Justins Love

By moc.loa@mrcsnlM

Published on May 26, 1999

  • First off, this is my first attempt at writing a story so please be kind. Send all comments good or bad to mlnscrm@aol.com.

** Also, I have read a lot of good stories on Nifty and in my opinion, the best ones are the ones that deal with the romance as well as the sex. So this story will involve a lot of story line as well as sex. Trust me, it makes the sex a lot better and more realistic.

*** I would like to thank Nifty for helping me start my writing abilities and getting to share them with others and I would also like to thank JM, author of Brian and Justin. Those stories have been a great inspiration and I hope that everyone out there finds love like he shares in his stories. Thank you a lot!

**** This one is a must. This stories and the ones to follow are all fiction. I am not implying anything about any member of NSYNC or other celebrities ever mentioned. (Scratch this up to wishful thinking)

***** Last of all, you know all the legal crap so, FOLLOW IT! I'll shut up now.

Thanks for reading!

Justin's Love Part 1 The Meeting

I had just finished the NSYNC album. I was very impressed. My name is Chris. I love music. Music was always like a sanctuary to me and was very important. And even though I was gay, I was never big on the whole boy band thing. When I did the denial thing and was dating my now best friend she listened to the stuff religiously. She got me hooked on a song or two, but nothing major. They were pretty much all fine as hell, but I never really sat down to listen to any of the music, thinking it would be either terrible and they were getting by on looks, or it was another Milli Vanilli scam. However, one day I was watching TRL on MTV and saw the premiere of NSYNC's "Drive Myself Crazy". I liked the song, which was only half the reason I bought the CD. The other half being the god called Justin Timberlake. As soon as I saw him I thought to myself, 'Anyone that fine, at least deserves to be heard.' The next day I had the CD. I rushed home to listen and loved it. I like the mixture of R&B, Hip-hop, and love ballads. Even though it was mostly remixed material, it was done a lot better the second time around. As soon as the last song ended I was on my computer. I headed to the NSYNC web page to e-mail a letter saying what I thought. When I got to the e-mail address, I saw that each member had his own address, as did the group as a whole. I wrote to the group saying that I loved the CD and can't wait to hear the next. The usual. But I was too tempted seeing Justin's e-mail address and was soon writing. "Justin, I just listened to your CD and LOVED IT! It was a great mixture of songs and a wonderful mixture of voices and talent. I was never into the whole boy band thing, being a guy and all even though my ex-girlfriend listened to y'all like she needed it more that air. LOL" The letter went on complimenting the group and himself as a lead vocalist. (I included the part about my ex-girlfriend mostly due to the fact that he might not really care about compliments from a gay fan. The ex wasn't a lie, but would probably lead him to believe that I was straight. So, it worked out) Anyway, I knew that I wouldn't be getting any e-mail from Justin or anything, but I also knows how it feels to a performer to hear that people like what they are doing. So I was accomplishing something by sending it. As soon as I sent it I was off-line and on my bed for some sleep.

Little did I know that Justin Timberlake and the rest of NSYNC were in California (Me being in Florida) and was not quite ready to go to sleep. They had just got done it the studio and Justin was just checking his mail and chatting with some friends before he rented a movie and fell asleep on his hotel room couch. Even though Justin had turned 18, he still was a big fan of clubbin like the rest of the guys and usually did stay in when they went. Suddenly, he heard those 3 words we all know and love. "You've got mail." Justin immediately minimized everything else and went to check his mail. It knew it would probably be another fan letter since most of them were. Only one or two a month would be from a friend he had known since like birth that had his address. He loved the fan letters so it didn't really bother him as much as most would believe. He opened the letter and was suprised when he got to the third or fourth line. He learned it was from an apparent straight guy. This was so something knew. The letters from girls were huge, and letters from gay guys were not as uncommon, but a straight fan. This was new. Justin was happy that their music was getting into a new group of people. He had nothing against girls or gay guys, I mean they paid the bills, but now NSYNC's music was heard by another crowd. Justin didn't usually answer e- mail, in fear of mass panic and everyone would expect to be answered, but he had an urge and started a letter. After about 45 minutes, Justin typed his name on the bottom of the e-mail and sent it. He felt good about the e-mail he had received, the one he sent, and soon was fast asleep on his couch, without a movie.

I slowly drug myself out of bed. I had graduated from school just a month ago, yet I was still getting up at early hours like I was going to school. My biological clock still hadn't adjusted to the freedom. I was going to go to college in the fall, so instead of getting used to waking up early I just wouldn't ever stray from it. My parents were very well to do, so I was in no hurry to find a job until after college. I took a shower, got dressed, and went to check my mail and chat with my friends. It was my usual routine. I was kinda surprised to find that I had something other than junk mail. Usually, my friends didn't send me mail until I was talking to them. I quickly went to open it and almost died. It was from JUSTIN! It was nothing big, just him happy to receive mail and thanking me for sending my thoughts. But it was from JUSTIN! I sat there staring at the screen. I then noticed a P.S. I scrolled down. "P.S. you seem like a really cool and maybe me and you can chat later." He gave me his screen name and unofficial e-mail address and I added it to my buddy list and address book as fast as I could. I saw some of my friends on and started chatting. I was about to drive myself crazy waiting for something to come to me to write in an e-mail to Justin's real address. Then I got the glorious sound of a new buddy coming on my buddy list. I almost passed out trying to write something in an IM until I got an IM from him. "Hey, I didn't catch your name in the e-mail you sent me, but I really enjoyed reading it from a fan. Thanks a lot. So you know my name, what's your?" I was surprised at how normal he seemed to be. This could have been any typical conversation I had had before. "Chris." That was all I could write. I had no idea what to say. He must have picked up on this, "Are you there?" I shook off my trance and started to type. "Sorry, I just never met... or at least chatted with a star before. It's all kinda new." All I got was "LOL. So..." and that is how it began.

I got over the star struck thing and we chatted. We just had so much in common and once we started talking we couldn't stop. "Damn. It has been 6 hours since we started talking. I can't believe that!" I felt bad as he sent that. "I didn't mean to keep you so long. I hadn't realized either." I figured it was over so I closed the IM box, just to have it pop up again. "Don't apologize. I had a great time. I rarely get to just talk with someone. I had fun. We will have to do it again, but I do have to go now." I read excitedly. Justin was tempted to put in something about keeping all this just between them, but for some reason he trusted Chris. "Well, I'll c-ya around." I simply put. "Of course you will." And then he signed off. I was happy. I had just spent all talking to Justin Timberlake!

Well, this continued. Justin and me had kept in touch. At first, I didn't talk to Justin until l almost two weeks after out first chat. However, each chat after that came closer and closer together. Soon, we were talking everyday. Justin had a busy schedule, but always made time to come on, even for just a second to chat. It felt great to have someone like that. I was in heaven. Justin felt pretty much the same way. Other then the guys in the group and the few friends he still kept in touch with, Justin had never made many friends. Ever since he had turned like 16 he shied away from friendships or anything to close, at least without serious consideration. It felt nice to have someone who was always there. We had chatted for almost 4 months when the IM hit me. "So, we are throwing a concert at the Orlando Arena. Are you coming? 'Cause I was thinking maybe we could met if you did." I was thrown. I didn't really want to meet him. I hated to admit this, but after all the time spent talking to Justin... I was falling in love. Which felt great, because this was something different. Most loves get caught up with acts and lies and all, but we had nothing to act or lie about. We had never even met! Why lie? We had a friendship based on actual friendship. So to met Justin, I mean I didn't want to ruin the best thing I had going. "Actually, I can't. Sold out show, you know. What can I say, y'all are quite popular." I tried to tell myself I wasn't really lying, which I wasn't, the concert was sold out, but I felt so bad. "Well, I hate to tell you this, but I think I could possibly, maybe, chancing it, I could get a ticket. LOL" I could tell he was treating me like a child, which was kinda cute. "This might sound stupid, but I consider you one of my best friends, and you are one of my best friends because of you. Not NSYNCer Justin Timberlake. Talking a ticket would make me feel like I was using you or something." I felt stupid saying every word of that. "But, you are not using me. I know that. I wouldn't think you were." I knew that it would be tough to get out of this, and it was. After much battling, we decided we would meet sometime before or after the concert. We continued chatting until all hours of the morning like usual and then got some sleep.

"Hey! Wake up Curly!" Justin heard JC's voice yelling. Justin slowly woke up to JC's shaking and yelling. "What is it?!?!" Justin was not morning person. "You over slept. We already had breakfast in Joey's room waiting for you to show up. Why are you so tired?" JC sounded more like a father than a friend did. "I was just...." Justin tried to recall what he had done. "Oh, I was just chatting with Chris." JC almost flinched when he said that. "More of this Chris. All we have gotten out of you for 4 months is a name. Who is this Chris? You are always running to talk with him. Must be some friend?" JC said wanting to know everything. "He is. A great friend." JC just smiled. "Well, than I suppose that is great." He sounded happy. "Well, come on. We have to get going. It's time we did some work." JC joked as he left. Justin got up and got ready. He was about to leave when he forgot something. He zipped up his laptop to chat with Chris on break and headed down.

I woke up the next morning to my alarm clock blaring the radio station I had preset. The song ended and the DJ came on as I came to. "Well, here it is. The news on the NSYNC signing. Virgin Record Store in Downtown Disney had announced that on Thursday night, well really Friday morning at 12:00AM if you buy the NSYNC CD you will get a wrist band guaranteeing your place in line to get it signed by the group the day before their concert." They continued to talk, but I zoned out after that. I was still worried to see Justin, but I would have to anyway. I couldn't run away forever. At least I would get to surprise him. If we were going to meet I suppose I would prefer it to be on my terms. I quickly got ready for tomorrow night. I would be in that line. I guess in all the rush I forgot about our daily conversation. I didn't turn on my computer the whole day. I wasn't even home. I didn't mean to, but I had totally forgotten about talking to Justin, I was to busy planning to meet him.

On every break Justin ran to turn on his computer and check his mail or look at his buddy list, and disappointed every time. Chris and him had gone a day without talking since that first week they talked. It was weird, the friend that was always there for him was, no where to be found. Justin was not in the best of moods that day and let everyone know it.

I stood in line. Luckily, in the front of the line, to get my second copy of NSYNC and then my wristband to have it signed. I was proud of myself that I was doing all this. I was truly happy that I was going to meet Justin. And for once I stopped. I stopped analyzing everything as I had done so many times before. I knew how I felt for once and I was happy. I was in love, but would only get friendship in return. Most people I knew would be depressed and sad, but I was so much in love, I would settle for friendship. I knew I couldn't stand the alternative... loneliness. What would I do without Justin? I dismissed the thought as fast as it had come. I would never find out that answer. I would make sure of it.

As the guys rode to the hotel in the limo, Justin was quiet as he started out the window. Why hadn't Chris been on all day? They had talked everyday since that first week and now... Justin didn't know now. He thought about the last conversation they had had. Did he make Chris mad? Maybe he shouldn't have offered him the tickets. Did he think it was like a test or something? Justin knew when he got to the hotel he would write Chris and try to patch things up. He didn't want to lose Chris. He felt something with Chris that he didn't feel with anyone else. He was closer to him than even the guys. That kinda scared Justin, but he knew he would be even more scared if he had to face life without him. All the guys looked towards JC as they began to notice Justin's behavior. JC was the closet to Justin so it always fell to him to look after the 'baby' of the group. Even JC didn't know what to do now. I mean, Justin had been in trances for the past four months and now was looking depressed. He didn't get it, and from what was said that morning Justin didn't really want to talk to JC about it. JC knew, however, that he would have to press the matter if things got much worse. When the guys got to the hotel, they all packed and got ready to leave. Justin went on- line and still no mail. He felt like he should write Chris, but the ball was in his court so he would let Chris make the first move. He gathered his stuff and went to meet the guys. They were soon in first class heading to Orlando on a flight out of LA. All the guys had spread out and fell asleep except Justin and JC. JC had sat next to Justin and tried to start a conversation, but failed. More than once. "Alright Justin! Talk to me. What is up?" This caught Justin's attention. He turned to see JC's eyes and burst into tears. He buried his head on JC's shoulders and cried himself to sleep. JC comforted him as best he could until he too fell asleep with Justin.

I was in line. (I seem to be there often) This time I was in line with my CD to have it signed. Unfortunately, I was in the back this time. Almost dead last to have my CD signed. That was ok though, it would get signed and surprise Justin. That was what was important. I stood there for two hours before I realized I was wrong. I would have much rather been in the front of the line! I hated waiting to see Justin, and then there were all those pre-teen girls. Most of them were barely in middle school, yet they were ahead of me at 2:00 in the morning. Imagine that! Around 2:45 however, my turn came. I walked up and was saddened to see Justin turned around looking out the window. Not that he would have recognized me or anything, but still, he could have been looking. Chris was the first one to take the CD. "So, a guy. This is new. Who should I make it out too?" Chris said jokingly. I just smiled and, "You could just autograph it." He looked at me puzzled until I clarified. "The name's Christopher. You can just make it out to Chris." He smiled and started signing. It slowly made its way down the table until Justin. JC held out the CD while signing another, but Justin didn't notice. He was starting out the window behind him. When JC saw he still had the CD, he turned to Justin. "HEY JUST! You mind signing somethings while you sit?" He said only half kidding. Justin quickly came to. "Oh sorry. What was the name?" He was looking right at me now. I just pretended to frown. "I'm hurt. You don't even know you're best friend? And after I waited all day and night to get here too. You can just sign it Chris." I pretended to sob. I was just kidding, but JC overheard and thought otherwise. I saw him getting up to say something before Justin jumped up and put his arms around me from behind the table. I was startled but put my arms around him too. "Nice to see you too." I said laughing. "Chris! I can't believe you are here. You wouldn't take tickets, but you do autographs huh?" He said smiling that breath-taking smile. I thought I would faint. "Yeah, well. I had to get in a couple of favors." Justin quickly pulled up a seat for me and told me to sit and wait, and we would go out and do something after they finished. Justin and me talked the whole time we sat there just as we had everyday on the computer. But now, it was much better to be face to face.

As soon as they were done, Justin grabbed me and pulled me away to his Mercedes. I laughed as we got in. "Is all this over? I would think you didn't want me to meet your friends." I said looking at him. He just smiled. "This isn't over. It's just beginning." I smiled as we drove off, I trusting him completely as to where we were going.

TBC ~ Sucks doesn't it. To be continued, I mean. Anyway, hope you liked it. I plan on continuing this, unless the e-mail is just that bad. lol Please e-mail though. Good or Bad. I really am interested to know how everyone liked it. Thanks a lot!


Next: Chapter 2

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