Justins Dream

By Curlybrok

Published on Feb 20, 2000


Justin's Dream Part 9 Chapters 16 through 20 Curlybrok Email curlybrok@bsbnsync.com or bsbnsync@ctel.net

Justin's Dream is a completely fictional story revolving around a relationship between Justin R. Timberlake of *N Sync and Brian T. Littrell of Backstreet Boys. As well as a relationship between Joshua S. Chasez and a fictional character and a relationship between James Lance Bass and Nick G. Carter.

This story is not meant to imply the sexual orientation of any member of *N Sync or Backstreet Boys, this is a fictional story and should be taken as such. As always any comments, questions or suggestion should be emailed to me at the addresses above. Thanks goes out to JM, Jeff, Christina, Matt, and all my readers.

Justin's Dream Chapter 16

The Learjet touched down at Orlando International Airport at 1:30pm. The guys had finally returned home after the first leg of their US tour. They walked to the luggage claim area, with security keep the area clear of fans; the guys were relieved to have more security after a near disastrous situation at Los Angeles International early that day. Jason stood staring at the ring on his finger and remembering the night before with a gentle smile upon his face. He remembered JC blindfolding him before they went up to their room. JC had prepared a candle lit dinner, following the meal JC knelt before Jason and proposed marriage. He remembered saying yes, one word that would change his life forever.

"Jason! Jason!" JC said. "Uh? Oh sorry JC." Jason said. "Everything alright?" JC asked. "Yeah everything is fine, I just have a lot on my mind." Jason replied. "Ok, well we should get going before we attract too much attention." JC said. Jason nodded, and the guys left the airport, and headed home.

Justin opened the door to the house and walked in with all his luggage, followed by Brian, JC, and Jason. Justin dropped his bags by the stairs and picked up a note Lynn had left on the small table by the stairs. "Jason here catch" Justin said as he tossed Jason a key, "It a key to the house" Justin said as Jason caught the key. Brian closed the door, and walked over to Justin. "Here you go." Justin said as he handed Brian the other key. "What this for?" Brian asked, "It's a key to the house." Justin said. Brian nodded and looked on as Justin finished reading the note.

"I'm going to take a shower." Jason said. "Ok, my room is up the stairs first door on the left." JC said. Jason nodded and walked up the stairs to JC's room. Jason dropped his bags by the king size bed, and walked into the bathroom to shower. JC dropped his bags by his dresser and began to unpack the dirty clothes and throw them in the laundry pile. JC decide to change in to something a little more comfortable, he picked out a pair of Tommy boxers, Nike shorts and ankle sock, no shirt. JC walked out his room and brought his dirty close down the hall to the washroom, and began to do his laundry. JC walked back to his room and saw Jason lying on his stomach on the bed in only a towel. JC straddled Jason's legs and began to massage Jason's back. Jason adjusted to JC's weight and allowed JC to work out all the tension in his muscle.

JC worked the stress and tension out of Jason's back and shoulders, working his way down to Jason's lower back. Jason soon drifted to sleep as he felt JC massaging his aching muscles. JC got off of Jason when he noticed Jason had fallen asleep. He walked down stairs and into the living room where Brian and Justin laid on the floor watching TV. "What are you watching?" JC asked. "Matrix." Justin said as he continued to watch the TV. JC laid down on one of the couches and made himself comfortable. "Where's Jason?" Brian asked. "He's sleeping" JC said. Brian nodded and returned his attention to the TV.

Brian, Justin and JC sat in the living room eating pizza when Jason came down the stairs in a pair of shorts and Nike ankle socks. He rubbed the sleep from he eyes and looked down at the 3 men sitting on the floor laughing and having a good time. Justin looked up, "Well look who's up." Justin said. Jason smiled then walked over to JC and sat down in his lap. "Hey sweetie." JC said as he kissed Jason's cheek. "What time is it?" Jason asked. "Its almost 4pm." Brian replied. Jason nodded and laid his head on JC's shoulder. JC wrapped his right arm around Jason, and continued to talk with Brian and Justin.

JC rested his head against Jason's and noticed that Jason was running a small fever. JC lifted his head and place his left hand on Jason's forehead. "Jason you're coming down with something." JC said. "I'm fine JC." Jason said. "No your not, you're coming down with something." JC said again. "JC I'm fine." Jason repeated. "But..." JC was quickly interrupted by Jason. "No buts, I said I was fine." Jason said again. "Does he always win?" Brian asked. "Always." JC and Justin said together. "I do not." Jason said childishly. "You do too, even when we were kids you always got your way." Justin said. "Wait I thought you too didn't know you were brothers?" Brian said. "We didn't but we were best friends." Justin said. "Oh." Brian said. "We uses to live near each other till I moved out here for the Mickey Mouse Club. Then Jason only visited on Weekends, and usually only once or twice a month." Justin replied. "Oh ok I get it." Brian said.

"Well today is your turn to lose." Justin said as he got up and walked out of the room. Jason looked confused till Justin came back with cough syrup and Tylenol. Jason covered his mouth with his hand. "Oh no you don't" JC said as he fought to pull Jason's hands away from his mouth. Justin knelt next to Jason and prepared the cough syrup. "Come on Jason, its only cough syrup." JC said. "I don't like cough..." before Jason could finish Justin had shoved a spoonful of cough syrup in Jason's mouth. Jason reluctantly swallowed the cough syrup. "There that wasn't so bad." Justin laughed. Jason managed to free one of his hands and stuck up this middle finger at Justin. "Sorry you're not my type." Justin laughed. Jason was about to say something when JC put his hand on Jason's mouth. "I love it when you talk dirty." JC said. Jason finally gave up and took the second spoonful of cough syrup and the Tylenol. "Are you happy now?" Jason said to JC. "Yes very." JC said and kissed Jason's lips. When JC released Jason's lips, Jason looked at him and said "Now your going to be sick too." Jason said. "That's ok, I'll have you to look after me." JC said and kissed Jason's lips again.

Justin walked back to the kitchen to return the cough syrup and bottle of Tylenol. JC lay back against the couch and wrapped a blanket around Jason and himself. Jason snuggled closely to JC and rested his head on JC's shoulder. Justin walked back into the room and lay on the floor by Brian and returned to watching the movie. Jason closed his eyes and smiled as he enjoyed being held by JC. Jason had always loved to be held, he felt secure, and safe in JC's strong arms of love.

When the movie end, JC looked down at Jason, who was fast asleep in his arms, with a smile, JC kissed Jason's lips tenderly. JC moved his right arm to Jason's back, and his left arm under Jason's knees and lifted him up as he stood. Jason snuggled closer to JC's warm body. Justin looked up and saw Jason asleep in JC's arms. Justin smiled, and JC whispered that he was going to bed. Justin and Brian nodded, as Brian stood. JC carried Jason up the stairs as Brian helped Justin stand. JC carried Jason into his room, and laid him on the bed, he pulled off Jason's socks and shorts. JC pulled the covers over Jason, he placed a kiss on Jason's forehead, and he then went into the bathroom to get ready for bed.

Brian and Justin walked quietly upstairs hand in hand, as they head to bed. Soon they were all sound asleep, as the night wore on. Their minds were at ease from the troubles and worries of the day. They rested peacefully, for in a short time the light of day would bring about the days activities, as the guys would be busy with the work that need to get done for the tour and new albums.

Lynn arrived home during the night, she had decided to come home early and surprise her boys, and JC and Brian. She quietly walked up the stairs, and stopped by JC's room and peered in to see JC and Jason sleeping wrapped in each other's arms. Lynn smiled before walking down to Justin's room; she quietly walked in, and watched her youngest son, sleeping with his boyfriend. She walked over to Justin and knelt beside him. Lynn adjusted the covers, "I love you, Justin." Lynn said, before kissing her son on the cheek. "I love you too mommy." Justin whispered in his sleep. Lynn smiled then left and went to her own room, to catch up on sleep.

Justin awoke to the smell of someone cooking breakfast, he was in a state between sleep and conscience ness, as the smell entered his room. Justin soon batted his eyes open, and looked at the sleeping figure next to him. Justin smiled, and kissed Brian on the nose. Brian smiled and slowly began to awake, as he felt Justin's soft hands touching his cheek. "Morning Baby." Justin said as Brian looked into his eyes. Brian smiled brightly at Justin. "Morning." Brian said. "I think Jason and JC are up and making breakfast so we should probably shower and get down stairs." Justin said. "Ok." Brian said.

Justin stood from the bed, and walked over to his dress to pull out some clothes to wear. "Brian stop staring at my butt and get out of bed." Justin giggled. "But I'm comfortable here." Brian complained softly. "Well, if you don't get out of bed, you won't be able to shower with me." Justin said. Brian groaned, and got out of bed. Brian walked over to Justin. "Well let's go shower." Justin said. Brian followed Justin into the bathroom.

Brian and Justin finished getting dressed, and walked out of Justin's room and headed down stairs. As they came into the kitchen, Justin noticed his mom cooking, "Mom?" Justin said in slight confusion. "Good morning sweetie." Lynn said as she placed the pitcher of orange juice on the breakfast table. "Mom, what are you doing home?" Justin asked. "Oh, I'm only here for today I have to fly out to Los Angeles tonight with the girls, they are working with their album and are doing some recording in LA, but we had today off so I wanted to stop in and see my sons, and their boyfriends." Lynn said. Justin nodded and took a seat at the table.

The day was drawing to a close, as Lynn loaded her luggage her car. "I'll see you boys, in a week." Lynn said as she kissed her sons, goodbye. Jason and Justin smiled and hugged their mom, as they said their goodbyes. "We love you mom, see you in a week." Justin said. Lynn smiled and got into her car and headed for the airport.

Two weeks had past and it was time to hit the road again. Justin walked quickly into his bathroom looking frantically for his hair gel, "Brian have you seen my hair gel?" Justin yelled. "Yeah its in your bag." Brian called back. Justin sighed, "I hate packing," Justin mumbled. Justin grabbed his shaving kit, and few other toiletries and walked back into his room. "Justin relax a bit we're only head back out on tour, its not like your leaving home for good." Brian said. "I know, but I hate packing last minute like this, I just don't want to forget anything." Justin said. Brian nodded, and walked over to Justin. Brian placed his hands on Justin's shoulders, "Ok, close your eyes and take a deep breathe." Brian instructed as he rubbed Justin's shoulders. Justin did as Brian said, and slowly relaxed.

"Thanks Bri." Justin said as he opened his eyes. Brian smiled, and they continued to pack. "Ok I think I have everything." Justin said as he lugged his last bag front door. Justin sighed and dropped his bag to the floor. "Something wrong Justin?" JC asked. Justin frowned and looked away. "Justin?" JC said. "Do you want to talk about it?" JC asked. "Later, I'm too tired right now." Justin said lowly. JC walked over to Justin, "Ok, but you have to promise me we'll talk." JC said. Justin nodded, "I promise." Justin said. JC smiled and looked up the stairs as he saw Jason carrying down three bags down. JC quickly helped Jason with his bags. "Damn, you guys packed enough for an army." Lynn said as she walked into the house.

Justin looked away from his mother, knowing if she saw his facial expressions she would ask what was wrong, and that was the last thing Justin wanted right now. Lynn walked in and dropped her purse on the table by the door and turned towards JC. "So how long are you guys going to be gone?" Lynn asked. "About two and a half months." JC said. Lynn nodded, and looked towards Justin, who was trying to avoid his mother's eyes. "Something wrong Justin?" Lynn asked. "No, I'm just tired." Justin replied, JC gave Justin a looked over worry. "Are you sure?" Lynn asked. "Yes mom, I'm fine." Justin said. "You know I'm here for you?" Lynn said. "Mom, I'm fine can we please just drop it." Justin said raising his voice. "Justin, don't you raise your voice to me." Lynn said, as he gave Justin a stern expression. "I'm sorry mom, I'm just tired and need some time alone." Justin said. Lynn left the conversation at that and walked into her office. Justin walked into the living room, and sat down, he closed his eyes, took a deep breath and tried to control he emotions.

The guys arrived at Wright Entertainment's Orlando Headquarters and loaded their things onto the bus. Justin sighed as he stepped onto the bus; he walked to the bunks and through his backpack into one of the bottom bunks. He then walked into the lounge and sat on one of the couches. JC walked in and took a seat next to Justin, "Do you want to talk about what is bothering you?" JC asked. Justin shook his head no, "I don't know where to start, and its all confusing and I just don't have the strength to deal with it right now. I need some time to thing JC." Justin said. "I'm here for you Justin, anytime you need to talk." JC said. "Thanks JC." Justin said. JC nodded and left the lounge so Justin could have his space.

JC ran into Brian as he walked to the kitchen, "Have you seen Justin?" Brian asked JC. "Yeah he's in the back lounge, but Brian." JC said. Brian stopped and looked at JC. "Yeah?" Brian said. "He needs his space right now, he needs to think. Usually its best to give him sometime every so often to think on his own." JC said. Brian looked at JC, with an expression of uncertainty. JC sighed and looked at Brian. "I suppose we should talk." JC said. Brian nodded and they walked to another small lounge in the middle of the bus. "Brian, every so often Justin goes into one of those moods where he gets all confused and scared, he usually has a lot on his mind and doesn't know where to start to sort things out. We've found it best to let him have the time he needs to sort it out on his own, we support him in whatever way we can but he needs his time to think." JC said. Brian nodded, "So what do I do?" Brian asked. "Support him however you can but remember to give him his space." JC said. Brian nodded. JC stood, "He'll be fine, you don't need to worry." JC said as he left and head towards the kitchen once again.

Nick and AJ were playing Nintendo 64, in the first lounge, while JC, Joey, and Howie played cards. Kevin and Jason sat at one of the tables looking over the tour schedule and hotel listing for this leg of the tour. Chris was sitting on one of the couches reading a book; meanwhile Brian was asleep in his and Justin's bunk. Justin however was still in the back lounge he was no reading a book, and thinking about what was troubling him. The bus road smoothly down the highway, as both groups relaxed before they would start their lives on the road once again.

Justin soon felt a hand on his shoulder; he didn't look up, knowing it was Brian. "I couldn't sleep." Brian said in a low voice. Justin placed his right had over Brian's hand that rested on his shoulder. Justin took Brian's hand in his and lead Brian forward a bit, Justin helped Brian sit down between his legs, and rested Brian's back to his chest. "Is this better?" Justin asked. Brian nodded, and was soon fast asleep with his head resting on Justin's shoulder. Justin ran his fingers through Brian's hair as he continued to read his book. Justin closed his book as he finished another chapter, he placed it on the floor of the bus, and then adjusted his position soon he could be a little more comfortable.

Brian and Justin both had a smile on their face as they sleep quietly in the lounge. Chris smiled mischievously as he snap a picture of the sleeping couple. "Now only if they were naked, then it would really be funny." Chris joked with Joey, as they tired not to waking up Brian and Justin. "What are you doing?" Lance asked as he walked in to the lounge, Chris placed his finger over his mouth, and pointed to Brian and Justin. "We're having fun with the sleeping couple." Chris said. "You should know that Brian isn't sleeping." Lance said. Chris looked at Lance with confusion, as he turn to look at a Brian a pillow came and smacked him in the head. "I want a copy of that picture." Brian said with a huge smile on his face.

Lance and Joey both giggled quietly so they didn't wake Justin up. Chris had a shocked expression on his face. "But... but... your suppose to be sleeping." Chris said. "Its kinda hard to sleep with you two bozos making so much noise." Brian whispered. "Come on guys lets go before you wake up Justin." Lance said. Joey and Chris followed Lance out of the lounge and Brian laid back down resting his body against Justin's.

Lance walked back into the lounge giggling with Joey following behind also laughing. "What did you guys do?" Nick asked. Chris and Joey were taking pictures of Justin and Brian sleeping." Lance replied. Lance sat down on the couch and began to look at the tour schedule; Kevin sat at the table still discussing the tour plans with Jason. "So we are in Memphis for one night, and then it's off to Lexington for two nights." Kevin said trying to stay on the same level as Jason. "Right, it'll give you guys a chance to spend sometime with family if you have any in those cities." Jason said. "Do you know if Brian told his parents about him and Justin?" Jason asked. Kevin sighed, "No he hasn't, I think he is scared of what they will do. As you know Brian's parents are very religious and to find out that Brian is gay, will change thing dramatically for them." Kevin said. Jason nodded, "But well they accept his and Justin's relationship or well they turn their back on their son and his the love of his life?" Jason asked.

Kevin looked up from the papers he was looking at and thought for a moment, choosing his words wisely. "There was always one thing my Aunt Jackie said, and that was that we should love everyone no matter who they are. So in her case I think she will accept Brian, and Justin. But I don't know about my uncle he is a quiet man, and is difficult to understand at times." Kevin said. Jason nodded, "We'll just have to show them that we support Brian and Justin no matter what." Jason said. Kevin nodded in agreement with Jason.

"Ok let's get back to this schedule." Jason said. "When is that TRL appearance?" Kevin asked. "It in two weeks." Jason replied. "Oh and there is a photo shoot and autograph signing while we're in New York." Jason said. Kevin looked down the schedule to see where Jason was.

"Nick stop cheating." AJ complained. "I'm not cheating you just mad cause you're losing." Nick replied. "I am not you asshole." AJ huffed out. Nick stuck his tongue out at AJ and continued on with the game. Joey laughed at the childish behavior the two young men were displaying. "Hey guys the drive wants to know, where we want to stop for lunch, we can either stop in 20mins from now at one of the fast food places coming up or in an hour and a half when we reach Atlanta?" JC said. The guys discussed the options and decide to wait till Atlanta to eat.

JC sat at the booth in the Kitchen reading a magazine, He rarely found time to enjoy quiet time, however with Jason and Kevin working on the tour and going over every detail with a fine tooth comb, JC found time to enjoy his solidarity. Lance walked into the Kitchen and took a seat across from JC, "Whatcha ya doin'" Lance asked. "Just reading this article about us." JC replied. "What's it about?" Lance asked. "Well according to this, Chris is on Prozac for his hyper-activeness. Joey is dating Britney Spears, I'm dating Nikki Deloach, you've got a crush on Michelle from 7th Heaven, oh and Justin is gay." JC said. "Well they got two things right?" Lance said. JC looked at Lance, "What do you mean?" JC asked. "Well they got Justin being gay right, and Chris being on hyper-activate." Lance laughed. JC laughed along with Lance. "And since have you started reading the tabloids?" Lance asked. "Since me and Jason started going out." JC replied.

"Do you have any plans for tonight?" Lance asked. "I don't think so, Jason and Kevin want to work on the tour stuff tonight, so I might turn in early." JC replied. "Want to go see a movie instead, or maybe a club?" Lance asked. "That would be fun I haven't go out to a club in a while." JC replied. "So how about we meet at my room for nine and head out to a club." Lance said. "Ok that sounds cool." JC said. Lance smiled and stood, "Ok well I'm going to go take a nap." Lance said. "Ok talk to you later Scoop." JC said.

Justin awoke as the bus began to slow down as it exited the highway. Justin moved around a bit, trying to get comfortable again, Brian awoke as he felt Justin moving around. Justin noticed Brian was awake. "I'm sorry Brian, I didn't mean to wake you." Justin said. "It ok Just, it time I get up anyway." Brian said. Brian stretched and stood from the couch. "How did you sleep?" Brian asked Justin. "Great, I love sleeping on the bus, the rocking puts me to sleep." Justin said. "Me too, its so gently." Brian said with a gently smile. "I'm hungry, do you know when we are stopping to eat?" Justin asked. "No I'm not sure, lets go see." Brian said as he extended his hand to Justin. Justin grasped Brian's hand and they walked out of the back lounge and to the middle of the bus where everyone was gathered.

"Well look who's up?" Chris said with a huge grin. "When are we stopping to eat, I'm hungry." Justin said. "In about 10 or 15mins." AJ said as he and Nick battled on the Nintendo 64. "Ok. I think I can hold out till then." Justin said. Justin walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge; he then sat down next to JC. "Hey JC, was up?" Justin asked. "Not much, just doing some reading and catching up on the latest gossip about us." JC replied. "Oh anything interesting?" Justin asked. "Well the good news is your no longer being publicized as going out with Britney Spears. Bad new is they are publicizing you as being gay." JC said. Justin's jaw dropped as he looked at JC, "What did you say?" Justin said. "Just, don't worry about it is in a tabloid." JC said. "That easy for you to say, you're not the one that is being plastered all over the country as being gay." Justin replied. "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to sound insensitive. I was just trying to get you to relax about it. Look, they can't prove it and it says that it was only a rumor." JC said. "I know JC, I'm sorry I got worked up about it, its just I don't want anyone to ever find out about mine and Brian's relationship. JC nodded, "I know how you feel."

"Ok Kevin that looks good, I think we can call it an afternoon and pick up where we left off tonight after supper." Jason said. "Yeah that sounds good to me, besides I'm starting to see double looking at all those forms and schedules." Kevin said with a laugh. "Yeah I know what you mean." Jason laughed. Jason reach across the table and grabbed his bottle water, Justin took a seat next to Jason, as he drank down the remaining water that was in the bottle. "Thirsty?" Justin joked. "Just a little." Jason joked. "Um...are you staying at Dad's when were in Memphis?" Justin asked. "Nope, I'm staying at the hotel it'll be easier, are you?" Jason asked. "Well I thought about it but I don't think I want to, I want to be able to spend time with Brian with out Dad or Lisa looking over out shoulder every five minutes." Justin said. "Yeah I know what you mean." Jason said. "I'll go and visit with them for a while but I would prefer to stay at the hotel for now." Justin said. "Ok, I'll just tell Dad that management want the groups to stay together do to the schedule, he'll understand as long as we stop by to see them." Jason said.

The bus arrived in Memphis at 5pm, it had been a long ride, but the guys were anxious to start touring again. The bus was quickly unloaded, and everyone was checked into the hotel. "The floor is totally reserved for us. Everyone has their own room, unless you asked to be doubled up." Jason said. "Ok, here are your room assignments. Kevin your in room 501, AJ 502, Howie 504, Nick 505, Brian and Justin 506, 507 is a meeting room, JC and Jason 508, Lance 509, Joey 510, Chris 511, the rest of the staff is using the other rooms." Jason said. The keys were handed out and everyone vanished as they went into their rooms to settle down and unpack.

Lance began to hang some of his clothes in the closet as he looked at what he wanted to wear for the two days they were there, well really one day, they were leaving after the show the following day. Lance finished up packing and decided to take a shower. Lance grabbed his kit, and walked into the bathroom, he set the water temperature to just the way he liked he and stripped naked. He got in the shower and began to latter up. Lance closed his eyes and sensual thoughts began to fill his mind as he began to slow stroke himself. Lance moan, and began to stroke himself faster and faster, as an image began to form in his mind. Suddenly Lance shot his load onto the floor of the shower, he relaxed against the shower wall before finishing his shower.

Lance walked out of the bathroom totally naked, he searched through his bags for something comfortable to wear. He grabbed a pair of Calvin Klein boxers, a Tommy jeans and a sweatshirt. Lance quickly dressed, grabbed a pair of Nike ankle socks and his sneakers. Whence he finished dressing he walked to the phone and called down to the front desk to have the limo pulled out front. Lance then called JC to see if he was ready to go out.

After the third ring JC answered the phone, "This is JC." JC said. "Hey JC, you ready to go out?" Lance asked. "Yeah, come on over and we can go." JC said. "Ok see you in a couple of minutes then." Lance said. The both hung up the phone and Lance grabbed his wallet, keys and watch and went to meet JC. Soon both JC and Lance were in the limo heading for a club.

Lance and JC took a seat at one of the tables in the bar, each other a drink, and they began to talk about different things as they waited for their drinks. "So you and Nick aren't going out anymore?" JC asked, as they discussed Lance's previous relationship. "Right, we decide it wasn't working out, I like Nick, but more as a friend then a lover." Lance replied. "So scoopy is single then?" JC asked. "Yup, as single as can be." Lance replied. "Hey lets go dance." JC said. "Ok." Lance said, and then took a sip of his Long Island Iced Tea.

"Well I'm heading to bed, Kevin." Jason said. "Yeah it's getting late." Kevin agreed. "So let's wrap this up tomorrow." Jason said. "Ok, we can do that on the bus on the way to Kentucky." Kevin said. "Ok sounds good." Jason said. Jason gathered up his things, as did Kevin and they each headed to their own rooms for the night. Jason quickly changed into more comfortable clothing, and finished some last minute phone calls, before deciding to turn in.

JC and Lance stepped off the elevator, and walked down towards their rooms. "I had a lot of fun tonight Lance, thanks." JC said. "I had a lot of fun too JC." Lance said. With that Lance leaned forward and kissed JC on the lips. JC was shocked and didn't know how to respond. Lance released his lips, "Goodnight JC." Lance said, and head for his room. JC stood their numb, he finally shook his head, and cleared the incident form his mind, and he walked into his and Jason's room. It was dark so JC knew Jason had gone to sleep. JC left the lights off and changed for bed, he got into bed next to Jason who was fast asleep. "Goodnight J." JC said before lying down and going to sleep.

Justin's Dream Chapter 17

With a five am wake up, the guys knew it was going to be a long day. The coffee was on and you could hear the showers running as you walked down the halls. Kevin was the first to enter the meeting room, where breakfast was being served. Kevin was followed by Brian, who headed straight for the coffee. "What no good morning cuz?" Kevin asked. "After coffee." Brian said. Justin soon followed. "Gee and I thought Justin was difficult in the morning." Kevin joked as Justin grabbed his cereal. "Nah, Justin just doesn't say much in the morning till he has had his cereal." Chris joked with Kevin as he walked in.

JC finished his shower, he had thought about what had happened last night between him and Lance, he debated weather or not to tell Jason. JC finally decide it was an innocent kiss and nothing else happened so decide to let it go and not worry Jason with it. Jason and JC walked down to the meeting room, and soon everyone was there to have their morning breakfast meeting. "So after the show its straight to the bus?" Nick asked. "Right, you'll have time to change and what not, but its straight to the bus after, no interviews, or meeting and greet after the show. However, there is a small meet and great with about 20 or so fans before the show." Jason said. "Whence we finish here, you'll need to grab all your stuff, and repack, then we head out to the bus and to the arena to practice for tonight's show." Jason said. The guys finished up their meeting and were soon packed and on the bus headed to the arena.

Jason began to set his laptop up so he could work on some press releases for the tour. Tonight was another sold out show, so the guys were working hard to get the dance step right. Jason walked around the arena checking to make sure everything was ready for the show. "Hey Trish, are you ready?" Jason asked as he poked his head into the make up room. "Yeah, I'm all set here, just waiting for the guys." Trish said. "Ok, thanks see you later." Jason said, and head to wardrobe. "Sue how are things in here?" Jason asked. "Just about ready, but I can't find the Tommy overalls for *N Sync." Sue said. "Did the crew get everything off the wardrobe trailer?" Jason asked. "I sent Allison to find out." Sue said. "Ok, keep me posted." Jason said. "Ok, I'll let you know whence I know where they are." Sue said. Jason nodded and headed to the stage to see how the practice was going.

"So how practice going?" Jason asked as he stood towards the back of the stage. "I forgot how much work this really is." Nick said as he sat down on the stage. "Ok, well you guys have a twenty minute break, then its back to practice and lunch is at noon." Jason said. "Thanks I need that twenty minutes to sleep." Nick said as he lay on the floor of the stage.

Jason discussed the afternoon plans with Fatima as the guys rested up a bit. "Don't over work them this afternoon, we need them to practice the songs, and then they need to get at least a two hour break to get some rest for tonight." Jason said. "I agree, we don't want them passing out on stage." Fatima said. "Ok, so practice till two then we'll let them rest till 4, then they can go through makeup, wardrobe, and all the other preparation for the show." Jason said. Fatima nodded and got ready for the next song.

"Hey Jason, we found the outfits." Sue said as she came up to Jason. "Great, so you're all set now?" Jason asked. "Yup all set." Sue replied. "Ok, the guys will be seeing you at 4 for wardrobe, so you're off till then if everything is done." Jason said. "I just want to make sure everything is all set then me and the girls are going to go grab something to eat." Sue said. "Ok, just let me know if you need anything." Jason said. "Ok, I'll let you know." Sue said and head back to the wardrobe room.

"Guys, let move we have only an hour before show time." Jason said. The guys picked up the pace so they could be ready on time, Justin, Brian, JC and Lance sat in the make-up room, getting ready, while Chris, Kevin, AJ, and Joey we're in wardrobe, getting their outfits. Nick and Howie we're finishing up signing some autographs for a few fans.

The Pyrotechnics when off and "Nothing's Gonna Change My Love For You" began to leak through the speakers. The lights flashed, five shadows appeared on stage, the lights slowly began to bright and focus on the five figures on stage. JC's voice could be heard as the beginning of the song started.

I love you I love you If I had to live my life without you Near me the days would all be empty the nights would seem so long. With you I see forever oh so clearly I might have been in love before, but it never felt this strong.

My dreams are where we both know, They'll takes us where we wanna go Hold me now, touch me now, I don't wanna live without you.

Nothing's gonna change my love for you You oughta know by now how much I love you one thing you Can be sure of is that I'm never asking more than your love Nothing's gonna change my love for you You oughta know by now how much I love you The whole world may change my whole life too, but nothing's gonna change my love for you

I love you I love you I love you I love you If the road ahead is not so easy, my love will lead the way for us Like a guiding star, I'll be there for you if you should need me You don't have to change a thing, I love you just he way you are

Come with me and share the view I'll help you see forever too Hold me now touch me now I don't wanna live without you

Nothing's gonna change my love for you You oughta know by now how much I love you one thing you Can be sure of is that I'm never asking more than your love Nothing's gonna change my love for you You oughta know by now how much I love you The whole world may change, my whole life too, But nothing's gonna change my love for you

Nothing's gonna change my love for you You oughta know by now how much I love you one thing you Can be sure of is that I'm never asking more than your love Nothing's gonna change my love for you

The music fade, and soon the lights dimmed. A soft gently rhythm began to fill the arena. Five young men sat on stools as the music began to catch their ear.

If I could write the wrongs that made you cry Then would you promise not to say goodbye Cause I'm holding on, with a love so strong And I can't take a day without you by my side.

Girl if I could change if I could change your mind baby you could help me wipe these tears from my eyes. Girl don't stop, (don't stop) the sun from shining down on me (Oh shining down on me) Cause I can't face another day without your smile (smile)

And if you take away the loving arms that surround me Then I might break down and cry just like a child. Girl I can't belong and I wont be free, if I fail to bring your loving back to me (Oh back to me) So I'm pressing on, I hope you understand There's a broken heart that lies within your hands

So If I could change, (So if I could change) And it wont hurt your pride (And it wont hurt your pride) Baby you can help me stop these tears form my eyes, don't stop the sun from shining down on me (Shining down on me), cause I can't face another day without your smile (Pretty Smile) And if you take away the loving arms that surround me Then I might break down and cry just like a child (like a child, just like a child)

With the spirits running free she drove me wild Oh, she did like a child just like a child Think of what are love could be, if our hearts could set us free, like a child Yeah...

Girl don't stop, (don't stop) the sun from shining down on me (Oh shining down on me) Cause I can't face another day without your smile (your pretty smile) And if you take away the loving arms that surround me Then I might break down and cry just like a child.

Girl don't stop the sun from shining down on me (Oh shining down on me) Cause I can't face another day without your smile (your pretty smile) And if you take away the loving arms that surround me Then I might break down and cry just like a child.

Girl don't stop the sun from shining down on me (Oh shining down on me) Cause I can't face another day without your smile (your pretty smile) And if you take away the loving arms that surround me Then I might break down and cry just like a child. Girl don't stop the sun from shining down on me

The music quickly changed to 'Everybody' with the crowd on their feet. Justin wiped the sweat from his forehead, as *N Sync tried to grab a few minutes rest and change before heading back out with their next song. "OK, guys next up is 'I Just Wanna Be With You' then you go into "For The Girl Who Has Everything", then wrap up with 'Here We Go'. After that the Backstreet Boys will take the stage." Jason said. The guys nodded and quickly got to the their positions.

With five songs done it was time to really liven up the crowd. *N Sync started to sing 'Here We Go'

Here we go one more time Everybody's feeling fine Here we go now Yes yes yes here we go 'N SYNC has got the flow Bounce you're head to the beat We've got everything you need Here we go now Yes yes yes here we go 'N SYNC has got the flow Here we go just one more time And everybody is feeling fine Here we go now Here we go, yeah If you want to party with us Just feel free and feel the rhythm Here we go now Here we go You know the party's here Sing - a - long and have no fear 'N SYNC is here to make you people scream Now the time for us to reunite Come on party people There's a party going on tonight Tonight is the night Everything is going to be alright Just get up, feel the flow And here we go CHORUS Lets sing it one more time Everybody's feeling fine We got the skills To keep this party pumpin' baby Keep dancin' all night long Until the break of dawn Come on party people There's a party going on tonight Tonight is the night Everything is gonna be alright Just get up, feel the flow And here we go

The concert continued for another hour, then it was time to start wrapping things up, *N Sync performed 'Bye Bye Bye' as their closing song, and Backstreet Boys finished up with 'Larger Than Life'. The guys introduced the Band, the crew and thanked everyone for showing up and then they left the stage to get ready to leave for Kentucky. Justin lay down on the couch in *N Sync's dressing room relaxing after the show.

"Hey Just, you ready to go?" JC asked. "Huh?" Justin said. "I said are you ready to go?" JC repeated. "Um... I need to change." Justin said. "Justin are you alright?" JC asked. Justin sighed, "Can you close the door first?" Justin asked. JC nodded and closed the door, they were the only two in the room. Justin sat up on the couch and JC took a seat near him. "So what's up Justin?" JC said. "JC, I'm scared." Justin said. "What do you mean your scared? Do you mean you're scared of Brian?" JC asked. Justin shook his head no. "Then what are you scared of Justin?" JC asked. "His Parents." Justin said. JC placed his arm around Justin. "I see, so your afraid of what will happen when Brian tells them about you two." JC said. Justin nodded. "I love Brian very much and I'm afraid to lose him, and I'm afraid of what his parents will do when they find out that he is gay and going out with me." Justin said. "Have you told Brian how you feel?" JC asked. Justin shook his head no. "I don't want to worry him with it, he has enough to worry about right now." Justin said. JC sighed, "Justin you need to tell him, he needs to know how you are feeling. Beside Brian is worried about you, he even told me he was." JC said. Justin looked at JC, "Why does this have to be so hard." Justin asked a loud. "I don't know Justin, but I do know that no matter what Brian loves you and always will. So no matter what is bothering you, if you talk to him he'll be there for you." JC said. Justin nodded, "Thanks JC. I don't know what I'd do without a friend like you." Justin said. "Probably go crazy cause of Chris and Joey." JC laughed. Justin laughed along with JC. "Ok, why don't you get ready and meet us on the bus." JC said. "Ok, I'll be there in a few." Justin said.

Justin placed his backpack in his and Brian's bunk and walked to the back lounge where the guys were watching a movie. Brian sat on one of the couch alone Justin decided to join him. Justin sat on the couch and rested his body against Brian's. Brian wrapped his arms around Justin and continued to watch the movie. "Hey babe, how are you?" Brian whispered. "I'm fine, but I want to talk to you later about something." Justin said. "Ok." Brian said. Justin relaxed against Brian's body and was soon fast asleep against Brian as the bus road to Lexington, and to a small house that would change the lives of two people.

Lance pulled up his boxers and cleaned his mess up. He innocently walked out of the bathroom and walked back to the lounge. "Hey JC." Lance said. "Hi Lance." JC replied. "How are you?" Lance asked. "I'm fine, you?" JC asked. "I'm fine, just a little sore. I forgot how much of a work touring is." Lance replied. "Yeah I know what you mean." JC said. Lance looked around the room. Lance smiled as he saw Justin sleeping against Brian, he hope that one day he could have that too. "They make a nice couple don't they?" JC asked. "Yeah they do." Lance said. "So where is Jason?" Lance asked. "Oh, he is working with Kevin on the tour stuff." JC said. "He sure is spending a lot of Time with Kevin lately." Lance said. "I know, but they are working and they need to get this done, so I'm not worried about it. Besides Kevin is straight." JC said. "Well you never know." Lance said. "True, but I trust Jason enough to know that he won't cheat on me." JC said. "Well that's good." Lance said.

Jason stood from the booth and walked over to the coffee pot and poured another cup of coffee. "That's your 3rd cup, you're not going to get any sleep tonight." Kevin said. "Yeah but I need to get this done, sleep is the last thing on my mind right now." Jason said. "Yeah but your health is important." Kevin said. "I know I'll get to sleep besides tomorrow is an off day in the morning anyway. We have practice in the afternoon, but the morning and evening we are off. So I'll just sleep in a bit tomorrow and get to sleep early tomorrow night." Jason said. "Well as long as you take care of yourself." Kevin said. "I will, I promise." Jason said. "Good, well how about we get back to looking at the list of hotels and room assignments?" Kevin said. "Ok, sounds good to me." Jason said.

"Justin... Justin..." Brian said as he shook Justin. Justin groaned, and stayed asleep. Brian picked Justin up, and carried him to the bunk, leaving JC and Lance alone in the lounge. Brian laid Justin down in the bunk and adjusted Justin so that he could join him in the bunk. Justin snuggled himself closer to Brian. "Goodnight babe." Brian said as he kissed Justin on the forehead. Brian was soon asleep, as he and left all his worries behind.

Lance and JC sat in the lounge watching TV and talking about different things. Lance stood, "Well I'm turning in." Lance said. "Ok, good night Lance." JC said. Lance leaned over and kissed JC on the forehead. "Night Josh." Lance said, and walked out of the lounge. JC stared off in space for a short time, before coming back to reality. JC shut off the TV, and decide to get some sleep.

JC tossed and turned in his sleep, sweat poured from his body as he fought with his dream. JC suddenly awoke in a cold sweat, "Its nothing Lance is just being friendly that's all." JC tried to reason with his dream. "Then why do I feel so guilty?" JC said. JC wiped the sweat from his forehead, 'I'll go take a shower then I'll feel better.' JC thought. JC stood from his bunk and grabbed a towel, a pair of boxers and Nike running shorts. JC walked to the bathroom, to take a shower.

Jason sat at the booth, his arms folded on the table and his resting on his arms. His breathing was slowly and steady his eyes close and his mind locked away from the world in a dreamland, He was asleep. His slumber was deep as the world continued around him without is knowledge.

Lance stood from his bunk, he had noticed JC going to take a shower. Lance walked to the bathroom and tried the handle it was unlocked. Lance opened the door slowly and walked into the bathroom, he could hear the shower running. Lance stripped his clothes and walked to the shower. Lance pulled back the shower curtain and stepped in, JC turned around to see who was there and was shocked to see Lance naked. "La... Lance, what are you doing?" JC asked. Lance placed his finger on JC's lips to silence him. "I want you JC." Lance said. "But..." JC was silenced again by Lance. Lance's finger trailed from JC's lips down his defined chest and to his abs. Lance followed the trail of pubic hair that started at JC's navel and trailed to his cock. Lance's hand wrapped around JC's cock. "Lance, please don't" JC said. Lance slowly began to stroke JC's hardening cock.

JC moaned involuntarily, he wanted this to stop but he felt powerless to stop it. JC's heart began to spread a feeling of guilty, disgust and angry over his whole body. He felt guilty that this was happening; he felt he was betrayed by Lance and that he was betraying Jason. Lance continued to rub his hand over JC's cock, bring JC to full length as he jacked JC off. "Lance please, please stop." JC said with hurt in his voice. "I love you JC." Lance said. JC felt himself slipping closer and closer to orgasm, and farther from Jason with each stroke of Lance's hand. JC moved his hands to Lance's hand in an attempt to stop him, as he placed his hands on Lance's JC felt himself want to cum. He tried with all the strength he had left in his body to hold back, but it as no use. JC began to cum in Lance's hand. Lance released JC's cock after JC had finished releasing his load. JC rested against the shower wall and slowly slipped down the shower. "Lance please leave." JC said as tears slipped from his eyes.

Justin awoke from his sleep. "Damn I need to pee." Justin said. He slowly pulled his body away from Brian's arms; he then made his way over Brian to get out of the bunk. Lance stepped out of the shower he grabbed a towel and dried off. He pulled on his boxers and grabbed his clothes. Justin looked up and saw Lance leave the bathroom and head to his bunk, which was on the opposite side of the bathroom from Justin's.

Justin walked into the bathroom. As he stepped inside he heard the shower running, 'Lance must have forgotten to turn off the shower' Justin thought. Justin pulled the curtain back and shut the shower off, as he did he noticed JC sitting on the floor of the shower crying. "JC?" Justin said. JC looked up at Justin and cried even more. Justin knelt down next to JC and wrapped his arms around his best friend. "JC was wrong?" Justin asked. In a low voice, JC released a name, "Jason." "JC is something wrong with Jason?" Justin asked with worry. "I betrayed him." JC gasped as he cried. Justin pulled back and looked at JC. "JC what did you do?" Justin asked. Suddenly Justin remembered see Lance leave the bathroom, "JC does this have anything to do with Lance." Justin asked. JC nodded and cried all the more. Justin rubbed his forehead and closed his eyes.

Justin finally opened his eyes, "Ok JC, let get you out of here and dressed." Justin said. JC shook his head no, "No please I can't go out there, Jason is there I can't face him after what I did." JC said. "JC, lets get you dressed and then we'll decide what to do." Justin said. JC finally nodded, Justin helped JC stand and got JC his clothes so he could get dressed. "Ok JC lets go." Justin said. "No, I can't" JC said, as he shook his head. "JC come on, you can't stay in here forever." Justin said. JC continued to shake his head no and refused to move. Justin pinched the bridge of his nose and closed his eyes as he thought of what to do. Justin opened his eyes and reached for the door handle, "I'll be right back JC." Justin said. "Where are you going?" JC asked. "I'll be right back." Justin said again. "Please don't go get Jason I can't face him." JC said. "I promise I won't JC." Justin said and left the bathroom.

Justin walked back to his bunk Brian was still asleep. Justin knelt down next to Brian and shook him. "Brian, wake up." Justin said. Brian groaned and stayed asleep. "Brian wake up." Justin said again. Brian groaned again and turned towards Justin. "Ok I'm up Justin what's wrong that you have to wake me up at two in the morning." Brian said. "Come with me." Justin said. Brian nodded and stood from the bunk he walked with Justin to the bathroom. "Why are we going to the bathroom?" Brian asked. "You'll see." Justin said. Justin and Brian walked into the bathroom to find JC curled up in a ball in the corner. Brian looked puzzled as he saw JC crying and in a ball in the corner of the bathroom.

"What happened?" Brian asked. Justin quickly explained what he knew from the little JC told him and what he had seen. "Ok JC first thing we need to do is to get you out of here and then we can sit down and talk." Brian said. JC shook his head no, "I can't go out there." JC said. "JC your going to have to face him sooner or later, but for now we are just going to go to the kitchen and talk only the three of us." Brian said. "Only the three of us?" JC asked. "Right just you, me and Justin." Brian said. "Ok I can handle that." JC said, he wiped the tears from his eyes and slowly stood with Justin's help.

Brian, Justin and JC walked out of the bathroom and headed to the kitchen. As they were about to enter Justin noticed Jason sleeping at the booth. "Back lounge." Justin whispered. "Why?" Brian asked. "Jason is there asleep." Justin said. They all quickly turned around and head to the back lounge. Justin and JC took a seat on one of the couches and Brian sat on the other. "Ok, JC you need to tell us what happened." Brian said. JC took a deep breath; he wiped the tears from his eyes again. "Ok, you know how yesterday Lance and I went out to a club?" JC said. Brian and Justin nodded. "Well when we came back he kissed me goodnight, on the lips." JC said. "So is that what happened to make you think you betrayed Jason?" Brian asked. JC shook his head no, "Tonight before he went to bed he did it again. "I didn't want to make a big deal out of it, so I let it go. Well I thought I did, then when to sleep I keep thinking about it. I work up sweating and feeling tense, I thought a shower would help." JC said, he then looked down at the floor and started to let the tears flow again.

"I was in the shower, and when I turned around Lance was there." JC said. "What happened after that?" Justin asked. "I asked what he was doing there, and then he kissed me. After that I feel his hand touching me. I wanted him to stop, because it felt like I was betraying Jason, but I couldn't make him stop. I felt all my strength disappear and I couldn't move." JC said, then he wiped the tears from his eyes. Justin handed JC some tissue, "Go on JC." Brian said. "Well he brought me over the edge, I tried to fight it but it was no use. After that I just slid down the wall and tried to hide myself I felt so bad." JC said. "What did Lance do?" JC said. "I told him to leave." JC said. "That's when I saw him leaving the bathroom." Justin said.

"What do we do now?" Justin asked. "Well that is up to JC." Brian said, and then turned to JC. "You're going to have to tell him sooner or later." Brian said. "I know but I don't think I can do it right now?" JC said. "Alright JC, When you do tell him we'll be there for both of you." Brian said. "Thanks. I need to get some sleep." JC said. Brian and Justin nodded and JC went to his bunk. "I guess we wait now." Justin said. "Actually now we go to bed." Brian said with a yawn. Justin smiled, "Ok lets go to bed."

The gently sound of people sleeping could be heard, as the bus traveled on its way to Lexington. Most sleep in peace and had dreams of happiness running through their heads, while other dealt with troubled thoughts and sorrow filled their dreams. Tomorrow is always a new day, with many unexpected things yet to happen, tomorrow dreams could be lived or shattered with but a word. With the day unfolding, so could the arms of love unfolded around the ones we love most.

Justin's Dream Chapter 18

Kevin walked into the kitchen it was almost 8am. He noticed that Jason was asleep in the booth. Kevin walked over to the booth; he shook Jason to wake him up. "JC I'm trying to sleep, we can have sex later." Jason said. "Jason wake up." Kevin said. Jason immediately jumped, "What, where am I?" Jason asked, as he looked around the room and noticed Kevin. Kevin looked down at Jason, "You sleep in here last night?" Kevin asked. "Yeah I guess so." Jason said, as he rubbed the sleep from his eyes. Kevin shook his head, "You were suppose to go to sleep in you bunk." Kevin said. "I know, but I just wanted to rest my eyes for a second. I guess I fell asleep." Jason said. "Looks that way, you should probably get cleaned up." Kevin said. "Yeah my back is really sore." Jason said.

"Well take a shower and I'll get the coffee started." Kevin said. Jason walked down the hall towards his bunk, JC was asleep Jason decide to let him sleep and grabbed some clothes, he head to take a shower. "Morning Lance." Jason said as he passed Lance. "Morning." Lance said, and kept walking towards the lounge. Jason walked into the bathroom and took a shower.

The bus arrived in Lexington; it ended it long voyage at the hotel the boys would be staying at for the two days they were in Lexington. Jason got everyone checked in, and they all proceeded to their rooms. Jason and JC had yet to speak to each other, Justin walked up to JC. "Hey Josh, how are you doing?" Justin asked. JC frowned, "I've been better." Justin nodded, "How are you going to handle things?" Justin asked. "I don't know, I'm scared that I'll lose him." JC said. "Well, the only thing you can do is tell him and pray for the best." Justin said. JC nodded, "I suppose I should go to my room, I guess I'll need to speak to Jason." JC said. "Do you want me to be there when you tell him?" Justin asked. "No, I think I should tell him alone." JC said. "Ok, you know where I'll be if you need anything." Justin said. JC nodded and walked to his room, he took a deep breath before entering the room.

Jason was placing clothes in the closet while unpacking a few things they would need for the two days they were in Lexington. JC walked in and placed his bags by the table near the door, he thought if Jason kick him out he would be able to leave as quickly as possible and with as little fuss. "Jason, I need to talk to you?" JC said. "About what?" Jason asked as he continued to unpack. "Jason, its important can you stop unpacking for a minute?" JC asked, still not looking at Jason. Jason turned to JC and notice he was looking at his feet.

Jason walked over to JC and lifted his chin. JC looked away, "JC what's wrong?" Jason asked. JC took a deep breath, "Jason something happened last night." JC said. "What happened?" Jason asked. "Please wait I'm finished before you kick me out ok?" JC said. "JC why would I kick you out, JC tell me what happened." Jason said. "Promise me you'll hear me out first." JC said. "JC I promise." Jason said.

Jason sat on the bed and JC stood before him, "ok, last night I had a bad dream and trouble sleeping because of something that happened between me and Lance, when we got back from the club the other night, he kissed me." JC said, he paused to see Jason's reaction. "So he kissed you." Jason said. "On the lips." JC said. "Oh." Jason said. "There's more, last night he did it again before he went to bed, and that is why I had trouble sleeping because I felt bad about it." JC said. "Is that all?" Jason asked. "No, after I woke up I took a shower, when I turned around in the shower Lance was there, and he... he..." Tears began to fill JC's eyes as he thought of what had happened. JC took a breath, "He jacked me off, I tried to stop him I told him no, I'm so sorry Jason." JC said, as the tears flowed down his face.

Jason sat on the bed, without warning Jason stood from the bed and walked to the door. JC fell too his knees crying, Jason opened the door has he did he saw Lance walk by going to his room. Jason went after Lance, as Lance turned around he face meet with Jason's fist. Lance fell flat on his back and looked up at Jason with shock. "Don't you ever think you can do what you did and get away with it." Jason said in an angered tone. Lance jumped up and at Jason, they both landed on the floor punching, and hitting each other. Justin and Brian heard the noise from the hall enter their room and quickly went to see what was happening.

Justin saw Jason and Lance fighting in the hall. "Shit." Justin said. He and Brian quickly ran up to Jason and Lance and tried to break the two apart. "You bastard." Jason yelled at Lance. "Fuck you." Lance said. "I'd never give you the pleasure." Jason said. "Enough the both of you." Brian said loudly. Both Jason and Lance quickly stopped talking. Kevin quickly came into the hall, "ok what is going on?" Kevin asked, as he saw Justin holding Jason back and Brian holding Lance back. "Never mind I don't care, Lance go to your room, and Jason to yours. Brian my room now." Kevin said with authority. Lance broke free of Brian and went to his room. Justin and Jason walked to Jason's room and Brian walked with Kevin to his room.

Brian and Kevin walked into Brian's room, "Ok, what just happened and why?" Kevin asked. "Well, I think Lance and Jason got into a fight over what Lance did to JC." Brian said. "Ok, what did Lance to do JC." Kevin asked. "Lance, um... He jacked JC off in the shower on the bus last night." Brian said quickly. "Wait say that again and slow down." Kevin said. "Lance give JC a hand job in the shower on the bus last night." Brian said. "Oh, and you know this how?" Kevin asked. "Justin found JC in the shower crying, when he got up to go use the bathroom." Brian said. "Ah, and where do you come into all this." Kevin asked. "Justin woke me up to help him get JC out of the bathroom, he was feeling really guilty even though he tried to stop Lance, and he didn't want to face Jason." Brian said. "Ah ok... I think I'm seeing where this is going. So JC told Jason and he went after Lance." Kevin said. "Yeah I think that's what happened." Brian said. "Well, I guess I would have reacted the same in his position." Kevin said. "So, I guess now we have to wait and let this blow over." Brian said. "Yeah, go see what's going on with JC and Jason, see if they are still together of if I need to get another room." Kevin said. Brian nodded and left.

JC stood from the floor when Jason and Justin walked in. Justin brought Jason to the bathroom to clean him up. JC walked to the bathroom, "Justin do you mind if I stay with you and Brian tonight I'll get my own room, tomorrow." JC said. Justin looked at Jason then at JC, Justin could see tears in both there eyes. "I guess you'll be wanting this back then." Jason said as he slipped the ring from his finger. "No, keep it, to remember what we once had. I'll get my stuff and leave." JC said. Jason looked away from JC and let the tears flood from his eyes. Justin looked at both of them and tears began to fill his own eyes. "Its, not my place to step in here, but don't ruin a good thing because of what someone else did, you two love each other and have been together longer then me and Brian and have a love that is far deeper then any I have ever seen. Please don't throw it all away because of Lance." Justin said. "It's not that simple Justin, what happened between me and Lance was wrong, and I destroyed that love that runs deep." JC said. "You didn't do it alone JC, I made things worst by going after Lance and picking a fight with him, and I can't make excuses for it, yes I was angry and pissed but that isn't an excuse." Jason said. Justin used a towel to clean Jason's lip; Lance had broken the skin and caused it to bleed slightly during the fight.

"Maybe we need some time apart." JC said. Jason didn't respond, he just stood there with tears in his eyes while Justin cleaned the cut on his lip. JC walked into the room and began to gather his things. Justin finished cleaning the cut, and looked at Jason. "Are you going to let him walk away?" Justin asked. Jason shook his head, "I don't know what to do, we both made a big mistake." Jason said. Justin gave Jason a hug, allowing Jason's tears to fall on to his shoulder. "Maybe some time apart would be good, so you two can think things out alone. I'll let JC stay in mine and Brian's room tonight." Justin said. Jason nodded but didn't want to let go of Justin. He needed someone to hold him and tell him it was all a bad dream.

Jason released Justin, "Are you going to be ok?" Justin asked. Jason shook his head yes. "Alright, then I'll see you in the morning." Justin said, and walked out of the bathroom and into the bedroom. JC finished grabbing his bags and followed Justin to Justin and Brian's room. "You guys don't mind me staying here?" JC asked. "JC we don't mind at all." Justin said. "You can have the extra bed, JC." Brian said. JC nodded, knowing that Brian and Justin were sharing the same bed. JC walked to the bathroom to clean himself up.

"They're both taking it very hard." Brian commented. Justin nodded, "I hope they can work things out." Justin said. "I have a feeling they will, but it will take time." Brian said. Justin nodded, and smiled. JC came back into the room, he was wearing a t-shirt and boxers.

Morning came quickly, more so then most of the guys would have liked. It had been a long night, a lonely night. JC awoke as the light of the sun hit his face. He moaned quietly, and then sat up in bed, he looked around the room. He remembered that he was in Brian and Justin's room. His eyes fell upon them; they were still sleeping, holding each other, JC smiled at the two. Brian and Justin soon awoke as the sun's light hit them. Justin rubbed his eyes, and then looked around, he saw JC sitting up in bed. "I think I'll go take a shower." JC said. Justin nodded. JC picked out some clothes and then grabbed his bathroom kit; he then walked to the bathroom, closed and locked the door.

Brian rolled on top of Justin, "Now, that he is gone I think its time we had a little fun." Brian said. "Oh, and what did you have in mind." Justin asked. "I was think I could kiss you, and touch you, and make love to you." Brian said, as he leaned in and kissed Justin's lips. "Well, that sounds like a lot of fun." Justin said with a smile. Brian and Justin continued to kiss passionately on the bed, "But we'll have to hurry so we don't get caught." Justin said. Brian nodded and quickly removed his and Justin's boxers. Brian leaned back down and kissed Justin's lips, Justin spread his legs. Brian took that as a sign to go on, and led his penis to Justin's hole. Brian released Justin's lips as he entered Justin. Justin sighed, and relaxed as he felt Brian slid all the way into him. Justin wrapped his arms around Brian, and Brian wrapped his arms around Justin's warm body. Brian kissed Justin's lips, and began a slowly and gentle stroke in Justin.

Justin began to moan quietly as Brian's cock would hit his prostate, sending waves of pleasure over Justin's whole body. Justin's felt his penis being rubbed against Brian's firm abs. Brian began to place gentle kissed on Justin's neck and chin, allowing his tongue to caress the contours of Justin's angelic face. Brian slowly made his way up to Justin's ear and sucked upon the tender flesh. Justin's moans become a little more intense as their lovemaking became more intense. Justin moved his hands slowly down Brian's Back and two his firm ass. Justin rubbed his hands over Brian's ass, and pulled Brian closer to him, as he wanted more of Brian in him.

Brian's thrust became more intense and faster as he felt his body becoming filled with pleasure. "Oh Justin." Brian moaned. Justin soon felt his body began to tense, as he approached his climax, he didn't want to come yet, he wanted this to last longer. Justin released Brian's lips from their kiss, "slower, Brian I don't want to cum yet." Justin gasped out. Brian nodded, and slowed his thrusts into Justin. Brian moved his lips to Justin's neck again and began to suck up the tender flesh. Both their body's glistened with sweat as they made love. Justin soon felt the need to release, he tried to hold on a little longer, but it was too much for Justin, and he shot his load onto both his and Brian's chest and abs. Justin's body tensed and spasmed as he released himself.

Brian felt Justin's body tense, and tighten, with another thrust into Justin, Brian released himself into Justin's tender and loving ass. "Oh Justin." Brian grunted as his load shot from his penis and into Justin. Justin felt Brian release himself into him, Justin closed his eyes and a smile came upon his face as Brian finished cumming in Justin. Brian collapsed onto of Justin, and rested for a moment. They kissed, and held each other after their incredible orgasms. Brian rolled off of Justin and Wrapped his arms tightly around Justin, they both slowly drifted off to sleep, as all their energy was spent.

JC walked back into the room, changed and ready for a new day, "Ok you two can have the bathroom now." JC said. JC received no response and looked over to Brian and Justin, he noticed they had fallen back asleep. Just as JC was going to wake them up, the phone rang. Justin jumped as he heard the phone ring. "Fuck." Justin said, he quickly picked up the phone. "Hello." Justin said. "Morning Justin, Breakfast is in my room this morning." Kevin said. "Morning Kevin." Justin replied. "Well aren't we wide awake." Kevin joked. "I was but then something happened to changed that." Justin said with a grin, JC looked at Justin with a shocked expression on his face. "I don't think I want to know." Kevin said. "Ok, your lost." Justin replied. "Well, wake up my sexy cousin and be down here in 30mins." Kevin said. "Ok, see you then." Justin said, and hung up the phone.

Justin looked at JC, "You two did that while I was in the shower?" JC asked. Justin looked away and nodded. "Sorry, JC its just it had been a while and you know." Justin said. "It ok Just, don't worry about it, I was just surprised you two would do it while I was using your shower." JC said. "Well, I'm going to go down to the front desk and get my own room." JC said. "You're not going to try and work things out with Jason?" Justin asked. "I want to, I really do. But I don't know what to do. I think I just need time to think and then I'll know what to do." JC said. "Ok, then we'll see you in Kevin's room in thirty minutes then?" Justin asked. "Yeah I'll be there, even thought it'll be uncomfortable, I'll be there." JC said. "You know I'm always here for you JC if you need to talk." Justin said. "Thanks Justin." JC said, then left.

"Brian wake up." Justin said. Brian groaned, but stayed asleep. "Brian, baby wake up and we can have a repeat performance." Justin said. Brian moaned then opened his eyes. "In the shower?" Brian asked. Justin nodded. "Well, I'll only get up if you make love to me in the shower." Brian said. "I think that can be arranged." Justin said with a smile.

Brian and Justin walked into Kevin's room forty-five minutes later. "Your late." Kevin said. "Kevin, leave them alone." AJ said in defense of Brian and Justin. "Besides, Jason's not here yet." AJ said. "Well for your information Jason, isn't coming to the meeting this morning he'll meet us at the limos." Kevin said. "Kevin, drop it this morning, we don't need to hear from you that we are late or that we aren't concentrating on the tour, some of us have other more important things." Brian said. Kevin was shocked to hear what Brian said; Brian had never said anything of the sort to Kevin in the past. "Now lets get this meeting under way, we are wasting enough time as it is arguing about being behind schedule." AJ said. "Agreed." Nick said.

Kevin said down and pulled out the pad that Jason had written the issues that need to be covered on. "Ok, Jason said he'll be busy all day and he would prefer not to be disturbed." Kevin said. Justin sighed knowing that Jason was trying to avoid the situation, hoping it would disappear. "We have practice till two this afternoon, then we have 2 hours off to spend with family if you have any here." Kevin said. Brian closed his eyes for a moment; he feared what would happen when he told his parents about himself and Justin. "We all need to be back to the arena for four-thirty the latest." Kevin said. "Then its back here tonight, and tomorrow we have a concert at Lexington High School, then its on the road to New Orleans." Kevin said. "Alright if there are no questions we'll finish eating then head over to the arena where Fatima is waiting for us." Kevin said. No one said anything so Kevin took that a sign that no one had questions.

The trip to the arena had been a quiet one, Fatima noticed immediately that things were amidst as the guys were practicing. Fatima sighed ash the guys messed up again on a simple routine. "Cut the music." Fatima said. The music shut off and the guys sat on the stage. "Ok, fifteen minute break, Brian can you come over here please." Fatima said. The guys all headed their own way and Brian headed over to Fatima. "Ok, B-rok, what's up with everyone?" Fatima asked. "Do you really want to know?" Brian asked. Fatima nodded. "Ok, you asked for it, aright here is the short version. JC and Jason broke up last night over Lance; Kevin is pissed off because he got told off. And everyone else is feeling the affects." Brian said. Fatima nodded, "So I suppose the show should be cancelled so everyone can work out their problems?" Fatima asked sarcastically. "Fatima, no it shouldn't be but I think some people need a few minutes to work out some problems, maybe this break will help." Brian said. Fatima nodded, "Ok, but you guys need to get back into gear because tonight's show will be a total flop if you guys don't." Fatima said. Brian nodded and head to go talk to Kevin.

"Hey JC." Justin said. "Oh hi Just." JC said. "Umm... JC, Brian and I are sorry about this morning, we didn't mean to make you feel uncomfortable, its just it's been a while and well you know." Justin said, slightly embarrassed about having made love with Brian while JC was in the shower. "It ok Just, really it is, I know what you mean, its been a while for me and Jason too, we didn't do anything when we were home because I didn't feel comfortable doing anything in your mom's house." JC said. "Neither did I, so we didn't do anything either." Justin said. "I think that is why he is mad at me, since we didn't have sex in those two weeks, and then Lance, well you know. I think he thinks I didn't want him or something." JC said softly. "No JC, that's not it all, Jason is angry with himself for having picked that fight with Lance last night and ruining what he had with you. He would never leave you because of sex, and don't think that he loves you greatly. Its just sometimes he doesn't know how to say it." Justin said.

"Thanks Just I need that." JC said. Justin smiled, "Hey what are friends for." Justin said with a laugh. "Hey, let get back to practice and make this show the best yet." Justin said. JC smiled and followed Justin to the stage with a newfound hope that things would workout.

"Alright guys that's a wrap, be back here in two hours and we'll get ready for the show. Oh and that was much better then earlier in the day." Fatima said. The guys quickly gathered their things and headed to leave for a few hours of free time. Brian and Justin gathered their things and headed for the back door, where Jackie was awaiting for Brian. "Brian, if you'd feel better, I can just go with JC and Joey to the mall." Justin said. "No, I want you to come with me, beside I need to tell them sooner or later and I'd like you there when I tell them." Brian said. Justin smiled, "Ok, lets go then." Justin said. Brian smiled and they reached the back door. Jackie stood waiting for Brian, as Brian saw he mom he ran up to her and gave her a hug. "Hi, mom." Brian said. "Hi Brian, how have you been?" Jackie asked. "I've been great mom, never better." Brian said. "Well that's good to hear, and who is our friend?" Jackie asked. "Mom, this is Justin Timberlake of N Sync. I invited him along for the afternoon, I hope you don't mind." Brian said. "Of course not, it great to have a chance to meet your friends." Jackie said. Brian smiled, "Well the car is right outside so we should get going." Jackie said. "Ok." Brian said, and followed his mom, as Justin followed right behind.

Jackie unlocked the doors, and they all got into the car, Brian sat up front with his mom, and Justin said in the back seat looking out the window. "So, how long have you two known each other?" Jackie asked. "We'll we meet Justin back when N Sync was first starting out several years ago, but we only recently have gotten a chance to know each other better." Brian said. "Well that is nice." Jackie said. A few minutes later Jackie pulled up into the driveway of Brian's home. Brian and Justin got out and grabbed their backpacks and followed Jackie inside. "Your father will be here shortly he had to run to the store for me." Jackie said. "Ok." Brian said. "Just make yourselves at home." Jackie said. Brian led Justin to the living room and they say on the couch, as Jackie went into the kitchen.

Jackie walked into the living room, and place a plate of cookies on the coffee table. "Can I get you something to drink, water, milk, sprite, coffee, Brian." Jackie said. "Funny mom." Brian said. "I thought it was, don't you Justin?" Jackie asked. Justin sat on the couch giggling. "I'll take that as a yes." Jackie said with a smile. "Would you like something to drink?" Jackie asked. "Yeah I'll have a sprite." Brian said. "Same for me." Justin said as he recovered from his giggling. Jackie left to get their drinks. "Brian loosen up, your tense." Justin said. "Sorry, I'm just nervous that's all." Brian said. Justin nodded. Jackie came back with their drinks.

"Umm... Mom, could I talk to you." Brian asked. "Sure Brian, what's on your mind?" Jackie said. Brian took a deep breath, "Promise me you'll wait till I'm finish before you say anything." Brian said. "Of course Brian, now what is bothering you?" Jackie asked in a calm voice.

"Mom, I don't really know how to say this, so I'm going to try and say this as simply as possible." Brian said, he took another deep breath and felt his emotions want to take control. Brian composed himself and looked at Justin for support. Justin smiled and nodded for Brian to go on. Brian looked from Justin to his mother. "Mom, I'm... I'm gay." Brian said. Jackie sighed, and then looked at Brian. "And, Justin is more then a friend." Brian said. Jackie looked at Brian then at Justin; Justin had taken Brian's hand into his own and held it for support. "How long have you two been together?" Jackie asked. "Since the beginning of the tour." Brian responded. "Does Justin's parents know about this?" Jackie asked. "Yes, but I wanted to tell you face to face." Brian quickly responded. "I understand Brian I just wanted to make sure Justin's parent knew about this." Jackie said. Jackie stood from her chair and walked over to Brian and Justin, she knelt before them. "Brian." Jackie said as he place her hands on top of Brian and Justin's. "I already knew, and it's not going to change anything between me and you, I still love you very much. I'm also happy you found someone you love, and I'll gladly love Justin as my own son." Jackie said. Brian smiled and let the tears that were building in his eyes slip slowly down his face. "Ok, don't cry now." Jackie said as tears began to fill her eyes. Brian wiped the tears from his eyes, "I would like to know how far along things are." Jackie said. "We're taking things slow, and enjoying our time together." Brian said.

"Have you two had sex?" Jackie asked. Brian looked at his mother with a shocked expression on his face. "Mom... Yes we have." Brian said calmly. "I see, well as long as you two are being safe. It's none of my business, but please be careful." Jackie said. "We are mom." Brian said. "Thank you mom." Brian said. Jackie smiled. "Thank you Mrs. Littrell." Justin said. "Justin, call me Jackie." Jackie said. "Ok, Jackie." Justin said. Jackie smiled, "Mom, how do you thing dad will take the news?" Brian said.

"I think he well have some adjusting to do." A voice said from the entrance to the living room. Brian jumped at hearing the voice and fear took over. "Dad." Brian said. "Brian." Harold said. Harold walked into the living room and over to his son. Brian stood, as did Justin. Harold give Brian a hug, and whispered into his ear, "Brian, I'll be happy for you no matter what you want to do in your life, but please be careful." Harold said. Harold stepped back form the hug still holding Brian's shoulders, he looked at Brian and smiled, then turned to Justin and gave Justin a hug as well. Harold released Justin from their hug and looked at both young men.

"This will take some getting use to, but I will adjust." Harold said. "Come on, your mom made a great meal and you haven't had home cooking in a while." Harold said. "Not true, I made myself Mac and Cheese last week." Brian said. "Like your father said, you haven't had home cooking in a while." Justin joked. Brian laughed, he took Justin's hand and they followed Brian's father to the table to eat.

"Brian would you please say grace." Harold asked. Brian nodded, they all held hands, as Brian began his grace. "Bless this food, and all of us gather here to this table." Brian said. Harold smiled at his son, and they began to pass the food around the table.

"Brian, how is the tour going?" Jackie asked. "It's been an interesting one." Brian said. "Oh, how so." Harold asked. "We'll it's a little confusing." Brian said. "Well start at the beginning then." Jackie said. Brian nodded and he and Justin began to tell Brian's parents about the past few months. "Ok so let me get this straight." Jackie said. "Jason is your older brother, and he is, excuse me was going out with JC?" Jackie asked. "Right, although they need to work some things out, then I think they well be back together." Justin said. "Well, this is quite the story, Brian looked at the clock and noticed it was almost four-fifteen. "Umm... Mom, I hate to do this but we have to be back for four-thirty." Brian said. "Oh I'm sorry Brian I lost track of time." Jackie said. "Its ok mom, I did too, I was just having so much fun being back home." Brian said. Jackie smiled, "Well you don't have to wait till you're performing here to come visit." Jackie said. "I know mom, its just been really busy lately. I promise me and Justin will try and come back as soon as possible." Brian said. Jackie smiled, maybe next time your brother will be able to be here." Jackie said. "Well, you two get your things and I'll bring you to the arena." Harold said. "You are coming to the show tonight right?" Brian asked. "Oh course. I'll drop you off then come and get your mother and we'll be there for the show." Harold said.

Brian smiled, and helped clear the table, as did Justin. With in a few minutes they were back in the car heading to the arena. Harold and Brian chatted about the Kentucky Wildcats as Justin sat in the back seat. "Justin what is your favorite basketball team?" Harold asked. "North Carolina." Justin said. "Oh, well we are going to have to see a game when the Wildcats play the Tarheels." Harold said. "Sounds like fun, but of course we know that the Tarheels will mop the floor with the Wildcats." Justin said with a laugh. "I don't think so." Harold said. "Oh really, well we'll just have to see a game then." Justin said. "We will, and I'll prove you wrong." Harold said with a laugh. "We'll see." Justin said, as Harold pulled into the arena parking lot.

"Thanks Dad, see you and mom after the show." Brian said. "Ok, tell Kevin I said hi and I'll see him later." Harold said. Brian nodded and he and Justin quickly got into the build so not to be noticed by fans that were waiting to get in for the show. "Brian and Justin, you two need to get to make-up and then wardrobe they are waiting for you." Jason said. "Ok on our way." Brian said. "Hey Brian." Jason said. "Yeah." Brian replied. "How did it go?" Jason asked. Brian smiled, "It went great." Brian said. Jason smiled, and nodded. Brian and Justin hurried down to make-up.

The show began, and the guys quickly took the stage, hitting the sow of and getting everyone pumped up. Backstreet Boys took the stage with "If You knew what I Knew", a song that could rebuild torn relationships and mend broken hearts. Jason looked at JC, who stood at the opposite side of the stage preparing to go on. 'What did do?' Jason thought to himself. "I royally messed up a good thing." Jason said softly. "What did you say?" Justin asked. "Huh? Oh nothing." Jason said. Justin gave Jason a strange look then looked back out to the stage.

The Backstreet Boys quickly shifted modes into a more up beat song, as they awaited N Sync to take the stage with "I Drive Myself Crazy". The lights flashed, and then went dark. When the lights came on The Backstreet Boys were gone, and N Sync was on stage. The crowd continued to cheer loudly, as they saw the guys onstage, the cheering calmed down as the guys began to sing.

An hour later it was time to wrap up the show, and the Backstreet Boys were joined on stage by N Sync to sing "Bye, Bye, Bye" together. The crowd cheered loudly as the guys sung the song, soon the lights flashed once again and the guys disappeared. A few seconds later they came back out and side their goodbye and introduced the crew.

That wore me out Justin said, as he lay down on the couch in a sitting position, Brian laid down against Justin and soon both were asleep. "Well if it isn't Jason." Jackie said as she and Harold came backstage. "Well if its not, I'm in big trouble." Jason joked, as he hugged Jackie. "It's been a long time Jackie." Jason said. "Too Long." Jackie said. "How are you doing?" Jason asked. "I'm doing well and yourself?" Jackie asked. "I could be doing better, but I'm fine overall." Jason said. "Well if it isn't Mr. Littrell himself." Jason said as he shook Harold's hand. "If that ain't Mr. Littrell, then I'm here with the wrong man." Jackie joked, causing both Jason and Harold to crack up. "Hi Jason." Harold said. "Well I'm sure you'd love to sit and chat, but I think Brian and Justin would make better company, I'll show you too them." Jason said.

Jason knocked on N Sync's dressing room door and received no response, he opened the door and walked in, followed by Jackie and Harold, they soon noticed Justin lying asleep with Brian rest against him. "Don't they look cute?" Jackie gushed. Jason smiled, "Yes they do." Jason said. Jackie grabbed her camera and took a quick snapshot. "We'll let them sleep, they need their rest." Jackie said. Jason nodded and the three left the dressing room. "We'll go say hello, to give then let you boys go and get some rest." Harold said. "Alright, have a goodnight the both of you." Jason said, before heading off to attend to the post-show affairs.

Jason had sent the guys back to the hotel, early he had to finish up a few things with the crew for the show they had agreed to put on at the local high school for the following day. Jason arrived about an hour after everyone else, as he stepped off the elevator Kevin was coming back from the ice machine. "You look like hell." Kevin said. "I feel worse." Jason said. "Well, I guess that counts as complaint then." Kevin laughed. "Jason tried to smile was but was too tired. "Sorry, it'd probably be more funny if I wasn't so tired." Jason said. "It quite alright, why don't you head to bed?" Kevin said. "You know that's the best idea I've heard all day." Jason said. "Goodnight Jason." Kevin said before entering his room. Jason walked down to his room, as he removed his key he noticed a single white rose and a card laying on the floor by his door. Jason bend down and picked up the rose and card, the card had his name on it.

Jason opened his door and walked in, he placed his things down and walked over to the bed with the rose and the card. He sat on the bed, and opened the card. There was a simple card with a same note written on it. Jason knew whom it was from, even thought it was unsigned, he knew that JC had left it for him. Jason smiled to himself, "I guess I should go see him and work things out." Jason said. Jason stood from his bed and walked to JC's room.

Jason stood outside the door; he slowly moved his hand to knock. Jason took a deep breath then knocked twice on the door. A moment later the door open and JC stood at the door. "Can we talk?" Jason said. JC placed his finger to Jason's lips and took Jason's hand. Jason slowly followed JC into the room. Jason's eyes adjusted to the dimly lit room. Jason turned to face JC, as he was about to speak JC placed his finger on Jason's lips, "No words." JC said. Jason nodded and JC removed his finger from Jason's lips. JC took Jason's hand and led him over to the small table. JC sat in the chair by the table and pulled Jason into his lap, Jason slowly sat into JC's lap.

Their eyes meet, no words were exchanged, only a deep look of love and passion. With gentle fluid like movements, their head moved closer together, and passion sparked as their lips touched. JC and Jason both closed their eyes, each trying to savored what they have missed the touch of each other's lips. JC rubbed his warm hand against Jason's cheek as they kissed. The kiss lasted for only a few seconds, but feel like lifetime to both lovers. JC released Jason's lips; Jason opened his eyes and stared into JC's crystal blue eyes. JC lifted Jason to a standing position, then stood himself and walked to the stereo system. JC pushed play on the CD player. 'Together Again' by N Sync soon came flowing through the speakers. Oohs How can I say That I love you When you're so far away

JC walked to Jason, and took Jason's hand in his own. JC knelt down before Jason on one knee. "I asked you to marry me on your birthday. You said yes, you said you loved me and wait to be with me forever." JC said, he looked into Jason's eyes, small tears began to slowly release themselves from Jason's eyes. JC reached up to Jason's face and wiped them away.

So tell me why You had to go Was it me I need to know

"Jason Timberlake, will you marry me." JC asked. "Joshua, yes with all my heart." Jason replied. JC stood and placed his right hand on Jason's cheek, they leaned their heads forward and their lips pressed together.

Oohs What can I do To make you see That I'm here Here for you

Jason wrapped his arms around JC's back, placing his hands on JC's shoulders as they kissed. JC did the same, and they pulled each other closer together, pressing their warm bodies against each other through the fabric of their clothing.

I really hope that you'll come home So we can be Together again

Oohs What can I do To make you see, girl That I'm here Here for you

JC released Jason's lips and they looked into each other's eyes. JC lead Jason over to the bed and sat him down. "I want tonight to be a night we'll never forget." JC said. Jason smiled, "As long as its with you, I'll never forget it." Jason said.

I really hope that you'll come home So we can be Together again

JC laid Jason down on the bed, JC then straddled Jason's waist. JC rubbed his hands over Jason's chest. Jason rubbed his hands over JC's strong arms. They felt the electricity of their touch flow through their bodies with each touch they made. Passion filled the room, as they touched. The song slowly faded out and 'All I Have To Give' came flowing in.

JC pulled Jason's shirt out of his pants and slowly lifted it up his body, Jason raised his arms and helped JC lift the shirt off of him. JC was now leaning closely to Jason's lips, Jason lifted his head and they kiss. JC rubbed his hands over Jason's bare shoulders feeling the strong developed muscles. Jason moaned in the kiss, JC licked Jason's lips before pulling back and moving his hands down to Jason's bare chest. JC leaned back down and began to place small kisses on Jason's chest. JC moved his lips down Jason's firm chest, as he reached Jason's nipples he began to kiss and licked them with his tongue. Jason moaned and ran his fingers through JC's hair. JC's tongue made his way to Jason's firm abs and bath them, Jason giggled as JC's tongue passed over his navel. JC moved his hands to Jason's Jeans and began to unbuckle them. JC unbutton and unzipped Jason's pants. JC pulled Jason's pants off, and returned to kissing Jason's abs. JC moved up to Jason's lips and they kissed passionately allowing their tongues to dance together passionately.

Jason wrapped his arms around JC and they rolled till Jason was on top. Jason released JC's lips, "My turn." Jason said with a smile, and began to kiss JC's lips. Jason pulled JC's shirt out of his pants, and began to button the button down shirt. Jason began to kiss JC's chest as he unbuttoned the shirt. JC began to moan and run his fingers in Jason's hair. Jason pulled apart JC's shirt as he finished unbuttoning it, Jason moved his mouth to JC's nipples and began to lick them causing them to become hard and erect. Jason pulled JC's shirt off with JC's help. Jason rubbed his hand over JC's Chest and trailed them down to JC's black khaki pants. Jason undid JC's pants and pulled them down JC's strong legs. Jason crawled back up JC's body and began to kiss JC's lips. They moaned in their kiss as their arms wrapped around each other and they began to roll around on the bed. JC end up on top and soon released Jason's lips and reach over to the nightstand and took the bottle of baby oil. JC squeezed a small amount of baby oil on his hand and began to rub the oil into Jason's chest, cause small moans to be released from deep within Jason.

JC rubbed his hands over Jason's defined pecs and hard abs as he worked the baby oil into Jason's baby soft skin. JC removed his hands, "Turn over." JC said. Jason rolled onto his stomach and JC picked up the bottle of baby oil. JC poured some of the baby oil onto Jason's back. "Oh, that's cold." Jason said. JC giggled and placed the bottle back on the nightstand. He then began to work his hands and spread the baby oil over Jason's strong back. Jason moved his arms so that they were under the pillow that he laid his head on. Jason closed his eyes and moaned softly as he felt JC's strong gentle hands work the tension out of his hack.

JC's hands kneaded the muscles in Jason's shoulders, working out all the knots and relaxing Jason's muscle. JC's hands worked over Jason's upper back release all the built up tension from the stresses they had faced. JC finished working on Jason's back and Jason rolled over so he was facing JC. JC lowered himself so he could kiss Jason, they began a passionate kiss the quickly move deeper and to a new level. Their bodies were on fire for each other. With each touch, each kiss, with each moan both wanted the other even more. JC kissed his way back down Jason's body and stopped when he reached Jason's black Tommy boxers.

JC smiled up and Jason and slowly pulled down Jason's boxers, inching them down to reveal Jason's rock hard penis. Jason moaned as his penis was released. JC pulled Jason's boxers completely off and moved his hands up Jason's legs, JC leaned down and licked Jason's penis. Jason shuddered with please as JC sent waves of pleasure through his body. JC licked his left index finger and slowly made his way from Jason's penis to his balls. JC massaged Jason's balls gently as he began to take the head of Jason's penis into his mouth. Jason began to moan louder as he felt JC taking him deeper and deeper. JC circled his tongue around the head of Jason's cock as he took it deeper. Jason felt JC's finger trail to his ass, JC rubbed his finger over Jason's ass as he searched for Jason's entrance.

Jason ran his fingers through JC's hair, forcing more of his cock into JC's mouth. "Oh JC." Jason moaned. JC soon felt his nose being tickled by the hair surrounding Jason's cock. Jason moved his hands from JC's head down to the bed sheets and gripped them tightly. "Oh God, JC that feels... oh so... good." Jason moaned. Jason closed his eyes as he felt JC's finger begin to enter his ass. JC began to bob up and down on Jason's rock hard cock. JC's tongue moved slowly along the bottom of Jason's penis, sending shockwaves of pleasure throughout Jason's body. JC's finger slowly moved into Jason, and soon JC was finger-fucking Jason. Jason began to grip the sheets tighter barely able to control his moans as JC pleasured him to his fullest.

JC soon added a second finger into Jason, and continued to finger fuck Jason, running his fingers against Jason's prostate amplifying Jason's pleasure and moans. Jason gripped the sheets tightly as he began to raise his hips to meet JC's bobbing. Jason soon felt his orgasm rising through his body. "J... JC... I'm... I'm close... baby..." Jason moaned. JC moved his tongue over the whole length of Jason's penis. JC rubbed his tongue over the sensitive head of Jason's penis. "Oh... ah... J... JC... I... can't... Oh... God..." Jason gasped. JC knew Jason was close, "JC" Jason screamed before shooting his load down JC's throat. Jason's hips lifted off the bed, as he gripped the sheets as he came in JC's mouth. JC continued to suck on Jason's penis as he came; he swallowed Jason's entire load.

Jason began to relax and his hips rested on the bed after his orgasm. JC released Jason's penis, and slowly crawled up Jason's body, as Jason tried to recover. JC reached Jason's lips and they kissed, Jason slipped his tongue into JC's mouth, and tasted his cum that remained on JC's tongue. JC released Jason's lips, "Do you like the way you taste?" JC said with a smile. "You taste better." Jason said. Jason and JC returned to slow, gentle kisses. They relaxed just wanting to hold each other.

"JC, will you make love to me." Jason asked. JC smiled, "Yes." JC said. JC pulled the sheets and covers back, allowing Jason to lay under them. JC lay down on top of Jason, and pulled the covers over them. JC began to kiss Jason's lips, no rushing things he wanted tonight to be special to make up for all the wrongs of the past. JC rubbed his fingers and the palm of his hand gently over Jason's cheek as they kissed. Jason spread his legs allowing JC access to what he wanted. JC placed his penis at Jason's entrance and waited, "Jason, do you want me to use a condom?" JC asked. "No, I want you to cum in me." Jason said. JC kissed Jason's lips again and slowly entered Jason. Jason gasped, as he felt JC enter him, it had been a while since he had felt JC make love to him.

JC released Jason's lips and waited for Jason to adjust. "Are you ok?" JC asked. Jason nodded, and relaxed his muscles. "Go on." Jason said, JC kissed Jason's lips lightly before continuing to enter Jason. JC took his time allowing Jason to take him in inch by inch. Jason closed his eyes and relaxed as he felt JC's ball's resting against his butt. JC waited allowing Jason to adjust and become use to having his penis inside him again. Jason wrapped his arms around JC, and placed his hands on JC's shoulders. JC kissed Jason's lips, "JC make love to me." Jason said. JC began a slow and gentle stoke in Jason. JC tailed his lips from Jason's lips to his right ear, and sucked upon the tender flesh. JC wrapped his arms under and around Jason as be gently thrust his penis into Jason's ass. Jason began to moan softly, as JC's penis rubbed against his prostate.

"I love you JC." Jason said. "I love you too Jason." JC said. JC's lips gently sucked upon Jason's neck, forming a small hickey. As they made slow passionate love. JC felt great pleasure as Jason's ass muscles gripped his penis. JC began to moan softly, Jason slowly rubbed his hands down JC's back, feeling the small beads of sweat forming, from their heated act of love. JC felt Jason's penis becoming erect as he moved his long penis in Jason's tender ass. "Oh, JC." Jason moaned. JC returned his lips to Jason's after seeing he left a small hick on Jason's neck. Jason trailed his hands to JC's ass, and began to rub the firm tight flesh.

Both Jason and JC, breathe heavily as they made passionate love. JC quickened his pace, he began to tongue Jason's chin working he way back down to the tender flesh of Jason's neck. JC licked the tender flesh. Jason rubbed his hands on JC's lower back, collecting the beads of sweat, the were beginning to run down JC's strong back. Jason's ass muscle massaged JC's penis as it moved deeper and quicker in Jason. Jason began to moan JC's name softly as JC, fucked him harder. "Oh yes... Oh JC... ah... oh..." Jason moaned. "Oh Jason..." JC moaned. Jason placed his hands on JC's shoulders as JC breathe heavily against his neck, JC felt his impending orgasm rising through his body, bring his pleasure it fullest.

Jason continued to moan as he felt his penis being rubbed between his and JC's abs that had been made slick by the baby oil and sweat. Jason wanted to scream out in pleasure from all the sensations he was feeling. His penis was being stimulated by the JC's firm abs, sending wave of electricity through Jason's pleasure filled body.

"I'm close." JC moaned. "Cum in me." Jason moaned. JC kissed Jason's lips and fucked Jason quicker, in the heat of their passion. Jason soon felt his balls pull tight to his body and the head of his penis expand as his orgasm traveled through his body. "I'm cumming." Jason moaned, releasing his cum between their bodies, landing on both his and JC's chest. Jason's ass tighten around JC's penis, causing JC to scream out in pleasure as he felt his balls constrict and his cum shot from his penis into Jason's ass. JC thrust into Jason as far as he could to and released his cum deep into Jason.

Both young men closed their eyes as the surge of their orgasm sent them into a world of total pleasure. Jason began to relax as his orgasm began to subside. Jason released his grip on JC's shoulders, as the last shots of cum released from his penis. JC continued to hold Jason tightly as he finished cumming in Jason's ass. JC laid his head on Jason's chest. Jason smiled and rubbed his hand over JC's cheek, JC closed his eyes and relaxed, trying to recover from his intense orgasm. JC was in a world of his own, it had felt so good to make love to Jason; he had never experienced so much pleasure at one time. "Thank you JC, that felt wonderful." Jason said. "Mm Hmm." JC moaned. "Jason, will you hold me." JC asked softly. Jason smiled, and rolled JC off him, and spooned himself to JC's warm body. JC smiled and drifted to sleep, as the last song he had programmed began to flow through the speakers, "You Wrote The Book On love" by Backstreet Boys filled the room, putting both Jason and JC to sleep.

Justin's Dream Chapter 19

Justin slept tightly wrapped in Brian's arms. A light dusting of snow fell outside the hotel window. The worries and drama of the past days faded away with he fading of the night. Lance stood staring out the window, wrapped in his bathroom drinking a cup of coffee. He thought about the last few days, what had he done? He felt bad that he ruined what Jason and JC had, they would probably reunite but things would be different and all because he had to be jealous of what his friends had, A small tear broke from Lance's left eye and slowly streamed its way down his cheek. "Why can't I have what Brian and Justin have, or what JC and Jason have." Lance said to himself. "I had Nick but I just wasn't ready." Lance said as the tears continued to stream slowly down his face. Lance rubbed the tears from his eyes, "Stop crying Lance", as he tried to calm his emotions. "I ruined a relationship, and my friendships with the groups. How could I be so stupid?" Lance said to himself.

The phone rang, Lance looked at the phone sitting by the bed, he wiped the tears from his eyes and tried to regain his composure. Lance picked up the phone and slowly brought the receiver to his ear. "Hello." Lance said. "Lance its Kevin, " Kevin said. "Hi Kevin." Lance said. "We're meaning in my room for breakfast in an hour, so if you could be here that be great." Kevin said. "I'm not really hungry this morning Kevin, I think I'll pass on breakfast." Lance said. "Lance, listen you need to come, or at least thing about it." Kevin said. "Kevin I'm just not ready to face everyone, I need time." Lance said. "Lance we have a performance today and we're going to be on the bus for 18 hours, so your going to have to face everyone sooner or later." Kevin said. "I know, I'll think about it Kevin." Lance said. "Alright, see you later then." Kevin said. "Ok, bye Kevin", with that lance hung up the phone.

Justin stretch but quickly, pulled his arms back under the covers when the cold air of the room touched his skin. Justin snuggled close to Brian for warmth. Brian felt the touch of another person and smiled, then opened his eyes. "Morning." Brian said softly. "Good Morning." Justin said as he snuggled closely with Brian. "Its warmer under the blankets." Justin said. Brian wrapped his arms tightly around Justin, as the two lovers kept each other warm with their body heat. "We have to be at Kevin's for Breakfast this morning so I suppose we should thinking about getting up." Brian said. "But its cold, and you know what happens when it's cold." Justin said. "We I can always fix that Brian said as he reach his hand to Justin's hardening cock. This surprised Justin causing him to move close to Brian. Justin felt Brian's penis rubbing his ass. 'I'm still sore from last time don't even think of it." Justin said. Brian pouted, "Till tonight." Justin said with a smile. Brian smiled and kissed the back of Justin's baby soft neck. "We should go take a shower and then head over to Kevin's." Brian said. "But what about the cold room?" Justin said. Brian grabbed the comforter and wrapped it around him and Justin. "Now we can stand up and walk to the bathroom to Shower." Brian said with a smile.

Justin and Brian stepped into the shower. Justin wrapped his arms around Brian's waist as the water from the shower head poured over they bodies. Brian and Justin began to kiss, as the warm water flowed over the curves of their smooth bodies. "Um... Brian maybe we should wash up." Justin said. Brian nodded and began to wash Justin.

After Breakfast the guys prepared to head down to the limo to head over to the High School for a performance. Jason walked down the hall to Lance's room; he felt he should apologize for his actions the other day. Jason knocked on Lance's door. There was no response. Jason knocked again, "Lance." Jason said. Jason waited and heard some movement in the room. A few moments later the door opened and Lance stood at the door; his eyes were blood shot and puffy. "Lance what's wrong?" Jason asked. Lance didn't say anything and began to cry. Jason stepped into the room and closed the door. He walked over to Lance and hugged him. Lance hugged onto Jason tightly. Jason rubbed his hand over Lance's back to comfort the young boy.

"Lance, do you want to talk?" Jason asked. Lance slowly released his hold on Jason and sat down on the bed. Jason sat down next to Lance. Lance took a deep breath and controlled his emotions. "I fucked up my friendship with everyone." Lance said. "Lance, whatever happened between you and JC is in the past, the guys aren't going to hold it against you, and I came to say I was sorry for the other night." Jason said. Lance looked at Jason. "I'm sorry about what I did." Lance said. Jason nodded. "Lance, what do you say about starting over, fresh." Jason said. Lance nodded, "Yeah that sounds like a good idea." Jason smiled; Lance and Jason hugged and then separated. "We have to get going to the school soon, how about you get cleaned up and then we'll head over." Jason said, Lance nodded and head to get cleaned up while Jason head out the limo.

Jason stood in the Lexington High School gymnasium going over some final details with the school principal. This was the first time that both bands had agreed to do a performance for a high school assembly. Justin came over to where Jason was, "Hey Justin." Jason said. "Hi Jason." Justin replied. "So what's up?" Jason asked. "Not much." Justin said. Jason nodded.

Lance sat behind the staging setup for the show talking with Kevin. "Kevin, I'm sorry for causing problems in the groups." Lance said. Kevin looked at Lance. "Lance, don't worry about it. Its in the past and that is were it belongs." Kevin said. Lance nodded.

Allison quickly ran back to the closed off area where the guys were waiting. "You guys have about five minutes." Allison said. Jason and Justin walked back to the closed off area and got ready for the show, it was only a one hour show, then they were off to New Orleans.

The show ended an hour and thirty minutes later, the guys left the stage and were lead out to the bus. Jason and JC sat at the both talking and surfing the web. Brian and Justin were napping in Justin's bunk. AJ, Joey, Chris and Nick were playing Nintendo 64, while Kevin and Lance said on the couch watching, Kevin was slowly falling asleep.

'Kevin sat watching the night sky, while holding on to the person he had grown to love deeply. He smiled down that the young enchanting green eyes of his love. 'I love you, Lance...'

to be continued...

I love doing that... LOL...

OK sorry took so long but with the awards I didn't have much time to write. Thanks goes out to all the authors for helping with the awards.

I'm planning on starting another story, this one will be about a different couple, which I have picked. It'll be out in a few weeks, I am still working it out. As always send your comment to Curlybrok@bsbnsync.com I'd love to hear what you think and any ideas you have.

The bsbsnync.com website is getting a 'face lift' it'll be done in the coming week. Nifty News Newsletter will be up at the end of the week, this will be the February issue.

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