Keepers of the Flame

By Lambodara

Published on Apr 5, 2022


Keepers of the Flame Chapter 1

WARNING: If it is illegal for you to be reading these stories or you find them disgusting or immoral, please refrain from reading further. Must be 18+ to read! Any characters, places, or people depicted in this story is entirely in the fantasy and imagination of the writer and in no way reflects his/her personal morals or beliefs when relating to relationships between minors and adults. Any people, places, or actions depicted in this story that reflect real life events or situations is entirely by accident or coincidence.

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Chapter One

I began my duties on the first of April, 1885. I was quite alone for the first few weeks as my assistant had not been chosen yet. The job was simple enough; make sure everything was kept in good working order and make sure the light was on as soon as dusk came. The duties of the job usually didn't take more than a few hours so I took up an old hobby of mine, drawing and painting. I set up an easel and painted views of the ocean at first, then, when that became dull, I started pulling images from my mind of places I'd been in the past.

About a month into my solitude, as I was sitting outside sketching, I saw a boat approaching on the horizon. In time I could tell they were actually headed toward me. When they drew near enough, I climbed down to the landing platform and caught the rope they threw and tied them off. The pilot of the craft was a harbor policeman and the young man accompanying him was apparently my new assistant.

"Sammy, this is David Jackson, he's been hired to be your assistant" the captain said as he unloaded the two bags the boy brought with him. "Give me a hand with the supplies, Davy" he told the boy. The two unloaded the heavy boxes of food, water and lamp fuel onto the landing. I climbed up and lowered the hoist to bring the boxes up. While they were securing the first box to be pulled up, I watched as Davy bent over to tie the cord off. His shirt had ridden up his back and his trousers were somewhat drooped in the back showing off the top of his quite nice buttocks and the crack between. I estimated the boy to be 16-17 years old, 18 at the very limit. He was reasonably well toned; probably a farm boy. He stood about 5'8" I estimated and average weight; he was neither thin nor heavy. He had a wild head of hair the color of straw and his eyes were gray like a winter sky. I was lost in my thoughts when I noticed they were waiting for me to pull the box up. Embarrassed, I quickly pulled it up and untied the rope, sending the hoist back down for the second box. While they secured the second cargo, I nudged the first away from the hole toward the door to the lighthouse. I couldn't help but notice the rubbing of my turgid member against the front of the rough canvas trousers I had on. We repeated the actions twice more for the boxes and one additional time for Davy's baggage then old Dooley got back in his boat and started off for the mainland telling me he'd be back in a fortnight for our resupply.

"Well sir, I'm Davy, as you probably heard, but I don't know what to call you" the youth said.

"Ah, so sorry for our lack of manners, I'm Samuel Pritchard, you can call me Sam" I said with a smile, "nobody but Dooley calls me Sammy."

"Well, Mr., uhh...Sam, I guess you better show me the ropes" my young charge said.

I spent the next few hours showing him around the place, he caught on quickly. As the sun began to set, I climbed up to the cupola to kindle the light with Davy in tow. Once the flame was lit and the blinding light shone through the Fresnel lens, we made our way back down to the living quarters. As darkness fell, it dawned on me that since they had given me no warning that Davy was coming, I had not prepared a bed for him. I gave Davy the choice; we could make him a pallet on the floor or he could share with me. My bed was a double, and citing the cool of the evening as a good excuse he opted to bed down with me. I sat the kerosene lamp on the table beside the bed and began to undress. For my age, I'm still in pretty good shape. I just turned 45 and I carry about 190 pounds on my six-foot frame. My hair is black, eyes green and by some strange twist of nature the hair in my goatee is a mix of black, brown and red. Being alone, as I have been used to being, I did away with the use of underclothing unless it's winter, so when I unfastened my belt and unbuttoned my pants the first thing visible was my nest of black pubic hair. I looked up and noticed that Davy was still just standing there.

"Get a move on now, you can't get to bed just standing there staring at me" I joked.

I pulled my pants down and sat on the edge of the bed to pull them off my feet, then draped them across the chair next to the bed. As I swung my legs into the bed, I saw that Davy finally got his courage up or whatever and was stripped down to a pair of boxer shorts. He pulled the covers back and scooted into the bed next to me. He mumbled good night and turned toward the wall. Inwardly shrugging, I blew out the lantern and quickly fell asleep. I woke around midnight needing a piss. I grabbed my robe and walked outside to the rail and let my stream drop into the water far below. I decided, while I was up, I'd better check the fuel level on the light then I went back to bed. Davy hadn't moved a muscle. In a few minutes I was out like a light once again.

When I started drifting into consciousness the following morning, the first thing I noticed was the warmth. The second thing I noticed was the pressure of my hard cock being held down against it's will. At some point in the night, it seems I had turned toward Davy and spooned up to his backside. Now my morning stiffness was pinned down between us, its head resting right in Davy's cotton covered crack. I quickly turned away and grabbed my pants to start getting dressed. Davy stretched and turned onto his back, still mostly asleep. He was creating quite a tent in the covers in the vicinity of his waistline.

"Up already, it's barely dawn" he yawned.

"Going up to snuff the light, `sides I need a piss like crazy" I replied.

I ran up and put out the light and came back down and passed through to the outside where I flopped my dick out over the rail and let my piss fly. Suddenly Davy was next to me, still in nothing but boxer shorts, doing the same. I took the opportunity to check out the tool he had poked out the fly, as he seemed to be enjoying the view of mine. Whereas I carried about 7 inches with just enough skin to cover the head, Davy's seemed to be about an inch shorter although his foreskin extended a good half inch past the head. The quantity of hair he had down there was much less and darker than that on his head.

"How old are you Davy?" I asked.

"I'll be eighteen in ten days" he replied, shivering as a blast of wind hit us. I don't think he noticed me coveting his young manhood.

"You better go in and get dressed, it's a little cool out this morning" I said.

He went into the bedroom to get dressed and I went to the galley to begin our breakfast. As I was finishing up, Davy came in looking flushed and sat down. I inquired if everything was all right as I served him his plate.

"Oh...yes sir, I mean Sam. Yes, I'm ok" he said.

"You just look a bit flushed; you don't have a fever, do you?" I asked.

"I just made the bed and got dressed, I guess that warmed me up" he said.

I had my suspicions as to what he'd been up to that made him so pink and nervous, but I let the inquiry go (for now anyway).

Right around lunchtime Davy got to see his first cargo ship come into the bay. The huge ship came within a few hundred feet of our position; headed into Mobile with their goods. After lunch I decided to do a little painting and Davy decided to try his hand at catching some redfish in the shadows of the lighthouse. In a couple of hours, I had developed a basic drawing and initial shading and I heard Davy climbing the ladder with some fish. I showed him how to operate the hand pump to clean the fish and once we were done, we went inside to cook our dinner. Since Davy had provided the fish, I set about cleaning potatoes to make the chips. We fried it all up and a few hushpuppies to boot and we had ourselves a pretty good bachelor meal. While I cleaned up our dishes, I sent Davy up to see if he could get the light started. A few minutes later I saw the ocean light up toward the horizon; he was a quick learner.

When Davy came back down, he kind of sheepishly asked me what I did in the way of bathing. I showed him around to the wet room where there was another hand pump and basin. This pump retrieved fresh water from the cistern.

"Use only what you absolutely need" I cautioned him, "the cistern only holds about 100 gallons and is filled by rain."

I stood by surreptitiously, telling myself I wanted to make sure he wasn't wasting water, but truly I wanted to see the boy as nature intended. When he looked at me questioningly, I said that I might as well get cleaned up too; that way we'd use less water. I watched as Davy's shirt came off over his head and admired the small fresh patches of hair under his arms. He gingerly dabbed at himself as I quickly stripped down, then he finally dropped his pants and underclothing. I scooped them up and laid them on the dressing bench and standing behind him relieved him of the washcloth and soap. I lathered up the cloth and began to scrub his back from his shoulders to his glorious nether globes, then down his legs. On the way back up and slid the rag between his cheeks and my middle finger `accidentally' came around the cloth and stabbed into his most private place causing him to jump a little.

"Oh my, I'm so sorry" I said (I wasn't).

"It's okay, you just startled me" he answered.

I poured water from the pitcher to rinse his back side, making sure I rinsed his crevice well.

"Front side now" I ordered. He hesitated and I could see his flesh go ruddy again.

"I'm sorry Sam, it's gone stiff again" he said quietly.

"No problem, we're both men here. I understand" I told him. When he turned toward me, he could see right away that I was much in the same state as he. As I began washing his front side, he began washing me with the other cloth. When I reached his waist, I wasted no time in taking the matter in hand, so to speak. I grabbed his rampant member and shucked the skin back to apply soap. The cloths I had were much to coarse for this work so I simply soaped my hands and washed him, up and down as well as a twisting motion on the area behind the ridge. I was about to move on when his whole body went stiff and he shot out five or six ropes of pearly semen covering my hands and forearms. I merely ignored it and kept moving down, cleaning his legs then rinsing with the pitcher once again. Now that he was done, he set about to give me as good a bath as I had him. He copied my method of cleaning my straining cock until I'd almost given him my seed; only by sheer will was I able to hold it in. He finished my front and I turned to give him my back. Once again, he followed my lead and I felt his exploring hand tentatively brush my hole as he made his way down. After the rinse I turned around to find him hard as a ten-penny nail again. He just gave me a look of exasperation. We toweled off and swept the remaining water down the drain hole. I didn't even bother with my clothing, I made straight for the bed and crawled in.

"I'll be in shortly" Davy said. I waited a bit and I suppose I fell asleep. I woke in the night and found the light extinguished and my assistant sound asleep beside me. I got up for my nightly piss and fuel level check, then went back to bed. After I got comfortable, I felt Davy pushing his way back toward me. His back made contact with my chest first, but as he kept moving, his bubbles made contact with my turgid member which immediately sprang to life when I felt no cloth, but bare skin against me. No pretense was made, nor words spoken as he reached back and pulled his cheeks apart allowing my penis to nudge its way toward his wrinkled spot. There was something there, I could smell bacon grease. Had he prepared himself for me? I pushed forward and the head of my penis slid into him. He sighed a little, but nothing more. I stayed stock still, afraid that I was taking advantage of this youth. That's when I felt him start pushing back on me; trying to get more of me into his body.

"Cornhole me Sam" he whispered, "my brothers always did back home."

That revelation was all I needed as I buried myself deep in his waiting ass. I gave him only a minute to adjust, then began pounding him as only a lusty, lonely bachelor could. When I grabbed his hips and tried to get even further in, he squealed, but it sounded more like pleasure than pain. After a few minutes of this I pulled out and turned him on his back and took him face to face. I pounded him savagely, and when I was ready to release my seed, I fell on him and buried my tongue in his mouth as I filled him up. This seemed to shock him more than anything else I'd done so far.

"My brothers never did anything like that" he whispered in awe.

As I pulled out and started to move, I felt the sticky wetness between us. He had covered us with his own release. I went and found the dirty towels we'd used earlier and cleaned us both off and afterwards we fell asleep in each other's arms. My last thought of the day is that old Dooley couldn't have made a better choice for my assistant.

Lambodara 4/4/21

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Next: Chapter 2

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