Justins Love

By moc.loa@mrcsnlM

Published on Jul 19, 1999

  • Well, hey. I know, I know. I am so majorly late. I am so sorry. I have had a lot of things going on. I have not had a lot of time or energy to get this out. And on top of that, I am trying to make this longer and more involved so hey, it takes time. Well, for the usual, thanks to Nifty for being there, and helping us authors have somewhere to go. :) And thanks to JJ Vascardi for hosting the 2nd BSB/NSYNC awards. You are appreciated. Also, thanks to Rick, Rob, Pat, and Gary for being such good friends and everything you have done for me. I am so grateful to have y'all listening to me ramble. lol And last of all, thanks to Justin for helping me with all this Lance and JC stuff and for being the greatest guy that I don't deserve. Well, as for the legal stuff. Follow it. You know it, so I don't feel the need for me to type it. :) And, last of all. This story is all fake. I am not meaning to imply anything about anyone mentioned. Now, on with the story I hope you have been waiting for.

Justin's Love Part 7: Getting Over It

"All right JC! Now, we need to talk and you need to listen." Lance said as he entered the room. JC shut the door and stood there in shook as to why Lance was there. Or even how Lance had found him. He had definitely not called Lance and told him where he was staying. "Lance, what are you doing here? How did you find me?" JC asked as he locked the door back. "Nevermind all that. I think it is better that you leave. Because we don't need to talk. We already have. I don't want to draw this thing out and we fight it to death. You have made you decision on the matter." JC stated with tears falling down his face once again. "So, that's it. This is how it's going to be for us? Every time we get around each other, we are going to fight. Or not fight, but just be civil. What about are friendship? I don't wanna throw all that away because I made a mistake." Lance said as he fell to the bed and dropped his head in his hands. JC felt the urge to throw him out and tell him, You hurt me, so go.' but he couldn't. He loved him too much. He didn't know what to say however. Even though he didn't want to throw Lance out, he didn't want him to stay either. It hurt to much to have them in the same room and not be together. JC had always felt like it was hard to be near Lance, but with all JC's feelings on the table' so to speak, it was ten times worse. But with all these thoughts, one came coming back to him. "What do you mean, you made a mistake?" JC said taking the only chair in the room right across from the bed.

"So, I guess we are just going to wait around here all day?" I said only half sarcastic. Justin looked at me and almost looked disappointed. "I just want to make sure JC is OK. I mean, something major happened between him and Lance. He was cry and he never lets anyone see him cry. He is the strong of the group. This is big." He said as his head dropped again. We had found a bench not far from JC's hotel door and we sat waiting. "Maybe JC has a thing for Lance." I said thinking out loud. Justin shot up and looked me dead in the eye. "What do you mean?" Justin sounded almost scared. "Well, we know JC is gay. And Lance seems like a nice guy, they are obviously close, maybe he fell in love. Is that a problem?" I asked with a hint of anger. JC had been the source of many of my worries since my relationship with Justin had started, and now Justin was a little overly anxious with all this JC and Lance talk. "What do you mean? I wouldn't care if they got together, but I know Lance is not gay." I looked at him intently. "Maybe that is the problem." I said as I took his hand and his head dropped to my shoulder.

"Well, after you left I got to thinking about me. About you. Well... about me and you. I thought about all the stuff we have done together, and how much fun we have had. The best times of my life, all include you. Every time I have been at my happiest, you were right next to me. You are my best friend and you mean the world to me. I don't want to lose that. I want us to be like we were. Best friends, who share everything, and always have fun when the other is around." Lance said as JC scooted closer to him. "We can't ever have that again. We can become friends again, and maybe even best friends, but it will never be like it was. There are only two possible way for us to go. We can be friends and try to get back what we had..." JC stopped and took a deep breathe. "Or we can be together." They both started crying again. Before Lance had a chance to speak up, JC had started again. "It can just be me and you Scoop. We can be in love, we can be each other's heart and soul... we could be together." JC and Lance were in a tight embrace as JC said all this. JC felt like things were going great. He felt as if he had bonded with Lance even more so than ever, and that maybe Lance felt the same. But these feelings were crushed as Lance stepped back. "JC, we can't. I just don't feel.... I don't know how I feel." JC perked up. "But that is good. If you don't know how you feel you could feel the same. You could love me like I love you. We could really belong to each other." JC was staring into Lance's eyes, trying to pierce his soul to find the answer he sought. "No, that is not good. Even if I was gay, which I am sorry to say I am not, I obviously don't feel the same about you. Not if I am confused. I am so sorry." JC stood there trying to think about everything that just happened. "What do you mean, you are sorry you are not gay?" JC said still hoping. Lance sighed heavily. "JC, you can't keep doing this. I am sorry, because I want to love you. I have wanted someone to feel about me the way you do, and now that it has happened, I don't know what to think or say. But you can't keep turning everything I say into something hopeful. I wish it were that easy. But we will have to be friends. That's it." Lance said as he pulled away from JC once again. "So, friends?" Lance asked with much fear behind his voice.

"Things are going to be OK, you know?" I said trying to cheer Justin up. "I was thinking though." I started as Justin raised his head. "Didn't hurt did it?" He asked laughing. When he saw my face staying serious however he quickly quieted. "What is it?" I sighed and turned to him. "When you got that phone call, you said it might be important. I am assuming that meant work?" I asked. He nodded only half guessing what this was about. "Well, what happens when it is? I know we have two weeks to spend together and get this relationship to mean something that is more than us, but then what?" I had dropped my head long ago, and only hoped that Justin hadn't seen my tears. As soon as I felt his hand pull up my chin, I knew things would be all right. His touch did that to me. "Listen, for one, are relationship is already at that point. You mean more to me than anything. These past four months have been my best. I have been a better person these past months and it is all due to you. I have something to make myself better for. So, these two weeks, are only for us to be with those we love. As for after that... nothing will change. I know that after the two weeks are up, we are back on the road. We have venues all over the North East left and that will last another two or three months at least. But I will still love you. My feelings will not change. We can call each other, we we'll still have the infamous internet..." We both laughed as he spoke of are `meeting place', the internet. "Or... you can come with me?" These last words were more of a question then a way to keep in touch. "What?" I said confused. I wasn't even sure I had heard him right. "Well, I think it would... I mean I would love it if you were with me. I know you are supposed to start college and all, but you could put it off for a year. You could be with me. We would be able to be together for another whole year." Justin had broke down in tears by now. I could tell he thought I would reject him. "Justin... do you know what you are asking?"

JC stepped forward and gave Lance a hug. "Friends forever. Like always." JC whispered to Lance. He loved the feeling of Lance in his arms but quickly pulled away as he started to enjoy the feeling. Lance sensed this and frowned. "It doesn't have to be like that you know. I mean, we are bound to give each other a hug from time to time. You don't have to pull away." JC looked at him and knew he was wrong, but didn't want to argue or even talk about it anymore. He was scared is he said something, it would be wrong and push Lance away, and he didn't want that. "I know. I am sorry." Lance smiled. "Don't apologize. It is not your style." Lance raised JC's head and stared into his eyes. They are beautiful' Lance thought has he was caught up in the stunning perfection of JC's eyes. He started to lean forward as JC turned around. "I wonder what is keeping Justin. I would have thought he would be here by now." JC said feeling a little uneasy. Lance had been staring at him so intently he had started to scare. Lance shook his head and allowed JC's words to hit him. "Huh? Why would Justin be here?" JC turned to him and realized he probably shouldn't have said anything. He hated to say that he couldn't handle his feeling's by himself. "I was just... I was going to ask if I could crash at his place. I told him to come pick me up. He should have been by now." Lance felt a little hurt. I guess I never thought I hurt him that much as he couldn't even come back,' Lance thought to himself. "Well, gather your stuff. We will drop it all back at my place, call Curly on his cell and we will get together for lunch or something." Lance said grabbing JC's thrown clothes and bags. "Yeah, sure."

"Yes, I do. I am asking to be with the man I love. I am asking if he wants to be with me." Justin said as if it were nothing to ask it. He was asking me to give up college. Even if it were just for a year. Justin's eyes had watered and tears were about to come flooding. Before that however, a single tear fell and rolled down the cheek. And that is when I really thought about it. When I saw that tear, I thought about the last four months. Before I met Justin, I would hang around the house all of my free time, and when I did leave it was just go to work. And at work I zoned out and was just there. Life felt like it was just this thing that we all had to suffer through until we died. But Justin opened my eyes. Not only did I fall in love with him, but he made a great friend. And a best friend, and a great love was what I was looking for at the time. I didn't know it until I got, like most things, but it was. And I had grown to love him through everything we had done and said. And then I thought about how happy I have been these past two days. Me and Justin hadn't been together for a week, and already he made me feel important, special... loved. All these things rushed through my mind before that tear fell from his cheek. My hand quickly moved to catch it and then I smiled. "Of course I wants to be with you. And, I am honored you would invite me to come with you, but are you sure? I mean, not to mention the fact that management will have something to say about all this, and we would have to be so careful with the public being with us everywhere we go, but you will have to tell the guys. I know you said you would when the time was right, but now the time has to be in the next two weeks. If you can deal with all that, then I am with you wherever you go." I said worried, but hopeful he would say none of it mattered. Just has he was about to say something, we saw the door to JC's room open and Lance and JC talking like nothing had happened between them.

"So, where do you wanna go for lunch?" Lance asked as JC came out and shut the door. "I dunno, we'll wait and ask Justin when we call him." JC said just as he spotted us sitting on the bench near the room. We both stood and walked towards JC and Lance. "So, you two have fun in there?" Justin came out not being the least bit discreet. "Justin, what are you doing here? Why are you sitting out here?" JC asked as he glanced past Justin and saw me. Our eyes met and I could tell he had been crying. As much as he had scared me about Justin, he eyes told me I could never feel weird around him or ever dislike him. His eyes truly gave him away. He was gentle and a could tell, not just from Justin telling me, he would be a good friend. "Well, just as me and Chris got to your floor we saw Lance knocking. When I saw him and asking you to open up, I figured you and him had something to talk about before I came barging in there. So, everything OK?" He asked as he looked back and forth from Lance to JC. "Yeah, we are cool. Just like always." Lance faked a smile as he said that. I could sense he felt extremely uneasy talking about it. "We were just about to call you and invite you to lunch. I mean, you and Chris." JC added as a change of subject as well as an obvious question to my being there. I finally came out from behind Justin and stood next to him. I had felt that the three guys needed to talk without me seeming to be all up in there business. But now that I was addressed to being there, I figured I would step forward. "Hey guys." I said as I scooted next to Justin. "Hey Chris. Nice to see you again." Lance said smiling. I stuck out my hand to shake only to have Lance grab it and pull me into a hug. "This is how we say hello to all the guys, and after all we've been through, I think you qualify." We both laughed as I felt a surge of happiness. I was glad that at least me and Lance had become friends. We broke the hug and JC leaned forward for a short-lived embrace. "Hey Chris." He said uneasy. I wasn't sure if it was the fact that me and him hadn't talked much, or just didn't like me, but something was up with him. "So, what did I hear about lunch?" Justin said excitedly as he rubbed his hands together. We all smiled at him as Lance started walking again. "You just follow me. I know this place I think we will all like." JC followed close behind him as I felt I hand against my shoulder stopping me from following. "Listen, I don't care about all the guys, and management. I love you and want to be with you. The only thing that would ever stop you from coming with me is if you didn't want to." I looked at him surprised at his sudden change in posture and attitude. "Well..." I said keeping him hanging. He almost looked worried I would say no. I couldn't help but smile at that. "I guess I am going on tour." His face brightened and we entered into a tight embrace. "You know, I thought that maybe we were moving too fast mostly because I thought I was in love with you. But I was wrong." My head shot up at his remark. "You were wrong about thinking you were in love with me." I asked in fear. He shook his head. I started to turn and cry and this sudden change of events until I heard him laugh. "Because I know I am in love with you. We needs to think about it?" He said in a gentle and caring way. I smiled and saw him moving close to kiss him. I stopped him and quickly explained why. "You know, since I am going on tour with you, I should start no with being careful. That means no kissing in public." I said grinning. He frowned. "Oh come on. No one is around. Please." He had started to fake beg for my amusement. I couldn't say no. Who would? I leaned in and stopped his begging as I captured his tongue. "Well, maybe I can make a few exceptions."

I said as we broke. We both smiled before I spoke again. "Come on, we need to catch up with Lance and JC." I started to turn when he grabbed my hand and we started to walk. I wanted to say that we shouldn't but I guess I was too much in love. "Well, what took so long?" Lance asked as he stood outside JC's jeep. We had parked next to him because we knew it was JC's so my car was next to his. "We were just talking." Justin said winking at Lance. "Well, come on." He said laughing.

In about twenty minutes we were standing outside Church Street. Church Street was one of the most happening places in Orlando not to far from the Arena. I was guess as we followed Lance that we were going to be eating Italian. There was this great Chicago Pizza place on Church Street that had the best pizza. "We are eating Little Italy tonight huh?" I joked with Lance as we turned the corner. "So, you have been here? You like it?" He asked trying to get the guys to realize he did good in picking a cool place. "Love it. It has the best Italian food in Orlando." I said as I saw JC and Justin smiling at each other. "Has Lance been brushing up on Orlando?" They all laughed as I stood there confused. Justin saw this and started to explain things to me as we entered the little wanna be pub. "Lance has never been good with picking places. Clubs, restaurants, you name it. With him leading, we have ended up at a Pakistan restaurant that gave us food poisoning, a gay and lesbian bar that only Joey and Chris enjoyed because of the girls willing to do threesomes, and the middle of Central park at 11:00 at night looking for some place to get cereal for the next morning." Justin said laughing at Lance as Lance had overheard and turned around. "We can't all be born with the directional instinct you were Justin." Lance said sarcastically. "Hey..." I said defending Justin. "From the past two days... I have found Justin has an excellent skill for where he is going." I said jokingly implying sexual overtones. Lance and JC burst out laughing as Justin shot me a pissed off look. "What?! I was just kidding." I said trying to stop laughing. "I just thought we were going to keep all that to ourselves." Justin said getting into the joke. With that Lance and JC spoke up in unison. "Ill!" We heard them both say. "What are you saying `ill' about JC. You will have to deal with it one day to. Besides, we are just joking around. We just got together." Justin whispered to his friends as I sat there smiling. My thoughts had drifted back to me going with Justin on tour. It was a grand idea to me if it worked out. I came back suddenly however as I heard Lance's next question. "You mean you two still aint given it up yet?" Lance said smiling and showing a perverted side that I knew most people never got the chance to see. "Well, we can't all be studs like you Lansten." JC joked with him in his friends defense. We continued to joke around after we ordered our food and all through dinner. We had so much fun. After a hour, it felt if we had all been best friends for years. Granted, 3 of the 4 had been friends for years, I didn't feel left out. They had truly accepted me and even JC had joked around with me a lot. I was truly happy.

"Well, it is getting late. We should probably head back home. Even if we don't have to go to work for another week and a half, it is almost 2 in the morning and this place is closing." Lance said pointing to the kitchen lights going off. "Yeah we should probably go. Hey I got an idea. Since we have come all the way to this side of Orlando, we are closer to my house then any of yours. Why don't we all camp out there. I have plenty of room and that way tomorrow we can all do something together." Justin agreed with me and we did little convincing to get them to agree as well. After a quick 10 minute drive, we had arrived at my house. "Well guys, is you are tired, the two guest bedrooms are upstairs, the first two doors on your left. I am a little hyper though, so I am going to go watch some movies in the living room for an hour or two. You are welcome to join me." Justin of course opted to go with me and as soon as the guys dropped off there stuff in the rooms we all sat down to watch The Big Hit. I had yet to see it, but had rented 3 days ago. I figured now was as good a time as any. We all started talking once again, but after about 20 minutes I had completely zoned out and was fast asleep. "Huh Chris?" Justin asked me laughing with the other guys. When he got no response, he turned to see me asleep. "I guess he was more tired than he thought." JC joked as he saw what Justin saw. "Yeah. I guess. So, what do y'all thing of him?" Justin asked rather subtly. Both guys were taking a little by surprise. "What do you mean?" JC asked. "I mean, do you like him? Hate him? Tolerate him? What?" Justin asked in a whisper. "Well, I like him. I think he is a cool guy and seem really nice. I feel like I know him though because of everything that happened." Lance eased Justin's mind. Justin then turned to JC. "Well, I agree with Lance. Even though I have really only had tonight to get to know him, I think he will become a really good friend." JC stopped only briefly to ask himself if he should say the rest of what he was thinking. "So, does this mean you and Chris are together now?" JC had decided to finish. Lance sighed as he was glad it was asked. He didn't really know what had happened after that night at the hotel. He hadn't had a chance to even talk to Justin. Justin smiled. "Yeah, we are. I... I think I am falling in love." Justin quickly shut up after that. "But I know neither of you wanna hear that." Justin laughed nervously. They both looked shocked he said that. "Justin, we are all best friends. If you wanna share something, especially about you falling in love, we wanna hear about it." Lance said with a hand on Justin's shoulder for comfort. "Is it really that serious?" JC spoke showing that he would be there for Justin. Justin nodded. "It feels that way. I mean, I love him more than anything. I have never felt this way before. He makes me happy. I mean, you guys are my best friends, and I love the group, but Christopher makes me feel different than that. It is stronger than all that." Justin said all in one breath.

"Wow." Lance was the first to speak up. "I didn't know it was like that. Does he feel the same way?" Lance found himself very interested in this. He couldn't explain it, but he felt the urge to know everything he could. "I think so." Justin thought a moment. "Yeah, I know he does. I can feel it." JC felt weird inside now. The feelings that Justin was describing was what he was longing for with Lance. He tried t hold back the tears as he didn't want to alert anyone of what he was thinking. "I am glad for you Curly. I cant believe you are the first of us to be entering a steady relationship. No one in the group has had a steady partner since we founded." Lance stopped quickly as he turned to Justin. "I take it this is going to be steady right?" Lance sounded like it was a statement more than a question. "Yes." Justin laughed from the question. "Well, good." Lance said. Justin debated with himself weather to say what was on his mind, but decided to wait and ask what happened between JC and Lance until one of them offered. He knew better than to push. He did need to talk to them about something though. "Hey, what would you guys say to Chris coming with me? With us?" Justin barely got out. It was obvious he was scared to ask that. "What do you mean by that?" Lance asked already knowing. "Me and Christopher have another week and a half to be together, but then... we have to finish up the tour. The tour is another 2 or 3 months, four at the maximum. What is Chris came with us to tour?" Justin said annoyed he had to say it again. He didn't even want to ask it the first time, but now he felt as if they were both staring at him with a What the hell are you thinking' look. "Well, you know I like Chris, so if it can be arranged, I am OK with it." Lance said. "What about you JC?" Lance said turning to JC. Lance caught JC looking at him with a loving face. Lance almost melted right there. What was happening?' Lance asked himself. Do I feel the same way? No. I know I don't. Or do I? Maybe it is just because I am dealing with all this at once. Yeah, that is it.' Lance had himself convinced as JC came back to talk. "Yeah, why would I have a problem with it. If you find love, you should hold to it and never let it go. If you want to be with that person, then you should do everything you can to be with that person." JC said looking at Lance the whole time. JC's words hit him like an arrow. That was so sweet. Was that how JC felt?' Lance thought as he debated his feelings. Justin looked from Lance to JC and knew something was going on there. Especially after what JC had just said. He was talking from experience. `I guess Chris was right.' Justin thought to himself before speaking. "Well, I am glad you feel that way. Next week, when all us guys meet up at Universal, I am going to tell Joey and Chris. Then, if that goes well, I will talk to Johnny. (Their manager)" All the guys nodded and JC yawned. "I guess we should all head to bed." JC said getting up. "I'll see you tomorrow." And then he was gone.

"He sure left in a hurry." Justin said trying to get something out of Lance. "Yeah, guess he was tired." Lance lied. He knew why JC had left. The same thing that made Lance wanna leave. It got a little awkward to be together as just friends. "Lance, what happened?" Justin finally decided to be blunt. "What do you mean?" Lace tried to dodge the question, with no luck. "You know what I mean. Today, between you two?" Lance looked down trying come up with an answer. "He loves you doesn't he?" Justin asked leaning back and sighing. When Justin saw Lance's head come up so fast, he knew he was right. "How did you...?" Lance asked not knowing what to say. "Actually, it was Chris who pointed it out to me. I was just to blind to see it I guess. How bad is it?" Justin asked as he scooted closer to Lance. "Bad. He loves me. I mean, like you say you feel and Chris feel about each other. I am his world." Lance threw his arms up and stared crying. "And you feel..." Justin asked trying to get his friend to open up. He had decided to wait until offered, but they way JC just up and left had him curious. "I don't know honestly. I mean, I am not gay. I don't think so at least. JC is one of my best friends. I do love him. But I don't know if it is how he loves me." Justin was shocked to hear this. Not so much that JC was in love, or even that he was in love with Lance, but that Lance was unsure how he felt. That was a little scary. "So, you might be in love with him?" Justin asked not knowing where Lance was coming from. Hi didn't understand what Lance was saying. "I don't... maybe. No. I don't know. I don't think so. I am so confused." Justin juts wrapped his arms around his friend. All he could do was comfort and be there for Lance. He knew JC would nee this too. They stayed there for another half hour before Lance felt he was falling asleep. "Well, I am sorry to be bugging you with all this." Lance said standing. "I should go to bed." Justin looked at him and stood. "Yeah, I am tired to, but don't be sorry. I am here for you if you need me." Justin gave his friend one final hug before Lance walked up the stairs and to his room. Justin went over to me, and tried to wake me. He was un- successful. I am a heavy sleeper. What can I say. Before I knew it (well that wouldn't even be until when I woke up) he had picked me up and was carrying me to my room. Our room. Granted we had only been dating for two days, and even though we were waiting awhile for the sex, we didn't feel it was rushing to sleep in the same bed. We had fallen in love and were in a committed relationship. We juts wanted to hold each other and be close.

Lance walked into his room and stripped down to his boxers and a T-shirt and crawled into bed. But as soon as he was in the bed, he was out of it shouting. JC quickly stood and shouted too. After a minute or two Lance finally ran and went to turn on the lights. "JC, what are you going in here?" Lance asked trying to regain his breathing. "This is my room. What are you doing here?" JC said trying to regain his composure as well. "Not this isn't. Your room his the second door on the right... we are in the..." Lance said as he stepped outside the door. "The second door on the right." JC said finishing Lance's sentence and putting on boxers. Lance turned just in time to catch a glimpse of JC's cock before he got his boxers on. JC looked up to see Lance staring right at him. JC blushed as he saw Lance's head staring right below JC's waist. "Umm... I guess you were right." Lance said coming out of his trance and started grabbing clothes. "Lance.. wait." JC said but Lance continued grabbing his clothes and then ran out the door. Was he looking at me?' JC asked. No, he is not gay. He doesn't feel anything for you. Get over it.' JC finally decided to go to sleep after fighting with himself. He turned out the lights and slipped off his boxers and turned his covers back to lay down again when he heard a knock at the door. "Who the hell can that be?" JC said out loud as he put his boxers back on and answered the door. He stood shocked to see Lance standing there with his head down. "Lance... what are you...?" He didn't know what to say. "I... I am sorry for coming in your room. I really didn't know." Lance said apologizing. JC would have been angered with anyone else who disturbed his sleep once and then again to say they were sorry for disturbing it in the first place. "You don't have to.." JC started but was quickly stopped by Lance's lips on his. JC was surprised at first but soon began kissing back. He must have felt ten different sensations all of them the most wonderful he had ever felt. He had never kissed anyone romantically before and the fact that his first kiss was with Lance, the man he loved, was amazing. As JC started to use his tongue Lance pulled away. "Umm.... I... sorry... I was wondering if maybe... I can stay here tonight. With you." Lance asked almost breaking down in tears. "Are you sure you want to..." JC was stopped by Lance pushing him softly back into the room and shutting the door.

Morning once again. This was our third day together. These were my first thoughts as me eyes fluttered open to see the sun. I looked over to clock and it read 11:38am. It's so late.' I thought as I got up. I usually never sleep past 7:00 and that is the latest. "I guess I stayed up later than I thought." I said out loud not remembering when I feel asleep or how I got up to my room. I didn't remember when I fell asleep but I did remember where. I looked over at Justin and smiled. I guess he woke me up and I just don't remember.' I said as I kissed his cheek and got up. I went and pulled some clothes out and headed to the shower. As I passed the first guest room, I noticed the door open and it empty. I looked in and saw no sign of Lance and his stuff. I went over to the second door to check on JC. As I opened the door slightly, I had heard snoring so I knew JC was in there. I shut the door, never opening it all the way and went on my way to the bathroom. "I guess Lance ran to his house and get stuff." I rationalized seeing as how Lance didn't bring anything new for him to wear. Justin had long ago brought extra clothes and all, and JC's bags were in his room from when they were in my car when we came over here, but Lance had nothing. I quickly accepted that explanation and hopped in the shower.

About 30 minutes later, I emerged from the bathroom, clean, dressed, and shaven, with no one still awake. I guess they stayed up later than I, I said to myself as I went down stairs. I thought I would whip up some breakfast for everyone before we did whatever we were going to do today. I was sure that Lance would come back so I got out the stuff to make French toast for him, set out all the cereal I had on the table for Justin, and would make some eggs and sausage for me and JC. After another half hour breakfast was ready and I was on my way to wake up the kiddies so to speak. First, I went into JC's room. He was sprawled across the bed with the blanket barely covering from his lower chest to his thighs. He looked so peaceful I didn't really want to wake him, but it was getting late into the day. "JC, hey JC." I said while shaking his shoulder. "Huh..." He said waking up. His head shot up as soon as he looked to his side. "Oh, my gosh. Where is... where...?" JC stopped as he saw me. "Where is what?" I asked confusing. "What are you looking for?" I said pondering what he could want. "I was just... just looking for my clothes. Yeah, I thought they were next to me. I dunno. Sorry." He did his best to laugh. "It's cool. Listen, breakfast is ready so why don't you get dressed and come on down. If you want to shower first just take a right out the door and got down two more doors. All the stuff you need is there." I smiled at him and started to walk out. As soon as I got to the door I turned back around. "Do you know where Lance is? Or at least why he left?" I asked curious still as why he would leave without telling anyone. Even if it was juts to get some stuff. "No... I don't know where he is. I can only imagine what made him leave." JC said looking down. His answer seem a bit strange but I continued towards Justin to wake him up. I walked in the room and found him in quite the opposite position as JC. Justin was curled up on the left side of the bed in a ball. All the covers were wrapped around him and he was facing away from me. I ran in and jumped on the bed hoping the movement would wake him, but he still slept. I then got an idea. I came close to him and started to cuddle with him. I placed me chin right on his shoulder as he lay there and I nuzzled his smooth face. He slowly began to stir. As soon as he had turned on his back and was ready to open his eyes, I was on his lips. I started slowly till he fully awoke, but soon he had moved his hand to the back of my head and were we into a deep kiss. He slowly moved his hand up and down my back as I started to grind my hips in with his. He soon followed and before wither of us knew it, our rock hard cocks were fighting over the same small space between our bodies. I slowly moved the covers off of us and had my hands roaming his bare chest in no time. He still had his hand on my back as I traced his movements on his own stomach. It was not long until I found a very sensitive spot right below Justin's nipples. I slid my finger all around his nipple causing him to let loose moans in between breathes. Then all of a sudden, "Excuse me." JC stood there as he cleared his throat. "I slid off of Justin got up off the bed. "Yes." Justin said half annoyed. "Didn't mean to interrupt your little group sex here, but I was going down stairs to eat if you would like to join me." With that he turned around and walked down stairs. "Jeez. What was his problem?" Justin said as he got out of bed. I couldn't help but admire Justin's perfect body. He was tall and had the most gorgeous chest I had ever seen. I just wanted to hold him all day. "I dunno. He seemed pretty jumpy this morning when I woke him up. He started freaking out because he lost something." I told Justin of the earlier events. "What do you mean?" Justin asked as he found his clothes in a neat pile in the corner. "When I woke him up, he looked to his side and started panicking, saying, `where is... where's' and then h made up something about he was looking for his clothes. I know better than that one though." Justin looked puzzled but soon was on his way down stairs. "I will talk to him before we leave." He said as we reached the bottom of the stairs. Right before we walked in the kitchen. He took my by my waist and pulled me close. He laid a soft and gentle kiss on my lips before parting. "That was juts finishing up what was so rudely interrupted. And.... I got an idea." I looked at him. "Another one. And you thought you were a blonde." I said teasing him about his hair. "You are just a bucket of funny today aren't you." I nodded before he smiled and continued talking. "Since we said we would, we spend to day with Lance and JC then we let them go their own way. That will gives us tomorrow, Saturday, and Sunday to ourselves before all of us meet at Universal on Monday. We do need to spend..." Justin started getting closer to my lips as he talked. "Some of that quality time together." He said finally kissing me again. He stayed for about 5 minutes before coming up for air. "Well, I must say. When you get an idea, it is a damn good one." We said laughing before going to eat.

"So, where is Lance?" Justin asked as he poured a bowl of Apple Jacks. "I dunno. I got up around 11:30 and he wasn't here. My guess is he went to go pick up a change of clothes and such since he didn't have anything here." I said while making a plate. I sat down with Justin on one said and JC on another. JC was already half way finished and I could see he opted with the shower before breakfast. "So, what are you up for today JC?" I asked trying to brighten the mood. "Actually, I would love to stay with you guys, but I am going to head back home. I need to see my parents anyway, so I am going to go up there now." Justin looked shocked. "But why? We are going to see them next week when we go over to that part. Stay and have some fun." He said trying to make JC smile. JC never even looked up. "I don't really feel like fun right now. I will see you when you come up there. So, are you bringing Chris to meet the folks?" JC asked finally raising his head. As he said that my heart skipped a beat. I had never thought about Justin's parents. I knew he was going to go see them, he told me, but I had forgotten. "Of course. Chris isn't leaving my side." Justin said laughing and grabbing my hand. "You are going to tell them?" JC asked with concern. "Well, I guess. Not now though. I will tell them, but after we get back in 2 or 3 months. I don't want them to say I am rushing into anything. This way, me and Chris will have known each other for almost 9 months and will have been dating 5." I sighed as he said that. At least the whole parent thing would be held off until I could deal with it. I would hate to think of having to try and get things ready to leave with Justin, and then have to deal with him and his parents too. My worst fear however, was that they wouldn't accept him or me. I hated the thought of them disliking me because I was with there little boy, but it bothered me more there is a chance they could dislike Justin. That scared me, but I forced those things out of my mind. "Well, I guess I am gonna jet. I will catch up with y'all at the house and all in a couple of days. Thanks for everything Chris. For the room and then breakfast. You are really nice guy, and I am glad we will all get a chance to know you better." He said smiling at me. "I'll just go get my things and call a cab." We nodded and I stood and hugged him good bye. Justin too followed me in the hugging. "Me and you need to have a serious talk when we meet up again. K?" Justin said in JC's hear. "Yeah, Yeah, I know. C-ya bro." And with that JC was gone. "I am kinda worried. I know I haven't been as close as you and JC are, but I can tell when something is wrong." Justin just nodded. "Yeah." I stood there and was surprised at him. "Well, someone should talk to him." He nodded again. "Yeah." I dropped my fork and stared at him. He was sitting looking into space. "Justin!" I said a little louder. "Yeah." He said finally acknowledging me. "I will be in the living room if you need me." I said and I walked out. What was up with him? His best friend just walked out. His other best friend is missing. I would be a little worried. Hell, I was a little worried. Yet, he sat there. I walked into the room and turned on the TV. MTV came on as Say What? Karoke came on with Joey Fatone as a judge. I left it there as to watch one of the members I had yet to meet. He seemed cool on his little comments and I couldn't wait to meet him.

"Well, Joey, are next performer is here to give you a run for your money." Carson said as he introduced the next guest. "Well, I always thought we needed a sixth member." He said laughing. "Well, let's hear him sing before you sign up. So, now we give you Eric Preston." Everyone applauded as a sorta goofy looking guy came out waving to the crowd. "Well, it say here you claim to be the biggest NSYNC male fan out there." They guy juts kept nodding his head until he could talk. "That is right. I think all their songs are awesome and I love to hear. And I must say, Joey Fatone is the best member. He is just Da Bomb!" They guy was doing serious sucking up. Carson just started laughing as he turned to Joey. "Well, what song will you be singing for us?" Carson asked as if he didn't already know. "I will be singing `I Drive Myself Crazy.'" The crowd went wild as Carson stepped back and the music started. "Ahhh, Ahhh. Lying in your arms, so close together. Didn't know just what I had. Now I toss and turn, cause I'm without you. How I'm missing you so bad. Where was my head? Where was my heart? Now, I cry, alone in the dark. I lye awake. I drive myself crazy. I drive myself crazy thinking of you. Made a mistake when I let you go baby, I drive myself crazy wanting you the why I do." Then music started to fade out and people started clapping. The judges started to talk, but I still heard the song being sung. I turned around to see what it was and saw Justin standing at the door way. "I was such a fool. I couldn't see it. Just how much you were to me. You confessed your love, and dying devotion. I confessed my need to be free. And now I am left, with all this pain. I've only got, myself to blame. I lye awake, I drive myself crazy. I drive myself crazy thinking of you. Made a mistake, when I let you go baby, I drive myself crazy wanting you the why that I do." He slowly walked to me and sat down next to me. "I am sorry, but so much as happened and I was juts thinking about everything that I sorta zoned out." He said smiling at me. I couldn't stay mad. No one could. Not that I was that mad in the first place. "I am not anger at you or anything, just annoyed because you acted like you didn't care. It was my fault. I just want to have all the guys like me, so I wanna help them out if I could." Justin shook his head. "JC and Lance think you are great and the rest of the guys will love you too. Don't worry about it. As for the thing with JC, you were right. Me and Lance had a talk last night. JC is in love with him bad. Like I love you, like you love me... that is how he feels for Lance and Lance doesn't know how he feels. He says he is not gay, but I dunno if he does have feelings for JC too and is just scared, or he really wants to believe that he is straight. But it is taking it's toll on JC. It is hard on him. Right now, he just needs to deal. Me and him will talk Monday when we all meet up again. I told him that. So..." Justin let out a loud breath of air. "Now that that is over, and Lance will probably not being returning, I say me and you have fun and not worry about anyone but me and you until Monday." He said smiling and extending his hand. I gladly accepted. "What did I say about when you get ideas?" I said smiling. It was all fun and games with us. Well, that and love. "Come on." He said rolling his eyes. Soon, he was changed and we were out the door.

"Hey Lance, this is JC. We really, really need to talk. If nothing, at least as friends. I am scared. Call me when you get this message. Love you. Bye."

"End of message." Lance hung up the phone and burst into tears.

  • OK, I am so sorry, this is short and late. I know. They will be faster and longer from now on. I have gotten this sudden energy all for writing. It has been very therapeutic. :) As for the next one, for all those who waited these past three weeks, thanks so much and the next one will be worth the wait. I am trying everything I can to make the next one a somewhat decent length like Zeo and JM. Good Luck to me, huh? lol Thanks again to everybody if I forgot you anywhere. And this is for the greatest guy in the world (with a great name)- Justin... I love you. (No, not Justin T. Totally coincidence.) LOL Well, see everyone next time. :)

Next: Chapter 8

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