Kazura and Youchi

By Frank van Dijk

Published on May 1, 2005


This is the third chapter of my second manga/shonen-ai/yaoi story here at Nifty. All rights belong to me etc. If reading these kinds of stories is not allowed or even illegal in your country/state/house/town/commune please don't do it...you might get into trouble.

For those people who didn't read the previous chapter, please do so! It contains information on the main characters, their relationships and information on the used honorifics (the Japanese add-ons to names).

Kazura ran out of the school building as though he was being chased by a Kami (spirit) or the devil himself. But none of these was true, he'd heard that Yuochi'd been the victim of a beating yesterday, though Kazura knew that there must've been more that one person, Yuochi was too strong to be beaten by just one person.

Kazura flew down the stairs of the nearest subway station, there he saw in a flash that a young boy was running away from a guy who was following him, but he didn't care. He jumped the train that was going to the hospital and there he jumped up the stairs again only to run into the hospital hall winded and breathing heavily.

"Can I help you?"

There was a nurse standing besides him with a look of concern on her face. She was carrying a stack of files, so maybe, Kazura thought, she'd know where Yuochi would be.

"I'm looking for my friend, Yuochi Tahanara, do you know where I can find him?"

The woman thought for a moment, her eyes squinting as though she had some difficulty remembering. Then there came a light in her eyes as she suddenly remembered something important. "I think the boy you're looking for is on the first floor, second or third room." She looked at him for a moment and then added "He was in pretty bad shape when he came in, was in a fight or something, but he says he's feeling a lot better now."

She smiled at Kazura as she could see that he was relieved when she said that he was doing okay. He thanked the nurse and walked towards the staircase. He climbed them but stopped halfway. "What if he doesn't want to see me? Because I think he might be confused from what I'd done yesterday. But maybe he'd like to see me to talk about it..."

Kazura sat down on the stairs for a moment pondering what he'd do, behind him, on the first floor behind him there was the sound of footsteps, an elevator opening and the sound of a wheelchair.

As Yuochi sat in his wheelchair riding through the halls of the hospital he noticed that, although his face had been beaten up, no-one seemed to notice him. The damage wasn't all that bad, he had a big black eye and his lip had been split, making that a little bit of blood was always running there and Yuochi having to lick it off every now and then. There was also a cut down one cheek which he'd gotten when he fell against a wall.

But all in all he'd been lucky...except for the broken leg off course. This would be the end of his football career. But he didn't care about any of it. He was only afraid of one thing...what had happened to Kazura after this had happened.

Thinking to himself and riding through the halls he came to the main hall, through which the stairs and elevators came and stopped by the stairs. There, sitting with his head in his hands, which were in turn on his knees, Kazura sat on the stairs. Yuochi rolled his chair until he was almost a meter away and stood sat there for a moment. Looking at the back of his love.

"Kazura?" he said after a while.

Kazura turned his head and when he saw Yuochi's beaten up face and the wheelchair, not to mention the cast on Yuochi's right leg, tears welled up in his eyes. Silently they looked at each other, Kazura crying softly and Yuochi not taking his eyes of his beautiful friend.

Yuochi opened his arms and Kazura walked towards him. Silently they hugged each other, Kazura making sure that he didn't hurt Yuochi any worse than he'd already been. After their hug broke Yuochi took Kazura's chin in his hand and kissed him lightly on the lips. The gesture was a little awkward for both boys because of Yuochi's lip being split and all, but neither seemed to notice or mind.

Yuochi took Kazura back to his room where he lay himself in bed, and Kazura putting the sheets over his legs. "Are you okay?" Yuochi asked.

"I'm better now that I know you're okay." Kazura answered, as he sat down next to Yuochi's bed. He pulled the chair closer so he could hold Yuochi's hand and the two sat there for a while, talking about what'd happened the day before.

After a while Kazura got up, saying that he had to leave to do his homework, but that he'd be back soon. As he leaned in to kiss Yuochi, the latter grabbed Kazura's waist and pulled him into the bed. He raised the sheet and pulled Kazura under so that they were together; Kazura's hip gently touching Yuochi's.

After a short while the door opened and the head of a nurse came around the corner. "Boys, not to be annoying, but visiting hours are over. You need your rest Tanahara-kun!" she nodded her head to emphasize her words and left again.

Kazura started giggling. "What?" asked Yuhochi.

"She called you Tanahara-kun!" Kazura laughed loudly now and Yuochi started to join in. With a final kiss Kazura left the room and the hospital. He went into the subway tunnel where he stood, waiting for his train to take him back home.

Yuochi hugged both his parents. He and Kazura had told them about the two of them and although they didn't really like it they accepted that this was the way the boys wanted to live their lives. Yuochi's father did tell them to be careful, what'd happened to Yuochi wasn't an isolated incident, it had happened at other schools as well and usually because the boys were gay.

Both of them understood and after shaking hands with Kazura, and a small hug from Yuochi's mother, both parents left the pair alone.

It had been several days since Yuochi had left the hospital and both of them were relieved that he was feeling a lot better now. The bruises on his face had faded, leaving a light green/yellowish color behind. Yuochi's leg was still in a cast, but he had gotten a pair of crutches to walk with in stead of the wheelchair.

Kazura had helped Yuochi into his bed when his parents had come in and the two decided to tell them of their love for each other. It was a very short message, but the pause seemed to last a lifetime.

"That went well" said Yuochi, "at least we won't have to sneak around the house."

Kazura nodded and sat down on the edge of the bed, next to Yuochi's chest. The latter of the two put his hand on Kazura's back and rubbed lightly. "You're right, I'm glad we did this."

Yuochi sat up, wincing as his leg hurt a bit when he stretched it lightly. He pulled on Kazura's shoulder which made him fall backwards on the bed. Yuochi turned his torso around as he faced Kazura and kissed him on the lips. Kazura eagerly answered the gesture and the two kissed furiously for a few minutes. They were lying on the bed next to each other, Kazura's hand draped across his tummy where it gently touched Yuochi's hand. Not a word was being spoken by the two boys as they were together like that.

After a while Yuochi stirred slightly, making Kazura look at him. "What's wrong?" he asked the elder boy.

"I have to go to the bathroom...bad!" Yuochi said.

Kazura got up and retrieved Yuochi's crutches for him, after which he left for the bathroom, leaving Kazura behind in his bedroom. Kazura took this time on his own to look through the things that were on display in Yuochi's room. There was a big poster with some American football club on it, a small cabinet in the corner had several stones on it, several of which were cut open, revealing the beautiful gems inside. There were pictures of people Kazura didn't know, but who he thought would probably be family, because in the centre of those pictures there was a portrait of Yuochi, his parents and an elderly lady, probably his grandmother.

As he looked around he got a warm fuzzy feeling inside of him. Kazura knew that when you were able to look through someone else's belongings like that you would get a closer bond with him or her. And Kazura was thinking about how close his bond with Yuochi was becoming by doing this.

Yuochi walked himself to the bathroom and went inside, locking the door behind him. There he removed one of the crutches and used his free hand to pull down his trousers. He sat down on the toilet and let his muscles, which had spent the last 10 minutes holding back his urine, relax, allowing a large stream to enter the bowl.

As he sat there he thought of his relationship with Kazura. He wondered if Kazura still wanted him like he had that day beneath the tree. He had changed and was no longer the guy that a lot of girls thought of as handsome. With his broken leg he couldn't play football and probably, because of the complex break, not after it had healed either. Maybe now his academic achievements would be clearer to other people because, other than some jocks, Yuochi wasn't stupid. In fact he was one of the smarter kids at school, the only problem being that most people were more interested in sports than they were in math or science.

When he was done Yuochi raised his pants again and walked back to his room where he saw Kazura looking through some books. They were fantasy books, the kind that Yuochi preferred to read, and had tales about evil wizards, knights in shining armour and princesses in distress.

Kazura was leafing through 'the Lord of the Rings' when he saw Yuochi standing in the door opening looking at him. "That's one of my favorites." Yuochi said. He walked into the room and took the book from Kazura, putting it back on the shelf. Kazura looked up at Yuochi who looked beautiful, even though he had a scar on his cheek and he said so.

"Thank you..." Yuochi said. He bent down slightly, his leg hurting as he did so, and kissed Kazura on the lips. After a short while of nibbling the two of them started to use tongues and French kisses started to fly back and forth.

Suddenly Kazura felt a hand on his chest...under his shirt.

Cliffhanger again! Please e-mail me with Suggestions etc. please no Flaming. lordphoenix36@yahoo.co.uk

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