Justins New Boy

By Banky Edwards

Published on Jul 8, 2004


~Queer As Folk and all related characters are trademarked material of Showtime Inc.~

<<This story contains graphic sex between males. If you are not of legal age in your area

or you don't like that kinda stuff... leave.>>

I felt a light pressure on my stomach, then my shoulder and finally my face. I opened one eye to see Ethan's cat standing on my cheek. It looked down at me, then licked my face. "Shoo, Vulfram."

The cat jumped away, leaving me alone with the now awake Ethan. I was still curled up next to him, so I barely moved when we kissed. "I'm glad you stayed," he whispered.

"Why is that?"

"So you could be the first thing I see when I wake up,"

He brushed a lock of hair out of my face, then gently kissed the tip of my nose. "What time is it?" I asked him. He rolled over and replied, "One forty two,"

"I should go," I told him. "I have work tonight and I'm sure the others are waiting for me at home. I mean, I could stay for a while,"

"No, it's alright," Ethan said, sitting up in the bed. "When can I see you again?"

I hopped out of bed and pulled on my jeans. "I'm not sure. I'm starting work in the comic book shop next week and I'll still be working at Babylon, so my schedule is kinda full right now. My nights end at two in the morning and my day begins at ten thirty. I don't think there's any time for..."


"For anyone, actually,"

Ethan sighed and nodded, making me feel slightly guilty. "I'll come back whenever I can. Even if I have to come at three in the morning,"

Ethan slid out of bed and into his boxers. "Don't go out of your way. I'm sure I'll see you when I'm supposed to see you,"

I pulled my shirt over my head. "Don't sound so depressed. My schedule won't be like this forever. I'm sure I'll have a night or two off,"

Ethan pressed his lips to mine. "Don't stress about it. If you have time, then come on over and let yourself in. If not, don't think twice about it,"

I pulled on my shoes. "I'll see you later,"

Ethan grabbed me by my belt loop and yanked me into a kiss. He let go of me and walked to his violin, stringing out a beautiful tune as I closed the door behind me. I could hear it all the way down the stairs. I jogged back to my place and dashed up the stairs. I opened the door and threw my keys on the table. "Hey, Michael. Em. I'm home!"

I came around the corner and saw the two of them in the kitchen with Justin. "Hey, Justin. How was the party last night?"

"Where were you all night?" he asked.

"Oh, really? That's interesting. Did Brian have a good time too?" I replied, rolling my eyes. Justin didn't laugh. "I heard you were with someone else,"

"You know what, Mikey?" Emmett said, heading for the door. "I'm really interested in seeing what Teddy's up to. Maybe we should go see him,"

"Good idea,"

They quickly left the two of us alone. "Daphne said she saw you leaving the caf‚ with some guy,"

So that was the laugh I heard. I shrugged as I opened the fridge, casually replying, "So, what if I did? Why is that such a big deal?"

"Who is he?" Justin said sharply, slamming the refrigerator door. I stood up and looked him in the eye. "Why does it matter to you?" I shot back, almost shouting. Justin crossed his arms. "Because I want to know if you're seeing someone behind my back,"

I laughed, unable to believe the words that had come out of his mouth. "Are you serious? Of all people, you, Justin Taylor, have a problem about me seeing someone else?"

"Why wouldn't I?"

"Because! You're fucking dating Brian Kenney! He fucks guys left and right, sometimes in front of you, from what I've heard! Why can't I see someone?"

"Because Brian doesn't date them and spend the night at their apartment," Justin replied. "I can't change Brian. He's been fucking everything he can since he was my age,"

I walked into my room and pulled off my shirt. "So, because Brian has been a slut for a long time, it's okay? I hate to break it to you, but I've been doing the same thing for a while. You're not going to be able to change me either,"

"I don't want to change you. I want to be with you,"

I threw down the shirt I had in my hand. "No, you don't. You want to be with Brian. But, Brian's too busy fucking everything with two legs and a dick to be concerned with you and your teenage notions of love. So, you met little old me. And you thought to yourself, `Hey. He's hot, a good fuck and he's single. I'll play with him for a while.' Well, I don't like being your toy, Justin. I care for you, but you're too busy sucking Brian's asshole to realize it. Ethan actually cares for me in the way that I want to be cared for,"

I began rummaging through my dresser, looking for something to wear. "Ethan?"

"Yes, Ethan Gold. He's a musician at your school. He plays-"

"The violin,"

I looked at Justin, who had a shocked look on his face. "You're fucking around with Ethan Gold?" he yelled. I slammed the drawer shut. "I take it you know him?"

"Yes, I know him" Justin snapped. "I dated him and I don't want you seeing him,"

I barked out a laugh and walked past Justin. "Don't even try and tell me who I can and cannot see. You are in no position to push people around,"

Justin took me by my arm and spun me around to face him. "What's that mean?"

I squared my jaw and took a second to calm down. "You left me last night. You had me dress up and you took me to a crappy foreign film at your school and promised me dinner afterwards. Then, you ditched me for Brian. For what? For a stupid advertising party. What did you expect me to do? Come back home and knit you a fucking sweater? Better yet, I could crochet you a condom holder! How about that?"

I walked into Em's room and began looking for a shirt to wear. "You are so full of shit,"

I stopped. "Excuse me?"

"You're full of shit," he repeated. "You think I like being stuck between you and Brian? Why do you even think I'm in this position? Brian's too preoccupied with his sexual overdrive to even think about making me feel loved. So, I meet you and you blow me away. You're sweet, you're funny, you're cute and you actually show emotion. I want to spend more time with you, but... I mean, between school and Brian... there's not a lot I can do. I... I love you, Keiran, but-"

Before I knew what was happening, I had turned and slapped him. "Don't you EVER say that!" I screamed, scaring myself. "You don't mean it, so don't say it! You've known me for a week! You don't even know me well enough to know how much I care for you! If you did, you would see how much you hurt me! Every time I'm dancing at Babylon and someone puts a dollar bill in my shorts, I feel like I'm betraying you. I keep thinking of how you told me that I don't have to use my body to support myself. Every time Saperstien bribes me into sucking him off or going to some party, I want to tell him no. Because you've made me question the way I live,"

"You're working at Babylon? After all of us warned you about-"

"I know! I know, I know, I know, I know! And, I regret it every minute I'm there! But, I need the money, Justin! I don't have Brian or my mom or my dad to support me. I have me,"

There was a long period of quiet, the only sound was my slight sniffling. Sometime in the argument, I had begun to cry and I was trying to reel that in. "When is this party?" Justin asked quietly.


He paused. "Don't go,"

I scoffed. "Did you not hear anything I said? I don't have a choice. If I don't go, Saperstien will take me off the bar and I'll be making one hundred dollars a night. That's not an option for me,"

"If you go, they'll... you'll regret it. I still do,"

I found the shirt I was looking for and returned to my room, Justin following. I pulled off my jeans, put on some briefs and then some shorts. Justin pulled me to him, despite my efforts to get away. He kissed me sweetly. "Stop," I sighed. He held me by my waist, kissing me again. "Justin, stop."

He stared me in my eyes and leaned forward, pressing his lips against mine. I accepted for a split second, then pushed him away. "I said stop!" Justin said nothing. He stood in my doorway, looking dejected. Then, silently, he walked out of the front door. As soon as I heard it close, I fell to the floor, bawling. I don't know how long I cried before Michael and Emmett returned.

"Keiran, we're home," Michael said as the door opened. I heard Emmett gasp and he was soon sitting next to me, arms on my shoulder. "Honey, what happened?"

I took a deep breath and wiped my face. "Nothing,"

"The last time I've seen anyone cry like this was when I took Mikey to see Titanic,"

"I did not cry!" Michael yelled from the kitchen. "Brian flicked popcorn grease in my eyes!"

I laughed a little. "Come on, babe. Tell me what happened,"

"Justin and I had an argument. He doesn't want me to see Ethan and he doesn't want me to go to Saperstien's party tonight,"

"You're not planning on going are you?" Michael cut in, entering from the kitchen. "You can't go to that party. He'll drug you and have all his friends gangbang you until you can't walk,"

Emmett looked at me, waiting for an answer. "I have to,"

Michael groaned. "Keiran, you cannot do this. He's going to rape you! And then laugh as all his friends do it, too! It almost happened to Justin!"

"I know it almost happened to Justin!" I yelled. "But, Justin had alternatives. I don't,"

"Look, Keiran. Honey. I know I told you to do whatever you felt was necessary, but this was not one of the things I was talking about. There is no two ways about this. You can't go to this party,"

"I'm going,"


"Leave him alone, Em," Michael chimed in. "He said he's going,"

Emmett sighed and hugged me tightly before leaving the room, closing the door behind him. I stifled the urge to cry and scooted up onto my bed. I set the alarm and quickly fell asleep.

A few hours later, I awoke and dressed. I put on the shirt I had borrowed from Emmett, slipped on some sexier underwear, pulled on a pair of tight leather pants and put on my boots. I made sure I had the address to Saperstien's and left, not bothering to say anything to Michael and Emmett.

It took me a while to find the loft where the party was being held. I had to work up my nerve before ascending the stairs and ringing the bell. Saperstien opened the door. "Well, hello, Keiran. Don't you look good enough to eat,"

I forced a laugh and entered the party. There were hardly any lights and the atmosphere was very subdued. I locked eyes with Avery for a moment. He had been smiling when he saw me, but his expression dropped. He began to walk over to me, but Saperstien put his arm on my shoulder and guided me away from him. "Go ahead and get comfortable," he said. "Take off your shirt, do a line or two. Talk to some guests. Have a good time,"

I nodded and pulled my shirt over my head, tossing it in a corner. I noticed that there was already some sex going on in the room. Quinn had his face buried in some guy's crotch on the couch. Seth and Nick were on their knees in the corner, sharing a cock. On the loveseat, Matt was being fucked rather hard. I thought I could see tears, but I told myself it was sweat. "You should join them," Saperstien said, startling me. "They're enjoying themselves,"


"Here. Do a line. It'll help you relax,"

"I've never-"

"It'll calm your nerves. Besides, if you don't, we'll have a problem. Understand?"

I nodded and followed the example of some guys that I had seen earlier. I inhaled, trying to distract myself from the burning sensation in my nose. Saperstien held the mirror up to me until I had done three lines. "Here. Drink this,"

I took the cup from Saperstien and downed it, suddenly parched. I hadn't noticed until that point, but there was music playing. "I like this song," I told Gary, moving my body. He smiled. "You go ahead and dance. I'll be back in a few minutes,"

I nodded, feeling tons more relaxed. I danced for a long time, then headed over to Avery, getting felt up and pawned on the entire way over by many guys I had never seen. "H... Hey, Avery," I greeted, feeling a little off. He stopped talking to whoever and took me by my shoulders to a secluded part of the room. "What are you doing here?" he asked. I laughed. "I... am... here to... I don't know,"

He held me up and stared into my eyes. "Did you snort anything?"

"No... I just inhaled some stuff,"

"How much of it?"

"Not much," I giggled. "Just the... the en... the whole thing. Three l... lines"

"Keiran, you should go. Now. Just leave,"

I managed to stop swaying long enough to shake my head, causing me to lose balance and collapse. "I... have to stay," I said, slurring my words. The room was moving in all sorts of directions, throwing me off even more than the drugs were. "I... have to,"

"Up you go, kiddo," Saperstien said, hoisting me off the floor. He placed one of my arms over his shoulders, propping me up. "Let's go see the rest of the place,"

"Gary, let him go home," Avery said. "He doesn't need this,"

"Shut up, Avery. I didn't ask for your advice," Saperstien shot. "Besides, he wants to be here. Right, Keiran? Don't you want to be here with all your friends?"

I nodded and tripped over my own foot, nearly falling. "See, Avery? He wants to be here,"

"I... will... bye, Av... Avery,"

I stumbled into another room with Saperstien. Through my severely blurred vision, I could see a group of people standing on one side of the room making a lot of noise. I blinked a few times and I saw chains hanging from the ceiling. Focusing even harder, I heard moans and groans coming from the center of the group. A sling. Even in my stupor, I felt uneasy.

"That looks like fun, doesn't it, Keiran?"

"I... I don't..."

"David's having a real good time, but he's a little tired. Maybe you could give him a break,"

I tried to object, but the drugs hit me hard. The room basically did a three sixty and my knees wobbled. Saperstien held me up by my arms and, before I knew what was happening, I was naked and being lifted by several guys that I didn't know. I found myself in the sling, ankles cuffed and held. I tried to object again, this time by pushing the men away with my hands. They snatched up my arms and locked them up just like my ankles. I was completely prone as I felt someone enter me. I couldn't fight, so I let it happen. I don't remember when I passed out.

<<GASP! Wow. Riveting, if I do say so myself. More to come, kiddies. What will happen to Keiran? What about Justin? Will Keiran be able to balance himself between his two men? Will he ever be able to face Justin again? FIND OUT! KEEP READING!>>

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