Kazura and Youchi

By Frank van Dijk

Published on Apr 8, 2005


This is the second chapter of my second manga/shonen-ai/yaoi story here at Nifty. All rights belong to me etc. If reading these kinds of stories is not allowed or even illegal in your country/state/house/town/commune please don't do it...you might get into trouble.

For those people who didn't read the previous chapter, please do so! It contains information on the main characters and their relationship.

For your convenience here's the info on the honorifics again:

Honorifics: Because this takes place in a kind of manga-world, I decided to use the appropriate honorifics as well. They are very easy (and I won't use too many different ones) the ones used:

-kun - used to someone of lower station or a younger person, usually endearing, can be insulting (the female version is -chan)

-sempai - upperclassman. Their lowerclassmen (kohai) use this title for them. If no honorific is used the person is very close, usually reserved for family and lovers.

-san - used for almost everyone, this is just a way of being polite to someone you don't know very well.

They became quite a sight at school, the brash and sporty Yuochi Tahanara and the brainy and quiet Kazura Kotaya. They became close during the first few days of their friendship, after Yuochi had helped Kazura when he was being beat up by a few bullies, and every one noticed that they started to spend more and more time together.

Sometimes when Yuochi had football practice Kazura would sit on the side of the field and study, every now and again sneaking a peak at Yuochi running around in his shorts and t-shirt, while the same thing happened during some of Kazura's presentations with the science club.

People who'd been close to the two had also been taken in by the other's group and so an uneasy alliance had been formed between the football players on one side and some of the most intelligent people in the school on the other. And for a time everything seemed to be alright. Until one day...

Yuochi and Kazura, who'd started to call each other by their first name, were sitting on a field of grass just outside of the school terrain, enjoying the sun and just talking a bit, when the subject came to the one thing that guys like these two thought about a lot...sex.

"Have you ever...you know...done it?" Kazura asked. Yuochi smiled and said that he had, but that he hadn't really liked it. "Why not?"

"There's two reasons, " Yuochi said, "The first is that I didn't want to do it, but that I really couldn't not do it. It would've...attracted too much attention. The second reason, "He quickly continued, "Is...because she was a girl..."

When he'd said this Yuochi looked the other way, hoping that Kazura wouldn't mind. "So..." Kazura started, "so...when did you first do it with a guy?" Yuochi looked at Kazura and smiled. The boy was blushing slightly and he seemed as open as he always did.

"It was about two years ago, we were both drunk as hell, "Yuochi chuckeled a bit, as this was the first time he'd tell someone of his sexual adventure, his first encounter with homosexuality, "I stayed over around his place and well...we were both rather horny so we decided to jack off together. Then we jacked each other and...we went further than that as well."

Yuochi smiled as he remembered that first time, the fumbling and trying. He had loved it but the guy he'd done it with hadn't. They'd agreed not to mention it ever again, so they hadn't and they'd lost sight of each other after a while.


"Yes Kazura?"

Yuochi looked up and saw that Kazura was sitting on his knees in front of him, one arm used to lean against the tree behind Yuochi, bringing him in front of his face. He came closer and closer until Yuochi could feel his breath on the skin on his face. He smelt Kazura's breath and then their lips touched.

Kazura, who'd never kissed before, gently touched his lips against Yuochi's and then he stopped, not knowing what to do. Yuochi noticed this and did what should be done during kisses. He pulled back slightly and opened his lips a little. Then he touched Kazura's lips again and nibbled on them. Kazura noticed this and returned this, understanding that Yuochi was teaching him how to kiss.

They shared tender kisses like this for a moment until Yuochi decided to take the next step. When they parted again he let his tongue slip beyond his lips and when their lips touched he pushed it slightly in Kazura's mouth.

Kazura was shocked at first, having another person's tongue in his mouth wasn't what he'd expected, but he liked it after a while. Curious as he was he decided to try it as well. He stuck out his own tongue and touched Yuochi's with it. The feeling was wonderful and the kissing deepened.

"Yuochi!" a voice yelled from the other side of the bushes they were sitting behind, but neither of them heard the person and they kept going. Then someone came 'round the corner and saw them. Kazura had shifted his position and was now sitting next to Yuochi, their hands caressing the other's face.

The girl, Makie, who'd been spending a lot of time with Yuochi and Kazura, saw the two kissing and gasped. "Oh!"

Yuochi and Kazura broke their kiss and looked her way as she stood, blushing heavily, looking at the two. "Makie-chan?" Yuochi tried, but she'd turned around and ran towards the building, probably to tell the others.

Yuochi and Kazura looked at each other and were thinking the same thought over and over again. "This is bad!"

Yuochi got up, pulling Kazura up with him and started to walk towards the schoolbuildings, the same way they'd seen Makie-chan going. As they walked in silence all kinds of bad things crossed their minds, but the worst was te same for both of them. Their parents, their friends and family's...how would they take the news that their sons, their friends, their cousin's and nephews are...gay?

As they approached the main entrance to the school they saw Makie, she was talking with several other people who they'd started to 'hang' with. When she saw them she came towards them, the small group following her.

She walked up to the twosome as they stood next to each other, Makie giving both of them a stern look. "Are you guys going to come to class?" she asked, startling both guys. She kept looking at them and both Kazura and Yuochi swallowed.

"Ehm..." Yuochi started, "Yes, I am, I don't know about Kazura though..." He looked at Makie, not believing that she hadn't outed them to the rest. "Well, "she said, "Let's go then Yuochi, come on."

She grabbed him by the arm and dragged him away. The others walked away, leaving Kazura by himself in front of the school. He walked towards the library to read while he thought about what'd happened just now with Yuochi.

Kazura had known he liked boys since he was 13, now that he was 16 years old he wanted to know for real what it would be like. Even though Yuochi was 18 he was still Kazura's main interest. Since they met he couldn't get him out of his head and he knew that Yuochi was interested as well, otherwise they wouldn't have been able to get along that well.

"Makie-chan" Yuochi said to his classmate, "I don't know what, or how much you saw but..."

"Don't worry Tanahara-kun", she said as she gently squeezed his arm, "I don't care weather you like boys or girls, I just want you to know that there are a lot of people who do care, so please be a little more careful next time. Besides, I like Kazura, I think he's perfect for you. The brain to match your brawn." She looked at Yuochi with a smile and he smiled back when he realized she meant it.

They kept walking to class and when they arrived there there were two guys standing there. One was Tetsuro Yoshihiki, the bully who'd been messing with Kazura before, the other one was a member of the football team. The quarterback called Masamune Yoshihiki, the twin brother of Tetsuro. Although the two were born twins, they couldn't have been more different. Tetsuro was a bulky guy, but more bit than muscles, his shirt black hair gave a thuggish face which he thought was cool. Masamune on the other hand was muscle through and through...unfortunately with an IQ to match.

"Tanahara!" Tetsuro shouted as Yuochi arrived with Makie-chan at his arm.

"What do you want Tetsuro-kun?" he asked the bully, who, he was hoping, hadn't heard what'd happened.

"I heard a little rumor, and it's about you being a faggot!", so much for hoping.

"What's it to you? Interested?" Yuochi asked, trying to stay as cool as possible, though he had started sweating in his hands and blood was gushing through his head. Makie-chan had let go of his arm and had situated herself near the Yoshihiki-twins.

"You wish, but we are here to make sure that you understand the mistake you'd made!" with that Tetsuro launched, lacking a better word, himself at Yuochi who was barely able to avoid a collision with the guys fist. "Makie-chan" he called, but the girl had started to laugh. "Fooled ya!" she said as she went to the side.

Tetsuro came at him again, this time from behind, his fist hit it's target and Yuochi felt his shoulder straining under the force of the blow. "The little shit's strong" Yuochi thought, then he decided to make a stand. As he saw Tetsuro coming around for another attack he was ready for him, he saw Tetsuro reach back, aiming for Yuochi's face and then.....

Kazura ran....

Don't you just love a cliffhanger? Questions etc: lordphoenix36@yahoo.co.uk

Next: Chapter 3

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