he wiped the sweat from his face. "Same here." Brian said, as he sat down. "Yeah I'm done." JC said. "I'm tired." Justin said. "Well you and Brian shouldn't have fucked this afternoon and you would be able to play." Jason said. "Oh fuck you." Justin said with a laugh. "Sorry I only do that with JC, but usually we make love not fuck." Jason said with a laugh. "Am I going to have to spank you again?" JC asked. "We'll that would be kinda hard I'm sitting on it." Jason said. "Well I'm hungry and I want to grab a shower." Jason said. "Hey how about you guys come over and we can get room service and chill, maybe watch a movie or play card or something." Brian said. "Yeah that would be cool." JC said.

Justin's Dream Chapter 14

"Alright guys, let's get ready to go out there." Jason said. "Ok, lets have a quick prayer." Brian said. The guys and Britney all gathered up for a quick prayer. Brian said a few words then they got ready to go out. Jason grabbed his microphone; tonight he was playing the role of host of the first Backstreet Boys and N Sync Pay-Per-View. "L'Oreal Paris and Herbal Essence Presents Backstreet's 'N Sync" Jason said in to his microphone as he stood in the crowd, the camera zoomed in. "Hey everyone, welcome to the first Backstreet Boys and N Sync Pay-Per-View performance, featuring Miss. Britney Spears, 'N Sync, Backstreet Boys, with their latest and great hits." Jason said.

"Miss Britney Spears." Jason said, with that the lights dimmed and "Drive Me Crazy" started to flood through the speakers. Jason left the crowd and walked backstage, waiting for the next intro. Britney went into her next song, as Jason and JC got ready for a quick on camera talk. "Ok, JC you ready?" Jason asked, as they heard Britney finish up 'Sometimes'. "Yeah." JC said. "Ok, here we go." Jason said. Britney's song ended and the lights dim. "Hey everyone I'm here with JC." Jason said. "Hey everyone." JC said. "JC, how's the tour going?" Jason asked. "It's going great, we having a blast." JC said. "Anything special in store tonight?" Jason asked. "We'll we have a couple things planned, but I can say that we are going to be performing out new hit single amongst other things we have planned." JC said. "Cool, and for those of you who haven't heard the new single its awesome." Jason said. "Ok, JC one last thing, will you introduce Britney's next song?" Jason asked. "Sure, give it up for Britney and 'Baby one more time'." JC said.

Britney began her next set with 'Baby one more time', while the guys got ready to start their first set. Jason stood by the stage waiting for Britney to finish up her show. The camera had gone back to the audience leaving the backstage free of cameras. "Alright, whence Britney is done, I'll be on stage and introduce you guys, then we'll start with 'Everybody', Backstreet Boys will be on stage, then we'll fade to 'Here We Go' and N Sync will appear on stage." Jason said. "Britney has four more songs till she is done." Justin said. "Ok, in that case you guys need to hurry." Jason said. Justin and JC waited by Jason, as they prepared to start their show.

Britney finished up her last set, and the arena went black. Jason quickly took the stage to announce the boys. "GIVE IT UP FOR THE BACKSTREET BOYS AND NSYNC!" Jason yelled into his microphone. The stage went dark and the music to 'Everybody' came on, as Jason quickly walked off stage. The Backstreet Boys appeared the dark stage as shadows; a dim light appeared on Brian, allowing the audience to see his profile. One by one a dim light appeared over each of the guys, as AJ began his part the lights all came on and the guys began to dance.

Oh my god we're back again Brothers sisters everybody sing Gonna bring the flavor Show you how Gotta question for you Better answer now

Nick and Brian took Center stage, and began their verse. As the Backstreet Boys performed NSYNC got ready to come one stage. "Ok guys get to your spots you have about 2mins before you on stage." Jason said.

Am I original? Yeah Am I the only one? Yeah Am I sexual? Yeah Am I everything you need? You better rock your body now

Everybody yeah Rock your body yeah Everybody Rock your body right Backstreet's back alright, alright Alright

Now throw your hands up in the air And wave 'em around like you just don't care If you wanna party let me hear you yell Cause we've got it goin' on again

Am I original? Yeah Am I the only one? Yeah Am I sexual? Yeah Am I everything you need You better rock your body now

"N Sync are in their place." Allison said over the walkie-talkie. "Ok, they'll be appearing right after the chorus." Jason replied over the walkie-talkie.

Everybody yeah Rock your body yeah Everybody Rock your body right Backstreet's back alright Alright

As the chorus finished N Sync appeared on stage through the elevators in the stage, they appeared in the background in the shadows. They quickly joined in on the dance routine as The Backstreet Boys finished up 'Everybody'.

Woo woo wooo Woooooooooo Woo woo wooo Woooooooooo

So everybody everywhere Don't be afraid don't have no fear I'm gonna tell the world Make you understand As long as there'll be music We'll be comin' back again

Everybody yeah Rock your body yeah Everybody Rock your body right (rock your body right) Backstreet's

Everybody yeah (rock your body) Rock your body yeah (rock your body) Everybody (rock your body) Rock your body right (rock your body) Backstreet's back alright Alright

As 'Everybody' finished, the music mixed with 'Here We Go' and N Sync took the front with the Backstreet Boys fading to the background, and dancing with N Sync. As 'Here We Go' Faded 'I Want You Back' came on and The Backstreet Boys faded off stage leaving N Sync to perform.

After I want you back finished the guys all took a seat on stage and the Backstreet Boys all came out. "Hey Los. Angeles what's up!" Justin said. The crowd scream loudly, Brian sat down next to Justin, Nick and Lance sat near each other, JC sat next to Justin, Chris and Joey sat above them and Kevin AJ and Howie said below Justin and Brian. "Hey everyone we want to thank you all for being here." Brian said. "Tonight we doing a live pay-per-view, this is the first time ever that we do a pay-per-view with both The Backstreet Boys and N Sync." Lance said. "Right now we are going to do two songs for you." Kevin said. "The first is a song that was one of our best singles and a song we love to do, its called "All I Have To Give." AJ said. "Then we are going to sing, my favorite song 'God Must Have Spent'." Justin said. With that the music started and the Backstreet Boys because to sing 'All I Have To Give' with N Sync acting as the back up dancers.

After 'God Must Have Spent' faded out Jason was on one of the balconies on the stage the camera zoomed in. "Hey everyone that was N Sync and the Backstreet Boys, I've got Justin up here with me. Hey Just." Jason said. "Hey Jay, hey everyone at home and in the arena." Justin said. "So Justin would you please tell use about this next song." Jason asked. "We'll this is out newest single and its called Bye Bye Bye. We love this song because it has a new style and its show that our music is grow with our fans." Justin said. "N Sync with Bye Bye Bye." Jason said. The guys appeared on stage and the music began. The crowd screamed out loudly as the guys preformed.

Jason walked back to he backstage area, where the Backstreet Boys were preparing for there next set. "You ready to go?" Brian asked the guys. "Yeah." Nick said. "Hey that song is awesome." Brian said as he watched N Sync perform. "Do I sense a trader?" AJ joked. Brian stuck his middle finger up at AJ. "Hey Justin might get jealous." AJ said. "He would get jealous I'd never do it with you, I only do that with Justin." Brian said. "Ok guys the song is wrapping up get in you spots." Jason said.

The pyrotechnics when off and the lights when out and N Sync was gone, again the pyrotechnics when off again and Backstreet Boys took the stage with 'Larger Than Life'. The concert finished with Backstreet Boys and N Sync singing 'The Perfect Fan' and 'Music of My Heart'. Jason and JC put their all into the ending of 'Music of My Heart'.

Jason and Justin laid sprawled out on the couches in N Sync's dressing room. "You two look like crap." Lance said as he looked at Jason and Justin. "Hey my baby is looks wonderful, he's just tired." JC said. Jason laid curled up on the couch with his eyes closed. JC knelt down in from of Jason; he rubbed his hand over Jason's cheek. "Baby its time to go to the hotel." JC said. "Ok." Jason said.

Justin's Dream Chapter 15 (Jason's Birthday)

Jason slept quietly in the bed; JC was quietly talking on the phone. "Thanks, I'll pick it up in an hour." JC said, then quickly hung up the phone and crawled back into bed next to Jason. Jason stirred as he felt JC wrap his arms around his body. Jason turned towards JC; he smiled as his eyes fell upon JC's crystal blue eyes. "Good morning baby." JC said. Jason yawned, "Good morning babe." Jason said. Jason snuggled closely to JC; it was their first complete day off in a week. JC held Jason tightly in his arms, Jason laid his head next to JC's, "I don't ever want to let you go." JC said. "Me either." Jason said softly.

Justin walked down to Jason and JC's room, as he reached the door he knocked. Justin walked a few seconds, and then JC opened the door in a T-shirt and boxers. "Did I wake you guys up?" Justin asked. "No, I just got out of the shower." JC said. "I?" Justin said. "What I can't take a shower by myself?" JC asked. "Well you can, but the question is did you." Justin replied. "None or your business." JC said. "Figures I knew you didn't shower alone." Justin said. "Maybe I did, maybe I didn't." JC said. "Uh Huh." Justin said. "Well are you going to let me in or what?" Justin said. "Oh, sorry." JC said. JC opened the door and let Justin in. "Is your boyfriend ready?" Justin asked. "Yeah he's fixing his hair." JC said. "Hey J are you ready?" Justin called out to Jason. "Yeah just a second, I need to get my sneakers." Jason said as he walked out of the bathroom. "Which pair?" JC asked in a laugh. Jason stuck his middle finger up at JC. "Not now, we have company." JC said with a grin. "Oh that's ok, go right ahead I'll just watch some TV." Justin said with a laugh.

"Ok I'm ready lets go." Jason said. "So where are you two going?" JC asked. "Probably site seeing, maybe hit a few stores, and then grab something to eat." Justin said. "Ok cool, have fun." JC said. Jason walked up to JC, and kissed him on the lips gently. Jason and JC shared a short yet passionate kiss; Jason released JC's lips. "I will babe." Jason said in response to JC's comment. JC smiled, "I'll be waiting for you when you get back." JC said. "Oh, I can't wait." Jason said with a grin. Jason grabbed his cell phone and keys, he closed the door as he and Justin left.

Brian walked to the door as he heard a knock, as he opened the door he saw Leigh Anne standing at the entrance. "Hi Leigh Anne, is there something I can do for you?" Brian said. "Hi Brian, actually I just wanted to see you before you left to head back to Orlando, and see if you would like to go to lunch... As friends that's is." Leigh Anne said. Brian let Leigh Anne into the room, "Well, ok as friends, just let me get my sneakers." Brian said. "Ok." Leigh Anne said.

Brian and Leigh Anne sat at Olive Garden, Brian had ordered a grilled chicken salad and an iced tea, Leigh Anne ordered the same except a diet coke instead of iced tea. "Excuse me for a minute Leigh Anne I need to use the rest room." Brian said as he finished his salad. "Ok, take your time." Leigh Anne said with a smile. "I'll be back in a few minutes." Brian said. Brian quickly left and went to the restroom, whence Brian was out of sight Leigh Anne reached in her purse and pulled out a small bottle. Leigh Anne looked around, then quickly opened the bottle and emptied the white powder into Brian's Iced Tea. Leigh Anne returned the bottle to her purse. 'You'll be all mine Brian, Justin will never want you after I'm done.' Leigh Anne said in her mind.

Brian returned shortly there after. Brian and Leigh Anne continued to chat over desert, Brian finished off his iced tea while the talked about their careers. "Leigh Anne, do you mind if we head back to the hotel, I'm feeling a little tired." Brian said. "Ok, sure." Leigh Anne said.

"I think Brian will love that." Justin said as he pointed to a Kentucky sweatshirt. "Actually Brian only loves one thing and that's you, but I think he'll like the shirt." Jason said with a smile. Justin smiled widely, "I love him too." Justin said. "What do you feel like eating?" Jason said. "Hmm... Chinese sounds good." Justin said as he picked up the sweatshirt. "Yeah that sounds good." Jason said. "You might want to bring some back for JC, he likes Chinese food." Justin said. "Ok." Jason said. "Jason, what was it like when you and JC first stated going out?" Justin asked. "It was new to both of us, well you know that we had both dated in the past, but we dated girls. So it was different but we feel so much for each other, it's hard to explain." Jason said. "Yeah I know what you mean, I think it's the same with me and Brian, its just this wonderful feeling I get when we are together." Justin said. Jason smiled, "I guess that's the way it is when you're in love." Jason said. "Well let's pay for this then go eat." Jason said. "Yeah good Idea." Justin said.

Brian and Leigh Anne sat on the bed talking, Brian was falling in and out of conscienceless as the drugs began to take effect on his system, Leigh Anne took this to her advantage and began to fondle Brian. Brian moaned, without a word Brian passed out on the bed. 'Alright Leigh Anne you have to make it look like you and Brian sleep together.' Leigh Anne said to herself. Leigh Anne quickly removed Brian's clothes and then laid him under the covers. Leigh Anne removed her own clothes and got into bed next to Brian, "You be mine very soon, Brian." Leigh Anne said as she lay next to Brian.

Justin and Jason sat eating their supper at Peking Palace. Jason finished his desert while he and Justin talked about plans for while they were in Orlando. "Well we should probably get back to the hotel, I can't leave JC alone for too long." Jason joked. "Ok, but I'm paying you paid for my stuff today." Justin said, and Jason nodded.

Justin and Jason rode the elevator up to their rooms. "Well thanks for a great day, I really had fun." Justin said. "I had fun too, maybe next time we can take the boyfriends." Jason said with a laugh. "Yeah but then we can't shop for them." Justin said. "Oh that's right, I have to hide this stuff I can't let JC see what I bought." Jason said. Justin laughed, and pulled his keys out of his pocket. "So what are you doing tomorrow?" Justin asked. "Probably sleeping in, JC likes to sleep." Jason said. Justin laughed again, "Yeah he does." "Well see you later." Justin said as he opened the door. Jason nodded and pulled his keys from his pocket as Justin closed the door to his and Brian's room.

"Brian I'm back." Justin said as he placed his bags by the bed without at the bed. Justin looked up at the bed, and saw Brian sleeping. Justin looked more closely and noticed another figure in the bed with Brian; Justin looked again and noticed it was Leigh Anne. "What the Hell!" Justin yelled. "What the hell is going on in here?" Justin yelled out again.

Jason dropped his bags and walked over to Brian and Justin's room. Jason opened the door saw Justin standing at the foot of the bed. Leigh Anne opened her eyes and looked at Justin, and Jason standing in front of them. Brian groaned, and trying to open his eyes. Brian looked up at Justin with his eyes half open, "Justin please don't yell, my head hurts." Brian said. "What the hell do you think your doing?" Justin asked again a little calmer, by now Kevin, Britney, and JC has showed up at Brian and Justin's room. "What do you mean what's going on?" Brian said as he tried to stay awake. "What is Leigh Anne doing sleeping with you in our bed?" Justin asked rising his voice. Brian sat straight up and looked at Leigh Anne.

"Was it good for you?" Leigh Anne asked Brian. Brian looked at Leigh Anne then at Justin, who had tears slowly falling down his face. "Justin, I... I..." "You've done enough Brian" Justin said as he left the room in tears. Britney left after Justin and head back to her room, Jason looked at JC; JC nodded and head out after Justin. "Kevin, close the door." Jason said calmly. "Brian start talking and do it fast." Jason said as his face turned to one of seriousness. "I... I don't know what happened. I swear." Brian said. "What happened Leigh Anne?" Jason said with an angered tone of voice. "Brian and I made passionate love." Leigh Anne said. "We did what?" Brian asked as he grabbed his head in pain. "Can I please have some aspirin?" Brian asked. Kevin nodded and went to the bathroom to get Brian some aspirin. "Brian did you drink tonight?" Jason asked. "I only had an iced tea with lunch." Brian said as Kevin handed him a glass of water and two aspirin. "Leigh Anne, get dressed and leave." Jason said. "No." Leigh Anne said. "Leigh Anne you have five minutes to get dressed and be out of this room and on an elevator downstairs before I call security." Jason said. "But..." "NO buts I said leave." Jason said raising his voice. Leigh Anne wrapped a blanket around herself and grabbed her close she went into the bathroom and quickly dressed.

"I'll call you Brian." Leigh Anne said as she left. Leigh Anne walked out and Jason turned back to Brian. "What happened?" Jason asked. "All I remember is Leigh Anne asked me to go to lunch with her so I did, then we came back here because I was feeling tired, but I swear I didn't have sex with her." Brian said as tears began to fill his eyes. "Alright Brian, I believe you. However your going to need to talk to Justin, but tonight probably isn't the right time to do that. He'll need sometime, I'm going to let him sat in my and JC's room we have a couch that unfolds into a bed he can use. But tomorrow you two need to talk." Jason said. Brian nodded, "Tell him I'm sorry I didn't mean to hurt him." Brian said as the tears flowed down his face. Jason walked over to Brian; Jason sat on the bed and hugged Brian. Brian hugged Jason and let the tears flow from his eyes. "Brian get some sleep, and tomorrow things will be better." Jason said. Brian nodded, "Thank you." Jason said.

Britney stood by the elevator as Leigh Anne came down the hall with a smile on her face. Leigh Anne looked up as she reached the elevator, as she did she feel the impact of a hand slapping her on the cheek. "That was for hurting Justin." Britney said. Before Leigh Anne could react, she felt another slap to the face. "That was for hurting Brian, and this one is because I don't like you." Britney said as he punched Leigh in the jaw. "You bitch!" Leigh Anne said. "Sorry I'm not you." Britney said as she walked off. Leigh Anne turned to attack Britney but was quickly restrained by JC, who had walked out of his room when he heard the fighting. "You need to leave now, Leigh Anne before Britney really hurts you." JC said with a straight face. Leigh Anne pulled away and got on the elevator. The doors closed and JC turned to Britney. "How is he?" Britney asked. JC shook his head, and then looked back towards his room. Britney nodded and walked back to her room. JC walked into his and Jason's room again, Justin sat on the couch curled up in a ball, with tears streaming down his face.

"I can't believe he cheated on me." Justin repeated over and over. Jason walked into the room and placed his bags by the bed, then walked over to where Justin sat. Jason sat down near Justin and placed his hand on Justin's back. Justin looked at Jason and began to cry, Jason wrapped his arms Justin. Justin lets his tears flow freely. "Justin why don't you get some sleeps?" Jason said. Justin nodded, "I'll go see if Chris or Joey will let me sleep in their room tonight." Justin said. "You can stay here tonight, the couch folds out into a bed." Jason said. "No, I don't want to bother you two." Justin said. "You're staying here." JC said. "Thanks guys." Justin said. Jason hugged Justin again, "It'll be alright, and you need to talk to him tomorrow." Jason said. Justin nodded. JC called down to the front desk and had a couple blankets and pillows brought up for Justin.

Justin lay under the covers, the tears had finally stopped and he had finally fallen asleep after spending time talking with Jason. He felt a little better, yet still had the feeling of being hurt, and betrayed. Jason hadn't told him what Brian had said, he want Brian to tell Justin himself.

Justin sleep, through the night troubled by dreams of hurt and pain, that had plagued his life from the separation of his parents to the divorce that followed to Brian betraying him. Justin sat up on the couch, and brought his knees to his chest, as he wrapped his arms are them. Justin rocked himself back and forth on the couch quietly as he whimpered softly. "Justin? Are you all right?" Jason asked. Justin just shook his head. Jason sat on the couch with Justin, "Do you want to talk about it?" Jason asked. "I just need someone to hold me." Justin whispered softly. Jason motioned for Justin to move closer, Justin did so. Jason wrapped his arms around Justin. Justin rested his head on Jason's shoulder. No words were exchanged; Jason knew Justin just need to feel secure, and to know that someone was there.

Justin spend the day with JC and Jason, he didn't have the strength the confront Brian. Brian had decided to give Justin his space; he had planned on talking to Justin before Jason's surprise party, hoping Justin would speak to him. Brian stood from the bed and walked to the door, hoping it was Justin who was knocking. Brian opened the door; his hopes were dampened as he noticed it was JC. "Hi JC." Brian said weakly. "Are you alright Brian?" JC asked. Brian shook his head as his eyes filled with tears. "I really screwed up JC." Brian said. JC walked in and closed the door. Brian stood before JC, the tears beginning to break through one by one streaming down Brian's face. "I only have one question Brian." JC said. Brian looked up at JC, his faced stained with the tears he had shed. "Did you sleep with her?" JC asked. Brian looked into JC's eyes, "No." Brian said. JC slowly pulled Brian in to a hug. "Then you need to tell Justin that. He wants so bad to believe that, but he needs to hear it from you." JC said. Brian pulled back and nodded. "Ok." Brian said. "Well Justin asked me to get him some clothes." JC said. Brian walked over to Justin's bags and picked out some clothes and gave them to JC. "Thanks." JC said. Brian nodded. "It'll be alright Brian whence you talk to him." JC said.

"No Peaking." Justin said as he tied the blindfold to cover Jason's eyes. "You guys aren't going to make a fool out of me are you?" Jason asked. "Would you stop worrying, you're worse then my little sister." JC said. Jason stuck his tongue out at JC. "Ok we're ready to go." Justin said. JC opened the door and took Jason's hand. "Where are we going?" Jason asked. "You'll see." Justin said. "Actually I'm blindfolded I can't see." Jason said sarcastically. Justin and JC lead Jason down to the lounge that was reserved for the party. "Ok, now I'm going to remove the blindfold." Justin said. "Ok I think I'll close my eyes then I'm afraid to see what you two have done." Jason said sarcastically. Justin removed the blindfold, and everyone yelled surprise. Jason jumped, from the shock. Jason then leaned over to JC, "I'll get you for this." Jason said. "I had nothing to do with it, it was all Justin and Brian's idea." JC said. Jason looked at Justin. "Revenge is sweet." Jason said. Justin laughed, "Happy Birthday." Justin said. "Thanks." Jason said.

Jason, JC and Justin all took a seat at one of the tables, and the DJ started playing the music. Brian sat at a separate table with Kevin, AJ and Howie. Brian knew he needed to talk to Justin. 'Larger than Life came one and Jason, JC and Justin got on the dance floor and danced to the beat of the music. As the song end Jason, JC and Justin all returned to the table, everyone gathered around as the cake was brought out. They guys sung happy birthday to Jason, and waited for him to blow out the candles. Jason thought for a moment then blew out all the candles. The guys all gave Jason the gifts they had bought for him, then the DJ started up the music again. Jason thanked everyone, and sipped his sprite.

"Justin me and JC are going to dance, you want to come?" Jason asked. Justin shook his head and Jason and JC head out on the dance floor and danced to Tearin' Up My Heart. Brian sat alone at the table, looking down at this glass of iced tea. He was trying to build up the courage to talk to Justin. Brian stood, and began to walk to Justin as he heard the DJ begin to play 'Almost Paradise'.

I thought that dreams belong to other men

Cause each time I got close they'd fall apart again

I fear my heart would beat in secrecy

I faced the nights alone

Oh how could I have known?

That all my life I only need you

Brian walked nervously over to Justin. "Justin." Brian said. Justin looked up at Brian. "Can I have this dance?" Brian asked softly, as he stretched out his hand to Justin. Brian feared that Justin would reject him. Justin grasped Brian's hand, and they walked to the dance floor. Brian placed his hands on Justin's waist; Justin wrapped his arms around Brian's neck, as they slowly began to dance. In the distant Jason and JC slowly danced with the softly ballad..v

Almost Paradise, we're knocking on heaven's door

Almost Paradise, How we ask for more

I swear that I could see forever in your eyes


Jason laid his head on JC's shoulder, as the two danced. Brian looked into Justin's eyes, 'I'm sorry' Brian said without words. Justin laid his head on Brian's shoulder, "I love you, Brian." Justin said. "I love you too Justin, and I never meant to hurt you." Brian whispered into Justin's ear. Brian and Justin moved closer together, as they danced.

Its seems that perfect love is so hard to fine

I almost given up, you must have read my mind

And all these dreams I saved for a rainy day

They're finally coming true I'll share them all with you

Cause now we hold the future in our hands

JC whispered gently into Jason's ear as they danced, "Happy birthday, baby." Jason smiled, "I love you JC." Jason said. "I Love you too, Jason. With all my heart." JC said. Jason closed his eyes as his head rested on JC's shoulder.

Almost Paradise, we're knocking on heaven's door

Almost Paradise, How we ask for more

I swear that I could see forever in your eyes


No words were spoken as Jason and JC, and Brian and Justin shared a moment that would shape their lives. Justin found comfort and security in Brian's arms; Brian felt he has returned home in Justin's arms. Jason felt JC's love flowing through his strong arms as he held Jason. JC sensed the love that bonded him to Jason as they shared the warmth that their bodies radiated.

And in your arms salvation's not so far away

Its' getting closer, closer everyday

Justin lifted his head and looked into Brian's eyes. Justin could see a small tear forming in the corner of Brian's right eye. Justin lifted his hand and brought it to Brian's face, Justin rested the palm of his hand on Brian's cheek and wiped the tear away with his thumb. With slow and gently movements Brian and Justin's lips touched. Brian longed to felt the gently and warm touch of Justin's sweet lips. Brian savored the touch of their lips, the kiss lasted for mere seconds, but to Brian and Justin it felt like and entity.

Almost Paradise, we're knocking on heaven's door

Almost Paradise, How we ask for more

I swear that I could see forever in your eyes




Brian took Justin hand and they left the dance floor and the lounge. Brian leaded the way to the elevators and up to their room. Brian closed the door, as Justin stood nervously before Brian. They had made love many times but Justin was still nervous. Brian walked over to Justin; he took Justin's hand into his own. "I'm sorry." Brian said. "Its alright Brian, I know you would never hurt me." Justin said. Brian and Justin's lips met, and it was a gently yet passionate kiss.

Justin released Brian's lips, Brian opened his eyes and looking deep into his eyes were Justin's eyes. Justin wrapped his arms around Brian's neck, he leaned forward and began another gently kiss with Brian. Brian wrapped his arms around Justin's waist. Brian allowed Justin to control the pace of their lovemaking. Justin moved slowly on Brian's lips, the kiss was slow and gentle. Justin parted his lips, as did Brian, Justin allowed his tongue to slid into Brian's mouth. Brian allowed Justin's tongue to massage his tongue. The passion and heat that they bodies released began to fill the room. Justin slowly allowed his tongue to slide back into his mouth, and gently released Brian's lips. Brian stared into Justin's eyes as Justin moved his hands to Brian's waist. Justin gently tugged on Brian's shirt; Brian raised his arms to help Justin. Justin lifted the shirt off of Brian's smooth chest. They kissed again as Brian pulled on Justin's shirt. Justin released Brian's lips and lifted his arms allowing Brian to pull off his shirt. Brian let the shirt drop to the floor; Brian placed his hand on Justin's smooth chest. Justin moaned as he felt Brian moving his baby soft hands over his chest.

Justin placed his hand on Brian's strong back and began to rub his hands over the warm skin. Justin moved his hands down Brian's back and to his waist. Justin unbuttoned Brian's pants and allowed them to fall down Brian's legs. Brian held on to Justin's shoulders and stepped out of his pants. Brian placed his hands on the button to Justin's cargo pants. Brian unbuttoned Justin's pants and let them drop down Justin's legs. Justin held on to Brian as he stepped out of his pants. Justin pushed Brian towards the bed; Brian reached the bed and laid back onto the bed. Justin crawled upon Brian's body, and they began another kiss. Brian's hands roamed Justin's back as they kissed. Justin released Brian's lips and lifted his body; Justin carried Brian to the head of the bed. Brian looked up at Justin with a tender smile. Justin leaned back down and began to suck upon the tender flesh of Brian's neck. Brian moaned softly adding to the passion that was building between them. Brian's hands held Justin's shoulders; Justin licked the small hickey that was forming on Brian's neck.

Justin moved his lips down Brian's chest, Justin lick Brian's chest and abs, causing Brian to moan loudly. Brian giggled as Justin's tongue pasted over his navel. Justin grabbed the waistband of Brian's boxers, Justin pulled down Brian's boxers. Brian moaned as his penis was released. Justin rubbed his hands over Brian's tights. Brian moaned as he felt Justin's soft hands rubbing his sensitive spots. Justin knew each of part of Brian's body that brought him pleasure.

Justin kissed his way up to Brian's pink lips, Brian moaned softly as he felt Justin's lips work their way his abs, and chest. Justin kissed Brian's lips passionately, allowing his tongue to flow into Brian's open mouth. As the kiss ended Brian stared into Justin's eyes, "Make love to me, please." Brian said. Justin smiled and kissed Brian's nose. Brian spread his legs, and allowed Justin to slip between them. Justin slowly entered Brian; Brian tensed but quickly adjusted to having Justin in him. Brian placed his hands on Justin's shoulders, as Justin began a slow and steady pace in Brian. "Oh Justin..." Brian moaned softly. Justin's lips explored Brian's chest, with soft gentle kisses. Brian continued to moan as Justin brought more and more pleasure to him.

Brian's strong, yet gentle hands roamed Justin's smooth body, as they made passionate love. Justin release soft moans, "Oh... ah... Brian... I... love you." Justin moaned. Brian and Justin's lips met, they kissed passionately, as their bodies touched, and shared in the pleasure they were creating together as they shared their love for each other. Justin moved faster in Brian, as he felt himself coming closer to coming in Brian. Brian tensed as he felt a surge in his penis, as he shot is load on Justin's abs. Justin felt Brian's ass muscle tighten around his penis; Justin called out Brian's name as he shot his cum up Brian's ass. Justin collapsed in Brian's arms as he finished coming in Brian.

Whence Justin had recovered he rolled over Brian and lay next to him. Brian wrapped his arms around Justin. "Thank you." Brian whispered, as they drifted off to sleep. Justin smiled and snuggled close to Brian's warm body. He had returned home, in Brian's arms.

JC and Jason lay asleep in their bed, after their session of love making, both extremely tired, but a smiled graced both their faces as they held each other. "This is the best birthday I've ever had JC, Thank you." Jason whispered. JC moaned softy as he slept quietly next to Jason.

To Be Continued....

Well its finished... only a month late... For those of you who have been waiting its finally here... sorry to leave you hanging so long... but it was beyond my control. I promise to get the next one out sooner...

Ok, thanks goes out to all my readers your guys and gals are the best, thanks so much for your support. Also thanks goes out to JM, who wrote the first sex scene between Brian and Justin in this part, Thanks JM, you're the best. Also, I need to thank, Matt, Jeff, Christina, and everyone else who has been there in the last few weeks.

Ok... well I want your comments on this part, because I need to decide where to go from here and I want your suggestions, I also want people to give me ideas on who to develop Nick and Lance's relationship and where it should lead to.

Oh, I'm also sorry to disappoint all you Leigh Anne fans but I need a villain and Leigh Anne just fits the role perfectly, don't ya think? We haven't see the last of Leigh Anne, or have we... I also need ideas on how you want the other characters developed, I have ideas for a few and those will show up in the next part, anyone who give me an idea or suggestion I used will get an advance copy of the next segment.

One to www.bsbnsync.com as some of you who visited the site on a regular basic know its been down for about a month or more... it will be back up on the 22nd of December late in the evening sorry about the down time, we had software issues to deal with, which have now been taken care off... If you had email or other services with us, you may need to reapply for these services, please email mailadmin@bsbnsync.com for the free email service (email server will only be up on the 23rd this address will not work till then.) Or if you were subscribed to the mailing list email bwbbowner@bsbnsync.com (email server will only be up on the 23rd this address will not work till then). For all other news on bsbnsync.com check out the site info page at http://www.bsbnsync.com/bsbnsync/siteinfo.html on the 22nd. For a complete list of changes and things that need to be completed.

Comments, Suggestions, questions can be sent to bsbnsync@ctel.net

  • Curlybrok

Next: Chapter 9

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