Justins New Boy

By Banky Edwards

Published on May 4, 2004


~Queer As Folk and all characters are copywritten and trademarked material of Showtime Networks~

::Justin's New Boy::

The club was amazing. Babylon was the name and hot guys were the game. I had just moved into the area and it was my first Friday night. I had nothing else to do but go to the club. I mean, I could have spent my time unpacking, but let's face it. Unpacking versus getting packed? No contest.

I slid through the club eyeing the sexual candy. The clubs in my old city were no comparison to Babylon. This was by far, the best moving decision I had ever made. I passed a rather attractive pair at the bar. One was a beautiful blonde who looked to be no older than twenty. He was standing next to a tall, dark haired guy who gave me a seductive look. I moved on, certain they were a couple. I walked up to the bartender, somewhat uncertain on what to order. "Try a pink Martini," a voice said to me. I looked over and saw a tall slender diva smiling down at me. He was wearing a tight pink shirt and matching pants. "You look lost, hun," he quipped. "I'm Emmett,"


"Nice to meet you, Keiran. Wanna dance?"

I smiled. "No thanks. I'm not a dancer,"

He raised his eyebrows. "Not a dancer? In Babylon? That is simply impossible,"

I laughed and Emmett simply said, "Suit yourself." With that he turned to the couple I had seen earlier and began talking. The bartender returned with the drink I had sort of ordered. It was actually quite good. Just as I was about to finish the drink, someone bumped into me, making me spill the remainder of the drink on my shirt. I spun around to see the culprit and was more than surprised to see the blonde from earlier standing behind me. "Oh, sorry," he grinned. "I guess you'll have to take that off,"

"I guess so," I replied, pulling the tight white shirt over my head. I immediately felt hands on my torso, stroking my skin. When I finally removed the shirt, I was surprised to see that it wasn't the blonde who was touching me. It was his brunette friend. He leaned in close to me, about a centimeter away from my face. "Brian,"

He stopped and looked over his shoulder at the blonde. Then, he turned back to me and blatantly asked, "Wanna fuck?"


As soon as the word slipped out of my mouth, he took me by the belt and began to drag me out of the club, which I didn't expect. I had fucked in clubs plenty of times, so I was a little thrown off. When I looked back, I noticed the blonde was following us. "What's he-"

"Shut up. Don't ask questions," the brunette... Brian, said sharply. Once we got outside, he basically threw me inside his Jeep. The blonde jumped in the back seat and smiled when I looked back at him. I knew that I had signed up for something more than I had expected. The ride was short, but the entire time, Brian had his hand down my pleather slacks, stroking my hard-on. "Here, take this," the blonde said suddenly. He took my jaw in one hand, opening my mouth. With the other, he placed a pill on my tongue. Then, he closed my mouth and pinched my nose, forcing me to swallow it.

"What was that?" I asked.

"E. Ever had it before?"

I shook my head and Justin smiled. I didn't know what to expect. A few minutes later, as soon as we pulled up in front of a loft, it began to hit me. My mind started reeling, like I had been spinning in circles for hours. We all piled out of the Jeep, the blonde instantly locking lips with me. He and I tripped up the stairs with Brian following. "Jesus, Justin. Give him some fucking air,"

Justin, the blonde, stepped back and grinned as Brian opened the door to the loft. Once inside, Justin pulled off his shirt, followed by his shoes and pants. I couldn't help but stare at his body. "Are you just going to fucking gawk at him or are you going to do something about it?" Brian asked, drawing my attention. He was standing next to the door, completely naked. His cock was perfect, already hard. It looked to be about eight inches long and had a nice girth.

"Well... I just..."

In what seemed like a split second, he was on me, yanking off my belt and pulling me into what seemed to be the bedroom. He shoved me onto the bed and jerked off my pants. I wasn't wearing anything underneath, so my erection popped right out. Suddenly, Justin was on the bed with us, jamming his tongue down my throat. I couldn't help but moan as Brian took my cock in his hand, giving it a firm squeeze. I, in turn, placed my hand on Justin's dick, feeling the soft skin against mine.

Brian's hand disappeared and I separated from Justin to see where he went. He was laying at the top of the bed, leg's seductively open. He was silently begging me to suck his cock and I would not refuse. I crawled up the bed on all fours and buried my face in his lap, kissing the tip of his throbbing member. When I ran my tongue up the length of it, Brian took me by my auburn hair and forced me to look him in the eye. "What's your name kid?"


"How old are you?"


"You ever suck a dick before?"

I nodded. "Then get to it before I kick you out,"

He let go of my head and I immediately went to it. No doubt about it, I was a man born to suck a dick. I could take any length down my throat and Brian's was no exception. My nose was buried in his thick bush and I could feel his heavy balls on my chin. I went down on him for quite some time before I felt hands on my hips pulling my ass up into the air. I lifted up and looked back to see Justin, condom-clad, and lubing up my asshole.

"Hey. Karen," Brian snipped.


"Whatever. What did I say? Suck. My. Dick,"

I couldn't believe this guy had such a talent at domination. His words seemed to take hold of me and force me to do whatever he commanded. I swallowed him whole without any hesitation as Justin continued lubing me up. I took Brian's dick in my hand, looking him in the eye as I sucked on the head. Just as I took the cock back down my throat, Justin pushed his dick right up my ass. I moaned around Brian's cock, amazed at the feeling of Justin's invasion. I hadn't gotten a good look at his dick, but by the way it felt, I could tell it was probably as big as Brian's. God, I was in heaven.

Justin didn't give me the chance to get used to his dick at all. After a few seconds, he began ramming into me like there was no tomorrow. His slender fingers dug into my hips as he ground away. I reveled in the feeling of being filled at both ends. This went on for a while before Brian pushed my head away. "Okay, okay, okay. I'm not ready yet,"

"He brought you to the brink mighty quick," Justin commented. I couldn't help but laugh quietly. "Shut up, Justin. And, move the fuck over. It's my turn,"

Justin pulled out of me, removed the condom and took Brian's previous position. His dick was thicker than Brian's, which I thought wasn't possible. I jerked it a few times, looking up at Justin. He smiled down at me and winked. He placed his hands on my head and guided me down onto his rod, which I gladly took. It tasted a tad like latex, but I didn't mind at all. Before I knew it, I felt Brian's hand on my hip and his dick heading into my ass. My eyes wandered to the clock. In my ecstasy induced haze, I could barely make out the numbers on the clock. When I finally did, I realized that I had been stuffed for about an hour already. What a great first Friday.

Brian was the same as Justin, taking no time in thrusting his dick into me like nobody's business. All three of us were sweating profusely, especially me. I felt like my temperature had gone up a hundred degrees. It was probably the combination of E and sex. As a matter of fact, I knew it was. It only got hotter the longer it went on. Brian laid himself across my back, panting into my ear as Justin pushed up into my mouth, meeting my bobs down.

"I'm gonna cum," Justin said suddenly. "I'm gonna fucking cum,"

And, that he did, right into my awaiting mouth. I gladly swallowed it all, feeling Justin's load slide down my throat. Brian basically yanked me off of Justin as he pulled me back onto my knees. He wrapped his hands around my chest, holding me closer. I leaned my head back and my lips met Brian's.


He broke the kiss and looked at Justin. "What?"

"Don't you remember what I told you?"

"It's just a fucking kiss, Justin. Goddamn,"

"No kissing, Brian! You promised,"

Brian looked at me, then Justin. "Just one more,"


"Don't get your diaper in a bunch. Just one,"

Justin looked at me and squared his jaw. "Fine. But you owe me,"

Brian resumed his deep thrusting and pulled me around to face him. He started pushing harder as his lips met mine. His tongue entered my mouth and I felt a hand on my dick, which I knew to be Justin's. He started jerking madly, making me groan. Brian picked up the pace as Justin continued his manipulation. I couldn't take it. I grabbed a handful of Brian's hair, let out a yell and shot my load. Just as I finished, Brian began his orgasm, pushing impossibly farther into me. He bit my earlobe and dug his fingers into my skin, leaving red streaks. He let out a deep sigh, which almost sounded like a laugh.

"Looks like you enjoyed yourself," Brian said.

"I did," Justin replied.

"Not you," he said. "Keiran here,"



I looked down at Justin. He was covered in my load. It was in his hair, on his face and on his chest as well. "Sorry," I said. Justin smiled at me. "No need to apologize. I had a good time,"

He got up on his knees and pressed his lips to mine. I could feel my cum on his face. "Hypocrite," Brian muttered, pulling out of me. The wave of exhaustion hit me like a brick. I fell back on my heels and then hit the bed. "Hey. You don't think you're sleeping here, do you?" Brian said suddenly.

"Brian, leave him alone," Justin said. "He's on E, for fuck's sake. He wouldn't make it back to Babylon like this,"

There was a period of silence before Brian said, "Fine. But, make sure he leaves in the morning,"

"Toss me the towel,"

I had my eyes open, but I felt like I was asleep. I could see everything around me, but it was like watching a movie. God, I hoped I would remember to get some of that E. "Hey. Hey, Keiran!"

I snapped back into the real world and looked at Justin. "Huh? What?"

"Climb into bed and get some sleep. You look like you're about to pass out,"

I stumbled through a few syllables before Justin placed a finger on my lips. "Shut it and get into bed. No objections,"

I looked up at him, but was unable to move. He sighed and hooked his arms under my armpits, dragging me up the bed. "What the fuck is his problem?" Brian asked, out of nowhere.

Justin grunted. "It's the E. It's completely screwed him up. He's out for the night,"

"Fucking drug virgin,"

"I'm an E virgin!" I yelled suddenly, startling Justin. "I'll have you know that pot is my best friend. Right up there with alcohol. Damn it,"

"Go to sleep," Justin replied. "You need it,"

I looked up at those baby blues and smiled. Right before I passed out.

Next: Chapter 2

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