Justins New Boy

By Banky Edwards

Published on Jun 13, 2004


*~*Queer as Folk and all characters are copywritten and trademarked material of Showtime Networks. ~

If you're not eighteen and you're not gay... don't read this. There's gay sex in it! (Who woulda guessed?)

::Justin's New Boy Part 3::

The sound of sirens woke me up from my sleep. I looked at my clock and jumped up. "Shit!" It was five minutes till ten. I couldn't be late for my first day at Babylon. First impressions, you know. I grabbed my box of makeup and things and took off, cussing the entire way.

Luckily for me, I can run until the day after forever, so I reached Babylon at nine fifty-nine. I bolted up the stairs and into the club, panting heavily. Someone looked at me and pointed towards the back. I jogged back and found the dressing room. There were only two other guys there and they were starting on their makeup. "Glad to see you're here on time,"

I turned to face Saperstien. "Come with me,"

I followed him to another part of the dressing room where a shorter, younger guy was waiting. "Keiran, this is Clint. He handles costumes. He'll fit you for tonight's costume and then get your measurements so you'll have stuff on hand. Avery will be here in about an hour and then you two will get on the floor at about eleven thirty. Got it?"


"Good. See you later,"

I turned to Clint and smiled. He was cute. Maybe about twenty five or so. He had short brown hair, gelled and spiked, green eyes and a slim swimmer's body. "Nice to meet you," he said quietly, almost whispering. "What's your waist size?"

"Twenty nine," I answered causing Clint to bite his lower lip. "Wow. You're kinda small,"

"I hope it's not a problem,"

Clint nodded. "No. I might have to adjust some things though. What size shoe do you wear?"


"Okay. Go ahead and take off your clothes and put this on,"

He handed me a small red thong. I guess he noticed the look on my face. "It's brand new. No one

has worn it before. We supply underwear for each costume. Once again, all new,"

"I take it that my costume is red," I jested. Clint laughed. "Yeah. Tonight's theme is devils and demons. You and Avery are devils. For the hair, bright red dye, gelled up into two large spikes. For the eyes, red glitter eye shadow and red lines from the bottom of the eye to the cheek. Maybe one out from the corner for you. Avery will help you with the body makeup. There's a guide for tonight at your mirror,"

I nodded as I threw my shirt to the floor. "I'm not sure if I have enough makeup for all this," I told

him. "I mean, I have stuff for my face, but body makeup is not something I used a lot,"

"Avery will have it. He's been here for a couple of months," Clint replied. "But, after a while, you'll need to get your own. There's some stuff that we supply. Body glitter, hair dyes and stuff that we don't use a lot."


I pulled off my boxers and noticed that Clint snuck a glance at my member before returning his gaze to the multitude of clothes in front of him. I pulled on the thong, which barely held me and looked at myself in the mirror. It fit well enough. "Here are your shorts and your shoes." Clint handed me the stuff. "You mirror is next to Avery's. Your name is written on it. I'll be here if you need anything else,"

"Hair dye?"

"Oh, yeah,"

He tossed me a can of spray hair dye. "Um... should I color and then style? Or vice versa?"

"Color, then style. It's a hell of a lot easier,"


"Oh, there's a shower back here if you ever need it," he said, with a slight hint of sexuality. I smiled and stepped back into the main room. My stuff hit the floor as I ran into someone. "I'm so sorry," I said immediately. I leaned over to pick my clothes up, as did the guy I bumped into. "It's no problem. You must be Keiran,"

I looked up into the most gorgeous blue eyes I have ever seen. This guy was beyond gorgeous. He had jet black hair in a spiky, semi-faux-hawk type deal, perfect skin, a pronounced jaw line and a small goatee under his bottom lip. God, he was beautiful. "How did you know?"

"I'm Avery. Saperstien said you'd be here, so I came early,"

How considerate of him. "I'll show you where your mirror is,"

At this point, I was still stunned silent, but I followed this god to my mirror, which was right next to his. He was taller than me, probably about six one. His body was amazing. He didn't look like a bodybuilder, but he had great muscles. All of them were toned and tight. Well, the ones that I could see. He had on a short tank top and some three quarter jeans. Hot.

"So, are you gonna need any help tonight with your makeup?" Avery asked, smiling at me. I nodded. "Um... I don't really have any body makeup experience other than some body glitter. Which also means I don't really have any body makeup to begin with,"

"Well, the stuff I have requires you to take a shower before you put it on," he replied, looking at the bottle. "Have you taken a shower lately?"

"No," I laughed. "And, I ran all the way here, so I'm definitely sweating,"

"Well, the shower in the back is probably open. Why don't you go hop in? You can use my soap and stuff." He handed me some shower gel, shampoo and a towel. "Thanks, Avery,"

"No problem,"

I went back to the shower, turned on the water and climbed in. The shower itself was in the bathroom, so it wasn't like I was just out in the open. I had been in the shower for a maximum of ten minutes when the door to the bathroom opened. It didn't alarm me, seeing as I had left it open in case someone had to go to the bathroom. I was surprised, however, when the shower curtain bent and Avery climbed in. "Mind if I join you?"

"Not at all," I replied, taking a look at the piece swinging between his legs. Avery was definitely a shower and, hopefully, a grower as well. It was probably about six inches already and I could only imagine how big it got hard. Avery had the most gorgeous body. He was the complete package, pardon the pun. Beautiful pecs, great abs, quads, calves, ass, everything. I couldn't resist when he took me by the waist and pulled me into a hot blooded kiss. One arm went around his neck and the other slid down his body, massaging his already growing cock.

I slipped down, taking his right nipple into my mouth, gently sucking and biting. Apparently, Avery liked that. He let out a boisterous moan and grasped my head in his hands. I moved to the left, hoping that the nipple ring would make him all the more sensitive. "Oh, holy shit!" Bingo. I shifted even lower until I was eye to eye with his throbbing monster. He had a lovely set of balls hanging heavily between his legs, but they were nothing compared to his meat. I stroked it once and looked up at him. "How big is it?" He smiled down at me. "Nine and a half,"

I leaned forward to swallow his dick when Avery suddenly pulled me up and simply said, "No."

He didn't say it harshly or commandingly. He just said it. His smile was so inviting and comfortable that I couldn't fight kissing him again. As if I would. He reached behind me and came back with a condom. He moved it back and forth, silently questioning if I wanted to top or bottom. I turned my back to him and stuck out my ass, making him chuckle. I heard him tear the wrapper and a few seconds later, I felt him pushing inside of me.

"Let me know if I hurt you," he said, slowly thrusting. I turned and looked over my shoulder. "You won't hurt me,"

"Oh, really?"


"All right,"

He shoved all the way into me, making me whimper loudly. I felt like he had stuck his entire arm inside of me. Damn, it felt good. He pulled completely out, then slowly entered me again, inciting another moan from me. He continued to do this for a long time before I begged, "Please fuck me,"

"Are you sure?"

He was playing games with me now. He knew he had me where he wanted me and I didn't deny it. "Please. I want you to fuck me,"



I fell silent. "Yeah, Clint?"

"Who are you in there with?"

Avery laughed. "No one, why? Are you lonely?"

I heard Clint let out a fake laugh. "You're funny, Avery. I know someone's in there with you,"

"And how, pray tell, do you know that?"

The curtain opened and Clint crossed his arms. "Because you make a lot of noise,"

Avery didn't make a move. "Well, are you just going to stand there?"

Clint rolled his eyes and pulled off his shirt. This job was going from great to amazing. Clint slipped out of his pants, revealing no underwear. His cock wasn't as big as Avery's but it was thick. It almost looked too thick for his body. He slipped in the shower with us and automatically locked his lips onto mine as Avery began to fuck me in earnest. I moaned into Clint's mouth as both he and Avery manipulated my body. Clint took hold of my cock, making me groan. He grinned at me, then slid down the shower wall.

I basically screamed when Clint sucked me all the way down his throat. Avery placed his weight on my body, making me lean forward against the wall. Between the intense fucking Avery was doing and the deep throating Clint was administering, this ordeal wouldn't last too long. I was feeling pleasure from two very sensitive places for an extended amount of time and I almost couldn't handle it. I closed my eyes and let them do whatever they wanted. I had no objections. Except...

My mind flashed back to Justin and what he had said to me earlier. "You don't need to use sex to

get what you need, okay? You have more going for you than sex."

I pushed him out of my mind. This was recreational sex. I wasn't using it to get anything. I just... wanted to fuck. Yeah.

I was yanked out of my thoughts when I realized I was close. "Oh, fuck. I'm gonna come. I'm gonna fucking shoot." I grabbed Clint by his hair, compelling him to suck harder. I let out a moan and shot a huge load into his mouth. When I looked down, I could see my cum dripping out of the corners of his mouth. Avery and I watched intently as Clint fingered his ass, jerking himself to orgasm, cum dribbling out of his mouth. He shot a load all over his abs and chest, moaning quietly.

"I guess it's my turn," Avery grunted, still thrusting away. He pulled out of me and disposed of the condom. "You want to finish me off?" he asked me. I didn't respond. I simply sunk to my knees and inhaled him into my mouth. It only took a few minutes for Avery to tense up. I pulled off of him and aimed the head at my open mouth. "Here it comes!"

Avery was a shower, a grower and a shooter. His cum was like a high powered hose. The first shot flew directly into my mouth, as did the second. But, Avery's spasms caused the other shots to fly erratically, landing in my hair, my eye, my cheek and nose. By the time he finished, my face was covered in his load. He took a few deep breaths and smiled down at me. "God, you look hot right now," he commented. He helped me and Clint stand up, kissing me right away. I separated from him and washed my face off, reminding him that we did have to get ready for work. If you could call it that.

Five minutes later, the three of us clambered out of the shower, Avery and myself drying and heading to the mirrors. I was in my thong and Avery was wearing a pair of boxers. "Want me to do your makeup?" he asked. I nodded and Avery went to it. The majority of the body makeup was on the arms and chest. There were swirls and points and curves all over the place. As Avery did my makeup, he introduced me to the other guys.

"Over there, that's Ashley and the tall one is Aaron. They're sort of an item. Don't even bother trying anything with them. The brunette over there is Seth. He's a jerk. Big dick. But, a jerk, nonetheless. The short guy is Matt. He's sweet. Next to him is Brandon. He's a good guy, great dancer. Just don't get him mad or you'll pay for it. That's Dale and next to him is Cornelius. Those two can get into some major trouble sometimes. The really tall guy is Colin. I hate him with a passion. I don't even know why he's here. The one who just walked in is McKay. He's good, but can be a little annoying sometimes. He just sat down with Quinn. Hot as hell, obviously. Good fuck, too. That's Nick. Funny guy. Big dick. David's the one working on his hair. Gives great head. He has a thing for Nick though. The little guy next to him is Bastion. He can be a real ass, but he's genuinely a good guy,"

"Fifteen of us every night?" I asked.

"Actually, there are twenty five of us right now. That's only on Fridays and Saturdays. Ten are out there right now. There's usually about fifteen or so on the weeknights. Sometimes less. And, during special events, there could be up to forty of us out there,"

"Oh. Okay,"

"And... done,"

I looked at myself in the mirror. Avery had done a really good job. "Wow. This is cool. Are you going to be able to do it on yourself?"

Avery nodded. "Yeah. It's not that hard once you get the hang of it. And, if you think this is complex, you should have seen the Halloween makeup last year. We had to be here two hours early just to get it all done,"

"That must have been elaborate,"

"Yeah. It took almost two hours to get it all off, too,"

"Are you two almost ready?"

Avery and I turned to face a somewhat unhappy looking Saperstien. "Brian and Jackson need to come down. It's ten till. I need you up there in the next twenty minutes,"

"You said we didn't go up until half past," I said. "We still have forty minutes,"

I noticed that everyone in the room had fallen silent and was staring at us. Saperstien moved close to me. So close that I could feel the heat off of his body. "I just said be up there by ten after. Don't make me come in here again. And, don't question me. If you weren't so busy whoring around, you'd be ready by now. Got it?"

I looked down and nodded. Saperstien walked off in a huff leaving me in a stunned silence. Great. First day on the job and I already fucked up. I sat down in my chair and went to work on my makeup. A few minutes of silence in the room went by before one of the other guys, Quinn walked up to me. "Look, Sap can be a real ass sometimes. Don't let it get to you." He took my chin in his hand and placed a gentle peck on my lips. "You'll get used to it,"

He patted me on my back and walked out of the room. I felt a little better, but not by much. "I'm sorry. I didn't mean to get you in trouble,"

"It's not your fault, Avery. He's right. I was fucking when I should have been working,"

"Keiran, he-"

"I'm fine,"

I left it at that and moved to my hair, spritzing the dye all over, making sure my hair was good and red. As that dried, I continued applying my facial makeup. I slipped into my shorts and shoes, then did the final styling on my hair, making two large devil horns as requested. Avery held a hairdryer to my horns, making them dry quicker. "You're good to go. And, with ten minutes to spare. Ready to do this?"

"Let's go," I quipped. Avery and I strutted out into the club, blasted by sudden noise. A remix of Kelis' song `Milkshake' had just come on and my body started moving all its own. There were plenty of ass smacks and body gropes, but I paid no mind. A few bills had found their way into my shorts. I could see that one was a twenty. Good start. As the song really began to pick up, Avery and I hopped up onto the far end of the bar, opposite of where we needed to be. So, we simply strutted down, avoiding drinks and flirting with customers, making some cash on the way.

About halfway down the bar, I spotted Emmett. My caution immediately took over and I looked around for Justin, but, thankfully, I didn't see him. As I stepped over his pink Martini, I leaned over seductively and blew a kiss at Emmett. He gave me a tip, then stopped. I could barely hear him over the music. "Keiran? Is that you?" he yelled.

"Hey, Emmett!"

"Justin is going to kill you!"

I shrugged. "Is he here?"

Emmett nodded. "He's dancing, but he'll stop for a drink any minute now. You better not let him catch you. Especially not on the bar. He won't take that well. Getting head to get ahead. Shame on you,"

"He won't recognize me. And don't you dare tell him!"

"I won't hun! Now get up there and shake that tight little rump of yours!"

"Don't tell Michael or Brian either!"

"Your secret's safe with me! Now, shut up and dance!"

I smiled and did just that, giving it my all. It was quite a while before I caught sight of Justin. He emerged from the pool of men without a shirt and sweating profusely. He was no more than five feet away from me when he ordered the drink. I nearly fell off the bar when he looked directly at me. When he beckoned me over, I hesitated, but went anyway, still dancing.

I leaned over, swaying sexily. "You're hot," he said to me, slurring his speech. "And you remind me of someone I know. I wanna fuck you,"

Thank god. He was drunk. "Maybe some other time, cutie," I replied. He pouted. "Aw, come on. Just a quickie. You know you can't resist,"

"We'll see." He seemed content with that answer, even though I knew I would not be fucking him until I was out of costume. I did, however, pull him into a passionate kiss, leaving red glitter on his lips. In return, he gave me a little something. "Thanks, hot stuff," he said, stumbling slightly. "I will see you later,"

You sure will, I thought to myself. I returned to my post, gaining more and more money in my shorts by the moment. I found that when I danced with Avery, we both got more. Consequently, there was a lot of grinding between the two of us. I must have been at least an hour later when Saperstien showed up behind the bar. "Take a break. Ten minutes,"

Avery and I headed to the back for a breather. Once in the dressing room, I began to count what I had made so far. "Two hundred and twenty seven dollars," I grinned. "In an hour! That is the best I have ever done. At this rate, I can get my own place,"

"Look at all those twenties. Damn, you're good for a first timer," Avery said, reapplying some of his makeup. I scoffed, putting the money away. "Who said I was a first timer? I was a stripper at the age of sixteen,"

"Sixteen?" Avery repeated, sounding shocked. I nodded and worked on my horns. "Yup. Left home and took up stripping. Supported myself on three nights a week,"

"That's horrible,"

"That's life,"

"Why did-"

"Ten minutes are up! Let's go get paid! Still have two hours to go!"

I basically dragged Avery back to the bar, eager to make some more cash. After a few minutes, I got a little thirsty, so I asked the bartender if he could give me a drink. He handed me some random glass that I threw back. I had no clue what it was, but I asked for another anyway. Within a span of twenty minutes, it hit me. Later I found out that the drink had two shots of Everclear and a shot of vodka. Good stuff. Needless to say, the dancing got a little more provocative at that point. Avery and I basically had sex again, this time on the bar and clothed. But, we got tips like nobody's business.

An hour passed like minutes and Saperstien showed up again to give us our break. "Last break of the night. Make it worth it."

Back to the dressing room to count the loot. "How much did you get this time?" Avery asked, counting his own. I grinned. "Two hundred and eighty eight,"

"Three twenty two," he smirked. I rolled my eyes. "Yeah, well, I am dancing on the bar on my first night, so there,"

"So was I back when I started,"

He sneered as I playfully hit him on the shoulder. "Final makeup check for the night." I said, making sure everything was in order. "Good?" I asked.


"All right. Let's rock,"

We headed out for the final show. Emmett had disappeared and I was sure Justin had, too. Even in his inebriated state, I was afraid that he might recognize me and remember in the morning. Then again, he was pretty far gone. The crowd had thinned out, as had the tips, but I was still doing good. Avery and I separated for the last run, dancing at opposing ends of the bar. This shift actually seemed longer than an hour, seeing as we didn't have as much energy to feed off of. Around one fifty, Saperstien came around, letting all the dancers know we were free to go.

"Not you, Keiran. I want to see you after you get changed,"


I jaunted to the dressing room and changed, not bothering to remove all of the makeup. I would shower at home. "Hey, why are you in such a rush?" Avery asked as he sat taking off the body makeup. I shoved my makeup into my bag. "Saperstien wants to see me,"

Avery's confident look wavered slightly, like he knew something. "What?" I asked. He shook his head. "Nothing. I'll see you tomorrow night?"

"Sure thing,"

"Night, Keiran,"

I ran up the stairs to the booth where I had found Saperstien last time. He had his back to me, but before I even reached him, he began speaking. "Keiran. You're new here, so I'll let you know this. When I tell you to do something, you do it without delay. Don't question me, regardless of the situation. If I tell you you're on in an hour, then come back and tell you to be ready in two minutes, you better be ready in two minutes. And, definitely don't talk back to me when you've been fucking with two other employees. Do you understand?"

"Yes, Gary,"

"You're off the bar,"

I dropped my bag. "No, please! I can't be off the bar! I need the money! I don't have anything else going for me! I made so much tonight! I can actually support myself. Please..."

He turned to face me. "If you want to stay on the bar, you have to prove it to me,"

I knew what he was getting at. "What do I have to do?"

I followed his gaze down to his crotch, which he was subtly massaging. I heard two distinct voices in my head. The first one was Justin's again. Telling me that I don't have to use sex to get ahead. The second was Michael's telling me that Saperstien uses his dances for his own purposes. Then, a third. It was my own voice, counting the money that I had just made in three hours, totaling almost eight hundred dollars. Guess who won?

I knelt on the floor in front of Saperstien and looked up at him. He was smiling and that somehow made me uncomfortable. Nevertheless, I sighed and unbuttoned his jeans, hooking his underwear under his balls. At that point, I felt even more uncomfortable. His dick wasn't too big. It was just obscenely fat. It had to be six and a half inches around, at least. And, the mushroom tip was even bigger. Despite my experience, I didn't know if I could do this.

"What are you waiting for?" Saperstien asked, snapping me out of my thoughts. I looked up at him, unsure of what to say. "I... I don't know if..."

"Fine," he snapped, stuffing himself back inside his jeans. "Off the bar,"

"No! I'll... I'll do it,"

He pulled his cock out again, taking one hand to hold my head and the other to aim it at my face. For the first time in my life, as he moved closer and closer to my mouth, I was afraid to do something sexual. Justin had planted this seed in my head and it was growing by the second. Every closing millimeter equaled an inch that the seed expanded. Soon, it would explode. But, not now. I had agreed to do this and, if I didn't, I would be in trouble.

I timidly took the tip into my mouth, my jaw already stretching. The only thing I could do was to tease with my tongue. There was no room for anything else. Saperstien seemed content with that for a while, but I knew he would get tired of it. "If you want to keep your spot at the bar, you're going to have to do better than that," he moaned. I pulled back, continuing to jerk him off, and went for his nuts. Much to my surprise, he roughly yanked me back by my hair. "Open your mouth." When I hesitated, he smacked me with the weight of his cock. "I said open your mouth,"

I did as he said, trying to convince myself that I wanted to do this. Trying to convince myself that it was the alcohol. Without warning, Saperstien shoved the entire length of his dick down my throat, making me cough violently. I had taken lengths up to eleven inches without a problem. But, length couldn't compete with this thickness. It simply blocked up my entire throat. I couldn't relax enough to adjust, so that made it all the more complicated. My jaw felt as if it would split at any minute, but I couldn't stop until Saperstien said so. I tried my best to handle his cock like a pro, but I simply couldn't. My throat ached and tears were forming in my eyes from the strain. Not to mention the fact that he was still pulling my hair and ramming down my throat like a madman.

I lost track of time during the oral assault, but I was more than happy when Saperstien announced his impending orgasm. "And, you're going to swallow it all." Kiss of death. Unless he pulled back, I wouldn't be able to take his load, much less swallow it. His thrusts got impossibly harder and faster, causing more coughing on my part. As the spit dribbled down my chin, Saperstien pushed his cock all the way into my mouth, cuing a coughing fit and his climax. His sperm hit the back of my throat and then violently came back up, flying out of my stuffed mouth with every hack. When Saperstien finally pulled out, I heaved over, coughing up what seemed like gallons of his cum. I cursed myself in the back of my head.

"Jesus Christ! You got cum all over my shoes!"

"I'm sorry," I whispered, still looking down at the floor, a mix of spit and sperm dripping out of my mouth. Saperstien sighed. "You've got one more chance. I'm having a party this weekend at my place and I need a little entertainment for my friends. If you come and have a good time, I'll keep you on the bar. Do we have a deal?"

Why couldn't I force myself to say no?

"I'll be there,"

"Good. Get out of here. Be back at eleven tomorrow,"

I grabbed my stuff and slowly walked out of the club, replaying the situation in my mind. It started to dawn on me that maybe everyone was right. Debbie, Emmett, Michael, Avery. Justin. I didn't even realize that I had started crying until I stepped outside. I looked up at Avery through bleary eyes. He pulled a tissue out of his pocket and wiped the mess of my face. "Come on. I'll walk you home,"

I shook my head and pressed my body to his. "You can come home with me, if that's what you want," he said quietly. I couldn't respond through the tears, so he wrapped his arm around me and led me back to his place. All the while, I wondered why I had done this to myself. I wondered what made me think that this was a good life. I wondered why I chose to ignore everyone's warnings. Mostly, I wondered what Justin would say if he saw me right now...

<<Okay. Whew. One more chapter down. Right now, there are seven chapters. I'm trying not to write too much, but I get kinda carried away sometimes. Feel free to write me and suggest any plot twists. I may try to incorporate some into the story if I like the idea. E-mail me at MoonDawgy99@excite.com and please put 'Justin's New Boy' as the subject or I may think you're a spammer. THANKS! MWAH!>>

Next: Chapter 4

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