Kazura and Youchi

By Frank van Dijk

Published on Mar 28, 2005


All the usual rights and privileges are given to me, the author. If you're not allowed to read this story in you state or country, don't do it. You might get into trouble.

Other stories by me are:

  • Yoshi, Shoku and Me (High School) - Between Chapters (Celebrity, a Harry Potter Fantasy)

This story contains light sex scenes between two male characters.


The school bell sounded and the students poured out of the classrooms. Even though they weren't allowed to run in the hallways the jocks ran from lecture hall to sports field as the more brainy kids ran the opposite direction. Somewhere in the hallways, between the fields and the lockers there was an accident. Two students, seemingly by accident, bumped into one another.

"Hey, watch it!" the jock in front of Kazura Kotoya said. He bowed his head, not because he respected the guy, but to try not to offend him. This just might be enough to stop him getting beat up again.

"I'm sorry Tahanara-sempai, I didn't mean to annoy you," Kazura said, "I didn't look where I was going and I just...bumped into you, my apologies." The captain of the football team looked at him for a moment and then laughed heartily. "Don't worry kid, " he said, "It happens every now and again. Are you okay though? You hit the floor rather hard."

Kazura couldn't believe his ears, a jock, the captain of the football team no less, was asking him if he was okay, in stead of beating him up. He looked up and he could see that Tahanara-sempai was smiling. "Yes...I'm doing well sir, what about you?"

The jock smiled even more broadly and said "I'm fine, don't worry about it, just be more careful next time."

He walked away and Kazura looked after him.

"Tanahara-kun, "The coach shouted, "Why are you so late?"

Yuochi looked down at the small man and started to explain what'd happened. "This school is so much bigger than my last one sir, so I'm having a little difficulty to find my way. It won't happen again sir. And I had an accident as well." The last comment was rather soft, so the coach shouted at him "What happened? Did you piss yourself?"

The rest of the team laughed at the comment as the little coach beamed with delight at having made a fool of the captain. "No sir, " he said, "I accidentally bumped into someone so I had to make sure that they were all right." These last words were spoken rather softly as though he was ashamed of it.

"Was she cute?" One of his teammates asked. Yuochi smiled and thought "Yes...he was..."

The coach blew his whistle and all the boys started to stretch and do laps. While they did this Yuochi took his time to look at them. They were beautiful, muscled and he knew they had stamina. He was sure that sex with anyone of them would be the most wonderful thing in life. But it was too bad that homosexuals weren't normally accepted in teams like this.

Kazura was making his way through the library looking for a book to help with his report. But there wasn't a book specific to bio-luminescence in fungi, so he took a book from the shelf called 'Fungi, the spores of life' and sat down to read.

After reading and making a few notes he noticed that there was someone standing next to him. He looked up and saw Tetsuro Yoshihiki standing next to him. He looked him in the eye, for as long as he dared, and asked "Can I help you?"

"Yes," Yoshihiki said, "You can get the hell out of my chair you little piece of shit!" His voice was a lot louder than was allowed in the library but it was a well known fact that even the librarians didn't want to get into trouble with this guy.

Not wanting to get into trouble Kazura got up and bent over to get his bag. When he picked it up he noticed that it was stuck, so without looking he pulled...unfortunately it was Yoshihiki's foot that the other shoulder strap was stuck under. And when Yoshihiki raised his foot to step aside Kazura pulled and he fell on his behind, letting a blushing and fearing Kazura standing next to him.

As Yuochi made his way back to the school he passed the library. There he saw two people running out and one falling to the ground. Hoping that he was alright Yuochi kept his pace until he heard that someone was yelling. He sped up his pace towards a small group that had already formed in front of the library and saw that there was someone lying on the ground. Another person was standing over him and yelling at him, kicking him and spitting on the floor around him.

Yuochi ran towards the guy and pushed him away. He saw that it was Tetsuro Yoshihiki and he held him back with his left hand. "What's going on here Yoshihiki-kun?" he asked the bully, who was trying to get past him, no doubt to kick the kid on the floor again.

"It's none of your business Tanahara-sempai, just go away!" he yelled at Yuochi who kept his calm and stood between the bully and his victim. "If you don't want to tell me, then I guess nothing's wrong right? So there's no cause for you to stay here. Fuck off now!" He yelled the last thing a bit louder than he'd wanted, but it reached it's target and Yoshihiki turned around and left, taking the small group of bystanders with him.

Yuochi knelt down to see if the kid on the ground was alright, but then he noticed that he knew those glasses from somewhere. He gently turned the boy around and was greeted by the face of the boy he'd literally bumped into in the hallway earlier. He held his hands over his face and his eyes were shut, and when Yuochi tried to get his arms out of his face he kept them there. He could see that the boy was crying and that he was scared so he decided to take him somewhere less open.

Yuochi got up and scooped the boy up in his arms, the child started to kick and twist to try and get out of his sempai's arms, but it was no use. Yuochi turned towards the main building and took his kohai into a classroom that was hardly ever used, but to which he'd received the key from one of the team members. There he used one hand to hold the warm body tightly against himself and the other to rearrange a few tables to lay him down on. He'd noticed the boy had stopped fighting him, but that he had started to cry. So when he laid him down Yuochi took his handkerchief from his pocket and offered it to the boy.

Kazura felt kicks; he felt a touch and hands that tried to get his face open for an attack. He felt strong arms lifting him and carrying him into the building. He felt someone lie him down on a table and then he heard that person sitting down next to him. That had been a few moments ago.

As he opened his eyes he saw a face that he recognized as Tanahara-sempai and then he filled in the gaps. Tanahara-sempai had taken him from Yoshihiki and taken him here to finish the job or do something even worse. Maybe he would rape him!

This though was so terrible that he stretched himself and rolled himself off the table. He then crawled under it and sat there, his legs bent, knees under his chin. He saw someone walk towards the table and legs were standing next to it. They bent and then sat down. He saw Tanahara-sempai looking at him and he looked back. The two looked into the other's eyes and then Kazura came out from under the table. He stood opposite his sempai and looked at him, still fearing even though Tanahara's body language didn't show hate, but pity and even a little of something else...could it be love?

Kazura started crying, two streams of water falling from his eyes as he felt the jock hugging him and pulling him close. He wept against his chest and Kazura's tears made the captain's sweater soaking wet. But neither of them cared.

Yuochi kept hugging the boy and rubbing his back as they stood together, after a while he felt that he stopped crying but was still holding on. When that too stopped and they sat down on the table next to each other, they introduced themselves to each other. "I'm Kazura Kotoya sempai." Kazura said when he bowed.

"I'm Yuochi Tanahara, pleased to meet you Kotoya-kun" The jock said as he too bowed, "So...what was going on there?" he asked and Kazuya told his tale.

"Wow" he said when the story was done, "That's quite a problem you have there. And you must be afraid he'll get you again when you're alone, right?"

Kazura nodded and got up. "I'll deal with that when the time comes, thank you again sempai." As he bowed again Yuochi stopped him. "How's about you stick around me for a bit?" he offered. "I can make sure they don't beat you up, and I'm sure that you could tutor me a bit. What do you say?"

Kazuya couldn't believe his ears. A member of the football team actually offered to be his friend? "I--I--" he stammered for a moment before he regained control of himself. "I'd like that very much.' He bowed again and after that he smiled, warmly and heartily at Yuochi, his new bodyguard.

Ok, this is it for now, as usual all questions etc. can be sent to lordphoenix36@yahoo.co.uk

I like getting e-mail (BUT NO FLAMING!!)

Authors note:

Bio-luminescence: an organisms ability to create light by using certain chemicals in its body, like a firefly does.

Honorifics: Because this takes place in a kind of manga-world, I decided to use the appropriate honorifics as well. They are very easy (and I won't use too many different ones) the ones used:

-kun - used to someone of lower station or a younger person, usually endearing, can be insulting

-sempai - upperclassman. Their lowerclassmen (kohai) use this title for them. If no honorific is used the person is very close, usually reserved for family and lovers.

Next: Chapter 2

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