Karens Family Play

Published on Sep 13, 2022


Karen's Family Playing - 01 Breakfast

Author's note: This is a work of total fiction, a sexual fantasy. The acts, thoughts, and relationships in this document never happened, the people are figments of the author's imagination, and the author does not suggest that anyone has, does, or ever should do any of these actions.

Karen's Family Playing - 01 Breakfast

Dramatis Personae

  • Brad 46 Father
  • Karen 42 Mother
  • John 19 (away at college)
  • Shelly 17
  • Debbie 12
  • Laurie 12
  • David 10

Brad woke slowly, feeling the heat from young Debbie's body snuggled up tightly against him. His arm was lightly draped across his daughter's body as she lay breathing very softly next to him. He could just feel the slight movement of her chest as her breath moved in and out, he could barely feel the soft whisper of her breath on his cheek. His hand moved slowly to her tummy, feeling the softness of her skin. Very lightly he moved his hand upwards feeling first the lower edge of her ribs, and then each rib as he went up. Finally he felt the little nubbin that was her nipple, hardly more than the size of a small flattened ping-pong ball. Debbie's breasts were only beginning the transition from completely flat little girl nipples to teenage breasts. Her nipples were beginning to swell, but she was still essentially flat chested.

He thought of how wonderfully soft his little girl was, and how much he loved it when she snuggled with him in bed. As he awoke he became more and more aware of Debbie next to him, but he could hear occasional noises from the rest of the house. His eyes glanced at the clock on Debbie's bedside table, 8:30 am. No wonder, he thought that he had to get up and pee pretty soon, he had slept an hour and a half later than usual. It must be Karen that he heard making occasional noises downstairs.

Brad slipped from Debbie's bed as quietly as he could, not wanting to wake the little girl. There was dim light in her room and he looked closely at Debbie's twin sister's bed. Laurie was sound asleep too, and snuggled up with her was her little brother David. He could easily see the outlines of their bodies, so close together, Laurie holding David close as they slept. Brad could hardly contain his feelings of warmth for all his children, but to see these two youngest ones so sweetly sleeping was sheer pleasure.

Coming up behind her he reached around and cupped both her breasts in his hands as he kissed her on the neck. He was of, course, careful as he held her tightly, for he had no desire to be burned while she stood at the stove making pancakes. But he could not resist a few squeezes of her lovely "C" cup tits. One hand slid down her side. across her hips, and down to her thigh. No panties, he loved that feeling.

She turned her head toward him saying softly "Mmmm, Love's ya".

Brad nibbled a bit at her ear and licked her neck one more time.

"Honey," she said "would you make a pitcher of special orange juice, there is frozen in the freezer."

As she said this his heart rate jumped and his cock gave a twitch, it was already rubbing against her arse crack through his shorts and her tee shirt. "Special" orange juice was one of their favorites, but one that they didn't have very often. Giving her a quick pat on the ass, he grabbed a big pitcher from the cupboard and got the frozen concentrated juice from the freezer.

"Leaded or Unleaded OJ" he asked her, knowing that they would probably share this with the kids, and so he didn't want it too strong if David and the twins were going to be sharing.

"Oh, lightly leaded of course" Karen giggled.

Opening the can of concentrate he spooned it into the pitcher, and then he pulled his cock out of his boxers. Karen turned from the stove to watch as he held the pitcher close to his cock.

Opening the can of concentrate he spooned it into the pitcher, and then he pulled his cock out of his boxers. Karen turned from the stove to watch as he held the pitcher close to his cock.

Brad had been wanting to pee, but hadn't yet this morning, he always had a hard time releasing when Karen was watching, but he closed his eyes and relaxed a bit, and then the first dribble came from the tip of his cock. He could hear it hit the bottom of the OJ pitcher, and then the real flow started. A hissing sound and piss squirting straight onto the block of frozen concentrated OJ.

He adjusted the position of the pitcher which he held in his left hand, and his right hand lightly guided his cock and piss stream into the bottom of the pitcher, which was quickly filling. But it wasn't quite full enough that he could reach the top of the liquid with his now softening cock, even when he pulled the pitcher right up so the lip of it was touching his cock, right where it joined his scrotum. He set the pitcher on the kitchen table, while Karen walked over to him and reached out for his penis. There was still a big golden drop of his piss nectar on the end, and she put her finger into it. The wetness on her finger tip was soon on its way up to her mouth as she licked this single drop from her index finger.

"Oh Brad, you do taste so nice first thing in the morning" she said

Brad had never thought that his first morning piss was all that tasty, he preferred it a bit milder, like after he had had a couple of beers in the evening, this diluted the piss to just the level he liked best. But Karen, on the other hand, had always liked that first morning pee flavor, the saltier more pungent piss was her ultimate morning drink

"Looks like we need just a little bit more in there" he said, as he grabbed a bottle of Vodka from the cupboard above the fridge and poured a couple of quick glugs into the pitcher of juice

Even with the splash of vodka, the pitcher was not yet full enough, so he took it to Karen who placed one foot on a kitchen chair. Her pussy lips now spread a bit and she pushed forward with her cunt mound, making it easier for Brad to hold the pitcher in front of her

Karen's pee started suddenly, a big wide stream. They both marveled at the difference between a guy's stream, so easily aimed, fast, but not real heavy. While Karen let go with a great gusher, much wider and heavy flowing, but of course she couldn't pee as far when they had their little pissing contests. For now her flow just splashed on to the floating bit of concentrate in the pitcher. She squeezed her pee control muscles just as the level of OJ, vodka and piss reached the full level of the pitcher

Brad placed the pitcher in the center of the table, and then began setting the table with plates and utensils for breakfast. Karen returned to the stove to make the next batch of pancakes

Just as he finished setting the table, Shelly their seventeen year old daughter came into the room. Shelly was wearing a shortie cotton night gown, rather frilly at the top. Mostly light pink, it had cute little red strawberries printed on it

"Shelly" Karen said, "when are you going to give up on that nightie, you've had it since you were ten and it really doesn't fit you any more?"

The nightie only reached down to about half way between Shelly's belly button and pussy. And she wasn't wearing any panties. The top was a bit tight across her chest too, but since her breasts were on the small side, it was still possible for her to wear this little girl top

"Mommmmm, I like it. What am I supposed to wear, one of Dad's old tee shirts like you are?"

"Easy girls" Brad said, as he quickly gave Karen a pat on the ass again and walked over to give Shelly a quick morning kiss, right on the tip of her nose. As he did so his left hand cupped her pussy for just a very quick feel

"Shell, will you please go get David and the twins out of the girls room? Breakfast will be ready in just a minute.

"Ok Dad".

Five minutes later all four of the youngsters were in the kitchen. The twins were each wearing a pair of cotton panties, Debbie pastel pink, Laurie pastel yellow. And David too was in a pair of his sisters panties, he had pastel green ones.

"Pancakes, bacon, sausages, and juice are all on the table kids." Karen said as she placed the big serving dish of pancakes in the center of the table

Every one ate heartily, the OJ was enough for a big glass for each, and all were quickly drained. Shelly and the twins were assigned the dish washing chores as David was quickly ensconced in front of the television watching some cartoon.

Karen took Brad's cock in her hand and used it almost as a handle to lead him to the stairs and then up to their bedroom. Once there, she let go long enough to pull his tee shirt off of him, and then pull his tee shirt off of her.

"Let's shower." Karen said and quickly retreated into their master bath.

(I do welcome any comments and will try to respond to all I get at oldfizzywig@gmail.com. Please remember that NIFTY needs your support. If you want the stories to continue, it's up to you to donate at http://donate.nifty.org/donate.html)

Next: Chapter 2

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