Keepers of the Flame

By Lambodara

Published on Apr 10, 2022


Keepers of the Flame Chapter 3

WARNING: If it is illegal for you to be reading these stories or you find them disgusting or immoral, please refrain from reading further. Must be 18+ to read! Any characters, places, or people depicted in this story is entirely in the fantasy and imagination of the writer and in no way reflects his/her personal morals or beliefs when relating to relationships between minors and adults. Any people, places, or actions depicted in this story that reflect real life events or situations is entirely by accident or coincidence.

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Chapter Three

The sun wasn't fully up when Karl stood and started dressing. I groaned and got up with him. I offered to make him coffee before he left, but he insisted on getting back to shore before the heat of the day. He told me to look him up when in town on my off days. We kissed, then he stepped into the boat and dipped out the water gathered inside. I waved as he turned shoreward and took off. Back upstairs, I set about making breakfast for me and the boy. I was setting the food on the table when he crept out of the bedroom holding his head, still looking a little green.

"Are you ready to eat" I asked.

He looked at the food, held up one finger and walked quickly out the door to the railing and proceeded to vomit. Once done, he came back in and rinsed his mouth in the sink, sat down and nibbled on a piece of toast and sipped his hot mug of coffee while giving me the evil eye.

"Nobody forced you to get into the bottle last night, so you can keep your stink eye to yourself" I said.

"I'll get over the drink, but you pushed me into the floor when you found a deal you like better" he spat at me.

"Ahh, but that's where you're wrong, son. I was just being polite to our house guest" I said half-truthfully. "You're my boy, and you hold a special place for me. But we have to have compassion for our fellow man. Besides, he's gone. Left early, trying to beat the sun."

"And good riddance, I say. He had a stink about him" he said.

I'd have not called it a stink. He had the glorious odor of a full-grown man in his prime. This boy was not long enough in the world to appreciate such intricacies of life. I let his comment pass lest his ire pump up again.

"Is your stomach feeling better now?" I asked.

"A bit" he said.

I filled his plate with eggs and bacon and another piece of toasted bread, and refilled his coffee.

"After you're done, we'll have to check the place out good and repair any damages" I said.

The room lapsed into silence and my mind wandered back to the wee hours this morning and my tryst with Mr. Mason. When I broke from my daydream, I felt my trousers getting somewhat tight and decided I would go on ahead and look for damage outside so the plumpness of my pleasured thoughts would subside. I set about unshuttering the windows so as to let some light in. Walking around the building I couldn't see much damage, nothing a good sweeping and a tack hammer here and there couldn't cure. I went back in for the broom and found Davy back in the bed. I supposed the blankets on the floor wouldn't have been conducive to getting much sleep, so I let him lie for the time being.

I went up and checked the light. Everything appeared to be in good order. After cleaning the dishes, I decided to join Davy and try to regain some of the sleep I'd lost so I chucked my clothes off and got into the bed and drifted off fairly fast. When I awoke from my nap he was gone; still riled at me I suppose. I looked around and found him sitting on the lower landing with his feet hanging in the water and his head hung low. I decided to let the prima donna stew in his self-inflicted misery for a while and busied myself fueling the lamp and getting ready for the coming night. As the shadows began to lengthen, I climbed up to set the light, then came down and sat on the bench on the palisade. There was a full moon tonight and the spring weather was perfect for sitting out, although it would probably be too cool later on.

There's something mysteriously beautiful about the way the ocean reflects moonlight; silvery ripples of light undulating on the ever-moving water. It's both romantic and melancholic simultaneously. As I sat wrapped up in my thoughts, I felt his warmth settle next to me.

"I'm sorry for before, Sam..."

"Shhh...don't bring up things long forgotten" I whispered to him. He leaned in to me and I slid my arm around him tucking his head beneath my chin.

"I'm sorry for upsetting you too, son. You know, there'll come the day, my Davy, when you'll find a young one closer to your own age and you'll leave this old man behind. Let us just appreciate what time we have together" I told him.

"But...I love you, Sam" he started. I just pressed one finger against his lips. We sat an hour or so enraptured by the moonlight; then I started to see a thick fog rolling in. I broke our embrace. He looked at me questioningly and I pointed at the fog bank rolling our way. I had to get up and set the bell. He nodded and we walked in. I set off the fog bell and made my way back to the bedroom. I was tired again, but by the time I got into bed I was restless and couldn't sleep; tossing and turning. The nap earlier had thrown my sleep off. Luckily Davy knew just what I needed to induce my slumber. He moved himself on top of me and began kissing me; rubbing his cock against mine until both were on the rise.

"Go look in the cabinet by the stove, Mr. Dooley brought us a gift" I said softly. He unwrapped from me and padded off to the other room and came back with the tub of lard, smiling. He reached back and greased himself up and sat the lard on the nightstand, then came back to the previous position. This time I held my rock-hard member up while he eased himself down onto it. I flexed my butt and drove into him as far as I could, and he leaned down and engaged me in a passionate kiss. I shifted and bent my knees and started to thrust into him but he stopped me. He wanted to do the work this time. I dropped my legs back down and he pushed himself firmly down until I could feel the cheeks of his ass resting on my ball sack. Then he began his movements along the length of my dick, his own hardness rubbing my stomach on every pass he made. I reached up and encircled his cock with my fist so that he was fucking my hand as he impaled himself on my cock. He began hopping up and down on me faster; I felt the end of his dick getting wet from the clear liquid seeping out the end.

"Let's try to finish together" I whispered to him through the waves of pleasure, "how close are you?"

"I'm real close, Sam" he said. I needed to catch up so I held his hips and thrust fast and hard. Davy grabbed his pole and stroked it in time.

"Oh! Shit! Here it comes!" I cried out as I filled his guts with pearl jam. Seconds later I felt the fiery hot streams fly up my belly to my chest as Davy unloaded on me. When he leaned in to kiss me again, I felt him dripping my semen from his gaping hole into my crotch hair. I reached over and pulled the old cum rag from beneath the mattress and began wiping us clean. We fell asleep, him with his head laying on my chest and with my right arm wrapped around him. We were out for the duration of the night.

A few days later we sat waiting for our relief to come; it was the beginning of our off time. Davy was wanted at home, so when we reached Mobile, we would be parting ways for a while. I made sure to hide the tub of lard and all other indictments of our lascivious lifestyle away in a secret cubbyhole I'd made. We'd been waiting about an hour when the Coast Guard boat made its appearance with our grizzled substitutes. Along with the two older gents came a second bedframe and mattress; not important to us, except that we'd have a spare for any guest or rescue that showed up. I briefed the gents on the condition of the light and told them where to find the important equipment and we took our leave. A short while later, we disembarked on the docks at Mobile. Davy set off on foot to try to hitch a ride out to his family's farm. I reached into my pocket and pulled out a scrap of paper with an address on it, and set off for some down-time companionship.

I arrived at the address which turned out to be a townhouse. I knocked on the door to no avail.

"Looking for Red?" he asked, eyeing me up and down.

"If Red is the same as Karl Mason, then yes sir, I am" I replied.

"One and same" he said, "Red's gone out to the market, but he should be back apace."

"Thank you, sir, I'll come back later then" I said.

I'd passed a tavern just back up the road so I decided to wait for Karl there; I felt like a drink any way. I sat outside, sipping beer and talking to the local folk for a while. I was nursing my second beer when Karl/Red came walking by; he never noticed me. I got and paid the barkeep and ran out in pursuit of my friend. I caught up with him at the door of his place.

"Hello, Red" I said, "You said to come visit when I was in town. Hope I've not come at a bad time."

"Oh no, not at all" he said.

"Hey Red, this fellow was hanging about your door earlier. I shooed him off for you" the diligent neighbor said, popping his head out the door.

"Well, Bill, I guess he didn't mention it, but this fellow is my cousin Sam, come to visit from New Orleans. Shame on you for not offering him refreshment while he was waiting for my return" Red told the man.

"Oh, do forgive me, I've never seen any of your family come around before" he said, looking skeptical about the whole situation.

"It's quite all right, I enjoyed my visit to the tavern up the road" I said.

"Careful, Bill, you may be late for mass" Red said, feigning a worried look.

"Nice to meet you, Sam. Sorry to run, but as Red said I don't want to be late to mass" he said turning and closing the door.

Red opened up the door to his place and we went it. He sat his packages on the table in the kitchen to put them up later.

"Nosey feller, Mr. Bill, but he looks out for the place when I'm off fishing or traveling" he said.

"I hope your bedrooms don't share a wall" I said with a twinkle in my eye.

"No sir, these are all laid out the same and that puts a stair landing and a hallway between us" he chuckled, "I just hope he doesn't break a glass trying to hear through the wall. How long can you stay?"

"Well, Davy should be busy with his family for two or three days. He woke up and saw us out on the palisade that night, and after the petulant fit he pitched before, I better find a hotel room before he gets back in town" I answered.

"Jealous one, eh?" Red asked.

"He actually tried to tell me he loves me" I said, "a boy that young don't know of love. I'm just the first person whose treated him like a proper human."

"Maybe. Maybe not. Sometimes you just know" he said. "Follow me and I'll show you where to stow your gear."

He led me up the stairs to the second floor and into the bedroom and I stashed my travel bag and he showed me around the house. On the back side of the house on the upper floor was a small sitting room with French doors leading out onto a nice balcony overlooking a courtyard. Downstairs were the living room, kitchen, parlor and a water closet. We sat and talked until the street lamps were lit, then Red suggested we go to the tavern (which also happened to make pretty decent food according to my host) and get some supper. Afterwards, the journey home was a little rocky as we enjoyed a little more wine with dinner than we should have. We made our way up the stairs, got undressed and collapsed into his bed.

Lambodara 4/8/21

As always, comments and feedback are welcome!

Next: Chapter 4

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